Green bean mash recipes. What is mung bean and why is it better than beans and peas

25.07.2019 Bakery products

Mash groats, which is not really groats, but a variety of legumes that are related to peas and beans, its benefits and harm to the body, how to cook mung beans correctly and tasty - this is our hero, to whom today's article on the alternative health website will be devoted site.

What kind of cereal mung bean, its taste, photo, price

Mung bean or mung bean  has a huge amount of useful properties. The pea cousin looks like glossy, green beans. It takes its origin from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. At the moment, he is known throughout the world, but he received the greatest distribution in Thailand, China and Indonesia. In Kenya, the product is one of the main cash crops. The bean's taste is similar to, but has some aftertaste. Some write - walnut, but I did not feel a nut there.

In Russia, for some reason, it was initially led that they began to call mung bean cereal, perhaps for its ability to saturate the body qualitatively and for a long time, bean culture was successfully used in fasting, allowing its body to replenish stocks of well-digestible vegetable protein with its help.

A pretty significant question is the price of peas mash?  Since it is produced by many manufacturers of healthy and wholesome food in different packaging by volume, it turned out to be not so easy to calculate its price per kg, as we used to evaluate other products. The spread is large from 120 to 250 rubles per kilogram.

If you have never tried it, I give advice - buy these green beans by weight, 100 grams in Auchan, your wallet will not be affected much, and you will try and decide whether you want to include it in your diet or not. The day before yesterday, the price was 220 rubles per kg, I cost 27, having thrown three or four zhmenki in this fist of this satisfying exotic.

Composition, calorie mash

The calorie content of dry cereals leaves 300 calories per 100 grams. The calorie content of cooked cereals is only 103 calories per 100 grams, which is quite a bit. 100 grams contains as much as 23 grams of protein, which is of plant origin and is almost completely absorbed by humans, and 44 grams of carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates are “slow” and give the body a long lasting feeling of fullness without the desire to snack on the go. Mung beans include more than 18 amino acids.

Also, cereal is rich in sodium, magnesium and potassium, and helps to significantly improve the digestion process and cleanse the entire intestine. Widely represented B vitamins have a regulating and relaxing effect on the nerves. There are also vitamins C, K, A, E.

Phosphorus helps to improve the functioning of the body's excretory systems, fights stress, has a positive effect on vision, and also strengthens bone tissue, joints and regulates kidney activity.

Useful properties of mung bean for the body

  1. Legumes of this exotic species in our area have a positive effect on people with heart and vascular diseases.
  2. Those suffering from high cholesterol also need to add these beans to their diet. Due to the abundance of fiber in digestion, the product creates a gel mixture that helps to eliminate toxins. Also, thanks to dietary fiber, it contributes. With regular use in the diet, mung bean helps normalize blood pressure and improve overall well-being.
  3. Croup of mung bean has elements that help inhibit the replication of cancer cells. It shows the best results in the fight against breast cancer.
  4. This type of bean has anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have discovered the benefits of mung bean in the prevention and treatment of sepsis.
  5. Regular consumption of a pea relative can have anti-aging properties. This is due to phytoestrogens. They activate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. It helps the skin look younger and fresher.
  6. Croup is often used in its diet by people seeking to lose weight because of the dietary fiber contained in it and the protein that is so necessary for the body. Also, a large number of dietary fiber normalizes digestion and stabilizes blood cholesterol. An indispensable useful property of mung bean for losing weight will be a decrease in the desire for sweets and stabilization of appetite.
  7. The medicinal properties of Masha are invaluable for: due to the low glycemic index, the product helps to keep blood sugar at a normal level. A good effect can be achieved even after 2 months of administration, but it is advisable to use young sprouts.
  8. Mung beans help cleanse the body. They also help in detoxification and elimination of toxins.
  9. Krupa improves intelligence and helps improve memory. Thanks to phosphorus and magnesium, it has a beneficial effect on brain development. Therefore, it is very useful for the children's body.
  10. Bean powder helps cleanse the skin and reduces enlarged pores. The skin becomes soft and healthy. Boiled mash porridge in a nourishing mask smoothes and tightens the skin. The face acquires a healthier color, smoothness.
  11. Due to the large number of B vitamins in the composition of the product, it accelerates growth and helps improve hair texture.
  12. Mash is also useful for women during menopause. Experts say that the amino acids in it contribute to the stabilization and improvement of the hormonal background of women.
  13. Legumes are a favorite and very important product for vegetarians and supporters of a healthy diet, as due to the significant protein content they perfectly replace meat. As we said above, 100 grams of the product contains as much as 23 grams of protein.
  14. Vitamins from group C help maintain immunity and fight colds, which is extremely necessary for the body in the cold season.
  15. A decoction of cereals is used for edema and as a means to gargle with the appearance of the first signs of colds and.
  16. Mash gruel should be applied to the affected skin during burns and inflammatory processes. Lotions also have a beneficial effect in dermatitis and rashes.

Our hero shows the best results when taken in sprouted form, as well as. Thus, the body receives a maximum of vitamin and nutrients.

What diseases should be included in your diet

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  2. bone diseases - arthrosis, arthritis;
  3. endocrine pathologies - diabetes;
  4. menopausal women.

It is also worth thinking about expanding their food preferences for vegetarians, deeply religious, often fasting people, comrades and citizens who are always on diets and wanting to lose weight without harm to the body, parents of small children will need a mung bean to strengthen the working capacity of the children's brain, its full development .

Contraindications, harm to health mash

Despite the abundance of health benefits of mung bean, it also has contraindications. Due to the high content of oligosaccharides, it can still contribute to increased gas formation and complicate the digestion process. BUT, to a much lesser extent than peas and beans.

There is also individual intolerance, but it is extremely rare. With care, these legumes should be consumed:

  • pregnant
  • women during breastfeeding;
  • people with metabolic disorders;
  • with allergies to components in the culture;
  • people with diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, since beans have a diuretic property.

Germination Masha

Sprouts Masha  - High vitamin product, especially useful for fasting people. Young beans (no older than two years old) are best suited for this purpose.

You need to take the container in which you need to make holes. At the bottom of the dishes gauze spreads. This container must be placed in a container that is even larger in size. Beans need to be filled with water. The water level should not rise above the cereal. Tanks must be put in a warm place. After four hours, it will be necessary to add clean water. Repeat this procedure twice.

Mash will begin to give the first shoots the very next day. You can eat them in three days. Before taking, be sure to rinse in running water. If the sprouts have a slightly bitter taste, they need to be doused with boiling water.

Sprouts whose size does not exceed one centimeter have the maximum benefit.   Sprouts of this size are extremely beneficial for the body.

You can store young sprouts for up to five days in the refrigerator, but with a half-closed lid that helps them breathe.

Germinated sprouts have a very unusual and sweet taste. They can be added to salads, or consumed separately, seasoned with vegetable or fried in a pan, as well as eaten with other germinated sprouts, such as wheat, green or rye.

It is preferable to store cereals in glass bowls, since plastic can give the beans an unpleasant aftertaste. In dry form and without moisture, beans can be stored for many years.

Before cooking, grits should be sorted and washed to prevent stones or hardened grains from getting on the table. The most important rule for cooking beans is mandatory soaking, as the grits are cooked for a long time, and the soaking process helps to speed up this process.

If you are sure that the groats are young, then only an hour should be enough. Otherwise, it is best to keep the beans in water throughout the night. Soaking time also depends on the choice of dish. The faster the cooking process, the more time it takes for the grits to soak.

After soaking, you can start cooking mash. Boil the beans on a very low fire, it is necessary to remove the foam and peel that will float when cooking. Best combined with vegetables, seafood and chicken. Friends with garlic, ginger.

In Central Asia, vegetarian pilaf is prepared from the product (red or brown rice, onions, carrots, spices, mung bean). It is less heavy than traditional lamb pilaf, but also very satisfying.

Most often, soups are made from it. They can be made from whole bean or mashed soup. Other uses for food are pastes and a side dish for meat. Noodles are made from flour in Asian countries.

Eating mash is best at lunchtime, so that the cereal has time to digest and does not strain the digestive system. The regular use of dishes prepared from these legumes, helps to normalize metabolism, and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing: 35 min

  The theme of today's recipe with a photo is green mung bean stewed with vegetables. Mash is a small Indian bean. Another name is Masha - mung beans or golden beans. Mash has an oval shape and green color. In Asia, mung bean is very popular, not only the beans themselves, but also its seedlings.

Mash is convenient in that it can be combined with almost any ingredient: with meat, with vegetables. Masha takes less time to cook than to cook, for example, beans. Therefore, the choice in favor of Masha is obvious.

I offer you a recipe for preparing a lean dish of mash - in tomato sauce with vegetables. Since mung bean is boiled not in water, but in tomato sauce, the dish becomes very rich in taste.

- 1 tbsp. Masha
- 200 ml. tomatoes in their own juice,
- 2 carrots,
- a quarter of the bulb
- 1 tbsp olive oil,
- a third of a head of cauliflower,
- 2 zucchini,
- 1 tsp oregano
- a pinch of black pepper,
- 0.5. tsp paprika
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  At the bottom of the pan, heat the olive oil, fry the chopped onion first, then add the grated carrots. Stew the carrots and onions together until the carrots are soft.

  Add the tomatoes in their own juice to the onion and carrot frying. Pour a glass of water and bring the sauce to a boil.

  Season the tomato sauce with spices and salt. You can add any spices to your taste.

  Pour into tomato sauce mash. It is better to sort it out and rinse in advance. Soaking it is not necessary.
  Mash will be ready in 30 minutes.

We will analyze cauliflower into inflorescences or just cut it with a knife.

  Cabbage will need to be added to Masha 12 minutes before readiness.

  Cut the zucchini into large pieces and lay out after the cauliflower, another five minutes later. Zucchini needs very little time to cook.
  Stew mung beans in tomato sauce with vegetables. Mash should absorb all the juice of vegetables.

  After you remove the mung bean from the fire, you can let it stand under the lid for another half hour. After that, the dish can be served as a main dish or as a side dish.
  Last time we cooked. You can try replacing the main ingredient with mash - you are sure to get something special.

More recently, oriental mung bean could be safely called absolutely non-typical product for our country. Today, this bean is a "foreigner" everywhere used in various recipes of the Slavic peoples. And no wonder, mung bean is an ideal product in terms of gastronomic compatibility. This unusual pea goes well with meat and vegetables, mushrooms and other bean "brothers", you can cook deliciously in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. It will make an excellent side dish.

Thick mash soup with meat - step by step recipe

The bean and lentil soup turns out to be simply incomparable - thick, hearty, warming and surprisingly fragrant. What is important, the preparation of this dish does not require special cash costs and complicated culinary manipulations. It can be consumed with raw food or veganism, the product is good for weight loss. If desired, lentils can be replaced with any whole grain cereals. The combination of mung bean and rice is especially good - the soup turns out to be more delicate, but at the same time tasty and nutritious.

Essential Ingredients:

  • veal on the bone - 400 gr.
  • vegetable broth - 170 ml
  • green mung bean - 100 gr.
  • lentils - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • celery stalks - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • parsley
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Step-by-step instruction

Sprouted Mung and Broccoli Salad - Step-by-Step Recipe

This unusual salad is a healthy, original and tasty alternative to the classic Caesar and Olivier. The unusual taste of masha seedlings perfectly complements the original sauce with pine nuts. It is in combination with this spicy dressing that beans fully reveal their taste potential.

Essential Ingredients:

  • broccoli - 200 gr.
  • sprouted mung bean - 200 gr.
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
  • olive oil - 50 ml
  • pine nuts - 50 gr.
  • shallots - 1 pcs.
  • parmesan - 70 gr.

Step-by-step instruction

Video on the topic (the best vegetarian, vegan recipes for main dishes from Masha):

Today we are preparing another tasty and healthy vegetable soup with mung bean, which is also called golden or mung bean.

I bet that few of you use bean mung beans in cooking, because you simply do not know about this culture. Therefore, I will tell you a little about what mung bean, or mung bean, is.

Beans come from   from India, outwardly they are small,  oval, green.This culture is very common in the east and is very popular, it is an important part of oriental cuisine, one might say - its classics. Mash beans are widely used in Chinese cuisine, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indian, etc.  Not only are prepared from it  soups and side dishes, but also appetizers, salads, desserts and even pancakes. See the recipe for one of the salads .

This bean is very  hearty and nutritious, but it is non-nutritious and rich in fiber and important vitamins. Therefore, dishes prepared on the basis of bean mash are just a godsend for people who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. We will use such wonderful beans today in the preparation of soup. So what do we need?

(4.5 liter per pot)

  • 1 cup mung bean
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 2 large or 3 small carrots
  • 1 large onion
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • a bunch of greenery
  • salt, ground pepper, pepper mixture
  • cooking oil


We carefully sort the mung bean, throwing out garbage and pebbles, and soak in cold water. I soaked the beans in the evening, cooked the soup in the morning, but in general it is enough to soak the beans for 2-3 hours. That's how it looks in the dry  form.

And in the next photo - after soaking. We rinse a couple of times in clean water, carefully examining again whether there are any small stones left. We drain the water and set the cup aside, let it stand for now.

We do not start cooking soup quite normally, until we put a pot of water on the fire, and begin to cook vegetables. H first we chop the onion and cut it into cubes.

Wash carrots, peel and cut into strips.

We clear the Bulgarian pepper from seeds and the stalk and also cut into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into fairly large slices together with the skin. If you wish, you can remove the skin.

Now we will fry the cooked vegetables.

We put a frying pan on medium heat, pour a little vegetable oil, put the onion and pass it until transparent. While the onion is cooking, take a pan, pour 3 liters of water into it and let it simmer over low heat.

Meanwhile, add the carrots to the onion and continue to fry over low heat, stirring until the carrots are soft. Spread the pepper and fry for another five minutes.

By this time, the water in the pan boiled, check that the fire was small and spread the beans. We spread it carefully, carefully look again, are there any pebbles at the bottom. Boil this soup, and indeed any on a high fire is impossible, the beans will be hard and tasteless, because the healthy protein contained in it in large quantities simply coagulates. As the beans boil, remove the foam, which is usually a lot.

While the beans are boiling, let's go back to the pan with vegetables. Add chopped tomatoes, salt, a little pepper black ground pepper,mix, pour tomato juice.

We close the lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes on a small fire.

Quickly peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes, it is possible and smaller, but it tastes better with large ones.

When the beans have boiled, put the vegetables from the pan and raw chopped potatoes in a pan, bring to a boil, remove the heat to a minimum and simmer the soup for half an hour (it should barely boil). If there is not enough water, you can add a little boiling water from the kettle.

Meanwhile, peel the garlic and chop it very finely.

Mash is a leguminous crop native to India. These beans are very popular in the East, particularly in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and China. In our country, perhaps not many people know what mash. It would often be added to the diet if they knew how to cook properly. This is not difficult at all, but the nutritional value of cereals is very high.

Appearance of cereals mash

Mash is an oval-shaped small green bean. Outwardly, they look like small beans or peas, only smaller and darker. The surface is smooth, with a glossy sheen. There are various recipes for cooking, more often it is used for cooking soups, side dishes and as an ingredient for salads. Gives dishes a nutty flavor and a pleasant aftertaste.

Beneficial features

Mash has all the useful properties inherent in almost all legumes:

  • high fiber content - improves the digestive system;
  • is an antiseptic, accelerates the healing process for colds;
  • inhibits the development of tumors;
  • contains a large amount of protein, which allows you to replace them with meat;
  • rich in vitamins of group B, PP, H, E;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • phosphorus, which is part of cereals, improves memory, helps withstand stress, has a beneficial effect on vision and kidney function, strengthens bone tissue;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron - improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • improves immunity.

Mash and Tomato Soup


  • Tomatoes - 800 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mash - 150 g
  • Dry white wine - 200 g
  • Olive Oil - 50 g
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ginger - 1 tsp.
  • Salt, fresh herbs

Sort the groats from litter, rinse thoroughly. Cook the mung bean without adding salt. Drain the liquid. In a pan, fry diced onions with grated carrots. Pour the same wine there. Stew for 15 minutes. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water for a couple of minutes, peel and cut into cubes, add to wine and vegetables. We transfer the stewed vegetables to the pan, pour 400 ml of boiling water, add salt, spices, boiled mung bean and garlic passed through the press. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Mash and mushroom soup


  • Mash - 200 g
  • Bouillon - 1.5 liters.
  • Champignons - 400 g
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l
  • Fresh greens
  • Chili pepper and paprika - a pinch
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l

Pour the cereal into a pan with hot water, cook for half an hour. At this time, fry the onions in butter. When it turns golden, add chopped mushrooms and simmer for 5 minutes.

Diced potatoes, pour into a pan with cereals, cook for 10 minutes, add the fried vegetables, salt and cook for a few more minutes. Puree the prepared soup with a blender, arrange on plates, sprinkle with herbs.

Masha and Beef Soup


  • Mash - 1 glass
  • Beef - 0.4 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Greens - a bunch
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Water - 1.5 L
  • Salt, spices

The washed cereals and finely chopped meat should be sent to the pan, pour water. Boil for half an hour. Then add salt, seasoning, potatoes, carrots, onions. Strain until done. Add greens to the finished soup.

Mash noodle soup


  • Boneless beef - 0.5 kg
  • Mash - 150 g
  • Noodles - 2 handfuls
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley, cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Salt, spices
  • Water - 2.5 L

Fry onions and pieces of meat in a skillet in oil. Add to them cubes of potatoes and grated carrots. Separately, in a saucepan, boil the cereal, 10 minutes after boiling, add beef with vegetables, salt, turmeric and ground coriander to the mash. When the soup is almost ready, add the noodles. Cook the mash soup until cooked.

Mashhurda - Uzbek soup with mash and rice


  • Meat - 300 g
  • Mash groats - 100 g
  • Rice - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
  • Potato - 2 pcs.

While the mash is cooked until cooked, fry a large amount of oil potatoes, onions, carrots and meat, diced.

In a saucepan we combine mung bean, rice, meat with vegetables, add our favorite spices, salt. Cook until tender. 5 minutes before turning off the fire, put tomato paste and parsley in the soup. Now you know how to cook mash according to the national Uzbek recipe.

The recipe for lean soup Mung gave Tarkari

  • Mash - 200 g
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Zira - 1 tsp
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 prongs
  • Ginger root - 2 tbsp.
  • Coriander - 0.5 tsp
  • Lemon - 5-6 cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Greenery;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp

Sort beans, remove litter and damaged seeds. Wash vegetables and herbs, peel tomatoes. Peel and grate. Ignite the mash in a pan, rinse. In boiling water, dip the bay leaf and cinnamon, add the fried beans, boil until cooked. Then pour turmeric into a liquid and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Cut the tomatoes and onions into cubes and send to the pan. At the same time, fry in oil zira, garlic and ginger. Add the fried spices to the finished soup, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. Serve Mung Dal Tarkari should be hot, with lemon slices and finely chopped herbs.

Mash and minced soup

  • Minced chicken - 0.4 kg
  • Mash - 1 glass
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.

Boil the beans until soft. At this time, fry the onion and minced meat until golden brown, cut the potatoes into cubes. We combine all the ingredients in a saucepan, add salt, seasonings, cook over low heat until tender. Pour the mash soup into plates, add sour cream.

Mash with vegetables in a slow cooker

  • Mash - 200 g
  • Onion - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - ¼ cup
  • Bell pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Broth - 800 ml

Before cooking the mung bean, clean and thoroughly rinse the cereal. Cooking in a slow cooker will save a lot of time. Cut the vegetables into strips and fry in a multicooker bowl in oil. Then we put the cereal, broth, seasonings, salt in the bowl. Close the lid, select the "Extinguishing" mode, set the time - about 50 minutes. Serve hot to the table.


  • Mash - 100 g
  • Basmati Rice - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Zira - 1 tsp
  • Ginger - 0.5 tsp
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - 1 tsp
  • Chili pepper - 0.5 pod
  • Clove - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch

Soak the beans in cold water for 20 hours. The grains will swell and you can easily peel the beans. Rinse them under a large amount of water, get rid of the husk. In a cast iron in oil, fry all spices, add chopped onions and tomatoes, peeled, peeled, mung and rice. Stir and pour water. Water by 3 centimeters should exceed the remaining components. To languish under a closed lid for about half an hour. The dish turns fragrant and satisfying! Now you know how to cook mash in order to preserve all its useful properties. Enjoy your meal!