Brushwood plant Cooking lush brushwood on kefir

26.07.2019 Egg dishes

Brushwood - crispy biscuits, fried in deep fat, sprinkled with powdered sugar and similar to autumn leaves. This dessert, considered to be the birthplace of Greece, came to Russia in the second half of the XIX century. The treats stuck in the middle-class kitchens, as it was cheap and easy to prepare - from dough, water and salt, they kneaded the dough, cut it into strips and fried it in any fat.

Now brushwood is made differently: on sour cream, mayonnaise, cream, with vodka, brandy, rum - for crispness, vanilla or cinnamon are put for the smell and cooked in olive oil.

  How to cook a classic brushwood

Classic brushwood is better known as “ordinary” because it is quickly made and does not require special ingredients.

For this recipe you will need: 2 cups flour, 4 yolks, 50 gr. sugar, half a cup of sour cream or milk. Lean oil - in terms of capacity for frying.

  • Pound egg yolks with sugar, add milk, add flour there and knead the dough. Cut it into pieces and roll it thinly.
  • The resulting layers are divided into ribbons 8 cm long, 2 cm wide. Make a slit in the middle of each, drag one edge of the strip into the intended hole and turn it.
  • In warmed butter, lower portions of figures and fry on both sides.

Put the ready brushwood to put the fat on, put it on a paper towel, and when the cookies have cooled, sprinkle it with sugar.

  How to cook brushwood for vodka

Kiakere - the Italians call the brushwood prepared with the addition of strong alcohol. We quickly mastered this foreign recipe, however, in a somewhat interpreted form - vodka, not rum, is added to the dough.

  • Take: 400 gr. flour, 3 eggs, 70 ml of vodka, half a glass of milk, 2 tbsp. l sugar and butter, orange zest, a pinch of salt. Oil for frying - on demand.
  • Eggs with salt and milk, whisk in a bowl. Add flour, sugar, zest, butter. Knead the dough, pour in the alcohol, roll the ball, leave on the table. After 40 minutes, knead the dough into a thin cake. Form from it figures with holes in the middle and fry in a lot of oil. Further - as in the first recipe.

  How to make brushwood with yeast

Delicious dessert is obtained when used in the recipe of yeast.

  • Dissolve 12 oz. yeast and 2 tbsp. l sugar in 1/2 cup water. Pour the flour, stir everything until smooth, let the mass foam.
  • Enter the egg, salt. Knead the dough, then roll it, like on dumplings.
  • Form rectangles from the formation with longitudinal cuts along the entire length. Braid strips and cook in deep fat.

Such braids are tasty with baked milk, tea, cocoa.

  How to cook brushwood from potatoes

Potato brushwood combines well with fruit drinks, compote, soda and lovers of crispy chips.

Peel the boiled potatoes (8 pieces), scroll through it in a meat grinder. Put in a mass - 1 cup of flour, 3 eggs, 100 gr. mayonnaise, black pepper, salt. Stir, roll up mashed sausages, cut them into small circles. Roll out the blanks, chop them with a fork in several places, shape the edges of the flower petals and fry in vegetable oil.

  How to make a brush for beer

Brushwood, cooked with cheese, is perfect for beer, kvass, red wine.

  • Products: 200 gr. flour and grated cheese, 50 ml of water and brandy, 2 eggs, salt, vegetable oil.
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add flour and other ingredients, mix. Sprinkle flour on the table, as the dough will be sticky and roll it into a 10 mm thick layer. Cut into strips and fry to a ruddy color.

By the way: it is not necessary to fry such brushwood, it can be baked in the oven for 12 minutes.

  • Sprinkle cookies with coarse salt and serve hot.

There are many options for making brushwood, so experiment, look for your cookie recipe, which will suit your loved ones and decorate the table of any home celebration.

Crunchy sweet brushwood is a dessert from childhood. This dish turns out to be budgetary, but at the same time amazingly tasty. The best recipes of brushwood are collected further.

Classic crisp brushwood

Ingredients: 760 g of flour, 3 eggs, a full glass of filtered water, a pinch of salt, powdered sugar, refined oil in large quantities for frying.

  1. Eggs are poured into the cup, table salt is added, and the components are whipped until the salt grains are completely dissolved.
  2. Then water is poured in, everything is mixed until homogeneous.
  3. Flour sifted a couple of times beforehand and pour into the resulting mixture.
  4. Ready dough is cleaned for 20-25 minutes in the cool under a towel.
  5. The mass is thinly rolled, cut into a rectangle, an incision is made in the middle of each. Through this hole, one edge of the workpiece turns outward.
  6. Dough pieces are laid out in the hot oil and cooked to ruddy.
  7. The resulting treat is sprinkled with powder.

This recipe for crisp brushwood is one of the most simple and common.

Sweet treat on kefir

Ingredients: a pound of fine flour, 3 eggs, 120 ml of kefir, a pinch of salt, a large spoon of sour cream, powdered sugar, refined oil.

  1. Raw eggs with fine salt are actively stirred until complete dissolution of salted grains.
  2. Only after this, not cold kefir is poured into the mass. Products are mixed until uniform.
  3. For other components laid out sour cream.
  4. Next, pour sifted high-grade flour.
  5. After the next mixing, the dough is removed in the cool of 20 minutes.
  6. It remains to roll it, cut it into rectangles, turn it out through the hole in the middle of the workpiece and cook in boiling oil until golden brown.

To the brushwood on kefir did not get too fat, already ready delicacy necessarily laid out on a paper napkin. While still hot, it is generously powdered.

On milk test

Ingredients: a pound of fine flour, 3 eggs, powdered sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 large spoons of full-fat milk, butter.

  1. Raw eggs are immediately poured into the bowl for kneading, table salt is poured out, and milk is added. It is desirable that all components used be the same temperature.
  2. Products fray with a spoon until the salt is completely dissolved. It is most convenient to check this by holding a drop of mass between your fingers.
  3. Flour sifted a couple of times from a high distance. This will maximize the enrichment of the product with oxygen.   If the sieve is not at hand, you can even use a regular colander with small holes for this purpose.
  4. The prepared flour is poured into the mass obtained in the second step. Mixed elastic and slightly sticky dough.
  5. A ball is formed from the base with the hands, which in the food film is sent to cool for about an hour.
  6. Fully cooked dough is cut into several pieces. Each of them is very thin roll. Experienced housewives say that the dough should not turn out to be thicker than tissue paper.
  7. Dough slices are cut into diamonds. An incision is made inside each, into which one edge of the blank is pushed and turned inside out.
  8. In a deep skillet, the oil warms up well, the future brushwood is immersed in it. Fried delicacy to ruddy color.

Sour Cream Cooking Recipe

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. wheat flour, 2 large eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 220 ml of medium fat sour cream, powdered sugar, 1.5 tsp of baking soda, butter. How to make brushwood on the basis of sour cream, is described below.

  1. Raw eggs are poured into a bowl and whipped with sugar.
  2. Immediately baking soda and sour cream are added to the mass. These two products in combination will give the test pomp.
  3. Flour in the dough must be introduced slowly in small portions. It is necessary to monitor the consistency of the mass, since different types of product are very different from each other. First of all, flour is of different humidity, which must be taken into account.
  4. Mixed non-sticky, but soft dough. It immediately rolls a layer with a thickness of 3-4 mm.
  5. The dough is cut into rectangles with a size in the middle. One side of each blank is turned through the resulting cut.
  6. Ready "bows" are fried in a well-heated oil on both sides.

Still warm treat is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lean brushwood on the water

Ingredients: 320 g high-grade flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, a full glass of refined oil, half a glass of mineral water, a pinch of lemon zest, tsp of baking powder.

  1. Granulated sugar is well ground with non-cold butter.
  2. High-grade flour is sifted together with baking powder into separate dishes. Sparkling mineral water is poured into the resulting bulk immediately after opening the water bottle.
  3. The mixture of the first two steps are connected. Mix the dough well.
  4. The mass can be immediately rolled onto the surface without flour coating. She will not stick to the table anyway.
  5. The dough is cut into rectangles with holes in the middle through which you need to turn out one edge of each billet.
  6. Fried treat at a large amount of oil.

The resulting fine brushwood is poured abundantly with powdered sugar.

With the addition of vodka

Ingredients: 2 large chicken eggs, a pinch of salt, 40 ml of vodka without additives, a pound of flour, refined oil for frying, powdered sugar.

  1. First, eggs are broken in a cup. A small amount of salt is immediately added to them. Then the ingredients are well whipped until they turn into a frothy mass.
  2. To products poured vodka. This alcoholic drink makes dessert crunchy and brittle.
  3. After the next mixing, you can begin to gradually add flour. Not all the amount of this product, which is indicated in the recipe, will be used. You need to add as much flour as you take the dough. In the end, it should turn out as ravioli. The rest of the flour will be needed for pouring.
  4. The mass is removed in the package in the cool for about half an hour. Next, the base is divided into 4 portions.
  5. Each of the parts is very thinly rolled and cut into rectangular pieces with a hole in the middle. They are turned out from one or from two edges at once.

Preparing brushwood in large quantities of oil. Still hot, it is powdered.

Crisp brushwood "Roses"

Ingredients: 260 g of high-grade flour, 180 ml of filtered water, 45 ml of vodka, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, powder and butter.

  1. In a deep container all dry ingredients are combined, except for powdered sugar. Flour sieved beforehand a couple of times.
  2. To the resulting mixture is poured immediately and water, and alcoholic beverage.
  3. Knead dough tight. It needs to be rolled into a thin layer, which is cut into long rectangular strips.
  4. Each dough blank is twisted into a loose roll so that it looks like a rosette.
  5. The resulting "flowers" are prepared in boiling oil until golden brown.

"Rosettes" laid out on a paper towel to save them from excess fat. Still hot dessert is plentifully sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How to make whey?

Ingredients: full glass of whey, large egg, ½ tsp of baking soda, 420 g of high-grade flour, butter for frying and powdered sugar.

  1. Not cold whey is poured into a deep, convenient dish. Baking soda is added to the liquid. The mixture is left for 3-4 minutes.
  2. In the mass of broken chicken egg.
  3. Then in small portions, you can begin to pour sifted flour. After each addition, the ingredients are kneaded with a wide spoon or spatula.
  4. In the bowl should be a thick dough - soft and not stick to your fingers. It is covered with a towel made of natural material and left for half an hour at room temperature.
  5. The dough for brushwood rolls into a thin layer on a floury table. The seam is cut into rectangles with holes in the middle. The blanks are turned into the center of the cut 1-3 times.
  6. Dough pieces are fried in hot oil on both sides to a ruddy color.

Delicacy is laid out on parchment and poured abundantly with powdered sugar.

Almost all of us remember how, in early childhood, our grandmother or mother fried thin strips of dough in hot butter, which then turned into golden crisps. It was a favorite brushwood.

By the end of the 20th century, when store shelves began to be filled with inexpensive industrial-made cookies, the fashion for brushwood passed. But today, many are trying to monitor their health, eat right, so homemade cakes returned to our tables.

A classic step-by-step recipe for crispy brushwood with milk

There are many ways of preparing brushwood: fresh on water, on eggs, on sour milk or sour cream, yeast and the like. But the most popular, and, in fact, classic is the recipe of brushwood with the addition of milk.

How to cook your favorite crunchy:

Beat eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved, pour in milk. Add salt, vegetable oil, a little beat;

Pour the sifted flour into the liquid, knead the elastic and elastic dough so that it can be finely rolled. It should stick to hands and the table thanks to the oil which is its part;

Roll out a small piece of dough about 2-3 mm thick. Cut the dough into strips (3 cm wide), then in diamonds (5 cm in length). It is possible to make a through incision in the center of each piece and pass a “tail” of a diamond through it. The more such inversions, the more beautiful;

In a deep frying pan or cauldron to heat the vegetable oil. Dip there in several stripes of dough. In the process of frying brushwood increases in size. After some time, flip it over.

When the brushwood becomes evenly golden - pull out with a slotted spoon, let the excess fat flow (use a colander or a paper napkin for this);

Sprinkle cookies with powdered sugar.

Brushwood with milk and sour cream

Another of the classic options - brushwood for milk and sour cream.

Compound appetizing crunches:

  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
  • A little salt;
  • ¼ cup of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l vodka;
  • Sunflower oil for deep fat;
  • Sifted icing sugar.

Together with sugar until white, grind the yolks, add sour cream and stir. Pour in milk, vodka, salt. Even if children try the brushwood, there is no need to fear because of the presence of vodka here - alcohol will evaporate during the frying process. This ingredient makes baking crispy. Instead of vodka, you can take rum or brandy.

Add flour to the egg-milk mixture and knead the stiff dough so that it is convenient to roll it thinly.

Roll out the dough no more than 3 mm thick. Form brushwood: cut into diamonds, make cuts, turn out. You can cut the circles with the help of the molds, make small cuts along the edge of each one, put two or three circles together in the center - during frying you will get a flower.

Fry brushwood in oil for no more than 1.5 minutes.

Take out the crunches with a skimmer, let it drip off the oil, sprinkle with powdered sugar (with chopped nuts) and serve them to the table.

  Delicious, read how this dessert is prepared by the winner of the Master Chef show.

Make puff pastry cookies with Roses apples. Tasty and easy, read.

Maria tart cookies are not only diet pastries, but also a delicious dessert during a long post. Read the cookie recipe in ours.

Lush brushwood on sour milk

Sometimes it happens that the milk turns sour even in the refrigerator, especially in the summer heat. And it turns out not sour milk, but you can not drink such milk, and it will be curtailed when boiling. Here comes to the rescue recipe brushwood on sour milk.

It requires:

  • 1 cup of sour milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 700 g of flour;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • Vegetable oil.

Knock eggs into flour, add sugar, salt. In sour milk, quench the soda, pour it into the flour and start kneading. Add sunflower oil (2 tbsp) to the dough for elasticity, knead the stiff dough.

Roll out about 4 mm thick, cut into diamonds and form products.

In a deep dish (pan, cauldron, frying pan) pour vegetable oil (about 1 cup), heat to a boil and fry crisps in it until golden brown. Remove the finished air products, shake off excess fat, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The brushwood was one of the favorite delicacies of "Soviet" children. In the notebooks of our mothers and grandmothers, many recipes of this delicacy are preserved.

Today, refusing to shop biscuits containing so much transgenic fats, we increasingly recall those forgotten recipes for homemade pastries, and in particular, brushwood — light crispy stripes, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. But for the preparation of these magical crunchy needed products that will be in the fridge of each hostess.

And the delicacy turns out unusually tasty!

Brushwood is a simple, but at the same time tasty addition to tea. Probably many people remember his taste since childhood. A set of products need a minimum, preparation is quite simple. Now we will give you a few recipes for how to make dough for brushwood.

Brushwood dough recipe


  • fatty kefir - 160 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc .;
  • soda - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.


In a deep bowl, sift 2 cups of flour, make a well and add yolk to it. Also, there pour in vegetable oil, add sugar and soda, slaked with vinegar. Lastly pour in and knead the dough. Then gradually pour the flour. Stir until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Cover it with a film and leave for about 20 minutes. The dough for brushwood on kefir is ready.

How to make dough for brushwood on sour cream?


  • flour - 350 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • margarine - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • table vinegar - 10 g.


We start the preparation of dough for brushwood by sifting the flour and chopping it with a knife with margarine. Beat eggs with sugar. Combine the mixture with flour, add sour cream, vinegar and knead the dough. Note that you need to knead it until bubbles appear. Well, the dough for crisping brushwood is ready, roll it into the formation and form the product.

Recipe for dough for brushwood


  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • eggs - 1 pc .;
  • soda - pinch.


Beat the egg with sugar, add milk, vanilla to taste, soda, slaked with vinegar, and sifted flour. Knead the dough. It should get the consistency of sour cream. Gently pour it in a thin stream into the pan with hot oil and fry.

How to knead the dough on the brush with vodka?


  • flour - 600 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - a pinch.


Sift flour into the bowl, add eggs, milk, sugar, salt, sour cream and vodka. Of all the ingredients knead the dough. We spread it on the table, sprinkled with flour, and roll it into the layer. By the way, the dough for brushwood can be prepared not only with vodka. You can also use brandy, rum and even fortified wine.

Dough for brushwood in the bread maker



In the bucket of the bread machine put all the ingredients. The sequence is not particularly important, it is desirable only that the liquid be the last, so the dough is easier to knead. Turn on the mode "Dumplings" and wait for it to end.

The brushwood in nature is known as brittle branches, which is often used for kindling a fire, stove, stove, and so on.

However, now it will be a question of another brushwood - this is the name of one of the types of flour desserts.

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Traditional recipe

Required Products

  • One and a half cup flour.
  • Two eggs.
  • Two spoons of fresh milk.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Three hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Two and a half spoons of powdered sugar.

How to cook

  1. Mix flour and salt in a bowl between each other.
  2. Whip milk and eggs in a separate container.
  3. Combine these two liquids and knead the dough that is soft and elastic in consistency.
  4. Split the kneaded mixture into several approximately identical pieces. Each of them roll in the form of flat pancakes, their thickness should not exceed one millimeter. Remember that the thinner the dough, the more delicious it will turn out to make brushwood as a result at home.
  5. The resulting pancakes are cut into squares measuring five by five centimeters, then in each of them in the center you make a through slot.
  6. One edge is passed through the slot.
  7. Pour vegetable oil into the pan to make a layer at least two and a half centimeters thick. Heat it well and fry dough blanks on both sides until they turn golden (about eight minutes in time).
  8. Take out the finished dessert, using the skimmer, and give a good drain oil.
  9. Spread brushwood on a tray and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Grandma's recipe

Required Products

  • Three eggs.
  • Fifty grams of vodka.
  • Two and a half cups of flour.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Three hundred grams of vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar for powder.

How to make

  1. You put eggs into a bowl, pour vodka into it and pour salt in it.
  2. Using a mixer, whisk or fork, beat the egg mixture well.
  3. Two and a half volumetric cups of flour sift through a sieve and slowly pour it into the finished mass, constantly mixing.
  4. Knead the dough until it becomes the same consistency as for the dumplings.
  5. Divide the mass into four equal parts, each of which is rolled out in the form of thin pancakes.
  6. You cut the rolled dough in the form of rhombuses and make straight through holes two centimeters in length along the center.
  7. One of the tips of the diamond pull through the slotted hole. Repeat the same operation with all the diamonds.
  8. All the prepared vegetable oil is poured into a deep enough frying pan, heat it up strongly and fry it, putting out a medium heat, two minutes on both sides.
  9. Exhale the crunches with a skimmer and put them in a colander so that the oil is completely glass, and in the meantime you lay down a new portion,
  10. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar, pre-laying it on a tray.
  11. The brushwood cooked in house conditions turns out very tasty and airy.

How to make this dessert in a slow cooker at home?

What is necessary

  • Two eggs.
  • One spoon of milk.
  • Five tablespoons of sugar.
  • One spoon of vodka or brandy.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar for powder.

How to cook

  1. You put eggs in a bowl, pour in milk and mix everything thoroughly with a fork or a whisk.
  2. Add cognac or vodka - this will give the dish porosity and lightness.
  3. Sift flour, slowly pour it into the mixture, without ceasing to mix all the time, thereby bringing the dough to a thick state.
  4. The resulting dough put in two hours in the fridge to cool.
  5. After that, roll it as thinly as possible, then cut out any figures with sharp corners.
  6. Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, activate the “fry” mode and cook the dough pieces, frying them on both sides.
  7. Take the prepared fried pieces out of the bowl and put them on a plate covered with napkins to remove excess fat.
  8. As soon as the excess fat is absorbed, you can serve the dish to the table, after having sprinkled it with powdered sugar.

Kefir based

This recipe differs from the previous ones in that the ready-made cookies do not taste like crispy, but soft.

Necessary products

  • Two hundred milliliters of kefir.
  • One egg.
  • Two spoons of sugar.
  • One third teaspoon salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda.
  • Three hundred and fifty grams of flour.
  • Four hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • Powdered sugar.

How to cook

  1. You put an egg in a bowl, put sugar and salt in it, pour kefir, then rub the whole mixture.
  2. You fall asleep soda, mix and let the mass settle for four minutes.
  3. After the mass of foam is formed, slowly fall asleep, stirring constantly, sifted flour. As a result, you can make a dough, which you cover with any pure matter and leave to infuse for fifteen minutes.
  4. Divide the prepared mass into two parts and roll thin pancakes out of each one, then cut diamonds from them.
  5. Make small through cuts in the middle of each rhombus and thread the tips of the rhombuses into them.
  6. In deep dishes, heat the butter strongly and fry the cooked dough pieces on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Take out the dish and give it free of excess fat using a colander or napkins.
  8. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

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