The recipe for verguns on kefir from Elena Kalinina. Vergunov on kefir

25.07.2019 Bakery products

Verguny is the same brushwood, but not crunchy.

Products are magnificent, soft, insanely tasty and fragrant.

They are perfect for sweet tea and instantly fly off the table.

Kefir verguns - general principles of preparation

Kefir for test is used warm or at room temperature. A cold sour-milk drink does not mix well with the rest of the ingredients, the dough will need to rest longer. If the recipe is with yeast, then the liquid is always heated to 40-45 degrees.

What else put:

Wheat flour;

Sugar, salt;

Butter, margarine.

The dough for thick brushwood is rolled out, but not cool. It should spread slightly on the table and stick a little to your hands. When cutting, use additional flour.

How to sculpt and fry verguns

Verguny sculpt in the same way as ordinary brushwood, the only difference is the thickness of the dough. Difficulties also arise due to the stickiness of the oil, so you need to regularly sprinkle the rolling pin with flour.

How Verguns sculpt:

1. The dough is laid out on the table, rolled out to a thickness of 1 centimeter.

2. Strips are cut with a sharp knife, with a width of three to five centimeters.

3. Each strip is cut across into pieces of 5 centimeters. The length of the verguns can be arbitrary.

4. In the center of each piece, a cut is made with a knife.

5. The tip is pushed into the cut, the brush is twisted.

Verguny always fry in a pan. Products must float freely and not touch each other. According to Ukrainian traditions, melted pork fat is used - lard. But it turns out no worse with vegetable oil. For flavor, you can add a little ghee or butter to the fat.

After frying the brushwood on both sides, it is taken out to a dish. It can be served warm or cold, it is often sprinkled with powdered sugar, supplemented with jam, honey.

Ordinary kefir sugars with soda

The recipe for simple yogurt kefir, which can be very quickly knead and make. A great option if you need to urgently have a bite or feed something delicious family.


2 and a half cups of flour;

Kefir 0.5 cups;

Three eggs;

1 tsp soda;

Sugar three tablespoons;

Some salt;

2 tablespoons of oil plus for frying.


1. Break the eggs, toss them in a bowl.

2. Pour prescription sugar to them, salt with it, quickly whisk with a whisk. It is not necessary to make lush foam, it is enough to dissolve the grains a little and give the mass a uniformity.

3. In the prescription kefir we throw soda, stir. Once the reaction has passed, pour into the egg mass.

4. Add vegetable or melted butter, stir.

5. Pour the flour, all at once should not be added. Adjust the density of the dough. You may need a little more flour if the kefir is liquid or the eggs are large.

6. If there is time, then let the test lie down for ten minutes.

7. If there is no time, then immediately spread it on the table, sprinkled with flour.

8. We cut, we unscrew the verguns. How to do this, you can see a little higher.

9. Fry in the usual way, put the dough in well-heated oil.

Kefir verguns magnificent with yeast

Yeast version of lush vermilions on kefir. These products will not work quickly knead and cook. The yeast test needs to be given time to get ready, but the result of the wait is impressive.


Flour 300 grams;

Kefir 100 ml;

7 grams of yeast;

40 grams butter cream .;

Sugar 2 tablespoons;

Salts 0.3 tsp;

Three tablespoons of powder;

One egg;

For frying fat, oil.


1. Immediately melt the butter and let stand so that it is not hot.

2. We grow yeast in warm kefir.

3. Throw sugar to the yeast, stir and leave for five minutes.

4. Add melted butter, salt. Throw the egg and mix thoroughly together. You can whisk lightly with a whisk.

5. Add the flour, make a dough of medium consistency.

6. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with a cloth towel.

7. Forget about him for 1.5 hours.

8. We get, we mold ordinary verguny, we fry in a frying pan. Sprinkle the finished products with powder.

Kefir verguns with cottage cheese

The recipe for cottage cheese verguns on kefir. They turn out very soft, sweet, melt in the mouth. Cottage cheese can be used any. The amount of flour is regulated by the density of the dough, as the fat content and consistency of dairy products can be different.


0.12 ml of kefir;

0.1 kg of cottage cheese;

3 tablespoons of sugar;

0.5 tsp cultivator;

2 tablespoons of powder;

8-12 tablespoons of flour;


1. Stir the cottage cheese. If there are a lot of lumps in it and the product is dry, then it is advisable to grind with a sieve or kill the product in a combine.

2. Add the egg, pour the kefir. Stir with cottage cheese.

3. Next, throw sugar and salt, mix thoroughly.

4. Add the flour with a cultivator and make a soft dough. If there is no ripper, then soda can be used. Throw a little less, just 0.3 tsp.

5. Remove the lump under the film for half an hour. You can leave it on the table, but cover with something so that the crust does not dry out on the test.

6. Roll out the rolling pin with a rolling pin, form the product.

7. Deep-fry, well heat fat before laying products.

8. Sprinkle the finished dish before serving with powder.

Lush kefir verguns (with vodka)

Adding alcohol to the dough adds crumb to the extra pores, making it softer and more airy. For lush verguns on kefir, you can use rum, cognac, moonshine. But the simplest and most affordable drink is vodka, so the recipe is tailored precisely for it.


500 ml of kefir;

Sugar 3 tablespoons;

0.4 tablespoons of soda;

2 tablespoons of vodka;

Salt, Vanilla

0.8 kg of flour (plus for cutting dough);

Oil (how much will it take to fry).


1. Pour sugar in a bowl, break eggs to it.

2. Immerse the whisk, turn the mixture into a white foam.

3. Add a pinch of salt. Stir until dissolved.

4. Kefir mixed with soda, wait a couple of minutes and pour into the dough.

5. Add vodka, stir quickly.

6. Sift the flour. Pour two thirds at once, then add the rest in small portions.

7. Form a soft bun, the dough will not hold its shape.

8. Let the test lie down for half an hour.

9. Tear off small pieces, the size is slightly larger than a walnut. Flatten into a cake, make a hole in the central part and stretch the edges.

10. Fry in deep fat, cool, decorate with powder.

Fast kefir verguns with margarine (fat)

A variant of the test with margarine, which, if desired, can be replaced with pork or cooking oil.


Sugar 50 grams;

2.5 cups flour;

70 grams of margarine (fat);

200 grams of kefir;

200 ml of oil;

Salt, powder, 0.5 tsp soda.


1. Combine sugar, egg and salt, lightly beat.

2. Add margarine to melt and cool to a warm state.

3. We throw soda into warm kefir and send it to the general test.

4. Mix everything, add flour. We make a cool dough, like for pies. If necessary, flour can be laid more than indicated in the recipe.

5. Leave the cooked dough for about twenty minutes to swell gluten.

6. Heat the frying pan in a pan.

7. We form the usual brushwood of any size. Fry until golden brown. After cooling, dust with sugar.

Lush vermilions on kefir (with sour cream)

Another version of lush kefir verguns, in which dough is added sour cream. Brushwood has a pleasant, creamy taste, it turns rich and rosy.


Kefir 250 ml;

Three tablespoons of sugar;

Sour cream 250 ml;

5 grams of vanilla;

About 1 kg of flour;

Two eggs;

5 grams of soda;


1. Throw soda into kefir, stir and set aside for extinguishing.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, throw a pinch of salt into the mixture.

3. Add sour cream and mix.

4. Pour kefir into the dough, shake the mixture well until smooth.

5. Throw vanilla and you can pour flour.

6. The dough will be pie-like consistency. Leave it for half an hour.

7. Put it on the table. We roll out and form an ordinary medium-sized brushwood. Deep-frying.

8. Cool finished products, decorate with powder before serving.

Kefir honey plungers with baking powder

A variant of very fragrant and sweet yogurt kefir, which are prepared with bee honey. The product is added to the dough and used for surface treatment.


200 ml of kefir;

About three glasses of flour;

2 tablespoons of honey;

7 grams of baking powder;

30 ml of butter in the dough;

Oil or fat for frying;

150 ml of honey for syrup.


1. Throw the egg in any bowl, add a little salt and liquid honey to it. If the product is sugared, you can melt a little.

2. Beat the egg with additives.

3. Pour in kefir at room temperature, stir.

4. Sow flour immediately with a baking powder, so that the powder is evenly distributed in the mass and not seized by lumps.

5. Knead the honey dough, give a rest for about twenty minutes.

6. Form brushwood, deep-fried from any oil or fat.

7. While brushwood cools, prepare syrup. To do this, heat the honey with 70 ml of water until dissolved, optionally boil.

8. Pour the syrup products laid out on the dish and send to the table.

Kefir verguns magnificent without eggs

No eggs? Well, it is not necessary! If everything is done correctly and according to the recipe, then lush brushwood will still work.


250 ml of kefir;

3 cups flour;

30 grams of sugar;

5 grams of salt;

30 ml lean oil;

5 grams of soda;

4 tablespoons of powder;

A bag of vanilla.


1. in warm kefir we throw prescription soda, mix.

2. Enter vegetable oil, sugar, immediately salt.

3. Take a mixer, whisk together for about three minutes. Or immerse the whisk and beat well until smooth.

4. Add vanillin, which can be immediately mixed with flour.

5. Leave the dough on the table to lie down, for about 30 minutes.

6. Roll out the layer, cut the pieces, sculpt brushwood.

7. Fry in oil, cool, sprinkle with powder before serving.

Icing sugar - a frequent decoration of fried products. If you add a little vanilla or cinnamon to it, the dish will have an incomparable aroma. It must be remembered that the products sprinkle only after cooling.

Paper napkins are the best remedy for excess fat. It is only necessary to place the products on them immediately after frying and the paper will quickly absorb oil.

If soda is added to the dough on kefir, then the powder can not be extinguished separately. Lactic acid is enough for the reaction.

Verguny not necessarily make sweet, you can reduce the sweetness to your taste. Then brushwood will help out if the house suddenly ran out of bread. Salted verguns are rubbed with garlic, sprinkled with herbs and pepper.

Kefir dough without yeast perfectly transfers storage in the refrigerator, but do not leave it there for more than a day. So that crusts do not form on the surface, lubricate the top with a drop of oil, cover the bowl.

Lush   or yogurt made with prescription without eggs. And although the dough does not contain eggs, the scavengers turn out to be airy, very soft, too tasty, so you will need to stop on time when eating them. This is a very good recipe, the products for cooking verguns are simple and always at home, and after spending fifteen minutes to cook, you can serve a whole dish of fresh, hot verguns to the table.


  • 1 cup (250 ml)
  • 3 tbsp. spoons
  • half a teaspoon of tea salt
  • 3 tbsp. spoons
  • 2.5-3 cups
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • half liter

Verguny on kefir - a recipe with photos, how to cook

1. Mix kefir with sugar and salt, add oil.

2. Mix the flour with soda and pour into kefir.

Quickly knead the dough and let it lie for about fifteen minutes, or immediately start cutting.

3. Divide the dough in half. We roll out each part with a thickness of at least 8 mm. Thin roll out the dough is not necessary. Cut the dough into triangles. In each triangle we make a cut and turn out the dough through the cut. Thus we form the verguns.

4. Well heat the oil in a small pan or saucepan. We fry in it verguny, 3-4 pieces at a time, on both sides. We spread it with a slotted spoon on paper napkins.

Homemade cakes are tastier and much more healthy than all kinds of factory sweets, besides, such dishes in their own performance are more economical. What prevents the regular creation of culinary masterpieces? Often the housewives are stopped by a banal lack of time, and the lack of a normal oven can ruin the result of all the labors.

That is why the recipe for verguns on kefir is so attractive - it takes no more than an hour to cook, not so many ingredients are needed, and there is enough finished product for everyone. An oven is not needed at all - this delicious Ukrainian treat is not baked, but fried in vegetable oil. Verguns are somewhat similar to the Russian “brushwood”, but they differ slightly in composition. In the Ukrainian version, baking is divided into various types: Kiev, Lviv, Konotop, etc. We will use the original recipe and prepare lush verguns on kefir.


flour - 0.5 kg;
  sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  eggs - 1-2 pieces;
  kefir - 0.5 l;
  salt - 1 tsp;
  baking powder - 1 tsp.

The recipe for magnificent yogurt kefir

To make the dough more fluffy, sift the flour through a fine sieve. So she will be saturated with oxygen. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, make a small hole in it and put all our ingredients there: salt, sugar, eggs and baking powder.

Now we take kefir. You need to add it very carefully, in no case pouring all the liquid at once, otherwise the flour will get into lumps and it will be very difficult to mix. Constantly mixing, gradually pour the kefir into a bowl.

After all preparations, knead the dough. We should get a pretty tight lump, but not too tight. If necessary, you can add a little more flour, but do not overdo it.

Now let the dough lie down a little. It takes about 10 minutes, and the dough itself is better covered with a towel.

After 10 minutes, we divide our big ball into two smaller ones. We take flour, a rolling pin, and roll thin layers, about 1 cm thick. We do not recommend rolling out too thin, since the verguns will be dry.

We cut these layers into strips, and the strips, in turn, are cut diagonally. At the exit you should get rhombuses. These rhombuses will be the basis of our future scouts.

In each rhombus we make a small hole exactly in the middle.

We take one sharp end of the rhombus and carefully insert it into the hole. Then we turn the dough over and very carefully so that nothing breaks, we pull this end. We are doing the same procedure with the remaining rhombuses.

Now it's time to fry. These verguns do not bake, namely they are fried in oil, or lard, as it is also called. We heat the frying pan and pour a fairly large amount of oil into it, approximately - like on cheese cakes. We spread the blanks on a heated frying pan and fry.

They fry very quickly. Golden crust will inform you of readiness. After that, turn each curly rhombus and fry on the other side.

Literally within a few minutes, the verguns are completely ready. We spread them on a napkin so that excess oil is gone.

Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Verguny to the table can be safely served with milk or tea.

Enjoy your meal.

The cooking process is finished, but the oil is left. Lot. And what to do with it now? It is extremely undesirable to use it in cooking, it is harmful to health. The fact is that when re-heated, the used oil becomes toxic - all the carcinogens that the opponents of fast food warn us about, it is with this waste-free production that they get into food. Therefore, I personally use the oil left over from frying for technical purposes only.

First, the oil should cool, then it must be filtered through a paper towel and drained into a separate bottle. With this product, you can thickly grease the shoes before you put them away for seasonal storage. It is great for "resuscitation" of old metal zippers that began to seize, padlocks or creaking door hinges.

Oil with lemon juice in a ratio of 2 to 1 is the best protection for wooden furniture. Wipe the surface of the grandmother’s dresser with a cotton pad soaked in such a composition, and then polish it with a dry microfiber cloth - the tree will get a shine and small scratches will literally disappear before our eyes!

Homemade cakes are tastier and much more healthy than all kinds of factory sweets, besides, such dishes in their own performance are more economical. What prevents the regular creation of culinary masterpieces? Often the housewives are stopped by a banal lack of time, and the lack of a normal oven can ruin the result of all the labors.

That is why the recipe for verguns on kefir is so attractive - it takes no more than an hour to cook, not so many ingredients are needed, and there is enough finished product for everyone. An oven is not needed at all - this delicious Ukrainian treat is not baked, but fried in vegetable oil. Verguns are somewhat similar to the Russian “brushwood”, but they differ slightly in composition. In the Ukrainian version, baking is divided into various types: Kiev, Lviv, Konotop, etc. We will use the original recipe and prepare lush verguns on kefir.


Kefir 1–1.5 cups
  Chicken egg 1 piece
  Sugar 3-5 tablespoons
  Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
  0.5 teaspoon table salt
  Soda 0.5 teaspoon
  Premium wheat flour 2.5–3 cups
  Vanilla Sugar (optional) 1 sachet

The recipe for magnificent yogurt kefir

To make the dough more fluffy, sift the flour through a fine sieve. So she will be saturated with oxygen. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, make a small hole in it and put all our ingredients there: salt, sugar, eggs and baking powder.

Now we take kefir. You need to add it very carefully, in no case pouring all the liquid at once, otherwise the flour will get into lumps and it will be very difficult to mix. Constantly mixing, gradually pour the kefir into a bowl.

After all preparations, knead the dough. We should get a pretty tight lump, but not too tight. If necessary, you can add a little more flour, but do not overdo it.

Now let the dough lie down a little. It takes about 10 minutes, and the dough itself is better covered with a towel.

After 10 minutes, we divide our big ball into two smaller ones. We take flour, a rolling pin, and roll thin layers, about 1 cm thick. We do not recommend rolling out too thin, since the verguns will be dry.

We cut these layers into strips, and the strips, in turn, are cut diagonally. At the exit you should get rhombuses. These rhombuses will be the basis of our future scouts.

In each rhombus we make a small hole exactly in the middle.

We take one sharp end of the rhombus and carefully insert it into the hole. Then we turn the dough over and very carefully so that nothing breaks, we pull this end. We are doing the same procedure with the remaining rhombuses.

Now it's time to fry. These verguns do not bake, namely they are fried in oil, or lard, as it is also called. We heat the frying pan and pour a fairly large amount of oil into it, approximately - like on cheese cakes. We spread the blanks on a heated frying pan and fry.

They fry very quickly. Golden crust will inform you of readiness. After that, turn each curly rhombus and fry on the other side.

Literally within a few minutes, the verguns are completely ready. We spread them on a napkin so that excess oil is gone.

Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Verguny to the table can be safely served with milk or tea.

The cooking process is finished, but the oil is left. Lot. And what to do with it now? It is extremely undesirable to use it in cooking, it is harmful to health. The fact is that when re-heated, the used oil becomes toxic - all the carcinogens that the opponents of fast food warn us about, it is with this waste-free production that they get into food. Therefore, I personally use the oil left over from frying for technical purposes only.

First, the oil should cool, then it must be filtered through a paper towel and drained into a separate bottle. With this product, you can thickly grease the shoes before you put them away for seasonal storage. It is great for "resuscitation" of old metal zippers that began to seize, padlocks or creaking door hinges.

Oil with lemon juice in a ratio of 2 to 1 is the best protection for wooden furniture. Wipe the surface of the grandmother’s dresser with a cotton pad soaked in such a composition, and then polish it with a dry microfiber cloth - the tree will get a shine and small scratches will literally disappear before our eyes!

Surely everyone knows and loves crispy cookies with a very suitable name for it, “brushwood”. I like the soft and lush version of this cookie, which is prepared on kefir. He is also called Poltava verguny by the name of the village Verguny, which is located near Poltava. They are very easy to cook, and in just 1 hour you will get a huge dish of lush and sweet pastries.

Recipe Poltava Vergunov, cooked on kefir

Necessary utensils:  two deep bowls, a sieve, a silicone spatula, a plastic bag, a rolling pin for dough, a knife, a stewpan (pan), a fork or tongs, paper towels or napkins.

  1. Mix 400 g of flour with 1 teaspoon of baking powder and sift it through a sieve.
  2. Drive 1 egg into another deep bowl, pour 100 g of sugar and 0.5 g of vanillin. Shuffle.

  3. Pour 200 ml of kefir into the same bowl and add 1/3 teaspoon of salt. Shuffle.

  4. Enter the flour and knead the dough first in a bowl and then on the table, adding a little flour if necessary.

  5. Put the dough in a bag and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  6. Roll the dough into a layer 1 cm thick.

  7. Cut it into rectangles 3 cm by 6 cm.

  8. In the middle of each rectangle, make cuts and twist the edge.

  9. Pour 1-2 cups of sunflower oil into a stewpan or pan and heat it.

  10. Drop a few pick-ups and fry on each side for 1 minute until golden.

  11. Put on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.

Video recipe for making magnificent yogurt kefir

This video recipe will help you quickly master the preparation of verguns on kefir.

  • If you have a deep fryer, then you can use it to make pick-ups. Be sure to watch this video, especially if you will be cooking for the first time.
  • Sunflower oil needs to be heated hot, but do not bring it to a boil.
  • A paper towel or napkin will help remove excess fat from the verguns.
  • Additionally, you can roll verguny in powdered sugar.
  • Verguns are especially tasty with milk and jam, but they can also be served with tea.
  • Such baking quickly becomes stale, so store it in special containers.
  • If you prefer crispy pastries, then start by cooking.
  • There is another great recipe for making this cookie that I recommend to you - this. It is vodka that makes brushwood so crispy.
  • Some recipes for this cookie differ in only minor nuances, but I recommend trying everything to find the best for yourself. I’m sure that you will also like it.
  • If you have some milk left, you can cook now. One has only to find the appropriate recipe on the Internet.
  • Well, as an alternative to the Poltava suckers, I think that turn out to be the same magnificent and airy. Try to cook them and compare both recipes.

My recipe is worth adopting.because he will help you out at those moments when guests unexpectedly come or you just want some sweet tea. Perhaps you have your own recipe. Write your feedback and recommendations in the comments. Cooking is delicious and easy!