Oven baked mackerel roll. Mackerel roll with vegetable filling

25.07.2019 Vegetable Dishes

I am sure that among the readers of the site there are quite a few fish lovers! I, so I simply adore her, in all forms and all (river and sea)! Today I want to introduce you to mackerel roll! Many holidays are approaching, and to put on the table such a wonderful snack will be just chic. Moreover, you can cook the roll in advance and just freeze it. So it will be preserved better, and it is more convenient to cut it with frostbitten! After all, the fish is tender and fat! It is well absorbed by the body and contains many vitamins and minerals, including omega-3, which is indispensable for us.


  • fresh mackerel - 2 pieces.
  • onions - 1 piece.
  • carrots - 1 piece.
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 pieces.
  • gelatin - 20 g (1 pack).
  • soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • seasoning for fish - 2 teaspoons.

How to make mackerel roll with gelatin:

1. Prepare the necessary products. Wash and peel the carrots, onions and sweet peppers. We gutted the mackerel, cut off the tail, head and fins, carefully remove the spinal bone and ribs, trying to maintain the integrity of the skin on the back of the fish. I took two carcasses of mackerel, but you can take three or even four pieces if they are small.

2. Prepare the filling for the roll. First, chop the onion into small pieces and fry it until transparent. Three carrots on a fine grater and add to the onion. And last of all, we send sweet pepper to the pan. Put out a little and remove from heat. Let it cool down!

By the way, you can cook any filling. You can fry mushrooms or tomatoes, add nuts or cheese.

3. We put the carcasses of mackerel on a cling film a little overlap and "head to tail", we need to get a rectangular layer to form a roll.

4. First, pour the fish layer with soy sauce, then generously sprinkle with dry gelatin. Now it’s the seasoning season. I have Lemon for Fish seasoning. Do not like soy sauce or do not trust seasonings, just salt the mackerel. The next step is to spread the vegetable filling evenly on the fish. And again, sprinkle with dry gelatin.

5. Now, gently, helping ourselves with the film, twist the mackerel layer into a tight roll. Let's wrap the roll several times into the film, each time turning the edges from different sides. We tie the roll with thread. This is not necessary, but I was afraid that the edges of the film could stick off when cooking the roll.

6. Meanwhile, put on the fire a suitable pot of water, let it boil. I did not find a suitable pan, I adapted a deep roasting pan. A ducklings will do well. We put the meatloaf with vegetables in a pot of boiling water and, when the water boils again, turn down the heat to a minimum and leave it to simmer slowly under the lid for 20-25 minutes.

7. We take out the roll, cool it at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator under a small press and leave it overnight.

The mackerel roll has cooled, it remains only to cut it into pieces convenient for you. If you want - put it on the table as an appetizer, if you want - serve it with or stewed cabbage, or you can make a sandwich!

Tip: Cut the fish roll into pieces along with the film. The film is easily removed from the pieces, but when slicing you don’t remember the roll, you don’t get your hands dirty. If you do not plan to eat everything at once, you can freeze it, it will not lose its taste.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Sincerely, Nadezhda Yurikova.

Mackerel roll perfectly fits into any holiday menu, especially since for such a snack you do not need to buy expensive products. For the filling, vegetables (carrots, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, etc.), mushrooms, hard or cream cheese, pickled gherkins, chopped greens with garlic, boiled eggs, olives, shrimps, crab sticks and red fish are taken. The fillet is prepared and seasoned with spices and wrapped in the filling, after which the roll is tightly twisted into cling film or wrapped with foil. Roll in cling film can be boiled or cooked in a slow cooker. If foil is used, the roll is baked in the oven.

Mackerel roll - preparation of products and utensils

Mackerel roll can be wrapped in foil or cling film, after which it is boiled, baked or cooked in a slow cooker. Salty rolls are also common: fish is cut, salted, seasoned with spices and wrapped in cling film, after which it is kept for several days in the cold.

Making mackerel roll starts with cutting fish: mackerel is gutted, fins, head, tail are cut, washed and dried. Then put the finished stuffing on the fillet and roll a tight roll. For the filling, you need to peel and cook (or fry) vegetables, boil hard-boiled eggs, fry mushrooms, etc. Products such as shrimp, red fish, and crab sticks do not require preliminary heat treatment.

To prepare an appetizer, you will need a baking dish, a cutting board, a knife, a container for pickling, a pan (if the roll is cooked), a grater and a frying pan for frying products for filling.

Mackerel roll recipes:

Recipe 1: Mackerel Roll

The classic mackerel roll is made from one fish with spices, seasonings and garlic. Appetizer, despite the simple composition, it turns out very tasty and well suited to any holiday.

Ingredients Required:

  • Two mackerels;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Seasonings for fish;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the fish: pull it out of the refrigerator to defrost, then make an incision along the abdomen, take out the insides through it. Cut off the head, tail and fins. We rinse inside and out. Rub the carcasses with salt on all sides. Put in a glass bowl, cover and remove for a day in the cold. After the set time, take out, rinse, dry. We fold the large cling film twice. We spread the carcass of mackerel, sprinkle with seasonings. Cut a few cloves of garlic and spread them on the fish. We also put a couple of bay leaves. Place the second carcass on top. We wrap a tight roll, tightly fasten the film from both ends. We remove the mackerel roll in the refrigerator for another 12 hours. Such an appetizer can also be stored in the freezer, having previously cut it into several parts.

Recipe 2: Mackerel Roll with Cucumbers and Eggs

An original snack for a festive celebration. In addition to fish, you will need eggs, pickled cucumbers and carrots.

Ingredients Required:

  • Three mackerels;
  • Carrot;
  • A few eggs;
  • Pickled cucumbers;
  • A pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the mackerel: we get the fish to defrost, gut it, remove the films, cut off the heads, tails and fins, as follows by rinsing. Check that there are no bones left. Boil hard-boiled 3-4 eggs, also boil a couple of carrots. The cooled eggs and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Cucumbers cut into strips. We spread the cling film and spread the fish fillet with the meat up. Season with plenty of salt. Sprinkle mackerel with gelatin powder. We distribute eggs, carrots and cucumbers from above. We turn a tight roll out of mackerel, and fix the film properly. We boil water in a saucepan, add salt and put the roll there. Cook for 40 minutes. Then we take it out, put it on a cutting board and place a press on top. Leave to cool completely.

Recipe 3: Royal Mackerel Roll

The name of this fish appetizer fully justifies itself, because here, in addition to mackerel, includes shrimp, cheese and olives. For a more pronounced taste and aroma, you can add sweet bell pepper. Such a roll of mackerel will be a worthy decoration for the New Year's table.

Ingredients Required:

  • Hard cheese;
  • 60 g of shrimp;
  • Several olives;
  • Mackerel;
  • Half a red and green bell pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Capers.

Cooking method:

Prepare the filling: rub the cheese coarsely, cut the peppers into small cubes. We throw in half the olives and chopped capers. We mix everything.

Let's fish: gut it, remove the film, cut off the tail, head and fins, as we rinse. We cut the dried carcass so that the fillet can be opened in the form of a book. Rub the meat with salt and seasonings, sprinkle with lemon juice. We spread the filling on the fillet, lay the peeled shrimps on top. We twist the mackerel into a roll, wrap it with a strong thread. Wrap in foil and send to the oven for one hour. Serve the chilled roll, cut into portions.

Recipe 4: Mackerel Roll with Mushrooms

Mackerel goes well with any mushrooms (especially champignons). The recipe suggests preparing a spicy mackerel roll stuffed with champignons and cream cheese. Cheese gives a delicate creamy taste, and a little garlic adds a light speck.

Ingredients Required:

  • Three to four mackerels;
  • ¼ kg of champignons;
  • A bunch of fresh parsley;
  • Processed cheese;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the fish: we get out of the refrigerator to defrost, cut, gutted and cut off the heads, tails and fins. We wash the carcasses, cut into two halves. We make the filling: wash my mushrooms, grind, set to fry. Salt, pepper, fry until the liquid evaporates. We shift to a plate, leave to cool. Add three pre-chilled cheese on a grater, add to the mushrooms, there we also send several garlic cloves and finely chopped parsley, passed through the press. Mix all the ingredients of the filling thoroughly.

We lay out one fillet with the meat up, slightly beat off, salt, season with spices. We spread the filling and cover with the second fillet. We turn a tight roll, fasten with toothpicks. Lubricate on all sides with olive oil, put in a baking dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes. You can serve both in warm and cold form. When serving on a festive table, we cut mackerel roll in portioned pieces, decorate with fresh green sprigs.

Recipe 5: Mackerel Roll with Red Fish

A delicious snack to the festive table! Any red fish is suitable for her: salmon, trout, chum salmon, etc. We also need gelatin, sesame seeds and a mixture of spices for fish. To cook such a roll of mackerel is best in a slow cooker.

Ingredients Required:

  • Any red fish;
  • Two mackerels;
  • Sesame seeds
  • A mixture of spices for fish;
  • Gelatin;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

We gutted the mackerel, remove the film with the bones, cut off the head and tail, and wash the carcasses. Cut red fish fillet into strips. We spread the cling film, lay out one unfolded fillet. Sprinkle the meat with powdered gelatin, sesame seeds, season with spices and salt. We distribute strips of red fish from above. Season with a little spices and sprinkle with gelatin again. We do the same with the second filet. We wrap tight rolls, tighten the film tightly. We pour water into the slow cooker, put rolls there, set the “baking” mode for forty minutes. After cooking, take out the rolls, carefully remove the film, leave to cool. Cut into portioned slices or serve with toasts spread with butter.

  • mackerel roll is not necessary to wrap in film or foil. You can simply twist it, fix it with toothpicks and bake in the form in the oven;
  • before putting the filling, the fillet should be sprinkled with dry gelatin;
  • rolls in cling film are wrapped with dense threads so that the “construction” does not fall apart during cooking.

Mackerel rolls with gelatin or vegetables - this is already a completed stage! It's time to try an even more sophisticated combination of this beautiful marine fish baked fillet, with a nutty touch and melted cheese inside. Do not be afraid to prepare the mackerel for cutting, because this fish is rather fat, willingly "parted" with large and even small bones, so there can be no talk of any additional or labor-intensive efforts. Walnut crumbs so successfully combined with French mustard seeds that I want to reach out for another such roll ...

To make mackerel roll in the oven you will need:

  • mackerel - 2 carcasses
  • seasoning for fish - to taste
  • mustard seeds - 2 tbsp
  • walnuts - 1 handful
  • cheese - 70 g
  • lemon - ¼ part

Baked mackerel roll in the oven - step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, we defrost ahead of time the carcasses of mackerel on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator, then we rinse, cut off from the carcasses of the head, all side fins, tail. By cutting the inner cavity of the abdomen along it, we clean it from the insides and black films. Once again, thoroughly wash the mackerel from all sides.

Having incised the carcass along the largest spinal bone, from the side of the abdomen towards the back (we try not to cut the back), open the fish fillet on the skin like a book (see photo). Now you can easily cut the ridge, stretch large bones. Walk your fingers on the filet. You will tactilely feel where there are still small bones - they are also recommended to be removed.

Sprinkle mackerel fillet seasoning for fish dishes. If it does not contain salt - add salt, add pepper if desired. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

We coat with a silicone brush on the surface of the mackerel mustard in grains of 1-1.5 tablespoons. for each carcass.

Crush walnuts finely enough, but not into flour. This is best done in a kitchen blender or food processor.

Following the mustard, sprinkle the mackerel with nut crumbs.

Top with hard and coarsely grated cheese. Cheese does not need too much, otherwise it will be difficult for you to roll the mackerel roll and some part of the cheese will still remain outside the carcass.

We put the “book”, a little ramming the filling in the middle of the abdomen, so that it does not fall out when fastening the rolls. Tighten with culinary or ordinary cotton dense threads. We tighten the mackerel roll tight enough so that the cheese, when melted in the oven, fastens the entire filling and does not leak.

We spread the carcasses fastened with the thread into the form, with the belts up. We cover at the initial stage of baking with a piece of foil on top.

We bake mackerel rolls in the oven under the foil for about 15 minutes, then put it under the grill without foil and bring the fish to a golden hue of the skin, the appearance of a cheese crust in the abdomen.

A hot fish dish would be great, but since we need to cook rolls, be sure to cool the fish completely, then remove the threads and cut the baked mackerel roll with a slice width of 1-1.5 cm.

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and delicious fish dish, prepare mackerel rolls with vegetables and cheese. This simple and time-saving dish will decorate a festive table. Rolls are obtained with a beautiful baked crust, juicy inside, we recommend taking this recipe in order to diversify your fish menu.

The only difficulty that you have to overcome when preparing fish according to this recipe is to separate the bones from the fish pulp. But we’ll reveal the secret: it’s easier to separate bones from mackerel if you do this with unfrozen fish.

Taste Info Fish main courses / Baked fish in the oven


  • Frozen mackerel - 3 pcs. (1 kg 200 g);
  • Onions - 200 g;
  • Carrots - 200 g;
  • Vegetable (sunflower) oil - 60 ml;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Adjika - 2 tbsp .;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes. Output: 6 servings

How to make baked mackerel roll in the oven

In this recipe for mackerel rolls in the oven, I used frozen fish, I need to get it out of the freezer in advance.

Prepare the filling for rolls. Heat refined vegetable oil in a pan (I have sunflower oil). Put the onion, chopped into small cubes in hot oil, and fry until transparent. Add the carrots grated on a coarse grater to the transparent onions and fry together until the carrots are soft.

When the carrots are soft, remove the pan from the heat. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater (I took the usual Russian) and add to the warm vegetables in the pan. Shuffle.

To the contents of the pan, send adjika, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare fish that is not thawed to the end for cutting. Cut off the head with the front fins, cut the abdomen and remove the insides from it. Then cut along, remove the ridge and cut off all the fins, remove the remaining bones with tweezers. You will get two filets of the same size.

Some people prefer to immediately remove the skin, but I like the way the rolls keep their shape, so I clean the skin from the finished dish.

On each fillet, put a tablespoon of vegetable filling with cheese, smooth over the entire surface of the fish.

Wrap, starting with the sharp end of the fillet, a roll. To keep it when baking, connect the edges with a wooden skewer or a toothpick.

Place the mackerel rolls on a baking sheet pre-greased with vegetable oil. Top with either vegetable oil or soy sauce to make the fish skin shiny. It is convenient to do this with a culinary brush.

These brown bright rolls will turn out if you grease the skin of the fish with soy sauce.

Bake mackerel rolls in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, for about 30 minutes.

Remove the wooden skewers. Serve baked mackerel roll in the oven, portioned in plates with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Mackerel roll is an ideal dish in order to surprise its guests, as well as tasty and satisfying to feed them. It should be noted that in the preparation of such a meal there is nothing complicated. So that you can see for yourself, we decided to submit several detailed recipes.

Making mackerel rolls with gelatin

To prepare such an unusual holiday dish, we may need the following products:

  • frozen fresh mackerel - 3 amount (the quantity of the product depends on the number of invited guests);
  • carrot medium juicy - 3 pcs.;
  • instant gelatin - 7-10 g (standard bag);
  • red or white onions - 3 pcs.;
  • refined oil - about 70 ml;
  • table salt, ground black pepper, aromatic spices - use to taste and desire.

Processing the main component (fish)

Mackerel roll, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out not only very tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful. Absolutely all your guests will be delighted with such an unusual dish.

So, before making a mackerel roll, the fish should be carefully processed. It must be rinsed, and then cut off the head, tail and fins. It is also required to take out all the insides. At the end, the mackerel should be cut in half along the ridge, and then remove all the bones using tweezers.

Cooking toppings with onions and carrots

In order for the mackerel roll to turn out delicious, satisfying and beautiful, it is imperative to start it with fried vegetables. To do this, chopped onions and grated carrots must be laid out in a pan and seasoned with refined oil. Cooking vegetables is recommended over medium heat until they turn golden. In conclusion, they should be flavored with salt and various spices, and then mix everything thoroughly.

The process of forming a dish

Mackerel roll, the photo of which is presented in this article, is not very difficult to form. To do this, you need to take a dense cling film and sprinkle it with fine salt. The same should be done with dry gelatin. Next, on top of the polyethylene, it is required to lay out one longitudinal half of the fish and place all the vegetable frying on it. After this, carrots and onions must be covered with the second part of the mackerel, and then tightly wrap them. As a result, you should get a kind of “sandwich”.

Heat treatment

In order for the mackerel roll to “grab”, it is recommended to heat it. To do this, boil water in a large saucepan, and then put the fish wrapped in. By the way, before this, the polyethylene must be riddled with a toothpick.

After boiling the product for about 20 minutes, it must be removed, put under a press and placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the dish will be completely ready.

How should be served at the dining table?

How to serve delicious and beautiful mackerel roll to the festive table? The recipe for such an appetizer requires you to carefully remove the fish from the cling film, and then cut it into pieces 2-4 centimeters thick. Having placed the mackerel on a plate, it should be presented to the guests as an original cold appetizer. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking mackerel rolls in the oven

If the first dish can be served at the festive table as a cold snack, then the second one is perfect for a hot lunch with a side dish. To do this, we may need the following products:

Fish preparation

The roll from the Tsarsky mackerel bears its name for a reason. After all, it really turns out to be very beautiful and tasty. It can be safely served to invited guests as the main hot dish. But before you cook such a meal, you should properly process the fish. To do this, you need to wash it, cut off all the fins, tail and head, and then take out all the internal elements. Next, the mackerel must be deployed so that in the end you get a flat and wide fish layer. After that, all bones, including the ridge, should be removed from the fillet. At the same time, it is highly not recommended to violate the integrity of the reservoir.

Having completed all the described actions, the mackerel must be rubbed with small salt and pepper, and then left aside for half an hour.

Vegetable processing

Mackerel roll “Tsarsky”, cooked in the oven, requires the mandatory use of various vegetables. For the filling, we decided to use a classic set of products consisting of onions and carrots. These vegetables should be peeled, and then not very coarsely cut into circles and half rings. After that, chopped herbs, grated garlic, salt and pepper are required to be added to the ingredients.

We form from mackerel

Having prepared the mackerel and the filling, you can safely proceed to the formation of the "royal" dish. To do this, the fish layer must be laid out on a board, and then put on it all the chopped vegetables with herbs. After this, the product must be wrapped in a tight roll. So that it does not fall apart during heat treatment, it can be fixed with toothpicks or knit with a dense thread. In this state, stuffed mackerel must be placed in a deep form, pre-lubricated with refined oil.

The process of baking in the oven cabinet

Fish roll with fresh vegetables must be baked in the oven for about 45 minutes. At the same time, the temperature of the kitchen device should not be less than 205 degrees. It should be noted that some housewives make such a dish in a culinary sleeve or thick foil. We highly recommend not placing mackerel roll in any shell. Indeed, after baking, such a dish should not become watery.

Correctly present the original dinner to the table

After the fish becomes rosy, and the vegetable filling is completely soft, you can safely remove the roll from the oven. Next, you need to place it on a large plate and decorate with mayonnaise mesh. For beauty, you can put some greens or fresh vegetables on the sides of the dishes.

In order to have a greater effect on guests, it is recommended that you first cut the fishloaf into portions before serving a hot meal to the table. Serve them to your friends or family members, preferably in a hot condition, along with a slice of bread and some side dish (for example, mashed potatoes). Enjoy your meal!