Easter cake: the most delicious recipe.

26.07.2019 The drinks

  Easter cake in milk is well baked and turns out to be soft and tasty.
  Long before the onset of the most important Christian holiday - Happy Easter - many housewives make up the holiday menu, paying special attention to Easter cakes in it. Nowadays, few people are eager to buy cakes in the store, yet homemade Easter baking is much tastier and more symbolic. They invest in it a piece of the soul, warmth of hands, and the best wishes. And they certainly believe that they will certainly come true. By tradition, they bake a lot of Easter cakes in order to present all relatives and friends with Easter baking. We can offer you or.
  Cooking cakes is a long process, requiring the preparation of products and a long proofing of the dough. In general, it will take about 6 hours. It is better to buy village milk or with a high percentage of fat content; butter and eggs are also better to buy in the market. Take all the food out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature, and sift the flour several times. Well, are we starting?

Easter cake on milk - recipe with photo.
- premium wheat flour - 2 kg (or slightly less);
- fresh fat milk - 0.5 liters;
- fresh pressed yeast - 100 gr;
- eggs - 10 pcs;
- butter - 300 gr;
- sugar - 4 glasses (faceted glass);
- raisins - 250 gr;
- candied fruits - 150 gr;
- ground cardamom - 1 tsp;
- vanilla sugar - 3 bags;
- ground nutmeg - 1.5 tsp;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l;
- icing sugar for glaze - 150 g;
- colored sprinkles for decorating Easter cakes.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Let's start by making the dough. It is better to cook it in a large pan or bowl so that the dough has room to grow. Take half a liter of milk, heat it warmer than room temperature. We’ll open the yeast, add to them 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

  Combine milk with yeast and sugar, stir well. Sift in yeast with milk 2.5-3 cups of flour.

  Stir until a thick dough, the consistency of a dough for pancakes. Stir thoroughly, kneading all the lumps. We leave the dough to approach in a warm place, and so that a crust does not form on top, we cover it with a thick terry towel or a lid.

The dough will rise very quickly. Literally in 15-20 minutes it will increase by 2-3 times, it will become loose and perforated.

  To prepare the dough, you need to divide the eggs into yolk and protein. Two egg whites are poured into a separate dish with a lid and put in the refrigerator - they will be needed for protein glaze. Add a pinch of salt to the remaining proteins, beat with a mixer until you get a thick snow-white mass, the air n is quite dense.

  Mix egg yolks and 2 cups sugar in a separate bowl.

  Rub it with a whisk or spoon until the mass is lightened. From bright orange, it will become light yellow or almost white (depending on the brightness of the yolks).

  We shift the ripened dough into a large basin. Cut the soft butter into the dough.

  Next, pour the egg yolks, mashed with sugar. With a spoon or spatula, knead everything.

  Add the rest of the sugar to the dough, season with spices and vanilla sugar. In addition to nutmeg and cardamom, you can add ground cinnamon or a couple of pinches of turmeric for color.

  Whipped egg whites are added to the dough gradually, carefully mixing each portion with the dough. After adding proteins, it will become airy, as if saturated with air bubbles.

  Pour the sifted flour. What is important: add the flour in parts. We immediately added a kilogram and begin to knead the dough. As you knead, it will be clear how much more flour to add. Perhaps it will take less - all the flour is different in quality, the amount of flour also depends on the size of the eggs.

  We knead the dough for the Easter cake for a long time, ensuring that it becomes homogeneous, plastic, very soft, but not sticky. To make it easier to knead, occasionally grease the hands with vegetable oil and pour a little oil on the table. When you feel air bubbles bursting under your palms, and the dough becomes soft, supple, it means that it is ready and you can send it for proofing.

  Cover the kneaded dough with a lid and set in heat for 2.5-3 hours. During the proofing, it should increase at least twice, but the better the dough fits, the more magnificent the Easter cakes will be. If the dough does not fit well, put it in the oven preheated to +45 degrees and warm the oven to this temperature as necessary. Or rearrange the dishes with the dough in a large container filled with warm water.

  We crumble the rising dough. Steamed raisins in a water bath, dried. Together with candied fruit add to the dough.

  Knead the dough again, distributing the raisins and candied fruits throughout the whole volume. Leave for half an hour to relax.

In the meantime, prepare the forms. Lubricate jars of olives, condensed milk, peas with vegetable oil or melted lard, sprinkle the walls with flour. At the bottom we put a circle of parchment, oiled. Separate the pieces of the desired size from the dough, put them in the tins. The dough should occupy from 1/3 to half the volume of the form. Let’s come again. We turn on the oven, heat it up to 200 degrees.

  When the dough in the molds doubles, put the cakes in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. The first 15 minutes we bake at a temperature of 200 degrees, then reduce to 180 and add cakes to readiness. The surest way to check baking is to pierce it in the highest place with a wooden skewer. It should come out dry without sticking dough. Ready cakes immediately get out of the molds and cool on a towel.

  Easter cake in milk with candied fruit, raisins and spices is ready, it remains to decorate. It is very simple to prepare protein glaze. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, add icing sugar and beat until stable snow-white peaks. Get a thick glaze for greasing Easter cakes. Grease the cooled cakes with icing, sprinkle with decorative colored crumbs or confectionery sprinkles.

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Hello! On the eve of Easter, people begin to prepare for it. The first thing and probably the most common is baking and painting eggs. By baking is meant cooking cakes. And everyone wants the most delicious Easter cake to be on the table on a holiday. Today I want to show recipes that will help you ease the task in this matter.

Easter cake prepared from butter dough. Raisins are an additional ingredient, but you can also add various dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts. They simply interfere in the dough, evenly distributing throughout the volume.

Mostly Easter cakes are tall and made cylindrical. It came from the Greek word kollikion, which means round bread, similar to a tall round building with a dome. Only in miniature. Now you can cook them in various shapes.

In general, the practice of baking this product went from the church where the artos was made. From the Greek language means bread. In the Orthodox Church, kvass (yeast) bread was lit on the Easter week.

In the circle of Easter cake it’s still customary to spread. You can read an article on how to beautifully and originally decorate them. We paint not only for ourselves, but also for guests. Therefore, we have a few dozen eggs. And this must be prepared for earlier. After reading the article, you can surprise your family and friends. Indeed, on the festive table there will be a fragrant and tender Easter cake, which turns out to be very tender and tasty. And he, in turn, is furnished with original decorated eggs.

I hope that this article will help you with ease and without any difficulty prepare the main symbol of Easter. Below are some recipes to which photos are attached step by step. I tried to describe every nuance. Various secrets are also presented, which in turn will help you prepare a delicious cake.

There are two cooking options for your attention:

  The most delicious and easter Easter cake recipe for Easter. Cooking at home

I want to show one more option. This time we will cook with fresh yeast. Everyone has different tastes. Someone prefers on dry yeast, and someone on fresh. In any case, Easter cakes are very tender, airy, which you will enjoy with pleasure. We begin to analyze a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

We will need the following products:

For dough

  • Flour - 700 grams
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Fresh yeast - 100 grams (or 35 grams dry)
  • A handful of sugar (approximately 100-150 grams)

Report to the dough:

  • Sugar - 4 cups
  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Flour - 2 kilograms
  • Margarine - 250 grams
  • Sour cream - 500 grams (preferably 20%)
  • Raisins - 500 grams
  • Vanilla optional
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

For decoration (frosting):

  • Protein - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Powder

Cooking Easter Cake:

1. Pour milk into a deep glass bowl, then put it on fire. Let’s stir and put on fire.

Milk should not boil, but slightly warmed up. And it should not be hot. Just warm.

In the meantime, grind the yeast packet with our hands. Then pour a little warmed milk into the yeast. It is necessary that they completely dissolve, turn into a gruel. Be sure to use a wooden and silicone spoon.

3. Pour flour, thereby knead the dough. This sponge should stand for 30 minutes so that it rises a little. To do this, put the dough in a deeper container, in which we will knead the dough further.

In our case, this is a large pan. It should not be cold, so keep it on fire for 30 seconds. We shift the dough into the pan. Cover and leave in a warm place. The dough should increase 2 times. Yeast come in many different manufacturers. If it suits you for example in 15 minutes, then you can replace and leave for an additional 15 minutes. And so on average it fits in 30 minutes.

You can also cover the pan with a towel or cling film

In our case, the dough came up in 15 minutes, so we mix it with a wooden spatula too. We cover again and wait another 15 minutes.

4. As 2 second time approaches, you need to make a report in the dough. This is already the second part of cooking.

Take the dish. Drive 5 eggs. Beat the eggs until a good thick foam.

6. Then take the pre-melted margarine. The main rule is that it should not be hot, but warm or slightly cooled. Pour it into our mogul. Stir first with the mixer not turned on, and then at low speeds.

It is better to take a 20%, then what is ideal in terms of indicators: in acid, consistency, taste. 25% is too thick, and 15% is sour.

8. Now we pour our report into a batch. Mix everything gently with a wooden spoon in one direction. It must be mixed until smooth.

9. Take the raisins. Spread in our dough and mix well. Before this, raisins need to be steamed. You just pour boiling water overnight and that’s it. If this is not done, then it will turn out drier. If you do not steam it, rinse it well.

The quantity depends on your desire. You can also take candied fruits and nuts. Do not take a lot of nuts, because they seat the dough.

And if you do not like raisins, you can not put it at all.

Remember the rule: the more flour, the denser the cake and the drier inside. And vice versa, the smaller, the looser and wetter it is.

11. Pour the vegetable oil. And mix well again. Then set aside for 5 minutes, so that he just stood there. Then we take a container with the same volume and put half of the dough into it. Since you need a place so that the dough can rise. We are waiting for 15-20 minutes, maybe longer, until the dough rises.

12. In the meantime, prepare our molds. You can use various molds: paper, removable, reusable, disposable. In our case, we will use iron molds. We need some food paper. We cut the tape just above the walls of the mold by 1 cm. We cover the inner walls. If you do not leave the edge of the paper, then the dough during baking will come out with a mushroom on the outer wall. As a result, it will be difficult to remove the cake.

We also spread the paper to the bottom. But first you need to remove the paper wall, and rinse the bottom. Then we return the paper wall back and lay out the bottom.

As you lay out the dough, try so that it does not fall behind the paper. As if for the antennae of the bottom.

13. Our dough has come up. Mix it up. It will begin to fall, to sit down. Nothing wrong with that. We start laying out the dough in the molds by about half. We put in a preheated oven to 150-160 degrees for 40 minutes. The main thing is that the top does not burn out, so control the temperatures.

You can leave it in front of the oven to the side so that they fit. This process takes about an hour. This is optional. There is no big difference. You can not do this.

14. While the cakes are baked, we will make a white shaving brush. Put 3 squirrels in a bowl. We begin to whip them to a very thick foam.

15. Sugar is introduced in parts. We dissolve each part completely. Proteins are very thick. Beat for a very long time, about 10 minutes.

We spread the protein mass on the cake, when it has completely cooled down. And then it will flow to you.

16. We take out cakes from the oven. Allow to cool completely. Spread with protein mass and sprinkle with sprinkles. Look, what delicious, fragrant and beautiful cakes we have made. Enjoy your meal!

Here we have such an Easter treat. If you follow the step-by-step instructions exactly, I can guarantee that the aroma will be delicious, and the Easter cakes will be delicate and unusually tasty. Do not look that the recipe is so long, it's all because of the pictures. In fact, everything is done very simply: first we make a dough, the second step we report the remaining products. And prepare the decoration.

You can take the finished Easter products to the church and consecrate them.

  Oven Easter cake with butter

We begin to prepare for Easter. In other words, consider a simple recipe for Easter cake. It will consist of two stages. Nothing complicated. I assure you that you will end up with the most delicious pastries. We will cook together and I will show you each step by step. It is prepared on baked milk very simply, practically without our participation. I think I’ve already intrigued you. The blog already has n, you can see. Getting down.


Stage 1 Harvesting

  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • Warm baked milk - 125 milliliters
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Butter - 80 grams
  • Raisins - 50 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece + yolk (leave the protein for the glaze)

Stage 2 After 8-12 hours in the workpiece (optional)

  • Flour - 250-300 grams
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanilla Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cognac - 1 tablespoon (can be excluded)

Protein Glaze

  • Bun 1 piece
  • Powdered Sugar - 100 grams
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Before you start. One of the most important ingredients is yeast. Take the freshest. It depends on how tasty you get the Easter cake.


1. We brew yeast in warm baked milk. Pour them and stir until gently dissolved.

2. Now take the bowl. Drive 1 egg and add 1 yolk. The result is 1 protein and 2 yolk. Pour sugar. Add the butter. Stir until slightly homogeneous.

The oil must be pulled out in advance so that it melts to room temperature. If you forgot, then you can melt in the microwave for 15-30 seconds.

3. Then pour the raisins previously well washed and dried with a paper towel. And pour the milk with yeast. Stir and cover the bowl with cling film or a towel. Set for 8-12 hours.

Cooking is better in the evening. So the dough will rise overnight. The next day, you can safely continue cooking.

4. When opening the film, the smell of fermentation will be present. But do not be alarmed. When baking, it will disappear.

So we shot the film. Mix well. Pour salt, vanilla sugar and cognac. Mix thoroughly again.

Pour flour in small portions, i.e. mix well after each addition.

If the dough is too thick, then it will rise poorly.

6. Baking dishes will use paper. It is very convenient. Kulich then does not dry. Lubricate the inner sides and bottom with sunflower oil.

7. Spoon the dough into molds. This amount was enough for me for two Easter cakes. A height of 10 centimeters and a diameter of 9. Using a spatula, align the top.

8. Immediately put on a baking sheet, previously covering it with food paper. We cover our molds with cling film. Leave for proofing for 1 hour in a warm place. Also in the room should not be a draft.

9. An hour later, the Easter cakes rose perfectly. We carefully remove the film. And put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Then we reduce to 180 degrees. And bake another 30-40 minutes. Time depends on the size of the cake.

10. In the meantime, prepare the decoration for the cake. Pour the protein into the cup. Pour powdered sugar and lemon juice. First mix with a spoon or spatula so that the powder does not scatter in different directions.

11. Then whisk with a whisk or a mixer until a thick lush mass. Beat so that the icing does not spread. As shown in the picture below.

12. Check the readiness with a wooden stick. Pierce her a cake and pull it out. If it is dry, then the cake is ready.

13. Leave to cool completely on the grate so that the bottom is not wet.

14. Now we take the cooled cake and dip it in the protein glaze. As the picture below.

15. Now we decorate it at will. You can make small smudges. Easter cakes are ready.

  A simple recipe for Easter cake with raisins and dried apricots


  • Milk - 250 milliliters
  • Cottage cheese and sour cream - 100 grams each
  • Butter - 125 grams
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Flour - 600-750 grams
  • Protein - 3
  • Yolk - 5-6
  • Vegetable oil - 25 grams
  • Fresh yeast - 25 grams (or dry - 2 teaspoons)
  • Vanilla - 1 teaspoon
  • Raisins, nuts, dried fruits - to taste
  • 1 protein
  • Powdered Sugar - 100 grams
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Chocolate bar for decoration.


1. We start by pouring 1/3 of the warmed milk into a small bowl. Pour yeast there and half a teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything so that sugar and yeast dissolve well. And put in a warm place.

I put in the microwave with a glass of hot water

2. While the dough is standing, we separate the squirrels from the yolks. Three squirrels are placed in a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt. And beat with a mixer at low speeds, gradually increasing them.

3. Now in another bowl, grind 5 yolks with 250 grams of sugar. Also pour vanilla sugar. The mass will turn white and increase in size, but the sugar will not completely dissolve. This is nothing to worry about.

4. Now prepare the cottage cheese. Mix it with sour cream.

You can grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, but I use a hand blender

5. Our opara rose. She rose with a good hat. See picture

The remaining 2/3 of the milk is poured into a bowl. To it we add the risen dough. Stir. Gradually we will add the remaining ingredients. Next comes melted butter, mixed yolks. All this mix. Preferably with a wooden or silicone spoon.

6. Add cottage cheese with sour cream and vegetable oil. Then gradually introduce the proteins.

Of course, proteins will be difficult to introduce. But then with flour they are evenly distributed.

It is better to sift flour 2 times. So your cake will be airy and tender. And look at the quantity to your taste. The more, the drier the Easter cake will turn out.

Kulich must be kneaded for 15-20 minutes. 30 minutes is better if you have time. the dough should be sticky, crispy. On the table kneads it optionally. Spread in a clean bowl. cover and put in a warm place.

8. We prepare dried fruits. Soak raisins with dried apricots in hot water. Finely chop the walnut. We cut candied fruits and dried apricots so that they are the size of raisins.

Take the amount of ingredients as desired. Dry the dried apricots and raisins with a towel.

Add a little flour to the dried fruit. And mix everything. This is done so that the dried fruits are evenly distributed over the dough.

9. The first time the dough came up with us. It increased by about 2 times. It also melted with a glass of hot water in the microwave. You can put it in the oven. Knead it. So the dough should fit 3 times.

As a result, the dough 4 times fits and 3 times knead it.

10. As the last time mashed the dough, add dried fruits and walnuts to it. And gently intervene them. Do this as carefully as possible so that they are completely distributed over the test.

11. And put it in paper disposable forms. It turns out somewhere around 400 grams per mold.

12. Before putting them into the oven, it is necessary that the dough in the molds rise slightly. To do this, take a small bowl of hot water and set the molds around it for 40 minutes. Then.

13. Then put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

If the caps will burn, cover them with foil.

We decorate Easter cakes with glaze

1. We will decorate with chocolate on top. Therefore, before you start preparing the icing, we will put the melted chocolate. To do this, lay out pieces of chocolate in a bag and wrap. The package itself is put in warm water.

1. Add protein, a little salt to the bowl. Beat at low speeds until foam appears. After we add the icing sugar.

The bowl should be dry, clean, fat free. And not a drop of yolk should get on the protein. The same applies to mixer corollas: dry, clean, fat-free.

And at the end add lemon juice. He gives such a fragrant acidity.

2. Cover with a spoon. Decorate with melted chocolate as you wish. You can depict an inscription or drawing, or all at once together. Here we have such a beautiful Easter cake.

  Cooking a sweet treat with walnuts and candied fruits in a slow cooker

Let's try cooking in a slow cooker. In this kitchen technique you can cook almost everything, and Easter cake is no exception. Some housewives use it very actively. Someone may be missing an oven. Nevertheless, it turns out very tasty. Getting down.


  • Flour - 1 kilogram
  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • Butter - 300 grams (you can take 150 butter + 150 margarine)
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 6 pieces
  • Dry yeast - 16 grams
  • Salt - 3/4 teaspoon
  • Vanillin - 1 gram
  • Raisins and walnuts - 100 grams each
  • Candied fruits - 50 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

For glaze on 1 cake:

  • Lemon juice - 4-6 teaspoons
  • Powdered Sugar - 100 grams
  • If necessary, add 1-2 teaspoons of water (depending on the consistency of the resulting glaze)

Cooking a delicious cake:

1. We’ll breed the dough in a coupled way. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl. We select the multi-cook mode and set 35 degrees. Click start. After 5-7 minutes, the milk will reach the set temperature.

If you do not have this mode, then you can hold the milk on fire for 30 seconds. It needs to be slightly warm.

2. After the set time has passed, turn off the multicooker. Stir the milk so that it is warmed up in its entirety. Add yeast. Keep stirring well. Then add 300 grams of flour. Knead well.

The dough should be thicker, thicker than the fritters. In principle, how to make cupcakes. Close the lid. Again, select the multi-cook mode and set 35 degrees. Set for 30 minutes to make the dough come.

You can put on yogurt mode. 30 minutes too

3. While the dough is coming, separate the squirrels from the yolks. The whites should be beaten well, and the yolks should be ground with sugar. Add sugar to the yolks. If you like not very sweet, then you can add 1.5 or 1 glass. Grind with a mixer at low speed. The mass should become lighter and more uniform.

4. Beat whites in a stable foam. It remains to melt the butter and cool it.

5. After 30 minutes, transfer the dough to a clean bowl, where we will knead our dough. Add salt, vanillin, yolks, ground with sugar, to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly. Stir in one direction so that the dough rises evenly.

6. Stir in the melted chilled oil. Stir again in one direction.

7. Now, alternating, we will add flour and beaten egg whites. First, flour was added, then part of the proteins. And so repeat until the squirrel runs out and there remains 100 grams of flour. We still need them.

After each addition, carefully interfere from the bottom up.

The dough should be made liquid so that it is easy for the yeast to raise the dough, as it’s rich with us. It includes oil, eggs.

8. Now it is necessary for the dough to rise. We shift into the multicooker bowl. Close the lid. We set in multipovar mode 40 degrees. And leave for 30 minutes.

9. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Cut candied fruit into small pieces. Rinse and dry the raisins. Not very large cut nuts.

Nuts can be any

10. 30 minutes have passed. The dough has risen. We give him a little hug. Leave in the same mode for 1 hour.

11. After an hour, we take out the dough and add the remaining ingredients. We spread on the table and cutting board, sprinkle lightly with flour. This amount of dough is enough for 2 cakes.

To the washed and dried raisins we add a tablespoon of flour and mix well. We crumble it so that it is evenly distributed over the dough.

12. On top of the dough, also lightly sprinkle with flour. And we begin to gently knead it, thereby collecting in a circle. We no longer add flour. In principle, the dough is not so sticky.

13. Add vegetable oil. The dough generally loves all kinds of butter. For one, lubricate the hands in oil. And continue to knead. Now the dough is no longer sticky.

14. Pour nuts, candied fruits and raisins on top of the dough. We start from the edges to the center to mix in the dough. We do this until the ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the volume.

If necessary, hands can be greased again with vegetable oil

15. The multicooker bowl will be greased liberally with butter. And put the half of the dough into the bowl. It turned out at the level of 1.5. This is approximately 1/3 of the total height of the bowl. Close the slow cooker. In multi-cook mode, set 4 degrees for 1 hour or 1 hour yogurt mode.

16. An hour has passed. That's how it rose. Then close the slow cooker again. Since we have a large volume of dough, we set it for 1 hour and 20 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

17. After the time has passed, we check the readiness. From above we have a light Easter cake. We pierce with a toothpick. If the toothpick is dry, then we get the cake. We take out the bowl, turn it over and put it on a towel. Here is a cake.

18. The top of the Easter cake will not be rumored, because from above we will lubricate with protein glaze. Cooking it. To do this, mix lemon juice and powdered sugar, while constantly stirring without stopping.

19. We apply icing on Easter cake. evenly distribute it. Until it has completely cooled, sprinkle with sprinkle. All is ready. Kulich turned out to be moderately sweet, airy. I specially put a picture with a slit so that you can see how it looks inside.

  How to cook Easter cake in a bread machine? See the answer in the video

The video shows a simple recipe for making Easter sweets in a bread machine. This method is suitable for those who do not have enough time.

We will need:

- eggs - 3pcs;
  - butter -160g;
  - milk - 100ml;
  - salt - 1 tsp;
  - sugar - 8–9 tbsp (for those who do not like very sweet cakes 4–5 tbsp);
  - flour - 420g;
  - yeast - 2.5 tsp;
  - raisins (nuts, candied fruits) - to taste
  - ground cinnamon, you can add nutmeg, as well as turmeric (for color).

We use a mulimex company bread machine. In it, select the mode “Sweet bread”. You can bake and on the main - "White bread". And so in the steel stoves you can use any program that is designed for butter baking. Time leaves about 2.5-3 hours.

Easter is truly a bright and kind holiday. An excellent occasion to gather with relatives and relatives at the same table and taste a delicious cake for a cup of tea. The article showed all kinds of ways for every taste. I can say with guarantee that it will really help you prepare an Easter treat.

Now you can cook the most delicious Easter cake for Easter. Step-by-step recipes with photos were demonstrated clearly and you yourself were convinced of this. We examined how to cook with dry and fresh yeast. I was pleased to participate with you in this process. Put class and like. Leave your question or suggestions in the comments. I will answer them with pleasure. Good luck to you and Easter!


Tell VK

Before Easter, I decided to conduct a small experiment - to find out what kind of Easter cakes are the most delicious) After all, there are so many recipes on the Internet, everyone has old ones, from grandparents. Everyone says that they have the most delicious. Therefore, I baked Easter cakes according to three different recipes and compared them. And today I present you Easter cakes - cooking recipes with photos.

If you bake one of them for Easter 2019, you will undoubtedly delight your family.

Easter cakes for Easter recipes with photos: Alexandria cake

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is for a very large number of cakes - the output will be about 5 kg !!! This dough was also the most airy, it rises very well and is easy to bake. You see that the photo turned out to be the largest Easter cake, about 1 kg, and it normally baked, not opal. I cooked one fifth of the test, you can also cook half or one fifth)

By the way, if you have a question where to get pressed yeast - they are sold in supermarkets, you just have to look.


1 liter of baked milk,

butter - half a kilogram,

1 kg of sugar

10 eggs

three yolks,

150 grams of live yeast,

1 tsp salt

200 gr. raisins

3 sachets of vanilla sugar or vanillin,

2 tbsp. l cognac

2.5 kg of flour.

  1. Make a dough: beat eggs and yolks with sugar, cut the butter into pieces and put in a dough. Crush yeast and add there. Mix. Heat the baked milk to a pleasant heat and pour into the egg-oil mixture.
  2. Leave warm for 12 hours (overnight).
  3. then add salt, raisins, vanilla, cognac soaked in boiling water in advance. Mix. Sift the flour into the resulting mixture.
  4. Knead the dough by greasing your hands in vegetable oil.
  5. Keep warm for an hour and a half so that the dough rises.
  6. Then knead and put into forms about one third. Again let rise.
  7. Put in a cold oven, bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees, 15 minutes at 150 and 15 minutes at two hundred. Check with a skewer, if the cake is not ready, then bake yet, but watch out. when ready, turn off the oven and leave the cake in it for another 40 minutes.
  8. Read the step-by-step recipe with a photo of the Alexandrian cake.

Easter cakes the most delicious recipes with photos: old Russian Easter cake

This Easter cake also rises well, it has a more interesting taste, rich, as spices add special notes. They are not too pronounced, but give both color, aroma and a touch of taste. The cake itself is also soft and tasty. I baked half a portion - it turned out two small Easter cakes and one medium.


half a liter of milk,

40 grew yeast,

1 kg of flour

30 gr cognac

250 gr oils

10 yolks

350 gr Sahara,

200 grams of raisins and candied fruits (mixture) or just raisins

ground cardamom - 0.5 tsp,

saffron - insist several stigmas in vodka,

cardamom - 0.5 tsp,

cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

ground cloves - 0.5 tsp

ground zest - 0.5 tsp

  1. Mix warm milk with half a glass of flour and yeast. Put in heat for one and a half hours.
  2. Grind sugar with yolks,
  3. Add cognac, saffron tincture, spices to the yolks.
  4. Sift flour to this mixture, knead the dough. Knead with your hands for about 1 hour. In the first half hour add melted warm (not hot) butter and raisins, rolled in flour.
  5. Put for 5-6 hours in a warm place. During this time, two times a hug. Then shift into forms and let it rise there.
  6. Bake according to the same principle as the cake of Alexandria (recipe above).
  7.   A step-by-step recipe for an old Russian Easter cake with a photo.

Easter cakes Easter cooking recipes with photo: lemon cake

So, completing the list of the most delicious Easter cakes, I’ll tell you about another recipe - this is a cake with the addition of lemon zest. It’s preparing, perhaps, a little more complicated than the previous ones. But, as it seemed to me, it is the most delicious - since more zest is added to it, it has a lemon flavor, and it is also more delicate, soft. However, he did not rise as well as others. But still, this Easter cake looks like the most homemade of all) I baked half a serving. It turned out one middle cake.


milk 250 ml

flour 600 gr

eggs - 2 pcs.,

butter - 175 gr.,

sugar - 1 tbsp.,

fresh yeast - 25 gr.,

saffron stigmas - 6 pcs. (you can without them)

vanilla sugar - 1 sachet,

vodka - 25 ml

lemon - 1 pc.

raisins - 100 gr.,

salt - 0.5 tsp


half protein

half a glass of powdered sugar,

1 tbsp lemon (orange juice)

  1. Make a dough of warm milk, yeast, half a glass of sugar and half a glass of flour. Leave warm for an hour and a half.
  2. 2 eggs divided into proteins and yolks. Squirrels until put in the refrigerator.
  3. Crush saffron stigmas and soak in vodka.
  4. mix the yolks with finely chopped lemon peel, vanilla. Then add oil and grind until white.
  5. Pour dough into the oil mixture, add saffron tincture and the remaining milk.
  6. Sift all the flour and knead the dough.
  7. Beat the whites until solid peaks, gradually adding sugar.
  8. Add whipped proteins to the dough, knead, then add raisins.

1. Alexandria dough (for Easter cakes)
  2. Easter cake on sour cream
3. Easter "Like fluff" on sour cream and baked milk
  4. Delicious Easter cake!
  5. Kulich from Olga Syutkina
  6. Easter cake classic
  7. Choux curd Easter
  8. Chocolate Easter
  9. Easy and quick Easter cake

1. Alexandria dough (for Easter cakes)

Absolutely amazing Easter cakes! Sweet, tender, soft ... Tastier I have not eaten in life! Grandmother’s recipe, she’s been preparing this recipe for several decades. A lot of Easter cakes are obtained from a serving, feel free to divide the amount by 2, 3, 4 ...

1 liter baked milk;
  1 kg. Sahara;
  500 gr. drain. oils;
  10 eggs;
  3 yolks;
  150 gr. fresh yeast.

Beat eggs lightly, cut the butter into slices, mix all the products with warm milk and leave them in a warm place for 8-12 hours (feel free to leave overnight). Then pour in: 1 tsp. salts; 200 gr. steamed raisins; 2-3 bags of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. l cognac; approximately 2.5 kg of flour. Knead soft, viscous dough by dipping hands in sunflower oil. Put on the proofing for an hour and a half, until it doubles. Apply 1/3 of the molds, wait until it fits almost to the edges and bake at a temperature of 180 g. until ready. Grease the top of the cooled cakes with icing, decorate.

2. Easter cake on sour cream

Awesome Easter cakes!
  Delicate, soft, fragrant!
  Highly recommend a try!
  From the specified number of ingredients, 2 Easter cakes are obtained, 11 cm high and 17 cm wide, and 14 small Easter cakes 7 cm high and 6 cm wide.


300 ml of milk
  3 eggs
  200 g sugar
  150 g butter
  250 g sour cream (15–20%)
  vanilla stick (or 2 tsp vanilla sugar)
  300 g raisins
  700-800 g of flour


Heat the milk so that it is a little warm.
  Add milk and 1 tsp to milk. Sahara.
  Add 200–250 g flour, mix.
  Cover with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place.
  Opara should double in size (it took me about 30 minutes). Beat eggs with sugar. Cut the vanilla stick, remove the seeds. Add eggs to the dough, mix. Add vanilla seeds (or vanilla sugar). Add softened (not melted) oil, mix. Add sour cream, mix. Add the remaining flour (flour may need a little more or less, it depends on the quality of the flour), knead the dough.
Knead the dough well, it should not be cool and should not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place. The dough should rise well (it took me about 30 minutes). Add raisins to the dough (previously washed and dried).
  Cover with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place. Let the dough rise again well (it took me about 30 minutes). Lubricate the molds with a little oil.
  Lay out the dough by filling the molds 1/3 of the height of the form. Let the dough rise.
  Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes.
  Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees, bake until tender (about 30 minutes).
  As soon as the cake is browned, check it for readiness, for this it must be pierced with a wooden skewer (or toothpick), if it is dry - the cake is ready. Decorate to taste.
  I smeared the finished cakes with protein cream and decorated it with pastry topping.

  3. Easter "Like fluff" on sour cream and baked milk


Sour cream300 g.
  butter300 g.
  baked milk 250 g
  sugar 660 g.
  chicken eggs 5 pcs.
  egg yolks 3 pcs.
  yeast 100 g.
  salt 10 g.
  vanilla sugar 30 g
  orange peel
  raisins100 g.
  candied fruit100 g.
  flour 1400 g.
  vegetable oil 50 g.


Beat eggs and yolks with a whisk with sugar, but not fanatically (to the foam), but just to mix well.
  Add yeast, mix well. Add sour cream and baked milk. In order to make baked milk, it is necessary to boil the milk and put it to simmer on low heat for 2 hours under a closed lid, stirring occasionally. You can languish in the oven or pour milk into a thermos for 6-8 hours. Milk should acquire brownish colors and a specific taste and smell.
  Add the oil at room temperature, cut into pieces. Mix well. Put in a warm place, covered with a towel, for 12 hours. Best for the night. Add zest, washed and dried raisins, candied fruit, vanilla sugar to the dough.
  Gradually add sifted flour. First knead the dough with a wooden spoon, and then with your hands. Knead preferably at least 30 minutes. Additionally, do not add flour, and grease your hands with oil, so that it is less sticky, because the dough is soft, a little sticky.
  Cover the dough with a clean towel, put in a warm place for 1.5 hours. On top of the towel put a consecrated willow twig.
The dough has grown. Spread the dough in greased molds lined with culinary paper at 1/3 of the height. Put in a warm place until the dough has grown to its full height (about 45 minutes). Lubricate Easter on top with yolk dissolved in a few drops of cold water.
  Bake at 190 for about 45 minutes (it all depends on the size of the tins). Therefore, we must focus on the delicious smell from the oven and the golden color of the baked cakes on top.

4. Delicious Easter cake!

Two medium Easter cakes
  Active time 30-40 minutes, passive 5-6 hours

570 gr flour
  150 ml of milk
  3 eggs
  150 g butter
  1 cup sugar without a slide, you can take brown
  yeast, 10 gr
  half a teaspoon of salt
  75 g raisins
  50 g candied fruit
  50 g almonds
  half vanilla sugar powder
  for icing half a glass of powdered sugar, protein, lemon juice

Dilute yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in warm water. Allow them to come up to form a foam. You can listen to them, they are lively and sociable, if you put yeast on your ear, then the right ones will immediately begin to whisper something. In 150 ml of warm milk (a little less milk, since the yeast is already in the water), combine with the yeast, mix. Pour them into a large container and sift half the flour there. Moreover, this part of the flour should be divided into two, first pour one part, mix with a yeast mixer, and then the second and knead the dough. Wrap in a blanket and put the dough on the battery or in another warm place to approach. It will take about 30 minutes or hours - it all depends on how fresh the yeast is.
  As soon as the dough is doubled, it is time to proceed further. Separate the squirrels from the bile, leave one yolk, then to grease the Easter cake. Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla, and beat the whites until foamy.
  Add salt, yolks, oil to the dough, mix. Then add the remaining flour and whipped whites. The dough should not be very thick, but well-kneaded and easily behind the walls of the bowl. Wrap in a towel and put in a warm place again.
  When the dough rises in volume and doubles, add raisins, candied fruit, diced, and almonds. Mix with the dough and put into molds, which previously lined with baking paper.
  Give the dough in the forms distance, it will increase the widow. Grease the tops of the dough with egg yolk. Put in a cold oven, turn it on 100 degrees and hold for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 150 and bake for an hour. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer, if the dough does not stick, then the cake is ready.
Glaze as soon as it cools down. For the glaze, take the protein, beat to a dense foam, introduce half a glass of powdered sugar (through a strainer and leisurely), beat, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, beat for another 10 seconds. Cover the cake and leave it to freeze.

5. Kulich from Olga Syutkina


1.5-2 kg of flour
  0.5 l of milk
  500 g butter
  3 sachets of dry yeast (11 g each)
  Salt on the tip of a teaspoon
  vanilla and other food flavorings
  5 eggs
  400 g sugar
  raisins, quantity at your discretion
  some vegetable oil
  For glaze
  4 squirrels
  100 g sugar

Preparation: In a large bowl, mix 500 g of flour with yeast. Prepare the eggs - in one container 5 eggs and 4 yolks, in another - 4 squirrels. Beat the eggs and yolks with a mixer, and leave the bowl with the proteins - they will be needed for glaze. Pour 125 ml of milk into the pan, add pre-softened butter and bring to a boil. Pour in the remaining milk. It will become just the right temperature. Add 400 g of sugar and salt, stir until completely dissolved. Add beaten eggs, vanilla. You can put other spices - cardamom, nutmeg, lemon zest, saffron. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with flour and mix thoroughly - the consistency of the dough will be like liquid sour cream. This is a dough, and it should go from 40 minutes to 1 hour. And now there comes a moment when only intuition will tell you how much flour you need to add to the dough. Add flour in portions, knead first with a spoon, then with your hands. The dough should not be very dense, but not liquid. Specifying the exact amount of flour is problematic, because its moisture is different. Almost 2 kg, or a little less, usually go away. You need to knead for a very long time - 20-30 minutes. It is long kneading that is the main rule for making yeast dough. The product from it will turn out airy, beautiful, does not become stained for a long time. Put the dough in a warm place and let it come up 2 times (in an hour from the beginning of fermentation, make a warm up). Then add the raisins, knead again and place to approach for the 3rd time. Prepare the forms in the meantime - they should be warm. Lubricate the molds with vegetable oil, put a cut circle from baking paper on the bottom. Put the dough on the work surface, knead slightly and place it in the mold so that it takes 1/3 of the volume. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the cakes for proofing to double in volume. Small cakes will be baked for 30-35 minutes, large - 45-50 minutes. Check the readiness with a wooden stick: if the stick came out of the Easter cake dry - it is ready. While the cakes are in the oven, beat the whites with sugar until a strong foam. When ready, remove the cakes from the oven. First leave them in shape for 10 minutes and only then take them out on a towel. Lubricate the already-cooled Easter cakes with glaze, otherwise it will dry out, turn into a hard crust and fall off. Decoration to your taste!

6. Easter cake


500 ml of milk
  11 g dry yeast (or 50-60 g raw yeast)
  1–1.3 kg of flour
  6 eggs
  200 g butter or margarine
  250-300 g sugar
  300 g raisins
1 tsp vanilla sugar
  2 squirrels
  100 g sugar


Heat the milk a little (so that it is a little warm), dissolve the yeast in it. Add 500 g flour, stir well. Put in a warm place.
  I pour warm water into a bowl, put a bowl of dough into it. Cover with a towel. The sponge should double in size (this will take about 30 minutes). Separate the squirrels from the yolks.
  Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat whites with a pinch of salt in a foam. Add the yolks to the coming dough, mix. Then add softened oil, mix. Add proteins, mix. Add the remaining flour (flour may need a little more or less, it depends on the quality of the flour), knead the dough.
  Knead the dough well, it should not be cool and should not stick to your hands.
  Put the dough in a warm place again. Let the dough rise well (it will take 50-60 minutes). Soak the raisins in warm water for 10-15 minutes, then drain all the water. Add raisins to the dough, mix and put the dough in a warm place again. The dough should rise well. Grease the mold with butter, put the dough on 1/3 of the mold height. Cover with foil or towel. Let the dough rise again already in shape.
  Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes.
  Then add the temperature to 180 degrees, bake until cooked (I had a cake of 11 cm high and 17 cm wide was baked for 35 minutes, 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees and 25 at a temperature of 180 degrees).
  To check the readiness of the cake, poke it with a match (or a toothpick), if it is dry - the cake is ready.
  Cooking the icing.
  Beat whites with a pinch of salt in a foam. Add sugar, beat until stable peaks. Grease the prepared hot cakes with glaze or protein cream and sprinkle with confectionery powder or garnish with candied fruit.
  Enjoy your meal!

7. Choux curd Easter

  1 kg of cottage cheese
  250 ml cream 10% fat
  5 eggs
  2 cups sugar
  250 g butter
  100 g light raisins
  100 g walnuts
  50 g candied fruit
  1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  1 lemon


We need only the yolks, separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the yolks with sugar until white.
  Add cream to the whipped yolk mass and bring to a boil in a water bath or in a pan with a thick bottom. Make sure that the yolks with cream are not burnt. stir constantly. Allow the resulting custard to cool slightly.
Pre-fry the nuts in a dry frying pan or in the oven, peel. Also choose membranes and shell particles. Wash and dry the raisins, rub the zest of one lemon.
  In the cooled egg-yolk custard, rub the cottage cheese, butter, raisins, nuts, candied fruits, lemon zest and vanilla sugar. Move everything well.
  If you have a special form for Easter, put the mixture there. But also all this can be laid out in a colander, after covering it with two layers of gauze. And put in a refrigerator under oppression for at least 12 hours. During this time, excess fluid will come out and the curd Easter will take a beautiful shape, decorate with candied fruits to your taste.

8. Chocolate Easter


150 g of chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 75%
  1 kg of fat non-acidic cottage cheese
  200 ml cream with a fat content of 35%
  120 g butter
  200 g icing sugar
  2 yolks
  1 tsp grated orange zest

  Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve 2 times. Beat 100 g of butter with a mixer until soft cream, add cottage cheese and whisk again. In a water bath, beat the yolks with icing sugar until the mass increases in volume and brightens. Add whipped yolks to the curd. Break 100 g of chocolate into pieces and put in a bowl. Add the remaining butter. Place the bowl in a pot of boiling water and melt the chocolate while stirring. Cool slightly. Chop the remaining chocolate into small pieces. Stir the melted chocolate into the curd, add the pieces of chocolate and orange zest. Whip the cream. Combine the whipped cream with the curd in gentle movements. Cover the Easter mold with 3 layers of gauze. Spread the curd mixture with a tablespoon, pressing it well against the walls of the form. When the form is completely filled, cover the curd with the free edges of the gauze and tuck them. Place the Easter mold on a plate or in a narrow bowl. Put a saucer on top and put oppression. Put the whole structure in the refrigerator. Keep track of the amount of dripping whey in the plate and periodically drain it. Easter should stand under oppression for 24 hours.

9. Easy and quick Easter cake

Girls, I want to offer you a recipe for a wonderful Easter cake. It cooks easily and quickly. The main thing is always obtained. I have been baking Easter cakes according to this recipe for about 15 years and always successfully. Maybe someone will need my recipe.

Of course, I really apologize for the photo.
  I did not think of taking a picture of the little cake closer.
  That was our Easter table for last year's Easter Sunday.

We will need:

0.5 l of warm milk, 6 eggs, 200 g of plums. oil, 2-3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. raisins, 50 g raw yeast or 16 g dry (2 sachets possible), 0.5 tsp. salt, vanilla, 2-3 tbsp. l rast. oil, 1.5 kg of flour.
  Yeast pour 0.5 tbsp. warm milk, adding there 1 tbsp. l flour, 1 tbsp. l Sahara. All this is good to stir and set aside for fermentation - this is our darling.

Grind the eggs with sugar, add the butter melted and cooled in milk.
  (We take 0.5 liters of milk specified in the recipe and pour into a saucepan, we take 0.5 cups of dough from it, and in the remaining (that is in the saucepan) we put 200 g of draining oil and put the saucepan on a fire and heat until until the butter has melted in the milk.
  It turns out that we heat butter and milk at the same time.
  Then remove the saucepan from the heat and cool.)
  Pour dough, grows. butter, put raisins and add flour.
  Stir everything with a spoon. Knead the dough.
  It should not be cool !!!
  It will turn out quite soft, but it is necessary.
   The dough will be very sticky - that's fine.
  In the test, the spoon can "stand", even slightly falling over, but only slightly.


I bake Easter cakes every year, without recipes.
  Today I came across such a good selection and decided to bake an especially delicious Easter cake this year.
  And since the recipes are all so good, I am sharing with you.
  Who needs it, take it!