The secrets of cooking potato zraz with mushrooms. How to cook potato zrazy with meat

15.09.2019 Grill menu

Potato zrazy, which is a kind of stuffed pancakes, is a national dish in the cuisines of several East European peoples. The opinions of historians about its origin are divided: some believe that it came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Italy in the 16th century, and others - that this is a traditional Lithuanian dish.

Step-by-step recipe for fried potato zrazy with meat

All the trick and complexity of cooking this dish is the proper preparation of products. The potato should be well beaten in mashed potatoes and warm so that it is easily sculpted, and the minced meat should not be very greasy, otherwise the dish will be heavy on the stomach.

Peel and carefully wash the potatoes, cut them into quarters and immerse them in hot water to boil. If laid in cold water, the potatoes will be less sticky.

Wash the meat, cut into pieces and pass through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy ready-made minced meat, but then you will not have confidence in the quality of the prepared product.

We merge almost the whole potato pickle, leave literally three to four tablespoons. We crush a crush, add flour, eggs and dill. The number of eggs may vary, see the consistency of potato dough.

We clean the onions and chop them into cubes, fry them in vegetable oil, put the minced meat, add salt and fry until half-cooked. We roll the potato mass into a sausage, cut into small cubes, like into dumplings, we crush with a palm. We put the minced meat on one half, cover the second and fix the edges tightly.

In our palms, we crush the semi-finished product, soak in flour and fry in ghee.

How to cook a dish for a couple


  • Potato - 5 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to your liking;
  • Butter (fatty) butter - about 100 g;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calories: 85 Kcal / 100 g.

In boiling water we put boiled chicken sternum, slightly add salt and add a small piece of onion. We clean the potatoes and set to cook too. It needs to be well boiled and soft.

We drain the water, transfer the clubs into the blender's container and interrupt in mashed potatoes, adding a little butter and egg. When the mass becomes more uniform, pour in the flour and mix well with a spoon. Leave to cool.

We clean the onions and sauté them in olive oil. We take the meat out of the broth, divide it into strips and twist it on an electric meat grinder. Mix with fried onion and add salt.

We make small cakes of mashed potatoes, in the middle we put the filling, with wet palms we blind the zrazy and put it on a special lattice of a double boiler. We activate the appliance, pour water into the container, set the tiers with zrazy and turn on the timer for twenty minutes.

Fresh greens can be added to the chicken broth and served with potato zrazy and low-fat sour cream.

Unforgettable delicious potato zrazy with meat filling in the oven

This dish will appeal to housewives who like to cook something unusual and original from simple products. Zrazy baked in the electric oven have a crisp and juicy filling. Hard cheese can be added to them, but this is optional.


    • Potato - 1 kg;

  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Veal - 300 g;
  • Breadcrumbs - packaging;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Butter (not spread) oil - 100 g;
  • Unrefined oil - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt is to your liking.

Cooking time: 85 minutes.

Calories: 114 Kcal / 100 g.

Wash the potatoes well and pour boil in their uniforms in boiling salted water. Readiness check with a toothpick or fork. Wash meat and dry with kitchen paper towels.

We cut into slices and twist in a meat grinder. Peel and chop the onion in a blender. We collect oil in a stewpan and fry the onion porridge, add minced meat, seasonings, salt and cook for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring all the time so that it does not burn.

We clean the potatoes, mash them with a pusher, beat the egg, add flour and butter. Leave to cool. We roll it into a thick long sausage, pluck small koloboks and form potato cakes, stuffing with minced meat with onions. Cover with breadcrumbs and put in a small roasting pan. Set to bake for twenty minutes.

  Learn how to cook properly, how healthy the dish is and who is recommended to eat it.

How to make potato zrazy with mushrooms and minced meat

One of the classic combinations of products is potatoes, mushrooms and meat. In this dish, they act as a whole and it turns out pretty tasty and satisfying. It is better to search and use fresh forest mushrooms, rather than greenhouse mushrooms, then the taste will be simply divine.


  • Ceps - 300 g;
  • Potato - 6 pcs.;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Young beef - 450 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, pepper - as you wish and taste.

Cooking time: 70 minutes.

Calories: 165 Kcal / 100 g.

Boil potatoes until fully cooked. Mushrooms are washed well in water and chopped into cubes. Fry in sunflower oil. We twist the meat in a meat grinder, after cutting it into pieces.

We clean and chop vegetables, sauté in oil, add minced meat, mix well and fry for twenty minutes. We spread the mushrooms, add, sprinkle with pepper and mix. Turn off the gas and leave to cool.

Mash potatoes in mashed potatoes, stir in butter, egg, flour and let stand for five to ten minutes to cool and form gluten.

We roll out the potato dough, separate small cakes, flatten in the palm of our hands, stuff and immediately fasten the edges. To keep them well, you can moisten with oil or water.

Bake in the flour semi-finished products and fry in warmed butter, until a beautiful brownish color.

It is recommended that while boiling the potatoes do not salt the water, but add it along with flour and egg. You get a delicious crisp crust if you dip a semi-finished product in an egg, and then a breading. Very tasty and dietary zrazy are made with fish filling.

Enjoy your meal!

Potato zrazy is nothing but a stuffed potato pie. Cooking potato zrazy is quite simple. Recipes differ from each other only in filling: potato zrazy with cabbage, mushrooms, minced meat, boiled egg, onion, cheese, etc. Below we will step by step, with a photo, tell you about the process of making potato zrazy with minced meat, and then we describe the recipes for the toppings. Try and choose potato zrazy to your liking.


Potatoes  - 1 kg

Minced meat  - 300 grams

Chicken egg  - 2 - 3 pieces

Onion  - 1 head

Premium flour  - 300 grams

Vegetable oil  - for frying

Breadcrumbs  (or flour) - 3-4 tbsp. l

Spice: salt, ground black pepper.

How to make potato zrazy

1. First, prepare the filling for potato zrazy. It is important that no matter what filling you choose, it must be brought to full readiness before you put it in a potato patty. The following are two options. The first - you just fry the minced meat in a pan with finely chopped onions, add salt and pepper. Option two - you are cooking.

2.   Then you need to boil the potatoes. You can pre-clean it, and then make mashed potatoes (in this case, you do not need to salt the potatoes during cooking, the salt is added along with the flour). Or, as we do, boil the potatoes in their skins, cool slightly, peel and grate on a large or medium grater. Thus, potato zrazy acquire a more sticky consistency. Importantly, the potato mass must be warm to prepare the zrash.

. Add eggs, flour and salt to the potatoes. Mix with a fork.

4 . Pour breadcrumbs to the bottom of the plate. Spread potato cake on top.

. Next, spread the filling on top of the potatoes (minced meat or cutlet).

  Put the potato cake on the filling again.

. Stick the edges of the potato zraza.

. And roll potato zrazy in breadcrumbs on all sides.

. It remains to fry potato zrazy in vegetable oil on both sides.

Delicious potato zrazy ready

Enjoy your meal!

Potato zrazy recipes

As mentioned above, potato zrazy is prepared in approximately the same way, in the recipes only the fillings change.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Mushrooms and potatoes are a wonderful combination of taste. For potato zrazy champignons, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles are suitable. Although, you can choose your favorite mushrooms as a filling for potato zrazy. They need to be cooked. Boil, chop, fry with onions in vegetable (mixed with butter) oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

You can use both fresh and sauerkraut for cooking potato zrazy. If using sauerkraut, add finely chopped greens to it. Fresh cabbage needs to be chopped, fried with chopped onions and carrots. Salt, pepper to taste.

Potato zrazy with egg

Well, this potato zraza recipe is quite simple. Boil chicken eggs hard, drain boiling water and pour eggs with cold water. Leave on for 10 minutes. So the eggs will be easier to peel. That's all. The filling for potato zrazy is ready.

Potato zrazy with liver

The liver must be cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil until tender. Separately, fry finely chopped onions and carrots chopped on a grater. We pass through the meat grinder the fried liver, onions and carrots. Add a raw egg and some flour so that you can make a flat cake (cutlet) from the ground meat.

Potato zrazy with cheese

Hard cheese, as well as Adyghe cheese, is perfect as a filling for potato zrazy. It must be grated on a coarse grater. Add finely chopped greens to the cheese. Mix. The filling for potato zrazy with cheese is ready.

Potato zrazy with onions

As a filling, you can add ordinary fried onions to potato zrazy - also very tasty. Or fry carrots with onions and add some favorite greens.

Potato zrazy with green onion and egg

Favorite filling for pies - green onions with boiled egg, is also perfect for potato zrazy. Just add chopped mayonnaise to chopped onions and eggs.

Potato zrazy with fish

Boil fish (choose according to your taste) in salted water. Carefully remove all bones. Pass the fish through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Finely chop onions, add to minced fish. Drive in a raw egg. The filling for potato zrazy is ready.

Potato zrazy with crab sticks

If you do not want to bother with fish, you can use crab sticks as a filling for potato zrazy. They need to be cut into thin circles. Add chopped boiled eggs and fried onions (optional). To salt. The filling is ready.

Potato zrazy - cooking secrets.

Our cuisine is so diverse and rich in all sorts of goodies. Europe and America have long practiced preparing a menu for the whole family, roughly speaking “out of nothing”. A good example is zrazy, a dish of Slavic cuisine, especially widespread in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. It is prepared, traditionally, from various kinds of meat - pork or veal, simply from minced meat or a piece of minced meat, wrapping everything inside that is available.

We make potato zrazy from potatoes no worse, or even more interesting, than from meat. The filling can be everything that you love, from simple cabbage and mushrooms, as well as cucumbers, especially pickled, carrots and asparagus. An interesting filling is obtained by adding cheese and liver to potato zrazy, minced chicken and honey mushrooms, soy sauce and other additives and goodies.

But, no matter how you supplement this dish, the basic secrets of preparing a classic recipe will help make this dish perfect without any intricate filling, or even without it. So, the secrets of cooking potato zrazy:

  • The most important thing is the basis of the dish, the potato zrazy will turn out beautiful, will not fall apart during cooking, if the potato mass is thick. To do this, when the mashed potatoes are already cooked, decant the maximum amount of water or milk, depending on what you are cooking. And then evaporate the remains over low heat. Then remove the potatoes from the heat, salt, add the onion (if desired), and when it cools down, drive the egg in and mix well.
  • In potato zrazy, namely in potato dough, you can add semolina or flour, or a little starch for density, although this is not recommended, the potato is already rich in it, but for lack of it, you can also. Remember, to make zrazy, potato dough should be warm, so they are better sculpted.
  • You can roll out such thick potato dough and make mugs with a glass, put the filling in them. Or tear off pieces of dough, knead in a hand, put a filling with a spoon and sculpt them like dumplings. Wet your hands with water, so the dough will not stick to them. And here, think, if you add a filling that lets juice out, it can fall apart. To avoid this, roll prepared cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour.
  • You can prepare a potato mass for zraz not of such consistency as the dough, we examined this in detail in the recipe for potato zraza with a photo at the beginning of the article. And sculpt potato zrazy in the form of cutlets.

Zrazy with meat is a hearty dish that is easy to cook at home. Choose the best recipe!

Potato zrazy with meat, in my opinion, is the best combination of beloved potatoes and tasty meat. Of course, you can just serve mashed potatoes with goulash to the table, but you must admit that there is something different from standard food is much more interesting.

  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Minced pork - 0.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml
  • Sour cream - 100 ml

Boiled peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Drain and mash, adding butter to the potatoes.

Fry the minced pork in a pan until half cooked (about 10-15 minutes), add the finely chopped onions and fry everything together for another 10 minutes.

In the cooled puree, add 150 grams of flour and knead the dough. Do not add eggs, sour cream or even more oil to the potatoes. In this case, the puree can become very liquid and it will be very difficult to form zrazy out of it. Sprinkle the board with the remaining flour, grease your hands with vegetable oil and roll round cakes. Put 1-2 teaspoons of minced meat in the center of the tortilla.

Form a neat cutlet and pinch the edges.

Fry potato zrazy in a pan for 2-3 minutes on each side until a beautiful golden crust appears. It is best served hot, adding each tablespoon a tablespoon of sour cream.

Recipe 2: potato zrazy with meat

Potato zrazy, which is a kind of stuffed pancakes, is a national dish in the cuisines of several East European peoples. The opinions of historians about its origin are divided: some believe that it came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Italy in the 16th century, and others - that this is a traditional Lithuanian dish.

  • Potato - 6 pcs.;
  • Pork tenderloin - 400 g;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Butter (fatty) butter - 150 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Any sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l

Peel and carefully wash the potatoes, cut them into quarters and immerse them in hot water to boil. If laid in cold water, the potatoes will be less sticky.

Wash the meat, cut into pieces and pass through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy ready-made minced meat, but then you will not have confidence in the quality of the prepared product.

We merge almost the whole potato pickle, leave literally three to four tablespoons. We crush a crush, add flour, eggs and dill. The number of eggs may vary, see the consistency of potato dough.

We clean the onions and chop them into cubes, fry them in vegetable oil, put the minced meat, add salt and fry until half-cooked. We roll the potato mass into a sausage, cut into small cubes, like into dumplings, we crush with a palm. We put the minced meat on one half, cover the second and fix the edges tightly.

In our palms, we crush the semi-finished product, soak in flour and fry in ghee.

Recipe 3, step by step: zrazy with beef

Beef zrazy is a simple traditional Slavic meat dish, cooked the other way around. If classic zrazy is cooked by wrapping meat filling in potato dough, then we will wrap these zrazy in pieces of beaten beef.

Incredibly delicious and satisfying will be such beef zrazy chops if cooked at home and served with a side dish of cooked string beans and cauliflower. In the process of preparing zraz, we will also prepare a very thick and delicious sauce for them.

A step-by-step recipe for preparing beef zrazy with a photo is presented below. He will tell you in detail about each stage of cooking, and also clearly demonstrate them. As meat for such zraz, you can use not only beef, but also pork or chicken. Depending on the meat chosen, you will change not only the cooking time, but also the corresponding spices. The filling will be very satisfying and very tender thanks to the butter. In the process of roasting, beef will take a dense and crispy crust, and as a result of stewing it will become very tender.

Such beef and zrazy are perfect for lunch or dinner.

Let's start cooking.

  • beef tenderloin - 450 gr
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 50 gr
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • wheat flour - 30 gr
  • salt - ½ tsp

We cut all our beef into thin enough plates along the fibers. We put the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces on top of the cling film, on top of the meat also cover with cling film. We beat the beef with a wooden kitchen hammer. The presence of a film will not allow the hammer to spoil the texture and surface of the meat.

Peel the onion, wash and chop finely enough.

Pour onion slices into a deep bowl, add the butter cut into small pieces and the specified number of breadcrumbs to it. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The oil should be slightly melted, for this, just let it brew at room temperature before cooking.

We lay out the resulting filling in the center of each piece of beaten beef, evenly distribute it on the surface and wrap the meat in a kind of rolls. You can fasten the edges of the meat with a regular toothpick, as shown in the photo.

We heat the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, roll the meat rolls with the filling in wheat flour and send it to the hot oil.

Such rolls need to be fried on each side, quickly and over high heat until a confident golden crust appears.

In a deep pan, spread the remaining slices of onion and butter in breadcrumbs. We also send beef rolls fried in a pan there.

Pour the ingredients with water at room temperature, salt to taste. We cook the ingredients in a stewing mode under a closed lid until the meat is soft and thickens the aromatic sauce.

Serve the finished dish and serve it to the table hot with a side dish of green beans and cauliflower. Beef zrazy ready.

Recipe 4: How to Make Zrazy with Meat

  • Mashed potatoes 300 gr
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Flour 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Minced pork 100 gr
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Black pepper to taste

We make the filling, for this it is necessary to fry the minced meat mixed with chopped onions, salt and pepper in a heated pan with vegetable oil.

Add salt, egg and flour to the puree.

Stir everything.

Lubricate the hands with vegetable oil, or sprinkle with flour a little. put mashed potatoes in a palm with a spoon, stuffing in the middle, and again mashed potatoes on top.

We form zrazy in the form of pies.

In a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the zrazy, on both sides until golden.

Recipe 5: zrazy with meat in the oven (step by step)

Zrazy - potato patties stuffed with, a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. They are cooked with fish, eggs, mushrooms and meat. Potato zrazy with minced meat are very juicy and satisfying, they can be quickly fried in a pan and baked in the oven.

  • Potato 7 pcs.
  • Minced pork 500 gr
  • Flour 1 cup
  • ½ cup breadcrumbs
  • 1 carrot
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Parsley 3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground pepper

Peel the potatoes, boil until cooked, drain the liquid and knead the nibble. Cool down.

In oil (2 tbsp) over medium heat, fry the prepared pork mincemeat until the liquid evaporates. Spread on a plate.

Add more oil to the pan, fry the chopped onion with grated carrots, chopped garlic and add the minced meat to the vegetables. Salt and pepper.

Remove from heat, spread the chopped parsley, mix and cool. The filling for zraz is ready.

Put mashed potatoes in a saucepan, add flour, egg, salt and mix well.

Sprinkle your palms with flour, take 2 tablespoons with a slide of potato mixture and form a cake. In the middle we spread the prepared filling and fasten the edges.

We give zrazy a round shape and roll in breadcrumbs.

In portions, fry the zrazy with minced meat in oil over high heat on both sides and spread on a greased baking sheet.

Sent to a preheated oven at 210 degrees for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all potato patties are evenly heated, the filling will infiltrate the dough and the zrazy will turn out to be very juicy and aromatic.

Zrazy can be cooked with minced chicken, turkey and beef. They can be supplemented with any herbs and spices to taste.

Recipe 6: potato zrazy with meat in a pan

Potato zrazy with minced meat are a kind of "cutlets" of boiled potatoes with meat filling. From the plastic potato mass we will form cakes, add the filling and bring the workpieces to full readiness. The taste of the dish will largely depend on the selected type of minced meat. Both juicy pork and lean beef are suitable here, but to get an impeccable taste it is better to mix these types of meat.

Zrazy can be both boiled in boiling salted water and fried in oil. In our example, we will give preference to the second option.

  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • breadcrumbs - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • minced meat (pork + beef) - about 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - about 50 ml.

Wash potato tubers, peel and cut into quarters or just slices of approximately the same size. Fill with water and cook at moderate boil until soft.

In the meantime, prepare the filling for potato zrazy. After removing the husks, finely chop the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes in vegetable oil.

To the already soft onion, load the minced meat. For uniform frying, break the meat mass into small pieces using a culinary spatula. We fry on moderate heat until the minced meat is ready. Season the meat filling for zraz with salt and pepper to taste.

Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, transfer the potato slices to a separate bowl and wait 10 minutes to let the hot tubers cool a little.

We drive a raw egg into a warm, but not hot potato, and begin to grind the mass into a homogeneous smooth puree.

Pour the flour gradually, carefully kneading the potato dough with a spoon. The mass will turn out soft and plastic. In this case, the dough will stick to your hands - it should be so! It is not worth increasing the dosage of flour, otherwise it will “kill” the potato flavor and the dish will turn out not so tasty.

With palms dipped in water, we form a small flat cake from the potato mass. In the middle we place a portion of minced meat.

We fasten the edges, forming an oblong workpiece and hiding the filling inside. Roll the resulting potato "cutlet" in breadcrumbs. Similarly, we do the rest of the zrazas.

Cover the bottom of a large-capacity thick-bottom pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil. We warm it up well, and then we spread our semi-finished products on a hot surface. Fry on both sides over moderate heat until an appetizing “tanned” crust is formed.

We serve potato zrazy with minced meat hot or at least warm. Since the dish already combines both meat and side dishes, no additions are required. If desired, fresh vegetables, greens or light salads can be served with hearty zrazy. And potato zrazy with minced meat are in perfect harmony with sour cream.

Recipe 7: potato zrazy with minced meat

If you are suddenly tired of mashed potatoes with cutlets, we advise you to diversify your menu and prepare a tasty and satisfying dish - potato zrazy with minced meat, a step-by-step recipe with a photo of which is described below. This simple dish is prepared from traditional products, but at the same time contains an unusual ingredient. Kefir is present in the meat filling, which gives the filling special juiciness and softness.

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 5-6 table. spoons;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • kefir - 50 ml;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt;
  • spice.

First you need to prepare all the necessary products. Any minced meat is suitable for this dish, but it is best to use mixed minced pork and beef. Kefir can be taken with any fat content. It is advisable to take refined oil for frying. As spices, you can use seasoning curry, turmeric, coriander, a mixture of peppers.

Peel and wash all vegetables - onions, potatoes, and carrots. Cut the potatoes into large cubes and boil in salted water until tender. Finely chop the onion, and rub the carrots on a fine grater. Wash and chop greens thoroughly.

Pour a little sunflower oil into the pan, sprinkle the onion and brown it. Then put minced meat in a pan, salt, sprinkle with spices and fry it with onions. After that put the carrots, and after a few minutes - the greens. Pour kefir into the slightly cooled minced meat and mix well.

Drain the water from the boiled potato, crush it with a crush, so that there are no lumps left. Beat the egg and pour 3 tablespoons of sifted flour, then mix the potato mass thoroughly. If you wish, you can also sprinkle some spices in the potatoes. For example, add 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric. She will give the finished product a pleasant yellow color.

Sprinkle the board with flour. Gather a tablespoon with a slide of potato dough, roll a ball out of it. Then flatten it into a pancake about 1 cm thick, in the center of which put about 2 teaspoons of the filling. Gently connect the edges of the pancake and dazzle them. Fold the prepared zraz pieces onto a board sprinkled with flour.

Pour a little sunflower oil into the pan and heat it well. Put the billets in the pan and fry them on both sides until a crispy crust forms. The lid can not be closed, fry over medium heat.

Serve zrazy on the table is better in the form of heat. You can decorate them with herbs and serve with vegetables, adjika or ketchup.

Now you know how to cook potato zrazy with minced meat in a pan.

We wish you all bon appetit!

What do you know about zrazy? Many, of course, hear about this for the first time. But this is not a problem, because now we will tell everything in detail to everyone who has not tried them before in their life.

What are zrazy in general? In fact, this is potato dough. It is 80-90% composed of potatoes. The consistency of the dough gives it flour, eggs and spices. From this test, they make a kind of cutlets that fill with different fillings. It can be meat, as in our case. Or vegetables, rice, eggs, cheese, herbs, mushrooms, root crops and so on. They are served as a full dish with the addition of sauce or as a side dish.

You can cook zraza both in the pan and in the oven. But the first option is still more common. Probably because it's faster.

Zrazy look like big cutlets, as they are also ruddy, round and quite thick. Only inside them is not clean juicy minced meat, but first potatoes.

Today we will cook zrazy with mushrooms, with cheese and cabbage. All of them will also be with the addition of meat. In addition, we will cook regular meat zrazy and zrazy in the oven. If any of this interested you, we will be glad to see your company.

General cooking rules

To prepare delicious zrazy, you need to purchase delicious, good, high-quality products in advance, from which we will accordingly prepare. You will need to choose minced meat and potatoes. With the second product, everything, of course, is simpler, so let's deal with the stuffing then.

How to choose minced meat:

  1. First of all, pay attention to the light. It should be bright - both in pork and beef. If minced chicken, then its color will be pale pink;
  2. Stuffing should shine, dullness means stale product;
  3. Liquid trays. Often we see bloody puddles under the meat. You can be calm about them, since this is a normal phenomenon. But dry pallets should be alarming. This means that the stuffing is done mainly from the tendons;
  4. The smell should be pleasant, without the addition of spices, etc. If you feel the aroma of spices, then they tried to fix the spoiled smell of meat.

Potatoes also need to choose the one that is white. This also applies to the peel and the tuber itself inside. Such a potato is friable and perfect for mashed potatoes, as it is well boiled.

Potato zrazy with meat

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

  Just potatoes with meat. Sounds like a full-fledged hot dish. Having prepared it, you really can serve it as a “second” and not bother with either the meat portion or the side dish.

How to cook:

Tip: prepared zrazy can also be rolled in flour, but this way they will be less crispy.

Oven recipe

Many people think that dishes that are baked in the oven are much less high-calorie than those that are fried on the stove. Let's try?

It takes about 25 minutes to cook.

Calories - 104 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove potatoes from the peel, wash it, rinse from starch and put in a stewpan;
  2. Then pour potatoes with water to cover, add three pinch of salt and put on the stove;
  3. Cook until softness and easy entry of the knife;
  4. Drain the water from the prepared root crops and skip the potatoes in a blender or meat grinder;
  5. Heat the oil in a pan, add finely chopped onion there and add the minced meat;
  6. Stuffing mince until cooked;
  7. Combine potatoes with yolks, starch and flour, mix the mass until smooth. The dough should become elastic;
  8. Divide the dough into balls of the same size;
  9. From the balls to form cakes in which to put the filling;
  10. Pinch the edges of the cakes, forming oblong zrazy. It will turn out like cutlets, but more voluminous;
  11. Preheat the oven to medium temperature and bake zrazy twenty minutes.

Tip: so as not to wash the mold or baking sheet again, you can cover the bottom with parchment paper.

Mushroom potato zrazy with meat

From such nutritious three ingredients, it will no longer be just a snack or snack, this can already be called even a dish. Be sure to try, it is very tasty!

Will leave for cooking - 1 hour.

How many calories - 125 calories.

How to cook:

  1. To clear mushrooms hats and legs, cut them into cubes or plates;
  2. Wash the potatoes well, you can even use a dish brush to wash away all the dirt;
  3. Dry the potatoes with napkins and put in a pan or a greased baking sheet;
  4. Send potatoes to bake for thirty minutes at 180 Celsius;
  5. Onion to get rid of a thin peel, cut off the roots and wash it;
  6. Next, cut the onion into small cubes;
  7. Combine the mushrooms with onions and minced meat, mix well;
  8. Pour oil into a skillet and put mushroom stuffing there;
  9. Fry the meat, breaking the lumps;
  10. Close the minced meat with a lid and simmer until the ingredients are fully cooked;
  11. Remove the finished potatoes from the oven and let it cool;
  12. Peel and process potatoes and add yolks and spices to it;
  13. Bring the mass to homogeneity and form cakes;
  14. Put a little filling in the center of each, wrap the zraz and fry in a pan with oil until tender.

Tip: if your dough is spreading, you can add a little flour.

Add cheese to zrazy

Imagine another hot zrash that you bite off and not only does it drive you crazy with its crunch, but also the cheese stretches from the inside.

It takes about 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 123 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove potatoes from the peel, cut it into cubes and rinse from starch;
  2. Next, pour potatoes with a sufficient amount of water, salt and remove on the stove;
  3. Cook the potato until cooked;
  4. Next, chop the potatoes into a paste (or, as they usually say, in mashed potatoes);
  5. Peel and dice the onion, cut the roots and wash the head. If you do not rinse the onions with running water in the place where the roots are cut, the juice that is released will begin to bake your eyes, which will cause tears later;
  6. Peel and chop carrots with a grater;
  7. Grind cheese also;
  8. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the onions and carrots until soft;
  9. To ready root vegetables give salt, pepper and minced meat;
  10. Cook the meat, breaking the lumps. Stuffing should become crumbly;
  11. Stew under the lid until cooked;
  12. Combine potatoes with flour and egg, mix until smooth;
  13. Form potato cakes from the potato, the center of which is filled with minced meat with carrots and cheese;
  14. Fasten the cakes so that the filling remains inside;
  15. Fry potato zrazy until golden on both sides in a frying pan heated with oil.

Tip: so that the eyes are richer, you can fry them in butter.

Delicious potato zrazy with meat and cabbage

Cabbage, meat and all this in a hot, and even crispy potato shell. Sounds like an elite restaurant dish, right? It is worth a try!

It takes about 45 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 128 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion, cut off the roots and wash the head;
  2. Next, cut the onion into half rings;
  3. Wash, peel and grate the carrots;
  4. Rinse the cabbage and finely chop finely;
  5. Heat oil in a pan and put onions there. Fry it until soft and add cabbage. Put it out to al dente;
  6. Add minced meat and bring it to a friable state and close the lid while continuing to cook;
  7. When the meat is almost completely ready, add carrots;
  8. And now put out all together until fully cooked;
  9. Peel the potatoes, cook and cook the puree with the addition of milk;
  10. Add flour and egg to the potatoes, bring the mass to homogeneity;
  11. Form wet potato cakes with wet hands, laying the filling in the center;
  12. Pinching the edges, forming oval zrazi. Fry each until golden brown.

Tip: so that you don’t have to cook the filling for so long, you can take sauerkraut.

Features cooking and tricks

Zrazy is just a dish, an appetizer, a snack. It is not at all difficult to cook, especially since it does not take much time. But even for such simple preparations, you need to know the secrets.

  1. So that the potatoes do not cool too quickly, pour in warm milk to make mashed potatoes;
  2. To make the potatoes more tender, in addition to milk, add a piece of butter;
  3. You can also fry zrazy in butter or a mixture of butter and vegetable. So it will be tastier;
  4. You can add fresh greens to the filling, it will also be tastier;
  5. It is better not to make zraza out of young potatoes, it will be too hard, and the taste is not at all the same.

Cooking zraz is a pleasure. Firstly, it’s fast, and secondly it’s easy. Well, we also prepare a completely new dish from the usual ingredients. So it’s not only delicious, but also completely new.

I propose to cook very tasty potato zrazy with meat. A hearty dish with delicate meat filling and crisp will not leave you indifferent. Crisp is obtained due to breadcrumbs not very finely ground. It is best to use immediately after cooking, with sour cream.

Take these products.

To start, rinse the potatoes, peel them. Boil until tender. In the meantime, prepare the filling. Peel the onion, chop finely. Fry in a small amount of sunflower oil until soft.

Wash the pork, dry it, grind it in a meat grinder. Add to the pan with onions. Fry until cooked over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Season the prepared meat filling with salt and ground black pepper.

Discard boiled potatoes in a colander, cool slightly.

Grind the potato masher until smooth. Add chicken egg, flour. Shuffle. Add salt and pepper.

With wet hands, form a small cake. Put a little meat filling in the center. Gently fix the filling inside the potato pancake and breaded well in the breadcrumbs.

Heat the sunflower oil in a pan. Place the potato blanks. Sauté on medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Potato zrazy with meat ready.

Enjoy your meal!