Canned beets. Canned beets for the winter, photo preparation recipe

14.05.2019 Snacks

Usually the housewives use such beets, which can not be stored for a long time in winter raw - this beet is ideal for canning. In this article you will learn how to harvest pickled beets for the winter - various photo cooking recipes will help to create dishes with a unique taste.

   Canned beets for the winter. Recipe number 1


  • raw beets (try to use freshly harvested roots) - 1 kg;
marinade ingredients:
  • water is a glass
  • sugar - a tablespoon,
  • salt - half a teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.,
  • vinegar 9% - half a cup,
  • one head of garlic,
  • peas - 6-8 pcs.,
  • clove - 4-5 pcs.

1. Choose the small beets of the varieties described above. Rinse well. Pour water into the pan (water should cover the roots in the pan), put on a slow fire, bring to a boiling point and boil the beets until ready (check with a knife or fork). Since the water will evaporate, it is necessary to add fresh water from time to time.
  2. While the beets are boiling, start cooking the pickle-marinade. Bring water to a boil and then mix in boiling water salt, sugar, bay leaf, allspice, cloves and garlic. Boil no more than 20 minutes on low heat, while cooking, cover the pan with a lid. Pour in vinegar and add a little more salt to taste. Remove from heat and cool the marinade.
  3. Fill the beets with cold water, let the peel get off the roots. Cut the beets into small cubes.
  4. Pour the beets in the cooled marinade and wait 10-12 hours until the beets are soaked in the pouring. Boil in this case is not necessary.
  5. Put marinated beets in jars and pour marinade. Close the lids. In this form, the beets are stored all winter.

   Beets, pickled for the winter

   To prepare this dish, choose the brightly colored beet roots.

1. Cut the roots and the whole tops of the beets, rinse thoroughly and boil, without removing the skin, about 40 minutes on average (small root vegetables are boiled for 30 minutes, larger ones - 40-45 minutes).

2. Now you can peel the beets. Peel and sort into small and large vegetables. Marinate the small ones and cut the large ones into any pieces as you like (in cubes or slices).

3. Prepare clean sterilized jars and place the beets in them.

4. Make a marinade: 2 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of salt, 4 tablespoons of sugar, allspice (peas), 4 cloves. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes, before the end of cooking, add 2 cups of table vinegar 9% to the marinade.

5. Pour the brine-filled jars with brine and roll them in tin lids.

6. The final step: pasteurization. Sterilize the jars of beets (0.5 liter capacity) for about half an hour in boiling water: put the jars in a wide pan filled with hot water. Banks should hide about two thirds of the water.

7. Turn upside down, wrap and store for 2-3 days in this state in a secluded place. Store the beets further at room temperature.

Canned beets :)

What is convenient canning beets for the winter is the fact that the smallest root vegetables are also involved, and with small defects. The main rule when boiling beets - do not cut off the tails and tops, otherwise all the juice will digest, and the color of the vegetable will become unattractive.

When boiling beets, you can add some sugar and vinegar to the liquid. Very popular recipes for canning beet dressings for borscht, which are quite used as a salad or side dish.

Canned beets for borscht

1000 g of raw beets;
  50 grams of sugar;
  20 g of coarse salt;
  0.450 l of water;
  75 ml of vinegar 9%;
  allspice, cloves, bay leaf, etc.
  Boil the beets until ready and cool, without removing them from the liquid, peel. Cut the beets into thin slices or narrow noodles and put them into sterilized jars (0.5 liter - the optimal volume). For the marinade, boil the indicated amount of water with spices, salt and sugar, pour in vinegar and boil again.

When the marinade has cooled, pour them beets in jars and tightly close the lids. Such canning of beets without sterilization requires storing the blanks in the refrigerator or in a sufficiently cool place.

Korean beet canning

Per 1000 g of beet:

27 g of salt;
  55 grams of sugar;
  30 ml of vinegar;
  a set of spices for Korean dishes or ground coriander, ground hot pepper, monosodium glutamate;
  75 ml of vegetable oil;
  4 peeled garlic cloves and л of a small onion.
Home-made canning Korean-style beets also suggests that the salad will be stored in the refrigerator, as it does not undergo sterilization. Root vegetables for this dish are selected large size, they need to be grated on a specialized grater to make long thin noodles.

Beets do not need to boil! Next, pour in salt and sugar, knead with hands before extracting the juice and mix with vinegar and spices. Chop garlic and onion very finely (use a press it is not advisable) pour in beets, do not mix. Heat vegetable oil until white smoke appears and pour hot in beet salad, mix. Arrange the threaded banks for the covers, close and put in the cold.

Canned beet salad

On 2 parts of raw beet 1 part:

  Bulgarian pepper;
  Salt, hot pepper, sugar to taste;
  Oil for frying.
  This recipe is usually used as canning beets for borsch, but in the end it is eaten in the form of a salad or snack to alcohol. The onions and peppers are the first to be processed, which should be cut into strips and fry until softened. Then rub the raw beets and mix with the rubbed tomatoes - simmer for about 60 minutes, always mixing.

Grind the bitter pepper in a meat grinder. Mix all prepared ingredients thoroughly and simmer for about 20 minutes. Sterilize the salad is not necessary, immediately pack up the banks and roll up, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.

Natural beets

Per can of 1 liter:

650 beet raw;
  50 ml of vinegar;
  25 g of large sugar;
  15 g of salt;
  Sweet pepper peas, clove buds, cinnamon.
  Root small vegetables should be blanched for a quarter of an hour in boiling water and immediately immersed in ice water, after such a procedure the saturated color of the beets is not lost. Next, remove the peel from the vegetable and cut into plates, cubes or thick straws, small specimens are preserved whole.

Fold the beets in the container and the bay hot marinade roll up immediately. For the marinade you need to salt and boil the water, sugar and put spices, pour vinegar at the end. Beetroot canned this way is ideal for making vinaigrette or borscht, however, in itself, it is also very tasty.

Root beet is a valuable food, as it is rich in carbohydrates, including soluble sugars, mineral salts, vitamins. The beet contains salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. The content of iodine beet is one of the first places among the vegetables. Due to the high iron content, this vegetable is very significant in the clinical nutrition for patients with anemia. Beets are used for anemia, and it has a positive effect in the treatment of malignant tumors and leukemia.
  Especially beautiful beet raw because of its red-crimson color. The color of beets is due to the presence of dyes, mainly anthocyanin and betaine. Betaine promotes protein absorption and has a positive effect on liver function. Beets are indispensable in the diet for obesity and hypertension, for constipation and diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  There is also a small amount of vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and PP, as well as pantothenic and folic acids, etc. in beetroot. There are more vitamins in the leaves than in root vegetables.
  Beets marinate, canned, subjected to fermentation, urinating. It is part of the vegetable mixtures (beetroot soup, borscht, vegetable caviar).

Pickled beets

600-650g sliced ​​beets, 350-400ml marinade fill.
  Suitable for canning are small and medium root vegetables with a uniform color of the flesh, the absence or weak manifestation of white rings. Root vegetables to sort, rinse with a brush in several waters. Blanch in boiling water: small fruits - 20-25 minutes, medium - 30-40 minutes, large - 60-80 minutes. (they can be cut in half before blanching). Blanched fruits are quickly cooled in running water, peeled (with a knife or vegetable cutter), put in glass jars and filled with hot (85-90 ° C) marinade pouring: for slightly acid marinades (885 ml of water, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, 15 ml of acetic essence), for sour pickles (875 ml of water, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, 25 ml of acetic essence). Sterilize at 100 ° С: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 8 min., 1 l - 12 min.

Beetroot pickled with horseradish

540-590g of beets, 60 g of horseradish, 350-400ml marinade fill.
Prepare beets in the same way as for pickling. Medium-sized freshly drenched horseradish roots should be washed with a brush in running water, peeled, and grated. Put chopped beets in glass jars (small fruits can be preserved), transferring layers of horseradish with grated horseradish, pour hot (85 - 90 ° C) marinade (885 ml of water, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, 15 ml of vinegar).
  The sterilization regimes are the same as for pickling beets.