How to treat diabetes mellitus type 2 vodka. What if you can not avoid drinking alcohol? The list of strictly prohibited products

25.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Today we will talk about whether you can drink diabetics and in general, is vodka allowed in diabetes? Most people, having learned about the presence of a "sweet disease", immediately begin to panic and fuss.

For many, this becomes a blow for understandable reasons, and some cannot accept the fact of the disease at all. However, after a certain time, the patient comes to his senses and begins to think sensibly.

Since a person is a social being, a lot of important questions arise, one of which is: “Can I drink vodka with diabetes?”. For some, giving up alcohol will not be a problem, but for a specific number of individuals it can be a real challenge.

And it's not at all dependency. As the saying goes: "Alcohol expands blood vessels and connections." Often, important trade deals or even political games are not solved without a vodka glass. Therefore, diabetics need to know how to behave with laughing drinks and what danger is vodka with diabetes.

Diabetes Vodka: The Effect of Alcohol

By itself, ethanol is a natural substance that is produced by intestinal bacteria in a dose of 40-45 mg / l of blood. It plays an important role in the digestive process. If a patient has a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, then even a small dose of strong drink can cause disastrous consequences.

For its action vodka refers to. Reception of a large amount of laughing liquid will not increase the level of glycemia, but, on the contrary, will reduce it. But this is the main danger for the patient.

To solve the problem and find out the answer to the question of interest - is it possible to drink vodka with diabetes - you need to first consult with your doctor, because a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Only the doctor will be able to comprehensively assess the condition of the patient and indicate the amount of alcohol allowed.

The main reasons for the development of hypoglycemic states when taking vodka are:

  1. Almost complete blocking of glycogenesis. The glucose stores in the liver cannot break down and the cells do not receive enough energy.
  2. Decreased gluconeogenesis activity (formation of ATP molecules from proteins and fats).
  3. Strengthening the synthesis of hormone insulin antagonists (cortisol, somatotropin).

It should be noted that such exposure to vodka or any other begins only 4-6 hours after consumption. Thus, in most patients, hypoglycemia develops during sleep. Some may not wake up at all in the morning if timely assistance is not provided.

How to drink with diabetes?

You need to know that the best way to prevent negative consequences - will be a complete rejection of laughing drinks. Nevertheless, everyone understands that not everyone can so easily exclude alcohol from their lives.

  1. Drinking vodka during the treatment of diabetes does not exceed 50 ml per day.
  2. Before and after taking ethanol, it is necessary to measure blood glucose values.
  3. Be sure to reduce the dose of insulin or sugar-lowering drugs using laughing drink.
  4. Never drink on an empty stomach. Need to eat or pre-eat.
  5. Do not use vodka as a medicine to reduce glycemia. Long-term use of ethanol exacerbates the course of the main disease and causes dependence.
  6. It is advisable to have with you a notification that the patient has diabetes. Often there are situations when a person falls into a hypoglycemic coma after 100 g of vodka on the street. Because of the smell of alcohol, the passing doors do not rush to his aid. Lack of timely medical intervention can be fatal.

The following patients for diabetes should completely abandon vodka:

  • Pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding;
  • Patients with a history of alcohol dependence;
  • In the absence of compensation of the main disease;
  • If a patient develops atherosclerosis and polyneuropathy with severe symptoms (angina, and others);
  • With exacerbations of pancreatitis.

Vodka and medicines

Most drugs restrict alcohol intake to maximize its effectiveness. If we talk about the "sweet disease", then the opposite is true.

Because of the possibility of alcohol to reduce sugar levels, you need to follow the following rules for an adequate reaction of the body:

  1. To feast measure the output level of glycemia.
  2. After drinking repeat testing.
  3. To reduce the dose of insulin injections in accordance with the indicator of the meter. The amount of sugar-reducing medicines (,) should be reduced by half.

Is it possible or not to drink vodka with diabetes - the question is very relevant. The answer depends on many additional factors. The decision must come from the patient himself. The best option would be a complete rejection of alcohol, because all the same you need to be objective and recognize that vodka with diabetes does not bring benefits to the patient.

It is difficult to constantly find a balance between the amount of alcohol drunk and the dose of drugs. A person himself must choose what is more important to him - his own good health or a good evening mood with a dubious ending.

In the presence of diabetes of the first and second type of patient, to maintain the concentration of glucose in the blood in a normal state, should always follow a low-carb diet. In the case of an insulin-independent form of the disease, the system of nutrition correctly developed by endocrinologists is the main treatment. And with an insulin-dependent type of diabetes, the diet helps reduce the dosage of the hormone insulin and reduces the risk of developing diabetic complications.

Doctors choose food and beverages based on their glycemic index (GI). This indicator shows exactly how fast glucose enters the blood. Allowed to eat and drinks with indicators up to 50 units. At the hospital, diabetics are told only about basic daily foods and drinks, which may be included in the menu.

But what if there are holidays coming and want to drink vodka, rum or wine. Everyone knows that vodka with diabetes mellitus is banned because of the high risk of hypoglycemia. However, there are a number of nuances that will help reduce this risk.

Below is the question of whether it is possible to drink vodka in diabetes of the first and second type, whether alcoholic beverages are compatible with glucose-lowering drugs, the benefits and harms of alcohol, what kind of wine can be drunk for insulin resistance, how to prepare the body for those who take vodka regularly.

Glycemic Index of Vodka

As already described above, the basis of the diet for diabetics are drinks and low-index products, up to 50 units inclusive. If the index is in the middle range, that is, up to 69 units inclusive - these products and drinks have the character of an exception, that is, they are present in the menu only a few times a week and then in a small amount. Drinks with GI from 70 units and above are strictly prohibited, since just five minutes after they have been consumed, one can feel the first signs of hyperglycemia and an increase in blood glucose concentration by 5 mmol / l.

The vodka index is zero units, but this figure does not give a positive answer to the question - is it possible to drink vodka in diabetes? This is explained by the fact that alcoholic substances suppress the function of the liver, which in turn slows down the release of glucose in the blood, while at the same time fighting alcohol, which is perceived as poison.

Because of this phenomenon, insulin-dependent patients often experience hypoglycemia, in rare cases delayed. This condition is extremely dangerous for people with a "sweet" disease. In time, no medical assistance can cause a coma or death. Therefore, it is extremely important, before consuming vodka with type 2 and type 1 diabetes, to warn your loved ones about this decision.

In diabetes, it is possible only occasionally and in a small amount such alcohol:

  • vodka, whose GI is zero units;
  • fortified dessert wine, whose GI is 35 units;
  • dry red and white wine, whose GI is 45;
  • dessert wine - 30 units.
  1. beer, whose GI reaches 110 units (even more than pure glucose);
  2. liqueurs;
  3. cocktails;
  4. sherry.

Diabetes mellitus and vodka are incompatible concepts, but if a decision is made to use them, some rules should be followed to avoid complications on target organs.

The effect of vodka on diabetes

Sugar level

Vodka quickly enters the bloodstream, literally after a couple of minutes its concentration in the blood is visible. The first thing that affects alcohol is the liver, which perceives it as poison. Because of this phenomenon, the process of glucose release into the body is inhibited, since the liver diligently neutralizes alcoholic poisons.

It turns out that glucose is “blocked”, but insulin is at a constant level, as a result of which hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar drops too low. These things are especially dangerous for a diabetic, since such a condition promises serious complications on the target organs.

In addition to the risk of developing conventional hypoglycemia, delayed hypoglycemia is also likely, a more dangerous condition that can catch a person at any inopportune moment.

The negative impact of hypoglycemia caused by alcohol intoxication:

  1. stroke;
  2. heart attack;
  3. failure of the cardiovascular system;
  4. coma;
  5. death.

On this basis, in no way does the compatibility of vodka and the “sweet” disease arise.

It is also necessary to consider the question - is it possible to drink vodka with diabetes mellitus associated with taking sugar-lowering drugs. Usually, there are no significant side effects in the instructions for such medicines.

But it should be borne in mind that alcohol suppresses the effectiveness of any pills.

How to drink alcohol in diabetes

In order to minimize the risks of complications and prevent hypoglycemia, there are a number of rules that should be strictly followed. First, the patient must have a blood glucose meter at hand to monitor indicators and adjust the dose of the hormone insulin.

Secondly, it is forbidden to drink on an empty stomach. Be sure to make at least a light snack. Vodka with type 2 diabetes should be snacking on carbohydrate foods that are associated with a small amount of protein foods.

It is also necessary to warn relatives about the decision to take alcohol. This will be required so that they can provide you with first aid when hypoglycemia occurs, and do not regard the patient's condition as banal intoxication.

So, the following basic rules for vodka intake can be distinguished:

  • be sure to eat and increase the usual portion of food;
  • with a significant use of vodka, it is necessary to abandon evening injection with insulin, and at night it is necessary to measure the level of glucose concentration;
  • on the day when you drink alcohol, you must give up physical activity and sports;
  • the appetizer is prepared from products containing difficult to break down carbohydrates;
  • have the hormone insulin and glucose on hand;
  • in the first four hours after taking the first dose of alcohol, regularly measure glucose concentrations in the blood with a glucometer.

It is important to take into account and adjust the dose of the injection of short or ultrashort insulin, or other sugar-lowering drugs (tablets).

What to choose snacks

As mentioned earlier, vodka with diabetes should be snacking on carbohydrate-containing dishes. However, you should not refuse a portion of protein foods, such as boiled chicken breast or chops. It is imperative to supplement the ration with pastries made from rye, buckwheat or other flour, allowed during the "sweet disease".

Since vodka and diabetes mellitus type 2 and type 1 are forced to mate with increased carbohydrate intake, you should not eat foods with a high glycemic index (potatoes, boiled beets and carrots).

As an appetizer, dishes from cereals — buckwheat and brown rice, vegetables — zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms and eggplants, fruit — persimmon, pineapples, and grapes — are suitable. Below will be described dishes that fit perfectly into any of the types (insulin-independent and insulin-dependent).

Plov is an excellent snack that contains both proteins and carbohydrates in a balanced way.

It is important that the rice for this dish is taken brown (brown), since its glycemic index is 55 units, while for boiled white rice this indicator exceeds 70 units.

The following ingredients are required:

  1. 300 grams of brown rice;
  2. 250 grams of chicken breast;
  3. three cloves of garlic;
  4. one small carrot;
  5. tablespoon of refined vegetable oil;
  6. salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  7. purified water - 400 milliliters;
  8. spices for pilaf - to taste.

Rinse rice under running water, remove fat from the chicken, skin and cut into cubes of three centimeters. At the bottom of the multicooker tank, pour out the vegetable oil, cover the rice, chicken and carrot, also cut into cubes. Mix thoroughly, salt, pepper and add spices.

After pouring water in and set the "pilaf" mode for one hour. After half an hour after the start of cooking, put the garlic, cut into thick plates on the pilaf, and continue the cooking process. After graduation, let pilaf stand for at least 15 minutes.

This dish is suitable for diabetics of the first and second type. It goes well with various vegetable salads - from tomatoes and cucumbers, from Peking cabbage and carrots.

It should be remembered that only endocrinologist can allow or forbid the patient to drink alcohol.

Vodka for diabetics can be served not only with meat and cereal dishes, but also with fish. For example, such a dish as type 1 and 2. To prepare this food you will need the following ingredients:

  • one onion, as many carrots;
  • 250 milliliters of tomato juice with pulp;
  • two tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
  • purified water - 100 milliliters;
  • one carcass of pollock or other lean fish (hake, perch);
  • flour or bread crumbs for roasting fish.

Slice vegetables and stew in oil under a lid for five minutes, then add tomato, water and simmer another 10 - 15 minutes, add salt. Separate the fish from the bones and cut into portions, salt and pepper, fry in a frying pan.

People with diabetes should follow a healthy lifestyle and follow a certain diet. However, many are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol in diabetes.

Holidays are not complete without alcohol, and a person suffering from diabetes does not know how to behave at the table.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol with or 1 type). This article will describe the basic rules regarding alcohol consumption by diabetics.

The effects of alcohol on a diabetic

Is alcohol and diabetes combined? Once in the body of a diabetic, alcohol has a specific effect. Drink contributes to the violation of the production of glucose in the tissues of the liver. It is reduced and the effect of insulin increases.

When drinking alcohol is its rapid absorption into the blood. The drink is processed by the liver, so if a person takes insulin or pills to stimulate insulin, alcohol can cause a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, since liver function is impaired. Alcohol can cause hypoglycemia. Also a lot of damage is caused to the cardiovascular system. May be fatal.

Compatibility and alcohol

There is a twofold opinion as to whether alcohol and diabetes are combined.

The overwhelming majority of doctors are firmly convinced that:

  • When alcoholic beverages are consumed, there is a significant decrease in blood sugar levels, which can trigger the development of hypoglycemia.
  • Being drunk, the patient may fall asleep and not notice the first symptoms of hypoglycemia.
  • Alcohol provokes confusion, which causes hasty decisions, including when taking medicines.
  • If a person with diabetes has problems with the kidneys and liver, the use of such drinks can cause exacerbation of diseases of these organs.
  • Alcohol has a devastating effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Alcohol can increase appetite, which can cause excessive food intake and, consequently, an increase in blood sugar.
  • Alcohol contributes to high blood pressure.

The second opinion is that with diabetes you can drink alcohol, only in very moderate quantities.

There are a number of basic rules to avoid its harmful effects on the body.

A person with diabetes is advised to:

  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • use only strong drinks or dry red wine;
  • keep your blood sugar in check.

This opinion is shared by patients who do not comply with the strict prescriptions of the doctor and do not want to change their habitual lifestyle, which they led to the discovery of diabetes.

The main types of diabetes

Diabetes is triggered by abnormalities laid down at the genetic level, and can also be caused by viral damage to the body or the result of a malfunction of the immune system.

Often the disease becomes the result of malnutrition, hormonal imbalance, pancreatic pathology, as well as treatment with some drugs.

Specialists distinguish the following types of diabetes:

  • insulin-independent;
  • insulin-dependent.

Insulin Independent Diabetes (Type 2)

How does insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2) manifest? Slow development is inherent in it. This condition is accompanied by the presence of itching in the genital area. With this pathology, skin manifestations of a fungal or bacterial nature develop.

Insulin-dependent form of diabetes (type 1)

It is inherent in young patients and is characterized by rapid development. This type of disease provokes a constant feeling of thirst. In a diabetic, weight is dramatically reduced, the amount of urine excreted increases, and muscle weakness appears. If the patient does not carry out proper treatment, he may develop ketoacidosis with anorexia, nausea and vomiting.

Common symptoms

For both types of the disease inherent complications such as:

  • disorders of the heart;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • propensity for inflammatory processes in the urogenital system;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • various skin pathologies;
  • liver obesity;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • joint degeneration;
  • fragility of teeth.

Often a sharp change in blood sugar is characterized by symptoms, which is similar to intoxication. The patient begins to stagger, becomes drowsy, weakens and disoriented. Persons suffering from diabetes, it is recommended to carry with them the doctor's opinion with a precise indication of the existing pathology.

Safety precautions

Alcohol in diabetes provokes a decrease in the production of glucose by the liver, which is dangerous for sick people who drink alcohol on an empty stomach or after a sports workout.

If a diabetic drinks alcohol too often, he has blood pressure spikes, the threshold for hypoglycemia rises, numbness of the extremities and signs of neuropathy appear.

Such a reaction to alcohol is not uncommon. If you take alcohol in a limited amount and constantly monitor the level of insulin, then the likelihood of side effects is minimized.

If a person has diabetes, can you take alcohol daily? Limiting the amount does not mean that you can drink alcohol every day. The optimal will be the minimum reception, not more than twice a week.

Basic rules for alcohol use in the presence of diabetes

What should a diabetic alcohol drinker know? Can I Drink Any Alcohol With Diabetes? There are several types of alcoholic beverages, which in the presence of the disease is strictly prohibited to drink.

This list can be ranked:

  • liquor;
  • champagne;
  • beer;
  • sweet dessert wine;
  • soda containing a low concentration of alcohol.

In addition, you should not drink alcohol:

  • on empty stomach;
  • more than once a week;
  • in parallel with a means of lowering the temperature;
  • during or after sports.

The golden rule should be constant monitoring of blood sugar levels. Check it out before drinking alcohol. If it is lowered, then do not drink. If there is such a need, you should take a drug that increases the level of sugar.

If alcohol was drunk in larger quantities than expected, then you should check the indicator sugar before bedtime. Usually in this case it is lowered. Doctors advise to eat something to raise it.

Many are interested in whether alcohol in diabetes can be mixed with other drinks. In this case, it is recommended to select a low-calorie combination. It is recommended to abandon sweetened beverages, juices and syrups.

In case of doubt about your future state of health, tell the person who will be nearby about a possible reaction from the body. In this case, you will be able to provide timely assistance. It is very important.

Can I drink vodka?

Can a diabetic drink vodka? To answer this question should pay attention to the composition of the drink. It contains alcohol, diluted with water. It does not contain any impurities and additives. However, we are talking about the perfect recipe for vodka, which not all manufacturers adhere to. Modern products contain various chemical impurities that have a negative effect on the human body.

Vodka helps reduce glucose levels, which can trigger hypoglycemia. Drink in combination with insulin preparations prevents the production of the right amount of hormone cleaners that help the liver in the absorption of alcohol.

But in some cases, vodka helps stabilize the diabetic. It is possible to use vodka for patients with type 2 diabetes. Alcohol in this case is able to optimize the state if the sugar index becomes above the permissible norm. At the same time, it is recommended to consume no more than 100 g of the drink per day, eating vodka with food of average calorie content.

The drink contributes to the activation of digestion and the breakdown of sugar, but at the same time disrupts metabolic processes in the body. In this case, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Drinking wine

Many scientists believe that drinking dry red wine is not capable of harming the body. However, for a diabetic, drinking alcohol is always fraught with complications.

Dry red wine contains substances that are beneficial to the body - polyphenols. They are able to control the level of glucose in the blood. When taking this alcoholic diabetic should pay attention to the percentage of sugar in the drink. The most optimal indicator is no more than 5%. Therefore, doctors recommend exactly dry red wine, although they note that they should not be abused either.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with diabetes in unlimited quantities? At one time, it is recommended to use no more than 200 g, and 30-50 g will be sufficient for daily intake.

Drinking beer

Many people, especially men, prefer beer to spirits. It is considered a high-calorie product, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with diabetes.

Beer is also alcohol. With type 2 diabetes in the amount of one cup, it is unlikely to cause harm. But in insulin-dependent patients, the drink can cause an attack of glycemia. Therefore, alcohol in type 1 diabetes and insulin is a dangerous combination. Often provoked coma, which can cause death.

Many diabetics mistakenly believe that beer does not cause any harm to their health. This view is based on the fact that yeast has a positive effect. Often this product is used for prophylactic purposes. When a diabetic consumes brewer's yeast, he recovers a healthy metabolism, optimizes liver function and blood formation. But this effect is caused by the use of yeast, and not beer.


There are certain conditions of the body in which alcohol and diabetes are not compatible:

  • Increased susceptibility to hypoglycemia.
  • The presence of gout.
  • Reduced kidney function in combination with such pathology as nature.
  • Elevated triglycerides when taking alcohol, which causes a failure in fat metabolism.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption in chronic pancreatitis can trigger type 2 diabetes.
  • The presence of diabetic hepatitis or cirrhosis, which is quite common.
  • Reception "Metformina". Typically, this drug is prescribed for type 2 disease. The combination of alcohol with this drug provokes the development of lactic acidosis.
  • The presence of diabetic neuropathy. Ethyl alcohol provokes damage to peripheral nerves.

Eating should be carried out three to five times evenly and should include various types of foods.

Of particular danger is the development of late hypoglycemia, when the pathological picture occurs within a few hours after drinking alcohol. To stop such an attack is very difficult due to a sharp decrease in glycogen in the liver. Moreover, such a condition may occur after episodic drinking on an empty stomach.

Dose limiting

If a person has diabetes, drink alcohol should be limited.

  • beer - 355 ml;
  • wine - 148 ml;
  • strong whiskey, port wine, rum, etc.) - 50 ml.


Alcohol and diabetes, according to many doctors, are not combined. Consumption of alcohol can cause a sharp drop in blood sugar. Doctors strongly recommend abstaining from alcohol. But if you follow this rule is not always obtained, then you should follow clear recommendations regarding the rules for drinking of persons suffering from impaired glucose production.

Diabetes mellitus has not yet been learned to heal, therefore such a diagnosis is made to a person forever. But in life there are holidays, birthdays, when the patient has to "meet" with strong alcoholic drinks. Can I drink vodka with type 2 diabetes mellitus - a question that worries many patients, especially men. Endocrinologists and nutritionists, when designating a diagnosis, clarify about the serious harm of alcohol, especially strong alcohol, and why this harm takes place - we will consider in the article.

Vodka - what kind of product?

Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink, without color, with a characteristic odor. Previously, it was made by distillation (distillation), but in our time it is produced by diluting ethyl alcohol with water to the desired concentration. The beginning of the use of the drink falls on the 14th century, and it has not lost popularity even now.

There is a myth that vodka with diabetes mellitus type 2 does not harm a person, since it contains the minimum amount of carbohydrates, therefore, it should not cause a jump in sugar. Indeed, high-quality alcohol, which has undergone a proper purification, makes it possible to obtain the purest drink almost without carbohydrates, but its negative properties are rooted in a specific effect on the organism, which will be described below.

In the composition of vodka, in addition to the main component - alcohol - there are a number of minerals and other substances in small dosages:

  • Mono, disaccharides
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Sodium

Vodka for type 2 diabetics is far from useful because of its high caloric content - it is 235 kcal per 100 g.

Vodka and type 2 diabetes

Ethanol is constantly present in the human body, but in very small quantities. Acceptance of vodka greatly increases its content. Ethanol has the ability to reduce blood sugar, but, unlike drugs, vodka with type 2 diabetes knocks sugar sharply, out of control. The result may be dizziness, fainting, and other symptoms of hypoglycemia. In people with type 1 disease, even one “libation” can cause hypoglycemic coma and death (depending on the severity of diabetes).

The harm of spirits lies in the negative effect on the pancreas and liver. The work of the pancreas in a diabetic is severely impaired, its structure is diffusely altered, and the cells may cease to function. The liver is the organ that in diabetes most often suffers from the consequences of this disease, and complications such as fatty degeneration and other ailments are highly probable. Vodka literally destroys the already suffering organs, the course of the disease and associated pathologies goes to a more serious stage.

See also: - benefit or harm?

Conclusions: regular consumption of strong drink or one-time abuse greatly aggravates the development of the disease, increases the risk of early onset of complications and side diseases, therefore vodka in type 2 diabetes is definitely harmful! But experts note that in the initial stages of diabetes and with its stable course of alcohol of this type in small doses and it is still possible to take an irregular course - no more than 100 g and very rarely. The exception is the presence of obesity: then all alcohol will have to be completely abandoned.

How to reduce the harm of vodka diabetic?

There are rules whose compliance will reduce the negative impact of vodka on the body, which does not cancel the above prohibitions and restrictions. So, vodka in type 2 diabetes will be less harmful if:

  1. Take alcohol only on a full stomach.
  2. Do not combine alcohol and taking sugar-lowering tablets, fatty, salty foods.
  3. Do not forget to control the sugar immediately after taking vodka, after 1 and 2 hours.
  4. Do not drink vodka after playing sports.

The question whether diabetics can drink vodka is decided on an individual basis, but if you want to stay healthy for a long time, it is better to abandon the drink, and, moreover, to prevent the formation of a bad habit!

Alcohol in diabetes is allowed in moderation. If you abuse alcohol, there is a serious threat to life. In addition to the number of important composition of drinks. Liqueurs, vermouths, alcoholic cocktails, liqueurs, fortified and dessert wines are a poison for diabetics. In case of illness, nutritionists allow light beer, dry wines and vodka - but their safety is relative, therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is better to give up drinking in full.

Diabetes and Alcohol Compatibility

Sweet disease, as diabetes mellitus is sometimes called, is expressed in an elevated glucose level due to absolute or relative insufficiency of insulin (pancreatic hormone). In order to keep sugar normal, the patient has to use insulin-containing medications.

Once in the body, insulin drugs inhibit the production of glycogen by the liver. Ethyl alcohol has a similar effect. But this is not an indicator of the benefits of alcohol for a diabetic: pharmaceutical preparations cannot be replaced by alcohol, since alcohol affects people differently, it is impossible to predict how much the concentration of sugar in the blood will change.

Harm of alcohol for diabetics - in the absence of compatibility with most drugs. Due to the similar effect, too much glucose lowering may occur. The result is a coma due to hypoglycemia.

Features of type 1

Type 1 diabetes is an incurable insulin-dependent form of the disease. Patients are forced to the end of life several times a day to inject insulin. Missing another injection for them is tantamount to death (hyperglycemic, ketoacidotic coma sets in).

Diabetics besides regular medication should be on a strict diet - there should not be a lot of sugar in food, so sweet drinks are prohibited. When choosing alcohol, preference should be given to inferior species - a high concentration of ethyl alcohol in combination with insulin injections will lower the glucose level too much. Doctors allow patients to occasionally indulge themselves with 200 ml of light beer or 250 ml of dry red wine - you can only drink after eating.

Since, in combination with injections, alcohol has a double effect on the level of glycogen, after drinking the patient should measure sugar every 2–3 hours (during the day, until alcohol is eliminated from the body naturally). If the legs suddenly become numb, dizzy, weakness appeared - these are signs of hypoglycemia (blood sugar is below 3.3–3.9 mmol / l). It is necessary to take the tableted glucose and reduce the dose of the next insulin injection by half. If the condition does not stabilize within a couple of hours, you will have to call an ambulance.

Features 2 types

When choosing alcohol, insulin-dependent diabetics should not look at the fortress, but on the amount of carbohydrates in the alcoholic beverage. Doctors say that it is much safer to drink 20-30 grams of high-quality whiskey or vodka than a glass of wine.

Beer with diabetes mellitus type 2 is better to give up altogether - especially if the disease originated on the background of obesity. The intoxicated drink contributes to the intensive weight gain of the patient, leading to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

Important: if during the day the patient took drugs like Manil, Diabeton, Amaril, Novonorm, then you should refuse to take alcoholic product for at least a day. The effect of these drugs and alcohol is aimed at reducing glucose, and the risk of glycemia is too high.

Depending on the type of drink

In addition to liquor and sweet strong infusions, diabetics of any group should abandon vermouths and balms. Strictly banned alcoholic cocktails, which include carbonated drinks, sweeteners, fruit and berry juices (not natural freshly squeezed, but packaged).

In order not to raise sugar, you should not use dessert, and white and red dry wines - in the amount of 150-200 ml no more than 1 time per week. The most dangerous wine varieties - sherry, marsala, nutmeg, Cahors, cider.

Drinking vodka, whiskey, brandy with diabetes can be in small doses - no more than 30-40 ml and no more than 1 time per week (even with a normal level of sugar). When choosing beer, give preference to light varieties with a strength of less than 5%.

Contraindications and rules of use

Alcohol is allowed to drink only at a stable level of sugar. When it is not possible to bring it back to normal, then it is necessary to take medicines, and not alcohol. If you recently had a diabetic crisis or an attack of hypoglycemia, then alcohol should be discarded for at least 2-3 days.

In addition to limiting the dose of alcohol and the choice of the type of strong drink, diabetics should follow the rules for drinking. Required:

  • Drink no later than an hour from the last meal.
  • Drink portions (daily dosage divided into several receptions) - in time to track the symptoms of deterioration.
  • After each serving of alcohol, eating diabetes-approved foods (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, whole grain breads, spinach or cabbage chips, feta cheese, etc.).

The cunning of drinking alcohol is that the symptoms of intoxication are similar to the signs of hypo-and hyperglycemia. Men and women may experience weakness, nausea, confusion, sweating, tachycardia, dizziness, speech disorder. It is better to insure and in such a condition to measure the level of sugar.

Consequences and complications

Alcoholism in diagnosed diabetes mellitus is a high risk of death. A common cause of death is hypo-or hyperglycemic coma (depending on whether the sugar from the drunk alcohol has increased or decreased). It occurs 40–80 minutes after taking alcohol (if you do not notice a deterioration in time and do not take the right medication).

Mortality in a state of coma in patients who do not consume strong drinks - 8.9%. In diabetics with alcoholism - 72%. A person dies due to the occurrence of paralysis and swelling of the medulla oblongata, followed by a critical decrease in blood pressure, cardiac arrest and respiratory depression.

Another consequence of alcoholism in diabetes is heart disease. According to statistics, the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases in diabetics is 4 times higher compared with healthy people. Regular drinking by a sick person increases the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke by 7 times.

Diabetics and so have a hard time - the disease requires constant monitoring of well-being. In such an environment, drinking alcohol is dangerous. But people are free to decide whether the momentary pleasure from drinking vodka or wine is worth the risk of falling into a coma. If a person wants to try their luck and drink - you should limit yourself to a small dose of alcohol. This is the only way to minimize the harm caused by alcohol products to a diabetic patient.

Test: Check your drug's compatibility with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search box and find out how compatible it is with alcohol.