Corn canned calorie. What is the composition of canned corn, as well as how it is useful and what is harmful? During pregnancy and lactation

15.05.2019 Egg dishes

Canned corn  - This is a fairly popular food. You can buy it at the store, as well as cook it at home. Grains should be bright yellow (see photo) and have a sweet taste.

How to choose and store?

Today, a wide assortment of canned corn is presented on store shelves, so in order not to buy a low-quality product and not to harm the body, you should follow some recommendations:

In the closed state, canned corn in a can will remain fresh for 2 years, and in glass for 3 years. If you opened a can, then it is worth eating grains for 2 days no more.

Beneficial features

The benefits of canned corn is in its chemical composition, since even after heat treatment, the nutrients are stored in the product. The product contains fiber, which cleanses the intestines from decomposition products. Magnesium is found in large amounts in corn kernels, which is especially important for the heart muscle and for the aging body. Due to the presence of B vitamins, canned corn acts as an anti-stress agent, improving the functioning of the nervous system.

The composition of the grains includes vitamin E, which prevents sclerosis and improves skin condition. Regular consumption of canned corn reduces the risk of heart problems and also reduces the risk of developing cancer. Unlike fresh grains, canned foods do not cause bloating.

Cooking Uses

Canned corn is a popular food. It is used to make salads, snacks and various side dishes. Well combined canned corn with meat and other vegetables. Even grains are used to decorate various dishes.

How to preserve corn at home?

To be sure of the quality of canned corn, you can close it yourself at home. To do this, you need to take corn, 9% vinegar, sugar, salt and water. To start the cob is to boil, peel and distribute 0.5 liters jars. Add 1 tbsp to each jar. spoon of vinegar. In a separate container, cook the marinade. To do this, it is necessary to combine water with salt and sugar in the calculation: 1 l for 1 dessert spoon of the previously named components. Brine must be boiled, poured into banks and sterilized for half an hour. It remains to roll and wrap to cool.

Harm of canned corn and contraindications

The harm of canned corn can bring people who have increased blood clotting and have an increased risk of thrombosis. To limit the amount of consumed grains is worth exacerbation of ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


What is canned corn, the benefit and harm to the human body of this product, what are its medicinal properties, all this is very interesting for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, including using vegetables.

So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Many of us love her, but they know less about its beneficial properties and contraindications.


In bright yellow grains with a sweet, rich taste, scientists have discovered quite a lot of biologically active substances. First of all, these are B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic, folic acid). Secondly, vitamins K and C. Thirdly, tocopherol and beta-carotene. From the mineral compounds of this type of corn, it is necessary to emphasize selenium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and, of course, sodium. In smaller quantities vegetable delicacy contains iodine, zinc, silicon, boron, potassium.

As well as in usual, starch is present in the grains of canned corn. It is also rich in mono - and disaccharides, protein. In insignificant quantities, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fats.

Canned corn is used in diets designed for professional athletes. Here it is valuable as a source of amino acids and plant proteins, necessary for maintaining physical fitness.

The most valuable product of corn grain is also for the nutrition of people with diabetes, because they have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. In turn, the saturated acids that make up these grains reduce the level of cholesterol, the surplus of which negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

Experts have noticed the beneficial effect of this product on the gastrointestinal tract. Say, a small amount of the product can relieve the symptoms of bloating. Plant fiber improves liver function and metabolism. Corn is also useful for people with allergies, anemia and anorexia.

Corn promotes weight loss. Calorie corn, cooked in the form of canned food, is small. The fact is that if any food product is added to the finished diet, then it will add calories, and if it is used as a substitute for other products, then on the contrary, it will help you lose weight. Just do not try to eat corn alone - nutrition must be balanced.

In the process of canning, corn loses not all of its vitamins and minerals. However, the content of individual nutrients is reduced by 5-6 times. But then, when canning in corn, the sodium content increases at times.

Pouring from the jar of corn can just drink. No good, however, it will not bring (although harm, too).

By the way, corn from a tin can does not provoke bloating. Moreover, if a person becomes numb, on the contrary - it will be useful to use it to remove unpleasant symptoms.

If the can is already open, the corn should be placed in tin glass containers. Moreover, it is desirable - in a closing lid - that there were no oxidation processes. You should not keep corn in the refrigerator in an open container - it will "absorb" all the unpleasant odors.


Many of us (especially those who are struggling with obesity) are concerned with the question: how different is the energy value of fresh corn cobs and canned corn.

The caloric value of the first is approximately 123 kcal, while the second is approximately 119 kcal. This difference is due to the fact that during processing the corn is saturated with water, due to which the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is "diluted" in it. For example, in fresh corn about 4.1 grams of protein and 2.3 grams of fat. In the corn from the can, which has a lower calorie content, they are 3.9 and 1.3 grams, respectively. True, it has a little more carbohydrates, but very slightly.

Cooking at home:

What do you need:

  • corn - 8-10 cobs
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cooking method:

Clean and wash the corn. Dip each cob into boiling water for 2 minutes and then immediately pour cold water over it. Separate and wash the kernels and cold boiled water. Dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Steriliter jars and lids sterilize 15 minutes. Then fill them with 2/3 blanched corn kernels. Pour salt and sugar into the water. Put the saucepan with water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour marinade over the corn and cover with lids. Sterilize the jars of corn in boiling water for about 3.5 hours. After that, the banks immediately roll up. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

Also, if desired, corn can be conserved with whole cobs, without separating the kernels.


Harm maize can cause those prone to thrombosis; It is contraindicated in case of excessive blood clotting. Corn reduces appetite, so it is not recommended for low body weight. Abuse of this product may cause aggravation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that corn enjoys popular love. Despite the fact that this vegetable is not traditionally grown in our latitudes, corn fields are not uncommon today. For this it is worth saying thanks to Columbus, who several centuries ago brought corn to Europe. Today, it is possible to feast on it almost all year round, eating boiled corn during the harvest period, and in the cold season preferring preserved or frozen corn. Calorie boiled corn can not be called low, but it is easily digested and can be used as a product for weight loss. Of course, while it is not necessary to overeat corn, and use it in moderation. The same can be said about the calorie content of canned corn, which many people like to add to various salads. If this product is used in reasonable quantities, it will not affect the abdomen or thighs. The calorie content of cooked corn should not stop those who care about their health, because there are a lot of useful substances and vitamins in our body.

Caloric value of boiled corn and its useful properties

Boiled corn saves a large amount of nutrients, because when cooked, the shell of the grain is not disturbed. It contains vitamin A, vitamins of group B and “vitamin of youth and beauty” E. In addition, boiled corn also contains minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, etc. The main advantage of corn, advantageously distinguishing it from any other vegetable, is the content in it of such a trace element as gold. Such a rich vitamin-mineral composition does not affect the calorie content of boiled corn. It remains a constant value regardless of the variety of corn chosen for cooking.

It is especially worth noting that boiled corn is also rich in vitamin B4, which is also called choline. This substance helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the blood, so corn is especially useful for those who have increased this indicator. In addition, choline helps to improve the activity of the nervous system and improves metabolism. This means that, despite how many calories in boiled corn, its regular use can help in maintaining weight for those who take care of their figure. As for the calorie content of boiled corn, it is 123 kcal per 100 g of product. In principle, this indicator is not very different from the calorie content of canned corn. Also, in the course of cooking, the unique vitamin and mineral composition of this vegetable is also preserved.

Given the useful composition of corn it can be especially recommended for people suffering from various health problems. In particular, it can help those who suffer from constipation and liver disease. It is recommended to use boiled corn in case of problems with the heart and blood vessels. Boiled corn allows you to remove the attacks of gout and jade, and also reduces the symptoms of gallstones. It is also useful for gastrointestinal diseases. To alleviate the symptoms of gastritis, it is enough to eat porridge from crushed corn kernels. Since corn is rich in vitamin E, regular use of it can slow down the aging process in the body, so it is necessary for older people, as well as those who want to preserve youth and beauty for a long time. As can be seen, the calorie content of boiled corn is nothing compared with the benefits it brings. Thus, before carefully considering how many calories are in boiled corn, you need to evaluate its useful composition in order to draw conclusions about whether to exclude this product from your diet.

Despite its calorie content, boiled corn can be used for weight loss diets. It is recommended to use it in medium quantities and move more. And the choline contained in the corn will help to normalize the metabolism, which will lead to the loss of extra pounds. Thus, the question of how many calories in boiled corn should not bother adherents of a healthy diet.

Canned corn is a tasty product that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. As a result of special processing, corn loses some of the nutrients, but remains a product with high nutritional value. The calorie content of canned corn averages 120 kcal per 100 g, which is not much different from the number of calories in boiled corn. This figure depends on the manufacturer of canned corn. This corn can be used separately, and can be added as an additional ingredient in other dishes. Canned corn preserves carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and trace elements. Only 150 g of this product can satisfy the need for vitamin B1 for an adult at 25% of the daily requirement. At the same time, carbohydrates contained in corn will provide the body with more energy. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, is also preserved in canned corn.

Thus, regardless of the form in which to use corn, the number of calories in boiled corn, as well as in canned food is approximately the same. However, there are more nutrients stored in boiled corn, because in this case the thermal effect is not so long. But canned corn can be an excellent substitute at a time of year when there is no fresh corn on the markets. Using it in reasonable quantities, you can saturate the body with useful substances, without adding extra pounds. The question of how many calories in corn less important compared with the question: how many nutrients in this product. Corn is a wonderful product whose taste cannot be confused with anything. She is gorgeous in different dishes, and if you love her, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure to eat sweet corn. The benefit from it is truly enormous, and the harm to the figure is excluded if it is used in reasonable quantities and not overeat.

All supporters of proper nutrition understand that harm in the use of canned products is inevitable. This applies even initially useful products, such as corn. Unfortunately, juicy and delicate grains spoil very quickly, so you can only enjoy them fresh in certain months.

Freezing affects the texture of the elements is not the most favorable way, so many cooks still prefer conservation to this option. Practice shows that with the right approach, their negative impact on the body will be minimized, however, and you should not count on positive effects.

Features of the composition of canned corn

According to experts, even contains more nutrients than canned. During the mandatory stages of processing, the grains lose a significant part of their useful properties. The content of minerals and vitamins is no more than 1/5 of the initial data. Despite this, the products still retain some of the necessary body substances:

  •   and tryptophan in the complex start cleaning the intestinal tract. This has a positive effect on the state of the mucous membrane, prevents the processes of decomposition and fermentation of food residues.
  • The benefits of canned corn are manifested in the saturation of tissues with vitamins E, D and group B. These substances have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, normalize pressure and sleep, eliminate signs of migraine.

Tip: Unused canned corn should be transferred to a glass or porcelain dish and pour the brine from the jar. It is strictly forbidden to keep the product directly in a tin container, even if there is a brine in it. This can lead to a deterioration in the taste of the product and its faster deterioration.

The maximum content of beneficial substances is noted not in the grains of mature products, but in mothballed cobs. This may be a dwarf product, and the tops of ordinary products.

Useful properties of canned corn

The maximum concentration of nutrients is concentrated in boiled or steamed grains. Something contains and canned corn, the benefits and harms of which depend on the correctness of the choice of product.

Taking into account all the wishes of experts, we can count on such results from the use of products:

  1. The body's tone rises, apathy passes and the severity of signs of depression decreases.
  2. The level of sugar in the blood is normalized, the amount of bile produced decreases.
  3. There is a cleansing of the liver and kidneys, harmful cholesterol is derived from the blood.
  4. The processes of blood clotting are improved, the functionality of the brain increases.
  5. Immunity is strengthened, the body rejuvenates at all levels.

But when losing weight, the inclusion in the diet of canned corn is not recommended. This preparation, regardless of quality, will lead to fluid retention in the body, which will slow down the disposal of extra pounds. The calorie content of the product is also significant, so do not count on the active splitting of fats.

Harm of canned corn

As is the case with all canned foods, the damage to the processed corn is manifested in two cases:

  1. When you purchase an initially low-quality product or a violation of its storage conditions.
  2. When abusing a product, try to use it as a main course.

So, expired corn can cause severe food poisoning. And, having eaten several tablespoons of a product in one go, one can provoke a slight indigestion. Regular consumption of large volumes of preservation can lead to a stable disruption of food processing and the development of food allergies. Do not forget about the presence of various food additives in the composition of canned corn. Even conditionally safe substances can turn into poison under the influence of certain factors.

Rules for the selection of canned corn

Buying a product, many hostesses are guided by its value. In fact, if you want the benefit of canned corn to be maximized with minimal danger, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • It is better to buy blanks in glass containers. This will assess the appearance and quality of the grains, the brine transparency, the presence of sediment and various impurities. The corn itself should not be of a bright color, the yellow hue indicates the considerable age of the cobs from which the elements were collected. It is better to buy dairy-colored corn.
  • If the bank tin, on it there should not be divorces and dents. The first factor ensures that there is no violation of the integrity of the package. The second minimizes the risk that the metal was damaged and reacted with the substances in the brine.
  • Bank need to shake. If a transfusion is heard, this indicates the presence of air in the container, which can cause the product to deteriorate even when closed. Well, when such a manipulation does not give any results.
  • Of course, expiration dates displayed on containers are of great importance. They should not exceed 2 years. It is still not worth buying products that will expire over the next 6 months.

In general, the use of canned corn is quite controversial, even if it is harvested on its own, at home. Vitamins in any case are destroyed during processing, and minerals can turn into forms that adversely affect the body. In favor of the grains harvested in a similar way, says the preservation of their texture and softness. Yes, and the taste of such products, many like it even more than the fresh or boiled product. There is one more important point - the preservative ceases to be a universal ingredient, it is combined only with natural products, and it is better not to combine it with pickled foods and convenience foods.

Corn has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including the product is enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP, minerals potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium.

Caloric value of boiled corn per 100 grams 123 kcal. 100 g boiled cereal:

  • 4.1 g protein;
  • 2.29 g fat;
  • 22.6 g of carbohydrates.

When boiled in corn, much of the vitamins and minerals are retained. In this product there are many vitamins B1, B6, B9, K, PP, mineral substances of magnesium, potassium, nickel, copper and phosphorus.

Calorie cooked corn in 1 pc.

The calorie content of boiled corn in 1 cob (the cob is taken of medium size) is 160 kcal. In one cob:

  • 5.33 g of protein;
  • 2.98 g fat;
  • 29.3 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie boiled corn for weight loss

Boiled corn is characterized by a high content of fiber, which improves digestion, stimulates the cleaning of the body from toxins and slags. At the same time, it is allowed to include such cereals in your diet during a diet only if a person is losing weight, does not have chronic diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, or pancreas.

When losing weight, boiled corn should be eaten without oil and salt. The optimal time - to eat cereals no later than 2.5 - 3 hours before bedtime.

Calorie boiled corn with salt per 100 grams

Caloric value of boiled corn with salt per 100 grams is the same as in the case of unsalted boiled cereal. Thus, this product contains 123 kcal, 4.1 g of protein, 2.29 g of fat, 22.6 g of carbohydrates.

Salted corn is considered less useful. Salt is contraindicated in violations of the gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to edema, impaired water-salt balance. During weight loss salt retains fluid in the body, which, in turn, prevents intensive weight loss.

Calorie canned corn per 100 grams

Calorie canned corn per 100 grams 119 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 3.9 g of protein;
  • 1.29 g fat;
  • 22.8 g of carbohydrates.

In canned corn preserved vitamins B, E, minerals phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc.

Corn Benefits

The following benefits of corn are known:

  • boiled corn is saturated with magnesium, which is good for the health of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, prevents the aging process of the body;
  • b vitamins of the product are necessary for the prevention of stress, prevention of depression;
  • cereal is enriched with vitamin E, which has strong antioxidant properties, which reduces the risk of developing sclerosis;
  • with regular consumption of maize inhibited the development of muscle dystrophy;
  • cereal reduces pain caused by arthritis;
  • acids contained in corn remove mental stress, provide an accelerated recovery of the body during physical exhaustion.

Corn damage

The harmful properties of corn can be attributed to:

  • the product is excluded from the diet with a tendency to form blood clots and high rates of blood clotting;
  • corn masks for face and skin can cause allergic reactions;
  • as already mentioned, to exclude maize from the diet should be when aggravated diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall bladder;
  • unscrupulous manufacturers often grow corn using chemicals. If ingested, these chemicals can cause malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract and serious food poisoning.

To minimize the risk to health, be sure to ask the seller to provide you with a quality certificate for the products sold.