Deep-fried potato balls with meat. Deep-fried mashed potato balls

15.09.2019 Healthy eating

You can make mashed potatoes in different ways. But in any case, such a dish turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. It can be served to the table as an original snack and as a meat. Today we will present two different cooking options, one of which involves frying in a pan in vegetable oil, and the other - baking in the oven.

Mashed potato balls: step by step recipe

To make such an original, it is necessary to prepare the following products in advance:

  • coarse salt - add to taste;
  • flavourless sunflower oil - 150 ml (for frying);
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • potato tubers - approximately 1.3 kg.

Cooking basics

Mashed potato balls will turn out tasty and tender only if the vegetable base is uniform and without a single lump. To do this, peel the tubers, cut them in half lengthwise, put them in boiling salt water and cook for about half an hour until completely soft. Next, the broth must be drained, and immediately add 2 chicken eggs to the hot vegetables and thoroughly mash everything with a crush. As a result of such actions, you should have a rather thick, but homogeneous puree.

The process of forming and frying products

Before frying mashed potato balls, they should be properly formed. To do this, a thick base without lumps must be picked up in the amount of 1-2 dessert spoons. Further, you need to roll a neat and beautiful ball out of the mashed potatoes. After all the products are ready, they should be completely dipped in pre-beaten chicken eggs, and then carefully roll in breadcrumbs.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the formation of such semi-finished products. After they are completely ready, it is necessary to pour into a deep saucepan and warm it up strongly. In conclusion, in a boiling oil, you need to put all the mashed potato balls. Carefully turning them over with a spoon or spatula, you should achieve complete redness, after which the dish must be laid out on paper napkins, thereby depriving it of fat.

Proper serving

It is recommended to serve fried potato balls to the table as a snack or side dish only when hot. On top of them you can sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs, as well as pour a thin stream of ketchup or mayonnaise. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking a similar dish in the oven

Potato balls in the oven are just as tasty and satisfying as fried in sunflower oil. However, such a dish is less fatty and high in calories. In this regard, it is recommended to do it to those who especially monitor their figure.

So we need:

  • coarse salt, ground allspice - add to taste;
  • flavourless sunflower oil - 20 ml (for greasing of a baking sheet);
  • small breadcrumbs - about 120 g;
  • hard cheese - 75-80 g (add as desired);
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • potato tubers - approximately 1.4 kg.

Foundation preparation

Such balls are prepared in the same way as described above. However, there is still a difference in the creation of these unusual products. Thus, you should peel the potato tubers, boil them in salt water, and then drain the broth, pepper, add fresh chicken eggs and crush into a homogeneous and airy mashed potatoes using a kitchen device such as a blender.

Shaping and baking products

Until the mashed potatoes have cooled completely, small balls should be formed from it. To do this, you need to take 1.5 or 2 dessert spoons of a vegetable base in your hands. Next, a miniature gingerbread man must be rolled from all sides in small breadcrumbs.

After all the semi-finished products are ready, they should be placed on a large baking sheet, which is recommended to be lubricated with sunflower oil in advance. If desired, a thin plate of hard cheese can be laid on top of each ball. In this composition, the products must be placed in a hot oven, where it is desirable to withstand at least 20 minutes. During this time, the balls are covered with a golden brown crust, and the cheese will melt and flow beautifully throughout the potato kolobok.

After 20 minutes, the dish should be carefully laid out on a large plate with a spatula or flat spoon.

How to present to the table?

Potato balls made in the oven must be served only when hot. In addition to them, you can bring fried or boiled meat, poultry, goulash or a salad of raw vegetables.

It should be especially noted that such products will turn out to be much tastier if their base consists not only of potato tubers and eggs, but, for example, of sautéed vegetables (onions, bell pepper and carrots), aromatic spices, fried mushrooms, finely chopped olives or olives, ham and other ingredients.

From ordinary potatoes, it is very simple to make an amazing side dish or appetizer - potato balls in breadcrumbs. Crispy on the outside and airy on the inside, they melt in your mouth. Having tried this dish once in the bar ten years ago, I fell in love with it and even tried to cook a couple of times. But my potato balls didn’t turn out so tender, or didn’t turn out balls at all. But after a while, I still figured out the secrets of this seemingly simple dish and reproduced it exactly as I had once tasted it. And I share with you these secrets and the recipe for potato balls. I recommend serving the dish with the sauce of your choice. In my opinion, this milk mustard sauce is best suited for them.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 1 egg
  • 150-200 g breadcrumbs;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe for french fries

1. Peel the potato tubers, rinse and boil until cooked. Drain all the water, put the potatoes in a bowl.

2. Carelessly push the flea market for no more than a minute. The purpose of these actions is only to slightly mashed the potatoes so that there are no large pieces. And here is the first secret of the balls - the potato should not turn into a smoothie, otherwise the balls will be hard to form. And if it works out, then they will not keep their shape well and will continue to work hard with them. Therefore, we put aside a convenient and familiar blender or mixer to the side and take the usual smoothie for mashed potatoes or a fork.

3. Pour 2 tbsp. flour, salt and pepper, break the egg. Now quickly mix everything with a fork until smooth.

4. Pour a portion of breadcrumbs onto a kitchen board and level it. We pick up the coarse mashed potatoes with a wet (moistened with cold water) spoon and roll the balls with wet hands. Spread in breadcrumbs. Crashing.

6. Cover a large flat plate or board with cling film and spread the potato balls boned in breadcrumbs. We put in the freezer for at least 3 hours, so that the balls grasp well. And this is the second secret of cooking - before throwing balls into boiling oil they should be frozen. Then they will turn out beautiful and elastic.

7. When the balls solidify well, you can continue cooking. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or deep-frying so that the balls are completely immersed in it. We put on medium heat and thoroughly heat the oil.

8. Put a paper towel on a large flat plate.

9. Fried potato balls fried in portions of 5-7 pieces.

10. Move the balls into boiling oil and fry for 1 minute. Be careful with boiling oil, do not make a strong fire.

11. Carefully remove the finished potato balls and let the oil drain a little, holding it exactly above the cauldron. Then we shift to a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed.

Crispy Potato Balls Ready! We remove the paper towel. Serve the potato balls with the sauce cooked in advance. Enjoy your meal!

! Deep-fried potato balls.

Potato balls recipe

5 from 1 reviews

Potato balls for side dishes

Deep-fried potato balls

Type of dish: Potato dishes

Cuisine: Russian


  • 800 g - potatoes,
  • 50 g of butter,
  • 1 egg
  • red and black ground pepper,
  • 40 g of wheat flour
  • deep-frying vegetable oil,
  • salt.


  1. Wash the potatoes, peel, boil until half cooked and drain the water.
  2. Do not let cool, quickly and carefully rub with a wooden pestle. Add pre-melted hot butter, a raw egg, salt and pepper to taste, rub well again and mix.
  3. Form small balls from warm mashed potatoes. Roll them in flour and breaded in premium wheat flour.
  4. Heat the oil to a boil in a large frying pan with high sides or in a pan and fry the potato balls in it until golden brown.
  5. Serve hot with fresh herbs.

Enjoy your meal! Potato balls for side dishes

Potato balls for side dishes. Delicious! Deep-fried potato balls. Potato balls recipe 5 from 1 reviews Potato balls for side dishes Print Deep-fried potato balls Author: Povarenok Type of dish: Potato dishes Cuisine: Russian Ingredients 800 g - potato, 50 g - butter, 1 egg, red and black ground pepper, 40 g - wheat flour, vegetable oil for frying in deep fat, salt. Preparation Wash the potatoes, peel, boil until half cooked and drain the water. Do not let cool, quickly and carefully rub with a wooden pestle. Add pre-melted hot butter, raw egg, salt and pepper to taste, again ...

Step 1: Prepare the mashed potatoes.

Peel the potatoes, crumble in large pieces and send to cook in a large saucepan. It is necessary that the potatoes become soft, for this you need to cook it at least 25-30 minutes. Check the readiness with a fork, as soon as the potato slices are easily pierced, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water.
Mash boiled potatoes using a special press. Add butter, one raw egg, salt and pepper to taste. Mash again. Mashed potatoes should not be liquid, balls should be easily formed from it. Wait for it to cool.

Step 2: Breading

Pour wheat flour into one clean, dry bowl, and beat eggs and shake in another.
Once the crushed potato has cooled down and you can hold it in your hands without burning, form balls, rolling small portions of mashed potatoes between your palms.
Roll the finished balls first in the egg, and then in the flour, so that the breading lies flat.

Step 3: Cook the balls of mashed potatoes.

Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Gently dip the mashed potato balls into this oil in turn. Since the mashed potatoes are already ready, fry them until golden brown, and then remove the finished snack from the pan using a slotted spoon.
To make excess oil glass, lay the fried potato balls in a bowl, the bottom of which is lined with paper towels. Leave to cool.

Step 4: Serve the potato balls.

Serve ready-made potato balls on a large dish, separately from them put sauces for every taste, for example, cheese and tomato, sour cream is also good.
Enjoy your meal!

When forming mashed balls, add a filling, such as cheese or minced meat.

You can also use special crackers as a breading.

Add mashed greens or finely chopped hot peppers to add a piquant flavor.

At the end of the XVII century, Peter I brought potatoes to Eastern Europe. An outlandish vegetable was not immediately appreciated by people. However, over time, it became the favorite food of many, which is now rightfully considered the “second bread”. Potatoes perfectly saturate the stomach, relatively inexpensive and tasty. And most importantly - there are many ways to cook it, which makes it possible to diversify the diet great.

We have prepared for you a recipe for an appetizer that is so tasty that the table is swept away while still hot: potato balls with cheese. Of course, you won’t be pampered with this every day. But if you have leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday, why not turn it into something original? I bet your loved ones have hardly tried this!



  1. 1 Cook and cool the mashed potatoes. Then place it in a large bowl. Add green onions, chopped bacon, garlic powder, black pepper and one egg. Mix well.
  2. 2 Sprinkle your hands with flour. From a small amount of potato mass, form a cake. Inside, put a slice of cheese and roll a ball out of a tortilla. Repeat the procedure until all potatoes are used.
  3. 3 Take 3 separate bowls. Pour the flour in one, the breadcrumbs in the other, and in the third add the beaten egg. Roll the potato bowl in flour, then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs. Then dip again in the egg and again in the breadcrumbs. Put the balls in the refrigerator for a while until the frying oil is prepared.
  4. 4 Heat a large amount of oil in a deep frying pan. Fry the balls until they are brownish. Lay out fried potato balls  on paper towels to remove excess fat. Sprinkle with salt. Then transfer them to a greased baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven to 200 ° C for 5 minutes.