How to paint eggs for Easter is stylish, fashionable and without store dyes.

There are many ways to paint eggs for the feast of Easter. But many options are carried out with hot eggs and in boiling solutions. An example of this. Such methods are not suitable for exciting activities with children. From this description, you will learn how to easily paint cooled eggs in marble patterns using paints. Such coloring eggs with acrylic paints can be fun for young children and very safe for them.

For creative painting will require:

1. Acrylic paints of different colors. Gouache, watercolor will not work, because they will smear and stain your hands even after drying.
  2. Medical gauze or wide bandage.
  3. Some medical cotton to create a layer of 1 cm.
  4. Box, packages to cover the desktop and do not stain it.
  5. Brush and palette.
  6. Rubber gloves.
  7. Stand for eggs from cardboard packaging.
  8. Eggs.

Pre-boil eggs in boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Next, cool them to a cold state.
  To put a marble pattern on Easter eggs will need to create a soft device of cotton and gauze. First fold the cheesecloth in two layers.

Then distribute cotton wool 1 cm thick on gauze. The dimensions of this device are from 10 cm in width and from 25 cm in length. Such an area is necessary so that an egg can be easily rolled inside.

The top layer consists of medical gauze (bandage). This layer must completely cover the cotton wool, otherwise in the process of its fiber may stick to the shell, and they will be difficult to remove.

On the surface of the gauze layer squeeze a few drops of acrylic paints. It is possible to apply paint asymmetrically, and in any sequence and in different scale.

Place boiled and baked egg on cheesecloth. If the egg was in water, then you do not need to dry it, as the paint needs to be slightly moistened.

Unpack the gauze roll and place the egg on the carton so that the paint dries.

On the inner layer of this “device” for dyeing, add new drops of paint and repeat the procedure with another egg.

On top of the marble pattern with a brush, apply with acrylic paint any inscription dedicated to Easter: “H.V.”, “Happy EASTER”, etc.

As each time a little new paint is added, a new color scheme is obtained, and secondary coloring of the eggs with acrylic paints of the same color does not occur.

Easter eggs are ready to decorate your holiday table, their color will be dazzled in the sun.

Easter eggs

Dyeing eggs is a small home sacrament that sets its participants in a festive mood. While we collect onion peel, grass for painting eggs or preparing paints and brushes, and then we are engaged in dyeing or painting Easter eggs, we have time to think, to remember the old times, childhood, when you painted eggs with the whole family, surrounded by warmth and care of loved ones. Who loved you just like that, for no reason, just because you are their very best, beloved daughters and sons, grandchildren and granddaughters!

When we prepare for Easter, our soul lives a real, correct life, filled with love and kindness. Watch yourself, and you will also experience a spiritual uplift and joyful heat inside when you bake Easter bread - Easter cake, paint eggs or cook cottage cheese Easter treat - Easter.

Easter pictures

Of course, you can use a set of food dyes, it is fast, boil eggs, open a bag, bring paint solution, hold eggs in it and that's it. However, it seems to me that the purchased dyes somewhat contradict the spirit of the great feast of the Resurrection of Christ. I think it is much more important for the family and for the soul of each person to come together at the table and engage in a common joyful business - making Easter eggs!

Painted testicles and eggs in thermolabels

There are many ways of painting or painting eggs.

In terms of Christian Easter traditions, eggs should be reddish brownbecause the egg itself is a symbol of life, and the red color of the shell means the blood and death of Christ. Therefore, when we break dyed Easter eggs, we symbolically show how life conquers death! In this Easter ritual, our faith in the Resurrection of Christ is expressed and there is a hint that in order to be happy, we need to act (it is our hand that breaks the egg), and not to go with the flow.

Therefore, if you are a believer, then in your Easter basket there must be eggs of brown-red flowers!

Brown painted eggs (onion peel)

How to prepare eggs for boiling and dyeing

To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking

  • Warm the eggs after the refrigerator. Let half an hour lie down at room temperature and come to life. You can pour warm (so that the hands were warm, but not hot) and let them stand for about 10 minutes.
  • Add to boil water 2 tablespoons salt to 0.5 liters  water. If you put more salt (a very salty solution), colored eggs eggs can be stored for a whole year afterwards at room temperature and not deteriorate, but with such a long-term storage you will not be able to eat them, as you might guess. I have tested this method many times - they are really stored. Thanks to Veronica, who taught me to cook Easter eggs in highly salty water.

To paint well lay down on egg shells

  • Degrease the shell. It's very simple - wash the eggs with soap or baking soda (you can with a cloth or a soft washcloth).
  • Acidify the paint: add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the coloring solution.

How to make the color of the shell thick and saturated

  • span style = ”text-decoration: underline;”\u003e Butter: Drain the painted eggs and lightly smear them with vegetable oil - the color of the eggs will be more saturated and will shine beautifully.
  • More dye: Use a larger amount of coloring matter and cook longer eggs with a coloring base (or insist on boiled eggs in paint).
    In the case of onion peel coloring, you need to take a lot of husk (so that there is a thick brew, little water and a lot of husk) and cook it for half an hour without eggs. And only then add the eggs.

How to make eggs red, brown, yellow, green and purple

AT red  or brown  egg color colors

  • onion peel (the thickest color is from a purple onion);
  • coffee .

The most famous and common method of dyeing eggs - cooking eggs in a large number of onion peel. Husks should be very much (it can be collected even the whole of Lent, maybe it’s just typed), eggs should not swim, but almost lie in this thick onion brew.

Depending on the color of the onion peel, the eggs are obtained reddish, reddish, maroon  or colors cherry Jelly with Chocolate (Dark Brown). In Greece, the most beautiful are reddish purple  eggs, which are obtained from the red salad onion peel (purple). Cook eggs in the husk can be from 10 minutes to an hour, the longer you cook, the more the paint will stick to the shell.

Coffee will color the eggs in chocolate brown, very tasty color.

Brown - coffee, green - nettle, yellow - turmeric

Beautiful Easter eggs, painted onion peel

Yellow, orange or golden  eggs are obtained by dyeing turmeric or saffron extract.

Greenish  the color will give the eggs a herbal decoction of nettle.

Fresh berries of currant, cranberry and blueberry will color the eggs in lilac, mauve or purple  color, depending on whether you have a lot of berries. That is, the more coloring matter, the darker and thicker will be the color of the eggs.

You just need to take a handful of berries and, pressing them to the shell, rub them with a clean boiled egg. As soon as the egg is all smeared with berry juice - let it dry. And that's all.

Easter eggs purple, currant berries

Chocolate, dark brown (coffee)

Paint proportions:

  • 2 teaspoons of instant coffee;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (6-9%).

Chocolate paint preparation method: Radd coffee in salted water, add vinegar and boil eggs in it.

Light green color (decoction of nettle)

For nettle paint you need:

  • Dried nettle - 5 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

Green paint preparation method : boil nettles for 15 minutes, strain, add vinegar or 2-3 drops of vinegar essence in the infusion, put eggs and cook for an hour. When boiling, it is necessary to add water, so that the eggs were all the time covered with water and stained evenly. If you do not add water, then at least turn them over. You can still leave for half an hour - an hour in the broth, so that the color was thicker.

Eggs, dyed turmeric in yellow, nettle in green and coffee in brown

In addition, the green color gives the water, painted with green paint (put boiled eggs into it and let it stand), you can also chop the spinach (more) and cook eggs with it.

Golden, yellow, slightly orange color (turmeric)

For dyeing turmeric need:

  • Turmeric - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

The method of preparation of yellow paint:   add eggs, turmeric and vinegar to the water and boil eggs in it until ready. If you want to get more orange, with a reddish, color, take more turmeric.

Lilac, purple, pink, purple color (berries)

Berries (all that are usually heavily colored: blueberries, currants, blackberries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries - can be frozen) should be crushed with a crush and roll in a berry puree boiled eggs. You can simply take a handful of berries and, pressing on, rub the boiled eggs with them.

Then shake off the used pulp and dry the eggs. As soon as the paint is dry, brush with a drop of vegetable oil.

Such multicolored eggs are obtained, dipped in different food colors. Just need to know what colors are produced when mixed.

Berries do not need much, mashed potatoes (crushed berries) can be reused.

In general, friends, eggs can be colored all bright and edible, which usually stains us when cooking: beetroot and carrot juice, all sorts of berries, from which blue hands and lips, infusion of saffron and marigolds ... except sea buckthorn is not suitable, because it is oily and will not pester the shell.

How to make eggs in speck or leave a stencil of grass and leaf drawings, paint eggs with wax, you can read in the story about the Greek traditions of celebrating Easter.

And how to paint eggs in several colors, dipping in liquid food colors -.

Eggs are painted onion peel

Stencil for painting eggs

If you decide to decorate Easter eggs with a pattern ( a mixture of gouache and PVA glue 1: 1)  and do not know what to depict or if you can not draw, then you can use a stencil. The stencil is made of paper, in which holes are cut - chaotically or in the form of an ornament, in the form of circles, squares, flowers, stripes, leaves - anything can be cut. How to cut - remember how we make snowflakes on the windows - fold the paper several times and cut through the layers of paper on the folds.

Then the stencil is applied to the egg and paint is applied.

Ready-made stencils can be bought, for example, in Indian stores - ask there stencils for hand-painted henna, you’ll have a fine and elegant drawing with flowers and herbs.

Painted eggs with acrylic paints

More eggs can be painted with acrylic paints (such kits are sold in many departments of stationery). Such eggs are better not to eat (after all, this paint is not food-grade), but to be kept for beauty (to be kept for a long time, boil in a very strong salt solution for 30 minutes).

Here is how painted boiled Easter eggs Natasha Rybka:

These flowers are painted on the testicles with acrylic paints.

To the paint on the eggs are not smeared, the eggs are best placed on the stand. Acrylic (and the gouache mix with PVA glue) dries quite quickly.

If you have your own way of painting or decorating eggs with photos, we will gladly post your tips and pictures of Easter eggs.

One of the main symbols of Easter is painted eggs. Traditionally they are painted in onion peel, which gives the eggs a symbolic red color. But I want so much to decorate not only red, but also multi-colored, unusual, painted Krashenki.

The easiest way is to use food colors for eggs. But even here, without knowing the rules and features of coloring, you can face a number of difficulties. Therefore, we will understand how to paint eggs for Easter dyes. And we will consider both classical methods and unusual color options.

We will not discuss in this material the safety of chemical finished dyes. We will examine only the pitfalls of this problem.

Recall that additives marked "E", which are part of such means for coloring, are harmful to health. Therefore, eggs after processing with dyes are often transferred from the category of food to the category of souvenirs.

Many, without thinking about whether it is possible to eat food dyes for eggs, eat protein, which came in paint. We advise not to risk and not to give such eggs to children and allergies.

Many manufacturers add to the composition of salt or sugar, which reduces the concentration of harmful chemical additives, but does not make the paint edible.

Often on dye sets like “Krashenka”, “Easter set”, “Paint for eggs”, “Decorate”, etc. the manufacturer does not indicate the composition at all, but only writes that it is a food dye.

But do not let your sleep down. Even the color of the dye can tell what dangers lie behind it.

For those who are not familiar with the "chemical kitchen" dyes, we have prepared a brief transcript.

The most innocent dyes are E 100 and E 140. The first is obtained from curcumin and gives orange, less often red color to the dye. The second is chlorophyll, which paints eggs green.

E 122 (carmoisin) is used to make a red dye. Causes allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to aspirin.

E 124 gives a red color, but is prohibited for use in the food industry.

E 128 is another supplement for red. Due to the presence of aniline, it is prohibited for use by the European Commission.

E 102 or tartrazine is a yellow dye with a stained reputation.

E 132 - an additive in the form of synthetic indigo carmine, which is necessary for obtaining green, blue and yellow color. But the karma of this supplement is complex: it causes asthma in asthmatics, exacerbations in allergy sufferers with complications such as Quincke's edema.

E 133 or brilliant blue FCF is capable of the same feats as his previous brother.

E 142 or a green supplement causes an allergic rash on contact - it is banned in a number of countries.

This frightening list is endless. But this is enough to understand that the “food” mark does not make the dye safe.

By really safe can be attributed organic dyes. But it is very expensive and unprofitable to the manufacturer. Therefore, in stores about such dyes are not even heard.

How to paint eggs food dyes

If the question is whether it is possible to have dyes for eggs, it doesn’t bother you so much, we suggest that you protect your relatives and try to prevent the penetration of dye through the shell. To do this, you have to follow a few simple rules.

Choose eggs for dyeing fresh and well-shelled.

Remove the eggs from the fridge in advance so that they get warm. This will prevent cracking of the shell due to temperature differences.

It is advisable to wash the product with warm water before cooking, if necessary, use a brush and soapy water.

It is better to immerse the product for boiling in water at room temperature.

Some housewives when cooking add salt to the water. But this method will not prevent the formation of cracks, but will help the protein to curl faster and not flow out of the shell in the event of splits. Such eggs are no longer suitable for staining.

Boil better in a wide saucepan and lay the eggs in a single layer.

Avoid boiling strongly when boiling: eggs will boil over and boil over and may beat each other.

There are certain requirements for the dyes themselves for Easter eggs. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition. At least on the package should be marked "food".

Important! Pearlescent dye for eggs is absolutely contraindicated for ingestion. It can only be used for the decoration of souvenir eggs.

The classic way of dyeing eggs with food dyes

The method of coloring will largely depend on the type of dye itself. The most commonly used powdered dry dyes for eggs at Easter. You can find food dyes in tablets.

The principle of staining with such agents is identical. But it is better to read the instructions before use, where the recommended proportions are indicated.

The color indicated on the package will be obtained when dyeing white eggs. If the dye is used for brown shell, the color may vary significantly.

Often, brown eggs in the dyeing field get a sloppy or dirty look.

Consider, the more saturated the solution for dyeing is, the brighter and darker the shell color will turn out.

Paint pre-boiled eggs.

The shell before painting is preferably degreased. This can be done with vinegar or alcohol.

If using alcohol, wait 10 to 15 minutes after processing for the product to evaporate from the surface. If salt was used during cooking, it should be thoroughly washed before treatment with an oxidizing agent.

In a ready solution we add a spoonful of vinegar - this technique increases the acidity, which improves staining.

We lower the egg into the solution, where we hold it for about 10 minutes.

After that, we get the Krashenka from the liquid and leave it to dry completely.

Dry Krashenki better on a stand for eggs. But in this case it is difficult to avoid the appearance of bands.

Better to make a special stand. To do this, in the foam sponge stick pins or needles with hats.

On such an improvised stand, painted eggs dry without stripes and streaks.

After drying, the Krashenki can be treated with vegetable oil to make them shine. This can be done with a brush or directly with your hands.

In addition to the classical method, you can use

How to use liquid dyes for eggs

Food dyes for eggs are liquid in packages such as plastic capsules or glass tubes.

The concentration of the coloring matter in such tools is much higher, and crafts after their application are bright and shiny.

Boiled eggs are also used for processing. We will work directly with our hands. Therefore, wear gloves on your hands to prevent the dye from getting into the skin.

We apply a little dye directly on the egg shell and begin to rub the coloring matter until the entire surface is covered. If necessary, you can add directly during processing.

In detail the process of applying liquid dye on eggs is shown in the video:

For those who still prefer natural materials, we have prepared a selection

Eggs, painted in one color, are called Krashenkas, and painted with ornaments or subject patterns - pysanky. The classic pysanka is a complicated way of painting Easter eggs, where wax, steel feathers or hooks are used, as well as special paints. But along with the traditional methods of coloring, there are a large number of more simple and original methods to paint an egg. Even kids will be able to paint Easter eggs with watercolor, gouache or markers. You can also use watercolor pencils, proofreaders, felt-tip pens, gel pens and other standard writing tools. Painting and painting eggs for the main holiday of Christians Easter is a long tradition. One of the legends says that when St. Mary Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius and told about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the emperor did not believe and said that it was just as impossible as the fact that the chicken egg would turn red. At the same time, the chicken egg he was holding in his hands turned red in confirmation of the news of Mary Magdalene. Other versions include the emergence of the tradition of pre-Christian times.

Painted Easter eggs in watercolor

A simple way to do your own hands unique and colorful Easter eggs - painting Easter eggs with watercolor, can be combined with watercolor pencils. Keep in mind that this is not a persistent dye, but it is an easy, affordable and fun decor method, besides you can make a real effect of watercolor painting right on the shell.

The saturation of the pattern depends on the degree of dilution of water paint. You can first cover the entire surface of the eggs with a light layer of watercolor, and then, while the paint is still dry, add more concentrated and saturated spots.

The core of watercolor pencils consists of pressed watercolor, which allows you to dissolve them with water. In other words, we paint as if with colored pencils, and then we pass through the image with a wet brush or cotton and we get a drawing with watercolor. In this case, watercolor pencil can draw on the still wet surface of the egg. The effect is like a pencil melting. As a result, soft and slightly blurred lines perfectly draw the details.

Gouache painting Easter eggs

But such a wonderful painting of Easter eggs can be made with gouache, acrylic paint and permanent markers!

Painting Easter eggs with a marker

Stylish black and white Easter eggs - forget about paints and different materials! Only black permanent marker and your fantasy!

Painting Easter eggs with gel pen

Thin drawing gel pen:

Painting Easter eggs with fingers and chopsticks

Doodles, dots, specks, stains, made by fingers of children's hands!

Easter eggs from Kinder Surprise

You can paint plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise with markers and felt-tip pens. It is interesting that the child can then combine the halves of the egg himself, creating a new pysanka each time.

One of the brightest and kindest holidays is Easter. Orthodox and Catholics prepare for it in advance. The main attribute of the holiday is the Easter egg. There is a lot of way of coloring eggs. We offer many interesting and original ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can create yourself, but you can with children. So, we look at the options and choose the most-most.

We paint eggs for Easter with beautiful food colors or watercolor

If you love everything tender and sensual, then this way of painting eggs is for you. You do not need to be a professional artist. Just follow our instructions. And if you show creativity, then this is just wonderful, you will have a masterpiece.

  Easter eggs painted with food dyes in the style of "watercolor"

To work we need:
  - liquid food colors or watercolors;
  - brush;
  - black marker;
  - small disposable cups.

  Pour 25 drops of food coloring into a small disposable cup. Add some water to make the paint more fluid.

In this paper, we will use red, yellow, blue and green paint. Do not dilute many dyes, 5 ml will be enough.

  Paint eggs in the style of "watercolor". To do this, put a dot on the egg with a brush with food coloring or watercolor. Then we smear it. Then again we do the same on the painted surface, but do not affect the edges. So we create an imitation of flower petals.

We wait until the paint dries out and in the center draw the yellow core of the flower with yellow paint. Remove excess dye with a dry cloth. Thus we draw three flowers of different colors: red (as in the photo), yellow and blue. Then we draw green leaves.

  Marker draws the contours of flowers. In the middle of the flower draw pistils and stamens.

After the paints are completely dry, we carry out the final stage - drawing small details and color contours with a marker. And do not worry if you once again get out of the contour or unevenly draw a line, on the contrary it will be even more interesting. Because there should not be perfection. There is only creativity.

  Floral drawing with watercolor is the answer to the question: How to paint eggs in an original way for Easter?

So we got beautiful picturesque eggs for Easter in the style of watercolor.

Bright and unusual eggs. Paint food dye

This is an interesting way to paint eggs for Easter, thanks to which the festive eggs will turn out bright, colorful. The process of painting will be very much enjoyed by children. And what, you will understand yourself when you watch to the end.

  Bright Easter eggs in batik style

For painting eggs, we need:
  - boiled eggs;
  - liquid food colors;
  - vinegar;
  - water;
  - paper towels;
  - gum, gloves, polisher, glass baking dish.

  Pour water and vinegar in the polisher in the ratio of 50 to 50%.

Put three paper towels in a glass baking dish. Top pollinate with diluted vinegar with water in equal proportions.

  Wrap the egg in the top paper towel. Fix it with a rubber band. Dripping food coloring on a wet towel. The dye spreads on the paper surface, goes into all the folds. Feel free to add other colors. Next, once again, polish the towel-painted water with vinegar. Then we take the egg in our hands and squeeze it, so that the paint fills all the voids and the whole egg turns.

And now we have patience and leave eggs in paper towels for 1 hour. The more eggs lie down, the brighter the color will be.

Remove the finished egg from the napkin. If it has white spots, then rub the egg with the remnants of a paper towel. Here is a textured egg in batik style.

Beautiful starry sky on Easter eggs

Very deep and saturated color, which resembles a starry sky and will not even be afraid of this word - GALAXY. Plastic eggs were used for work. Of course, you can use real eggs, but the work on transformation is long and painstaking. And it would be a pity to “destroy” her so quickly at the festive table.

  How unusual to paint eggs for Easter. Deep saturated pattern on Easter eggs

We briefly describe and show how to make eggs for Easter with your own hands with a photo. For more detailed instructions, see.
For work you will need:
  - plastic eggs;
  - acrylic paints of different colors;
  - hard brush, sponge.

  Photo collage "How to paint eggs for Easter"

We paint eggs with black acrylic paints, apply 2 layers, it will take about 15 minutes. On the palette visible colors that will be used. We paint eggs with blue and blue paint. We tried to make a unique pattern on each egg. A brush can make whirlwinds, apply paint in different directions, do not drive a lot with a brush, otherwise the pattern will be muddy.

Now the usual sponge will be used. Blot it in the darkest color - in dark blue and leave traces on the egg. We are waiting for the painted places to dry out and make the same paint with a lighter paint; we also seize unpainted areas. Go to the pink paint, then to the gold. Then dunk the brush in black paint and light movements, not strokes, put specks. It turns out small black islands. The last stage remains - working with white paint. Apply the paint by spraying (brush dunk in the paint, then make a spray on the egg. You can use an old toothbrush and comb with fine teeth. We dip the brush in the paint and draw it along the comb, and small spray from the drops cover the egg).

  Galactic eggs for Easter

Decorate eggs for Easter confectionery beads

These eggs are very popular with children. And even more they like to decorate them. Indeed, at the heart of the decoration - confectionery powder. Colors may be different, we are dominated by yellow.

  Easter eggs decorated with pastry beads

For work, we take boiled eggs, PVA glue, confectionery powder. All stages are visible in the photo below. The only thing that needs to be explained to the children is what the shells cannot eat, and what remains after decorating the eggs, because it came into contact with glue.

Easter eggs and decorative tape

This way of decorating Easter eggs does not require food dyes. You can call it clean, but not fast. To work you need a fantasy.

  Eggs for Easter decorated with decorative scotch

For work we take pre-boiled eggs, decorative tape, scissors. From the scotch we cut out various shapes and glue them to the egg.

Golden Easter Eggs and Golden Marble Effect

Very spectacular and gorgeous eggs are obtained. The method is, of course, difficult, long, but the result is worth it.

  Golden eggs for easter

Very beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter. The work is long, painstaking, but as a result we will get a smart result and enthusiastic reviews of friends.

  Easter eggs with the effect of gold marble.

For work, take the foam, matches, boiled eggs, food coloring, vinegar, gold leaf, glue.

Foam and matches we need in order to dry painted eggs.

Do not forget to add two spoons of vinegar to the water with food coloring to fix the food coloring.

After the eggs are completely dried, we proceed to painstaking work. Narvite gold leaf into small pieces, because for the marble effect it is necessary to cover the egg only partially. We glue the egg, but not the whole surface.

Glue the pieces of gold leaf to the egg and smooth them smoothly. We are waiting for complete drying. That's all, beautiful and spectacular eggs are ready.

  Easter eggs in gilt. original article and photo.

Marble Eggs for Easter

At the heart of the decoration is the usual nail polish. It's very simple, but at the same time beautiful.

  Marble eggs from nail polish on eggs

The process of dyeing eggs is very simple. We take a plastic cup, which is not a pity to get dirty. Pour water at room temperature. Add a few drops of varnish in the water, it will not sink and does not mix with water, but it will fall on it with a thin film. With a stick we mix the varnish, make whirls, patterns and dip the egg.

In the work, you can use one varnish or more. You can take a variety of colors and shades. The idea with the blue marble eggs we spied

Eggs for Easter with geometric patterns

A very simple and not painstaking way to decorate Easter eggs. You can use painted eggs, and you can use the usual dark shell. To work, we take a white marker, and we can also use a pencil corrector, with which we draw various patterns.

In order for children to create a festive mood, it is enough to paint raw eggs and put them back in the tray in the fridge. Children will be happy to open the refrigerator and look for new painted eggs there.

Paint eggs with children with acrylic paints

This is the simplest idea you can think of. Suitable for babies! it the perfect way to dye easter eggs for toddlers, even from 9 months. Fast, easy, and most importantly purely.No stains on clothes and carpet, and most importantly, a contented baby and mother.

Everything is very simple. Put a boiled egg and a teaspoon of acrylic paint (one or two colors) into a plastic bag. Seal the package and give it to the baby.

No dirty hands, no cups, spoons, puddles of water. Only clean hands and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

And crushing the package, the child develops fine motor skills, tactile sensations. Develops observation and color perception.

When the whole egg is covered with paint, remove it and leave to dry.

If desired, you can stick curly stickers on eggs before coloring. And when the paint is dry just remove them.

How to paint eggs in soda?

Next way easter egg stainingmadly like children. Indeed, the basis of staining - chemical reactions, safe and interesting.

So, how to paint eggs, and even in baking soda?  And very easy!
For this we need:
- Baking soda
  - Vinegar
  - Dry food colors
  - Staining tank
  - Boiled eggs.

Pour baking soda into a container. You can immediately take a few containers. Next, add dry food paint, about 1 tablespoon per container. The more paint, the richer the color will be. Mix soda and paint until smooth.

Ask the child to gently place the egg in the container. Then pour the vinegar into a glass and ask him to slowly pour it on the egg. The child will be amazed when he sees what happens. Vinegar and soda will enter into a chemical reaction, forming a sea of ​​bubbles and a slight hiss. We are waiting for the bubbles to go away, take out a painted egg and put it to dry.

After complete drying on the egg, specks will remain on the egg, which will give the Easter egg an interesting texture.

How to paint eggs with wax crayons?

It turns out to be very easy and simple to paint eggs with ordinary wax crayons. The way is simple and at the same time Easter eggs are bright, original.

Cook the eggs, take out, put in the tray and proceed to staining. Egg must be dry and hot. The wax chalk melts on the egg, leaving beautiful, juicy colors. Then put the eggs in the fridge for 2 hours. After cleansing the egg from small pieces of wax. That's all.

You can complicate this process a little and get such a drawing.

To do this, simply lower the eggs into a liquid food dye. Mini master class on coloring Easter eggs in the photo below.

Here is another interesting way to paint eggs for Easter.

On a hot hard-boiled egg draw with white chalk. Then put the eggs in the fridge for 15 minutes. After that, we wet the egg in vinegar and until it is dry, pour it with liquid food coloring. This is how beautiful eggs turn out with a white, unpainted trace.

Here are some interesting ideas on coloring Easter eggs. The main thing is a good mood and your imagination. Be creative for health and be happy!