Useful properties and caloric content: garlic. Slimming garlic

15.05.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Garlic has a lot of useful properties. And everyone knows that taking it with respiratory diseases speeds up recovery. But for people who are watching their figure and adhere to the principles of healthy eating, it is important to know not only about the benefits it brings, but also about its nutritional and caloric properties.

Chemical composition

Garlic has a complex chemical composition. But it is thanks to him that he is endowed with his amazing properties. Consider what is fraught with this burning plant.

First of all, it is an essential oil. Diallyl disulfide provides garlic with a peculiar smell. It also contains allicin and alliin. It is the essential oil of garlic shows its effect during inhalation.

Absolutely all parts of this plant are useful. Leaves and cloves contain ascorbic acid, vitamins A, D, E. Rich in garlic and B vitamins. The bulbs contain polysaccharides, which have high nutritional value and are easily absorbed by our body.

In addition, the following elements from the periodic table can be found in garlic:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

All of them are vital to our body. But there is one that makes garlic truly unique - it is thiamin. The fact is that it is contained only in this plant. This vitamin is necessary for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, growth and development in general.

Important substances in garlic include niacin, folacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine. Connecting in one plant, they not only show their unique properties, but also enrich each other. Today garlic products such as Allohol and Allylchep are made from garlic.


About the healing properties of garlic has been known since ancient times, but until now, scientists have discovered all new fields of application of this plant for medicinal purposes. This fragrant burning plant contains great benefits.

  • Natural antibiotic. This property explains its effectiveness in treating colds and acute respiratory infections. By killing pathogens, it speeds up recovery. For prevention, it is recommended to use 1-2 cloves per day. Even babies who have not yet been recommended to eat it in its pure form are given a peculiar aromatherapy with garlic. To do this, hang several cloves, like pendants around the neck - for convenience, they can be placed in a plastic egg from a kinder surprise and tied on a string.
  • Reducing cholesterol and vascular cleansing.This is due to allicin, which is part of garlic. A unique substance that helps to relax the walls of blood vessels and has a pronounced bactericidal effect. It is interesting that in Latin the name of garlic sounds like Állium satívum, as if hinting at the content of the main component of allicin. Garlic is able to excrete bad cholesterol from the body, not allowing it to settle on the walls of blood vessels. People wishing to take a few kilograms, this property of garlic will also have to be very useful.

  • Restores the gastrointestinal tract,  recommended for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.
  • Treatment of lung diseases.Garlic has proven itself in the treatment of bronchitis due to its ability to thin the sputum. It also reduces the inflammation of the mucous membranes, which speeds up recovery.
  • Increases immunity.It is possible to strengthen your defense during the cold season in a simple and inexpensive way - just regularly eating a clove of garlic.
  • Benefit to the liver.  The health of this organ depends on the state of the gallbladder. Garlic helps to remove bile. People with a predisposition to urolithiasis, it is useful to take garlic to prevent the formation of stones.
  • For the genitourinary system of men and women.  The fact is that useful substances with disinfecting action, get into the urinary system and reduce the risk of occurrence and development of inflammatory processes.
  • Longevity.  This action of garlic has been known for a long time. This happens due to the combination of its useful properties.
  • Avitaminosis.Garlic, rich in vitamins and microelements, nourishes our body with many nutrients necessary for normal life.

A good list for one small plant. And how much medication can replace! Traditional medicine is replete with garlic recipes, but it is used not only in bitter mixtures, but also as a fragrant spice for many dishes.

Slimming garlic

The Internet and other sources of information are replete with weight loss recipes. What just diets do not exist. However, most of them fail, without giving the desired result. The effectiveness of garlic for weight loss due to its chemical composition.

Garlic speeds up the metabolism, which can not have a beneficial effect on the figure. And also known for its ability to increase appetite. It can be assumed that this is a direct threat to those who want to lose weight, but it is not. The fact is that the function of active digestion of food is activated, which contributes to its speedy assimilation. This property can really play a bad joke with people suffering from severe obesity, but not with those who want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Garlic during pregnancy

During the period of pregnancy, some future mothers fear this burning plant, and it is in vain. It is during this period that its use will have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and the future baby.

Obstetricians are often prescribed folic acid intake for pregnant women. It contributes to the normal development of the baby, the formation of the skeleton and the nervous system. The same substance is found in garlic.

The use of vitamins in its natural form during this period will be especially valuable. Garlic contains vitamin C, which is known for its ability to support immunity. And also with garlic in the mother's body, and as a result, the child will also receive other vitamins, trace elements and beneficial substances.

Anemia is a diagnosis that pediatricians are increasingly seeing in newborns. This is due in some cases to the lack of iron. Provide reliable prevention can also be regularly eating garlic cloves in food.

An element such as magnesium is also needed during pregnancy. It is often prescribed in the form of vitamins, but you can get this valuable mineral in its natural form with garlic. It regulates the contraction of the walls of the uterus, not allowing it to be in good shape.

Many pregnant women complain of headaches caused by irregular blood pressure. In the list of useful properties of the product there is such as the normalization of this indicator.

Another delicate problem while carrying a baby is constipation. It is known that drug treatment during this period is unacceptable. But gruel or garlic decoction will help to cope with the problem and do no harm.

The likelihood of varicose veins and thrombosis in this beautiful period increases several times. Garlic has the ability to thin the blood and prevents the occurrence of stagnation.


With all its remarkable properties, garlic is not recommended for everyone. The list of contraindications is not so wide, but it is unacceptable to ignore it and say that it can be used by everyone. Sulfates, which may be contained in garlic, increase intracranial pressure. As a result, dizziness may occur and concentration of attention may decrease.

The use of garlic in case of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is possible only with the consent of the attending physician. Having an irritating property on the stomach and intestines, it can cause a situation to worsen.

Individual intolerance. This factor is inherent in almost any product. And excluding it in the case of garlic would be wrong.

External use also has its limitations. So, people with hypersensitivity of the skin are not recommended to apply it either in a pure form or as a decoction.

The useful ability of this plant to thin the blood can be a direct contraindication to its consumption in food. Such a restriction should be taken into account when there are wounds on the body, cuts and other bleeding. And also prohibited the use of garlic for people suffering from epilepsy.

The nutritional value

This indicator may vary depending on what kind of garlic you eat and in what form. To make it easier for you to understand, we give the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the most commonly eaten species. All figures are per 100 grams of product.

  • Fresh garlic.  It is in this form that garlic contains the most fat, but their amount still does not exceed 0.5 g. The vast majority of carbohydrates - 29.9 g and 6.5 g of proteins, respectively.
  • Black garlic  For this type of garlic, the figures will be identical to those of ordinary white garlic. Therefore, to say that he wins or loses for him on these indicators is not necessary.
  • Dried.Per 100 grams of dried garlic dramatically increases the amount of carbohydrates, they contain as much as 75 g. The relative proportion of fat decreases to 0.4 g and 16 g of proteins.
  • Marinated.In this form, it loses most of the carbohydrates, they contain about 9 g, it contains only 0.1 g of fat and 1.8 g of protein.
  • Young green.It does not contain fat at all, and proteins and carbohydrates are also at a minimum - 6 and 5 grams, respectively.
  • Marinated arrows.  It also lacks fat, carbohydrates, there are 3.5 grams, and very little protein - only 1 gram.
  • The arrows are fresh.  Fat in it is the same as in pickled garlic, 1.3 g of proteins, but 3.4 g of carbohydrates

If it is more convenient for you to calculate the ratio of BJU not in grams, but in cloves, then it will be useful to know that 1 clove of garlic contains 6.26 g of proteins, 0.5 g of fats and 33 g of carbohydrates.

In many products, we are primarily interested in their caloric content. Garlic, however, is not loved for that. I must say that this plant is found in two types: arrow-shaped garlic forms a flowering stem with bulbous bulbs at the top, well, and non-shooter does without such an arrow. Homeland of this plant is considered but it was grown in many countries. This and Ancient Egypt, and Greece, and Rome, and India. Few dishes can do without this fragrant spice.

Garlic, whose caloric content is very low, is popular in various cuisines. One head contains only four calories. Practically does not contain carbohydrates and does not include fats at all. Specific, but such a favorite fragrance provides sulfur, which is part of the plant. That it affects the level of cholesterol, reduces blood pressure. Scientists believe that garlic can prevent the development of the stomach. In addition, this plant strengthens the immune system and is natural (it includes allicin, which prevents complications from cold or flu). Therefore, whatever its calorie content, garlic will always be popular with many different nations. Well, if you really want to freshen your breath after eating garlic, you can chew a sprig of parsley, cinnamon seeds or cardamom.

  But let's leave calories alone. Garlic has an antiseptic and prophylactic effect, contains vitamins C, D, P, B, iron, sodium and calcium, potassium and manganese, as well as zinc, iodine and magnesium, selenium and valuable essential oils. This plant destroys a significant number of diverse bacteria, prevents atherosclerosis from developing, cleans the blood vessels, and therefore serves as a means of preventing strokes and heart attacks. Being a natural antioxidant, garlic protects DNA from various chemicals and mutations. Many scientists even believe, as mentioned above, that this is one of the anticancer drugs.

You can even not take into account its low calorie content. Garlic should be eaten raw, but not chewing cloves (the stomach can react), but adding to stewed, baked or fried meat, salads, any vegetables, and even mashed potatoes. Here you just need to choose the cloves: if the green shoots have already appeared, the plant will give the dish noticeable bitterness. Quite visually about the properties of products with which garlic is combined, the calorie table narrates. There are quite a few drinks, in which you can also add garlic. But most often this is done to get a firming effect during flu epidemics, and their taste is not the most pleasant.

As for products, garlic is combined with almost all vegetables, ideal for lamb, but can be easily applied in other dishes. The extremely low content of sugar, sodium, the absence of cholesterol and an excess of calcium, selenium, vitamins and other beneficial substances makes this plant extremely valuable. In addition, it is very tasty.

product calorie content squirrels fats carbohydrates
garlic 143 kcal 6.5 g 0.5 g 29.9 g
dried garlic 345 kcal 16.0 g 0.4 g 75.0 g
pickled garlic 42 kcal 1.8 g 0.0 g 9.0 g
pickled garlic arrows 24 kcal 1.0 g 0.0 g 3.5 g

Garlic "came" to us from Central Asia. It is of two types: arrowhead, which forms a flower-bearing arrow in the form of a stem with air bulbs on top, and non-arrowhead, which does not form an arrowhead.

Garlic benefits

What is garlic good for? It contains a huge amount of fiber, ascorbic acid, carbohydrate, macro-and micronutrients, among which are most potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine and zinc, and also vitamins C, P, D, B, phytoncides sulfur and essential oils.

Sulfur, or sulfides, which are contained in garlic, have surprising properties to inhibit typhoid pathogens, dysentery, pathogenic fungi and yeast, various types of staphylococcus. Those sulphides, which are contained in garlic, are able to combine free toxins even before they have time to harm the body. Garlic acts so strongly on toxic substances that their molecules begin to move much more slowly, become lethargic and are easily eliminated from the body.

In addition, garlic contains other no less important substances for the body: adenosine, allicin, pectin, diallyl trisulfide, alliksin. These substances are able to effectively resist the formation of tumors, destroy pathogens of various infectious diseases, lower blood glucose levels, prevent blood clots, stabilize the amount of cholesterol in the blood and eliminate the negative effects after suffering stress.

Regular use of garlic can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in men. According to research, if you eat five or six grams of garlic and onions every day, you can reduce the likelihood of cancer cells by 50 percent. According to oncologists, this ability is given to allium contained in the garlic, which gives the plant a specific smell.

Despite the high caloric content of garlic, it is very useful in pulmonary asthma, diseases of the nervous system, gout, joint diseases, diseases of the throat and spleen. It alleviates the condition in case of pulmonary ulcers and stomach diseases, as it is able to remove excess gases from the body. And for the prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the teeth and gums, it is recommended to use baked garlic.

Substances that are contained in garlic, increase the efficiency of the stomach, liver, intestines, have antihelminthic, diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial action.

Of particular value is hydrogen sulfide, which occurs after dissection of garlic cloves. If the garlic is not subjected to drying and heat treatment, this substance is able to relax the vascular walls.

How to choose garlic

Despite the fact that the caloric content of garlic is not small, it is in no way capable of harming the figure, as it is used in fairly small quantities. If you want to buy healthy, ripe and tasty garlic in the supermarket or on the market, follow these guidelines:

The entire surface of garlic should be firm and dry;

Garlic is characterized by a high content of vitamin C, polysaccharides, easily digestible sugars, microelements, including those enriched in sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and sulfur.

The calorie content of garlic in 1 clove depends on the weight of the product slice. The average weight of a clove is about 4 g, therefore, by making simple calculations, it can be determined that 1 lobe contains about 5.5-6 kcal.

Calorie beets with garlic and mayonnaise

The total caloric content of beets with garlic and mayonnaise is 120 kcal. The dish contains 1.9 g of proteins, 8.3 g of fat, 11 g of carbohydrates.

Garlic benefits

The fact that garlic has a lot of useful properties has been known for a long time. Annually all new facts about the healing qualities of the product are revealed. The obvious benefits of garlic are as follows:

  • the vegetable is considered an effective natural antibiotic, helps to enhance the immune functions of the body;
  • garlic is known to lower cholesterol and normalize blood pressure;
  • the product is indicated for the prevention of intestinal and stomach cancers;
  • regular use of garlic reduces the risk of blood clots and improves blood circulation;
  • garlic helps prevent strokes and heart attacks;
  • in medicine, garlic is actively used as the main component of medicinal tinctures to restore the work of the digestive tract;
  • low calorie garlic allows you to use it with any dietary food. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 1 - 2 cloves of vegetables per day.

Garlic harm

The main harm of garlic is associated with the toxicity of the vegetable. Natural sulphides contained in the product can provoke headaches, retarded reaction, confusion.

Garlic is extremely contraindicated for people suffering from acute inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, including gastritis and ulcers. The product irritates the walls of the stomach, which is undesirable during the exacerbation of these diseases.

Do not exceed the daily rate of garlic must people with hypertension, neurosis of the heart. In limited quantities, garlic is allowed for diabetics.

Often there are allergies to garlic. If you suffer from food allergies, we also recommend reducing your daily vegetable intake.

When eating garlic for the night, insomnia and heartburn may occur. The product will have to refuse pregnant and breastfeeding.

If you are accustomed to count calories before sending something to your mouth, then the energy value of the spices can also be an important issue for you. What is the danger to the figure is garlic? The calorie content of different types, the benefits and the dietary potential of this bitter vegetable - that's what the conversation will go about in the article.

The magic of garlic: and feed, and cure, and reduce weight

Garlic is an amazing vegetable. Its age is more than 5000 years. In folk medicine, he is given a special place: this plant of the bulbous family is called a cure for all diseases. It has a huge amount of vitamins, valuable trace elements. It is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. It strengthens the immune system and the heart, dissolves arterial plaques and cleans blood vessels, treats colds, normalizes blood pressure, prevents diabetes and causes cancer cells to self-destruct.

Bitter root is actively used in cooking. It gives dishes an appetizing aroma and savory taste. It is added to various blanks.

Now it is fashionable to talk about diets and healthy nutrition. Garlic is among the foods that can burn fat. What is the calorie in this vegetable garden and how much you can eat garlic, so as not to lose slimness?

Hot topic: how many calories in garlic?

To discuss the calorie content of fresh garlic is, at first glance, somewhat strange. The number of consumed spicy supplements to the first and second courses is not so large that it could seriously affect the total amount of kilocalories eaten per day. But if the diet is tough, then even their minimum matters. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how much garlic will damage the figure. Calorie per 100 grams he will have this:

  • white garlic head - 143 kcal;
  • black garlic - 149 kcal;
  • dried garlic - 345 kcal;
  • pickled - 42 kcal;
  • young green garlic - 40 kcal.

The weight of an average head of garlic is only 23-25 ​​g. As a rule, several slices are eaten. One will pull no more than 4 grams - thus, a clove of garlic will have a calorific value of about 5.7 kcal. If you eat a couple of cloves, then you can “earn” only 10-11 kcal. In 1 tsp. fresh garlic no more than 25 kcal. And in a glass of garlic mass (the preparation of which takes 48 minced cloves) 200-250 kcal will be hidden. Such a serving of garlic is enough for the whole season, if you gradually put it in spaghetti sauces and seasoning for stews.

Despite how many calories nutritionists found in garlic, an aromatic vegetable is very rarely consumed fresh, even losing weight. After all, he has a peculiar smell that can scare away not only vampires, but all those around him. Yes, and do not eat it much, because in large quantities it can lead to gastritis.

Bitter root vegetable combined with other products. It is clear that this is reflected in its caloric content - it becomes completely different. See how many calories your delicious garlic delicacies have saved for you:

  • 1 garlic clove, fried in olive oil - 10 kcal;
  • garlic bread (per 100 g serving) - 323 kcal;
  • garlic salt - 27 kcal;
  • garlic sauce (store) - 79 kcal; home - 339 kcal;
  • beet salad with garlic - 108 kcal.

How does garlic for slimming work?

Why does garlic help win over weight? He is able to increase the appetite, but at the same time quickly sends a signal to the brain about saturation. This contributes to the fact that a person stops eating on time, preventing overeating.

In addition, garlic stimulates the metabolism - this causes the body to quickly burn calories, and not store them on the hips and abdomen.

The "magic" properties of garlic are not subject to doubt. Such a small vegetable can give human health so much! Harm garlic will bring only to those who use it in large quantities, as well as suffering from allergies to this product. To get the benefits for the shape and health, should be limited to 1-2 teeth per day.