Figs - benefits, harms and contraindications. Figs: benefits and harm to the human body

15.09.2019 Snacks

Figs have many names: fig, fig, Smyrninsky or wine, bodhi. It belongs to the most ancient cultures that were cultivated by man. Fig fruits are used for healing various diseases, for general strengthening of the body and maintaining immunity, for culinary and cosmetic purposes.

The oldest find of petrified fruit was found in the Jordan Valley. Due to the absolute periodization, their age is determined - at least 11 thousand years.
   Judging by the plural data recorded in historical sources, the exceptional properties of figs have been known and used since ancient times. In our time, it has not lost its healing and nutritional qualities, nor popularity.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Fig fruits, depending on the variety, are yellow, black-blue and black. They are extremely tasty and saturated with a mass of useful substances.

The calorie content of fresh figs is not too high, despite the fact that it has a very sweet taste. Fresh ones contain 49–57 kcal per 100 g.
   Due to dehydration, the volume of dried berries decreases and the concentration of sugars increases. Its calorie content is 244–257 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? Figs are sacred in many countries of Europe and Asia, in Egypt and India, and in other parts of the world where it grows. Its useful properties, so valuable in the ancient world, determined its popularity. Egyptian tradition endows it with fertile qualities, Indian- the Islamic tradition considers figs to be creative, giving spiritual enlightenment and immortality, the very paradise tree on which forbidden fruits grow.

Per 100 g of product, figs contain approximately:

  • protein - 3 g;
  • fat - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 58 g;
  • dietary fiber - 18 g;
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 2.4 g;
  • water - 16 g;
  • saccharides - 55 g;
  • starch - 3 g;
  • ash - 3 g;
  • calcium - 144 mg;
  • magnesium - 59 mg;
  • sodium - 11 mg;
  • potassium - 710 mg;
  • phosphorus - 68 mg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg.
   In addition, fig berry has a powerful set of vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP.
   Though figs are a fairly high-calorie productt. Its unique composition allows these berries to be introduced into the diet.

Useful properties of figs

The fruits of wine berries are consumed fresh and dried. At the same time, all the benefits of fresh berries are preserved and even amplified due to an increase in the concentration of substances as the amount of water decreases.

Did you know? Fig leaves, according to biblical legend, were the first clothes of the first people. In the images that have come down since antiquity and the Renaissance, glorifying the beauty of the body, the genitals are covered by them. Probably, they fell for the choice due to the form, close to the male genital organ.


Fresh wine berry has exceptional healing properties:

  1. It is used in the treatment of fungal diseases.
  2. He who regularly uses figs strengthens his bones. This is especially important for the elderly.
  3. Fresh figs should be carefully introduced into the diet of pregnant and lactating women: its benefits are undeniable, but harm to the body is likely. A pregnant woman can gain weight at an accelerated rate, or her blood sugar will rise. It can provoke colic in a baby by passing through breast milk.
  4. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  5. Due to its iron content, fig juice is used in the treatment of anemia.
  6. Magnesium and potassium as part of the product provide muscle tissue with building material and help improve the functioning of the heart muscle, it is useful in tachycardia.
  7. Wine berry has a valuable quality of blood thinning, which helps lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Important! The use of figs in the diet is a preventive measure of coronary disease, and the likelihood of hypertension and heart attack is also reduced. Eating this wonderful berry as a food reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and even diabetes mellitus.

The treatment uses fresh fruits, juice, decoctions and infusions of them. Infusions give anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, have a regulatory effect on metabolism. Milk fig infusions are very popular.


Despite the fact that all useful substances remain in dried fruits, their properties are somewhat different.
  By reducing the amount of water, the sugar level in them rises to 70%. At the same time, the level of vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements and other substances remains the same.

  Since dried figs are available to most people, it makes sense to consider what good it is and if there is harm to the body.

Did you know? Buddhism interprets figs as a symbol of insight, due to the fact that it was under this tree that the Buddha realized the meaning of being. The tree is also sacred in the Roman Empire, because under its canopy the she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus with her milk- the founders of Rome.

Thanks to dried figs available at any time of the year:

  • intestinal motility improves;
  • the body removes toxins and toxins;
  • intestinal function improves;
  • connective tissue and cartilage grow together better thanks to the pectins contained in the fruit;
  • antioxidants help cleanse the blood of cholesterol plaques, cleanse small blood vessels and give them elasticity;
  • iron, potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body, normalize blood pressure, rhythm and heart rate.
  • boiled with milk, it is universally used as an expectorant, diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • b vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system: improve mood, normalize nervous activity, increase efficiency.

Important! Due to the pronounced laxative effect, it is not recommended to use figs before a responsible event, trip, etc.

Fig is considered a “female berry”, all sorts of beliefs, signs and recipes are connected with it, which bizarrely interweave the rational and mythical sides.

What is the use of dried figs, bearing its glory from the past centuries, for women?

  1. Those who want to lose unwanted kilograms can use the method in which one “fig” day is arranged weekly. In fact, in addition to 100 g of dried fruits, it is supposed to use a kilogram of raw fruits, a pound of raw vegetables and 2 liters of low-fat kefir on this day.
  2. Women love sweets, but are often forced to avoid them. An excellent alternative would be a few dried fig berries, which, with all the sweetness, are much more useful than chocolates, sweets, chips, etc.
  3. From the practice of oriental medicine, recommendations were made to alleviate menstrual pain by eating several fig berries.
  4. Figs can not only contribute to losing weight, but also help to gain weight if you know how to eat it: regular consumption in large quantities due to the calorie content of the product will quickly add kilograms, while dosed use will help cleanse the intestines, which helps to reduce weight.

How to choose the right

Fresh figs, unprocessed and healthy, can be enjoyed only where it grows, because it has an extremely short shelf life - just a few hours after removing from.

He fully justifies one of his names “wine berry” - fermentation begins very quickly.

Did you know? An obscene gesture called “fig”, which, according to various interpretations, symbolizes sexual intercourse or demonstration of the genitals, has ancient roots and is, depending on the situation and culture, an insult, an obscene offer, a magical way to get rid of evil spirits, manifestation of disagreement and resistance, refusal from submission and even a therapeutic agent, for example, from barley.

Fresh fruits

Needless to say, it is better not to buy anything from suspicious strangers and in unverified places, including figs.
  The aroma of the berry is pleasant and sweet, it should not be too saturated. If the fetus gives out mustiness, it is spoiled. Fresh, quality fruits should be:

  • no mechanical damage;
  • moderately soft;
  • the darkest shade inherent in this variety;
  • you should prefer the same size berries
  • a large number of seeds indicates a high palatability.
  Fresh figs are transported with utmost care: fruit damage dramatically reduces their already short shelf life.

Important! Never buy hard, unripe fruits- they will not “reach” at home, like apricots or tomatoes.

Dried fruits are more affordable, you can purchase them at any time of the year. Choose brown, beige or gray berries, depending on the variety.
Tips for choosing dried figs:

  1. Fruits should have a matte shade regardless of the color dictated by the variety. Brilliant beautiful berries processed using sulfur dioxide.
  2. Berries unprocessed by chemistry are also not particularly fleshy.
  3. A quality product is a bit flattened.
  4. Sometimes the surface is covered with a white coating, which is crystallized glucose. Such a product is sweet.
  5. A dry rough texture combined with an acidic or salty taste indicates that the product is expired.
  6. Even if you are confident in the quality of the purchased product, it is better to soak it in water an hour before use to dissolve any harmful compounds.

Did you know? Jesus did not find fruit on the fig tree and cursed it, after which the tree withered, therefore the dried fig tree in the Christian tradition- a symbol of heresy.

How to store

Fig berry should be stored in processed form, and fresh berry has an ultra-short shelf life.

Fresh fruits

If you are fortunate enough to end up in the summer in the region where this amazing berry grows, and you have been able to purchase it for eating, it is better to eat it as soon as possible.
  If there is a need for storage, use a refrigerator. The temperature should be approximately 1 ° C. The maximum shelf life is several days., depending on the initial condition of the product.

Left at room temperature, figs will ferment on the same day.


Not everyone knows how to store dried figs. It is stored in a dry, cool, dark place for several months: the longer the drier the air and the lower the temperature.   If the conditions are not met, the product dries, harmful ones start in it. The container must be tightly corked. Sun exposure excluded.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks attributed to fig fruits the ability to give courage and give strength, so athletes who spoke at the Olympic Games included figs in the diet and absorbed in large quantities. Warriors took dried berries with them, especially if long and tiring transitions were coming.

Before use, it is advisable to soak the dried figs for an hour in warm water, which will dissolve the chemicals. Boiling water can destroy some of the useful substances of the product.

Cooking Application

A healthy person can eat fig berries in any form.
  This exotic product will bring notes to any dish:

  • in fresh or dried form, they are replaced by sweets and chocolates;
  • dried fruits are added to compotes, used in fillings for cakes and other products;
  • you cannot eat unripe berries in raw form, but they become very tasty, sliced \u200b\u200band baked with nuts and honey;
  • ripe fruits, sliced \u200b\u200band seasoned with whipped cream or sour cream - a delicious and nutritious dessert;
  • fig tree berries served with soft cheeses are a great snack for white wine or champagne;
  • add the product to meat dishes, poultry dishes, salads, snacks;
  • of course, this fruit is also harvested in the traditional ways: jam, jam, pastille, canned stewed fruit;
  • they even make wine from fig berries.
  Fig jam preserves almost all the useful properties of the product and is used as a dessert, medicine, and a drug rehabilitating after illnesses.

Did you know? Ancient Greek culture also gave fig fruits a frankly erotic meaning. They symbolized the genitals: whole-   male cut in half- women. Details of this date back to IX.VIII centuries BC e. Figs are invariably present in the images of the god of fertility and winemaking Dionysus, whose ministry had a frankly erotic meaning.

Application in cosmetology

It is not surprising that such a useful product has found its application and has occupied a worthy niche in cosmetology.

It has the ability to regenerate, moisturize and soften. It is applied for:

  • skin hydration;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • rejuvenation;
  • fight against wrinkles.

  Daily cleansing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing masks and mixtures with fig fruits are widely used and bring a tangible effect.

Contraindications and harm

Figs -   unique product, the useful properties of which have been known for a long time and are used to this day, but he also has contraindications.

  • acute inflammatory processes of any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout
  • obesity
  • pancreatitis
  • urolithiasis.
   With caution, it can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
   Despite the minimum contraindications, people who do not have them should not eat figs in large quantities. Adequate daily rate for a healthy body -   2–4 pieces.

Figs have undeniable benefits and take their rightful place among the healing products. It is not only useful, but also very tasty both on its own and in combination with other products: its presence adds exotic notes to dishes.

Figs  - This is a deciduous tree, belongs to the family Mulberry and enters the genus Ficus. The plant came into everyday life for a long time, starting from the end of the eleventh century BC. Today Figs are a common culture in the Mediterranean countries, the Carpathians, Georgia, Abkhazia and the Black Sea coast.

Figs are called differently: "Fig", "Fig tree", "Fig tree", "wine berry", "fig". So the name "fig tree" is often found in the text of the Bible and the Old Testament. The tree has a smooth gray bark with a light gray tint. The stiff leaves of the plant are large, located on the branches in turn, have from three to seven lobes that resemble the fingers of a palm.

Figs: how to grow, description

Inflorescences develop on shortened shoots located in the axils of the leaves. Inflorescences are divided into male caprices and female figs that appear on different trees. Male inflorescences look like a bunch of small flowers, while female flowers in the inflorescence are quite large.

After pollination, female flowers form fruit, where each fruit is a nut. In the pollination of most species of figs, small, black wasp blastophages play an important role. Only some parthenocarpic varieties obtained in the selection process can do without pollinating insects.

A thin, delicate peel with tiny hairs covers Figo. To taste it is fragrant, fleshy and sweet. The color of the fruit may be different: purple, yellow, yellow-green and dark blue. Ripe, fresh fruits contain a lot of sugars. According to some sources, this is about 24%, according to others to 75%. Also in the fats are fats, organic acids, proteins and coumarin. Unripe fruits are not consumed due to the content of milky juice in them.

The economic value of figs is due to its nutritional value and excellent taste. In cooking, figs are used to make various jams and jams. They are dried and canned and used for baking bread. The fruits of fig tree are also used in medicine. To do this, after harvesting, foliage is collected from the tree, dried and crushed. From the obtained raw materials, a preparation is made for the treatment of skin diseases (baldness and skin pigmentation).

The fruits themselves have medicinal properties that help in the fight against diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs. Due to the fact that the fruits of the fig tree contain a large amount of iron, they are used in preparations for patients with anemia.

Due to the elegant and spectacular foliage, the fig tree is often grown as a decorative, indoor culture. The tree is planted in a large tub or pot and carefully looked after it. However, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering and fruiting at home.

Useful properties of figs, composition and calorie content

Surely, those who have visited the Mediterranean countries at least once, as well as Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey or China, have not missed the opportunity to try the valuable and tasty fig fruit.

On the one hand, it costs less at home, and on the other hand, they are used to importing it to Europe exclusively in dried form, because fig fruits are very sensitive to even minor mechanical influences, which is why they spoil almost instantly. Now producers carefully pack the fruit in separate cardboard containers and export it to other countries where there is no such “miracle” of nature.

Of course, doctors recommend eating wild fruits if possible. But you can only “taste” them in the homeland of the fig, which not everyone can go to. Therefore, you have to buy a cultivated version. It was created with the aim of obtaining large yields, which is why the plant does not contain male inflorescences and, as a consequence, inedible kaprifig.

Seriously, the consumer does not always pay attention to the rounded or pear-shaped juicy fruits modestly reclining on the store and market stalls covered with light gray skin (although depending on the variety it can be brown, green, and even bright orange) with honey taste and numerous small seeds inside called nuts. Indeed, they look unattractive in appearance, but are priceless in terms of their “useful” composition.

Dried figs

Fig fruits are characterized by:

  • almost complete absence of fats and, as a result, cholesterol; only carbohydrates and some proteins are observed in it;
  • a high content of various sugars (they make up about 70% of the total composition of pulp) and useful organic acids;
  • the presence of vitamins of groups B, C and A (although the latter is presented in a negligible percentage, which allows people who are allergic to carotene to eat this fruit);
  • the content of such important trace elements as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron.

So what is the use and harm of figs in its use?

If we evaluate the impact of all these components, we can indicate a number of useful properties from eating fresh figs:

  1. Normalization of blood pressure. Doctors indicate that the main cause of hypertension is an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the human body. And if figs are included in the diet, then the pressure will not only normalize, but will also acquire a stable norm.
  2. Strengthening the skeletal system. Due to the fact that a delicious fruit contains a sufficient amount of calcium, a person has the opportunity, without the use of special calcified drugs that have a negative effect on the kidneys, to maintain bone density and strength. After all, the use of one fetus makes up for the daily need of the body for this trace element. Figs are especially useful for pregnant women and those who have crossed the threshold of menopause, when dangerous osteoporosis most often develops.
  3. Removal of toxic substances. Figs are part of the antioxidant fruit group.
  4. Treatment of urinary and cholelithiasis. It was found that the juice and pulp of this fruit gently and painlessly crush stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Useful properties of figs for weight loss


Scientific developments of scientists of recent years allow us to conclude about the qualitative effect of figs on weight loss. Initially, in Asian countries, where the berry comes from, figs were used not only to improve health, but also for weight loss.

The ability of figs to perfectly cleanse the vessels of the body from cholesterol, to have a beneficial effect on the digestive system makes this berry valuable in a healthy diet. Vitamin composition (vitamin B complex), carotene, nicotinic acid - all these are “jewels” of “wine berry”. For example, nicotinic acid can normalize the work of the stomach, become a means of preventing atherosclerosis.

Nutritionists appreciate the minerals in figs that play a leading role in eliminating extra pounds. Losing weight is not an easy burden, which is why the fig-based diet is so attractive in this regard. Potassium, which is contained in the berry, normalizes the body's water balance, reduces accumulated fatigue, and is responsible for the functioning of all blood vessels and muscles. Moreover, it is potassium that makes a significant contribution to the prevention of atherosclerosis.


Pure nutritionists do not emit a diet based solely on fig fruits. The berry itself contains sugar in large quantities, for example, 3 fresh-looking berries are 50 kilocalories, but 100 grams in dried form is already 250 kilocalories.

Based on the data obtained, experts came to the conclusion that abuse of fig fruits is dangerous for the figure, but 10 berries per day is the norm of healthy and wholesome food. For example, eating 2 figs half an hour before lunch, you can provoke the disappearance, dulling of hunger and reduce the amount of food during lunch.

Figs in an amount of up to 8 pieces can be a great treat for dinner or afternoon tea. It is known that nutritionists sometimes recommend, if possible, to arrange days of unloading based on figs. So, it’s more advisable to eat exclusively figs and any, but unsweetened drink for snack.

Figs - a source of energy

Juicy fruits of figs perfectly satisfy thirst and hunger for a long time. The daily requirement of the human body for potassium and life-affirming calcium, giving strength to the gland, is satisfied by eating 20 fruits of this berry.

The properties of figs are invaluable to consumers during the harvest period, as at this time (1 month) you can easily arrange an unloading afternoon snack. A diet based on fig berries copes with excess weight, allows muscles to strengthen, and vital forces recover. Experts have found that figs increase immunity.

The harm of figs to the body

There are contraindications to the use of this product:

First of all, diabetes.It is also important to know that people suffering from gout should not eat this fruit in large quantities, because it contains a large amount of oxalic acid.

Due to the high fiber content, people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature should also refuse to use this albeit a healthy fruit, because it can aggravate and exacerbate the underlying disease.

Along with providing beneficial properties, this fruit is considered harmful to eat for people suffering from pancreatic diseases.

It is contraindicated to use figs with pancreatitis. Also, if you have an upset stomach, then you should take care of yourself, because having a good effect on constipation, it will have the opposite property for diarrhea, thereby causing dehydration.

You can’t eat figs before you drive (it turns out he synthesizes alcohol in the blood).

Useful properties of figs for women

Skin and hair care: homemade recipes with figs

What is useful figs for women? Oriental beauties actively include figs in the program for caring for their delicate skin. To feel the amazing effect of rejuvenation, just cut the fetus into two halves, and then gently massage your face and neck. Fifteen minutes later, you can wash yourself with clean water without adding soap.

All over the world, cosmetologists love and value figs for such "talents":

  He remarkably strengthens the hair, protecting them from damage and overdrying;
  fruits contribute to deep hydration, cleansing and toning of the skin;
  figs effectively smoothes wrinkles, gives skin firmness and elasticity;
  he literally wipes acne, acne and other unattractive rashes from his face;
  the fruits of fig tree significantly improve the condition of nails: they gain strength and strength.

Output:  Such multifaceted properties of figs allow laying it at the base of delicate tonics and scrubs, as well as face and hair masks.

Mask with figs for all skin types

This care product allows you to use both fresh and dried fruits. In the case of dried figs, it must first be soaked in milk or boiled water - for only fifteen minutes.

Next, 2 pieces need to be chopped in a blender, and then combined with 1 yolk, a tablespoon of bee honey and a similar amount of any vegetable oil (preferably olive or grape seed). The composition is applied to clean, dry skin.

In addition to the face, you can also pamper the neckline and neck. The active action of the mask takes about twenty-five minutes, then it must be removed with a damp cloth moistened with mineral water.

Mask with figs for aging skin

If you combine figs with mangoes, you get an excellent tool to maintain youthful skin. To prepare a smoothing mask, you will need the following components:

  fig fruits (2 pieces),
  peach oil (1 tablespoon),
  ripe mango (1 piece),
  chicken egg (1 piece),
  cottage cheese (half a cup),
  honey (20 ml).

After all the ingredients are well mixed, the mask is applied to the face for half an hour (the composition must be warm). Remove it with a cotton swab moistened with fresh milk. Then the face is additionally rinsed with heated water.

The duration of the application of a nourishing mask is 2 months, the optimal number of procedures is 1-2 for each week.

Mask with figs for dry skin care

Figs allow you to quickly and easily cope with inflammation on dry skin. It intensely moisturizes, gives velvety and heals all microdamage to the skin.

It will take only 1 ripe fig tree fruit. It should be cleaned, kneaded and combined with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. The curd - fig mask is left for twenty to thirty minutes, it must be removed with milk and warm water.

Moisturizing mask with figs

This tool copes with the tasks of hydration and nutrition, while improving the complexion. It will be required:

  Almond oil (1 tablespoon),
  figs (3 pieces),
  honey (1 tablespoon),
  egg (1 piece),
  milk (200 milliliters),
  oat flour (half a cup).

Figs must be cleaned and boiled in milk. Then, after mixing with the rest of the ingredients, it is thoroughly whipped with a blender.

A mask aged for forty minutes is best used in the fall - winter season (when the skin needs enhanced care). Repetition rate - up to two procedures per week for a couple of months.

Mask with figs for edematous skin

Aging skin, prone to inflammation and swelling, will strengthen the mask based on figs, apples and bananas. The composition is as follows:

  figs (2 pieces),

  fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons),
  banana (1 fruit),
  egg (1 piece),
  sour apple (1 piece),
  peach oil (20 ml),
  oily solution of vitamin E (10 drops).

The cottage cheese, egg and pulp of each fruit must be properly chopped in a blender. Vitamin can be added both before and after whipping, the main thing is to achieve a homogeneous, thoroughly mixed, consistency.

The presented mask is used not only on the skin of the face and neck, but also in the decollete. It can also be used as a nourishing hand cream. The composition should be applied in a dense layer, the duration of the procedure is no longer than forty minutes. It is recommended to remove the remnants of the care product first with a napkin, and then alternately with warm and cool water (ideally mineral).

The traditional course is 2 months with 3 treatments per week. The mask works particularly well in winter.

Fig tonic lotion

In order for the skin to acquire a healthy, delicate and radiant appearance, it is often necessary to treat it with useful fig lotion. It is prepared very simply: you just need to make an infusion at the rate of 25 grams of fruit per glass of boiling water. It takes several hours for the components to become active, after which the infusion is filtered.

Wipe your face with this natural lotion every day, in several approaches.

Figs for teeth whitening

To achieve a dazzling smile? Nothing is easier! You only need fig ash and a little glycerin. The components are combined with each other to the consistency of a thick paste. She should brush her teeth every day.

Mask for hair with figs

Useful goodness is excellent in hair care. To improve the quality of hair and cure split ends, you will need a couple of dried figs and 200 ml of milk.

Fruits must be poured with milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Then, still in slow mode, the composition is boiled to a homogeneous consistency. After some cooling, the mask can be applied to the hair. Allowed daily use.

Obviously, such a delicacy as a fig is worthy of the title of a tireless fighter for female beauty!

Fig jam

Fig jam will become a real ray of light in winter, which will fill your home with a bright aroma and exquisite taste.

To make fig jam, you need to peel 100 pieces of green figs. Remember to wear gloves before cleaning. Boil in a large amount of water until half cooked. Rinse the finished figs in cold water and squeeze slightly.
  Boil 1 kg of sugar in three glasses of water until a thick syrup is obtained.

When it is ready, add the figs and cook over medium heat until the water is completely absorbed into the figs. And finally, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Boil and remove from heat. For a larger flavor, you can put a clove star or vanillin.

Figs in syrup

2.5 liters:

- a kilogram of figs;
  - 700 g of sugar;
  - two to three star anise stars;
  - one and a half glasses of water;
  - a teaspoon of vanillin;
  - lemon;
  - cinnamon stick (4 cm).

Cooking progress.

  1. Wash the figs and put it in a colander, dip in boiling water for a minute, then transfer to cold water.
  2. Combine water with sugar, mix and put on fire. When bubbles begin to form, it is necessary to remove from the fire, squeeze lemon juice there, mix. Submerge all the figs and spices in the syrup, cover with a lid and set for six to eight hours.
  3. Boil the figs in syrup for three to five minutes (count from the moment of boiling), remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave overnight. Boil again in the morning for five minutes (from the moment of boiling), remove from heat.
  4. Fill the prepared jars with figs, pour the syrup on top. Roll up, you can close the plastic lids. Store figs in syrup in a dark place.

Fig: planting and care in the open ground

When choosing a seedling, you need to choose the right variety of figs.

Purple Sukhumi, Sochi-7, Kadota, Solar  - These varieties of figs with their tasty and juicy fruits are suitable for growing in open and closed ground, or indoors. Brunswick, Panashi, Brown Turkey, red bordeaux, Crimean black, Dalmatianare very common in different regions and can withstand up to 20 degrees of frost.

To protect the fig from icing, it is necessary to wrap it with paper, film for the winter or bend it to the ground and sprinkle with foliage and cover it with a spanbond.

Different varieties differ in pollination requirements. There are self-pollinated varieties that require pollination or go self-fertile.

Figs can propagate by seeds, cuttings, roots or layering. When buying a seedling, you need to find out by what method it was propagated, and whether the parent tree had fruits.

Seeds take root rarely, and the grown plant gives small fruits, because of this, this method is rarely used. For breeding from seeds, you need fruits from a self-made tree or a tree pollinated by male flowers from a neighboring fig tree.

A shank with four kidneys should have oblique cuts on both sides. It is planted in a tank with a mixture of peat, earth and sand, which is preliminarily calcined and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. To form a good root system, small cuts are made above the cut.

The bottom cut should be deepened to the second eye from below. Upper, rise above one, two kidneys above the ground.

Also, the handle can be put in a jar of water with the addition of growth accelerators, this method allows you to quickly root the plant and transplant it immediately into the ground.

The planted stalk in the ground or container must be covered with polyethylene or a cut bottle.

Fig cuttings require constant moisture. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the plant, but it should not grow in the shade. After half a month, the film or bottle can be removed for a day and eventually removed for good. For adaptation, it needs to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle several times a day.

A transplant into the soil from the tank can be done when green leaves appear and the plant is completely rooted. Fruiting begins in two years. Up to this point, the plant grows intensively, then the growth stops.

In spring, fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers is carried out. In summer and early fall, you can fertilize with humus, superphosphate fertilizers and potassium salt.

Basal shoots and layering sprinkled with earth take root and grow best. The branches are added and watered, after a couple of months the plant can be separated from the mother and transplanted. After a couple of years, these layering will bear fruit.

For transplantation, you need to choose a place on the south windless side. The roots of the plant, if they are without an earthen coma, are dipped in liquid diluted clay. In a cool climate, figs are recommended to be planted in a trench.

For good fruiting, you need to form the crown of a tree or bush. With a growth of 30 centimeters, the central shoot is pinched. An adult plant should have 4 main branches. To form a small bush, excess branches are removed.

Figs, with proper care, can grow in different latitudes and in different soils. It belongs to cold-resistant plants, and with a good selection of planting material, it grows in a beautiful bush or tree that produces healthy and tasty fruits up to two times a year.

Video: Figs benefit the body

In ancient times, the fig tree was a symbol of wealth and prosperity, fertility and love. This is not surprising - the berries of the plant, which was also called fig, wine berry and fig, are very tasty and nutritious, their healing properties were known to the ancient Greeks.

So, the soldiers of Alexander of Macedon always had a bag with dried or dried berries on their campaign, because the pulp from these fruits healed the wounds, and after a hard campaign or battle the berries helped to quickly restore strength. Is the fig really so valuable?

Useful and healing properties for health

Figs are a southern plant, and its fruits have long been used in the cuisines of different nations. Here are just fresh berries spoil in just a day or two, so most often we deal with dried figs, fully preserving all the qualities of fresh fruits.

Dried fruits are more nutritious, have a rich taste, give strength, fill us with energy and increase our mood. Gourmets give preference to them, adding to desserts, pastries, granola, etc.

Figs boasts a rich composition, it has vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B11, PPas well as pectins, proteins, various enzymes, fiber, sugars, amino acids, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc. In dried figs, as it turned out, there are even more minerals than in fresh: sodium - 10 times, calcium - 5.

Potassium in it is only slightly less than in nuts and 3 times more than in fresh berries, and iron fruits are richer than apples that doctors recommend for anemia.

What diseases does the fig help with?

  • Berry juice removes sand and stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen
  • It relieves infectious and viral skin diseases, detoxifies and is effective in the prevention of cancer.
  • A record amount of potassium strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, improves hemoglobin, strengthens blood vessels, prevents blood clots and venous insufficiency. Regular consumption of berries can prevent a heart attack, stroke, hypertensive crisis.
  • Figs are used for colds, pharyngitis, sore throat, severe cough, laryngitis and loss of voice. To prepare a remedy for these diseases is simple: 6 fruits evaporate in 400 ml of milk and take a warm broth of 50-60 ml 4-6 times a day.
  • Calcium is a very valuable mineral in the menu of children and the elderly, it strengthens bone tissues and teeth, raises the general tone, and prevents vision impairment.
  • Fig quickly removes toxic and toxic substances, therefore it is used in the treatment of poisoning and liver diseases.
  • It is recommended that you always have dried or dried figs handy for athletes, tourists, and people engaged in hard physical labor. It is quickly absorbed and well restores strength.
  • Fiber, micronutrients and acids of fresh fruit gently cleanse the intestines, relieve constipation and bloating.

Figs are extremely beneficial for men. It is an effective medicine for prostatitis, gives a surge of energy and restores male power at any age.

You can create a healthy drink at home yourself: soak 2 medium-sized berries in 250 ml of warm milk, leave for 10-12 hours, and then drink milk and eat berries. The course of treatment is about a month.

For women, regularly including fresh and dried figs on the menu is a way to solve many health problems.

Fig will help:

  • lose weight. Just replace one meal with 2-3 berries, and soon you will feel how the extra pounds go away. Fruits help activate metabolism and remove excess fat. Fresh figs can also be the main meal on a fasting day. The diet on this day should be like this: 1 kilogram of berries, 500 g of vegetables or fruits, 2 liters of low-fat kefir.
  • tidy up the legs. Legs on heels often get tired, veins begin to protrude, and varicose veins appear. Dealing with these painful and unaesthetic problems is not easy, especially if your work is sedentary. Now among office workers, more than half suffer from such troubles, and expensive ointments do not always help. solving the problem is much simpler: one or two fruits (dried or fresh) per day will be enough to prevent such problems.
  • get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as leucorrhoea caused by an infectious or fungal disease of the female organs.

For children, figs are, above all, a delicious treat, very sweet and interesting, with pinkish or yellowish villi inside. Kids eat it with pleasure, replenishing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

A mixture of gruel from figs, liquid honey, warm milk and butter is a tasty and very effective cough suppressant. Puree from fresh figs is a tasty and reliable remedy for children's constipation, a way to improve appetite and establish digestion. However, before cooking for a child  dishes or medicinal mixtures with figs, make sure he is not allergic on this product.

Calorie berry

The energy value of figs is much higher than that of many fruits familiar to us, therefore, people who monitor their weight should be eaten with caution, in small quantities.

Calorie content per 100 grams of fresh berries is 50-70 kcal. For comparison, in a watermelon and grapefruit - about 35 kcal, in apricot - 47 kcal, pear - 54 kcal, strawberries - 28-35 kcal.

Sun-dried and dried fig berries are much more nutritious than fresh. In 100 grams more than 250 kcal!

Pregnancy use

Even for unborn babies and expectant mothers, the benefits of figs are huge! Very often, women waiting for the replenishment of the family suffer from weakness, nausea, digestive disorders, anemia, and depression.

  • supplies the body of the child and mother with the necessary micro and macro elements
  • allows you to solve problems with obstructed stools without medication and unpleasant procedures
  • improves blood quality, raises hemoglobin and promotes proper fetal development
  • contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness in the body - serotonin. with its help, it will be easier for future mothers to cope with unrest, mood swings, and depressive states.

It should be remembered that for pregnant women who quickly gain weight, figs can be harmful due to a rather high calorie content.

During lactation, figs will become a valuable source of potassium and calcium for the baby, and it also stimulates the release of breast milk. A decoction of berries will be especially valuable in cases where intolerance to milk and dairy products is observed.

Harm and contraindications

Figs - a fruit that grows in a warm climate, where not only people want to feast on them, but also birds, insects, and other animals. Accordingly, trees are often treated with drugs that repel pests or to improve the preservation of the fruit.

Berries treated with chemicals can be harmful to your health, so if you are not sure that the fruit is absolutely “clean”, you should not eat the peel and be sure to wash it before eating.

When buying dried figs, be sure to ensure that they do not have ticks or other small insects. Some people take the whitish coating on dried fruits as mold, but it is just not at all dangerous - these are glucose crystals that appear on the skin, are completely harmless and very sweet.

Doctors and nutritionists do not give direct contraindications to the use of figs, but they strongly recommend not to include it in the menu for exacerbation of stomach diseases, diabetes, gout, allergies. However, it is not safe for completely healthy people to eat fig in unlimited quantities, overeating can only do harm. For good health, it is enough to eat 2-4 fruits.

Enjoy sweet and healthy figs and stay healthy and alert!

Figs: history, types, distribution, composition and calorie content, health benefits, medicinal properties and contraindications. Photo.

Common figs, also known as figs, fig trees, wine berries, ficus caricas, fig trees, are subtropical deciduous trees, reaching a height of 12 m. Typically, figs produce two to three crops per season, in summer and autumn. The color of the fruit varies from cream-yellow to dark red and black-blue, taste - from sweet with sourness to sugary-sweet, the shape is round and pear-shaped. Begins to bear fruit at the age of three, and can live 50-300 years.

History, Species and Distribution

The fig tree is one of the first crops domesticated by man. In Ancient Hellas it was known from the 9th century BC, and in Ancient Egypt it was considered sacred. As a cultivated plant, figs began to be grown in Arabia, and from there the tree was brought into Syria, Phenicia and Egypt. In America, the Carian ficus appeared only at the end of the XVI century. By the way, this name comes from ancient Caria - a mountainous region in Asia Minor, which is considered the birthplace of the plant. Today, figs are grown in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea, where the tree was brought in by the Genoese. At the moment, about 1000 varieties of figs have been bred. They differ from each other in the way of pollination, productivity, ripening period, frost resistance, shape and size of fruits.

The most popular varieties of figs: Blanche, Kadota, Chapla, Oglobsha, Azari, Khazari, Commune, Italian White, White Adriatic, Italian Black, Dalmatian (Dalmatian), Giant Yellow, Purple Sukhumi, Nikitsky Flavored, Sunny, Sochi-7, White Fraga , Sary figs, Sary forehead (Smirn-2), Kalimirna, Moisson, Honey (Crimean-41), Absheron. Of the dried fruits, the best is light yellow Samarkand figs.

Vitamin cocktail: composition and calorie content of figs

Figs are a fruit with a jelly-like flesh and rich flavor, containing 14 minerals and 11 vitamins. Ripe figs have a very tender and juicy pulp, and dried and dried fruits are quite firm, they need to be soaked or steamed before use.

The composition of figs includes beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, PP and group B, from minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sulfur, bromine. There is more iron in fresh fruits than in apples, and figs are second only to nuts in potassium.

Figs are also a source of proteins, natural sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, tannins, fiber, pectins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely important for health. The benefits of figs are also associated with the presence of antioxidants in it - polyphenols and flavonoids. In addition, ripe fig is an alkaline food, and its diet has a significant lack of it. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that figs are an ideal option for a snack, of course, if a person seeks to satisfy hunger quickly and with benefit for his body.

Calorie fresh figs:  74 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 12 g, proteins - 0.7 g, fats - 0.2 g.

Calorie dried figs:  257 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 57.9 g, proteins - 3.1 g, fats - 0.8 g.

Universal benefits: medicinal properties of figs

Increased cholesterol, a hangover, cough, stress, overweight - figs can cope with these and many other problems. Official medicine today evaluates its healing properties as highly as the ancient Greek healers did several millennia ago.

With a cold

The benefits of figs for colds are explained by its antipyretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. In the form of a decoction (in milk or water), the fruits of the fig tree are used in folk medicine for gum disease, respiratory diseases, as a rinse for angina. Cough figs (pour 4-5 fresh fruits in a glass of hot milk, soak and grind) can be given to young children: you need to drink such a cocktail in a day in 2-3 doses.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Figs are useful for disruption of the digestive tract, liver diseases, and for the prevention of colon cancer. Its fruits have a mild laxative effect, they help to establish the intestines without the use of medications. You need to take a couple of berries and soak in water (if it's dry figs) or in milk (fresh fruits) and eat on an empty stomach. Doctors also prescribe the fruits of the wine berry for jade, urolithiasis and painful urination.

With cardiovascular ailments

Figs are useful for hypertension, iron deficiency anemia and venous insufficiency, as it is rich in rutin and potassium, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle. The enzymes contained in the fruits of the wine berry maintain normal blood composition, preventing it from thickening, contribute to the resorption of blood clots in the veins. The amino acids that make up the figs help break down excess cholesterol in the blood.

For skin lesions

Figs accelerate the opening and healing of boils, abscesses, abscesses: apply fruit steamed in milk to sore spots. Juice and infusion of fresh leaves of the Carian ficus perfectly moisturize dry skin, removes pigmentation during vitiligo, removes warts, treats acne and other skin diseases.

There is a lot of fiber in figs, which improves digestion and prevents the conversion of excess sugar that enters the body with food into fat. Mexican scientists have found that a carbohydrate-rich fig, paradoxically, is useful in type II diabetes. In addition, the fruits of wine berry perfectly satisfy hunger and help the body get rid of excess fluid. In view of the foregoing, figs can be considered an ideal dessert for those who monitor their weight.

Figs during pregnancy

The beneficial properties of figs apply to pregnant women. Rich in microelements and folates, fiber and ascorbic acid, the fruits of the wine berry are simply indispensable for maintaining the health of the mother and her unborn baby. Figs are especially useful for a woman in a position with excessive weight gain: healthy fruits can replace harmful sweets and synthetic vitamins.

For the mood

Figs come in handy for people whose work is related to creativity and mental stress. This sweet fruit, in addition to the healing effect, is also able to raise the mood and strengthen memory, thanks to the potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6 contained in it. Breakfast from figs will help those who “went through” on the eve: the fruits of the fig tree perfectly cope with thirst, nausea and dry mouth.


Figs, especially when dried, are contraindicated in severe obesity, gout (due to the high concentration of oxalic acid), pancreatitis, acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired salt metabolism in the body and diabetes. Figs only brought benefits if consumed in reasonable amounts: not more than 100 g of dried and not more than 400 g of fresh fruits per day.

How to choose and store figs

Fresh figs are stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, so on the shelves of domestic stores we often see dried fruits. Quality berries are quite soft to the touch. Stains, plaque on the skin, unpleasant odor, excessive hardness can talk about the staleness of dried fruits. And one more secret: experts say that the smaller the fruits of the fig tree, the tastier they are.

The fig tree is considered a symbol of enlightenment in Buddhism, and is mentioned both in the Bible and in the revelations of the Koran. According to biblical legend, it was the leaves of the Carian ficus that became the first “clothes” of Adam and Eve.

Invaluable health benefits, unusual taste, moderately sweet, somewhat reminiscent of honey, tender and fresh at the same time - all these advantages make figs a welcome guest on tables at different peoples of the world. Cleopatra herself preferred it to other fruits, and the ancient Greeks awarded the winners of the Olympic Games with the fruits of the berry. Indulge yourself with only healthy sweets and be always healthy!

Many have heard the name of the fruit "figs" and have tried this sweet product. Its size is not very large - like a small apple. The fruits grow on a very tall tree, reaching twenty-two meters tall. The tree is strong and powerful. The tree lives and bears fruit until four hundred years. The plant is unpretentious and can bear fruit without the slightest care. This is a real miracle. The healing properties of figs are well understood.

Only fig fruits are used as food. For medicinal purposes, the bark and leaves of the tree are also used. The fruit grows in countries with a warm and mild climate. There are about five hundred different varieties of figs that differ in shape, color, juiciness of the fruit.

Many other names are known - fig tree, fig tree, wine berry. The mention of wine berry is found in the Bible, and our ancestors covered themselves with a fig leaf. Fresh fruit is not stored for very long, therefore it is most often consumed in dried or dried form. In cooking, figs are a real delicacy that is used in many desserts and pastries.

What is the use of fresh wine berry:

  • favorably affects the condition of the liver;
  • helps to increase hemoglobin;
  • treats diseases of the female genital area;
  • helps relieve an attack of bronchospasm;
  • helps to overcome colds and infectious diseases.

Dried fruit is also no less useful:

  • cleanses the intestines from harmful toxins;
  • as an adjunct therapy for colds;
  • indispensable for the liver;
  • helps with anemia and helps to increase hemoglobin;
  • proven remedy for tachycardia;
  • antitussive effect.

The composition of the fruit of the wine berry

Figs have a pleasant taste in any form. The fruit does not lose its beneficial properties either dried or dried. Sugar content in dried fruits is slightly higher than in fresh ones. By its chemical composition, the fruit is different from many fruits.

Figs are rich in the following minerals and elements:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folates.

What is useful green onions

The benefits of figs for the human body

Figs are not only very tasty, but also have many medicinal properties. When eating one fruit per day, you can cover the daily intake of vitamins and minerals. The fetus is a real salvation for people with low immunity. You can highlight the main advantages when using figs:

  • the contractile work of the heart and heart muscle improves;
  • there is a stabilization of blood pressure;
  • reduced risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • cholesterol plaques dissolve in the vessels;
  • the gastrointestinal tract is getting better;
  • effective in combating helminths;
  • has an expectorant ability;
  • effective in the treatment of asthma and bronchospasm;
  • prevents the onset and development of cancer;
  • possesses anti-stress capabilities;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • possesses wound healing ability;
  • useful during pregnancy;
  • help with painful menstruation;
  • excellent product for diet food;
  • helps strengthen bones;
  • helps to cope with age-related eye diseases;
  • essential for men's health.

How to consume fig fruits

In the market, among the abundance of fruits, you need to be able to choose the right fig fruit. Pay attention to its color, size, shape and softness.

Unripe fruit will not bring you gastronomic pleasure. Overripe fruit will also taste bad. If you still bought a not quite ripe fruit, you must bake it with honey and nuts. And you can pour honey and refrigerate to make the filling for the cakes.

If you have no contraindications for the use of figs, you can safely enter it into your diet. Fruit copes with hunger, can replace sweets. Since figs are not transported fresh, we get it most often in the form of dried fruits. Before use, it is recommended to let them stand in water and swell a little. Figs are ready to eat. You can use it when baking pies and making desserts, make tinctures or add to the dough for a variety of confectionery.

Fig leaves

Fig leaves are indispensable for therapeutic purposes. The acids and essential oil they contain make them very healthy. All summer and until half-fall it is recommended to dry the fruit leaves in a dark, ventilated place. Leaves must be protected from getting wet and make sure that they do not dry out. In case of drying, many useful properties are lost. In a dry room, leaves can be stored for two to three years.

About pomegranate: beneficial properties and contraindications

Cooked broth or infusion is very effective for scabies, inflammatory skin diseases, ulcers, colds. When rubbed into the scalp, you can stop the process of hair loss. For fresh wounds, leaf compresses are used. Wounds heal quickly, even in the presence of purulent processes. Fig seeds are effective for constipation. If you take ten to fifteen seeds within three to four days, you can get rid of constipation.

Disease treatment with fig fruits

The fetus is second in potassium content. This allows the fruit to be used to support people with serious cardiovascular diseases. Still figs are used in the following situations:

  • with poisoning and intoxication of the body;
  • with digestive disorders;
  • as a remedy for chronic fatigue;
  • with hyperthermia, especially in children;
  • during vitamin deficiency;
  • with thrombophlebitis and blockage of blood vessels;
  • with colds;
  • with nephropathy;
  • with baldness;
  • with obesity of all degrees;
  • with a debilitating, whooping cough.

The fetus is not always available, but it is possible to receive its beneficial substances at any time. In the pharmacy for sale is presented fig syrup, which has useful features:

  • activates appetite;
  • helps with rheumatism;
  • overcomes inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • favorably affects women's health.

Dried pieces of wine berry can completely replace even the most delicious sweets.

All women want to be beautiful, and the fig tree helps them if they are added to masks and lotions:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • moisturizes and tones the skin;
  • cleanses the skin from inflammation and rash;
  • strengthens nails and hair;

Product Benefit for Children

If the child’s body is prone to constipation, then introducing figs into the diet will help to cope with this problem. The rational use of figs in baby food is the prevention of a large number of diseases:

  • anemia;
  • digestive dysfunctions;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • activates the brain and mental functions.

Contraindications for eating fruit

Contraindications to the use of figs should be discussed in detail. Indications for the use of figs are much more than contraindications. But they are there too. Figs can be harmful in the following diseases:


Overdose in eating fruit can lead to digestive upset, provoke allergic reactions or cause tooth decay. If a person has planned a surgery, you should abandon the use of figs the day before. Substances in the fetus can thin the blood and cause bleeding.

Figs are the oldest fruit that a person has heard of. There are many interesting facts, here are some of them:

  • mentioned in biblical myths;
  • the trees giving the most delicious fruits were called human names;
  • figs are the only tree living for hundreds of years;
  • fruit was always at hand with soldiers on military campaigns;
  • trees are able to survive even under the most adverse conditions;
  • it has a huge supply of vitamins, minerals;
  • able to dissolve atherosclerotic plaques;
  • in ancient Greece, the export of plants outside the state was equal to treason;
  • shelf life of fresh fruit - no more than five hours;
  • the aroma of tree bark is actively used in perfumery and formed the basis of some world famous brands;
  • figs - a symbol of family happiness and the inviolability of the union, it was believed that the presence of a plant in the bedroom guarantees peace and quiet in the family;
  • the more seeds inside the fruit, the higher its beneficial properties.

Wine berry is a unique and useful fruit, and if you do not have diseases for which it is contraindicated, you can fully enjoy the taste and benefits of this fruit!