Currant recipe with sugar without cooking. Blackcurrant mashed with sugar for the winter

15.05.2019 Lean dishes

Probably almost everyone heard about the beneficial properties of blackcurrant. Jam, jam or tea from these berries must be present in the diet during the period of mass epidemics of SARS and influenza. After all, currants contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to increase the body's defense against infections. However, in addition to cooking, there is another way of harvesting currants for the winter, preserving the maximum amount of vitamins. It is about a fresh berry, grated with sugar.

About the benefits of goodies

100 grams (approximately three quarters of a glass) of currant berries contains double daily intake of vitamin C, almost half the norm of cobalt and molybdenum. Berries are also rich in dietary fiber, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium and calcium.
  In addition to the valuable vitamin and mineral composition, they are famous for others useful properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • general strengthening;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • diuretic.

Many housewives prefer to cook jam for the winter. However, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins disappear. The cooking technology that allows them to be kept in maximum concentration is called “cold jam” - while the berries are not boiled, they are ground with sugar. The process is quite simple, takes a little time and a minimum of effort; even an inexperienced cook will cope with it. At the same time, the delicacy turns out to be no less tasty and fragrant than jam or jam.
  We suggest that you verify this using one of the recipes described below.

Did you know? In England, in the late 1930s, a blackcurrant drink called Ribena appeared. During the Second World War, it was actively delivered to children's educational institutions and hospitals in order to fill the deficiency of vitamin C. Today, the drink is popular among European drivers who have paid attention to its other useful property - increased tone.

Preparation of currant berries

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the raw materials and containers in which it will be stored.

To begin with, the fruits must be carefully examined and selected spoiled, damaged, stained, rotten, with a musty smell. The process should be given maximum attention, since even one rotten berry can cause damage to the whole dessert.

The next step is the removal of the stalks and twigs.

Then the currant should be washed under running water, preferably twice. It’s best to do this by separating small portions and putting them in a colander. After that, the fruits need to be thoroughly dried, spread out in one layer on a baking sheet, tray or large dish.

Important! It is only necessary to start preparing the dessert after the berries have completely dried out. Otherwise, the product may ferment.

Can preparation

Cans should be washed thoroughly with soda and dried. Inspect for chips and cracks; remove damaged containers. Then sterilize the remaining ones.

The fastest and most convenient way to sterilize is to place glass containers in microwave. They are put there for two to three minutes in full power mode. This should be done with the infusion of a small amount of water into them. They do not need to be closed during sterilization.

Then the banks must be dried. The lids should be scalded with boiling water and dried.

Video: sterilizing cans in the microwave

Recipe number 1

This recipe is very simple - you only need two ingredients, a minimal set of inventory and just one day time. It is better to start cooking in the evening, as the dessert will need to be infused for 10-12 hours. It is better to leave it to insist at night, in cooler conditions. Thus, it will be possible to make jam that does not ferment or mold.

From one kilo of berries you get about three half-liter jars of jam.

Kitchen tools

Care should be taken to ensure that the necessary utensils and appliances are at hand. We will need:

  • deep bowl for berries and chopped mashed potatoes (capacity depends on the number of fruits);
  • a blender or meat grinder;
  • a spoon.


To prepare currant jam without heat treatment, you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.

Cooking method

Step-by-step cooking technology consists of 10 stages:

Video: cooking grated currants with a blender

Important! Currants should not be consumed regularly and in large quantities by people who have a history of thrombophlebitis, increased stomach acid, an acute ulcer, hepatitis, heart attack, and stroke. Carefully  hershould be eaten by pregnant women and children.

Recipe number 2

This recipe uses more granulated sugar. For chopping berries, a meat grinder is used. For lack of it, the fruits can be frayed with a wooden spoon or rolling pin in any non-metallic container or through a sieve. Some housewives claim that in contact with the metal, currants lose some of their valuable substances.

From one kilo of currant, grated, according to this recipe, four half-liter jars of dessert should be obtained.

Kitchen tools

To make jam without boiling according to this recipe you should have:

  • meat grinder or blender;
  • deep capacity;
  • a wooden spoon.


Dessert is made from:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method

The cooking technology is as follows:

Video: cooking grated currants with a meat grinder

Where to store the workpiece

The product can be stored until next spring. However, an important condition for long and successful storage is the observance of the necessary conditions. Immediately after placing the dessert in jars, it should be sent to the shelf in the refrigerator, cellar or in another cool place with air temperature from 3 ° C to 8 ° C. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate and become unusable. The lower the temperature, the longer this dessert can be stored.

Fresh black currants are slightly acidic (from an overabundance of the most useful vitamin C in it), but mixed with sugar it acquires a completely different, incomparable taste and aroma. Each mistress has her own secrets of preparing blackcurrant blanks for the winter. We have collected the best recipes for you: jam without boiling, five minutes, jam and jelly; and how to close a delicious compote without much hassle, we will also tell in our article.

Why does everyone love blackcurrant?

Of all types of currants, black is the most useful. Compared to white or red, its taste is a bit harsh, but what a flavor it radiates! How many useful things it contains! In addition to vitamin C, the content of which blackcurrant even surpassed citrus fruits, it has many other trace elements, carotenoids, organic acids, tannins and essential oils. And all this, due to the practical absence of oxidizing enzymes in it, is well preserved even during heat treatment of berries.

Blackcurrant contains a huge amount of useful elements

So, blackcurrant preparations for the winter are made not only for the sake of obtaining a delicious tea supplement, but also for additional vitaminization of the body and recovery in the winter-spring period. Currant jam, along with raspberry, is the best suited for the preparation of vitamin teas. Such warm drinks contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient with influenza or other colds, saturating the body with ascorbic acid and thereby supporting the patient’s immunity. The use of currants in any form is recommended for atherosclerosis, anemia, cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.

Advice! It is best to collect blackcurrant berries for the winter during the period of their full ripeness, but not overriding. Every day, unripe ripe berries catastrophically lose their vitamin C accumulated over the season.

Raw Blackcurrant Harvesting Recipe

Of course, it is best to eat blackcurrant berries fresh, without sugar and heat treatment, to get the most out of this vitamin storehouse. With proper packaging, berries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 35 days. To do this, they need to be placed chilled in plastic bags or in special boxes. A good option for long-term storage of blackcurrant is freezing or drying berries. But the most popular way to prepare healthy currants for the winter is to close it with sugar, but without cooking.

Blanks without cooking will retain all the useful properties of currants for the whole winter

The most reliable and proven recipe for the so-called raw jam, we will tell you right now. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • select large berries, prepare them properly. That is, to sort out, get rid of dry leaves and twigs, other garbage;
  • then rinse in a colander under running water, spread on a towel, dry dry;
  • grind the berries in a meat grinder or knock in a blender until smooth;
  • the next step is to mix the currants with sugar. The jam will be raw, so you need to take sugar more than the usual norm - 1.5 or 2 kg per 1 kg of currant. It must immediately be stipulated that dissolving such a large amount of sugar in the currant mass will not be easy. So you have to be patient, stirring the mixture until there are no sugar grains;
  • only after making sure that the sugar has completely melted, you can lay out the aromatic thick ruby \u200b\u200bmixture in sterile jars.

Jars for preserving jam must be thoroughly washed and sterilized

You can go the other way, simpler. Put the mass on a low light, stir it constantly and control the heating. Under the influence of temperature, sugar will disperse much faster. Thus, it will be possible to save time, while sacrificing a certain amount of vitamins in the resulting workpiece.

Jam "Five minutes" - fast and tasty

This recipe is for those who do not have time for long preparations. The name of the jam speaks for itself - the result will be in five minutes from the beginning of the process:

  1. Cook syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Add the berries (1 kg) of black currant to it, boil for 5 minutes (after boiling).
  3. Pour into jars. Close with tin lids.

Harvesting for the winter "Five Minute" is ready!

You can add less sugar to a five-minute jam, but then you will need to store it in the refrigerator

Advice! Shriveled berries in the Five Minute Jam may not look very aesthetically pleasing. But there is a secret: before cooking, try dipping them in boiling water (for a couple of minutes) and throw them in a colander, and then lower them into syrup.

Royal recipe from our grandmothers

According to this recipe, you can cook “Royal” jam not only from currants, but also from cherries. Here you do not need to weigh the ingredients, guess their number. Components are placed gradually according to a certain scheme:

  1. Boil 0.5 tbsp. water with 1 tbsp. sugar, after which add 1 tbsp. currants. Boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Five minutes later, add another 1 tbsp. sugar and currants, and again boil for 5 minutes. This way you can add the ingredients every 5 minutes until they run out.
  3. Boil the last batch for 5 minutes, pour into hot jars. Roll up.

Different types of desserts can be made from blackcurrant

Thanks to the unusual cooking technology, the berries are obtained not in juice, but in real jelly. Try it, very tasty!

Winter currant jam and jam

Jam according to this recipe differs from the classic one due to the citrus note in it. Everything is extremely simple: sugar and currants are taken at 1 kilogram, plus 1 lemon. Skip the berries and citrus (seedless) through a meat grinder, mix with sugar. Cook for half an hour, getting rid of the foam along the way, and then roll up.

Lemon gives currant jam an interesting aroma

You can make jam, not jam. According to this recipe, it will turn out thick and saturated. It is tasty not only on a sandwich, but also as a filling for baking. Currants, crushed in a blender, mixed with sugar. The proportion is 1: 2. Then you need to perform the following actions 3 times: boil for 15 minutes, stirring, and set aside to cool. Boil before pouring, pour into sterile jars, close.

How to cook jelly from blackcurrant

Jelly can be made from any berry, but blackcurrant is perfect for this purpose. It contains a substance called pectin, which contributes to the gelation of the juice. If for the preparation of jelly from other berries it is necessary to add a bag of gelatin or pectin, then currants do not need additional stimulation.

To prepare jelly for the winter, only currant juice is needed. You can use a juice cooker to get it. If it is not there, then you will have to work hard. Currant berries are poured with a small amount of water (100-150 g) and boiled until soft. Then they are rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the skin and bones.

The “right” currant jelly turns out as thick and elastic as marmalade

Further actions are as follows:

  • boiled mass boil over medium heat for 10 minutes;
  • add sugar in the ratio of 1: 1 and mix quickly;
  • boil for another 5 minutes;
  • pour into cans, but do not roll up;
  • cool, roll, refrigerate.

Only a week later, the jelly from the refrigerator can be transferred to the pantry or cellar, where it will be stored.

Proven recipes for currant compote for the winter

Blackcurrant compote turns out to be very beautiful, dark ruby \u200b\u200bin color. There are several recipes by which you can close the compote for the winter, and we will now share them with you.

One of them is very simple: pour three glasses of prepared dried berries, 1-1.5-2 tbsp., Into a three-liter bottle thoroughly washed with soda. sugar (the amount may vary depending on taste), 1 tsp citric acid. Pour all this with boiling water, roll up and wrap it up for 8 hours (overnight). Correctly covered banks will not cool down during this time, they will remain hot.

Currant compote not only quenches thirst, but also is a great drink for desserts

For those who do not like to use citric acid, you can offer a similar recipe for winter harvesting, but without it: berries and sugar are poured with boiling water and sterilized in three-liter jars for 20 minutes (from the moment of boiling water), and then rolled up. This compote tastes like freshly cooked summer.

We hope that our recipes for blackcurrant for the winter will be your favorite and take pride of place in the family cookbook.

Blackcurrant jam recipe: video

Blanks of black currant for the winter: photos

Blackcurrant bushes are found in almost every garden plot. Indeed, the clusters of this dark berry are literally “stuffed” with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, B, E, P, carotene, pectin, essential oil, phosphoric acid, potassium salts, iron, phosphorus - the chemical composition of blackcurrant contains many useful substances. In the summer season, housewives must make preparations to provide the family with this useful healing berry in the winter. How is blackcurrant preserved? Winter recipes can be chosen for every taste - without cooking, with and without sugar, five-minute jam, jelly, compote. Frozen berry or grated with sugar, due to the lack of heat treatment, retains its beneficial properties for a long time. A real “piece” of summer in the midst of winter cold! Discover new ones and remember proven recipes for the preparations - and all year round you can enjoy amazing desserts.

Fresh black currants for the winter without cooking with sugar - a simple recipe with step by step photos

It is known that in the process of cooking, berries lose a significant part of nutrients, especially important for the body in winter. So, vitamin C during heat treatment has the property of completely collapsing - as a result, you get "empty", although tasty jam. However, you can grind black currants with sugar for the winter, which will become a real “pharmacy” in case of colds. Well, for preventive purposes, such a berry is also useful for both children and adults. The recipe for “raw” jam is extremely simple, and cooking takes a minimum of time - with the help of step-by-step photos you will quickly learn all the culinary “wisdom”.

Ingredients for blackcurrant recipe with sugar without boiling:

  • currant berries
  • sugar

A step-by-step description of the preparation of fresh blackcurrant with sugar for the winter:

  1. My currant, we sort out from the garbage and pour it on a towel to dry.

  2. Grind the dried berries with a blender or through a meat grinder. In the first option, it is better to use nozzles-knives made of plastic.

  3. Sugar is added in portions, in the process of crushing berries.

  4. The result should be a homogeneous mass of berries and sugar, which is poured into a glass or enameled container.

  5. While the berry mixture cools, we will prepare cans - they need to be sterilized, and the lids - boiled. We spread the berry mass in clean, dry jars, cover with lids and put on the shelf of the refrigerator.

In this form, berries can be stored for up to six months. Bon Appetit!

Blackcurrant for winter - five-minute jam recipe

The advantage of five-minute jam is that it cooks very quickly and the berries do not have time to undergo a long heat treatment. Therefore, all useful substances and vitamins are stored almost in full, which is especially important if blackcurrant is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Take our recipe on the note - and in winter you will always have at your fingertips a reliable and effective means of combating seasonal colds. And so, what a delicious!

Essential ingredients for the preparation of five-minute blackcurrant jam:

  • blackcurrant berries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 250 m

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for five-minute currant jam for the winter:

  1. We sort the berries from the leaves, branches and stalks. Rinse under running water and sprinkle on a clean kitchen towel.
  2. We take an enameled pan with a thick bottom and pour water. Pour sugar, mix thoroughly and put on a small fire. During cooking, stir constantly until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. After this, you need to boil the syrup for another 5 - 7 minutes, and then add the berries. Bring to a boil again, not forgetting to remove the foam. Cook for about 5 minutes.
  4. We pour hot “quick” jam into prepared sterilized jars and roll them up. When the jars are completely cooled, take them to a cool place for storage.

Blackcurrant with honey for the winter - an interesting prescription for jam

Like blackcurrant, honey has long been considered a panacea for many colds. And the combination of these products will become a real vitamin “bomb” and “thunderstorm” to all ailments. As for the taste, you will be struck by the unusual velvety-honey flavor of jam. Try to make a blank for the winter according to this recipe - you get an interesting and useful “mix”.

The list of ingredients for honey-currant jam for the winter:

  • blackcurrant berries - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • honey - 2 tsp
  • pure drinking water - 1 cup

Step-by-step instructions for preparing blackcurrant jam and honey for the winter:

  1. We sort the berries, rinse under running cold water.
  2. To make syrup, add sugar to the pan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add honey according to the recipe. Do not forget to stir constantly, bring to a boil.
  4. Pour the berries in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes, removing the foam. Remove the jam from the fire and wait until it cools completely.
  5. Pour the cooled jam into clean, sterilized jars and roll it up. Harvesting for the winter is placed for a day in a warm place, and then transferred to the pantry. The best treat for tea!

Tasty blackcurrant jelly for the winter - recipe

Many people like the taste of jelly, especially in the form of sweet desserts. Blackcurrant jelly, prepared according to our recipe, has an exquisite delicate taste and unique aroma of ripe berries. Open a jar of this preparation in the winter and spread it on a slice of white bread - you will get a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Jelly is best combined with hot tea or milk. Amazingly delicious!

Ingredients for currant jelly for the winter:

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 750 gr.

Step-by-step description of blackcurrant jelly recipe:

  1. Berries, peeled from twigs and leaves, washed under running water and let the liquid drain.
  2. Pour into a blender bowl and chop.
  3. Using a special crush, rub the berries through a sieve. This can significantly reduce the amount of oilcake at the exit (useful for cooking compote from black currant).
  4. We weigh the resulting puree to calculate the required amount of sugar - it requires 10 - 20% more. Pour half the sugar in mashed potatoes, stir and bring to a boil.
  5. Remove the pan and, gently stirring, pour the remaining sugar into it. The berry mass begins to "turn" into jelly.
  6. It remains to shift the finished jelly into clean jars and you can roll it up. Cover with a blanket and wait for cooling. Then we transfer the jars to a cool place where they “safely” remain until the winter.

Blackcurrant for winter - recipe for freezing

The most convenient, fast and profitable way to harvest blackcurrant for the winter. Vitamins and nutrients in frozen berries are stored just fine. In addition, bags can be stored in the most secluded corners of the freezer.

Ingredients for freezing blackcurrant:

  • fresh berries
  • bags or containers

The procedure for freezing blackcurrant berries for the winter:

  1. We sort the berries and wash under running water.
  2. We lay out on a towel until completely dry.
  3. After drying, sprinkle the berries in bags and containers - in portions.

In winter, we defrost the package and use the contents wherever we want - in pies, cook stewed fruit or fresh “quick” jam. Plenty of room for culinary imagination!

Blackcurrant for the winter - recipe video recipe

Cooking delicious blackcurrant jam according to the "grandmother's" recipe - using our video.

How is blackcurrant prepared for the winter? The recipes of the blanks are striking in variety - without cooking, with and without sugar, five-minute jam, compote, jelly. Or you can just freeze fresh blackcurrants or grind with sugar. In any case, you will get a deliciously delicious dessert that your loved ones will appreciate.

For the winter, from blackcurrant recipes offer to make cooking in a pan or in a slow cooker, jams, jams, jellies and compotes. The methods of harvesting delicious berries without sugar and other sweeteners, both artificial and natural, are very popular. Many housewives like to simply grind the currants with sugar and in such a way lay out in banks, preserving not only a great fresh taste, but also a maximum of useful substances that make up the composition. Some simply freeze ripe berries, and on cold winter days they get them out of the freezer and put them in vitamin drinks, fruit drinks or homemade cakes. All the most successful recipes for winter preparations and blackcurrant jam we have collected in this article. Cook with pleasure and delight your family and friends with delicious and healthy homemade treats.

Blackcurrant for the winter - five-minute jam, recipe with photo

Jam "five minutes" of black currant is very beneficial to harvest for the winter. The berry in this embodiment is not subjected to too long a heat treatment and in the maximum volume retains its unsurpassed taste and rich, healthy composition. On cold winter days, a fruit treat will help strengthen immunity, protect against aggressive viruses and saturate the body with natural vitamins and valuable, natural substances.

Five Minute Jam Ingredients for the Winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 250 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook jam "five-minute" for the winter

Fresh black currants for winter without cooking - recipe with sugar

This recipe tells how to prepare black currants for the winter without cooking, in order to preserve the maximum useful properties in it. The berries are not boiled, but simply rubbed with sugar, packed in sterilized jars and corked with ordinary plastic lids. The fruit mass has a fresh, truly summer taste and fully saturates the body with valuable substances and trace elements.

Ingredients for the recipe for harvesting fresh berries without cooking for winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions for preparing currants without cooking for winter

  1. Carefully sort ripe fruits, remove leaves and twigs, wash them very well and put them in a colander so that all the moisture in the glass.
  2. Divide the fruit into two equal parts. Fold one immediately in a basin, grind the second in a blender and add to whole berries.
  3. Pour granulated sugar, gently mix with a wooden spatula and leave for 30 minutes so that the sugar crystals are absorbed into the currant juice.
  4. Pour fruit mass into dry, sterilized jars. Dip the nylon caps in boiling water and quickly put on the neck.
  5. Store jars with fresh currants without boiling, grated with sugar, in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

Blackcurrant for the winter without sugar - jam recipe

Making black currants in this way will surely appeal to those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and follow the figure. The berry prepared according to this recipe retains its natural color, natural taste and bright, natural aroma, but contains a minimum of calories. Such a delicacy can be eaten year-round without any restrictions even to people who are prone to accumulate excess weight and suffering from diabetes.

Ingredients for Sugar-Free Harvest Recipe for Winter

  • black currant

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare sugar-free blackcurrants for winter

  1. Sort the berries, free from twigs and leaves, very carefully wash and dry on a kitchen towel.
  2. With clean, dry berries, fill the sterilized jars to the shoulders and put in a water bath.
  3. Warm containers on low heat. When the fruit settles, add to the original volume from another jar.
  4. When the sweet dish warms up to 90 ° C, cover with sterile tin lids, roll up quickly, turn upside down, wrap in a blanket and leave until completely cooled. Then put in a cool and dry place currants without sugar for the winter.

Blackcurrant for the winter, recipes for jam preparations in a slow cooker

Cooking blackcurrant according to this recipe in a slow cooker is not difficult. In general, the hostess only needs to prepare the berries, combine them with sugar, wait for the juice to stand out, and then put the sweet fruit mass in the kitchen unit, which will do the rest of the work.

Ingredients for a jam prescription in a slow cooker for winter

  • blackcurrant berries - 1 liter can
  • granulated sugar - 1 liter jar

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a workpiece in a multicooker

  1. Sort the berries, wash, dry, place in a basin, cover with sugar and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, transfer to a multi-cooker bowl, cover, set the “Extinguishing” mode and cook for one hour.
  3. Packed berries in syrup in dry, sterilized jars, roll up, cover with a blanket and cool. Store currant jam in a cool, well-ventilated place until winter.

Blackcurrant for the winter - harvesting compote with cinnamon, the best recipe

Blackcurrant compote cooked according to this recipe turns out to be exquisitely aromatic and very sweet. Cinnamon powder, which is part of the drink, adds a light spicy note to the taste.

Ingredients for the best winter compote recipe

  • water - 1.5 l
  • brown sugar - 150 g
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • currant - 400 g

Step-by-step instructions for the best compote preparation for winter

  1. Heat the water over high heat, add sugar, cinnamon, mix well and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour washed and dried berries into hot sweet syrup, bring to a boil and boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cover and insist for about 30-40 minutes. Serve chilled to the table.

How to freeze black currants for the winter - the best recipe

Freezing is the easiest and most affordable way to harvest blackcurrants for the winter. No other ingredients other than the berries themselves are required for this recipe. This storage option makes it possible to preserve in fruits up to 90% of all useful vitamins and valuable trace elements contained in fresh currants

The best recipe for frozen currants

  • blackcurrant berries

Step-by-step instructions on how to freeze blackcurrants for winter

  1. Sort the raw materials, free from leaves and twigs, wash and dry very well on a paper towel.
  2. Put dry, clean berries in an even dense layer on a kitchen board or a dense cardboard sheet and send to the freezer.
  3. When the currant fruits are well frozen, pour them into any suitable container or plastic bag and leave them in the freezer for storage.

Video recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter

The author of this video offers everyone to cook a delicious blackcurrant jam for the winter. The recipe for a gourmet delicacy is not difficult and does not require too much free time. First, fresh or frozen berry is combined with brown sugar, and then subjected to heat treatment in a pan on the stove and poured into dry, sterilized jars. If you want to simplify the process to a minimum, you can put the sweet fruit mass in the slow cooker and process it in the “Stew” mode for 1.5 hours. The taste will not suffer from this, and you do not even have to stand at the burner and remove the foam. Those who, for health reasons, are forbidden to use too sweet homemade preserves, are recommended to cook black currants without sugar, and use natural stevia as a natural sweetener. Jam cooked in this way is very concentrated and dense. It is quite acceptable to use it as a filling for buns, pies or rolls and put in compotes, drinks and fruit drinks to enhance the taste.

Thanks to the modern variety of recipes and conservation preservation techniques, the variations of each of the usual presets can be counted in dozens. Currant jam is no exception. In modern recipes, the sugary sweetness and viscous consistency faded into the background, they were replaced by the pronounced taste and benefits that the finished product brings. One of the topical recipes for the winter is with sugar, which is prepared without cooking. A great way to save all the vitamins and save yourself from unnecessary trouble.

Redcurrant with sugar without cooking

Remembering a specific recipe in this case is not required, pay attention to the proportions: one part of the berries per one part of sugar for moderate sweetness of the workpiece or more to taste.

Having sorted the berries, clearing them of the remains of the stalks and rinsing well, proceed to chop them. You can mashed the currants without problems in a meat grinder, and if you need to get rid of the smallest remnants of the skin and seeds, simply wipe the mashed potatoes through a sieve.

Pour sugar into the finished berry puree and mix. After covering the jam, let it settle until the sugar crystals dissolve completely, stirring occasionally.

Sterilized jam, of course, is not necessary, we make a completely raw product, but sterilize containers and lids should certainly. Having prepared sterile containers, fill them with jam, roll and store currants with sugar without boiling in the cold.

Recipe for grated currants with sugar without cooking


  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg.


If you intend to leave currants stored at room temperature for the whole winter, or even a whole year, then a much larger amount of sugar will be required, about 2 kg to 1 kg of berries. Due to the high concentration of sugar, such a product will stand on a shelf even without sterilization, although it will be necessary to take time to insist the product before canning.

Sprinkle the currants with sugar in an enamel or glass dish. Rub the berries with a wooden pestle until you break the integrity of each of the berries. Cover the container with future gauze jam and leave everything for at least two days at room temperature. This time is necessary not only in order to completely dissolve the sugar crystals, but also so that the product does not ferment during storage.

When there is no sugar left, raw blackcurrant jam is poured into sterilized cans, a couple of centimeters of granulated sugar is poured on top and all are covered with scalded lids.

Such a product will not only be an excellent winter treat, but will also help fight the first signs of a cold, and will also replenish the need for vitamin C.


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg.


Technically, this recipe cannot be called completely raw, but here we will not cook the berries themselves, but only   currant syrup. In this case, less sugar can be added, and the product will easily survive the whole winter and retain most of its vitamin benefits.

Pour the berries in enameled dishes with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Cover the container with the future jam with a gauze lid and leave it in the cold for half a day. After the lapse of time drain the allocated syrup, place it over the fire and boil for about 5 minutes after boiling. Arrange the berries in and pour hot syrup. Close the jam with the scalded covers immediately. It is not recommended to roll up cans with standard metal lids, since vitamin C is destroyed upon contact with metal. For this reason, it is also forbidden to use metal utensils during the preparation of ingredients.