How to cook oatmeal porridge. How to cook 'Hercules'

14.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Greetings to you my dear visitors on the pages of my culinary blog!

It so happened that a woman is given nature the right to care about the health of her family. Someone agrees with this, and some do not, but this is the law of nature and you will not argue against it, you have to follow it. And the health of any person depends largely on what he eats. And in terms of cooking, women have a huge responsibility for our family. Thank God for the fact that in our difficult world there are a lot of very tasty and healthy dishes. And today I will tell you how to cook oatmeal porridge in milk and then step by step recipe for you with photos. Everyone already knows that oatmeal is good for health, that it contains a lot of nutrients. Then why not take advantage of this gift of nature to maintain health.

Moreover, it is not difficult to cook porridge from rolled oats, even a child can handle it.

I once heard from one "expert" that cereals with milk cause harm to health and believed her. Since then, cooked porridge only on the water. But recently I became interested in the topic of nutrition and I signed up for a course in nutrition and, naturally, asked a question about the question that tormented me.

The question of the benefits of dairy products really worried me. After all, there are so many disputes about milk today. Some argue that milk and dairy products are beneficial and must be eaten. Others, on the contrary, say the exact opposite. I have long rushed from one opinion to another. And then I realized for myself that in this world there is not a single correct opinion. There is my body, my body, and it knows exactly what it needs. Therefore, I decided that I would listen to my body. And if it wants dairy products, I'll give them to him.

It has already been verified that war with one’s own body will not lead to anything good. In this “war”, everyone will lose: you will get a nervous overstrain, and the body will not receive the necessary substances and will gradually begin to collapse. An organism is a single system and if it lacks at least one substance, even if in a small amount, the whole system suffers. Do you need this? Then do not listen to anyone but yourself and your body.

How to cook oatmeal porridge on water


  •   Products
  • Milk - 3 glasses
  •   Hercules - 5-7 tbsp.
  •   Sugar, salt to taste
  •   Butter to taste
  •   On request, dried fruits, nuts, any berries

Step-by-step recipe for cooking oatmeal porridge with milk

Video recipe for cooking oatmeal porridge:

Well, let's start to prepare our milk porridge from hercules. I admit honestly, for a long time I didn’t even guess that hercules should be washed. It always seemed to me that these flakes were already processed and fully ready for use. But once I watched a video about how other people cook this porridge, I heard a woman advise me to wash the flakes. My indignation knew no bounds. I thought, God, what a stupid woman, why make extra gestures when everything is already done for us.

But curiosity is such a thing that does not go away just like that. I did not suffer for a long time and decided to conduct my own experiment. Took and washed cereal. Indeed, a lot of dirt has floated to the surface of the water. And to my great surprise, the oat flakes did not stick together, as I naively believed at the beginning. So, before cooking porridge from rolled oats, be sure to wash it under running water.

After the flakes are washed, pour 3 cups of milk into a saucepan. From the number of products listed in the recipe, I cook porridge for three people and a small dog)))

Add salt, sugar, lay out flakes into milk, mix and set on fire. When the milk boils, reduce the fire to a minimum and periodically stir the boil porridge until cooked.

Surely you are interested in the question of how much to cook oatmeal porridge in milk. The answer is very simple - look at the manufacturer's packaging. I buy rolled oats, which you need to cook for at least 15 minutes.

But I cook porridge for 10 minutes and turn it off. I add butter to the porridge, mix it with a spoon until it is completely dissolved, and cover the saucepan with the lid and leave the porridge to stand for 10-15 minutes.

That's all, oatmeal porridge, cooked in milk is ready. Now we pour it into plates and serve it to the table. If you strictly monitor your health and do not eat white sugar, then sweet dried fruits (raisins, prunes or dates) can be added to the porridge. Thanks to dried fruit porridge turns out not less tasty than with sugar. My kids just can't stand raisins, so I add some sugar.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Hercules porridge with milk is a wonderful breakfast, because such food allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger until dinner. Oatmeal is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, and besides, the dishes from it are very tasty. Sweet porridge can be supplemented with vegetables, fruits or nuts, and in this section we will look at the various recipes for the preparation of this dish.

Hercules porridge on milk - a classic recipe

When cooking porridge must comply with certain proportions. The mass of cereals should be half the volume of the liquid.

In the classic version of the dish is made from such products:

  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.25 kg "Hercules";
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • piece of butter.

The calorie content of the dish will be about 180 kcal, depending on the amount of added butter and the fat content of milk.

How to cook porridge on milk:

  1. Pour the milk into the pan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  2. Pour oat flakes, put salt and sugar. How much to cook porridge, depends on the type of cereal. As a rule, this information is indicated on the packaging.
  3. After cooking, add the butter, stir and give the dish a little brew.

Attention! To breakfast is not burnt, after adding oatmeal porridge will need to interfere almost continuously.

Cooking recipe with added water

Porridge on milk from "Hercules" is very nutritious, but it can be made less saturated by adding water.

To prepare such a dish, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 0.3 liters of milk;
  • 0.3 l of purified water;
  • 0.25 - 0.3 kg of oatmeal flakes;
  • sugar and some salt;
  • butter.

Cooking porridge porridge step by step:

  1. Boil water, pour "Hercules" and boil for a few minutes.
  2. Pour in milk, pour in sugar and salt, wait for the dish to boil, often stirring.
  3. Flavor the porridge with butter, stir until it dissolves, and then let the breakfast stand for a while under the lid.

On a note. To give the food a pleasant aroma, you can add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon.

How to cook "Hercules" in the slow cooker

You can cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker with the addition of dried fruit. This dish will be tasty, rich and nutritious. In this case, the ratio of liquid to croup should be slightly less than 2: 1.

For work you will need the following products:

  • 0.7 liters of milk;
  • 0.3 kg of cereal;
  • 150 g of prunes or dried apricots;
  • sugar and salt;
  • cinnamon.
  • piece of butter.

Cooking "Hercules" with dried fruit in a slow cooker:

  1. Soak dried fruit in cold water for a quarter of an hour, then dry and, if necessary, grind.
  2. Put the dried apricots or prunes in the bowl of the slow cooker, pour in flakes, sugar and salt, pour in the milk and set the mode of cooking porridge.
  3. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon and butter, stir the dish, and then close the lid again and let it stew for a while.

Tip To “Hercules” is guaranteed not to burn to the bowl, before filling the ingredients, rub it with butter or vegetable oil.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin is not only tasty, but also useful, and oatmeal with the addition of this melon culture will surely appeal to adults and toddlers.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 0.35 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.75 liters of milk;
  • 0, 35 kg of oatmeal flakes;
  • some vanilla;
  • sugar and a little salt.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with oatmeal:

  1. We cut the pumpkin in small pieces, without removing the skin, and send it in the oven for half an hour.
  2. Peel the pumpkin, cut the flesh into small pieces.
  3. We boil milk on the stove, add flakes, and, while constantly stirring, wait for the first bubbles to appear.
  4. Put pumpkin, sugar, salt and vanilla in porridge. Continue cooking until the cereal is cooked.

On a note. Pumpkin porridge with oatmeal will turn out even tastier if, instead of sugar, add natural honey to it.

Hercules porridge on milk with bananas

To make banana porridge from oat flakes, you need the following products:

  • milk and water in equal shares;
  • flakes "Hercules";
  • banana;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • some salt and sugar;
  • vanilla and cinnamon.

How to make banana porridge from oatmeal flakes:

  1. Fill the raisins with water and let it swell, and then dry it in a colander or on a linen towel.
  2. We boil water, pour oatmeal flakes and wait for boiling.
  3. We introduce milk, banana and raisins crumpled with a fork. We fill the dish with salt, sugar and aromatic spices.
  4. Constantly stirring, we wait until the porridge boils, after which we remove the container from the burner.

When serving, you can decorate the dish with coconut chips or crushed nuts.

Cooking in the microwave

For cooking oatmeal in a microwave, you can take flakes that do not require cooking - this will save time.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • 0.3 liters of milk;
  • 0.15 kg of "Hercules";
  • an Apple;
  • sugar;
  • purified water;
  • salt.

How to cook oatmeal in the microwave with apples and caramel:

  1. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, syrup "Hercules", add some salt.
  2. We put the container in the microwave, close it with a cap and set the heating for 2–3 minutes.
  3. After this period, mix porridge and turn on the device again at the same time. After cooking, do not immediately remove the container, let the dish stand a little under the hood.
  4. While insisting on the next breakfast, we are preparing caramel. To do this, we put the sugar in the pan, pour in a small amount of water and drown it until the mixture changes color.
  5. Add an apple sliced ​​into thin slices into the sugar mass and keep on fire for a few more minutes.

Put the finished porridge in plates, pour over the caramel with apple slices and serve to the table.

With honey and milk

If you make porridge on milk with honey and add walnuts to it, you will get an excellent nutritious breakfast.

For work will be needed:

  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • 0, 4 kg of oatmeal flakes;
  • 0.15 kg of nuts;
  • cinnamon and vanilla;
  • liquid honey to taste.

How to cook honey and nut porridge from oatmeal:

  1. Dilute milk with water, put on the stove and wait for boiling.
  2. Pour the oatmeal flakes into the dish and boil the amount of time indicated on the pack, stirring constantly.
  3. We enter crushed nuts, fragrant spices and liquid honey into porridge. Mix the ingredients and keep on fire for several minutes.

If desired, you can add this dish with fresh or dried fruit, and when serving, decorate with a small amount of grated chocolate.

Oatmeal is considered the most healthy and delicious breakfast that you can cook. Women who eat right, watch their figure, prepare oat-flakes not on milk, but on water. It is important to note that they are doing everything right. Such oatmeal is also great for people with overweight, diabetes and lactose intolerance. Porridge cooked in this way is also recommended for people suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract.

You do not know how to cook porridge on the water? Before you read the recipe, you should understand what the benefits and harm of cereal are, how many calories are in boiled oatmeal. If desired, you can mix the water with milk in equal proportions to make the dish more tender. So that oatmeal porridge on the water does not turn out fresh, the following components are added to it:

  • honey (instead of sugar);
  • berries, fruits: apples and bananas, oranges, pears, blueberries and raspberries;
  • different nuts: hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts, cashews, walnuts;
  • spices: cinnamon, vanilla, ginger;
  • chocolate chips;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs, dates.

First of all, you need to choose the right oatmeal. To do this, carefully examine the packaging. This is necessary in order to understand how much to cook oatmeal porridge. If you use quick-cooking flakes, then you can cook porridge in just two minutes.  As for ordinary flakes, then cook them for about eight minutes. There is a Hercules who does not need cooking, it is enough to pour boiling water on it. However, this type of cereal is less useful - a lot of nutrients and vitamins go in the process of processing flakes.

100 grams of the finished dish contains 91 calories. If you cook on water, the dish turns out not only dietary and useful, but also healing. It can be eaten in case of obesity, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking tricks

  • if you decide to cook the flakes that need to be boiled with boiling water, then after boiling immediately remove the pan from the stove. It is advisable to pour water into hercules, and not vice versa;
  • considering the fact that oatmeal quickly thickens, if you plan to make breakfast in the evening, it is recommended to reduce the number of flakes by 1/3. Thus, you will be able to avoid excessive thickness of the dish;
  • do not stir porridge in the cooking process too often.



1. Prepare all the ingredients according to the recipe. Flakes should be poured into a bowl.

2. Rinse the raisins under warm running water. To do this, use a fine sieve.

3. Next, pour oatmeal with warm water. It is important that the liquid covered the flakes and a half to two centimeters. At the same stage, add the washed raisins. With such porridge, dried apricots and prunes are perfectly combined, as well as healthy dates. The dish is obtained fortified, tasty and very fragrant.

4. Place the pot on the stove. Bring the flakes to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Boil the porridge for four minutes, then remove the pan from the stove. Cover the pan with a lid, let the porridge infuse for a few minutes.

5. Then serve the dish in a la carte plates, after adding a little butter. Despite the fact that oatmeal is cooked in water, it turns out to be tender and very tasty.

6. From above it is necessary to pour porridge with a spoon of liquid honey, this is an excellent and useful alternative to sugar.

7. You can serve oatmeal to the table. This dish will appeal to all your household. If you decorate the dish with pieces of fruit, it will become bright, attractive and appetizing.

Video recipe

The recipe for Hercules is extremely simple. The benefits of this breakfast is indisputable, because thanks to one portion in the morning you can feel energetic throughout the day. In addition, your digestive tract will work like a clock. If you have problems with excess weight, then oatmeal, boiled in water, will help you to say goodbye to him.

“Bunting, sir!” - these words of classic English butlers are found in the works of famous writers of Albion. Yes, oatmeal or oat-flakes is a popular dish that conservative Englishmen prefer to use for breakfast. They know how to cook rolled oats delicious, appreciate it for its beneficial properties and light taste. In oatmeal contains a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, protein. Hercules porridge quickly removes from the body toxins, slags and heavy metals, so it is often offered to hospital patients. Hercules does not lose its beneficial properties even after cooking.

Tips for housewives about to cook oatmeal porridge
  1. For cooking oatmeal choose dishes without enamel.
  2. So that the porridge on the milk does not burn, pour some cold water into the saucepan, only then - milk.
  3. Do you want to cook porridge in the microwave? Fill the oatmeal with milk, send in the microwave for four minutes, periodically turning off the stove to mix the flakes.
  4. And to cook hercules in the oven? Pour the cereal into a ceramic pot, cover it with boiled water, add salt and drop some sugar, cover the pots with lids and then sweat them for half an hour. Lubricate the inside of the pot with butter.
  5. To increase the usefulness of oatmeal, add dried fruit to it: delicious prunes, nutritious dried apricots, raisins, nuts.
  6. Hercules flakes can also be shredded in a simple coffee grinder or a modern blender to add to cutlets or bake cookies.
  7. To cook porridge quickly, experienced housewives are advised to soak the evening and at night a glass of cereal with two glasses of water. And in the morning just add another glass of milk or water to the pan with the swollen mass and immediately put it on the stove. After five minutes, the porridge can be removed. Add a piece of butter to it, close the lid, wait a few minutes.
How to cook dietary oats on water
Fans of diets who want to lose a few extra pounds, often prefer to cook oatmeal porridge on the water without sugar, without salt, without oil. Pour the flakes in the water, which boils, calculating the ratio correctly: for one portion of the oats - two portions of water. Bring to a boil, make a minimum of fire, boil, stirring constantly. Porridge will be ready in fifteen minutes. Wrap a hot dish with a towel, let it stand for about five minutes and then sweat.

You can add some honey and dried fruits to the dish to sweeten the dish a little. Such porridge very quickly removes slags and reduces cholesterol. It is also recommended for patients suffering from depression.

Hercules on milk: favorite cereal of children
If your children do not like to eat porridge, offer them a nourishing and healthy dish: oat-flakes on milk. To make an appetizing porridge, take a glass of cereal, about three glasses of milk, a little water, salt, sugar (you can substitute for honey), butter, and fresh fruit (it is recommended to take dried and frozen fruits in winter).

Pour water on the bottom of the saucepan, add milk. Throw cereal when milk boils, but first put a pinch of sugar and a little salt there. Cook the dish only on the weak fire so that the milk does not run away. Remove the porridge from the stove after 15-20 minutes, then put the butter in the saucepan, wrap the saucepan with a towel. Put the porridge in a beautiful plate, decorated with raisins and dried apricots.

How to cook porridge for a puppy
Popular writer Daria Dontsova, the owner of pugs, in her works suggests giving hercules porridge to puppies. Prepare the meat broth, boil, put the oat-flakes in it (the usual ratio: three cups of broth per glass of cereal). Cook for about three to four minutes. When feeding high-calorie oatmeal, it is recommended to add bran to porridge.

Hercules and porridge: the difference
Often the housewives do not understand that oatmeal and rolled oats are different concepts. Oatmeal is a wholegrain product; in order to make healthy porridge from them, you need to spend forty minutes or more. Hercules is the common commercial name for flakes that are produced by peeling, steaming, and flattening oat grains. In the raw oatmeal, all the vitamins and the necessary trace elements are preserved, which cannot be said about the flakes “Hercules”.

Now in the shops you can see bags of hercules, which do not require boiling. This dish is suitable for food on the road, when you need a quick bite, for the daily menu you can cook porridge from whole oat grains.

Nourishing breakfast and stock up on energy for the whole day - this will help hercules porridge. Traditionally, it is boiled in milk, we will provide the recipe. We will also offer delicious variations so that everyone can choose a dish for themselves. Let's get started!

Oatmeal porridge with milk: "classic"

  • "Hercules" - 90-100 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • high-fat milk - 500-550 ml.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • sugar - 40 gr.

We tell how to cook the most delicious porridge on milk.

1. Pour milk into the refractory for boiling, heat it before boiling. When the composition starts to rise, enter the salt.

2. Immediately behind it pour flakes, stirring the ingredients. Reduce burner power to between average and minimum.

3. Note 10-12 minutes, do not constantly stir the porridge. Do this periodically so that the flakes do not stick together.

4. Approximately 2 minutes before the end of boiling sweeten with sugar in the amount of the recipe (vary to your taste). Also throw oil on and off.

5. Let the dish stand, you can taste it in 10 minutes. In the serving process, supply the porridge with fruit, berries, nuts, or even cookies.

Herculesian porridge with diluted milk

  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • milk - 300 ml.
  • water - 250-300 ml.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flakes - 120 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.

Hercules porridge, cooked completely in milk, is quite nourishing. We offer a recipe with added water to make the dish less saturated.

1. Pour in water, let it boil. Just a couple of minutes, enter the milk, wait for heating. When the first bubbles appear, add salt.

2. Immediately pour the flakes on the boil, mix and reduce power. On a lazy fire, stew a dish for 8-12 minutes, at the end sweeten and turn off.

3. Send a slice of butter inside, cover with a lid and let the porridge stand for about 5 minutes. Taste, sprinkle with nuts or fruit.

Porridge "Hercules" on milk with berries

  • milk - 0.6 l.
  • granulated sugar - 40 g.
  • berries (fresh or frozen) - 2 handfuls
  • "Hercules" - 90-100 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch

Since you can make fragrant oatmeal porridge with berries in milk, please yourself with a tasty dish.

1. Warm the milk in a skillet, let it rise and add salt. Enter flakes, languish them on lazy fire for about 8-12 minutes.

2. Finally, supply the dish with sweetener, stir and turn off. Add maslitse.

3. If the berries are frozen, immediately throw them into the pan and cover with a lid. Insist 10 minutes and try.

4. When adding fresh fruits, they must be washed and introduced into the oatmeal porridge with milk just before serving. Here is a simple recipe.

Milk oatmeal porridge in a multicooker

  • flakes - 180 gr.
  • milk - 650 ml.
  • dried apricots / prunes - 2 handfuls
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • cinnamon powder - 2 pinch
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • butter - 30 gr.

Hercules porridge in a multicooker, flavored with dried fruit and cinnamon, is cooked with milk. Tasty and nutritious!

1. Regardless of the choice made (prunes or dried apricots), they should be soaked and dried. Next, chop the dried fruit and send in a buttered multi-bowl.

2. Prepare the multicooker for work. Set the function “Porridge” or “Milk Porridge” with a duration of 20 minutes.

3. Pour milk into dried fruits, add sweetener, cinnamon powder, salt, flakes and mix.

4. When the timer signals the end of cooking, open the appliance, throw in the oil and close. You can hold a tasting after a quarter of an hour.

Hercules porridge in the microwave

  • apple - 1 pc.
  • milk - 0.3 l.
  • "Hercules" - 1 glass
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • granulated sugar
  • filtered water

Hercules porridge is cooked with milk simply. In this case, consider the recipe in the microwave.

1. Put the instant oatmeal in a deep bowl. Pour in milk. Salt if necessary. Send a cup in the microwave and cover with a special lid. Heat a couple of minutes.

2. Stir the porridge and repeat the procedure. After the signal, leave the container with the contents in the microwave for a while. Start cooking caramel.

3. Pour sugar into the pan and pour in some water. Melt the grains to a characteristic amber color. Add apple slices here. Protome a few more minutes.

4. Serve the cooked porridge on the plate. Pour caramel syrup with apple over it. Enjoy.

Porridge "Hercules" with nuts in the oven

  • peanuts, walnuts - 40 gr.
  • "Hercules" - 0.1 kg.
  • medium-fat milk - 0.5 l.
  • granulated sugar - 50 gr.

Hercules porridge, cooked in milk in the oven, acquires unusual notes. Consider the detailed recipe.

1. The prepared kernels of nutlets crush in a large crumb. Grease 2 small earthenware pots with butter. Pour into a dish of 50 gr. flakes. Add 25 gr. Sahara.

2. Also, add the nut mix in equal quantities. Pour in milk. Send the molds to the preheated oven. Cook for a third of an hour at 160 degrees.

3. Turn off the oven and cover the pots. Insist some time. Carefully serve delicacy in pottery.

Milk oatmeal porridge with honey

  • filtered water - 0.3 l.
  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • nuts - 120 gr.
  • Hercules - 0.4 kg.
  • honey, vanilla, cinnamon

It is easy to understand how to cook Hercules porridge with milk. Consider the process in more detail.

1. Mix water and milk, boil. Pour the cereal and cook for 10 minutes. Do not forget to stir.

2. Then add nut chips, honey and spices. Stir the ingredients and simmer for a few more minutes. You can serve at the table.

Porridge "Hercules" with bananas

  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk, water - 200 ml.
  • raisins - 1 zmenya
  • "Hercules" - 0.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon, vanilla

Consider how your porridge is cooked with bananas in milk. The recipe is simple.

1. Fill the raisins with water for swelling. Then remove excess moisture. Take the water according to the recipe and boil it. Pour the cereal. Wait for re-boiling.

2. Then pour in the milk, add the raisins and mashed banana. At the same stage, add the necessary spices.

3. Stir the porridge and cook for a few more minutes. Remove from heat. You can try.

Milk oatmeal porridge with pumpkin

  • milk - 0.7 l.
  • pumpkin pulp - 0.3 kg.
  • Hercules - 0.25 kg.
  • sugar - 40 gr.
  • vanillin - 2 shchipi

1. Bake the pumpkin pieces in the oven. Boil the milk and add the oatmeal. Stir systematically.

2. With the advent of the first bubbles, toss the pumpkin, vanilla, and sugar. Boil until cooking flakes (8-12 minutes).

Hercules porridge is boiled on milk in different ways. However, the classic recipe is always the place to be. The best dish to serve for breakfast. Thus, you are guaranteed to charge the body with energy for the whole day.