Prepare jam from apples. Step-by-step recipe with photos

15.05.2019 Buffet table

Apple jam - almost universal recipe, you can roll it up, have a cup of tea with it, or cook pies with it, any other pastries.

Apple jam at home - a simple recipe

The basic jam recipe does not require a large number of ingredients.

Required Products:

  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • two and a half pounds of apples.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin, prepare the fruit. They need to be well washed, remove the skin and the fact that in the middle, as it is hard, bones.
  2. Now cut into small pieces of fruit should be brought to the soft. This can be done in a hot oven - 20 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees or just boil them in water.
  3. We shift in a deep bowl and turn into a mash with a sieve or blender.
  4. Mix with the specified amount of sugar and put on the stove. Keep on fire until the consistency becomes more transparent and does not cease to spread. In the process of cooking it is desirable to constantly stir it. The finished product can be ordered for the winter or stored for storage in the refrigerator.

How to cook in a slow cooker for the winter?

Jam in the slow cooker is prepared no more difficult than the basic recipe.

Required Products:

  • half a small spoonful of citric acid;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • two kilograms of apples;
  • a little more than a liter of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Fruits must be washed and peeled, which should not be thrown out, but folded in a separate container. Do not forget to remove all the excess from the core of the apples.
  2. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit into the multicooker bowl and pour 250 milliliters of water. Set the mode of "Quenching" for 30 minutes.
  3. While this process is underway, we pour the skins from apples with 500 milliliters of water and keep it on fire for about 20 minutes, after which we squeeze and get fragrant apple broth.
  4. Fruits turn into a puree and combine with citric acid, previously diluted in 150 milliliters of water.
  5. Pour sugar into this mass and pour broth from the rind.
  6. Cooking in a slow cooker, setting the mode "Quenching" for 60 minutes. Jam spread in banks, roll them. Keep in cool.

Thick apple jam

Tip! To cook apple jam of sufficient thickness, you just need to hold it longer on the stove.

Required Products:

  • 500 grams of apples and the same amount of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Cleans the fruit from the skin, cut into small pieces.
  2. At the bottom of the pot, pour in water and inject apples on top. Stew until they are soft. Then, using a blender, mash them.
  3. Pour sugar into the mass and put it on the stove again. Constantly stirring, bring the jam to the desired consistency. If it seems to you that it is not thick enough, hold it for a while on the fire, but do not use artificial thickeners.
  4. Clean the jam for storage in the refrigerator or make the roll.

Cook with the addition of pears

An interesting recipe by which you can cook the jam, not only with apples, but with the addition of pears.

Required Products:

  • half a kilo of apples and pears;
  • about 600 grams of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Apples and pears are freed from the skin and the core, put in a saucepan and pour the specified amount of water there. Bring to a soft state on the stove.
  2. What we have, we interrupt in a puree, we fall asleep with sugar and again we set on fire.
  3. Without moving away from the stove and constantly stirring the contents, we wait until it thickens and becomes almost transparent. Ready jam closed in banks.


An excellent recipe almost dietary jam, without a drop of sugar.

Required Products:

  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • kilogram of apples.

Cooking process:

  1. Jam without refined sugar is prepared, as well as with this component. First, clean the fruit, cut them.
  2. We put everything in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and keep it on fire until softened.
  3. After that we grind in mashed potatoes and again we put on a plate. Stir and boil until the mass becomes thick.
  4. Still warm jam put in sterilized jars and close the lids. Or remove the refrigerator.

With cinnamon in the oven

Cinnamon and apples are a win-win combination. And if there is such a cake, then why not make such a jam?

Necessary products for cooking:

  • a kilo of apples;
  • small spoon of cinnamon;
  • about 600 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruits well, cut off the skin of them and remove all that is inside.
  2. Cut them into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan, add a little water and wait until they are soft.
  3. After that, make mashed potatoes using a blender or sieve.
  4. Pour all the sugar into the mass, mix it and put the container in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Puree stew about three hours until it becomes the desired consistency. After that, lay out on sterilized banks.

Apple jam with pumpkin

Apples and pumpkin - that in a good season you do not know what to do and what of them to cook. Do not throw out, you can cook a tasty and healthy jam.

Required Products:

  • a kilo and as many pumpkins;
  • lemon juice;
  • about 850 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. It’s best to start cooking with a pumpkin, as the apples darken quickly after cleaning. Pumpkin is washed, freed from the skins and seeds, crushed into small pieces, and then rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. Take a good, large container, preferably with thick walls, put a pumpkin in there, sprinkle it with sugar, but not all, but 500 grams.
  3. Do the same with apples, also put them in a pan, after cleansing, and cover with the remaining sugar.
  4. Let them stand for a while, so that they let the juice. After that we set to boil in our own syrup. When they become softer, combine them in one pot and pour in lemon juice.
  5. From the mass of cases obtained puree, once again bring to a boil and can be packed in banks and closed with lids for the winter.

Suitable apple varieties for apple jam

How to cook apple jam in various ways and with additives is now clear. But what are the best varieties of apples to use for jam?

The ideal is obtained jam from Antonovka. This is a strong, not too sweet variety, and affordable for the price category. Many grow on the garden plot.

If we talk about other varieties, the following types are well suited: warnet, Simirenko, Gloucester. It is very important that the selected apples were sour, then the desired level of sweetness will be released.

You can use Melbu or Pap. Of them jam is obtained very thick due to the content of a large amount of pectin. And the lobules themselves do not lose their shape and look transparent when cooked.

Summer, juicy varieties of apples for making jam are not suitable at all, they become loose, quickly boil soft. The result is a mushy mass. And the taste as a result is not what you expect. They are sweet and, in combination with sugar, become even more cloying.

How to preserve the harvest of apples for the winter, and even better until next spring, or what delicious foods and dishes can you make from fresh apples? Such a question is asked by many women who do housekeeping. From fresh apples you can cook at home: jam, compote, cider, candied fruits, house wine, jam, marmalade, marshmallow and fragrant delicious apple jam.

We offer best recipe for step cooking tasty, fragrant, healthy, low-calorie apple jam at home for the winter. Jam of apples is a dense and homogeneous in structure jam, obtained as a result of slow boiling down on apple sauce with water, sugar or sugar substitutes, and for the aroma vanilla or vanilla sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, citrus peel are added to the aroma if desired.

Cooking jam consists of the following recipe steps:

Food consumption: apples (winter and autumn varieties) -1.5 kilograms; granulated sugar - 600 grams; 0.5–0.7 glasses of water.

Yield: 1 kilo apple jam.

Raw material preparation

1. The first stage of the recipe consists of the preparation of raw materials, namely the harvest of apples for cooking. Apples need to be washed with running clean water. they can be pre-soaked in water for a day. Then the washed apples are laid out in a colander, so that excess water is drained from the fruit, after this procedure they are wiped dry with a towel. Apples are ready to turn them into peeled slices, and for this they peel off the fruit with a knife or a special device and take out the core with seeds and cotyledons. The resulting peeled apple fruit is cut into numerous slices, that is, into halves, and then into quarters.

Useful advice: do not throw away the peel of apples, they can be dried in the oven and used in the preparation of dried fruit compote or add to boiling water and brew apple tea.

Raw materials cooking

2. The second stage of the recipe includes the heat treatment process and represents cooking the obtained apple raw materials in the form of peeled slices with the addition of raw pure water. Bring the apple-sugar mass to a boil and cook on a quiet fire under the lid, stirring the mass with a spoon. Cooking time is half an hour, until the apple slices are completely softened. For sweet teeth, when cooking apple raw materials, sugar is added to the mixture obtained from the above calculation. If sugar is contraindicated to you or you want to reduce the calorie content of apple jam, then you do not need to put sugar. Sugar can be replaced by sugar substitutes in the form of powder or tablets (sorbitol, xylitol).

Crushing apple semi-finished product

3. The third stage of the recipe consists of a mechanical process that involves grinding the mixture, a semi-finished product from apple slices boiled in water with or without sugar and bringing it to a puree figurative state.

  • This process can be done manually using a metal sieve. It is necessary with clean hands to gently wipe the cooled semi-finished product from boiled apple mixture to exclude lumps and slices of apples, cotyledons.
  • To speed up the grinding process, you can use modern gadgets, food processors and a blender. Mashed potatoes will turn out with such processing more magnificent and air.

Digestion of apple semifinished

4. The fourth stage of the recipe is the stage of slow boiling, obtained at the previous stage, apple sauce. We turn on the electric or gas stove on the quietest fire, put a saucepan of applesauce on it and stirring it to a boil with a wooden or plastic spoon, do not allow the pan to stick to the bottom. Mashed potatoes should be boiled and reduced in volume and thicken. This process will take about half an hour.

Preparation of glass containers

5. The fifth stage of the homemade apple jam recipe is the most time consuming, requiring accuracy and care, because it is associated with fragile glass and boiling hot water - this is the process of preparing glass jars. Glass jars are washed with detergent for dishes and sterilized for 10 minutes in boiling water. To speed up the sterilization process, clean glass jars can be processed in a microwave oven for 5 minutes at medium power.

The final stage

6. The sixth stage of the recipe, it is the final stage of the recipe is one of the most enjoyable and simple. The procedure consists in filling boiled hot apple jam cooked at home with love and diligence in sterilized glass jars.

Jam is required to fill the jars on the neck, leaving free space on the surface to avoid touching the jam with the lid. Now you need to wait when the filled glass jars with jam leave to cool at room temperature. As a result, the cooling should on the surface of jam to form a solid dense crust. It will be a natural barrier to the microbiological sphere, will prevent the process of oxidation and fermentation of jam. Then on the surface of the jam in each jar, carefully arrange the circles cut from parchment paper.

Packing and storage

This stage to making jam from apples at home is not directly related, because jam has already been prepared and packaged in jars. After all, no less important is the preservation of the product for a long period: for the winter or even until the spring of next year. It is possible to use plastic covers, waxed parchment paper, and clean cotton napkins to close the cans with apple jam.

You can store apple jam cooked at home for the winter in the apartment and preferably in a dry ventilated place or in the refrigerator, if there are conditions for you and an individual house, it is best to keep it in the cellar or underground.

When storing apple jam for the winter at home, it is recommended not to lower the ambient temperature below zero degrees Celsius, that is, to freeze the product.

The second half of summer and the first two months of autumn are a hot season for all kinds of preparations for the winter. In particularly productive years, owners of even small plots do not have time to process the gifts of their gardens. And it's a pity to give them the abyss! So if you have a lot of fruit (especially apples, as the apple trees are planted by all gardeners, because they are least picky about the growing conditions and unpretentious to take care of), bother with how to cook apple jam - high-quality, thick, tasty. It takes up much less space than jam or compotes, and is much more functional, since it is suitable for filling in a variety of baked goods.

What apples to take?

Fruits should be juicy, not too hard and not too soft. The second prerequisite: the amount of sugar in them. Of course, sweet varieties also fit, but it is difficult to calculate the rate of sugar for them and it may turn out to be too sugary, since boiling jam from apples “by eye” is fraught with poor results. The most recommended varieties are “Slav,” “Pepin, Lithuanian,” “Papyana,” “Aport,” “Antonovka,” and the like. Some varieties are too boiled soft ("pear", "white filling", "melba"), so that of them jam is worth those who already have a few "filled his hand."

If you are interested, reddish color, start with the purchase of red or spotted apples and do not cut off the skin. Strengthen the shade can be introduced into the mass in the process of cooking other berries that have the desired color - for example, red currants or cranberries.

What you need to know about apple jam?

There are several rules, signs and observations that are worth exploring and learn how to make jam from apples.

The most common recipe

Anyone who first wondered how to make jam from apples, after reading many cookbooks, it is easy to see that the variety of ways is small. Most often, fruit, sugar and water are taken in proportions of 1 kg - 700 g - 100 ml, respectively. Apples are washed, cleaned, the core is cut, and the rest is finely cut. The mass is poured into a basin or pan, water is poured in, and the vessel is placed on the fire for half an hour. It is necessary to interfere regularly. At the end of the term, sugar is poured, the mass is mixed and cooled. Apples are passed through a blender, mashed potatoes are poured back into the bowl and cooked for 40 minutes over low heat. At this time, banks are sterilized; the finished product is poured over it, still warm, the dishes are corked, turned upside down and wrapped. When the banks are cool, they are hidden in the pantry.

Jam of apples with "additions"

Above is described the easiest way of such preparation for the winter. But if you have already mastered the "primitive" jam from apples, the recipe can be complicated to obtain a diverse end product. For example, make it a lemon-cinnamon version. In this homemade jam from apples per kilogram of the main component take the same amount of water and sugar, but they add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and ground cinnamon to them. The first half of the process proceeds as usual. However, before adding sugar, it must be mixed with cinnamon. Lemon juice is injected into the ready mass. The end of cooking is similar to the previous method: spread on banks, roll up and wait for cooling.

Multivarka to help

With the advent of this kitchen apparatus, many culinary processes have become much simpler. That is why the housewives so willingly use it, and even figured out how to cook jam from apples in a slow cooker. The ratio of products is classic, only water is not needed at all. Preparation of apples - according to the already familiar plan: wash, peel, remove the middle, cut into thin plates. Then the fruits are laid out in the multicooker bowl, sugar is poured out, the contents are mixed. In the unit, extinguishing mode is set for an hour and a half, as it is a long process to make an apple jam from using a multicooker. Every 30 minutes the mass in the bowl must be carefully mixed. The last stage of cooking is the same as if you were boiling the jam on a gas stove or electric cooker: pour it into containers, twist it, turn it over, cool it under a blanket.

Jam from "unsuitable" apples

As already mentioned, some varieties of fruit are not quite suitable for the preparation of this preparation. However, there are techniques, the use of which allows to obtain a dense, high-quality apple jam “white filling”. The ratio of products is the same: a kilo of apples - 700 g of sugar. But the cooking process is a little different.

Peeled and chopped apples are laid in a bowl (preferably aluminum, but enameled will fit), immediately poured with sugar and left for half a day, so that they give juice. Then the contents are cooked on medium heat for 10 minutes (stirred continuously) - and the bowl is set aside to cool down for 6 hours. This will have to be done 3 or 4 times. During the last boiling down, the mass is kept on the stove until all the liquid remaining in it is evaporated, that is, until readiness, after which it is necessary to pack jam and roll. In total, the whole process will take two days. But if you do everything right, you will get a jam from apples "white pouring" of a beautiful golden hue, dense, thick and not sugary-sweet.

Five minute recipe

It is not necessary to prepare your treat for several days. It turns out a good jam from apples, the recipe of which provides for only 5 minutes of evaporation. It is intended for sour green fruit. The ratio of water, sugar and apples is standard (you can increase the proportion of sugar by 100 g, if the fruit is too acidic). Small pieces of fruit in the water boil soft. When they are cooled, they are rubbed through a sieve or colander, mixed with sugar and slowly boiled for only five minutes (the main thing is to mix continuously, preferably with a wooden spatula or spoon). Ready jam is packaged on cans in hot form, twists and hides. Warn immediately: this jam turns out not too dense and is not suitable for open pies. However, bagels and pies with "five minutes" are wonderful.

How to achieve density?

Often, the housewives set themselves the goal to cook a dense, viscous, almost elastic jam, intending to subsequently use it for open baking. The usual consistency does not suit them. In this case, we must take into account the subtleties of how to make jam from apples of maximum thickness. Rule one: take very juicy fruits to reduce the amount of added water. You can even completely abandon it - just squeeze some juice out of the fruit, in which the fruit will boil. Rule two: reduce the amount of sugar by 100-200 grams. Rule three: cook jam as long as possible (but make sure not to burn). As a result, his color will come out very dark, even impenetrable brown, but it will turn out so thick that there will be a spoon in it.

Secrets of long storage

It is not enough to cook a delicious, fragrant and beautiful apple jam for the winter. I would also like to ensure that it remains so for a long time. Of course, if the jam is moldy on top, then you can remove the outermost layer and use the rest - but this is the loss of the delicacy, which wasted your time and energy. And not the fact that the rest of the banks will remain fresh. Sometimes, in order to save the result of summer-autumn work, the jam is re-boiled with the addition of a small amount of water. However, its quality is reduced. So it is better to take care of safety in advance.

The basic rule - to sterilize dishes - comply with all. But this is not enough. Experienced craftswomen do not roll the jam hot or immediately after cooling. They leave the cans open until a dense film appears on the surface of their contents - it protects it from mold and fermentation. Film formation can take a day or two. Want to speed up the process - place the container in a heated oven with the door ajar. Jam with a crust, you can not even hermetically roll up - enough parchment tied around the neck.

Another way to extend the shelf life of the jam (especially if you do not like the surface film) is to sterilize the already closed banks for half an hour. Checked: the jam will remain "as made yesterday" to five years. Maybe it would have stayed longer if the children hadn't found it in the closet.

How to cook homemade jam from apples for the winter? This tasty and sweet dessert dish at all times was appropriate to serve for tea or pastries. In general, apple jam is simply indispensable as a filling for pies and even for the popular charlotte. This delicacy is prepared in the form of fruit or berry puree, which is boiled with sugar to half of its original volume.

Apple jam is distinguished from jam by a denser consistency. To prepare a delicious homemade dessert, strong, ripe, sweet fruits are taken that have a pleasant aroma and taste. From such fruits, you should first remove the damaged and rotten places.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo for making apple jam for the winter:

The best jam is obtained from apples, although, for its preparation other fruits and berries can be used - both in pure form and mixed with each other. In most cases, jam, consisting of some berries, can turn out to be liquid and therefore it is recommended to add apples to it, which give the finished product a gel-like consistency.

Prepared apples should be free of seeds, and large fruits - cut into slices. After that, they need to be put in a vessel, at the bottom of which a small amount of water is already poured - at the rate of five hundred grams per kilogram of products. Next, close the lid and cook, about twenty minutes of boiling, until completely tender. We rub the boiled fruits through a colander or a sieve. If the fruits are very tender, then you can skip them through a meat grinder.

Then mashed potatoes should be shifted to a wide dish, since a large surface facilitates the evaporation process, and with more intensive evaporation, the cooking time is reduced and as a result, the jam itself turns out tastier, lighter and preserves the flavor of the fruit. Boil need on low heat.

How to cook apple jam so that it does not constantly burn? When cooking, it is necessary to continuously stir the mass with a wooden spatula. To prevent burning, experts recommend lubricating the walls and bottom of the dish with olive oil or adding mashed white or homemade apple wine to the puree.

Sugar, at a rate of about 800 grams per kilogram of mashed potatoes, must be added at the end of cooking, because liquid mashed potatoes evaporate faster. If you want to get a more dense jam, which can be cut into slices, then the rate of sugar should be reduced to 600 grams per kilogram of mashed potatoes. Although we should not forget that the lower the sugar, the longer the jam is cooked.

The readiness of the dessert dish is determined by cooling on a small sample glass, which is taken from a pot. If during cooling a dense, not spreading jelly is formed, then a tasty delicacy is ready. The finished homemade jam is placed in heated, dry jars and left open to form a protective film.

Homemade jam from apples in Russia as cooked in the old days, also cooked to this day. In Europe, this product is called confiture. The difference between their jam and our jam lies in the fact that gelling agents are specifically added to the confiture: pectin or agar-agar. Jam is brewed solely from natural fruits and berries, with pectin in its composition. In apples, as you know, a large amount of pectin, so the jam from apples turns out beautiful, quite thick.

In the apple year, when all the apple trees suddenly, as if by agreement, produce a bountiful harvest, we usually do not have time not only to eat the apples, but also to process them. Yes, and you will not do much. And now, after a month of continuous struggle with the harvest of apples, there comes a moment when the apples right on the tree begin to crack, become transparent amber, friable and not so juicy as before. What can be done with such apples? Well, do not throw them away. So, it is from such overripe apples that apple jam is best obtained.

Cooked jam very quickly, due to the high content of pectin in overripe apples. In winter, apple jam can be used as a filling for sweet buns or for open yeast pies. In addition, apple jam can be the basis for making puddings; it is often added to children in cottage cheese and porridge to improve the taste.

In this recipe, apple jam is cooked from apples of the Ural Bulk variety. However, from any apples of summer and autumn (but not winter) varieties, you will get a wonderful fragrant and thick jam.

Time for the preparation of apple jam you need about forty minutes. From the number of ingredients that are indicated in the recipe, you get 2 liters of apple jam.

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking method: cooking.

Total cooking time: 40 min

Number of servings: 2 liters.


  • apples - 2 kg 700 g
  • granulated sugar - 600 g

Step-by-step recipe for making delicious homemade apple jam