Frozen corn on the cob for the winter. Freezing corn at home for the winter in grains and ears: preserving vitamins and taste

15.09.2019 Fish dishes

Corn is a very valuable and tasty product. And so I want to eat it not only in summer and autumn, but at any time of the year. Therefore, real housewives know how to freeze corn for the winter. And when frozen, it does not lose its beneficial properties.


Corn can be called the queen of all fields. This product can be eaten year-round in canned form. But you really want to eat it fresh, even in winter. So now you can cook on the cob in the middle of winter. To do this, you need to freeze corn properly. Its magnificent taste can not leave indifferent. Corn is very useful for the human body. use this vegetable to prevent many diseases. Many diets for diabetes include this food. On the cob are many vitamins that can boost the immune system. Regularly using this product, you can replenish your body with vitamins B, P, E. Corn is rich in proteins and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). Many people ask how to freeze corn for the winter in order to preserve its properties?


Ears of corn improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins and removes excess fluid from the body. This reduces the risk of many diseases. The product slows down the aging process. Eating corn normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar. If you include this product in your diet, then you can improve health and improve metabolism. Nutritionists recommend using cobs for the prevention of heart disease, blood vessels, atherosclerosis. Corn prevents muscle dystrophy and positively affects the functions of the nervous system. People with epilepsy know that a vegetable will benefit them. Traditional medicine recommends drinking a decoction of corn stigmas for a good bladder.


It is worth considering how to keep the corn safe and sound so that you can eat it at any time of the year. Maybe some will think that this is impossible. But let's face it, there is nothing impossible for a real mistress. You can find a way out in any situation, even in a hopeless one. The new technique will help keep corn for a long time in the freezer. Now these delicious moments will last all winter, and at any time you can enjoy this incredible taste. The most interesting thing is that when frozen, corn does not lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, you should choose a good sugar grade and freeze it until better times. If you follow all the rules, then freezing will be successful. First of all, you need to prepare everything you need to carry out this process.


It is necessary to buy packages for freezing, prepare a large pot of water, corn itself and a deep bowl with ice. Now it's time to start the process of preparing corn freeze for the winter. To begin with, it is worth cleaning it from all unnecessary husks and fibers. Spread whole ears in a large pot and pour cold filtered water. The capacity must be put on the stove, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes. While the corn is boiling, you need to prepare a bowl of ice and add cold water to it. When the cobs are boiled, hot water is drained and transferred to a bowl of ice. It is very important not to digest the corn and immediately throw it into the ice. This technique is very popular and prevents the corn from wrinkling. And the separation of grains will be much more successful. Grains should be separated in a separate bowl.


The process is almost complete. You need to prepare bags for freezing or containers. Fill each bag with corn grains, you need to close them well, after removing all the air from the bag. So grains will take up less space in the freezer and freeze faster. Now neatly laid out packages in the freezer. They are well preserved at sub-zero temperatures. Not everyone wants to freeze corn kernels. Sometimes you want to eat the whole ears. But how to do that? Everything is simple. You can freeze an entire ear in the freezer. It does not matter. But the taste will be a little different. The cobs are simply washed and cleaned, then frozen whole in bags. After freezing, it will be just as easy to separate the grains from the cob and put them in bags. Now the housewives know how to freeze corn for the winter.


For those who want to eat a delicious ear in winter and feel the summer aroma, there is another option. Corn can be frozen in ears in the freezer. To do this, wash the corn well, peel it and wrap each ear in a paper towel. You can spread it in simple packages. Everything is as simple as day. But now it’s worth asking another question, how to eat frozen corn on the cob? Just take and cook? To begin with, it should be thawed. To do this, pre-wrap in a damp paper towel. Whoever has a microwave can also defrost it. By itself, it will defrost for a long time. Now comes the cooking process. Water is poured into the pan, and put on fire, now you can add cobs. Bring the water to a boil.


After the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and leave the dish to cook. Ears usually boil 40 minutes. Now you can get the corn and salt to taste, it is ready to eat. Do not forget that it is very important to boil the corn before freezing and throw it immediately into a bowl with ice. This will prevent the useful properties from disappearing. Now everyone can enjoy delicious and beautiful corn all year round. From it you can cook a lot of interesting dishes. It is very convenient at any time of the year to get an ear of corn and enjoy this taste. Many dream of this. Some initially cook corn for one hour, and then they freeze it. But her taste will not be the first freshness. But everyone chooses the option that suits them.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  If you want to prepare corn without losing its useful qualities, we offer freezing. Not everyone likes to preserve corn, because sugar and salt are added there. Frozen corn is prepared without additives. We will tell you how to freeze corn in grains for the winter.

- corn on the cob;
- water.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  In order to freeze corn, you need to boil water in a pan. Pour very cold water into a deep bowl and add ice. Clean the ears of corn from hairs and leaves, rinse thoroughly under running water and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes.

  After boiling water, remove the corncobs with a slotted spoon and place in a container with cold water and ice. Instant cooling will leave the corn kernels smooth and juicy.

After cold water, place the ears on paper towels. Paper towels can be replaced with ordinary clean towels that do not leave a lint. Leave the corncobs on towels for about 10 minutes to allow excess water to glass.

  Take a thin sharp knife and carefully cut the corn kernels from the ears.

  Place in plastic containers that are intended to be frozen so that about half a centimeter of free space remains before the lid. It is necessary to close corn tightly so that smells of the freezer did not get. You can use sachets for freezing.

  Sugar corn is used for harvesting. She is the most delicious and tender.
  Corn must be closed tightly.
  If bags for freezing are used, air should be squeezed out of them to the maximum.
  Freeze corn kernels in portions only. We open one bag or container once and immediately cook.

  In no case do not freeze repeatedly!
  The corn treated with boiling water and ice water should be frozen immediately after it dries. If you overexpose it in the air, too much moisture will leave, the corn will become hard and tasteless.
  To remove the air from the bags with the lock, you can use a cocktail straw and suck air through it through a small hole. It’s mandatory to remove air. This will help to freeze corn kernels faster, increase shelf life, and also reduce the area occupied by freezing in the freezer.
  Frozen corn is stored for up to 12 months, if everything is prepared correctly.
  Storage temperature minus 18 degrees.

When a massive harvest of corn comes, a specific flavor of boiled corn is on the market or in many apartments. And it seems that it will always be so. But winter is coming, and corn can only be bought in canned or frozen form, a bag of which is not cheap.

But corn can be frozen at home. Of course, if there is a roomy freezer. And then all winter you can feast on boiled corn, as well as prepare delicious and healthy dishes from it.

Corn lends itself well to freezing, and it is almost impossible to spoil it with this method of harvesting for future use.

Preparing corn for freezing

For freezing, corn cobs of sugar varieties of milk-wax ripeness are suitable until the grain has hardened.

If the corn is not ripe enough, then the grains will not be so tasty. And if the corn is overripe, and the grains are already hard, then no cooking will help to fix this.

Recently frozen corn cobs are used for freezing, as long-term storage of corn will significantly deteriorate. This is because the sugars contained in the grains gradually turn into starch.

If pre-boiled corn is frozen, ears of late milk ripeness are also suitable.

Ears should not be damaged by pests or disease. There should be no signs of rot on them.

Before freezing, the stem is cut off from the ears, leaves and hairs are torn off. Then the cobs are washed well and laid out on a towel to drain water.

Sometimes several leaves are left on the cob so that the cob is wrapped in them. For this, the upper leaves are torn off, the rest are bent outward, the hairs are torn off, and then the leaves are returned to their place.

How to freeze corn on the cob

Method 1. At the cob, the stem is cut, leaves are torn off, hairs are removed. The ear is well washed and dried on a towel.

Dry ears of corn - several or one at a time - are packed in plastic bags, tied or fastened with a zip fastener, having previously removed air from the bag, and placed in a freezer for freezing.

Method 2. Prepared ears are dipped in boiling water and blanched for about half a minute.

Then corn is taken out and immediately immersed in ice water for about the same time. Thanks to such actions, the corn cools quickly, and the grains do not wrinkle and do not deform.

Then the cobs are dried on a towel, and then packed in plastic bags with a zip-lock or tied and put into the freezer.

Before blanched frozen ears of corn before use, you can immerse them in boiling water without defrosting and cook the beans until soft. Cooking time (25-40 minutes) depends on the degree of maturity and variety of corn.

If the ears were blanched before freezing, then before using them, it is enough to lower them into boiling salted water and simply bring to a boil. Or boil a few more minutes until the grains are soft.

How to freeze corn in grains

To do this, corn on the cob is lowered into boiling water and blanched for five to seven minutes. Then the cobs are immediately transferred to a basin with ice water, kept for about five minutes, removed and dried on a towel.

Thanks to this method, corn kernels are easily separated from the cob.

The grains are separated from the cob in two ways.

Method 1. With a sharp knife, grains are cut along the cob, trying not to touch it.

Method 2. Hull grains by hand. This procedure, although long, but the grains are obtained whole. This method is good if one or two ears are frozen. But when freezing corn in large batches, it is better (and easier) to apply the first method.

Prepared grains are laid out in one layer on a tray and placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

When the grains are frozen, they are poured into portioned packets, well tied or sealed. For quick freezing, packages are flattened. Then put them in the freezer for further storage.

Corn grains can be frozen in one step. To do this, pour so many grains into the bag so that they lie in it in one layer. The bag is well closed and put into the freezer. This method will not allow the grains to freeze to each other.

When frozen corn grains are needed for cooking, they will not need to be cooked for a long time, since they have already undergone preliminary heat treatment. Without defrosting, they are placed in boiling water and brought to readiness.

Corn in grains can be brought to readiness in the microwave or in a slow cooker using any recipe you like.

Shelf life of frozen corn 6-8 months.

Corn, like all other vegetables, is not subject to repeated freezing. Therefore, it is immediately packaged in such a way as to be used in one go.

Frozen corn is cooked in the same way as fresh corn. The only difference is that frozen corn is cooked faster.

To freeze corn for the winter, you can choose any of the methods proposed above, since all of them retain useful properties in corn and do not affect its taste.

For harvesting, corn of milk varieties of milk ripeness is selected. For long storage, you can freeze whole cobs, but freezing grains will allow you to rationally load the freezer and provide yourself with a delicious vitamin supplement for the whole winter. They can be prepared both fresh and blanched. The most practical plastic containers of small capacity for use in one step.

To spice up the frozen product, marinate it without even having to defrost it. Bright salad seeds can decorate any salad, enrich the taste of the first and second courses, vegetable stew.


  • 3-4 ears of young corn
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 l of boiling water

How to freeze corn at home

1. When purchasing a corncob, be sure to burst several of its grains - whitish juice should ooze from them. If this is not the case, then the corn is already ripe and you will need to cook it much longer than young. Peel the corn cobs of leaves and plant fibers, rinse in water. With a sharp knife, cut the grains from each ears, being careful not to go too deep so as not to cut the hard core.

  2. Pour all the cut grain into a pot or cauldron.

  3. Add salt and granulated sugar. Pour boiling water and place the container on the stove. Boil for 5 minutes from the boil if the corn is young, and 25-30 minutes if it is ripe.

  4. Fold the corn grains onto a sieve or colander and rinse them with ice water. Due to the temperature difference, the shell of each grain will become less dense. Let the remaining water drain.

  5. Pour all cooled grain into bags or containers for freezing. Tie them or seal them with lids and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. During this time, the grains are completely frozen. The shelf life of such a blank is about 1 year.

  To add corn to the salad, simply create a marinade based on salt, sugar and vinegar, boiling water, and then dip some of the frozen grains into it. They are already boiled, so the grains need only to cool in the marinade so that you get tasty and fragrant corn, like a jar.

Mistress note

1. Cleaning the cob with a screwdriver is much more convenient than using a knife. The flat and moderately sharp edge of the tool deftly picks up the grains, penetrating just into the places of their fastening - the raw materials for freezing turn out flawless.

2. In African countries, in Cuba, in the countries of Latin America, in Mexico and in many southern states of the United States, corn is as beloved as our potatoes. Not all dishes common in the above-mentioned regions will be able to be prepared from a frozen product, but something will be done. The original version is a thick Mexican style chowder with chili: the corn grains boiled in a strong salted broth are kneaded, seasoned with pepper, and acidified with tomato. Cubans love mashed corn with boiled chicken and smoked pork, and the inhabitants of Panama put seafood and pieces of fish fillet in it. Why not diversify your diet with exotic delicacies if the basic ingredient is available in the freezer?

3. Those who do not need homeopathic treatment with corn stigmas usually throw them away after cleaning the ears. A woman will reconsider her attitude to seemingly useless waste when she finds out that their decoction acts on her hair almost like gelatin: she wraps it in an elastic invisible shell, protects against ultraviolet radiation, and keeps styling no worse than varnish.

With the advent of large freezers, many housewives began to freeze fruits and vegetables for the winter, preserving maximum freshness and vitamins in them.

Here we will consider several options for freezing corn for the winter, so that it can be used in various home dishes until almost next summer. The cereal culture not only has an excellent sweet taste, but also contains more than 26 elements necessary for our health.

Preparing corn for freezing

For long-term storage in the freezer, it is best to choose cobs of medium maturity. Unripe corn does not have the proper taste and is too soft. The overripe becomes stiff and loses its juiciness. It is advisable to take fresh, recently harvested ears. Corn can be stored for quite some time, but with each passing day the sugar it contains turns into starch.

From the cob, you need to remove the sheets and clean them of hairs. Each corn should be carefully examined for rotten or damaged kernels.

Regardless of which version of freezing is used, the cobs are washed under water and dried by laying on a towel.

How to save corn for the winter, ways to freeze

There are no difficulties in the methods of freezing corn. Following simple rules, any housewife will be able to make useful preparations for the winter. In addition to the cereal itself, you will need special or ordinary plastic bags. In some embodiments, food-grade plastic containers are used.

Freezing whole ears without treatment

This is the simplest and easiest freeze in corn. The only negative - whole cobs take up a lot of space. The method is suitable for those who have a fairly spacious freezer.

After all the cobs are cleaned, washed and dried, they are laid out in bags, tightly closed and put away in the freezer. Depending on the intended use, you can put 3-4 on the cob or one at a time in a package.

In winter, corn is simply removed from the bag, thawed and used in recipes. Many just boil the cobs and eat them in this form.

Frozen boiled ears

This method is suitable for those who are interested in the question of how to store boiled corn. Prepared ears are dipped in a pot of boiling salted water and boiled until tender. It is very important not to digest the corn, otherwise its grains will turn into "porridge".

Prepare ice cubes and a pot of cold water in advance. As soon as the corn is cooked, it is taken out of boiling water, and lowered into ice. This allows you to maintain the rigidity and juiciness of the grains. It is important that all ears are evenly immersed in cold water.

After 5 minutes, the heads of cabbage are taken out of the water and allowed to drain well. Then wipe them with paper towels, pack them in bags and put them in the freezer. After being removed from the freezer and thawed, the boiled ears are completely ready for use.

Grain freeze

Is it possible to freeze corn for long-term storage without ears? Of course, this can and is done easily and quickly. This option significantly saves space in the refrigerator.

To make it easier to remove the seeds from the cob, it is recommended to use a knife. A head of cabbage is put on a cutting board and all grains are scraped off with a knife. If desired, you can separate them manually.

Grains are laid out in bags or containers and put into the freezer.

You can also pre-boil them and freeze them ready-made. The advantage of heat-treated corn is that after thawing it is completely ready for use.

Shelf life of frozen corn

Raw harvested corn for the winter, which was frozen in the summer, can be stored for a year. But taking into account that it is at a stable temperature and is not subjected to repeated thawing and subsequent freezing.

For convenience, lay the cobs or peeled grains in batches. It is best to defrost vegetable preparations in a natural way at room temperature. In cases where you need to save time, you can defrost corn in the microwave.

How to cook frozen corn

Ears of corn or grains frozen in raw form are cooked in the same way as fresh corn. It is necessary to thaw the cereal a little and throw in boiling salted water. Cooking time depends on the variety of corn, its maturity and can take from 25 to 40 minutes.

Cereal is used in a wide variety of dishes: salads, soups, vegetable stews, as an independent side dish.

Now you know how to freeze corn for the winter, and you can choose the method you like. Cereal is on the menu of many dietary dishes and is especially useful for people who monitor their figure. Besides the fact that corn is rich in vitamins and minerals, it perfectly cleanses the intestines due to its high fiber content.