Cottage cheese casserole with sugar calorie. Curd casserole: calorie

15.05.2019 Buffet table

Many adults and children love cottage cheese or desserts made from it. But simple curds or cottage cheese with sour cream, jam quickly become boring. And you want something new. There are many recipes for baking with cottage cheese stuffing that require time and effort. Preparation of cottage cheese casserole according to the recipe, which each housewife stores in her collection, will be optimal.

Only many dessert lovers take care of their body and are often afraid to use such a dish in their diet. But if you know how many calories are in a curd casserole, then you can see it more often on your desk. We will help to understand the caloric content of this casserole on the example of a popular recipe. After all, the basis of a delicious dish is not one cottage cheese, but many products that can increase the calorie content or make the dish more dietary.

How many calories in a classic cottage cheese casserole?

Product fats (g) proteins (g) carbohydrates (g) kcal
cottage cheese 9% - 500 g 45 83,5 10 795
eggs - 1 pc. 5,12 5,97 0,33 73,8
sugar - 100 g 0 0 99,7 398
sour cream (10%) - 50 g 5 1,5 1,45 57,5
semolina / flour - 100 g 1/1,1 10,3 73,3/68,9 328/334
raisins - 100 g 0,6 2,9 66 264
soda 0 0 0 0
Total: 900 56,72 104,17 250,78/246,38 1916,3/1922,3
100 g dishes 6,3 11,6 27,86/27,37 212,9/213,5

So, the classic cottage cheese casserole contains a little more than 200 Kcal / 100 g. But its calorie content can be reduced if we exclude sour cream and take less cottage cheese.

In a low-fat cottage cheese contains only 110 Kcal / 100 g. Then 100 g of classic cottage cheese casserole will contain only 124.5 Kcal.  And without sour cream - 118 Kcal / 100 g.

Therefore, eating even every day for a small piece of the most delicious curd casserole, you can not be afraid for your figure. And if you add to it

Curd casserole is the most popular dessert of many gourmets. This dish is almost the only delicacy that dieters can afford.

Due to the main ingredient of this dish (cottage cheese), the curd casserole is allowed to eat even with digestive disorders. Cottage cheese does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not increase acidity. In addition, it is a source of organic acids and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. It contains vitamins E, A, PP, H, vitamins of group B. Everyone knows that regular use of cottage cheese improves the condition of nails, hair and teeth. In addition, this fermented milk product has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.

The advantages and disadvantages of cottage cheese casserole

The rather low content of fats in a casserole makes it possible to consider this dish a dietary one. It is perfect for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner. Nutritionists recommend this dessert to those who want to lose weight or, on the contrary, build muscle mass. Muscles need protein, which is found in large amounts in cottage cheese. Therefore, in the case of heavy physical exertion, the calories of the curd casserole give endurance and strength.

In addition, it can be done with different additions, but because it does not get bored. It is worth adding there dried fruits or fresh berries, and cottage cheese casserole will sparkle with new flavors. Moreover, it can serve not only a dessert, but also as a main course. Then add ham, vegetables, cheese or spices to the basic recipe, and the mixture is sent to the oven.

However, even such a seemingly innocuous dish, like cottage cheese casserole, also has contraindications. It can not be used for kidney disease, as well as during a diet that excludes protein.

Cottage cheese casserolerich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 22.2%, vitamin B2 - 11.1%, choline - 12.5%, vitamin B12 - 23.3%, vitamin PP - 12.3%, calcium - 12 , 7%, phosphorus - 20.9%, cobalt - 25%, selenium - 37.3%

The usefulness of cottage cheese casserole

  • Vitamin A  responsible for normal development, reproductive function, healthy skin and eyes, maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2  participates in redox reactions, contributes to the increase in color susceptibility by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, a violation of light and twilight vision.
  • Choline  it is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins, are involved in blood formation. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP  participates in the redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by a disturbance of the normal state of the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.
  • Calcium  is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus  takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Cobalt  part of the vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Selenium  - an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, is involved in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spinal column and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombustion.
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A complete guide to the most useful products you can see in the application.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cottage cheese casserole is a classic dish, the most useful alternative to fresh cottage cheese. Curd casseroles were mandatory on the kindergarten menu, and it is not surprising that, in order to avoid the poisonings that are possible with the use of low-quality dairy products, they were subjected to heat treatment, at which the main beneficial properties of the product were preserved. Ideally, the cottage cheese casserole should have a ruddy crust from light beige to dark golden color and a white core, dense but airy consistency. The taste of casseroles depends on the amount of sugar or additives, many prepare cottage cheese casseroles with condensed milk, and some - without sugar.

Calorie curd pancakes

Calorie curd casserole is 168 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of cottage cheese casserole

In the composition of the product are almost all the vitamins, there is, which is necessary for the body, especially for those who for some reason do not eat. Cottage cheese casserole saves virtually all the amount contained in the original curd. Therefore, cottage cheese casserole is useful for children during the active growth of teeth and bones, for elderly people and nursing moms, because fresh cottage cheese often causes digestive problems in babies.

Harm of cottage cheese casserole

Cottage cheese casserole can provoke allergic reactions in people with lactose intolerance and gluten.

There are a great variety of recipes for making curd puddings, usually each housewife has her own, proven, tested and repeatedly tested version. There are some rules, observing which, you can achieve unsurpassed taste of cottage cheese casserole.

Cottage cheese for baking should be fat, if it is wet, you need to put it on gauze and in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. The finer and more homogenous the curd will be, the more luxuriant the casserole will turn out, so the curd can be rubbed through a sieve or whipped with a mixer. for casserole, it is better to whisk separately, to a stable foam and then injected to the curd. It is recommended to use for cooking casseroles small, so it dissolves faster (calorizator). Cunning, recipes and options for fillers can be found in our article.

Cottage Cheese Casserole

Casserole is a versatile dish, it is served hot and cold, complemented with sour cream, jelly, jam, berry sauces or fresh berries. You can make a savory curd casserole by adding pasta, vegetables or cereals.

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Cottage cheese casserole is a dish that has been loved by many since childhood. As we get older, we do not stop loving him, and having learned its benefits for our body, we try to prepare it for our children. Due to the main ingredient, the food is distinguished not only by excellent taste, but also by a huge amount of useful substances.


Cottage cheese not only strengthens the skeletal system, but also contributes to its rapid growth, which is very important for a growing children's organism, and for people of all ages. All thanks to the high content of calcium in it. But besides this useful ingredient, the curd also contains sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and fluorine. In addition, it contains vitamin D, which is excellent for digesting calcium.

It contains organic acids, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the human body. Daily use of this dairy product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system, nails, hair. It is allowed to enter into the diet, even those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, because it does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not increase the acidity

But the most interesting thing in this product is the substance - casein. It is this substance helps to feel long-term satiety. Do not forget about the good bacteria that contribute to the normalization of not only digestion, but also the intestinal microflora. It is not by chance that people recommend it to people after a long period of taking antibiotics.

This product, practically, has no contraindications, and therefore is considered harmless. The only exception may be the individual intolerance of milk-containing products.

The nutritional value

Many do not like casseroles, considering this dish is very high in calories. Some believe that you need to cook it only with semolina, so that calorie content is less. But this is a misconception. In fact, the caloric content of flour and semolina is almost the same, although the benefits of them are different:

  • flour - 342 kcal
  • semolina - 328 kcal

If you want to reduce caloric intake using semolina, then you need to say that this will almost not affect the energy value of the dish. The only thing will depend on the composition of the taste of the casserole. With the decoy, it turns out more gentle and airy. And since both of these products are made from wheat, then their nutritional value will be almost the same.

A dish can be a tasty and satisfying breakfast or a light dinner. Of course, it will be interesting to know how many calories it contains. Food refers to dietary products, because its energy value is not too high.

The average caloric content is 186-240 kcal per 100 g, depending on the fat content of the curd:

  • Calorie content - 168-240 kcal;
  • Proteins - 17.58 g;
  • Fat 4.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 14.23 g.

How to reduce calorie

To make this favorite dish more useful and dietary you just need to add the right products to its composition, for example, carrots. Rubbed on a fine grater and pressed, it will not bring excess moisture, but add value. In addition, then the casserole will turn out very beautiful golden-orange color.

Instead of carrots, you can use a pumpkin. Moreover, both of these vegetables are very sweet, which means that the sugar in the recipe can be used less.

Who does not want to mess with vegetables, can add fresh or frozen fruits or berries: apples, cherries, black or red currants, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. Sugar can be replaced with a ground banana, so it will be much tastier and healthier.

Those who follow the figure and want to significantly reduce the number of calories should prepare a dish of low-fat cottage cheese, without eggs. You can diversify the taste by adding dry or fresh fruit to the curd mass.

So even those who are on a diet can eat such a dish, but not more than 2-3 servings per day (300-400 g).