What absinthe interfere with. What are the positive and negative effects of absinthe

24.04.2019 Snacks

Absinthe is a very popular alcoholic drink in certain circles. In fact, it is an alcohol tincture of bitter wormwood. It has a characteristic greenish tint and aroma of spicy herbs, in which a hint of wormwood still prevails.

Absinthe is often called the "Green Fairy."  Someone believes that its use causes strong and realistic hallucinations. Someone on the contrary, is sure that this is a panacea for many ills. Only one thing is clear - absinthe must be consumed correctly, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided.

Wormwood tinctures have been known since ancient Egypt and Greece. Their use was the lot of the nobility, the elite. A moderate drink of the potion for hepatitis, a deficiency of iron in the blood, was recommended to alleviate the condition during joint inflammation by the founder of medicine - Hippocrates.

All these drugs were little reminiscent of the absinthe that exists today. The modern version, according to one version, was invented by Enrio's sisters, as a medicinal potion. They were treated in the 18th century by everyone: from colds to arthritis. Another theory says that the recipe belongs to the Frenchman Pierre Ordiner, who practiced medicine in the Swiss village of Cove. Perhaps he coordinated the development with Enrio, but managed to make it popular. The name of the drink comes from the Latin name for wormwood - Artemísia absínthium. Grass is the main component of the tincture, the strength of which ranges from 55 to 85 ° C. In addition to her, there are:

  • coriander;
  • veronica;
  • liquorice;
  • parsley;
  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • calamus, angelica;
  • melissa
  • anise.

Medicinal plants give their healing components to alcohol. Knowing how to drink absinthe, it is really used as a tincture for treatment.

Many creative personalities loved to invoke muse, using absinthe at home, in restaurants. Among his ardent admirers include an artist with world renown - Van Gogh. On the labels of some bottles you can see his portrait or images of the paintings of the hand of a shocking master brush.

Home use

Currently, there are several options for the correct use of this alcohol. Moreover, in each country he has his own.

It is drunk not only in its pure form, but also used to make cocktails. Although, as the true connoisseurs of this drink say, to appreciate its full taste and aroma, you can only use absinthe in its purest form. But here everyone decides how to drink absinthe.

In pure form

"Green Witch" - a drink binding and not cheap. He has his own circles of fans and those who categorically do not accept the peculiar herbal taste of alcohol. But you need to try it at least once to make up your mind. It is important to understand how to drink absinthe in order to feel all the notes of the composition.

Absinthe today is used in almost every country in the world. There are only three main ways to drink it.

Russian variant

  • First you need to make sugar syrup to your liking. Usually used per 100 ml of hot water 2-3 tbsp. l granulated sugar.
  • Then the resulting syrup is mixed with absinthe and served.
  • The proportions for dilution can be different, according to the taste of the drinker. It is usually customary to use 1 part absinthe and 3 or 5 parts syrup.

French way

The French way of drinking is considered classic. It was in this country that this alcoholic drink was invented.

In addition to absinthe itself, a cube of refined sugar, a special spoon, filtered water and absinthe itself will be required.

  1. One part of absinthe is poured into a glass, a spoon is placed on top of its edges, sugar is placed on it.
  2. And they begin to pour water very slowly.
  3. The absinthe will begin to cloud, and a greenish ring will form on its surface.
  4. As soon as it disappears, the drink is ready to drink.

Czech method

The Czech version of the use has two varieties at once. In both cases, absinthe is served slightly warm.

  • First option.A preheated special spoon is placed on the edge of the glass. A refined cube is placed in it and absinthe begins to pour slowly. The result is a drink with the addition of concentrated sugar caramel.
  • In the second feeding method  also spread a spoon with sugar on the edges of the glass. Before this, it is NOT heated. Then absinthe is poured through the refined sugar and then set on fire. They wait until all the caramel is in the glass. After that, three parts of water are added to 1 part absinthe.

Reference!  In some drinking establishments, when choosing the French method of consumption, before serving, the bartender sets fire to sugar or absinthe itself directly in the glass.

Such a serving, of course, looks very unusual, but has nothing to do with the traditional classic version of the use of this alcoholic drink.

There is another option for drinking this drink, which is called extreme. In this case, serving the drink is very similar to serving the sambuca.

  1. Use two glasses. Sprite is poured into the first glass, which must have thick walls. A portion of absinthe is poured into a special wine glass for the ridge.
  2. Next, a glass of absinthe is placed on a glass with a sprite and alcohol is set on fire.
  3. At the same time, the glass with the burning liquid must be lightly scrolled so that both liquids are uniformly warmed up.
  4. Then the absinthe is poured into the sprite and closed with a glass so that the fire goes out.
  5. As soon as this happened, the brandy glass is removed, and a glass with a sprite is torn with a napkin, in the center of which a tube is inserted and served immediately.

What you can mix with - popular cocktails

But not everyone can drink absinthe in its pure form in one of the above ways. That is why several cocktails were created based on this alcoholic drink.

Absinthe is usually diluted with a variety of fruit and berry liquors.  The result is cocktails that are amazing in color, taste and aroma, which are very pleasant to drink.

The following recipes are considered the most popular cocktail options.

Flaming lamborghini

“Flaming Lamborghini” means flaming lamborghini.Such a cocktail is prepared quite simply and has a very unusual serving.

  • To prepare it, absinthe, sambuca coffee liquor are mixed in equal parts. These ingredients are taken in 35 ml.
  • In another glass, mix Baileys and Curacao blue liquor. These components must be taken in the same amount.
  • First, the contents of the first glass are drunk through a tube, and when it comes to the end, liquid is poured from the second glass into it and drank.

Sweet contrasts

There are two almost similar cocktail recipes that differ by only one ingredient. For a more heady, liquor with a fruity, berry flavor is taken. Ladies' (lite) version implies syrup instead.


  • Apple fresh (can clarified juice) -150 ml;
  • 3-4 ice cubes;
  • Absinthe - 50 ml;
  • Syrup of berries (liquor) - 30 ml.

It is prepared in a tall glass, where, in turn, syrup, apple juice, absinthe, ice are poured into a thin stream. A cocktail is drunk in one fell swoop, first of all, for a clear sensation of each layer. The bitterness of strong alcohol is replaced by fresh acid; for the snack, the fruit sweetness of liquor follows. It is used in the reverse order through a straw, but this is an “advanced” level.

Absinthe boom

This is the easiest cocktail, but at the same time the most intoxicating.

In equal proportions, the main ingredient is first poured into the glass, and then any sparkling champagne is poured. Mix them with one hit on a rack or table. They drink such a cocktail in one gulp.


A fresh-looking, eye-catching, pleasant cocktail is served in many bars. The simplicity of its manufacture and the availability of ingredients allows you to enjoy it without leaving your home.


  • fruit and berry liquor (in the original version “Pisang” is taken) - 20 ml;
  • absinthe - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Container for cooking - shot glass.

How to cook:

The first to pour liquor. With the help of a special bar spoon, fresh citrus is placed under it, and on top is a layer of absinthe.

White fog

This is a combination of absinthe and peppermint liquor taken in equal proportions. Usually they take 30 ml.

The components are mixed in a shaker, a couple of drops of bitter tincture are added to them. All thoroughly beat, served with mint leaves.


Concussion is a rather unusual, invigorating combination of alcoholic beverages.

Such a cocktail fully justifies its name.

  1. In a cocktail glass, rum, vodka and absinthe are poured in layers.
  2. The layers should be the same size and their volume about 25 ml.
  3. 30 ml of lemon juice and cola are simultaneously poured from different sides of the glass.
  4. The entire contents of the glass is set on fire and thrown into the fire with a little ground cinnamon.
  5. Serve right away.


A cocktail that is killer in action, you need to drink it gently, intoxication quickly overtakes. Between shots take breaks lasting at least an hour, do not drink it on an empty stomach, then the second approach may then not take place.


  • absinthe and sambuca - 20 ml each.
  • cherry juice without pulp - 20 ml.

The components are poured into a tall narrow glass, so that the layers do not mix

This is a short list of the most popular cocktails based on this alcoholic beverage around the world.

Attention!  You can use Green Fairy to dilute alcohol. various types of fruit liqueurs. Additionally, it is recommended to use such highly carbonated drinks as coca Cola  and sprite. Take these ingredients in approximately equal proportions.

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Watch a video on how to drink absinthe and what to mix with:

Is it right to have a drink?

In the West, in particular in the homeland of this alcohol, it is not customary to submit a snack to it. They believe that drinking a drink should be either as an aperitif, or after a hearty dinner.

While our country, things are a little different. Strong alcohol in Russia used to have a snack. Not every person can drink vigorous alcohol by anything, without seizing it.

  • In pubs, slices of citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons, are often offered as snacks.
  • Before serving, they are rolled in fine granulated sugar, and an additional pinch of ground cinnamon is sprinkled on top.

This snack allows you not to interrupt the true taste of wormwood alcohol, only emphasizes its unique virtues.

Professional absinthe (lovers of this alcohol) believe that if you serve a snack with a drink, you need to choose it based on the main taste of this alcohol:

  • To the drink, with a predominance of notes of mint, lemon balm serves fruit, primarily: apples, pears, avocados, kiwi.
  • If the main flavoring tone is affected by anise, then chocolate will be an ideal supplement option. Bitter varieties are preferred with a cocoa bean content of at least 80%.
  • To classic absinthe with a pronounced taste and aroma of bitter wormwood, other spicy herbs, a variety of noble cheeses are suitable. Especially with mold. Not bad such a drink is combined with olives, green olives, pickled mushrooms.

Reference!  A universal snack to all varieties of this alcohol, by right, are sun-dried tomatoes with olive oil and herbs. They perfectly emphasize the taste of this drink and neutralize its main component - thujone.

You should never serve any meat, fish or pastry dishes as an appetizer for this alcohol.  They will kill all its taste and aroma, and you can completely forget about the unusual aftertaste.

Are there glitches from absinthe

Around the wormwood drink there are many different myths and prejudices. One of them claims that after going over with a drink you can see green fairies, witches and other devilry. Absorption intoxication is different from vodka and others. Perhaps this is why it scares beginners. How the process will proceed in each case is difficult to predict. Depends on:

  • body features;
  • mood
  • speed and amount of drink;
  • furnishings;
  • personal qualities.

Someone as a result comes with a slight relaxation, laughter breaks out, I want to do cute stupid things. For others, stupid things are not quite cute, aggression appears, a thirst for adventure. Whispers about its narcotic effect are most likely caused by the fact that as a result of drinking the drink they can:

  • color distortion;
  • perhaps the spatial orientation is violated;
  • the sizes and remoteness of objects do not correspond to the actual

In order for everything to go out in pleasure, you need to take up the tasting leisurely, in a relaxed, relaxed state. Do not lean on cocktails, especially pure absinthe shots. It is necessary to observe intervals, knowing with what absinthe is drunk, it is recommended to eat heavy, fatty foods before the "event". The herbs in it stimulate digestion, and if there is a snack for alcohol, it is very light. Having overdone in the evening, in the morning it is worth preparing for a hangover. The fact that there is no headache from absinthe is certainly a blatant lie.

Precautions and drinking particulars of the Green Fairy

Many unscrupulous manufacturers use a variety of preservatives, artificial flavors and essential oils to reduce the cost of this alcohol and speed up its preparation. As a result, the use of tincture is lost, and the danger of consumption increases.

Therefore, before acquiring and using, it is advisable to study the composition of absinthe.

A wormwood alcoholic drink, especially in combination with a variety of liquors, is drunk very easily. Intoxication from him comes abruptly, unexpectedly. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor dosed use.

Do not try to drink the whole wine glass in one gulp.

If this alcoholic drink is consumed for the first time, it is better to limit yourself to one or a maximum of two portions.

For the reason that it has not only a quick intoxicating effect, but also affects an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality, and in some cases can cause panic attacks or aggression. Therefore, therefore, it is not recommended for people with mental disorders who are also depressed.

Absinthe is a rather specific alcoholic drink with an unusual taste, aroma and effect on the human body. It is very popular, only it should be consumed in limited doses, especially in light cocktails.

The video shows safe and popular ways to drink:

The most remarkable thing about absinthe is its personality. Similarly, not a single alcohol drink "works". Of course, this further fuels interest in wormwood tincture. Maybe the spicy reputation plays in favor of the "green witch", but many like its unique, unlike any other taste.

How to drink absinthe correctly?

A brief history of the drink

Absinthe would be invented in Switzerland as an herbal drink that can cope with some diseases. The Pernot family acquired a “healing” recipe at the end of the 18th century, but the industrial production of absinthe in France was established only at the beginning of the 19th century. The French military was the first to appreciate the burning bitter drink during the war in Algeria. They were given this herbal tincture in food rations. Absinthe was believed to disinfect bacteria-infested local drinking water. Returning to their homeland, many soldiers could not get rid of the addiction to absinthe.

Absinthe owes its legendary surge in popularity to a tiny aphid - phylloxere, it was it that struck the famous French vineyards in the early 70s of the XIX century and reigned there for 25 years. Wine prices rose indescribably and the middle class, the bourgeois and bohemian, began to look for more affordable drinks. The choice fell on absinthe. Soon he had his own ritual of consumption, his fanatical fans, and even his “green time” - so the Parisians began to call the interval from 5 to 7 pm, when all the cafes were crowded with people who wanted to get a glass of emerald drink. Monet and Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas and Mosopssan, Picasso and Van Gogh - all these celebrities drank absinthe, considering it stimulating creativity, giving an extraordinary emotional and mental experience. At the same time, the first rumors appeared about the mortal danger of the drink. In 1910, the production and use of absinthe was banned in the homeland, in Switzerland, in 1912 the drink fell under the ban in America, and in 1915 France also gave rise to absinthe. After almost a hundred years, interest in the drink did not fade and it was returned to sale.

According to one version, Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear, being in the grip of hallucinations caused by absinthe

So is absinthe dangerous?

Absinthe is a strong liquor on spicy aromatic herbs. An indescribable bouquet is given to the drink by hyssop, lemon balm, angelica, and the amazing emerald shade with blue-green tints is chlorophyll. But the main component that determines the characteristic burning taste of absinthe is wormwood. It is impossible to make absinthe without it, it is to her that he owes his unusual taste and even its name, because absinthe in translation from French is simply “wormwood”. Absinthe also gained its difficult reputation because of it. Thujone, a substance contained in a plant, has a strong hallucinogenic effect, in certain doses it becomes deadly poisonous. So why is absinthe again available? It's all about concentration. Initially, during the sublimation of absinthe, the concentration of thujone in it was about 260 mg / kg, in modern versions the maximum permitted content is 35 mg / kg.

Since there is no single law for all countries, some brands of absinthe (King of Spirits Gold, Logan 100) are produced in the Czech Republic, containing up to 100 mg / kg thujone. In large doses, such a drink can become dangerous.

How to choose the "right" absinthe

The best liquor is made on natural herbs, so it does not contain artificial colors or flavors. A good drink has a pleasant pale green color or (if a special kind of wormwood is used) a dull orange, red. Too harsh, lollipop tint indicates numerous unnatural additives. If you are lucky to buy vintage absinthe, then it can be a beautiful, rich amber color, but we do not advise you to drink such a rarity if there is not a chemical scientist nearby who is able to accurately determine the concentration of thujone in the drink.

How to drink absinthe correctly?

The very method of proper use of absinthe can easily be repeated at home. Almost every house will definitely have cold boiled water and sugar. You just need to mix granulated sugar with cold water, it's not the first time you have prepared such a syrup, and pour it into cognac or any other deep glass or even a glass with absinthe.

To reproduce the ritual is somewhat more difficult, because you will need: - 30 ml of absinthe; - 150 ml of ice water; - 1 piece of refined sugar; - a special glass for absinthe; - a special spoon for absinthe; - a jug.

Pour absinthe into a transparent pot-bellied glass, put a special spoon with holes on it, put a piece of sugar on it. Pour water into the jug and carefully, drop by drop, pour it onto sugar, watching the emerald green drink slowly twitch with an opal haze. You can even film this process to show your friends how you called up the “green absinthe fairy”.

Absinthe is a very interesting and not understandable alcoholic beverage. But, like every strong alcohol, it has its own drinking culture, which is not known to everyone. In today's article we will figure it outhow to drink absinthe,  consider a few well-known and common methods. And also find out how and how to properly bite tincture in wormwood.

Intuitively, everyone has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat absinthe is. This is a green alcoholic drink with increased strength. In fact, it is a strong liquor infused with aromatic herbs and spices. The original recipe has a large list of ingredients, including wormwood, fennel, chamomile and other herbs. However, today a surrogate product made on the basis of alcohol and taste and aromatic additives with dye is more often caught on the shelves. The strength of the alcoholic beverage is 85 degrees.

There are several options to determine the naturalness of the purchased product. Firstly, real absinthe is always sold in bottles of dark glass, so if there is a transparent container on the counter, it means that it is just a green alcohol-containing liquid. This is due to the presence of chlorophyll in the composition of this absinthe, which does not tolerate light. Secondly, after the purchase, dilute a small amount of the drink with water, the real absinthe will become cloudy thanks to the essential oils. If this did not happen, then you do not have real alcohol.

How to drink absinthe: 5 interesting solutions

All rituals are aimed primarily at reducing the strength and softening the bitterness of liquor. In addition, everything is accompanied by spectacular effects that add a twist to the drinking process.

Classic ritual

This method is also called French. One part of absinthe is poured into a glass. A special spoon with holes is placed on top of the container, a piece of sugar is placed on it. Before you drink sugar, pour water, which dissolves the crystals and flows into a glass. At this point, the clouding of the drink occurs due to the essential oils.

To one part of absinthe add no more than five parts of water with sugar, after which the glass is drunk. Water softens the strength and neutralizes the essential oils responsible for the bitterness of tinctures. Due to this, the resulting diluted drink is drunk easily.

The process of dilution and precipitation is quite spectacular and captures the attention of others.

Pure liquor

This method is not suitable for everyone and in no case should you drink it not diluted when you first get acquainted with this alcohol. For drinking, use narrow glasses for an aperitif, and a single serving of the drink should not exceed 30 grams.

Absinthe is cooled as much as possible. Almost to zero temperature. Then it is poured into glasses and drunk in one gulp.

Fire absinthe

This is the most spectacular method of all known. To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • stack for alcohol;
  • special spoon with holes;
  • lighter;
  • sugar;
  • the liquor itself.

A quarter glass dish is filled with absinthe. A piece of sugar is dipped in alcohol and allowed to soak, but not so much that the sugar begins to crumble. Put sweetness on a spoon, which is placed on top of the glass. A piece of sugar is set on fire and watched for its burning for one minute. During this time, it melts, caramelizes and flows into absinthe in liquid form.

When the fire on sugar begins to fade, the spoon is dipped in alcohol and the remaining sweets are stirred. Then ice water is added to soften the taste and dilute the strength, after which you can drink a cocktail. It is important in the combustion process to prevent the main drink in the glass from igniting. If this happens you need to quickly extinguish it with water to dilute. You also need to be careful and avoid possible ignition of surrounding objects.

Another method with fire

This option is especially common in clubs and many believe that it’show to drink absinthe. The method completely duplicates the ritual of burning and drinking. So, you need brandy and a wide glass. You also need to prepare a platform for breathing vapor, for this a saucer, a straw and a napkin are used.

Absinthe is poured into cognac and set on fire, while the glass is scrolled so that its walls do not burst. After a minute, the alcohol is poured into a wide glass and covered with cognac until it goes out. A glass with pairs is transferred to a saucer with a straw. Absinthe is drunk and then inhaled by vapor. The order can be changed, it does not matter.

Citrus absinthe

A very interesting and original method of drinking absinthe. Moreover, he is also very entertaining. To organize the ritual, you will need a wide glass, tongs, alcohol, a circle of orange with peel, sugar and cinnamon.

Sugar is mixed with spice and dipped in a mixture of orange slice. In a wide glass with thick walls they set fire to a strong drink and, using tongs, melt sugar adhering to an orange over a fire. The latter melts and, together with the fruit juice, drains into burning alcohol.

Cool absinthe and drink. Burning reduces the initial strength of the liquor, and sugar and orange juice soften the bitterness of wormwood.

What to eat

How to drink absinthe  and what to eat. Absinthe is a very wayward drink. They drink it both in pure and diluted form. In pure form, only high-quality alcohol is consumed, then despite its strength it is drunk very gently and does not burn the throat, it is important to cool the drink well before use.

Snack, as a rule, with fruit. Sweet apples or oranges are great. No less than lemon pieces are combined with liquor. The main thing is to cut the fruit into slices so that you can quickly send a piece of snack into your mouth.

How to drink absinthe,  In your opinion? Have you ever had to drink this drink? And what can you say about the myths surrounding alcohol associated with the hallucinogenic effect of wormwood infusion?

Before you figure out how to drink absinthe, you need to find out what the drink is.

Composition of the drink

Absinthe is a rather rare drink, and not everyone can boast that it knows its taste well. Although there is nothing unusual in it. This is a fairly strong alcoholic drink. It contains about 70% alcohol. Sometimes this value can reach 86%. Therefore, you need to clearly know how to drink absinthe so that you do not accidentally burn your tongue.

In fact, this is the most common brandy made from grapes and infused with thirteen aromatic herbs. These include: wormwood and calamus, fennel and anise, mint and lemon balm, angelica and licorice, parsley and coriander, chamomile, veronica and white ash. The main component is bitter wormwood. In Latin, it sounds like "artemisia absentium." Hence the name of the drink itself is “absinthe”.

He has a rather dubious fame. It is believed that its use can cause various visions. The reason for such a hallucinogenic effect is the thujone substance, which is contained in large quantities in essential oils of wormwood extract. It is quite toxic, and in significant doses it is even life threatening.

A bit of history

Absinthe first became known in Switzerland in the nineties of the eighteenth century. Historians put forward two versions of the appearance of the drink. According to the first of them, the inventor of this unusual infusion was the French doctor Pierre Ordiner. He prescribed it to his patients and claimed that it was a cure for almost all diseases.

Others believe that the doctor only sold the drink that Enrio's sisters supplied him with. They lived in the small town of Kuva on the border with France and for many years were engaged in the manufacture of various potions. By distillation of the infusion of wormwood and anise, they obtained an alcoholic infusion, into which then extracts of other herbs were added.

A little later, after the death of the doctor, the French Henri-Louis Pernod and Dubier bought a secret recipe for the drink and launched its mass production. To this day, the company "Perno" is known worldwide as the main supplier of absinthe. An unusual drink with a mysterious history instantly became popular in France. Its price was at the level of the most expensive wine.

Varieties of absinthe

The hue of absinthe can be different:

  1. Yellow. This color appears after prolonged storage. The drink can also be artificially “aged” by adding a little food coloring. This does not affect the basic rules of how to drink absinthe.
  2. Green. More often it is emerald. Perhaps that is why the drink was nicknamed the "green witch."
  3. Red. This effect is achieved by adding dyes or pomegranate extract.
  4. Black or brown. Absinthe becomes such if, instead of inflorescences or wormwood leaves, the roots of this plant are used. And also an infusion of acacia is added to it, which also plays an important role in this.

The art of drinking absinthe depends on the alcohol content. According to this indicator, drinks are:

  1. Low strength (from 55 to 65%). In France they make just such drinks. They have a low thujone content or none at all.
  2. High strength (from 70 to 85%). According to classical technology, such drinks are prepared in Switzerland.

Absinthe is also divided into three categories according to the number of thujone, the main "hallucinogen":

  1. High content.
  2. Low content.
  3. Without thujone. Usually it is not absinthe, but a drink imitating it.

How is absinthe used?

Some people mistakenly think that depending on the color of the drink, the way it is used also changes. Not at all. Being black or yellow, it still remains a strong alcohol product, abundantly flavored with wormwood infusion, and all the options for its preparation have two main goals: to soften the bitter aftertaste and to lower the alcohol concentration a little so that you can drink absinthe. Of course, who is able to easily swallow seventy-degree fluid without pre-treatment! Even hot tea needs to be cooled first. And here the situation is much more complicated.

As for color, everything is simple here. More often on the shelves of stores you can find this drink of only one shade, therefore, having figured out how to drink absinthe properly, you can understand how to use all the other varieties of it. There is no unified option. There are many ways, each of which is worth trying.

Options for every taste

There are many different options for how to drink green absinthe. They are fundamentally different from each other, but there is one circumstance that unites them. This is the dishes in which the preparation of absinthe is made. Typically, for such a procedure, you must have:

  • a glass or glass with upward-extending edges;
  • a special spoon with holes.

Pure cold water and refined sugar are also useful for preparing a drink. All options can be combined in three main ways:

  1. French.
  2. Czech.
  3. Russian.
  1. Pour absinthe into a glass.
  2. Place an absinthe spoon on top of it.
  3. Put 1 piece of sugar on it.
  4. From another vessel, slowly pour cold water into the refined sugar. Sugar will gradually dissolve, and through the holes in the spoon, the sweet liquid will fall into the glass. Absinthe will sharply turn white with a slight yellowish-green tint. This is due to the release of essential oils. The drink is ready to drink.

Czech method of preparing a drink

The Czechs have their own opinions on how to drink absinthe with sugar. They prepare it for use in two ways: with the use of fire and without it. In the first case, everything is as usual:

  1. Set a special spoon over an empty glass.
  2. Put a piece of sugar on it.
  3. Then slowly pour in absinthe. He, wetting the sugar and passing through the holes in the spoon, fills a glass (glass).
  4. After this, the sugar must be set on fire and wait until the caramel formed completely drains.
  5. Pour cold water into a glass in a ratio of 3: 1 (more water). It remains only to mix well and drink.

Sometimes the use of open fire in the process itself raises some concerns. In this case, the drink should be prepared as follows:

  1. Heat a spoon and put sugar on it.
  2. Place the spoon on top of the glass.
  3. Absinthe is slowly poured onto the resulting structure.

Here you can do without water. Warm absinthe with thawed sugar forms a piquant and rather pleasant mixture.

What is better to use absinthe?

Many lovers of unusual drinks sometimes cook absinthe on their own. In principle, this is not difficult. But the question arises: "And with what to drink absinthe at home?" There are several options. Usually it is cold water. But instead, you can also use juice (apple, cherry or orange). The main thing is that it be transparent and do not interfere with the moment of clouding of the drink. Orange will go well with anise. An apple or cherry does not have pronounced pungent odors, so they are designed to soften bitterness a little and give the drink a light fruity aroma. Drinking such a mixture is not recommended. After all, a sip of any liquid will instantly destroy any aftertaste, and without it, fragrant absinthe loses all its charm and personality. It is already diluted, so repeating the same procedure twice is not required. And, of course, do not bite him with anything. Absinthe, like cognac, must not just be drunk. He must be enjoyed.

Absinthe in Russian

The Russian version is one of the most unusual ways of using absinthe. It does not look like any of the previously known. This option explains how to drink absinthe with steam. To do this, you will need two glasses. Natural absinthe is poured into one glass. Then it must be set on fire. Given the strength of the drink, it’s easy to do. The composition should burn out a little. After that, it should be covered with another glass. As soon as the fire goes out, pour the remaining liquid into the second vessel, and the first, in turn, cover with a napkin and turn it upside down sharply. As a result, two glasses are on the table. In one is the prepared drink, and in the second is a rather sophisticated aroma.

Drinking such a product also needs to be unusual: first take a sip from the first glass, and then inhale the aroma from the second glass through the cocktail tube. The effect is simply amazing. True, drinking such a strong drink is not easy. This option is mainly chosen by extremals or thrill-seekers.

What affects the strength of the drink?

It is customary to dilute ordinary absinthe with a strength above 70 degrees with water in a ratio of 5: 1. If the drink contains less alcohol, then less liquid will be needed for its dilution (3-4 parts water for 1 part absinthe). On sale such drinks sometimes come across. The right question arises: "How to drink absinthe 55 degrees?" Very simple. Nothing to do with him. Firstly, there is no need to use sugar because it is already sold sweetened. Secondly, a drink with a strength of 55 degrees does not need to be diluted. In fact, this is no longer natural absinthe, but a ready-to-eat mixture. On the one hand, it’s convenient: I opened the bottle, poured it and drank it. And on the other hand, it eliminates the need for an unusual procedure, which is the effect of drinking this drink. Here, not only the end result is interesting, but also the process itself. From such a parody of absinthe it is impossible to expect that unusual sensation, which should be accompanied by the use of a real drink.

11.11.2017 Sommelier Dmitry Bychkov0

How to drink absinthe and what to eat

Absinthe is a very strong alcohol that insist on wormwood grass. If you do not know how to drink absinthe correctly, but the drink can even be hazardous to health. So do not experiment without first exploring all the intricacies of drinking such a strong alcohol. From the French language the word "absinthe" is translated as wormwood, so the drink is also called wormwood vodka.

The fortress is a distinctive feature of an alcoholic drink, and ranges from 55 to 86%. Rarely what alcohol can compare with it in such high degrees, except that alcohol or moonshine.

Many natural ingredients form the structure of an unusual drink. These are: anise, coriander, angelica, parsley, mint, lemon balm, calamus, hyssop, licorice, wormwood, chamomile, fennel, white ash, veronica. They provide the unique smell and taste of absinthe, radically different from other alcohol.

The main component of this alcohol is thujone - a poisonous transparent substance with a smell similar to the menthol aroma. It is a component of plant origin and is found in some plants and trees: juniper, sage, wormwood, tansy, cypress, thuja.

Thujone belongs to a class of substances that affect the human mind, so it is important to know how to drink absinthe correctly.


Manufacturers and experts on this drink classify it according to certain criteria, one of which is color.


The natural and classic color of the drink is green, it has a gamut of shades: from light to dark. However, on sale you can find drinks of amber color; the colors of ripe pomegranate, as well as black and brown.


Another sorting criterion is the fortress. German, Spanish, Italian, Swiss, Czech producers produce wormwood vodka with an extremely high degree, from 70 to 85%, and less strong - 55-65%.

Thujone number

The quantity of thujone also determines the class of the alcoholic beverage:

  • with zero substance content;
  • low (1.5-10 mg / l);
  • with an average (10-30 mg / l);
  • high (25-100 mg / l).

The norm is 10 ml per liter of liquid.


The Czech Republic and Switzerland are traditionally considered leaders in the production of ultra-strong absinthe. In the modern manufacture of alcohol, two main technologies are used:

  1. The distilled product is obtained by distillation of herbal infusion, without dilution. Ready absinthe is bottled and goes on sale.
  2. Mixed, that is, a drink obtained by the first method, diluted with herbal infusion, which is not distilled.

In the first case, a better product is obtained than in the second.

Pros and cons for a person

Like any other alcohol, if consumed excessively and incorrectly, absinthe harms the body, but two factors put wormwood vodka apart from all other alcoholic beverages - this is the content of thujone and high strength.

Recall that the main reason for the prohibition of this alcohol to production and sale was precisely the thujone, which has a powerful psychotropic effect, equal in strength to certain types of drugs.

In addition, it excites the nervous system, changes the understanding of reality, and attacks of aggression are likely under its influence. It was the ability to change consciousness that absinthe lovers, world famous writers and artists used. Among them are Ernest Hemingway, Salvador Dali, Henri Matisse, Edgar Allan Poe, Claude Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec and others. Perhaps the most zealous admirer of absinthe consider Vincent Van Gogh. Art historians claim that all the paintings of the talented artist were painted under the influence of an alcoholic drink.   Vincent van Gogh

The extreme strength of wormwood vodka always provides a person with a hangover, with all its symptoms: vomiting, nausea, headache, severe thirst and others.

As for the positive effect on the body of a strong drink, it can be said that it relieves the symptoms of an onset cold, so at home it can be taken in small doses, without fear that you will feel sick or other adverse outcomes for the body.

The healing properties of the drink

The history of absinthe origin in Switzerland in the eighteenth century. In those ancient times, he was preparing as a tool that helps in the fight against all diseases. Natural green components that make up the drink, provided a therapeutic effect on the body:

  • wormwood from time immemorial has been used for the treatment of rheumatism, female diseases, anemia, jaundice;
  • parsley stimulates sex drive;
  • lemon balm and mint have a calming relaxing effect.

The effect of healing was so great that the drink soon became very popular, and not only at home. It was established its production and sale in many European countries.

Absinthe has found application in the prevention and treatment of such serious diseases as: malaria, dysentery. They disinfected drinking water.

As a fundamental component, it is part of the drugs used to treat bronchitis. As an example, we give one of the recipes: half a glass of warm milk is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and twenty-five grams of absinthe. The drink, carefully mixed, is taken after a meal with a dessert spoon twice a day. The drug helps to breathe easier, stimulates expectoration of sputum located in the bronchi and lungs, effectively softens the throat.

Compresses based on wormwood vodka have long been used to treat diseased joints. The way to make lotions at home:

  • Warm water (100 ml) and absinthe (50 ml) are mixed, a teaspoon of lamb fat is added.
  • Impregnated with a mixture of gauze and put it on a sore spot.
  • To preserve heat, they are wrapped with polyethylene on top.
  • Such a compress should be held for at least 30-35 minutes.

The drink can act as an antiseptic and wound healing agent, due to its super strength. Great for healing the surface of the skin, if it has purulent wounds, ulcers.

A few grams of wormwood taken internally will prevent the development of catarrhal diseases of acute respiratory infections, SARS, and flu.

Negative signs

Recall that absinthe is the most insidious alcohol among all known alcoholic beverages and often causes significant harm to health. The first portion of alcohol lifts a person's mood. He feels free and relaxed, but this state of euphoria can suddenly be replaced by hostility towards others, unreasonable anxiety and excitement, changes in the perception of the environment, memory problems are not ruled out. The harmful effect of the thujone is quite capable of causing the drinker:

  • epileptic seizure;
  • convulsive muscle contraction;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

  Signs of an Epileptic Seizure

During a hangover, you may need the help of a doctor.

How to drink

The specificity of this drink implies special rules for its use, which are designed to weaken its strength and bitterness. Absinthe itself is very bitter, due to the prevalence of wormwood in it, and it is almost impossible to drink it in its pure form, therefore, wormwood vodka is prepared before use according to generally accepted instructions, in a special way using sugar. In addition, granulated sugar destroys the chemical bond of alcohol and the main component of the drink, thujone, which allows you to feel the specific effect of the latter.

Interestingly, absinthe is usually not eaten. And therefore, in order not to get drunk, you need to follow the generally accepted guidelines for the use of this unusual drink and, of course, observe the measure.

There are many ways to drink absinthe properly at home. In cocktails, it is diluted with juices, carbonated drinks, water, tonics, cola.

They drink green and other absinthe in several ways, which we will discuss below:

Classic or french

  • Absinthe is poured into a glass.
  • They take a special spoon with holes on which lies a piece of refined sugar and put it on top of the glass.
  • Through this spoon, very cold water is poured into absinthe in a proportion of five to one (for 5 parts of water, one part of alcohol is taken).
  • The mixture should cloud.

Czech or fiery

  • A quarter cup is filled with absinthe.
  • A piece of sugar, previously soaked in alcohol, is put on a spoon with holes and set on fire.
  • Melted refined water flows through holes into a container with alcohol.
  • Then, with a spoon, stir the contents in a glass, add very chilled water.

Russian (absinthe with syrup)

Sugar syrup (one part sugar in two parts water), prepared in advance, mixed in a glass with alcohol.

Crystal Czech

  • Absinthe, poured into a glass, set on fire.
  • Then the flame must be extinguished, and the liquid, hot, drink in one gulp.
  • Snack and drink is not necessary.

Citrus absinthe

  • Slice an orange slice with peel in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
  • Light the drink in a glass and, using forceps, a fork or tweezers, hold an orange over it for a while. Citrus juice and melting sugar will drain into a glass.
  • Then, cool slightly and drink.


  • Strongly cooled absinthe, 4 parts, poured into a glass and set on fire.
  • Refined, previously laid on a spoon with holes, placed over a burning drink.
  • When all crystals of molten sugar are drained into a container, the flame must be extinguished.
  • Drink the drink should be in large sips through the cocktail.

Toad (Friday)

For the recipe you will need a glass of rox and a snifter, also known as a cognac glass.

  • 30 ml of absinthe is poured into a cognac glass (sometimes 15 ml of absinthe and sambuca are taken).
  • In rox - 15 ml of mint liquor, 100 ml of champagne and 30 to 50 ml of vodka.
  • A strong drink is set on fire and twisted so that the glass heats up, but does not crack.
  • Then it is poured into the rox, and the cognac glass itself is placed on top (the cognac should be about 10 mm immersed in the mixture, bubbles will appear).
  • When they are over, the snifter must be put on a saucer or napkin prepared in advance.
  • Next, cover the glass with napkins, hit the table or shake. The mixture foams and you need to drink it in one gulp, and then breathe in pairs.


This recipe is easy to prepare:

  • Ice water (1/3 of the volume of the container) and absinthe (2/3) are poured into the glass in layers.
  • Do not mix!

Happy Milkman

  • Mix milk, whiskey and absinthe in equal proportions.
  • Drink slowly.


  • Pour absinthe (9 parts) and thick red syrup, such as grenadine (1 part) into a glass, and lower it into a tall glass with champagne.
  • Wait until the mixture turns colored and turns dark purple, and you can slowly drink without removing the glass from the glass.


  • Absinthe pour in a mug, according to the rules of iron, one finger thick.
  • Then add very cold water.
  • Mix everything and drink in small sips.

In the arsenal of professional bartenders, there are many other ways of using absinthe and making cocktails with its participation, for example: Atomic, Baltimore, Bosphorus jump, Parachute, Funny eyes, Temptation, Yellow parrot, Green monkey, Lioness milk, Gentle hug, London fog, Brain shake and others.

When preparing absinthe at home, follow the necessary safety measures. Pick up special glassware that can withstand high temperatures, durable heat-resistant tubes that can withstand a heated drink.

And most importantly, do not get drunk. Remember the insidiousness of absinthe. In order not to get drunk, but to enjoy drinking, take note that the norm, especially for beginners, should not be more than three servings.

Absolute Absolute Use

Not many can drink pure absinthe. This method is acceptable only for experienced connoisseurs of this particular drink. Undiluted, wormwood vodka serves as an excellent aperitif, which it is customary to drink before meals to stimulate appetite. Heavily chilled absinthe is poured into narrow glasses specially designed for this particular drink. Recommended serving - no more than 30 grams.

Do you have a drink?

Everyone decides for himself whether to eat the drunk absinthe or not.

In the culture of consumption of alcoholic beverages in Western countries, it is not customary to use a snack after drinking wormwood.

In Russian traditions, it is customary to seize and drink alcohol, but standard dishes accepted to be put on the table in our country are not suitable in this case, so you can use:

  • cheeses such as Brie, Conte, Laiol, Roquefort, Savoy Emmental;
  • olives;
  • dark bitter chocolate.
  • Fruits: grapes, pears or green apples go well with absinthe.

When using absinthe, be careful not to abuse it, as this addiction can lead to alcoholism in a much shorter time than other alcoholic beverages.