Stewed cherry plum. Stewed cherry plum for the winter

25.07.2019 Healthy eating

Step-by-step recipes for cooking compote from cherry plum for the winter with zucchini, citrus and raspberries

2018-07-26 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr

0 gr


   41 gr

164 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for cherry plum for winter

Cooking compote from cherry plum on your own is quite simple. But you can make a sweet drink for the winter. To keep the compote well, use a couple of tips. Use only dense, not overripe fruits. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids. A tasty compote is obtained if something else is added to the cherry plum. For example, it can be zucchini, peaches, raspberries, oranges, seasonings or fragrant herbs. And several cooking options with and without sterilization will allow you to choose a more suitable one.


  • 700 gr. cherry plum;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • about 2 liters of water.

Step-by-step recipe for cherry plum for the winter

Rinse thoroughly, sterilize glass jars and lids. Place the cans on a wide wooden cutting board.

Rinse the plums thoroughly. Put on a napkin to dry. It is better to use fruits immediately after harvesting, otherwise the cherry plum may wrinkle and crack. Pin each fruit with a toothpick in several places. Put the fruit in a jar. Sprinkle with sugar.

Boil some water. Gently fill the jar to the shoulders. Cover with a sterilized lid.

Send the jar for additional sterilization in a quietly boiling water. To do this, use a wide saucepan, put a soft cloth under the jar. For a 3-liter can, 35-40 minutes of sterilization will suffice. If you have three cans per liter, 25 minutes is enough for each tank.

Remove cans from boiling water with special forceps. Cork tightly with caps. Put on the covers. Now notice, if liquid leaks from under the covers, they are twisted poorly. Then tighten them again, and put the containers upside down again. Cover with a thick towel. After cooling naturally, send the stewed fruit to cool.

The classic recipe is designed for one can of 3 liters. Using the same technology, three cans of one liter can be closed. Choose the jars that are on hand. Such a compote will be stored a little less than a year. This is because of the seeds in the plums. If you plan to keep the drink longer, first remove the seeds. And only then start cooking according to the recipe.

Option 2: Quick recipe for cherry plum for winter

To quickly make a delicious compote of cherry plum for the winter, use the recipe without sterilization. Making a drink according to this recipe is super simple and easy. Everything about everything will take about 40 minutes.


  • 400 gr. cherry plum;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • on the tip of a knife of citric acid.

How to quickly make cherry plum compote for the winter

To get started, take care of the bank. Wash it with dark or hot water. Put it on the table. Pour boiling water over two-thirds of the volume. Leave on for 3-4 minutes. This is the fastest way to sterilize glass containers.

In the meantime, rinse the fruit. Dry quickly with paper towels. Cut each fruit in half. Take out the bones.

Pour water out of the can. Stuff with cherry plum. Pour boiling water to the shoulders. Cover with a sterilized lid. Leave on for fifteen minutes.

Gently pour the liquid out of the can into the pan. Add sugar, citric acid. Bring the liquid to a boil, the sugar and acid grains should dissolve. Fill the jar again. Seal container immediately with a lid.

Put the can on the lid. And after a few minutes, turn back. Cover with a towel. And when the compote has cooled completely, remove it for cooling.

This recipe is for one liter jar. If you need to close more drink for the winter, simply multiply the amount of ingredients by the required number of containers.

Option 3: Compote of cherry plum and zucchini for the winter

Surprisingly, plum compote with zucchini turns out to be unusually delicate and fragrant. To taste, it is vaguely reminiscent of peach or apricot. Be sure to try this recipe in your kitchen.


  • 500 gr. zucchini (weight peeled);
  • the same amount of cherry plum (already seedless);
  • 600 gr Sahara;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid.

How to cook

Prepare the products. Use freshly plum plums and ripe zucchini. Rinse them, dry them. Remove the bones from the cherry plum. And at the zucchini cut the skin and remove the seeds. Cut the zucchini into small cubes.

Place the slices in a sterilized 3-liter jar or evenly divide into three liter containers.

Pour boiling water over the cans over the shoulders. Cover with a pre-sterilized lid. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.

Pour the liquid from the cans into a saucepan so that all the pieces remain in the bank. Pour sugar and citric acid into the pan. Bring to a boil, boil a little - 2-3 minutes. Pour back into the jar. Close the lid tightly.

When the drink has completely cooled, put it in a cool place for storage.

Use this recipe if you have pumpkin instead of zucchini at hand. With it, the compote will also turn out to be very tasty and appetizing. The step-by-step recipe from such a replacement does not change. According to the same recipe, you can make a spicy version of a sweet drink. Just boil the syrup in a pan with any additives. For example, an inflorescence of cloves, a bit of cinnamon or a sprig of mint. And when you pour boiling syrup into cans, strain it from additives. Otherwise, well-insisted, they can ruin the syrup.

Option 4: Stewed cherry plum for the winter "Citrus stories"

For the recipe, you can choose any citrus. In this version, this is a classic pair - orange and lemon. They will give the drink a new touch in taste and aroma, as well as extend the shelf life of compote.


  • 400 gr. thick cream of cherry plum;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • one orange;
  • one lemon.

Step by step recipe

Wash the cherry plum well. Dry from moisture. Pull a bone from each fruit.

Transfer plums to a prepared (sterilized) jar. You can almost to the top, divide the fruit into two banks or fill the container with two-thirds. Plan it based on how much banks have been selected.

Pour fruit with boiling water to the shoulders of the containers. Cover with hot lids. Leave on for twenty minutes. Drain the liquid into the pan.

Pour sugar into the liquid. Squeeze the juice of orange and lemon, strain, add to the pan. Boil the syrup for about 3-4 minutes after boiling. Pour back into the jars. Cork with caps. Set aside until the drink has cooled to room temperature.

In this case, the preservative is fresh citrus juice, if properly processed, it will not allow the drink to ferment. The same can be obtained by adding citric acid or apple cider vinegar to the syrup.

Option 5: Prefabricated compote of cherry plum for the winter

It is convenient to make a compote of what is left in the garden at the end of the harvest. You can add raspberries, peaches, any other fruits or berries to the compote with cherry plum. It will turn into a precast drink full of vitamins and benefits.


  • 200 gr. cherry plum;
  • 100 gr. raspberries;
  • 100 gr. other fruits;
  • 400 gr. granulated sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid.

How to cook

Rinse and peel all excess berries and fruits. Take only ripe, but dense specimens. Overripe fruits in compote turn into slurry and the drink becomes cloudy. Be sure to remove the seeds from the cherry plum, and the pulp can be cut into pieces. If apples or pears are taken in addition to this, also remove the core from them. These measures will help keep the drink longer.

Distribute fruit and berry slices into sterilized jars. This amount is suitable for two liter containers.

Pour boiling water into the banks to the shoulders. Cover with lids, do not clog. After a quarter of an hour, drain the liquid into a pot or enamel cup. Pour sugar and citric acid into the water. Bring to a boil, cook for about 4-5 minutes. Refill the fruit and berries with the syrup in the jar. Now immediately plug them tightly with covers. Be sure to sterilize the covers.

In these recipes, concentrated compote syrup is obtained. It is recommended for winter consumption to be diluted with boiled chilled water. Alternatively, add a couple of ice cubes to a compote glass and serve with a curly tube. Especially such healthy cocktails will delight children.

Enjoy your meal!

If you have cherry plum every year on the plot, which the common people call wild plum, then you will not always be able to understand what to make from it. After all, it tastes very sour. Therefore, I offer you some delicious recipes for compote from this fruit. Some of them are very unusual, and I want to cook them first.

I always thought that it is better to give children a glass of homemade drink than purchased juices and soda. Nevertheless, it does not contain harmful additives, and you can regulate the amount of sugar yourself. And the longer the berries and fruits are infused, the richer the syrup.

If you say that compotes are fed up with children, then I absolutely disagree with this statement, because you can cook absolutely harmless.

Their taste will please not only kids, but also adults, so your three-liter jar will go off with a bang, and even someone may not be enough.

Compotes can be prepared in several ways, but there are two main and most popular ones: sterilization of cans with filling and warming of fruits and berries with boiling water, then sterilization is not needed.

The most popular volume for a family of three people is considered to be a 3 liter can, which means we will be using the quantity of ingredients for it.

Cherry plum in compote can be prepared in two ways: free from the stones or leave them. But extracting the seeds will significantly increase the shelf life of the drink. However, this is a long time, and with the right approach it is not always necessary. The main thing is to wash the fruits well and sort the spoiled fruits.

A lemon added to the jar will help the drink not to ferment ahead of time. It is also added in cases where the volume of sugar, which is also a natural preservative, is reduced.


  • 2 kg cherry plum
  • 400 g sugar
  • lemon acid
  • 7 l of water

We wash and dry the fruits of wild plums.

We put a pot of water on the stove and wait for boiling.

With cherry plum we fill approximately 1/3 of the 3 liter cans.

Fill it with boiling water and cover with a lid. You need to do this quickly.

Cover the jars with a towel and leave them for 20 minutes. During this time, the fruits will warm up.

Then we drain the water and boil it again.

We repeat all the same actions, pour jars of boiling water and warm the fruits. This step is repeated three times. But the last time we add sugar to the water.

Pour the cans with syrup.

Add in them half a teaspoon of lemon.

We close the hot jar with a lid and turn it over. To understand whether the leak is broken or not.

Wrap the compote and leave it for a day.

How to cook a delicious compote of cherry plum and zucchini

A very unusual recipe, but it is definitely worth a try. Zucchini during preservation acquires a pineapple flavor. Therefore, even jam is cooked from it. And to add to the compote is a nice thing.

Only it is better to take not old and not very large fruits. So that they are better warmed with boiling water.


  • 300 g cherry plum
  • 6 zucchini rings
  • 300 g sugar

My cherry plum and lay in sterilized jars.

Zucchini peeled and cut into rings.

It’s convenient to clean the seeds with a stopper, try it and for someone it will become a new life hack that will greatly facilitate life.

And in the jar we put 6 slices of zucchini.

Pour sugar and fill the jar with boiling water.

To prevent the container from bursting, you need to put a knife under the bottom, it will take part of the heat. Or put it in the jar itself.

We put open cans to be sterilized in a wide pan for 15-20 minutes, so that the cherry plum pops up.

Cover the bottom with a towel, then the banks will not be damaged.

We roll up the lids and put away for storage.

There is no need to clean cans after sterilization “under the fur coat”. They will not explode.

A simple recipe for a red cherry plum and apricot drink in a 3 liter can

If you bought a couple of kilograms of apricots, and already boiled and of them. Suddenly you notice that you have several fruits left. Add them to the cherry plum, the taste will be more delicate, and the aroma more pleasant. There will not be the astringency and sourness that is present in many dishes where the wild plum went.


  • Apricots - 300 g
  • Red cherry plum - 300 g
  • Sugar 300 g
  • Citric acid (a pair of pinch)

From plums and apricots, remove the seeds. This is more convenient to do by cutting the fruit into halves.

Fruits are laid out in clean, sterilized jars.

Pour boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave for 20 minutes.

Drain the water, add sugar to it and let it boil, stirring the syrup to dissolve the sugar.

Pour citric acid into a three-liter bottle.

Pour fruit with boiling water and immediately roll the lid.

Turn over and wait for 1 day to cool completely. During this time, a natural sterilization will take place under a fur coat.

And I also found one unusual video recipe that will definitely please the children. In addition to apricots and wild plums, it includes raspberries. See for yourself how delicious it is.

And, most importantly, that berries are needed quite a bit, and 200 grams is enough.

The most delicious recipe for compote from cherry plum and apples

In this recipe we will add some seasonal apples and a sprig of mint. It is better to take apples in small sizes, then they will not have to be cut into pieces. A sprig of mint is optional. You can do without it.


  • 300 g cherry plum
  • 300 g apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • sprig of mint

My drain, dry. We cut the apples in half and take out the seeds. But you can lay them whole.
  We put these fruits in clean, sterilized jars.

Lay on top of a sprig of mint.

Pour sugar and pour boiling water.

Immediately close the lid and turn over.

Red plum stain compote well.

Wrap jars so that the contents are naturally sterilized with boiling water.

How to make a drink with oranges without sterilization

Well, in order to block the astringency of these fruits, add an orange to the compote. It will diversify the taste and add sweets to the drink.


  • 400 g cherry plum
  • 1 orange
  • 250 g sugar
  • cinnamon

Rinse well and wipe the cherry plum. In the sterilized container, lay out the fruits. They should be at least a third of the total volume, otherwise the syrup will not turn out as saturated as it should be.

Peel the peel and zest from an orange, they add bitterness. And we definitely do not need this in a tart compote. Cut the pulp into slices. Bones are also removed and discarded.

By the way, crusts can be dried and added to desserts or preserves.

Pour sugar and cinnamon into boiling water.

You can diversify the taste with clove inflorescence or star anise star.

We wait for the complete dissolution of sugar and pour fruit. Leave them for 15 minutes. Then pour the syrup, boil again and immediately pour the fruit. As a result, we repeat this procedure three times.

And after the last third time we already roll up the cans and send “under the fur coat” to warm up and reach.

Frankly, any of the compotes described goes well after a bathhouse or in the heat. Therefore, they can’t just wait until winter.

  Compotes can be prepared from a variety of fruits, combine sour and sweet, use red and yellow berries. In general, rolling compotes for the winter is a creative thing. Winter throws us such surprises that fruits do not always grow on trees. Then sudden frosts, then strong winds and frosts. Therefore, the cold season can drag on, and you always want to drink a glass of delicious homemade compote. That's why when I manage to collect a large crop of fruits, I always roll up cans with compote. It is most convenient to close drinks in 3-liter cans, since compote comes out a lot and is enough for the whole family.
  I love to roll compote from cherry plum for the winter. I always use red cherry plum. It has a bright, saturated color, which is transmitted to the entire drink. Cherry plum has a pleasant sour taste, and you can sweeten the compote with regular sugar. The result is a sweet and sour home-made drink. You need to roll compote with whole berries, since the plum in cherry plum is poorly separated. It’s even more convenient, because you don’t need to clean the cherry plum, which means that you will quickly cook the compote. The very recipe for a 3 liter jar of cherry plum compote for the winter is quite simple and everyone can repeat it. If desired, you can add other berries or fruits to the compote along with cherry plum, for example, it turns out delicious.

- 2.5 liters of water,
- 400 grams of red cherry plum,
- 250 grams of granulated sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Wash the cherry plum berries and put them in a colander. Let the water drain. If leaves and ponytails fall, then tear them off.

  Put the whole cherry plum on the bottom of the can. Only steam and dry the jar.

  Pour granulated sugar to give the compote the flavor you want.

  Boil water for compote, pour into a jar. It is necessary to fill in a little so that the glass does not burst. I usually pour an iron cup. Fill the jar to the top.

  Put the jar with compote sterilized in warm water. Sterilize compote need 15 minutes after boiling. Compote during the sterilization process will acquire a beautiful shade.

Roll compote with iron caps using a special key.

  Stewed plum compote will delight you not only with its taste, but also with its refined taste. Enjoy your meal!
  See also what else

Cherry plum is a close relative of plum, but against its background the small berry looks like a "wild". Fresh cherry plum is an amateur product: there is little pulp, the bones are large, the skin is dense. But the compote from its fruits in all respects is superior to plum. It lacks astringency and acid-reducing cheekbones.

Beautiful stewed fruits are obtained from red and pink cherry plum, yellow fruits should be rolled up with some berries. In drinks, acidic varieties are best manifested; sweet fruits can be used for jam.

Calorie content of 100 ml of compote is on average equal to 53 kcal. This indicator may be slightly more or less depending on the amount of sugar.

Quick and easy recipe for cherry plum for winter - photo recipe

The refreshing effect of the cherry plum drink is so conquering that you want to drink it continuously in full glasses.

Time for preparing:  40 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Cherry plum: 450 g
  • Sugar: 270 g
  • Water: 3 L
  • Lemon acid:6 g

Cooking instruction

Options for blanks of red, yellow or white cherry plum

Cherry plum has many varieties, the fruits are round, elongated, drop-shaped. They have a color from green to pale yellow and yellow, from red to almost black.

Green, light yellow and yellow varieties contain a minimum amount of pectin compounds, but slightly more citric acid. Although the total content of organic acids in all types of cherry plum is quite high.

The main difference between cultures of various colors is the content of natural pigments. Dark ones contain a large number of anthocyanins - substances that give a red or purple color. Cherry plum of yellow shades contains pigments of carotenoids.

In a compote, preference is given to large-fruited cultural cherry plum, regardless of color. Given that even cultivars and hybrids are distinguished by a somewhat tart taste, it is not worth saving on sugar when harvesting canned food for the winter.

In most varieties of this culture, the bone separates poorly and compote is more convenient to cook from whole fruits.

For 3 liters you need:

  • large-fruited fruits of red or burgundy grade 0.5 - 0.6 kg;
  • pure water 1.7 l or as required;
  • sugar 300 g

What to do:

  1. Select ripe, but not overripe cherry plum. Wash and dry it.
  2. Before pouring fruits into containers, they need to be pierced with a fork. Such a technique will preserve their integrity, and the drink itself will make it useful and rich.
  3. Heat the water in a saucepan or kettle to a boil. Fill the jar.
  4. Cover with a lid on top. Leave the container on the table and stand for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Pour all the water into a pan, put sugar there and boil for about 5 minutes until the grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Gently pour the syrup into a container with cherry plum, roll the lid with a machine, turn it over and wrap it with a blanket. After a few hours, return to normal.

Original compote of cherry plum and zucchini

Zucchini is good in that they take on the taste of the products with which they are prepared. For a three-liter jar you need:

  • zucchini, preferably young, not very large diameter 300 g;
  • yellow cherry plum, large-fruited 300 g;
  • sugar 320 - 350 g;
  • how much water will go.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the zucchini. If the skin is thin, then do not need to be cleaned, the rough skin will have to be cut off. Cut into thin circles with a thickness of about 5-6 mm and cut the middle, simulating pineapple rings.
  2. Put them in a jar.
  3. Sort and wash cherry plum, prick with a toothpick.
  4. Transfer to a container with zucchini. Add granulated sugar.
  5. Pour boiling water over the contents and leave under the lid for 12-15 minutes.
  6. Pour the cooled syrup into a saucepan, heat to a boil and cook for five minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into a jar, immediately twist it with a lid. Until cooling, hold upside down under a folded blanket.

Harvesting compote from cherry plum and apples

For 3 liters you need to take:

  • apples 400 g;
  • cherry plum 300 g;
  • lemon 1/2 fruit;
  • sugar 320 g;
  • how much water will go.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Peel the apples, cut into 4 or 6 slices, cut the seeds and sprinkle with juice from fresh lemon. Put them in a jar.
  2. Paste the washed cherry plum with a fork and also send it to the prepared container.
  3. Pour boiling water to the top, leave it under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then pour the water into a suitable saucepan, pour sugar in the same place, heat everything to a boil and cook the contents until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the main ingredients with boiling syrup immediately. Then roll the lid with a special machine.
  6. Invert the jar upside down, wrap it with a blanket and keep it until it cools completely.

Apricot Recipe

For stewed apricots with cherry plum, you need to pick fruits of about the same size. Three liters you need:

  • apricots 200 g;
  • cherry plum red or burgundy 200 g;
  • yellow 200 g;
  • water;
  • sugar 300 g

What to do:

  1. Wash and dry apricots and cherry plum in a jar.
  2. Heat the water to a boil and pour it into a container with the main components. Close the lid. Keep it like this for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour the liquid into the pan and pour sugar. Boil the syrup from the moment of boiling for about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour it into a jar, roll the lid. Turn over, cover with a blanket until cool.

With cherry

For this compote, small yellow or red cherry plum, for example, “Gift to St. Petersburg,” is suitable. Such a blank will look beautiful and be well stored.

Take a liter can:

  • cherry plum 200 g;
  • cherries 200 g;
  • sugar 140 g


  1. Sort cherry and cherry plum, wash and dry.
  2. Pour the berries into a sterile liter container, add sugar there.
  3. Pour boiling water over the contents carefully and without delay.
  4. Cover and stand for 10 minutes.
  5. Also gently pour the syrup into the pan and boil it again.
  6. Pour boiling sweet water into a jar. Cap the container with a special lid.
  7. Keep upside down until the contents have cooled to room temperature.

Cherry plum drink will be tastier if:

  1. When cooking syrup, add several cherry plum fruits to it.
  2. To get a pleasant taste, throw 2-3 clove inflorescences per liter of liquid into the syrup.
  3. For harvesting, it is desirable to use varieties with large fruits, weighing about 25-40 g. They can be preserved with or without seeds. Such varieties include Chuk, Tent, Yarilo, Nesmeyana, Violet Dessert, Cleopatra.
  4. Given that cherry plum is useful for patients with diabetes, compotes can be closed with the addition of a sweetener, for example, with xylitol or sorbitol or without them.

Cherry plum is a wonderful fruit of a fruit tree from the genus plums. I used to think that this is plums, only of a different shape and different taste. Grandfather in the garden grew many different trees, and among them there were several small neat trees that gave such fragrant and slightly sour fruits - cherry plum. But, nevertheless, we with pleasure collected such beautiful bright yellow fruits on the grass and then, ate them, grandmother hardly had a little cherry plum for compotes.

But what, it was my surprise, when traveling around the Caucasus, I saw a lot of wild cherry plum, it grows around there - at the foot of the mountains, on the streets, no one even picks its fruits. But for consumption, varietal trees are planted with huge juicy fruits of different colors - sunny yellow, olive and even black. Of these fruits there are prepared many goodies and naturally famous tkemali.

It so happened that I annually close a few jars of cherry plum in the form of compotes and save one for my birthday to enjoy the taste of compote from my favorite cherry plum and make a delicious cake with a filling of these fruits.

But the compote itself, by the way, is prepared quite simply. I specifically buy a couple of kilograms of fruit in order to close 5-6 jars of compote in one evening, and then I repeat this process several times as necessary, because I don’t want to immediately take up a lot of space and time for preservation, and this also requires large dishes to boil water for syrup. And so everything is quick and simple - I sort out cherry plum and put it in clean jars, pour it with hot water, and after 10-15 minutes I pour this water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. In the meantime, I pour granulated sugar into the jars and pour hot water over it again. Then just roll the jar lid and, as usual, wrap a blanket.
  Compound cherry plum compote for the winter is designed for a 3 liter jar.

- Cherry plum fruit - 500 g,
- granulated sugar - 300 g,
- water.

  First of all, we sort out plum: we remove the tails and twigs, if they come across. The rotted or flattened fruits are thrown away, and the whole beautiful ones are put in a clean sterilized jar.

  Fill the fruit gently with hot water so as to cover them completely, but not necessarily to the very top of the jar. To keep the pot from breaking, put a stainless steel spoon in the jar.

  When all the air comes out of the fruit, and bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the water, we drain it back into a large saucepan and boil it.
  At this time, pour sugar in the jar to cherry plum (the norm is 300-400 g per can with a capacity of 3 liters, but if you like it with sourness, then it can be reduced).

  Pour hot water back into the jars with the fruit and quickly roll them up with lids.

  Then, as usual, turn them over and cover with a rug so that the cooling process lasts longer, then the compote will be better preserved in the winter.

  After that, transfer the banks to the pantry or basement.
  Enjoy your meal!

  Old Town Les