Winter salad of cucumber "Lady fingers. Ladies fingers for winter - how to make a salad of overgrown cucumbers, a step by step recipe with photos

26.07.2019 Lenten dishes

Cucumber is considered one of the most common vegetables that grow gardeners on their plots. Often, cucumber fruits are prepared for winter canning and salads. To prepare such dishes, a person needs to familiarize himself with the recipe for preparing cucumbers. Female fingers for the winter.

Often, Lady fingers are used in fresh cooking to create vegetable salads or other dishes made from vegetables. However, sometimes housewives use other methods of cooking cucumber fruits. Some use them to make pickling in cans or to preserve lightly salted salads.

Pickled cucumbers are used to create various dishes. Often they are added when creating saltworms or pickles. Sometimes lightly salted vegetables are served as an independent snack to the hot dishes on the table.

Selection and preparation of basic ingredients

Before salting the Lady fingers for the winter, carefully choose the most suitable vegetables. When choosing cucumbers pay attention to:

  • The appearance of the fruit. All plants selected for canning should not be covered with rotten stains or cracks.
  • Form. Fruits should be smooth, without any deformation or twisting.
  • The size. Only small cucumbers no longer than five centimeters long are selected for salting. Large fruits do not fit, as many of them do not fit in banks.
  • Colour. On the color of cucumbers pay attention to determine their ripeness. Mature vegetables are colored bright green and have slightly bleached sides.

After the selection of vegetables proceed to their preliminary preparation. Before salting cucumbers soaked in water. To prepare the water basin in a small bowl they collect water, after which all the cucumber fruits are poured into it. They are soaked for at least eight hours so that the cucumbers can absorb the maximum amount of moisture. Also soaking is carried out in order to clean them of harmful components that could accumulate during the cultivation.

Methods of cooking cucumbers Lady fingers for the winter

There are three recipes for cooking delicious dishes from ladies fingers, which are often used by many housewives.

Classic recipe

When harvesting cucumber fruits for the winter, many use the classic recipe.

To create preservation, the following ingredients are harvested:

  • 2-5 kg \u200b\u200bof cucumbers;
  • 5-6 heads onions;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • 70 grams of salt;
  • garlic head;
  • 90 ml of oil.

Preparation of conservation start with the preparation of vegetables. Cucumbers are cut along into 2-3 equal parts. Then engaged in cutting garlic and onions. All prepared components are poured into a metal pan, poured with oil, vinegar and covered with a lid. The mixture is brewed for an hour and a half, after which it is removed from the gas stove and distributed into cans for canning.

Assorted Salad

Assorted is considered the best salad that can be prepared from cucumbers and other vegetables that many grow in their gardens. To create a delicious salad with an unforgettable aroma, learn in advance the features of its preparation.

To create mixed vegetables, 2 kg of cucumber fruits, 1 kg of tomatoes, 40 grams of pepper and two onions cut into cubes. Then the vegetables are stirred, poured into the pan and poured with vinegar and oil. A pot of ingredients is put on the stove and cooked for half an hour. The prepared salad is rolled up in banks and carried to the cellar.

Quick recipe

When using a quick recipe, you will have to prepare 2-3 kg of cucumbers in advance. They are washed from dirt, peeled and cut into 3-4 sections. After that, cut 1-3 onion heads, after which the ingredients are poured into a saucepan.

To create a pickle pickle, add 20 grams of salt, 50 ml of butter and sugar to a liter of water. The liquid is boiled for 10-20 minutes, then pour it into the pan with cucumbers. Vegetables are boiled for half an hour and, if necessary, salted.

How and how much is stored billet?

Many housewives are interested in how to properly store conservation. For storage of canned foods use cool and dark rooms, as the high temperature and the sun's rays adversely affect the timing of preservation of pickles.

Ideal for storing cellar blanks, in which the temperature rarely rises above 10-15 degrees. In such conditions, the snack will not spoil for 1-2 years.


Female fingers often make pickles and cucumbers salads, which are preserved for the winter. To roll up a delicious harvest of this vegetable, housewives will need to familiarize themselves with the ways of its preparation.

Cucumber is a typical ingredient in a variety of salads, the only vegetable that is eaten with pleasure unripe.

The proposed recipe is extremely simple, but requires sterilization of the product. Vegetable mixture before laying in the banks must be sustained for several hours.

It is necessary to choose cucumbers with thin peel, which facilitates easy penetration of the pickle into the fruit and the best pickling. Cutting vegetables with typical fingers-fingers pursues the same goal and provides high-quality marinating. They are remarkably complemented by onion rings. Such a cucumber mix is \u200b\u200bable to awaken the appetite with one of its kind.


You will need 3 cans of 0.5 liters each.

  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • large onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 tooth.
  • salt - 25 g
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l
  • vinegar 9% - 60 ml (4 tbsp. L)
  • ground black pepper - to taste


  1. Carefully wash the cucumbers, because we will not remove the peel. Cut the fruit into two parts across, and then into four more. We get "ladies fingers." Put them in a deep pan or bowl.

  2. Onion cut into half rings or? little ringlet. We pour out to the cucumbers.

  3. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, crushed garlic and pepper.

  4. Very carefully mix the contents of the pan. And it is best to close the lid and shake well several times. Leave the cucumbers with spices to marinate for 4-5 hours.

  5. During this time, they are well allocate juice.

  6. Carefully wash out the cans of 0.5 liters with soda and fill them with cucumber salad.

  7. It remains only to sterilize the workpiece so that it is stored as long as possible. For this you need to take a pan with a wide bottom, which fit the banks. Lay on the bottom of the cloth tissue or silicone stand under the hot. We put on it the banks covered with covers, and fill them with neatly warm water to the level of the hangers. Bring water to a boil. Then turn down the fire and mark for 20 minutes, if the cans are 0.5 liters, if it is 1 liter, then 25 minutes. Sterilize should be in moderately boiling water.

Mistress note

You can sterilize jars with blanks in the oven. This method is good when the salad is prepared in more than three cans. Thermally many blanks are processed at one time. To do this, the container is filled with salad. Put in a cold or slightly warm oven on a wire rack or better on a baking sheet. You need to set the temperature to 120 degrees and wait for the unit to heat up. Then measure the time: 20 minutes for 0.5 l cans and 25 minutes for 1 l cans. Carefully remove after sterilization and roll up boiled caps.

Typically, for seaming use presentable medium-sized cucumbers. However, it is not always possible to harvest the crop on time, it often happens that the garden owners did not keep track of a few vegetables and as a result large yellowish cucumbers are obtained. They are too big to make standard spins of them, often they are not even served at the table, throwing them away as spoiled. However, for everything in the world there is a recipe. From over-ripe cucumbers, you can make a marinade salad, which you can not only eat right after cooking, but also preserve, so that in winter you can serve another delicacy on the table. Such a twist is very different in taste from ordinary salted or pickled cucumbers, but for sure those who like spicy and savory dishes will like it. At the same time save from the need to throw away the crop. Garlic aftertaste will make a cucumber salad for the winter look like a snack to alcohol.

Before use, cucumbers must be washed in running water and cut. You can use any of the usual form for cutting, but it is best to leave large blocks. They look better in a can and they are juicier and more appetizing. With overripe vegetables, pre-cut the peel. She is too fat and will interfere.

To prepare the salad will need:

  • 2 kg of cucumbers of any size.
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • 1/2 cup sugar.
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil.
  • 1/2 cup table vinegar.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • Spices and herbs to taste.

Sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers must be folded into a deep container. This may be a pan of a suitable size: vegetables should not fall out of it, as the marinade will be prepared further.

Add spices to vegetables, black pepper will be the best seasoning, which should be added not less than a tablespoon. Do not be afraid to make the dish too spicy, because cucumbers are rather watery, without their own bright taste. In combination with garlic, pepper will be an excellent flavoring.

Then pour into the pan 9% vinegar, salt, sugar and butter. Oil can choose any vegetable, as long as it does not smell. Well refined sunflower or olive. Garlic must be chopped before adding. Unfortunately, finely chopped garlic does not give the necessary smell, so it is better to skip it through the garlic press or grind it in a blender.

In the end you need to sprinkle all the greens of parsley, dill and any other herbs that you have to taste. Stir the ingredients and leave them to ripen for several hours.

Approximately in 3 hours cucumbers will start up juice. When the liquid in the pan becomes sufficient (after another hour), it can be set on fire. Boil the preparation of cucumbers should be on low heat until boiling, then mix and hold for another 10 minutes. Ready salad can be left to cool and serve, or to make preservation.

Spin cans must be sterilized, boiled cans and lids will create better storage conditions for a long time. Fill each jar with cucumber slices and pour the brine out of the pan, then roll it up, put the lid down in a dark and cold place, carefully wrapping it in a blanket. After a day you need to check the status of the cans and arrange them on the shelves in the closet.

Cucumber salad for the winter

Pickled cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, adjika cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, pickled cucumbers ... What kind of cucumber preservation methods for the winter have not been invented. We bring to your attention the billet "Ladies Fingers" - a salad of cucumbers for the winter.

The recipe produces sharp, crispy cucumbers. This method of canning is good because practically all varieties of cucumbers and any sizes are used.

For the preparation of cucumber salad for the winter, "Lady Fingers" we need in addition to the main ingredients:

  • cutting board,
  • sharp knife
  • garlic press or grater,
  • half-liter jars with lids 8 pieces,
  • key for seaming cans
  • large bowl or bowl

   Calorie: Not specified
   Cooking Time: Not Specified

Cucumber salad "Lady fingers" for the winter is a tasty pickle with an elegant name! Thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber slices marinated with fragrant greens, a balanced amount of sugar and salt, the addition of vinegar and a small amount of garlic - this snack is not only tasty, but also looks very nice on your table. Due to the fact that cucumbers are cut in this way, they are very well soaked with all flavors. And each crunchy "ladies finger" will give you a lot of delight. The advantage of this recipe is not only that the appetizer is simply delicious. And the fact that it is prepared without further trouble. Just mix all the ingredients together, and then decompose into jars. And with the brine do not have to mess around for a long time. You will also like the fact that you can use large vegetables for it.

   At 1 liter of twist you will need:
- 1 kilogram of cucumbers,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
- ¾ tbsp. salt,
- the average bunch of dill,
- 70 ml of vinegar (nine percent).
- 70 ml of sunflower oil.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  My cucumbers and divide each into two halves. And then once again divide each into two parts. So we get even quarters.

  My and dried greens. We cut the dill finely.
  Clean the garlic and cut into thin slices.

  Fold in a bowl or pan cucumbers, sprinkled with garlic and greens. Fill with oil and vinegar. Add salt and sugar.

  Stir so that the ingredients evenly cover the cucumbers. Now let stand for two hours. During this time, the vegetables will let the juice.

  In the meantime, you can wash and prepare jars with lids. After two hours, lay the salad in containers, not forgetting to pour the resulting juice. Covering the lids, but do not twist.

  Sterilization should be about a quarter of an hour (15 minutes) after boiling.

  Twist and turn the banks upside down. Additionally, banks can wrap in a blanket to cool.

   Tips: To make the appetizer even more savory, some add a small amount of dry mustard. And you can add to the cucumbers lettuce, cut it in the same long slices.
  It is very convenient to sterilize the empty jars in the microwave. To do this, leave in each tank two centimeters of water, set the power of 900-1000 watts. In five minutes you can get it.
  Similarly, the bank is sterilized and rolled up. Only time is needed a little more - up to twenty minutes.
  Putting sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers in a jar, see that they are not crushed. We also recommend to cook

It is easier to find this recipe, since there will be no fuss with the marinade and the pickle. In addition, the problem with overgrown cucumbers will be solved. In this procurement they will be given an honorable first place.

Ingredients:  water, cucumbers, hot pepper, black pepper peas, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar, garlic

But of course, you can use and not overgrown. Try yourself to prepare such a tasty and, at the same time, simple preparation. Step-by-step photo recipe will help you easily and easily prepare a delicious salad Lady's fingers.

How to make salad Lady fingers from overgrown cucumbers

And so, take 2 kilograms of normal or overgrown cucumbers. Fill them with cold water for 4 hours or overnight. This will give crispy cucumbers ready. Soaked cucumbers dry with a towel, cut into slices-fingers, about 7 centimeters long and no more than 1 centimeter thick. Large cucumbers will have to be cut along not into 4 parts, but into 6 or 8. The number of sliced \u200b\u200bslices depends on the diameter of the cucumber. Large seeds, of course, should be removed.

Determine the size of the cans. I have 700 grams. At the bottom of clean and sterile cans we put 4 cloves of garlic, pre-cut in half. Add 4 peas black pepper and a piece of hot pepper. If you do not like sharp preparations, then it is not necessary to put a hot pepper.

Next, lay out the cucumbers in jars, as tightly as possible. Top cucumbers poured 1 tablespoon of sugar (with a hill), 1.5 teaspoons of salt. Add 1.5 teaspoons of 9% vinegar and 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Let me remind you that the calculation is shown on banks of 700 milliliters.

The next step, pour the cans with cold boiled water.

We cover with covers and put the blanks in the pan, in which we will carry out sterilization. At the bottom, under the jars, pre-put a piece of cloth. Only after all the jars are installed, pour cold water in a pot of sterilized containers. As soon as the water boils, we reduce the fire and start the countdown - 20 minutes.