Whole plum preservation: aromatic preparation for the winter. Step-by-step recipes for preserving plums with photos

15.09.2019 Lean dishes

I bring to your attention a recipe for pickled plums without sterilization for the winter. For cooking, it is advisable to use the Ugorka plum variety (Vengerka), then pickled plums like olives, or olives, are smooth, shiny, tasty and fragrant. Note that the fruits must be solid and unripe, otherwise they will not keep their shape and burst, turn into plum puree.

Marinate stone fruits need 3 days. But do not be alarmed; your constant presence in the kitchen is not required. Twice a day (morning and evening), just pour the marinade from the sink, bring it to a boil and pour it back. Only on the 3rd day, fruits can finally be rolled up in turnkey cans.

On the palate, pickled plums with cloves, cinnamon, star anise and bay leaves are incomparable! Juicy, soaked in sweet and sour syrup, with a tantalizing aroma - a fairy tale!

Total cooking time: 3 days
  Cooking time: 30 minutes
  Yield: 1 liter


  • plum - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • 9% vinegar - 100 ml
  • sugar - 300 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • star anise - 1 pc.
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • black pepper - 10 pcs.
  • cinnamon - 1/2 sticks

Pickled plums are the best recipe!

For canning, I select dense and elastic plums, discard soft ones with a wormhole. I rinse and let dry. Then I prick each fruit with a fork in 1-2 places, deep, almost to the bone. I shift the plums in a bowl or in an enameled pan, where they will be pickled. Bones do not need to be removed. Take the fork with sharp teeth so that it does not tear, but pierces the skin.

Now the most important point is the preparation of the marinade. I measure out 200 ml of water and 100 ml of vinegar (table, 9%). Add sugar, salt and spices: bay leaf, cinnamon, star anise, cloves, black pepper. I put it on fire, bring it to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Pour plums with hot marinade. So that they do not crack, the marinade should not be boiling and not taken directly from the stove, but slightly cooled, but hot - 80-90 degrees. In a circular motion, gently shake the bowl so that all the plums dip into the hot marinade. I cover the bowl with a lid and leave it in this form for 10-12 hours in a cool place (after cooling it can be transferred to the refrigerator).

The next day, pour the marinade into the pan. I bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 5 minutes and again pour the plum with hot marinade. Again I leave to marinate for 10-12 hours.

In general, I repeat the procedure for 3 days, morning and evening. With each insistence, the plum will let out more and more juice and color the syrup in a beautiful ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.

On the last, third day, I proceed to sunset. To do this, sterilize the jars and boil the lids. I spread pickled plums in jars. Please note that I remove all spices except bay leaf and peppercorns. The thing is that star anise, cinnamon and cloves have already given their taste and aroma to plums, if they are left, their presence will be too intrusive and strong. Pour jars filled to the top with boiling (!) Marinade to the very top and tightly seal the lids. I turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it in this form until it cools completely.

It turns out about 1 liter of delicious pickled plums and a small portion "per sample". I usually have a marinade - this time half a glass remained unclaimed. Do not rush to pour it. Marinade can be boiled until the sauce is thick and served with meat. And plum syrup is perfect for pickling pears: add halves or quarters, and then cook in the same way as plums. If there is a lot of syrup left (plums were juicy), then preserve it separately in sterile jars and leave it to be stored on the refrigerator shelf until winter to use for cooking meat, watering the bird during baking, as well as for dressing salads.

Preservation should be kept in a dark and cool place for no more than 1 year, but, as a rule, delicious stocks run out much faster. Serve plums in the same cases as olives. Try, for example, a combination with cheeses like gorgonzola - divinely delicious! Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments!

From the editors: Two more pickled plum recipes

Pickled Plum "Diner"

Quick recipe, very tasty and easy. Such a pickled plum is indispensable if a meeting of guests has already been scheduled, and time is short.

Ingredients and Preparation:

  • plum eel 1/2 kg
  • olive oil 100 g
  • wine vinegar 3 tsp
  • provencal herbs 1 tbsp. l
  • allspice 4 peas
  • ground black and red pepper to taste
  • mustard seeds 1 tbsp. l
  • coriander seeds 1 tsp
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 2 sprigs of cilantro
  • salt pinch
  1. We clear the washed plum from stones, cut into 4 parts.
  2. Grind the spices and pour olive oil.
  3. In the container that we put in the refrigerator, put the plums, pour oil with spices, mix so that the tastes and aromas are evenly distributed.
  4. We fall asleep with finely chopped greens, close and put in the refrigerator for a day. The next day we try and treat.

Pickled Garlic Plums

You can marinate a plum by putting garlic and spices on the bottom of the jar, or you can make it even more interesting by stuffing with garlic each plum. The number of spices is conditional - add to your taste. The same goes for salt and sugar.

Ingredients and Preparation:

  • plum 2 kg
  • garlic 1-2 heads
  • bay leaf 4 pcs.
  • red hot pepper 1/4 pod
  • cloves 8 pcs.
  • allspice 8 pcs.

For marinade (per 1 liter of water):

  • vinegar 6% 75 ml
  • salt 1 tsp
  • sugar 100-150 g

Yield: 4 cans of 0.7 L each

  1. We prepare jars. At the bottom of each we distribute the cloves of garlic, bay leaf, cloves and other spices. We put plums on top, pierced in several places with a toothpick, we try more tightly.
  2. Fill the plum with boiling water, cover with lids, let cool for about 15 minutes, pour the water from the cans into the pan and bring to a boil. Again, pour the plum in the jars with boiling water from the pan, again cool and boil. Repeat again. For the third time, we prepare marinade from drained water.
  3. Fill the cans with boiling marinade, immediately roll up, turn over and wrap it with a warm cloth.

P. S. If you want to stuff the plums with garlic, make cuts in the plum on one side, remove the seeds and put a few plates of garlic in their place. Everything else is according to the scheme.

Fruits and berries


Canned plums  - This is a very tasty and healthy treat that is liked by both adults and children. Due to the fact that these fruits are canned whole, they retain their juiciness and most of the beneficial elements. So, the advantage of canned plums is that they retain a large amount of vitamins C, B and E, as well as some trace elements, such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Often, along with plums, tomatoes and garlic are covered, which makes a very original and tasty snack for the winter. And if you close plums with seeds, then such a preparation for the winter will be more juicy and tasty, and also will not lose the useful components that make up its composition.

The calorie content of canned plums is very low: only 41 kcal per 100 grams of product. Thanks to this, you can safely eat such yummy, without worrying about your figure.

According to this recipe, you can close almost any sort of plums, and then decorate the cake with them, add to the filling and just eat the whole, not forgetting to take out the bones. In addition, you can make stewed fruit by combining immediately a snack and a drink.

Our detailed step-by-step recipe with photo recommendations will tell you about how to properly prepare canned plums for the winter at home, just remember to stock up on the necessary ingredients, as well as allocate some free time.



    First, prepare the necessary amount of plums that you are going to close for the winter. Rinse them thoroughly and soak in cold water for half an hour so that they remain elastic even after canning. Be sure to rinse the fruits in water with care, and also filter out excess debris and foliage!

    The washed plums can be left on a towel so that they dry out a little, and then put in three-liter jars. Do not try to ram the fruit too tightly so as not to crush them.  Let them lie freely, but do not reach the very neck of the can.

    Boil water in a pan, let it boil for a few minutes, and then fill it with cans with plums for ten to fifteen minutes. Cover them, but do not roll them up yet, and wait for the plums to infuse.

    In order to drain the water, you need to find a special lid with holes, with which you can drain the water from the cans without burning at the same time, and not allowing the drains to fall out.

    Then prepare the rest of the ingredients, namely citric acid and sugar. For one three-liter jar you will need 2.5 cups of sugar and a bag of citric acid.

    Place all loose ingredients in a jar with plums, and then begin to boil a portion of water drained earlier from the jar, which you will subsequently fill in with your preservation.

    While the water is boiling, the lids should be sterilized. To do this, boil another portion of water in a small stewpan, lower the lids into it and after two minutes remove it.

    Pour boiling water into the bottles with plums, after which you can begin to roll them up with lids. After that, it will be necessary to turn the cans upside down, cover with a warm blanket and let stand until cool, after which the canned tasty plums for the winter will be ready for use.

    Bon Appetit!

Many housewives, having gathered a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information on how to prepare plums for the winter. A huge number of preparations can be prepared from beautiful plums, we will focus on the most popular, easy and simple recipes that any housewife can cook.

Credit: www.winiary.pl

1. Dry (plump) plum

How to dry plums? Unique prunes in the kitchen always come in handy. Sun-dried plums contain many vitamins, various microelements, and antioxidants. The beneficial substances contained in the composition inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Such a healthy fruit must be prepared for the winter.

To plum properly and well dried, select only the most ripe fruits that fall from the tree or are ready to fall. Not all varieties are successful for drying; Hungarian and plums with a high content of sucrose and pectin are most suitable. An important condition for obtaining good prunes is the presence of dense pulp, well-removed bones when pressed, the content of pectin and sugar in high quantities.

Healthy plums are selected, bones are removed, then the fruits need to be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dipped in cold and removed, allowing to dry a little, remove excess fluid with napkins. To make the prunes shiny and dark, plums are soaked in honey syrup (two parts of boiling water are taken for one part of honey) for 3-5 minutes.

  Credit: ogorodko.ru

It is possible to dry in the open air, in the sun or use a special dryer, gas or electric oven. To dry in the sun, cream is spread on a tray or baking sheet in one layer, periodically turning over. The time spent in sunlight is 4-5 days, at night you need to bring it into the room so that the fruit does not become damp. After the dew has dried, they are put out again. After the specified time, prunes should be removed in the shade for drying for several days (usually 3-4).

When the prune is ready, when pressed, no liquid should be released, it should be resilient, not crumble in your hands. Ready-made dried fruits are usually added to meat dishes, used for baking, preparing various desserts or spicing up salads.

2. Freeze the fruits correctly

Plum can be frozen to enjoy a natural taste in winter or to cook compote according to the recipe, to complement a delicious dessert, to bake a cake, etc. For freezing, dense varieties are used, with a high percentage of sugar content and a thick peel, where the internal seed is easily separated. The Hungarian and the Kuban legend showed their qualities in freezing simply superbly, after thawing they retained their natural taste and shape.

The selected cream is washed thoroughly, but not overexposed in water, then dried and bone removed, cut into two parts. Also freeze holistic, if necessary for culinary affairs in the winter. Plum is packaged in plastic bags or containers in one layer, sent to the freezer.

  Credit: canalblog.com

After an hour or two, they check if the plums are seized and hardened, cleaned for a long freeze, folding the entire plum into bags and containers made of plastic. If you place all the available plums immediately in a bag and freeze, it will be difficult to take fruits in the winter, so the fruits will be easily separated from each other. The storage temperature of the drains in the freezer is -16 ° ... -18 ° C, under such conditions the product is stored for up to six months.

3. Cooking plum juice

The recipe for making juice is very easy, it will not cause trouble for novice cooks. All beneficial elements are retained in plum juice, including insoluble pectin. To make juice from plums, take 2 kg of fresh fruit, 0.4-0.5 l of filtered pure water and 100 g of granulated sugar.

  Credit: simplepurebeauty.com

Only ripe and overripe plums are taken, which must be washed and removed. Put the plum in the pan, add the water, heat it to a temperature of +75 ° ... + 80 ° C. Remove from heat, let stand a little to soften the drain, then wipe the fruit through a sieve or use a juicer.

In the resulting thick consistency, pour water from the pan in which the fruits were, add granulated sugar and put it on the stove again. We are waiting for the juice to warm up to a temperature of +85 ° С and pour it into previously prepared containers (jars, glass bottles), roll up. To adjust the saturation of the juice, reduce or increase the amount of water at your discretion, so you will achieve the desired consistency and sweetness.

4. Making delicious plum marshmallow and sweet marmalade

To prepare plum pastille, you need 1 kg of freshly picked fruits and some vegetable oil. First, liquid puree is cooked by analogy with the recipe for making juice from plums, then it is laid out in a saucepan (only not in aluminum) and boiled until the volume is halved.

  Credit: ogorodko.ru

The mass of plums is cooled, laid out on baking sheets, trays, etc., pre-covering the bottom of the form with parchment greased with oil. The mass layer should not be more than 2 cm. The plum mass packaged in forms is sent to the oven with an inside temperature of +80 ° ... + 90 ° C. An important point in the preparation of the pastille is the slightly open oven door, otherwise the output product will be simply baked. An approximate recipe for cooking pastila in the oven is 3-4 hours.

When the mashed potatoes are sufficiently compacted and cease to stick to the fingers, the marshmallow from the plums is ready. The finished pastille is taken out of the oven, cut into wide strips (along with parchment), put in glass jars and put in the refrigerator for storage.

To make marmalade from plums, you need 1 kg of plum puree and 500-600 g of sugar. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which they spread the mashed potatoes, put on a small fire and constantly stir until the mass ceases to stick to the bottom. At this point, during the cooking process, the volume will be reduced by half.

  Credit: www.italianfoodforever.com

Be sure to try the resulting mass until you reach the consistency of chewing candy. If the puree is still quite viscous and easy to eat, boil until the desired viscosity is obtained.

Parchment is lined in prepared containers, marmalade from plums is distributed with a layer of no more than 2 cm, left to cool, dry in a dry room for a couple of days. After 2-3 days, marmalade will be easily separated from parchment paper, cut into pieces, dip in sugar. Store homemade plum marmalade in a sealed dry container.

5. Pickled plum - add spice to your dishes

Not every housewife shows up pickled plums in the kitchen, this product is not so popular, but in vain. Plum in the marinade will not only decorate dishes for the festive table, but will also give an unusual taste to meat or side dishes.

For the recipe you will need 5 kg of plums, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 250 ml of wine vinegar, 20 g of bay leaf, 10 g of cloves. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon or allspice can be used in the recipe as desired.

  Credit: www.lovefoodeat.com

Plum is placed in a container in small layers, pouring each of them with seasonings. Marinade is separately prepared - 250 ml of wine vinegar is taken, the indicated amount of granulated sugar (do not be afraid of a thick consistency) is mixed, put on a flame and simmer until the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous composition is obtained. The resulting hot, almost boiling syrup is poured onto the plums. The plums may not completely cover, the plum juice will fill the voids after a while, so do not worry. Leave to cool for a day.

After 24 hours, the plums are carefully separated from the marinade and the procedure is repeated. Over the next three days, put on the stove, bring to a boil, then pour again and leave to cool. Drain and boil the marinade preferably twice a day (morning and evening), but it is allowed by prescription and one.

Five days later, the fruits are laid out in pre-prepared clean jars (necessarily sterilized), add spices and pour boiling marinade to the very edge of the jars, clog or roll up. Pickled plums will not only diversify the festive table, but will also become a delicious treat for guests.

6. We make jam and jam for the whole family

Tasty plum jam will not only be a great treat for tea on a frosty winter evening, but will also serve as a great filling for various pastry delights, especially in combination with apples, chocolate, lemon. After harvesting the plums, be sure to make a couple of jars of jam! There are a lot of preserves, we will focus on an unusual option, very fragrant and unsurpassed in taste, a treat will surely appeal to children and adults.

  Credit: www.panbagnato.com

To make chocolate plum jam, according to the recipe, take 2 kg of washed fresh plums, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 40-45 g of cocoa powder and 40 g of vanilla sugar. Plum with a dense pulp is cut into two parts, the seed is extracted, 0.5 kg of sugar is poured, carefully mixed, trying not to crush, left for 24 hours in a cool room to exit the juice.

After a day, add the remaining sugar, pour vanilla, as well as cocoa powder and put on low heat. With gentle movements, drain the plum and cook for 50-60 minutes. For each type of plum, the cooking time may differ, also the ripeness of the fruit affects the duration of the process - the more ripe, the faster it will boil. As soon as the plum jam is prepared, transfer the product to the jars and roll it up.

Plum jam is prepared using a different technology and differs from jam by the consistency, which has a jelly-like structure. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of plum, 1 kg of sugar, 2.5 g of citric acid, 125 ml of purified drinking water. The bones from the plums are removed, cut into 4 parts, laid in an enameled saucepan, pour boiling water. Then stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes on a rather low fire.

After they begin to add granulated sugar in small portions and cook another 35-40 minutes, removing the resulting foam. At the end of cooking, pour a lemon, let it boil for one minute and pour it into jars to twist. Jam will differ not only in taste, but also in a beautiful iridescent color.

7. Unusual plum wine - a luxury drink to the table

For plum wine, 10 kg pitted plums, 4.7 kg granulated sugar and 1 liter of filtered water are taken according to the recipe. Prepared fruits cut into 2 parts are placed in a glass jar (bottle), pour water, granulated sugar and left in a warm room for 3-4 days, not forgetting to cover the neck with gauze.

  Credit: ogorodko.ru

When the fermentation process begins, a water shutter is installed on the bottle or a medical glove is put on in the old manner, having made one or two punctures in the fingers, left for fermentation for 25-30 days.

After a month, the wort is filtered carefully. Squeeze the pulp thoroughly, filter the wort with a fine sieve several times. Now the wine is poured into clean containers (preferably made of glass), corked and placed in a dark, cool room for further infusion. You can taste delicious wine from plums in 2-3 months.

The more wine stands, the tastier and richer it will be. Plum wine has an incredible aroma and pleasant taste, be sure to try to cook according to the recipe, you can’t buy one in the store! And from wine from other fruits and berries, plum stands out noticeably.

Not many people know that plums can be pickled and served with meat. And the famous Georgian tkemali sauce, the classic recipe of which we will definitely share, is also made from these stunning and diverse fruits. It is very simple to make plum liqueur and wine at home. Let's get started?

Cinnamon Dessert Marinated Plum

Marinated plum with cinnamon is good as an independent dish, as well as a great addition to desserts, a baking topping and a component for salads. In any case, she will always find application. In two liter jars, in addition to plums, you will need:

  • vinegar - 80 ml;
  • cloves - 10 pcs;
  • allspice - 10 pcs;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water.

Pickled plum

Plums are thoroughly washed and remove the tails. To prevent the skin of the fruits from cracking during cooking, the plums are blanched in hot water (not boiling water) for a couple of minutes and cooled under a stream of cold water. Spices are placed at the bottom of the container, and plums are firmly on top.

Now prepare the marinade. To accurately calculate the amount of liquid, pour water into jars filled with fruits and drain into a pan. Bring to a boil, add sugar and vinegar. After a couple of minutes, the marinade of years. Pour it into fruit jars and sterilize: a half-liter jar for 15 minutes, a liter - 20 minutes, and a bottle for half an hour. Cork and put the lid down until completely cooled.

Tip. Hard pickles or slightly unripe fruits are good for pickling.

Yellow plum jam

This jam is prepared longer than usual, but its taste and stunning appearance justify the time and hassle of cooking. For 2 kilograms of yellow fruit, you need 3 kg of sugar and 4 cups of water.

To keep the fruits intact, you need to take plums, which have not reached a bit of technical ripeness. They are washed well and pierced with a needle in several places. Plums are placed in an enameled basin and filled with hot sugar syrup. After a day, the syrup is decanted, boiled and again covered with plums. On the third day, jam is cooked until fully cooked. Cork and put under the covers down until completely cooled. With this method, the fruits will remain intact, and the syrup will be transparent and very tasty.

Fragrant compote in the winter from whole plums

If your family prefers not only compote, but also whole plums from it, and only the bones go to waste, then this recipe is just what you need. Compote can be closed with sugar and without it. For a sweet drink, about 2 glasses of sugar are put on the bottle. In general, about 5 liters of compote are obtained from a kilogram of plums. So, all we need is water, plums and sugar. The preparation scheme is as follows.

Compote can be closed with or without bone

  1. Plums must be thoroughly rinsed, stalks and spoiled specimens removed.
  2. We sterilize the jars and fill them with plums about half the container.
  3. Pour jars of boiling water and pour into the pan, after 15 minutes, when the plums warm up.
  4. Pour sugar into the pan and, when it is completely dissolved, fill the jars with syrup, cork.
  5. We turn it upside down and cover it with a blanket so that the compote cools down in a warm place.

Seedless Plum Compote

The conservation process itself takes a little time, it will take much longer to release the fruits from the seeds. But the compote will turn out to be very rich and aromatic. For 6 liters of water, you need a kilogram of plums and 2 tablespoons of sugar for each liter of liquid. The cooking process is as follows.

  1. The fruits are washed, removed the seed and fruit stem.
  2. Fruits are placed in a jar with the skin facing up, filling each bottle to about half.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Pour boiling water into the cans and leave for about fifteen minutes to warm the fruits.
  5. Pour the liquid into the pan and add the sugar at the rate of a glass per bottle, and 2 tablespoons per liter container.
  6. When the water boils, and the sugar dissolves, pour the syrup back into the plums and cork.
  7. We put the jars in a warm place upside down until completely cooled.


Tkemali is made from acidic plum varieties. The birthplace of this sauce is sunny Georgia. Here tkemali serves meat dishes and fish, potatoes and pasta. There are modifications of tkemali from gooseberries and red currants, but we will prepare the sauce according to the classic recipe. You will need these ingredients:

  • sour plum - 3 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;

Tkemali made from acidic plum varieties

  • red hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • dill umbrellas - 200 g;
  • green cilantro - 250 g;
  • head of garlic;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons and salt.

The cooking process is simple. The following should be done.

  1. To sort and wash plums.
  2. Put in a saucepan and cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. Wipe through a sieve with water. Remove bones and skins.
  4. On a low fire, boil plum puree to a state of density of sour cream. Add ground spices. And then another ten minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and wrap until completely cooled.

Tip. The classic tkemali recipe involves the addition of a special seasoning - ombalo, this spice prevents the fermentation of the sauce in the cooking process. If you find such weed on sale, be sure to add.

Pickled Plum Plums

We are used to seeing cucumbers or tomatoes on the table as a snack, it turns out that plums can also be pickled with spices. Such a winter harvest will not leave anyone indifferent. For 1 kg of drain, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • allspice - 10 pcs;
  • black pepper - 10 pcs;
  • apple cider vinegar - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf - 9 pcs;
  • cloves - 10 pcs;
  • sugar - 500 gr;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • cognac 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • anise - 3 pcs.

Plums are washed and dried. They are laid out in enameled dishes, pouring layers with cloves and bay leaves. Fill everything with hot marinade and leave it under the lid for three hours. It’s not scary if the marinade does not cover all the plums. The steam under the lid will do the trick. When the marinade becomes warm, drain it and boil it again into the plum. This should be done three times, about once per hour.

Plums can be marinated with spices

Each time you heat the brine, remove the foam from the surface, as is the case with jam. After three hours, boil the marinade again, put the whole fruits in jars, always sterilized. Plums that have lost their integrity, it is better to clean and eat in the evening. Pour boiling brine and cork. We put upside down under the blanket.

Marinade is prepared as follows.

  1. Water is brought to a boil.
  2. We fasten the fire.
  3. Add sugar. We are waiting for its complete dissolution and add vinegar.
  4. Here we throw all the spices.
  5. Cook until the brine is slightly viscous and acquires a brownish tint.
  6. Add cognac. He will not let the plums lose their shape and give the marinade piquancy.
  7. Remove from heat and pour into the plum.

Tip. For pickling, fresh fruits are selected, dense, without damage. Overripe plums will not hold their shape.

Home liquor

Overripe fruits, better than dark varieties, are suitable for making a homemade drink. The technology is much simpler than making wine. We need plums - 2 kg, sugar - 400 g, alcohol or vodka - 0.5 l. and a bottle.

The fruits are thoroughly washed and cleaned. Fill the jar with fruits. Syrup is prepared from water and sugar: the water is brought to a boil and granulated sugar is dissolved. Plums are poured with cold syrup. Pour in the vodka.

Homemade plum liquor is very aromatic

In a dark warm place, insist 2 months. After this period, the liquor is filtered until completely transparent. As a filter, you can use cotton wool. Bottled. Three months later, the liquor is ready to drink. The drink is stored for two years.

In the winter, when vitamins are so urgently needed, plum preparations will be very helpful. The magical taste and aroma will remind you of summer, just open a jar of jam. A wide variety of blanks will delight your household and expand your culinary potential.

Plum preservation recipes: video

Blanks from plum: photo