Why boiled eggs are useful. Whole Eggs Are Among The Most Healthy Foods On The Planet. Can i drink eggs every day?

16.05.2019 Egg Dishes


What is a chicken egg, the benefits and harm to the human body chicken eggs, and also do they have any healing properties? These questions often arise for those who care about their health and show interest in alternative methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get the answer to these questions.

For example, I get kidneys with a lot of yolks. My mother said that at that time she had a diet with eggs, and all this became acne. Often some of my clients, mostly younger boys, have a similar problem. In some it resists over time, but in others it stays and always eats 2-3 yolks and collapses.

To solve another problem - a diet high in fat. Her fanatical pilgrims go left and right, because "nothing will happen to you, because you eat more butter, buttery meat and whole eggs." Nothing against low-fat low-carb diets, it works, especially for quick weight loss, but without taking into account your calories and fat, you can tremble rather than lose weight. For example, a 45-pound girl eats 12 whole eggs a day.

Eggs and how single product  nutrition, and as an integral part of many other foods, have firmly entered our diet, and many of us can no longer imagine how we can do without them.

But are eggs good for our body? Can they be harmful to health?

What diseases do you need to exclude from their diet? There has been a lot of discussion about this recently between supporters and opponents of eating eggs, and here we will talk in this chapter about the advantages and disadvantages of eggs for food.

Why do bodybuilders throw yolks?

Besides them, avocados, steaks and butter. Here is the answer to the question. Let's see what the main goal of bodybuilding is: large and bold muscles. Those who need more food for growth and maintenance. And here there is a need for more  protein in bodybuilders.

Egg protein contains about 4 grams of protein, and no grams of fat yolk contain about 3 grams of protein, but 7 grams of fat, about 60 kilocalories. If you need more protein and less fat and calories, you need to eat a yolk from several proteins, to expel part of the yolks. The most common rule is 1 egg yolk per 4 eggs, but there are other ratios.

The most common type of this product on our table, of course, is chicken eggs. Strictly speaking, the eggs of any birds are edible. But since chicken is the most massively grown poultry, it is chicken eggs that take first place on our table.

Beneficial features:

Chicken eggs for a healthy person are very valuable and nutritious product, subject to sound moderation in their consumption.

Otherwise, the bitch grows again, but the waist and hips also grow. So, let's summarize the final deal once and for all. We can eat a couple of yolks every day until we put up with them and exceed our need for fat and calories. Nightingale, Alice X Liechtenstein, Ernst J. Schaefer and Jeffrey B Bloomberg. Quail eggs are a huge source of vitamins.

Although quail eggs are about 5 times smaller than chicken eggs, they contain 2, 5 times more vitamin A, 2, 8 times more vitamin B1 and 2, 2 times more quail eggs of vitamin B make up 33% of the yolk, 59% White and 8% Shell. The thickness of the shell is on average 0.2 mm.

They are a dietary food, contain very little a large number of  fat, easily absorbed by the body.

In its nutritional value and nutritional value  chicken eggs are not inferior to meat or milk, they can compete in this regard with black or red caviar.

Eggs are a complete meal, and besides, they are well absorbed by our body - by 98% and do not lead to weight gain.

Laying begins with laying hens, usually between 35 and 42 days, with a peak of about a week. The annual production of quail can reach 320 eggs. Eggs weighing 11 to 15 g have a high nutritional value and contain a relatively large yolk. They are sought primarily for their apparent impact on the health and vitality of the consumer. They help in the fight against allergies, circulatory problems and other civilizational diseases.

It is difficult to find two identical colored eggs. The size should be balanced, but sometimes there is a quail that can withstand 2 times more eggs. Often two egg yolks. Although quail eggs are 5 times smaller than chicken, they contain 5 times more phosphorus, potassium and iron. Phosphorus contributes to the development of the psyche, which is why in Japan, every student receives two quail eggs for lunch. This diet product  also contains a lot of copper, cobalt, niacin and essential amino acids.

One egg in its own way nutritional value  replaces 50 g of meat or a glass of milk and contains 14% of the daily required protein intake!

Egg protein contains only 14–15% of animal protein, and the rest - 84–85% is water. Yolk of chicken eggs, despite the fact that it is more valuable and nutritious than protein, is digested and digested worse, since it contains a higher percentage of fat.

Tyrosine, for example, is responsible for healthy color  skin, therefore quail eggs are used in the cosmetic industry. Due to its high lecithin content, eating raw eggs lowers cholesterol. In addition, it was found that phosphorus in quail eggs strongly stimulates potency. According to the Bulgarian scientist, this is better than Viagra.

Quail eggs have antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties, so if you have frequent colds, quail eggs should be your rule every morning for breakfast. Their use is recommended for people suffering from anemia, severe headaches, asthma, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, regular consumption normalizes blood pressure and improves digestion. Quail eggs are mainly recommended for children, immunocompromised people and pregnant women.

A large amount of cholesterol, for which chickens' eggs are scolded, is found only in yolk, and in protein it is practically absent.

Raw eggs are digested better and faster, but they are not recommended to eat because of the risk of salmonella infection. Hard boiled eggs are most difficult and long to digest, so they should be thoroughly chewed. The best way to cook soft-boiled eggs.

The content of one egg is 65 J and 15, 8 calories. Quail eggs are a natural source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which positively affect the cardiovascular system. Some medical institutes in Japan, Russia and America use raw eggs for healing in the form of treatment, namely.

And even refers to them: quail eggs, of course, in a raw state, are used in many places around the world for prevention and treatment. various diseases. If we use them, we also increase immunity by promoting the above and many other substances - by stimulating the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body. Therefore, they are recommended both for the prevention of influenza, for example, for pregnant women, and in people with high stress or after surgery.

It is not without reason that homemade eggs are distinguished by a brighter yolk - they are tastier, more nutritious and healthier than store eggs, since chicken grown in natural conditions  and on natural feeds, it gives much more healthy offspring than its goods, living their whole lives in tight cages of poultry farms and consuming large quantities of various food additives.

Consumption quail eggs  as various drugs  treated or helps treat diseases of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver problems, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. You can also use a sink containing many vitamins, minerals and trace elements, so doctors advise adding it to your meal.

But most importantly, because high temperature  body quail is resistant to infections. This helps to keep farms without vaccination and treatment, thereby saving drugs in the body and subsequently eggs of birds. Unlike chicken, quail eggs do not cause allergies in children or adults. On the contrary, there is a protein called ovomucoid that can inhibit allergic reactions - a strange egg produces a drug - ovomucoid extract - used to treat allergies.

The eggs contain a well-balanced set of vitamins: vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, K.

Eggs are also rich in macro- and microelements, amino acids. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, selenium, choline, lecithin, niacin and tryptophan.

Eggs are useful:

  • children (well absorbed);
  • nursing mothers (a large amount of protein contributes to good lactation);
  • elderly people (easy to digest);
  • during various diseases (give a supply of energy);
  • during the recovery period;
  • for good growth of bone and muscle tissue (contain a lot of calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and D);
  • to improve vision (a large amount of vitamin A);
  • for the work of the kidneys (a lot of potassium and vitamin B3).

This is due to the fact that eggs:

Quail eggs are among the most delicious eggs poultry. It is fried, cooked, raw, baked, pickled. They are used for scrambled eggs, mayonnaise, salads, decorate dishes. Thanks to the “non-standard” size and unusual varied color, children eat, not chicken. The eggs are adapted according to conventional recipessuch as chicken eggs. Cut egg eggs  with a knife, but these are also nails.

The quark shell of quail eggs is a source of easily absorbed calcium and 26 other elements, including copper, fluoride, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon. Silicon and molybdenum are especially valuable - our daily food is very poor in these elements, but they are necessary for normal biochemical reactions in the body. And therefore, doctors recommend that you don’t throw shells or add them to your home dishes. Such treatment is not only very effective, but does not have side effectsand there is no risk of overdose.

  • help strengthen immunity (contain vitamins A, B6 and D);
  • regulate the ratio of carbohydrates and amino acids (due to the content of vitamin B1);
  • improve metabolism (there are a lot of B vitamins in eggs);
  • normalize the work of the nervous system (calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, vitamins E and A);
  • regulate oxidation processes in all body tissues;
  • establish the necessary ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • normalize work digestive system  (B vitamins and nicotinic acid);
  • are having positive impact  to the work of the cardiovascular system (contain a lot of potassium, vitamins B, B1 and D);
  • cleanse blood vessels (contain lecithin);
  • participate in the processes of hemoglobin formation (due to the content of iron, calcium; B vitamins in them);
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • improve blood coagulability and prevent hemophilia (due to the content of vitamin K in its composition);
  • clean the liver of poisons, prevent the occurrence of fatty deposits in it (due to the choline contained in them);
  • activate mental activity (vitamin A);
  • stabilize nervous activity and relieve depression (thanks to vitamin B5 or tryptophan);
  • contribute to the good condition of bones, teeth and hair (contain calcium, fluorine, vitamins A. B and D);
  • improve skin condition (thanks to vitamin E and potassium in their composition);
  • regulate the activity of endocrine glands (copper and cobalt);
  • are good antioxidant  (contain selenium);
  • increase the body's production of sex hormones (due to the large amount of protein, vitamin E and niacin);
  • increase potency (due to the high content of protein and phosphorus).


One of the most important harmful qualities  eggs for our health is the high content of cholesterol in them. So, for example, in fat it contains 3 times less, and in cheese 2 times less than in eggs. The amount of cholesterol in one egg is 220–280 mg and depends on the size of the egg.

If he is nearby when collecting eggs, and this is quite common, he also becomes fresh.

Also an egg with a soft shell. Sinks from the kitchen or after hatching are dried, and then destroyed and transferred to about 1-2 mm of fragments. Eggs have a longer shelf life of about 3 months. Since the demand for me exceeds my options, the eggs are not kept for long.

People used to think that when you eat cholesterol, it will increase the concentration in the blood, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. It turns out, however, that this is not so simple, and the more cholesterol we consume, the less it produces our body. This is called a feedback control mechanism.

Many cardiologists believe that the daily intake of cholesterol in the body should not exceed 200 mg. And this is its total amount, the totality of cholesterol from all the food we eat during the day! Having eaten only one egg, we already exceed daily rate  cholesterol, and yet we also eat other products that contain it, thereby we personally harm health.

How the body regulates cholesterol

We often think of cholesterol as something negative. When we hear about it or read it, we automatically recall the medicine, myocardial infarction, and premature death. But the reality is a little different. Cholesterol is the main building block and an important component  cell membranes and can be found in all cells the human body.

The body also uses cholesterol to produce steroid hormones such as testosterone, estrogens, or cortisol. Without cholesterol, we could not exist at all. Since cholesterol is very important for the human body, we must adapt to it and create mechanisms to ensure sufficient cholesterol in the body at all times.

Excessive egg consumption can be harmful:

      • An increase in cholesterol in the body leads to clogging of blood vessels and significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases - hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.
      • According to scientific studies, eating 7 or more eggs per week increases the likelihood of premature death by 25%, especially in men.
      • The use of eggs by people with diabetes, in 2 times (!) Increases the risk of premature death, in contrast to those diabetics who do not eat eggs at all.
      • Should not eat fried eggs  or eggs with mayonnaise sauce for people with liver disease. With such diseases, it is better to eat boiled eggs cooked hard-boiled or soft-boiled.
      • Excessive regular use  eating eggs leads to type 2 diabetes, while the method of preparation is absolutely irrelevant.
      • Egg yolk stimulates the work of the gallbladder, therefore, with gallstone and urolithiasis, pain in the form of colic can develop. People suffering from such diseases, it is better to refuse to eat eggs.
      • Caution should be taken when eating eggs for people prone to allergic reactions, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to the age of seven, because eggs can cause allergies.

Recently, cases of salmonellosis - the most severe food poisoning, which, if you do not start treating it on time, can lead to death. And the source of salmonellosis is very often chicken eggs. To avoid the danger of getting sick, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water whenever you touch the eggs, be sure to wash the eggs themselves before cooking and do not eat raw eggs. Remember that temperatures of 60 degrees and above can destroy salmonella!

But since cholesterol in the diet does not always have to be enough, our body can make cholesterol directly in the liver. However, if we eat a cholesterol-rich diet, the liver begins to produce less cholesterol. This mechanism ensures that the body maintains a level of cholesterol in the blood at a practically constant level, and this depends only on how much cholesterol is taken in the diet - either we will eat most of the cholesterol in the diet and the liver will produce less or vice versa.

What happens when you eat a few eggs a day?

Summary: The liver produces large amounts of cholesterol. When we eat a lot of eggs, the liver will produce less cholesterol. For decades, doctors have advised patients to reduce egg intake or reduce egg yolk intake. Experts usually recommend eating no more than 2-6 egg yolks per week.

There are practically no carbohydrates and vitamin C in eggs, so you should not eat eggs exclusively, but you should diversify your diet with other products.

How to choose:

In order to choose fresh eggs, you need to know one important rule - the longer the chicken egg has been stored, the easier it is.

A fresh chicken egg, which is no more than 3-4 days old, drowns in water, and an egg laid more than 10 days ago floats to the surface.

Fortunately, we have a number of wonderful clinical trials that explain how it really works with cholesterol and eggs, and so we can be calm. In these clinical trials, the authors divided the participants into two groups. Participants from one group ate whole eggs for some time every day, and participants from another group did not eat eggs, but something else. Subsequently, experts followed individual participants for several weeks and months.

The results of these clinical trials have shown that. Triglycerides are another important risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. A significant increase in antioxidant levels in carotenoids is observed. . The body's response to eating whole eggs depends on the individual.

Of course, only fresh eggs that do not have defects in the form of cracks can benefit.

It is best to store them in a cool place or in the refrigerator, and they can be stored for quite a long time (20-30 days or more). The thing is that on the surface of the egg there is a natural special protective film that protects them from damage. For this reason, they should not be washed in water immediately, but before cooking, it must be done very carefully, in order to avoid catching any infection.

At first glance, it may seem that eating eggs in almost a third of people increases cholesterol, which can be a problem. Scientific studies confirm that eating up to 3 whole eggs per day is safe for healthy people and does not adversely affect their health.

Many clinical trials have been conducted that address how egg consumption affects the risk of heart disease. These clinical studies are called observational studies. Simply put, these are clinical trials in which a large number of people take part and are followed for many years after they are stopped.

How to cook:

A few tips for making chicken eggs:

  • Soft-boiled eggs should be boiled for 2-3 minutes, the countdown goes from the moment of boiling water;
  • Eggs in a bag are cooked for 5-6 minutes;
  • A boiled egg should be cooked for 8-10 minutes.

To get a tasty and healthy product, use some simple tips:

  • Always start the timer when you start cooking;
  • After the time is up, put boiled egg  under cold water, thanks to this, eggs will be easier to peel from the shell;
  • Strong boiling can lead to cracking of the shell, so cook eggs on moderate or slow heat;
  • Found a crack in the shell? Then you should cook a raw egg in salted water and the protein will not leak.

What are useful chicken eggs for:


An adult can eat half a egg per day. In a week no more than three pieces. Children can eat more eggs per day. The thing is that the child’s body is growing, they are actively moving, spending a large amount of energy, and metabolic processes  at baby body  are much faster. It is for this child that you can give from one to two eggs per day safely.

How to prepare a child for this product or how many eggs per day can a child eat? First of all, you need to check whether the child has a reaction and only then begin to feed. Children are not recommended to give eggs very often raw or soft-boiled. To check if there is a reaction, it is enough to give the child one boiled egg, it can be hard boiled. For starters, you can also give a small slice of yolk with a small amount of milk or milk mixture. Then you can add a small amount of yolk to vegetable salads. A quarter of the yolk in the first year of life is enough, but it can not be given daily, but after a while (after 2-3 days).

  • The risk of developing allergic reactions increases.
  • It is very difficult to digest a young stomach.
  • Raw eggs contain substances that can inhibit the basic actions of digestive enzymes. The product is poorly digested and other food only harms.
  • There is a risk of a dangerous digestive infection (such as salmonellosis). Salmonella can be on the eggshell.


Eggs contain a large amount of protein, and it is the man’s body that needs protein. If you eat eggs for breakfast at least 2 times a week, you will see how your well-being has changed - you have energy and vigor, you stopped getting tired so quickly. Due to the content of selenium, eggs positively affect male function, moreover, this product contributes to the production of testosterone.

The healing properties of eggs:

For diabetes:

AT diet food  when treating patients with diabetes, soft-boiled chicken eggs are preferred - cooked in this way, they are more easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the diet can be varied with protein omelet from chicken eggs, steamed. Nutritionists recommend abstaining from eating egg yolks and fried eggs in a pan.

As a rule, when compiling diet menu  with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, a boiled egg is included in the first breakfast. Another common option is to add chicken eggs to the first and second courses, as well as a variety of salads. However, it should be remembered that their use in diabetes  should be limited to one and a half a day - in any form.

Eating raw chicken eggs is possible, but should not be systematic. Raw - much worse absorbed. There is another reason - in protein raw eggs  contains avidin - a substance that can weaken the effect of biotin (a vitamin of group B) and cause an allergic reaction in some people. In addition, there is always a risk of microbes from the surface of the shell.

With pancreatitis:

The main advantage of a chicken egg is a high content of easily digestible protein, which is essential for the full restoration of damaged tissues and cells of the pancreas and the subsequent normal synthesis of enzymes and insulin. And, of course, the eggs will be useful for their rich vitamin and mineral composition, due to which the regular use of eggs for food restores strength, stimulates the immune system, positively affects the condition of bones, teeth, skin and hair, and is a good prevention of anemia.

But the eggs of chickens also have some drawbacks that cause limitations in their use in the nutrition of patients with pancreatitis.

What is the danger of chicken eggs in pancreatitis:

  • They have quite a lot of fat (about 7 grams in one egg), and some of this fat is represented by harmful cholesterol. Fats in the case of pancreatitis, especially in acute periods of illness, are very poorly digested, leading to abdominal pain, heartburn and diarrhea.
  • Egg yolks  have a pronounced choleretic property, which should be avoided in acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic.
  • Protein is a strong allergen, and it causes a number of unpleasant phenomena in people predisposed to allergy, including from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chicken eggs may contain pathogens. Most often, poor-quality eggs cause salmonellosis. Intestinal infection caused by pancreatitis will worsen and may trigger a new exacerbation. To protect yourself from salmonellosis, you should buy eggs in the store, labeled, and be sure to wash it with soap before cooking.

In the acute phase of the disease only egg white is allowed. First, a protein omelet appears in the menu - from 4-5 days from the start of the attack. Then various souffles and casseroles using protein are introduced into the diet of patients. In general, the egg is allowed in a month from the onset of exacerbation - it can be eaten boiled soft-boiled.

During stable remission of the disease, chicken eggs are widely used in the nutrition of patients. It can be cooked softly and "in the bag", allowed poached eggs. Eggs are used to prepare many of the dishes permitted for pancreatitis (omelets, casseroles, souffles, marshmallows, soups, lean pastries, meat and meat dishes). minced fish  etc.). However, overly involved in eggs should not: acceptable rate  use of chicken eggs for pancreatitis (including eggs, egg powder and egg white  in dishes and finished products) 4 eggs per week are counted (one every other day).

Hard-boiled eggs when pancreatitis is undesirable - a dense yolk is poorly digested, often causes belching and heartburn. Various spicy and fatty snacks from eggs, salads with eggs and mayonnaise are also excluded, stuffed eggs, fried eggs.

Eggs are so nutritious that they are called "natural multivitamins."

They also contain a unique set of antioxidants and powerful nutrientsuseful for the brain, which most people really miss.

The following 6 statements prove that eggs are among the most useful foods on earth.

1. Whole Eggs Are In The Row Of Most Helpful Foods On The Planet

One whole egg contains fantastic  a set of valuable trace elements.

Just imagine ... these micronutrients are enough to grow a whole chicken without any additional feed.

Eggs are full of vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, healthy fats  and many other less known, but no less useful trace elements.

One large egg contains:

  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): 9% of the Recommended Daily Nutrition Standard (RSEP).
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 15% of RSEP.
  • Vitamin A: 6% of RSEP.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 7% of RSEP.
  • Selenium: 22% of RSEP.
  • Eggs also contain small amounts of virtually all naturally occurring vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body ... including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, vitamin E, folic acid, and many other ingredients.

In one large egg 77 Kcal, 5 grams of healthy protein, 5 grams of fat and a small amount of carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that most of the nutrients are concentrated in the yolk. Protein is pure protein.

Conclusion: Whole eggs are incredibly nutritious and contain a huge amount of nutrients with a relatively small amount of calories. Virtually all nutrients are in the yolk, while the protein is a pure protein.

2. Eggs Maintain Healthy Cholesterol AND NO Effect on the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases

The main argument of those who fear eating eggs is high cholesterol content.

One large egg contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, which is really a lot compared to other products that contain cholesterol.

However, a significant amount of cholesterol in eggs does not affect its level in your blood.

Your liver produces cholesterol daily. As soon as you begin to consume foods containing cholesterol, your liver begins to reduce its production. If your body lacks cholesterol, the liver begins, respectively, to excrete more.

In fact, eggs support the level of healthy cholesterol in the body.

Eggs raise the level of good cholesterol, reducing the level of harmful. Only therefore eggs can not be associated with cardiovascular diseases.

One study proved that three eggs a day lowers insulin resistance, raises healthy cholesterol and eliminates both men and women from the metabolic syndrome.

Numerous studies have studied the effect of egg consumption on the development of cardiovascular diseases and found no connection between these two phenomena.

However, it was found that overuse  eggs puts cardiovascular diseases at risk for diabetics. However, further research is still underway. After all, with a low-carb diet, type 2 diabetes ceases to manifest itself and eggs once again become an acceptable product in the diabetic diet.

Conclusion: Studies prove the effect of eggs on the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood. Also, they have nothing to do with the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Eggs are characterized by increased content of choline - useful for the brain of the substance

Choline is often referred to as group B vitamins.

Choline is one of the vital elements responsible for the stable flow of all the physiological processes of the human body.

It is necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and is also a component of cell membranes.

Inadequate intake of choline leads to liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders.

This nutrient is especially beneficial for pregnant women. Studies have shown that a low intake of choline increases the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects, which leads to a decrease in cognitive function in offspring.

Surveys of 2003 - 2004 among Americans showed that more than 90% of people did not use enough choline.

The best sources of choline are egg yolks and beef liver. One large egg contains about 113 mg of choline.

Conclusion: Choline is a vital nutrient and 90% of US residents receive less of it. Egg yolks are the best source of choline.

4. Eggs Contain Only Useful Protein And A Perfect Set Of Amino Acids

Proteins are the very building blocks of which the cells of our body are built. Protein (protein) carries with it both structural and functional beneficial properties.

They consist of amino acids that are linked together, like beads on a string, and woven into complex shapes.

There are about 20 amino acids necessary for our body to produce proteins.

Our body can not produce 9 of them. That is why they need to fill the right diet.

The usefulness of a protein source is determined by its essential amino acids. The correct one is that source of protein, which contains all of them in the right proportions.

Eggs - best sources of proteins. The biological value (that is, the quality of the protein in the composition of the product) is always compared with the egg, because its biological value is maximum - 100.

Conclusion: Eggs are an ideal source of protein with the necessary set of amino acids in the proportions that a person needs.

5. Eggs Contain Eyes Useful Lutein And Zeaxanthin

These two antioxidants have a purely positive influence  on eye health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin tend to accumulate in the retina, the sensory part of the eye.

These antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the retina and cataracts - diseases that are among the leading causes of visual impairment in the elderly.

Conclusion: Eggs are rich in antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin. They significantly reduce the risk of visual impairment in old age.

6. Breakfast Eggs Will Help Lose Weight

Eggs contain very small amounts of carbohydrates, but a large amount of protein and healthy fat.

The egg is on the list of the most hearty foods  at the first place. A very small amount is required for saturation.

That is why eggs are one of the main products that help lose weight.

In one study, 30 overweight women ate either eggs or familiar coffee donuts for breakfast. Both breakfasts had an equal amount of calories.

Women who ate eggs felt satiety not only during the day, but also less often experienced hunger for the next 36 hours.

Moreover, in comparison with those who ate donuts for breakfast, those who used eggs for breakfast regularly for 8 weeks ...

  • Dropped 65% more weight
  • Lost 16% more fatty tissue
  • Reduced the amount of harmful cholesterol by 61%
  • Decreased in waist by 34%

Remember Once And Forever

Eggs are cheap, tasty and perfectly combined with any products.

Eggs are a unique superfood.

Based on: http://authoritynutrition.com/6-reasons-why-eggs-are-the-healthiest-food-on-the-planet/

Eggs are so nutritious that they are called "natural multivitamins." They also contain a unique set of antioxidants and powerful nutrients that are useful for the brain, which most people lack. Good Eating Eggs The following 6 statements prove that eggs are among the most useful foods on earth. 1. Whole ...

6 Evidence of Egg Utility

Irina Mishina