How many calories in a can of canned corn. Common Canned Corn Benefit and Harm

15.05.2019 Bakery products

Canned vegetables retain their original taste and quality. It is true that when sterilizing vegetables lose some valuable substances, however, those that remain remain stable. Also improves the texture of the fruit and increases their digestibility.

It is useful to have canned or frozen vegetables at home, because if you are attacked by hunger in the evening and the refrigerator is empty, you will definitely not harm yourself with such an evening meal.

Canned corn has a different ratio of corn kernels and brine, which contains salt and in most cases also sugar.

Useful properties of canned corn

Corn supports the oxidation and growth of cells, strengthens the heart, maintains the correct level of hormones, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on reproductive activity in women, increases the potency, supports metabolism. It contains the so-called beauty vitamins, which have a positive effect on the skin, nails and hair. And yellow grains improve brain performance, strengthen the nervous system and muscles and improve the condition of fibrous tissues.

Canned corn

For children, both preschool, and school and teenage age, corn is a source of energy, as well as a stock of substances necessary for healthy physical and mental development. For adults and elderly people, corn helps to maintain physical fitness and overall vitality.

Canned corn even has a number of advantages over freshly brewed. For example, there is absolutely no bloating from her. Moreover, it is useful to eat it when these symptoms bother or if there is constipation. It acts as a mild laxative, improving intestinal motility, at the same time cleansing the liver.

Nutrients canned corn

  • Vitamin B;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Selenium;
  • Cellulose;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron.

Useful corn from the jar and slimming. Unlike fresh, it contains few calories, helps to calm down a strong appetite and cravings for sweets and flour. When dieting, corn can be added to vegetable salads, rice or steamed vegetables.

For whom canned corn is harmful

  1. Harmful with high blood clotting, as well as thrombosis.
  2. Not recommended for exacerbation of gastric ulcers.
  3. Do not abuse in case of dystrophy or lack of muscle mass.

How much can you eat corn from the jar

In the absence of contraindications and restrictions per day you can eat up to 400 grams of canned corn.

How to choose and store canned corn

When choosing a jar, be sure to check not only the expiration date, but also the date of manufacture. If corn was produced at the end of summer, it means that it got fresh into the jar, right from the field. But the one that was made in the winter, had already been somewhere in the warehouse or was frozen. This affects the taste and preservation of beneficial properties.

Corn in a tin can not be left in it after opening more than a day. It is better to shift it into a glass container and store up to 3 days.

Healthy Corn Food Recipes

Corn goes well with many vegetables, chicken, rice and ukkusom. This gives a lot of room for culinary fantasies.

Vinegar with canned corn

In a pan, fry 1 grated carrot and a half of cubed bell pepper until tender. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of corn, half a cup of vinegar. Salt, add spices to taste, quickly mix and immediately pour a glass of boiling water. Make the minimum fire and turn it off after 2 minutes. Leave under the lid for 5-7 minutes.

Prepare fresh vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers, cut into cubes. Tomatoes cut into slices. Finely chop the onion, crush a couple of garlic cloves.

  Vegetable stew with canned corn

Save the onions first, then add the carrots and tomatoes to the pan. Then put the rest, salt and pepper. At the very end, add a few tablespoons of corn. This stew can also be cooked with chicken, cut like pilaf.

Corn belongs to the ancient cereal crops, which began to grow for a long time in Peru, Mexico. Interestingly, the Mayans and Aztecs believed that corn was a sacred plant. Then the grass was delivered to Europe, they became interested in Spain. At first there it was used as an ornamental plant, but after some time they managed to figure out what was the reason for introducing the grains into the diet. Thanks to the Portuguese, they learned about the cereal in China, Indonesia, India, Asian countries. Today, in the summer, many people like to enjoy boiled corn, and at other times of the year they buy canned. How useful is it? Can it harm the product?

Composition and calorie

How many calories are in corn? Not less than 340 kcal. This is one of the nutritional grains, it contains a lot of protein, fats, vegetable carbohydrates, and also such useful components as dietary fiber, starch, vitamin A, B, E. The product is rich in iodine, boron, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium, selenium.

Particularly useful are corn waste, which contains glutamic acid, which is necessary for the work of the heart and brain. Corn helps to get rid of:

  • Psychosis
  • Muscular dystrophy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Depression.

Corn contains selenium, which is why it is recommended to use as a prophylactic agent for oncology. The product slows down aging, so it needs to be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Do you know what a lot of unsaturated fatty acid is? When you use oil, you can clear the vessels of cholesterol deposits, heal cells and tissues. Not for nothing, where corn is considered a traditional product, people are not so sick with heart disease, blood vessels.

If you regularly use corn, you can improve the complexion, hair structure, whiten, heal, strengthen teeth. Pay attention to Latin Americans, they practically do not go to the dentist, because they eat a lot of corn.

We know about different dishes: boiled, fried. Some use it in the form of popcorn, cereal, bread, flatbread. Especially popular is canned corn, which can be bought at any time of the year.

You can not refuse fatty, high-calorie foods, abuse alcohol? Enter corn into your menu. With this product, you can reduce the negative impact of fried, alcohol, fatty foods. Grains can be added to soup, salad, side dishes.

Homeopaths offer different corn-based medicines. Cobs, grains, stigmas are most commonly used. Drugs can be cured:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Nephritis.
  • Renal disease.
  • Cholecystitis.

Is canned corn useful?

The product is no less useful than fresh. During canning all useful properties are preserved, more than in, beans. It is best to preserve fresh seeds, they have different healing and nutritional qualities. You can use the product separately or combine it with vegetables, meat.

The main thing is to choose the product, because there are many unscrupulous manufacturers. First look at the date of manufacture, ask expiration date. If corn is produced in the winter, not in the summer, in the autumn, then it is clear that the product is stale - for it, recovered seeds were used, which were dried, soaked, and then mothballed.

Many manufacturers simplify the technology: they buy products in a large volume, then they begin to lay them out in jars. In this case, they do not always follow the rules, certain norms.

Attention!High-quality is summer corn. Watch only for the date to be extruded, not pasted. Many manufacturers like to constantly change it, printing on the label that does not correspond to reality.

Some manufacturers offer corn in glass jars. Of course, in such banks of grain it is better visible, but the fill in them is muddy, has a milky shade. Despite this, carefully consider the grains, what color, shape they have, whether they are not stained, different defects. Grains should be of a uniform color, while they may be white or bright yellow.

It should be borne in mind that the product can be stored in cans for about 2 years, and in glass containers only 3 years. To find out about the quality of the product, it is enough to try it several times. The main thing is that there is no water, sugar, salt in the composition. Buy corn, which is made according to GOST. An open bank should not be stored for more than two days.


Effective and fast is the corn diet, which makes it possible to lose about 5 kg of excess weight.

First day: use corn (400 grams), divide food intake by 4 times, add an apple, tomato, carrot, pepper, cucumber, onion, greens to the menu. Vegetables can be used individually or as a salad - just do not add sour cream, mayonnaise.

Second day:   menu repeat.

The third day:   a portion of corn is reduced by 200 grams, necessarily divided into 4 meals. You can add some fruits, vegetables, mushrooms (no more than 150 grams).

Fourth day:   you need to eat everything the same as in the third.

So, canned corn - this is one of the best products for diet food, only if you buy high-quality. In this case, you should not save, give preference only to proven products. If you can, in the summer buy yourself fresh corn heads and boil them. Despite all the benefits, you should not get involved in the product, always remember the measure. In large quantities, corn can clog the stomach, lead to bloating, increased gas formation, exacerbation of various chronic ailments. Be attentive to your diet!

Has in its composition a lot of things necessary for our body and. Among them: vitamins of group A - 33.3%, B6 - 25%, B1 - 26.7%, E - 36.7%, PP - 19%, H - 42%, magnesium - 26%, copper - 29% , sodium - 20.9%, phosphorus - 37.6%, chromium - 16%, selenium - 54.5%, vanadium - 232.5%, molybdenum - 40.6%, cobalt - 53%, silicon - 200% .

The benefits of canned corn

  is a low-calorie product that promotes weight loss. For weight loss it is better to use corn as a separate dish and replace them with more high-calorie dishes, because in this case the body receives fewer calories, and when used with other products, it increases the caloric content of those products with which it is combined. But you can not go on a diet consisting of one corn, the diet of a healthy person should be balanced.

When boiled, corn loses a certain amount of useful substances, but at the same time it is enriched with sodium. Pouring in a jar of corn, though tasty, but does not carry any nutrients.

Canned corn is useful to use with flatulence, as it can reduce it or even save it completely.

Once you open the jar with canned corn, it should be put in a glass jar with a lid and refrigerated so that it does not oxidize and disappear. The lid is also necessary so that the corn does not collect all the unpleasant odors of the refrigerator.

Calories and properties of canned corn

Corn is grown for cobs and is the second most popular crop after wheat. 100 gr. Corn contains 58 kcal.

Corn contains quite a lot of fiber, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins of groups E, B, and also potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Here it should be noted that magnesium acts as an anti-stress agent on the nervous system. Vitamin B1 is also found in large quantities in corn and regulates the work of the central nervous system, heart muscle and the production of red blood cells.

150 g of corn contains 25% of the daily dose of vitamin B1 for an adult. Vitamin E contained in corn prevents the development of atherosclerosis. If you eat corn every day, the likelihood of heart disease and cancer is reduced. Carbohydrates, which are included in corn, supply the body with energy, without causing fatty deposits.

Harm of canned corn

Corn can cause the main harm to people prone to thrombosis with increased blood clotting. Due to the fact that eating corn reduces appetite, it cannot be eaten by people with low weight. With constant, long-term use. canned corn   exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers may occur.

As with many foods, the benefits and harm canned corndepends on the state of the body.


Contraindications to the use of corn is thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, increased blood clotting, decreased appetite and low body weight, exacerbation of gastric and intestinal ulcers. When using corn for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor.

Canned Corn Recipes

Sweet Canned Corn

For its preparation you will need 10-15 pieces of corn, two teaspoons of sugar, one tbsp. spoon of vinegar, a teaspoon of salt.

Wash and clean the corn. Put the corn on the cob in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for forty minutes, then drain and cool the corn.
  Take a 0.5 liter jar, pour vinegar into it, add sugar and salt, carefully cut off the grains and put them into the jar until it is full. Take a large saucepan, put a towel on its bottom, put a jar of corn on it, put warm water into this saucepan until it reaches the hanger shoulders. Put the pot on a small fire and sterilize the corn in jars for 3 hours. Then, remove the jar from the pan, roll the lid, turn the jar upside down, and leave to cool.

Marinated Corn

For the preparation of this corn, you will need the cobs of young corn 6 pcs., Boiled water 1 liter, vinegar 6%, sugar (two tablespoons), cloves 3 pieces, one bay leaf, cinnamon stick and one or two teaspoons of salt.

First you need to cook the marinade. To do this, pour 1 liter of vinegar into boiled water, add salt and sugar, put spices and put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Corn cob wash and cook in marinade until soft, then remove them from the heat and shift with the marinade in a plastic dish. Then we clean in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar, balcony). The next day, merge the marinade and pour the new marinade and again put on the cold. On the fourth day after the change of the marinade, we filter through the colander of the cob with the marinade. Cool the corn and put in jars, pour the fresh marinade. Pour the calcined oil on top, then Lavrushka and roll up the lids. We put in a dark cold place.

Corn on the cob

It will take 8 corn cobs, 10 liters of water, 300 gr. Salt and sugar.

Trim the corn so that it enters the jar by the hanger. Cook the corn in salted water. Cook the pickle. Put the corn in jars and fill with brine. Sterilize the lids and roll up the jars. In winter, before serving, put the contents of the jar in a saucepan along with the pickle and boil. And you can eat.

Canned corn recipe

Take grains of corn 2.5 kg, water 2.5 liters, salt 20-30 grams, sugar 100 grams, table vinegar 30 grams. Pour the grains in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over medium heat for about 2 hours, put salt and cook for another hour. Then you need to pour vinegar and cook for another 15 minutes, lay out on the banks, roll up and wrap.

Recipe for sweet canned corn

Cook the grains until tender, arrange in cans and pour marinade from 1 liter of water in which they cooked corn, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tsp of citric acid, 4 tablespoons of sugar. Put sterilized for 1 hour. Then roll and wrap.

Corn is one of the most popular representatives of the family of cereals.

Corn is one of the most popular representatives of the family of cereals. Yellow cobs are used in food everywhere. They are eaten boiled, fried, canned, pickled, baked, dried, etc. Corn is used to make flour, cereals, porridge, syrups, bread, flat cakes and many other amazing products. Canned corn is in great demand. In the treated form, it loses some of the nutrients, but at the same time its shelf life increases several times.

Canned corn: calories and composition

The calorie content of canned corn is 119 kcal per 100 g. Canned grains have a sweet taste. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamin E, vitamins of group B, and also minerals: zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium.

The benefits of canned corn

The grains in large quantities contain magnesium, which is necessary for every person. Under urban conditions, we usually do not receive this element, so the introduction of corn in the diet will help fill the deficit.

Corn has a calming effect. It contains vitamins of group B, especially a lot of vitamin B1, which directly affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems, muscles, and the production of blood cells. Just 150 grams of canned corn kernels per day can fill a person's need for vitamin B1 by 25%.

Canned corn contains an antioxidant - vitamin E, which serves to prevent sclerosis, reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and protects against oncology. In addition, vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the skin and appearance in general. For this reason, it is also helpful to consume corn oil.

Corn, as a source of starch, fills the body with energy, without causing weight gain. Sweet grains normalize blood sugar levels, nourish nerve cells, protect and contribute to getting rid of diseases of the central nervous system, including diseases such as epilepsy and polio.

Corn reduces joint pain caused by arthritis. It also stops the development of muscular dystrophy.

The composition of the grass includes phytin and glutamic acid, which help with anemia, vomiting, nausea, exhaustion, severe fatigue. Eating maize is indicated after ingestion of fatty and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. The product helps to reduce the negative effects of receiving harmful products.

The use of canned corn in cooking

Sweet canned corn is often used in the preparation of various dishes. It is added to casseroles, pizza, pies, sauces, entrees, and sometimes desserts. Many national cuisines can not do without corn. You can eat it just from the can, as it has a pleasant, sweet taste. Canned corn is suitable for diet, if you do not abuse the amount.

Corn - a valuable and nutritious product for the body, it contains a huge amount of vitamins A, B, PP, E, as well as trace elements - potassium, iron and magnesium. Canned or boiled corn is used to prepare a variety of culinary dishes. With a low calorie boiled corn, this product has excellent rich abilities.

Corn does not accumulate in the human body chemistry, which fall to it in the form of fertilizers. There are many different varieties of corn, so the calorie content of boiled corn can vary depending on the variety.

Useful properties of corn

Corn is a low-calorie product, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. Corn porridge is useful for the cardiovascular system, since the number of calories in boiled corn is low, and it also stops harmful processes in the intestines. Groats are used to make porridge, soups, casseroles, and other dishes. Calorie boiled corn is quite low, so it is very useful in losing weight. The product is able to remove excess fat and pesticides from the body. Many are interested in the calorie content of canned corn. You will learn about it later.

Due to the low number of calories and its beneficial properties, corn is a diet food. How many calories in boiled corn - you can see in a special table or count independently, because its energy value also depends on the products that are added to it. No matter how much calorie boiled corn is, it does not lose its beneficial properties. It contains vitamin choline. It controls the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system.

How many calories in boiled corn contain?

Corn is quite a satisfying product. At the same time, corn grains themselves have a low calorie content, it rises during cooking or roasting. On average, the caloric content of boiled corn in grains per 100 g of the product is 120 kcal. Boiled corn has a greater number of calories, it is about 200 kcal per 100g. The calorie level in boiled corn is low compared to the level of nutrients that burn fat and remove excess cholesterol from the body. Corn contains 5 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 30 g of carbohydrates.

Many diets are basically just corn. Even with an average calorie boiled corn is rich in all sorts of vitamins and minerals, all in its composition includes 26 types of minerals. They are able to relieve a person from depression, and also have a positive effect on the skin and condition of the hair.

To determine how many calories in boiled corn, it is necessary to know exactly its grade, as well as the method of its preparation. Since the caloric content of corn is boiled or the caloric content of canned corn itself is low, but by adding salt, oil or other additives, you thereby expose your body to adding additional calories.

Breakfast cereals are not very useful product, because they are quite high in calories. But the abuse of breakfast cereals can lead to obesity. The calorie content of boiled corn is much lower than dry cornflakes. 550 calories for losing weight is too much.

Cereals contain large amounts of carbohydrates, they lead to body fat in the body. Even with a high caloric value of cornflakes it is almost impossible to get enough of them. To use this product is best as a supplement to the main food.

Corn and Calorie Calculation

Accurately calculate calorie intake is very difficult, especially if you do it yourself. That is why there is a special table of calorie foods, the caloric content of boiled corn according to the table is 120 kcal per 100 g. But since the caloric content of this product depends largely on the products that are added to it, they should all be proportional. So much easier to calculate how many calories in boiled corn and other foods.

Corn porridge is a low-calorie dish, the number of calories in a product is 120 kcal, but, as a rule, sugar, honey or milk are added to it. Caloric content of these products is quite high, the number of calories in boiled corn due to this increases. If you exceed the daily calories per 100 kcal, then 9 g of fat will be stored in the body.

What is the calorie content of canned corn?

Sweet corn, especially canned, is actively used in salads, soups and other goodies. Today, no family celebration is complete without salads, in which there would be no canned corn. Its caloric content depends on the brine for sterilization. Since industrial brine contains a lot of salt and doubtful quality of preservatives, the energy value of this product increases greatly. Calorie canned corn - 86-114 kcal per 100 grams of product. What is the difference of such fluctuations in calories? The indicator depends on the type of grain crops, as well as on the ingredients for preservation. Evaluate the article

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