Figs: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. Dried figs - benefits and harms

15.09.2019 Grill menu

In ancient times, the fig tree was a symbol of wealth and prosperity, fertility and love. This is not surprising - the berries of the plant, which was also called fig, wine berry and fig, are very tasty and nutritious, their healing properties were known to the ancient Greeks.

So, the soldiers of Alexander of Macedon always had a bag with dried or dried berries on their campaign, because the pulp from these fruits healed the wounds, and after a hard campaign or battle the berries helped to quickly restore strength. Is the fig really so valuable?

Useful and healing properties for health

Figs are a southern plant, and its fruits have long been used in the cuisines of different nations. Here are just fresh berries spoil in just a day or two, so most often we deal with dried figs, fully preserving all the qualities of fresh fruits.

Dried fruits are more nutritious, have a rich taste, give strength, fill us with energy and increase our mood. Gourmets give preference to them, adding to desserts, pastries, granola, etc.

Figs boasts a rich composition, it has vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B11, PPas well as pectins, proteins, various enzymes, fiber, sugars, amino acids, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc. In dried figs, as it turned out, there are even more minerals than in fresh: sodium - 10 times, calcium - 5.

Potassium in it is only slightly less than in nuts and 3 times more than in fresh berries, and iron fruits are richer than apples that doctors recommend for anemia.

What diseases does the fig help with?

  • Berry juice removes sand and stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen
  • It relieves infectious and viral skin diseases, detoxifies and is effective in the prevention of cancer.
  • A record amount of potassium strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, improves hemoglobin, strengthens blood vessels, prevents blood clots and venous insufficiency. Regular consumption of berries can prevent a heart attack, stroke, hypertensive crisis.
  • Figs are used for colds, pharyngitis, sore throat, severe cough, laryngitis and loss of voice. To prepare a remedy for these diseases is simple: 6 fruits evaporate in 400 ml of milk and take a warm broth of 50-60 ml 4-6 times a day.
  • Calcium is a very valuable mineral in the menu of children and the elderly, it strengthens bone tissues and teeth, raises the general tone, and prevents vision impairment.
  • Fig quickly removes toxic and toxic substances, therefore it is used in the treatment of poisoning and liver diseases.
  • It is recommended that you always have dried or dried figs handy for athletes, tourists, and people engaged in hard physical labor. It is quickly absorbed and well restores strength.
  • Fiber, micronutrients and acids of fresh fruit gently cleanse the intestines, relieve constipation and bloating.

Figs are extremely beneficial for men. It is an effective medicine for prostatitis, gives a surge of energy and restores male power at any age.

You can create a healthy drink at home yourself: soak 2 medium-sized berries in 250 ml of warm milk, leave for 10-12 hours, and then drink milk and eat berries. The course of treatment is about a month.

For women, regularly including fresh and dried figs on the menu is a way to solve many health problems.

Fig will help:

  • lose weight. Just replace one meal with 2-3 berries, and soon you will feel how the extra pounds go away. Fruits help activate metabolism and remove excess fat. Fresh figs can also be the main meal on a fasting day. The diet on this day should be like this: 1 kilogram of berries, 500 g of vegetables or fruits, 2 liters of low-fat kefir.
  • tidy up the legs. Legs on heels often get tired, veins begin to protrude, and varicose veins appear. Dealing with these painful and unaesthetic problems is not easy, especially if your work is sedentary. Now among office workers, more than half suffer from such troubles, and expensive ointments do not always help. solving the problem is much simpler: one or two fruits (dried or fresh) per day will be enough to prevent such problems.
  • get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as leucorrhoea caused by an infectious or fungal disease of the female organs.

For children, figs are, above all, a delicious treat, very sweet and interesting, with pinkish or yellowish villi inside. Kids eat it with pleasure, replenishing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

A mixture of gruel from figs, liquid honey, warm milk and butter is a tasty and very effective cough suppressant. Puree from fresh figs is a tasty and reliable remedy for children's constipation, a way to improve appetite and establish digestion. However, before cooking for a child  dishes or medicinal mixtures with figs, make sure he is not allergic on this product.

Calorie berry

The energy value of figs is much higher than that of many fruits familiar to us, therefore, people who monitor their weight should be eaten with caution, in small quantities.

Calorie content per 100 grams of fresh berries is 50-70 kcal. For comparison, in a watermelon and grapefruit - about 35 kcal, in apricot - 47 kcal, pear - 54 kcal, strawberries - 28-35 kcal.

Sun-dried and dried fig berries are much more nutritious than fresh. In 100 grams more than 250 kcal!

Pregnancy use

Even for unborn babies and expectant mothers, the benefits of figs are huge! Very often, women waiting for the replenishment of the family suffer from weakness, nausea, digestive disorders, anemia, and depression.

  • supplies the body of the child and mother with the necessary micro and macro elements
  • allows you to solve problems with obstructed stools without medication and unpleasant procedures
  • improves blood quality, raises hemoglobin and promotes proper fetal development
  • contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness in the body - serotonin. with its help, it will be easier for future mothers to cope with unrest, mood swings, and depressive states.

It should be remembered that for pregnant women who quickly gain weight, figs can be harmful due to a rather high calorie content.

During lactation, figs will become a valuable source of potassium and calcium for the baby, and it also stimulates the release of breast milk. A decoction of berries will be especially valuable in cases where intolerance to milk and dairy products is observed.

Harm and contraindications

Figs - a fruit that grows in a warm climate, where not only people want to feast on them, but also birds, insects, and other animals. Accordingly, trees are often treated with drugs that repel pests or to improve the preservation of the fruit.

Berries treated with chemicals can be harmful to your health, so if you are not sure that the fruit is absolutely “clean”, you should not eat the peel and be sure to wash it before eating.

When buying dried figs, be sure to ensure that they do not have ticks or other small insects. Some people take the whitish coating on dried fruits as mold, but it is just not at all dangerous - these are glucose crystals that appear on the skin, are completely harmless and very sweet.

Doctors and nutritionists do not give direct contraindications to the use of figs, but they strongly recommend not to include it in the menu for exacerbation of stomach diseases, diabetes, gout, allergies. However, it is not safe for completely healthy people to eat fig in unlimited quantities, overeating can only do harm. For good health, it is enough to eat 2-4 fruits.

Enjoy sweet and healthy figs and stay healthy and alert!

Since ancient times, figs have been considered the healing fruit of many ills. The pulp has an amazing taste in both fresh and dried form. In cooking, gourmets learned to combine figs with other components of the dish, the fruits are successfully added to salads and meat side dishes. Let us examine in order what the benefits and harms of figs are for the human body.

Calorie content and composition

  1. In ancient times, figs were considered miraculous fruits that could heal from an impressive list of ailments. Fig is rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper, sodium, iron and calcium.
  2. The enumeration of minerals does not end there. These enzymes are contained in the greatest quantity and are actively involved in the metabolic processes of tissues, cells and bones. The iron content in figs is an order of magnitude higher than that in apples.
  3. In addition, the large amount of calcium in the fig provides the body with invaluable benefits. The presence of vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP and E has a positive effect on the beauty of the skin, hair and bone strength.
  4. As a result of the accumulation of beneficial enzymes, the body is less prone to premature aging. The protective membrane of a person, vision, is also noticeably strengthened. A healthy complexion appears. Pectins and coarse fiber are responsible for improving bowel function and preventing the formation of malignant tumors.
  5. Plant (beneficial) cholesterol actively resists the penetration of high-density molecules into blood vessels. The nervous system nourishes and restores omega fatty acids. Glyceric acid actively removes toxic substances and dirt from the pores of the skin.
  6. Figs belong to high-calorie fruits, the presence of proteins and fats is minimal, but carbohydrates make up about 65%. Such indicators are due to the high sugar content in the fig. Therefore, not every person can consume figs.
  7. Fig has the highest calorie content in dried form, per 100 grams. The product accounts for about 240 Kcal. Fresh figs have only 70 Kcal, and canned - about 50 Kcal. In this case, the harm from the fig can manifest itself in rapid weight gain.

The benefits of figs for the body

  1. It has been proven that figs are effective against common viral infections and bronchitis. In order to fully strengthen the immune system and get rid of a number of symptoms, you need to prepare a decoction based on milk and boiled fig. As a result, the cough and possible fever will disappear.
  2. Fresh figs do a great job with asthma. It is recommended to use 1 fruit on an empty stomach. Manipulation is preferably carried out in the early morning. As a result, the patient's general condition is relieved and sputum is excreted without difficulty.
  3. Fig should be eaten by people who suffer from dystrophy or have lost a lot of weight after suffering an ailment. Due to the high nutritional and energy value, the patient will gain the desired mass in a short time. The recommended rate is about 5 fruits per day.
  4. It is scientifically proven that figs prevent the occurrence of cancer abnormalities. The risk of developing malignant tumors is markedly reduced due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition of the fig. In addition, figs are actively opposed to the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  5. With regular consumption of fruits, the body normalizes cholesterol, the work of the cardiovascular system. Figs protect and strengthen the main muscle of a person. Thus, the risk of thrombophlebitis is significantly reduced. Due to the chemical composition of figs, blood is cleaned and liquefied as soon as possible.
  6. Figs are considered an excellent remedy for anemia. Ripe fruits in the shortest possible time struggle with a similar ailment. In addition, figs are recommended for girls during menstruation. The pulp helps to fill the deficiency of iron in full. Fig also copes with chronic constipation.
  7. Figs are a good diuretic, so they recommend eating figs for kidney problems. Also, figs cope with a sense of anxiety, an order of magnitude uplifting and helping to get rid of colossal stress.
  8. In addition to all of the above, fig is used for external use. Gruel from fresh fruits is applied in the form of dressings on a wound, abscess, furunculosis and burn. The composition contains enzymes that have healing properties.
  9. Figs are popular as an effective treatment for toothache and gum disease. In the first case, a piece of fresh pulp will help you. Apply the product to the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected tooth. In the case of gum disease, you need to prepare a decoction based on fig fruits. As a result, the decoction will help in the shortest possible time.
  10. The systematic use of figs or decoction of leaves prevents helminthic intestinal infestations. In addition, the products will heal the skin at the cellular level and strengthen the nail plates, hair. Ripe fruits cope with hangover syndromes, dry mouth and nausea disappear.

  1. In eastern countries, it is customary to serve dried figs to girls as a dessert. Since ancient times, the elders revealed a positive effect of the fruits on the female body. During the menstrual cycle, figs help girls overcome physical ailment.
  2. In addition, the regular consumption of dried fruits stabilizes the state of mind in this difficult period. Currently, experts recommend including figs in the diet for girls who are planning to conceive a child or are already in a position.
  3. Fig positively affects the reproductive function of the female body. Thus, figs will help the fetus to form correctly and without any pathologies. Pregnancy will proceed without complications.
  4. It is scientifically proven that the use of figs after 4 months of pregnancy has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother. Fruits soften contractions, childbirth is much easier. Also, in the first birth, the opening of the uterus occurs without difficulty.

Contraindications to the use of dried figs

  1. Do not forget that dried fruits have the lowest moisture indicator, while in their composition the amount of sugar increases to 75% percent.
  2. The benefits of the product from this are not disappearing, it is recommended to limit the use of figs to people who are overweight and have diabetes.
  3. If you do not have such problems, you should still limit the use of dried figs. Due to the high carbohydrate content, you run the risk of gaining unwanted pounds.

Possible harm to fresh figs

  1. Like any exotic fruit, figs have a number of contraindications for which it is not worth consuming it. Otherwise, existing ailments will only aggravate their course.
  2. It is forbidden to eat figs with ailments associated with the pancreas. The affected gland is unable to break down the high sugar content in the pulp.
  3. It is strongly recommended that you do not use figs in any form with severe diabetes mellitus. A large amount of glucose and fructose can lead to disastrous consequences.
  4. It is worth considering the fact that figs thin the blood. Therefore, if you have poor coagulability, the consumption of fruits in any form is prohibited.
  5. If you suffer from gout, a high content of oxalic acid in figs will provoke urea deposition. As a result, the course of the disease will only worsen.
  6. It is worth limiting the use of figs for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Excess dietary fiber in the form of fiber will only harm the body, without any benefit.
  7. It is forbidden to use figs for any form of obesity. Figs will provoke a quick weight gain, unfortunately, using these fruits is unrealistic to lose weight.

In culinary dishes, figs are often baked with fish and meat. Also, fruits are widely used in various salads and pastries. It is highly recommended that you take special care of such dishes. Otherwise, you can not see how you become the owner of unwanted kilograms. Refuse figs in any form in the severe stages of diabetes and a number of the aforementioned ailments. In other cases, use the fig and improve your health.

Video: what is useful figs

Botanical characteristics of figs

Figs (figs, figs, wine berries) belong to the family Crassulaceae. This is a dioecious fruit deciduous tree. The height of the trunk is on average 10–20 m. The roots of the plant are powerful, woody, rooted deep enough in the soil. Common figs have dioecious flowers collected in inflorescences, which can be spherical, pear-shaped or flattened.

The fruit has a thin skin, is a small achene, located inside a pear-shaped fleshy receptacle, weighs 20–75 g. The fig tree grows in Asia Minor (the plant’s birthplace), is found in the nature of Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Turkey and Central Asia . Figs are grown as a cultivated plant in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Useful properties of figs

The fruits of figs contain sugars, pectin, proteins, fats, malic and citric acids. Anthocyanin glycosides, pantothenic and folic acids are present. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP have a beneficial effect on the body and the functioning of various systems. Carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper are very effective in many diseases - these substances are involved in all processes of the vital organs of the human body.

The leaves of the plant are rich in furocoumarin, psoralen and bergapten. They also found tannins and tarry substances. In addition to ascorbic acid and rutin, there is an essential oil.

Figs have a laxative, diuretic and expectorant effect, lower blood cholesterol, and its omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are necessary for the cardiovascular and nervous system. Also, the plant has anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of figs

Official medicine has long recognized figs as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for many diseases. The fruits of a delicious and healthy fruit are used in the treatment of obstruction of the pulmonary artery, vein thrombosis, to restore the cardiovascular system. The diuretic properties of figs allow its use in diseases of the kidneys, hypertension.

The plant exhibits an expectorant effect for colds, alleviates severe conditions with bronchitis and laryngitis. Decoctions, preserves, boiled figs in milk have a diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Decoction of fig fruits:  2 tablespoons of dried figs are boiled in 1 cup of milk until softened. Take the drug 100 g 2-3 times a day. Such a medicine is recommended for, for gargling, externally in the form of poultices in acute inflammatory formation in the periosteum or connective tissue, abscesses,.

Fig fruits are good for both adults and children. If you need to get rid of boils and, urticaria and ulcers, fresh leaves must be applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The use of fresh fruits is recommended for weakened people who have suffered any disease. Figs can be dried, and in this or fresh form, it is useful in epilepsy. Fruit juice helps to remove sand from the kidneys, heal wounds. You can get rid of warts and birthmarks by applying mashed unripe fruits to the skin.

The ash of fig wood is infused with water and lotions are made with this liquid for inflammation of the nerve. Fig leaves help with hardening of the eyelids and thickening of the membranes of the eyes. The resulting milky juice from figs is used to treat the initial stage of cataracts, and to remove wet shroud. and the trace elements that make up the figs contribute to the production of serotonin - a substance that improves mood and improves well-being. Folic acid is useful for pregnant women, because it is involved in blood-forming processes and supports the immune system. Figs are considered the fruit that is richest in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and fiber. Figs - a leader in the content of minerals, so necessary in the treatment and prevention of heart disease and blood vessels. Calcium has beneficial effects on bones and. Thanks to fiber, the body easily fights cholesterol, gets rid of toxins. Delicious jams, marshmallows, sweets, compotes, wine, vinegar are prepared from fig fruits.

Dried figs

When dried and dried, the fruit has a high concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugar. 100 grams of this valuable product contains three hundred and forty kilocalories, so it is a very nutritious fruit. It is especially recommended to use it for problems with blood vessels and the heart, the enzyme ficin has a beneficial effect on the treatment of thrombosis.

Dried figs are effective as an antipyretic and have a diaphoretic effect. The medicinal fruit acts as a laxative, and the miraculous decoction of dried fig fruits in milk is used for whooping cough, dry cough, and swelling of the vocal cords. Dried fruits today you can buy in any supermarket, you need to choose light yellow fruits. They will fill the body with energy, give strength, cheer up. Figs are used as an antitumor agent, take it when irradiated and anemia.

Figs with cough milk

In folk medicine, with coughing during a cold and with a decoction of fig fruits in milk. The course of treatment should be continued for 10-15 days, the drug will relieve cough and increase the body's resistance to respiratory diseases.

Recipe for figs in milk: to make a healthy drink, you need to take 1.5 liters of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3.2%, pour it into an enameled pan, heat it, place one medium-sized well-washed fresh or dried fruit there, bring to a boil. With the lid tightly closed, the composition should be kept for 0.5 hour on low heat until the volume decreases by about 1/3, then wrap the pan for steaming the figs and leave it until it cools completely: 3-4 hours is enough for the fig to give all its useful properties .

It is necessary to store the product in a jar, tightly closing the capron lid, in the refrigerator. It is impossible to prepare more than 0.5 liters of the drug, on the second day it will thicken, it will be a little malleable.

Calorie Figs

Fresh fig fruits contain up to 24% sugars, dried fruits - from 50 to 77%. The calorie content of dried fruits is 214 Kcal per 100 grams, this is explained by a high sugar content, it is impossible to eat a lot of them, a feeling of fullness quickly arises. If there is an organism's need for sweet foods and at the same time you want to maintain harmony, it is better to use figs. Since one fruit on average contains from 40 to 50 calories and about 2 grams of carbohydrates, it is more useful than any sweets. There is very little fat in the fruits.

Growing figs

Figs are quite exotic plants, not very adapted for living in Russia or in Ukraine. But gardeners learned to grow this culture in the southern regions, even on open ground. The tree likes good lighting. It grows poorly in direct sunlight, prefers moist soil. Parthenocarpy is characteristic of figs - the formation of fruits without fertilization. The deciduous plant as a whole is not very demanding in care, but needs good drainage.

During its development, it is necessary to limit the growth of the root system in order to prevent the growth of branches and trunk in height, otherwise such a tree will produce a small crop. Before planting, it is necessary to clear the soil of weeds, to make mineral fertilizer. Every spring around fig trees should be mulched with rotted manure. After the formation of skeletal branches to obtain a sufficient number of fruit branches, pruning is performed, removing about half of the old fruit branches and shortening them to two leaves. This is done after the first and second harvest.

Fig recipes

Decoction of dry fig fruit in milk:20 g of dry fruit fruit is poured with 1 cup of boiling milk and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. They drink a broth with fruitful arthritis when coughing, bronchial, and tumors.

Decoction of fig fruits:

Recipe number 1: two tablespoons of dry fruit should be poured with one glass of hot water, insisted on a water bath for half an hour in a sealed container, then strain, bring the liquid to its original volume and drink 0.5 cup three times a day before meals.

Recipe number 2: 50 g of dried fruit is required to pour a liter of boiling water and boil on low heat for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the drug at 3 times a day for 1/2 cup along with the crushed fruits.

Infusion of fig leaves:  3 tablespoons of dry leaves (collected before flowering) should be chopped, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 4-5 hours in a thermos. Take the infusion four times a day, 1/2 cup for bronchial asthma, kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Prescription Laxative Balls:  Grind and mix 100 g of figs, 100 g of raisins, 0.5 teaspoon of ground ginger and 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg. From the resulting mixture, we form a sausage and then cut with a knife into circles 1 cm thick. Roll out balls from them and eat 1-2 balls in the morning on an empty stomach with constipation.

Syrup of figs: for its preparation, you need 8 pieces of chopped fruit, pour 250 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, then remove the figs, pour 1 cup sugar and add water to the original volume. Next, cook the mixture until sugar is completely dissolved, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of ginger and pour the liquid into a vessel. You need to drink the drug for adults for 3-4 dessert spoons, for children - 1-2 dessert spoons per day for problems with the digestive tract and.

Fig salad: mix 300 g of figs, 150 g of prunes, 2.5 tablespoons of almonds, 1 cup of acidophilus, orange zest, sugar to taste. Morning salad will help the cardiovascular system.

Figs for weight loss

Vitamins, beta-carotene, minerals, amino acids, pectin, fig enzymes have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. The concentration of nutrients in figs is in the right ratio, this allows them to be well absorbed by the body. There is more potassium in figs than in bananas; it contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach, muscle elasticity, and removes excess fluid from the body. Figs are rich in substances that help reduce hunger.

Fruit grains are a fiber that relieves constipation. All these wonderful properties make figs an indispensable product for weight loss. There are many ways to replace sugar, which is so harmful for overweight people. Using figs with natural sugars, the presence of which is indicated by a white coating on dried fruits (glucose crystals), it is recommended to replace one of the meals with two to three fruits several times a week.

However, no more food should be consumed. Many fruits cannot be eaten, otherwise the result will be the opposite. Fruit helps restore strength, fills with energy. With the help of figs, the effect that acts badly on the body during weight loss is noticeably reduced.

Fig fruit

Depending on the variety, fig fruits can have either yellow or black-blue color. But most often you can see the yellow-green pear-shaped fruits the size of a walnut. Unripe fruits contain milky juice, very sharp in taste. Ripe fruits are overflowed with small seeds, taste from sugary to moderately sweet, since they contain fructose and glucose, malic and citric acids. The usefulness of the fruit is determined by the presence of salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins A, B and C.

Carotenoids, pectin, enzymes, minerals, proteins and fats are stored in dried fruits, and their concentration in this form of fruit increases. Before use, the peel of a dried fruit is better to remove or soak in water, because it is highly rigid. The water in which the figs were soaked has healing properties, as minerals and fruit sugar pass into it, so you can drink it.

Varieties of figs

There are a large number of varieties of figs. Dried fruit varieties include:

Gray early

Brunswick (chapla)


Crimean black


Sochi - 4




The variety allows you to choose the best of the best varieties, they all have excellent characteristics, bear fruit well and do not require special care.

Nikitsky flavor variety, used for the preparation of dried fruits, preserves, and for fresh consumption.

Braunschweig fig varietyit has very large fruits, differs in the color of the peel, it can be bluish-purple or dark brown. The pulp is juicy, white or with a pink color.

Magnolia also has large fruits, their skin is amber, the variety is used for canning.

Corderia has pear-shaped fruits, large with a yellowish-greenish tint. The pulp is amber, juicy and very sweet. This kind of fig is common in dry areas.

San Pedro is white - it can produce two crops: one gives fruits with a shiny, yellow peel like a lemon, from the second crop you can collect fruits greenish with a hint of sea water, with red flesh, like strawberries, juicy, incredibly tasty and fragrant.

San pedro black  also gives two crops: one, with large-sized fruits, used for fresh consumption, the second, with small fruits, used for drying.

Smirnensky gradehas average pear-shaped fruits. The skin is brownish-purple, sometimes greenish, the flesh is brownish-pink.

Figs during pregnancy

It is important for every woman during pregnancy to eat right, replenish the body with vitamins and other useful elements that positively affect the development of the fetus. Figs are one of the most essential ingredients in the diet of expectant mothers. Women will get vitamin C, folic acid, proteins, potassium, calcium, iron in a sufficient amount, consuming at least 2-3 fig trees daily.

In order not to gain weight, sweets lovers can use figs as a substitute for sweets. Figs satisfy hunger, natural sugar is not harmful to mother and child. Consultation of a doctor, of course, in this matter will not be superfluous, since pregnant women with a diagnosis of "gestational" figs can be harmful.

Fig leaves

Many today eat the fruits of this tree, but knowing the strength of the leaves, they can be used to treat many ailments. The leaves of figs are also edible, they help with diabetes, are effective in lowering the level. Fig leaves are a popular natural remedy for stomach ulcers. A decoction of dry fig leaves is drunk with, dysentery, colitis.

Infusion of fig leaves:  1 tablespoon of dry chopped leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour and taken in 1/3 or 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. You can make an infusion of fruit in milk.

Fresh fig leaves are used for the rapid maturation of boils. Decoctions of leaves treat cough, bronchial asthma, kidneys.

Fig black

Black figs are incredibly useful; official medicine recognizes its healing properties. Eating one fruit daily for a month, you can reduce the likelihood of sclerotic plaques, blood clots. The beneficial substances of figs affect the functioning of the brain and capillaries. Essential oils enrich the blood with oxygen, the fruit is recommended for people with mental labor, creative personalities. Black figs are good to use in inflammatory processes in the larynx, kidneys, and urolithiasis.

This fruit also helps with bronchitis. Due to the presence of salts of potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, it is excellent for complex therapy for cardiovascular disorders, anemia. This is one of the most excellent folk remedies, which must be included in the diet of older people, a real elixir of youth, which will fill the energies, give strength. Black figs contain ficin, which can cleanse blood vessels, gives them strength and elasticity.

Recipe number 1: thoroughly knead a glass of warm milk 4-5 pieces of fig fruits. Take the drug in 0.5 cups 2–4 times a day for bronchitis, tracheitis.

Recipe number 2: you need to boil on a slow fire in 1 glass of water 3-5 pieces of figs for 5 minutes, then knead and grind. Take a decoction during the day before meals, dividing into equal portions. The tool helps crush stones and removes them from the kidneys and bladder.

Black figs combined with almonds are an excellent way to increase weight with strong weight loss and loss of appetite.

Contraindications to the use of figs

Figs are contraindicated in pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The ban on the consumption of fig fruits applies to diseases such as enteritis, obesity. Since oxalic acid is present in figs, it is also contraindicated for people prone to gallstones.

Expert Editor: Kuzmina Vera Valerevna  | Nutritionist, endocrinologist

Education:  Diploma of Russian State Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, specialty "General Medicine" (2004). Residency at Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in "Endocrinology" (2006).

Click n. 2.2 - a complete set of competent combinations for a healthy menu.

And do not forget to check the rules for choosing quality dried fruits - item No. 4.

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Composition and calorie content

Calorie content and glycemic index of about 250 kcal per 100 grams and average GI \u003d 47-55, comparable with fresh cranberries, persimmons and kiwi.

The chemical composition largely repeats fresh fruits, but in different concentrations. In dried figs, in comparison with fresh figs, there are about 3 times more sugars and 4-5 times more dietary fiber. This makes him a profitable participant in nutrition for at least two purposes - stable intestinal function and fast delivery of glucose to the brain and muscles.

Convenient infographics will help evaluate the nutritional value of dried figs:

Benefits for the body

Fiber as a leader in dietary fiber content among popular dried fruits ( up to 10% of dry weight!), figs perfectly copes with intestinal toning and is useful for hypotonic constipation. Today, this is the most common version of the problem with cleansing - due to the lack of a fractional diet and inactivity.

Vitamin neuroprotectors group B. Among them, B1 is most interesting, which is extremely important for most functions of the nervous system and cannot be synthesized in the body.

Potassium is one of the basic minerals for maintaining water-salt balance, rhythmic heart function and a healthy mass of bones and muscles.

Magnesium is a valuable element for the body, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including the formation of ATP. Harmony in the work of the nervous system, in the state of the heart and blood vessels, in the stable intestinal motility and outflow of bile - everywhere there is a direct merit of magnesium.

Calcium is a mineral that is needed daily to maintain skeletal bone density. Some other mineral salts, including phosphorus (up to 5%). There is also a little iron in figs, although it is poorly absorbed in a non-heme form, which is worth understanding for yourself once and for all with raptures about the presence of iron in plant foods.

What antioxidants are there in dried figs?

There is almost no vitamin C in dried figs, but with the right technology, dry fruits contain a whole set of bioflavonoids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Catechins and epicatechins - to protect the body from the growth of cancer cells. Rutin - to strengthen blood vessels. Syringic and gallic acids - for the harmony of intestinal microflora, including due to the bactericidal effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

What is the use of dried figs for women

  Exploring this issue, you can not ignore the topics of weight loss and pregnancy. High calorie content and an abundance of sugars are not suitable for protein diets. However, as part of a balanced diet, figs will be of great help.

If you are on a fractional calorie diet when losing weight,  then the best place for a sweet snack every other day (!) - lunch (until 12:00):

  • Figs are convenient to take with you to work and not look like a "black sheep", replacing them with sweets for a snack in the office;
  • Sugar, B vitamins, magnesium and fiber will provide quick thinking, stability of emotions and stable intestinal motility;
  • An adequate limitation is 3 dry fruits (about 80 grams), which can be entered even in sharply reduced daily calories.

During pregnancy, against the background of general health and normal weight, you can use up to 4 fruits per day, 3-5 times a week.

How to eat and what to combine

The best time for a meal with figs is in the morning.

Dried figs, like all dried fruits, are not a product that should be carried away by eating a dozen pieces daily.

However, to benefit from figs without harm to the body is easy enough. Let's look at the best combinations.

For good absorption of vitamin C and strengthening the vascular walls

Add soaked figs to winter salads with shredded cabbage, carrots and apples, or eat 1/2 grapefruit and 2-3 dried fruits at the beginning of breakfast.

For a beneficial complex of pectins, vitamin D and calcium

Add chopped soaked figs to the curd or beat the curd mixture in a blender.

How to diversify a healthy diet with figs:

  • We master a simple nut-fig paste - for spreading on biscuit cookies or plates of fresh apples: nuts + figs in equal proportions and a little lemon juice. This pasta is an excellent base for homemade sweets or a layer in cakes without baking.
  • After cooking on the fire, add large slices of dried fruit to the granola and cereal. This gives piquancy to delicate cereals - oatmeal and rice.
  • In a smoothie for a blender, figs can easily replace a sweet banana and make friends with any ingredients.
  • Of meat dishes, it is best suited to poultry and lamb - in sauces and stuffing when stuffing. However, we take into account: during heat treatment, a part of valuable substances is lost, including coarse fibers.

Dried Fruit Mix Recipe for the Heart

  A high concentration of sugars, potassium and vitamin C - continuous health for the heart and blood vessels, normalization of immunity and stress resistance.

How to cook: in equal proportions, mix soaked dried fruits. You can choose from dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes. Add walnuts, honey, lemon juice and twist in a blender until smooth.

Additional Ingredients: Citrus Zest, Other Nuts. For allergies to honey, we use a third more than the sweetest dried fruit - figs and dates.

How to use

We eat 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Possible harm and contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Strictly limit (2-3 pieces at a time, every other day):

  • With type 2 diabetes and obesity;
  • With pathologies of pregnancy;
  • In acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The unsightly nuances of production also determine the potential harm to dried fruit. Tips on how to get around these pitfalls are below.

How to choose the right

Unfortunately, dried figs are not without the “charms” of industrial processing. Sulfur dioxide, unsanitary conditions, smoking with liquid smoke, boiling water with caustic soda, gasoline burners, and almost "harmless" treatment with glycerin and cheap oil against this background - for the "selling beauty of the product." Alas, unhealthy technology awaits us on any counter with dried fruits.

How to choose high-quality figs from the mountain of "cats in a poke"?
  • Color and surface: light beige fig without gloss. Let's say frosted sugar coating.
  • Shape, size and texture :   slightly flattened fruits, approximately the same size, amenable to finger pressure when tested for softness.
  • We smell and taste, for which we go to the market. Norma is a sweet, full-bodied, noticeably crispy taste and lack of gasoline odor. Figs chew without titanic efforts. If the taste is salty, sour, damp - the product is spoiled. At the same time, we take into account that unwashed dried fruits are a risk of introducing an intestinal infection. Grab a bottle of water!
  • When purchasing in a supermarket, we first study and rely on the brand.
  • With a special need for environmental friendliness, we buy in online stores: expensive brands from small manufacturers, owners of which are enthusiasts of healthy lifestyle or alternative nutrition systems.

How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits?

  • Soak thoroughly - in cold (!) Water. The first time is for 30 minutes. Then we drain the water and a second time - for another 15 minutes, after which I wash it in warm running water, picking the fruits with my hands individually. This removes the remains of ordinary dirt (pieces of earth, sand, etc.), which can stick to figs during drying and transportation.

Dry yourself instead of buying

There are two ways to benefit from figs without harm to health:

  • We take risks with the purchase, carefully studying the fruits according to the characteristics described above;
  • We dry ourselves - in an electric dryer. This is especially true for residents of the southern regions, where they manage to deliver fresh fruits without spoilage.

Qualitatively, tasty, fast and cheaper - fair epithets for the results of the electric dryer.

Choose figs for drying

Any fruit can be dried with benefit. But the perfect variety is still white, or honey. Light, in a golden peel, with a yellowish flesh, 4-5 cm in diameter (smaller fruits are more sweet). An important nuance of a successful variety is a large number of seeds. The fewer seeds, the worse the variety.

When deciding to purchase an apparatus, it is worth paying attention to models with a wide temperature range, ranging from 33-35 degrees and the most ergonomic square shape of pallets. Relative disadvantages of home drying - the time spent on the process and one-time investments in the purchase of the device. But how much time and money do steal from our past illnesses - because of the dangerous choice of products? A rhetorical question for personal reflection.

How to store at home

Dried figs require a cool (0-10 degrees) and dry (!) Place. Place it in a glass jar lined with a thin cotton cloth from the inside and close tightly.

A good storage option for good air circulation - linen bags, in suspension. Choose it for a party that you eat in a couple of months. The disadvantage of this method is that when the temperature rises, pests easily start. You can also use paper bags that prevent insects from entering.

We will be glad if the detailed story about dried figs was informative for you. The benefits of figs are great when we can circumvent potential harm, choose the right culinary combinations and reasonably limit the amount of sweet product.

Thank you for the article (8)

Figs are an ancient plant, which is also called fig, wine berry and fig. The benefits and harms to the body have been studied in detail, and we’ll talk about them today. It has long been believed that it is more proper to dry fruits. Although in many countries, figs are consumed fresh. So it is possible to extract maximum value and decently strengthen health. But, first things first.

Composition of figs

Fresh figs are eaten exclusively in ripe form. Before studying the benefits and harms of the body, let's look at the most valuable composition:

  • natural saccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • protein compounds;
  • fatty unsaturated and saturated acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • pectin;
  • tocopherols;
  • beta carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • b vitamins (almost all);
  • vitamin A
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

The calorie content of fresh figs is 49 Kcal, and dried - 257 Kcal.

The benefits of fresh figs for the body

1. Fruits are saturated with antioxidants, which together with ascorbic acid cleanse the body and restore the immune system. Figs need to be used by people with low immunity.

2. The composition contains a lot of B vitamins, including pantothenic and folic acids, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine, etc. All of them are necessary for the nervous system to prevent breakdowns and insomnia against stress.

3. Figs tightens bone tissue, but its benefits and harms for the body depend on the indications for use. If there are joint pain, problems with the spine and other ailments of such a plan, the fruits are introduced into the menu along with medications.

4. Minerals ensure the correct activity of the heart muscle. They are also responsible for the composition of the blood and hemoglobin. Figs should be consumed by people with anemia or a tendency to anemia. Fresh fruits are indicated for diabetics.

5. The consumption of figs for a long time condenses the walls of the blood channels, dilutes the blood, and prevents the development of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. It is especially appreciated by pregnant women.

6. Due to the ability to normalize the water-salt balance, edema disappears. Excess fluid leaves the body, figs are eaten with heavy legs syndrome. Also, the fruits excrete cholesterol no worse than medications.

7. It should be noted a positive effect on the digestive tract. Due to its enveloping properties, fresh fruits are prescribed for people with gastritis. They are used in combination with olive oil.

8. Fig is especially appreciated in the world of cosmetology. Figs, namely its benefits and harms in this material are considered not only for the body. External use for cosmetic purposes enhances the production of collagen, the skin tightens and whitens.

The benefits of dried figs

1. Fig, dried, concentrates all the same substances, but with one difference. The fruits have more natural saccharides and less water, so the use of dried figs will have a beneficial effect on mental activity. The benefits and harms in this matter are relative, since the fruits will be harmful to the diabetic organism. Dried figs will benefit everyone else.

2. In this form, the fruits concentrate a lot of dietary fiber. They are simply necessary for people with gastrointestinal diseases. In case of an ulcer or gastritis, they use figs filled with warm milk. This tool envelops the mucous membranes and prevents irritation.

3. Due to the incoming iron in a large volume, the blood composition improves and hemoglobin rises. Daily consumption of dried figs for a month will cope with a low hemoglobin level no worse than purchased directed syrups.

4. Dried fruits are endowed with antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties. A decoction based on them will help bring down the temperature in an adult or a child without resorting to medications. In addition, such a drink acts as a means of preventing influenza and SARS during seasonal epidemics.

5. There is more dietary fiber in dried figs than in fresh figs. Therefore, it is necessary to consume fruits daily if you suffer from constipation or severe slagging and pollution with toxins. In combination with pectin, fiber gently cleanses the digestive tract.

6. Figs in dried form are recommended for people who work mentally. We will consider the benefits and harms to the body in this matter. It's all about stimulating neurons, which enhances cognitive function. It is easier for a person to endure overstrain, he is not subjected to moral exhaustion and stress.

7. It is impossible not to touch upon valuable qualities for the liver. Categories of people who cannot eat properly need to drink tea on dried figs. Such a drink promotes the outflow of bile, enhances the cleansing of the liver and restores its structure.

8. The beneficial effect affects the heart. With a recent heart attack, it is necessary to ensure early scarring of the heart muscle and relieve stress. Dried fig or tea based on it copes with the task and normalizes heart rate.

9. No wonder the dried figs are called the dried fruit of happiness. It contributes to the production of serotonin, as a result, the psycho-emotional environment improves and stress disappears.

The benefits of figs for children

1. In the absence of contraindications, children must eat figs. It is especially useful for schoolchildren and preschoolers who are just starting to learn the world and often get tired mentally. In this case, it is necessary to alternate the intake of dried and fresh figs.

2. Now let's talk about figs, or rather, its benefits and harm to the body of a child, prone to weight loss. Fresh fig stimulates the production of gastric juice, therefore, increases appetite. The baby's craving for food is restored.

3. Due to the fact that dried figs act as an excellent source of energy, it is necessary to treat the child with it. For the formation of bone tissue and the prevention of rickets, figs are used fresh.

4. Be sure to consider the positive effect on the nervous system, which is not yet fully formed. To make the baby less naughty, sleep better and better tolerate stress, he is treated to tea from dried figs.

5. Drinks are given to those children who, from birth, suffer from low immunity. To protect the child from attacks of viruses during the season change or when moving, tea with figs is introduced into his diet.

The benefits of figs for pregnant women

1. Figs have their own benefit and harm to the body of a woman who is in a ticklish position. In the absence of contraindications, the fruit must be consumed in order to ensure the correct formation of the fetus in the womb.

2. Pregnant ladies often suffer from constipation, fig will eliminate such a delicate problem and improve the absorption of food. This will make it possible to control body weight while carrying the baby.

3. Do not forget that during pregnancy, taking medications is not the best option. Therefore, it is worth studying figs, its benefits and harms. The fruits are useful for the body, as they help to cope with coughs and colds without any problems.

4. Due to its natural origin, figs do not negatively affect the body, but at the same time helps to recover faster. In addition, with proper consumption, fresh fruits will save you from extra pounds.

5. In order not to encounter problems, consult a doctor before including the product in the diet. If there are no contraindications, you will not only strengthen your body well, but also improve the quality and fat content of milk during lactation.

The benefits of figs for women

1. Fresh figs are equated with products that can prolong youth. From time immemorial, healers have studied the benefits and harms of figs to the body.

2. The bottom line is that it has an excellent antioxidant effect. This effect is achieved due to the presence of vitamins A, C, E and minerals in the form of zinc, selenium.

3. Figs effectively cleanses the epidermis and promotes better cell regeneration. Modern cosmetic companies produce a lot of different products based on fig extracts.

4. Masks for hair and face, which are based on fig, are very popular among the fair sex. Means perfectly restore and nourish the skin, eliminating defects.

5. In addition to cosmetic properties, the systematic eating of fresh fruits in moderation increases working capacity, eliminates stress and helps to fully relax.

6. Using a fig, you can lose weight much more comfortably. A small number of fruits will muffle the feeling of hunger and still burn extra pounds. If you abuse figs, you can, on the contrary, quickly get fat.

The benefits of figs for men

1. Regular intake of figs will strengthen the whole body. Some elements in the composition of the fruits have a positive effect on the reproductive system. In their role are amino acids, zinc, manganese and magnesium. However, the benefits and harms to the body are mixed.

2. The problem is that if you neglect the daily norm, the product provokes a sharp jump in glucose in the blood. Soon, if you continue to eat figs in large quantities, this can lead to certain health problems.

3. Fresh figs help fight even premature ejaculation. Natural composition increases libido and stamina. Figs prevent diseases of the genitourinary system and eliminate all inflammatory processes.

4. Due to the abundance of potassium, the male body is less susceptible to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to some enzymes in humans, blood pressure normalizes, the body is cleansed of harmful cholesterol and slagging.

Harm and contraindications of figs

Before incorporating fig into your diet, consider the following contraindications:

  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus (consultation required);
  • pancreatitis
  • gastritis in acute form;
  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy.

If you do not have such health problems, you can safely enjoy healthy fruits.

Figs are no longer an exotic fruit. It can be purchased without problems during the fruiting season. The benefits and harms of figs are not unknown. Therefore, with regular consumption and the absence of contraindications, the fruits will bring only benefits to the body.