Rice with pumpkin recipe in milk. Rice porridge with pumpkin in milk - nutritious, healthy and tasty breakfast

Pumpkin porridge with rice is my favorite. I put the rice a little and cook it for a long time. In the process of cooking porridge becomes smooth and uniform, acquiring the consistency of a thick cream. You can’t even tell where the rice is and where the pumpkin is.

Very tasty and healthy dish. Putting butter is not necessary.

To prepare this porridge, take all the products shown in the photo.

Peel, wash and chop the pumpkin in small pieces. Put in a pot or pot with a thick bottom. In such a dish porridge does not burn. Add a little water and put on fire.

Wash the rice well and add to the pumpkin in the pan. Cook until soft pumpkin. If the liquid boils, then add more water.

When the pumpkin is soft, knead it. Pour milk, put sugar to taste and salt.

Cook over the smallest fire, stirring occasionally. When the porridge thickens and becomes uniform, turn off the heat.

In a hot porridge add butter and mix.

Pumpkin porridge with rice is ready. Cool it a little and serve it for breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner.

Tasty and healthy.

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable from which you can cook both savory and sweet dishes: cookies, rolls, pancakes, etc. But the pumpkin porridge with rice cooked in milk is especially tasty. The recipe for such a porridge is very simple. If you have never tried such a dish - be sure to cook in the autumn-winter period! After all, pumpkin, among other things, is also a storehouse of vitamins with trace elements.

You will need:

  • 500 gr. Pumpkins
  • 1/2 cup rice;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 800 gr. milk;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • vanillin;
  • salt.
  • Cooking porridge from pumpkin with rice in milk:

    Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes. Pour into a saucepan, pour water (half a glass), bring to a boil, reduce heat, close the lid and simmer for about 20 minutes, i.e. until the pumpkin becomes soft.

    Remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents, beat with a blender to a puree state. Who does not have a blender - knead a pumpkin with a pusher or a tablespoon.

    We wash rice in several waters. It is worth clarifying that for rice porridge in milk with pumpkin, round rice is best suited, which quickly boils.

    In an aluminum pan, boil water (half a glass), pour the washed rice, cook until half-cooked cereal.

    Add the cooked pulp of pumpkin, milk, sugar, salt to the rice, stir, simmer for about 15 minutes.

    Then add butter, vanillin on the tip of the knife, mix, turn off the fire after a minute. We tightly close the pan with a lid, on top with a clean towel. Pumpkin porridge will be ready in 30 minutes.

    Pumpkin porridge cooked according to this recipe turns out to be fragrant and very tasty. Serve with dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.) and honey.

    Pumpkin porridge with rice is rich in valuable vitamins, it is fragrant and incredibly tasty. This dish is recommended for use by both adults and children. The taste of porridge depends on what kind of vegetable is used for its preparation. Usually it is very tasty from nutmeg pumpkin, and the “hundred-pound” variety makes the dish look like dessert.

    There are a lot of recipes for pumpkin cereals. The most delicate dish can turn out even if it is cooked on water. And if you use milk, then all the ingredients used retain their benefits.

    As indicated in various recipes, pumpkin porridge with rice and milk  should be cooked in a pan with thick walls. It is also recommended to simmer it in the oven in a pot or fireproof container. You can even cook it in a slow cooker. If porridge is cooked in a pan, then it is necessary to constantly monitor it so that it does not run away or does not burn. But the use of a slow cooker or oven greatly simplifies the process.

    For cooking should take the pulp of a mature vegetableseparated from seeds and peel. Be sure to remove its loose and greenish part. The pulp of a pumpkin needs to be cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Often it is boiled separately separately in milk or water, and, having crushed with a nibble or grated through a sieve, combined with rice.

    For pumpkin porridge use different varieties of rice. To make the dish crumbly, take long-grain rice, for a viscous dish, round-shaped rice is suitable.

    Rice groats are required washed under cold water  and thoroughly dried. If the liquid is not decanted, the proportions recommended by the recipe will be violated, and the dish will turn out to have a completely different consistency.

    Any milk can be purchased for cereal, but it must be fresh. It should be added then when the pumpkin is boiled  in water and combined with rice. It should be noted that the dish more often burns up if milk of high fat content is used. In this case, it is diluted with water.

    Oil is necessarily added to the porridge, and this should be done during the preparation process or immediately after.

    For such a recipe you will need:

    • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
    • 700 ml of milk;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 300 g round grain polished rice;
    • 75 g of butter.

    For making pumpkin porridge  it is necessary to cut its flesh into medium-sized cubes or cubes. They should be laid out in three clay pots and sprinkled with rice, washed in cold water. Boil milk, pour salt, sugar into it, mix and immediately pour into containers.

    In each clay pot put a spoonful of butter and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. After 25 minutes, readiness is checked. If the milk has evaporated, add it a little more and again put the pots back in the oven for 25 minutes.

    Such a recipe provides the following components:

    • 0.5 cups of polished rice and millet;
    • 1 liter of medium fat milk;
    • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
    • 100 g of sugar;
    • 150 g butter or thickened cream.

    Preparation of the recipe begins with the fact that in the main cooking container put the pumpkin, cut into small cubes. Add not thawed oil, about 50 grams, and water, then press the "quenching" button on the multicooker and set the time to 30 minutes.

    The boiled pumpkin is slightly kneaded with a crush and pour rice and washed millet to it. Then pour in cold milk, pour salt, sugar and for 1.5 hours start the "milk porridge" mode. It should be stirred occasionally. If necessary, add water or milk. 10 minutes before cooking, put the remaining butter in small pieces on the porridge surface. Such a dish can not be served immediately, but should be kept heated for another 25 minutes.

    The following recipe provides these components:

    • a glass of round grain rice;
    • sugar, salt;
    • glass of water;
    • 400 g pumpkin;
    • 0.5 l of skim milk.

    To make porridge, the thick pulp of the pumpkin is cut into pieces and put in a medium-sized container. Then add half a glass of water  and extinguish over low heat. After 20 minutes, the pieces are checked with a knife. If they become soft, then they are mashed in mashed potatoes.

    Croup is washed in several waters, pour into a pan with thick walls, pour a glass of boiling water and immediately stir. Rice should languish over low heat for 10 minutes and as soon as it absorbs all the water, hot milk is poured into it. All is well stirred and continues to languish for another 25 minutes. Milk must be boiled.

    After that, pumpkin puree is introduced into the rice, sweetened, salted and stirred. The porridge is kept on very low heat for another 10 minutes and turned off. Immediately add oil, mix vigorously and wrap the pan with a warm blanket for 30 minutes. A simple pumpkin porridge recipe is ready.

    To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you need to take the following components:

    Peel and core are removed from apples. The pulp of pumpkin and apples are cut into 1 cm cubes. They take fireproof dishes, the walls and its bottom moisturize with a layer of butter, spread pumpkin into it to half the capacity and sprinkle with sugar. Part of the rice is laid out on top, the remaining pumpkin pulp is reported on it, sweetened and covered with rice cereal. The last layer will be chopped apples.

    Heat the milk until warm, add salt, stir and carefully pour it into the pan. It should not go to the brim  about two fingers. Cover the top with a lid and put in a preheated oven. After 20 minutes, the porridge should be removed and if necessary, add milk or water, add oil and bring to readiness by placing the pan back in the oven for another 10 minutes. In this case, the container is not closed with a lid.

    So if cook pumpkin with rice, porridge from such ingredients is just wonderful. Ordinary milk can be replaced with baked milk, and the porridge can be varied with an egg, which is poured at the end of cooking. Various additives are also used - fruits, honey, nuts, raisins.

    I think it’s not news to anyone that pumpkin is very healthy. In addition, it is also incredibly tasty, if cooked correctly, which, in fact, is not at all difficult!

    Today I suggest you cook rice milk porridge with pumpkin, and how this can be done quickly and easily is described below in the article. Such a very tender and tasty porridge will certainly appeal to adults and children, and is also suitable for those who follow a diet, as it has a low calorie content. Enjoy your meal!

    Pumpkin Porridge Recipe with Rice

    Kitchen tools:  kitchen stove; pan or cauldrons, tablespoon, grater, cutting kitchen board, knife.


    How to choose the right ingredients

    • Choose ripe and sweet pumpkin. The sweeter the pumpkin will be, the less sugar can be added to porridge, and some do not add sugar at all.
    • Rice  You can use any as you wish.

    Step cooking

    Bon Appetit!

    Video recipe

    As you understand, the principle of cooking pumpkin porridge with rice is incredibly simple! Watch the process of its preparation on the stove and in the oven in this video:

    How to serve: pour the hot porridge on plates, add a slice of butter, and also, to taste, raisins, nuts or a banana and enjoy a great taste!

    Possible cooking and filling options

    Another way to make porridge with pumpkin is to boil the rice and pumpkin separately in milk, then combine everything and grind a little more together. This method eliminates the likelihood of burning porridge.

    Pumpkin porridge, if desired, can be seasoned with cinnamon or cardamom, which will further enrich the already strong alluring aroma of the finished sweet porridge.

    Useful properties of pumpkin

    • Pumpkin contains a large amount of useful minerals and vitamins,  namely: beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, E, PP. Of the minerals, these are potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, copper and manganese, iron, cobalt, phosphorus and sodium.
    • This vegetable is good for skin and hair.  Using this component, you can prepare many dishes, of completely different kinds - it can be baking, first, desserts, meat and Pumpkin - a real salvation for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • The potassium present in its composition supports the tone of the heart muscle.  Due to the lack of coarse fibers in it that irritate the digestive system, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is introduced into the food for babies. In addition, pumpkin is hypoallergenic. even fish dishes


    It is also very convenient to cook - for those who have such a wonderful device in the kitchen, you should not even talk about the advantages of this technique. Well, the rest can also read the recipe for cooking in a slow cooker and, perhaps, you decide to get this wonderful assistant home!

    Do not forget to share your impressions and tips for cooking rice porridge with pumpkin in the comments!

    Pumpkin porridge with rice is probably familiar to every housewife. She is a great way to feed her family quickly, including the smallest kids. At the same time, everyone will not only be pleased with the taste of this delicacy, but will also receive a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Another obvious plus of pumpkin porridge with rice is its versatility - it is enough to replace a couple of ingredients to get a delicious side dish or even a full second course from the dessert.

    Every experienced cook knows how to cook pumpkin porridge with rice, because there is nothing complicated in this process. All the ingredients in this dish take about the same amount of time, so you can immediately load everything into a saucepan and just wait a bit. It’s even easier to deal with cooking pumpkin porridge using a slow cooker.

    Cook pumpkin porridge with rice in water or milk. Sometimes both of these fluids are added. Together with the main ingredients, millet, fruits and berries, dried fruits, honey, and fragrant spices like vanilla or cinnamon often fall into the saucepan. If it’s not about dessert, then you can put meat, mushrooms, various vegetables, etc. to rice with pumpkin.

    Serve pumpkin porridge with rice immediately after cooking. Butter is added to it, and also tasty additional sauces will not be superfluous. Their composition depends solely on the wishes of the cook. This can be condensed milk, jam, chocolate, etc. For a side dish, you can serve soy or garlic sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.

    Pumpkin porridge with rice and millet will become a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, cereal in milk will turn into a very tender and soft porridge, so even small children eat it with pleasure. Pumpkin will add sweetness and bright orange color to the dish, and a pinch of vanillin will reveal the aroma of the vegetable. The recipe is designed for a large family, if you do not need so much porridge, just reduce the amount of ingredients.


    • 200 g of millet;
    • 180 g of rice;
    • 30 g butter;
    • 1 kg of pumpkin;
    • 3 cups of milk;
    • 1 pinch of vanillin;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse millet and rice, pour each cereal with water for 15 minutes in separate bowls.
    2. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut the pulp into small cubes.
    3. Grease the bottom and sides of the pot with butter.
    4. Put the pumpkin in the pan, pour 1 cup of milk.
    5. Cook the pumpkin for 15 minutes over low heat, then chop with a blender.
    6. In a separate saucepan, mix rice and millet, pour a glass of milk.
    7. Cook cereals for 15-20 minutes, then mix the contents of two pots.
    8. Add salt, sugar and vanillin to the porridge, cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.
    9. Let the pumpkin porridge brew well under a closed lid.

    Interesting from the network

    Pumpkin porridge with rice does not have to be sweet. This recipe will tell you how to cook it as a side dish. Any meat dish with such porridge will turn into a real royal treat. You can use this recipe for a festive table to surprise guests with an unusual approach to menu planning. This one will be much more interesting than regular mashed potatoes.


    • 2 glasses of rice;
    • 3 glasses of water;
    • 300 g of pumpkin pulp;
    • 1 onion;
    • 20 ml of vegetable oil;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Chop the onion into small cubes.
    2. Grate the pumpkin on a medium grater (you can use Korean).
    3. In a bowl of a multicooker, heat vegetable oil, put onion and pumpkin in it.
    4. Stir the vegetables and fry for 5-7 minutes.
    5. Add washed rice, salt and pepper to the pumpkin to taste.
    6. Pour the indicated amount of water into the multicooker.
    7. Set the mode "Cooking" or "Porridge", cook the dish for 30 minutes.
    8. Add a little butter to the finished porridge and mix everything.
    9. Leave the dish in the “Warm-up” mode for 10-15 minutes under a closed lid.

    Now you know how to cook pumpkin porridge with rice according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

    Pumpkin porridge with rice is one of the most healthy breakfast options. Whether this dish is sweet or salty - it will still instantly fly off the plates, and guests and households will require supplements. If you do not know how to cook pumpkin porridge with rice, be sure to read the tips from experienced chefs before cooking:
    • Before cooking pumpkin porridge, rice groats should be thoroughly washed under running water. This should be done several times until the water becomes completely transparent;
    • It is recommended to rinse the rice first with cold water and then hot. This will help get rid of gluten;
    • Before cooking porridge, it is recommended to fry the pumpkin in a pan. This will make it brighter, respectively, and the dish itself will look more advantageous. For sweet cereal, use butter to fry;
    • Choose a pumpkin of the brightest orange color. Firstly, it will look better in porridge, and secondly, it will talk about the juiciness and ripeness of the fetus;
    • Be sure to add butter to the finished porridge. If you are cooking a dish in fasting, replace it with vegetable.