Stewed potatoes with homemade stew. Braised Potato with Stew

26.07.2019 Dishes for children

Potato with stew. How many pleasant words and nostalgia in these words. Especially among older people, because this is a whole era - and hiking, and camps, and home dinner with your family.

If you do not associate these words with anything, then you need to urgently correct the situation. We will teach you how to cook delicious potato with stew. Cooking this dish is very convenient when there is a jar of stewed meat in stock and there is no time to defrost meat or the refrigerator is generally empty.

In this dish, the main thing is to choose the stew correctly. Give your preference to jars with the state stamp GOST. A product with such a stamp undergoes a series of checks, which means that the probability of getting a low-quality product is reduced to a minimum.

It is also worth paying special attention to the name. Braised beef, braised pork, braised chicken - these are the names that should attract attention in the first place. But the “stew at home” opposite can prepare you an unpleasant surprise. A stew cooked at home is the best option, here you are sure of the quality of the product, as we said earlier.

We’ve sorted out the stew, it’s time to start cooking.

Taste info Potato Main Courses / Potato Stew


  • Braised meat (beef, pork or chicken) - 1 b.;
  • Potato - 4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste;
  • Fresh greens for decoration.

How to cook stewed potatoes with stew in a pan

Rinse and peel the vegetables well. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a grater.

In heated vegetable oil, fry the onions and carrots until soft.

Add tomato paste to vegetable frying and mix well.

Add the whole stew from the can to the pan. Mix thoroughly to break up all the lumps formed and turn off the stove. Potato dressing is ready.

Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Try not to make the cubes too small so as not to turn the future dish into porridge.

Dip the potato cubes in boiling water and boil until tender. You can also fry the potatoes in a frying pan to an appetizing golden crust, but this method is not suitable if you do not want to spend too much time cooking, since you will have to fry the potatoes in parts, while you can cook all the cubes at once.

Drain the potatoes into a separate bowl and set them aside. The broth is still useful.

Add to the potato a mixture of frying vegetables and stews.

Mix well, add salt and black pepper to taste. Pour the stewed potatoes with the remaining potato broth so as to completely cover the dish.

Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer under a closed lid for about 5-10 minutes, so that all the ingredients adopt each other's taste and aroma. At this point, you can season the dish with any spices, for example, bay leaf. Also in the pan to potatoes with stew you can add green peas - fresh or frozen. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh herbs 1 minute before turning off the stove.

Serve stewed potatoes with hot stew immediately after cooking.

  • It is not necessary to cook this dish in a pan on the stove. You can use ceramic pots and instead of extinguishing under a closed lid, potatoes and stew in the oven can be darkened. A slow cooker set to “Baking” can also facilitate the cooking process.
  • It is better to completely abandon the use of spices and limit yourself to only salt, black pepper and bay leaf, as without extra seasoning the potato with stew is very aromatic and tasty.

Stewed Roast with Potato

A simple and tasty recipe - roast with stew - will help you out if you do not have time to cook meat for a long time, but you need to cook something substantial for dinner.

Stewed roast with potatoes cooks much faster than traditional roast with meat. To make the meat soft, you need to cook it for an hour and a half, and the stew can be added to the pan 15 minutes before the potatoes are ready. But, of course, the stew must be taken good, high quality. For example, Belarusian, which can be bought via the Internet: relatives treated us to it, so I cooked the roast. It turned out delicious and effortless.

Ingredients for Roast with Stew:

  • Potato - 1 kg;
  • Beef or pork stew - 1 can;
  • Onion - 1 large onion;
  • Carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • Water - 1-1.5 L, depending on whether you want the roast in consistency closer to the 1st or 2nd dish;
  • Salt, vegetable oil, black peppercorns, bay leaf;
  • Greens - feathers of green onions, parsley, dill.

How to cook roast with stew:

Since the potato is cooked the longest of all the ingredients, we will first clean it, clean it, cut it into slices and put it in boiling water.

While the potatoes are cooked under the lid over medium heat, we will do the roasting. We chop the onions in half rings or chop and fry in vegetable oil.

When the onion becomes soft and starts a little golden, add the carrot to it and continue to fry, stirring occasionally.

When the carrot becomes soft, the frying is ready. Add it to the pan with potatoes and mix.

About 15-20 minutes after you put the potatoes to boil, try it with a knife: if it becomes soft, then it is almost ready. It's time to add the stew. Open the jar and put the stew in a pan with potatoes, mix. Salted to taste, put spices (remember that the stew itself is already with salt and spices), and cook under the lid for another 10-15 minutes.

5 minutes before cooking, add chopped greens.

The stew is ready! The aroma is amazing!

But nevertheless, it’s better not to get carried away even with high-quality canned goods, but to cook roasts with meat, mushrooms or chicken. And we will try to prepare all these recipes for you. 🙂

What to cook if you want something rich, hot and aromatic? Potato stew with stew is a great option, especially since it is cooked quickly, and there are a lot of different recipes. You can use canned meat from chicken, pork or beef; add various vegetables and seasonings.

With tomato, garlic and aromatic basil

The addition of tomato and dried basil will give the dish a beautiful color and a spicy aftertaste.

You will need:

  • a can of canned chicken meat;
  • 6-7 potatoes;
  • a tablespoon of thick tomato paste;
  • large onion;
  • ground pepper, salt, dried basil greens.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a deep saucepan in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the meat, mashed with a fork, to it and continue cooking. Dilute the tomato paste with a little water and add to the frying. Sprinkle with pepper and basil.

Cut the peeled potatoes lengthwise into several parts to make slices, pour water (about a glass), and put on fire. Cook until half cooked, then slightly salt and add the fry. Cook over low heat until completely soft.

A modern recipe in a multicooker

The presence of a multicooker in the house greatly facilitates the life of the hostess. Many classic recipes have already been adapted for her. Among them are potatoes with stew in a slow cooker.

You will need:

  • a can of canned beef;
  • a pound of potatoes;
  • onion and a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • salt and bay leaf.

Peel and cut the onion into cubes, and cut the potatoes into slices. Put the meat on a plate and knead with a fork. Install the multicooker bowl into the body. Put potatoes on the bottom, onion and chopped garlic on top. Salt to taste. Add mashed beef and a couple of bay leaves. Pour 100 grams of water and mix everything. Close the lid and cook on the Extinguishing program for one hour.

With fragrant mushrooms

Stewed potatoes with stews - a recipe with mushrooms: mushrooms and potatoes go well together in many dishes and this is no exception. You can use champignons, oyster mushrooms, fresh forest mushrooms are great here.

You will need:

  • a kilogram of potatoes;
  • 300 grams of mushrooms;
  • a can of pork;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • salt, black pepper, dill.

Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into large cubes; put in a pan and pour water or broth flush with potatoes; put on the fire to cook. Cut mushrooms into thin slices, onions into cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry in vegetable oil, odorless, first vegetables, then add mushrooms to the pan and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid. At the end, add canned pork to the vegetables.

Add the resulting fry to the contents of the pan, add salt to taste and continue cooking. At the end, pepper and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Potato itself is not very high-calorie, and a feeling of fullness appears due to the high content of starch. Potatoes stewed with stew are high in calories because they contain meat, vegetable and animal fats. Those who are on a diet, this dish can not be recommended. Everyone else, especially in winter, when you want to warm yourself and gain strength, you can safely cook potatoes according to these recipes.

Which of us doesn’t like to go out into the countryside and prepare a delicious dish with birdsong? Perhaps the most common treat for a tourist is potato with stew. Its delicate taste and pleasant aroma will always be remembered as the most pleasant moments of life. However, such food is easy to cook at home:

  • in the pan;
  • in a slow cooker;
  • pan;
  • in the oven.

The main thing is to adhere to the general rules for creating a dish.

In the last century, it was difficult to buy stew on the territory of the Soviet Union. She "got" only by acquaintance and for big money. Today, this product is sold in supermarkets and specialty stores. For potatoes with stew, meat of this kind is suitable:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit.

When buying, it is advisable to look at the percentage of meat in the bank. The best option is 70%. Of course, homemade stew is the most chic ingredient for this dish. In any case, the hostess can pamper the family with a delicious lunch of tourists. Consider several recipes with photos of potatoes with stew, which are prepared by our dear compatriots.

As practice shows, beef or pork stew of the highest grade contains much less fat and layers. Therefore, it is better to give preference to just such a product.

Tasty treat in 50 minutes - potato with stew

In principle, potato with stew is a simplified type of roast, which is cooked much faster. It will require such simple products:

  • stew of any kind;
  • soft potato tubers;
  • onions (a few pieces);
  •   big size;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • bay leaf.

Stewed Potato Stew Tips:

It is advisable to cook the product on moderate heat so that the liquid does not boil away so quickly.

Let's make a gorgeous dinner in a wonderful saucepan

Many will agree that a crock-pot has appeared in the home kitchen relatively recently. Despite this, the unit is actively used for cooking various dishes. Thanks to a set of programs, they turn out juicy, useful and with a unique taste.

For potatoes with stew in a slow cooker, you need several popular products that are always at hand from experienced housewives:

  • small potatoes;
  • top quality stew;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • tomato paste;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • condiments (curry, suneli hops);
  • bay leaf.

The order of the work consists of such simple operations:

In order not to spoil the taste of goodies, garlic is added in accordance with the rules of preparation.

Juicy product for a quick hand

This unique recipe for potatoes with stew in a pan will appeal to busy people who try to do everything quickly.
For a dish you need to take such simple components:

  • beef stew;
  • young potatoes (in the summer season);
  • medium sized onion;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • bay leaf;
  • paprika;
  •   (several branches).

A popular option for cooking potatoes with stew in a pan requires the following actions from the cook:

Such potatoes are obtained with excellent aroma, juicy, tender and suitable even for diet food.

In order not to over-salt the product, the taste of the stew, which is placed in the dish, should be considered.

Great potted food

In the distant times, when food was cooked on wood and in a stove, our grandmothers used unique dishes - clay pots. The food in them turned out to be surprisingly tasty and delicate, so modern housewives also use this type of dishes. This is especially true if a lot of homework has piled on. The secret is that you only need to put the products in pots, send them to the oven and do other things for an hour.

Consider a grandmother's recipe for potatoes with stew in pots, baked in the oven. For the dish, our ancestors took the following ingredients:

  •   large size;
  • pork or beef stew;
  • onions of juicy varieties;
  • carrot with a sweet taste;
  • hard cheese ("Russian");
  • purified water;
  • salt;
  • seasonings;
  • branch of fresh herbs.

Possible cooking option:

Serve the dish for dinner, when it has cooled slightly, right in the pots. Shredded greens are placed on top to add taste and aroma.

It is necessary to fill the pots with liquid at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the container, but so that it completely covers the products.

Stewed Potato Video Recipe

Stewed potatoes are the easiest, most tasty and inexpensive way to quickly cook lunch or dinner.   Serve the dish with vegetable salads or homemade pickles. Very appetizing!

Fried potatoes with stew in a pan

The main ingredients of the recipe:

  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • potatoes - 0.7 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 45 ml;
  • stew - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh parsley - 20 gr;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking Option:

  1. From the jar, transfer the stew to the bottom of the pan, pour vegetable oil and heat treatment until the meat becomes golden brown.
  2. Rid the onion from the husk and chop into cubes.
  3. Chopped peeled potato tubers into small cubes.
  4. In a pan where the stew was fried, transfer potato wedges and cook them until half cooked for 10 minutes.
  5. Throw chopped onions next, do not forget about salt and pepper.
  6. Continue frying for 10 minutes.
  7. After that, put the meat and cook for 5 minutes.
  8. Serve the dish with herbs. Bon Appetit!

In a slow cooker

Grocery list:

  • two small onions;
  • one bay leaf;
  • potatoes - 1.8 kg;
  • salt to taste;
  • water - 320 ml;
  • can of stew;
  • one carrot;
  • black pepper.

How to cook potato with stew:

  1. We clean vegetables from impurities and husks. Cut them into small pieces with a knife or a vegetable cutter.
  2. We pour them into the bowl of the multicooker.
  3. Large chopped peeled potato tubers.
  4. Sprinkle it with any seasonings and salt.
  5. Put the stew from the can and add it to the vegetables in the slow cooker, add the lavrushka.
  6. Close the lid, set the kitchen appliance to the "Extinguishing" mode and select the time - 30 minutes.

Stewed potatoes with stew in a pan

Recipe Components:

  • butter - 20 gr;
  • eight potatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • a can of stew;
  • sunflower oil - 15 g;
  • one onion;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • garlic clove;
  • ground pepper and herbs to taste.

Cooking potatoes step by step:

  1. We remove onions and garlic from the husks and finely chop with a knife.
  2. Peel the remaining vegetables. Shred the carrots in circles as thin as possible.
  3. From the tin can, spread the stew on a plate, remove white fat from it.
  4. With a fork, we turn the meat pieces into gruel.
  5. The washed potato tubers are cut into small cubes, we fall asleep in a pan.
  6. Pour water from above so that its level is half the level of potatoes.
  7. Turn on the fire at low power and simmer the dish, stirring from time to time.
  8. Separately, first pass the onion for 5 minutes, and then the carrot for 4 minutes with the addition of vegetable oil.
  9. We spread tomato sauce to vegetables, after 3 minutes we add the stew.
  10. After 5 minutes, transfer the contents of the pan to the potatoes.
  11. Pour salt with pepper, bring the mixture to a boil.
  12. After that we reduce the power of the fire and simmer another 7 minutes.
  13. Next, put a piece of butter, chopped herbs and garlic. Mix the mass and remove from the stove.

Recipe for cooking in a cauldron

Basic ingredients:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • potato tubers - 1 kg;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • stew - 1/2 kg;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • one bay leaf.

Step by step cooking:

  1. We process vegetables: grind potatoes into cubes and send to the bottom of the cauldron, pour oil and fry for 20 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and load onto the potato.
  3. Cook the vegetables for another 10 minutes.
  4. Open the stew, remove the top layer of white fat, and transfer the meat to the cauldron.
  5. Pour salt with pepper, put a bay leaf. Do not overdo it with salt. Remember that the stew is already salty.
  6. Pour a little water and simmer for half an hour under the lid.
  7. Spread the finished steaming dish on plates, garnish with chopped dill. Bon Appetit!

Vegetable stew with potatoes and stew

In this recipe, you can use any vegetables of your choice, as well as fruits.

You will need:

  • liquid oil - 40 ml;
  • one tomato;
  • three potatoes;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • young zucchini - 0.25 kg;
  • one carrot;
  • white cabbage - 0.25 kg;
  • a pinch of dried Provence herbs;
  • half a can of stewed beef;
  • half hot pepper;
  • one red apple;
  • salt to taste;
  • one onion.

Cooking a quick vegetable stew:

  1. We wash all vegetable products under the tap, remove the peel and husk.
  2. The first finely chopped onions with carrots. These vegetables are sent to a deep frying pan and passaged in oil for 7 minutes.
  3. Next we send slices of juicy tomato. Stew all together, sometimes stirring the mass with a spatula.
  4. Peeled zucchini and potato tubers into cubes. When the fry is lightly browned, load them into the pan.
  5. You can add a little ketchup if you like it. But we already have a tomato.
  6. Pour 200 ml of pure water, switch the fire to low power, pour salt.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, load the finely chopped cabbage.
  8. Cut the apple peeled from the red peel into pieces and send it to the pan after the cabbage. It will give our stew a pleasant acidity.
  9. Continue cooking until excess liquid evaporates. We try the dish on salt, pour dried herbs.
  10. Now you can add the stew, finely chopped hot pepper and a lot of crushed garlic.
  11. We put the lavrushka, wait until the food boils and serve.
  12. The entire cooking process will take 60 minutes.

Stewed roast with potatoes in the oven

Even with such simple ingredients as stew and potatoes, you can cook delicious, wonderful dishes for your family.

What you need to take:

  • cloves of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • beef stew - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.

The cooking process step by step:

  1. Remove vegetables from peels and husks.
  2. Prepare a baking dish - its sides and surface must be coated with sunflower oil or fat from the stew.
  3. Onion with half-rings and lay on the bottom of the form.
  4. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
  5. We turn potatoes into thin circles. Their layer should cover the onion layer.
  6. Place beef stew on top.
  7. Cover the dish with shiny foil.
  8. It remains to put it on a shelf in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.
  9. The first half hour we bake the dish under the foil, and the next 15 minutes - in the open.
  10. The casserole is covered with a delicate appetizing crust on top and remains tender and juicy inside. Enjoy the wonderful taste of the dish. Bon Appetit!

How to choose a delicious stew?

When buying stew, we want the jar to have tasty meat slices, and not some kind of grayish mass. Therefore, you need to buy the product deliberately and carefully.

  1. Pay attention to the name written on the can label. It should say “Braised lamb” or “Braised pork,” etc. But, in no case "Stew".
  2. Secondly, this product is produced in accordance with GOST. So it should be printed on the bank. The standard by which meat is cooked is written in small letters next to the composition.
  3. Structure. It should only have 6 ingredients: meat, fat, onions, salt, bay leaf and pepper. No preservatives, flavoring agents or soy!
  4. On each jar, the marking is pressed in block letters. For this product, labeling begins with the letter A. This means that the dish is made from meat.