How much weighs egg white raw. Chicken egg: how much does it weigh in different proportions? Raw egg without shell

Each farmer must know the mass of the product obtained, because with such information it will be clear in the future which category the products obtained from the hens can be assigned to.

So, eggs are canteens and dietetic. The first can be stored for 25 days at room temperature and 90 days in the refrigerator. The second can lie only one week.

As for the varieties, they are as follows:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

Each variety has its own weight and labeling:

  • highest - 75 g;
  • selective - from 65 to 74 g;
  • the first is from 55 to 64 g;
  • the second is from 45 to 54 g;
  • the third - from 35 to 45

A few words about the average weight

It is after the division into varieties of egg products that will have the appropriate price category. Less just have to spend money when buying eggs from the young, which at the dawn of their egg production are not very large products. Larger products are obtained from adults and, accordingly, have a higher price.

If we talk about the average weight, it is equal to 40-60 g. It is them that most often can be purchased in the store, and they are best suited for cooking.

What is the weight without the shell?

It is not so easy to answer this question, even the most avid poultry farmers do not always know how much an egg will weigh if you remove the shell. It turns out an approximate figure of 55 g (approximate, because each egg has its own weight, and it has some deviations even within the framework of one variety).

Most often, knowing how much a product lacks shells weighs is important in pastry making. And for this purpose, the percentage values ​​are used:

  • shell - 12%;
  • the yolk part - 32%;
  • protein portion - 56%.

It is enough to remove the shell and get the percentage of eggs.

Mass of raw products

Not everyone knows that raw eggs weigh slightly less compared to the declared weight. When buying, you can pay attention to the labeling and say about the approximate weight. But at home it turns out that the mass is less.

The whole subtlety lies in the fact that when products are lying on the counter, it begins to gradually lose moisture due to evaporation, and therefore the mass will change. Fresh eggs always weigh more than those who have been waiting for their customers for a long time.

How much does boiled egg weigh

Another interesting point is that while cooking is going on, the mass will not change. It is all about the shell, which creates a protective shell that prevents the loss of moisture, and therefore everything will remain in place. On this basis, we can safely say that the weight of both boiled and raw eggs is unchanged.

If frying is used, the mass is reduced due to evaporation of moisture.

Yolk, white and shell also have their weight

Egg when breaking can be divided into several components:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

The protein will have the biggest weight, and the shell will have the smallest weight.

As for the numbers, the average figures will look like this:

  • protein portion - 33 g;
  • yolk - 22 g;
  • shells - 7 gr.

How much does an imported egg weigh

The European Union has its own labeling of egg products, this applies to varieties. The smallest weight here is 30 g, and the largest is 73 g. The package contains data on weight, size, and there are also a number of marks. Some, for example, concern the keeping of birds (meaning cellular or outdoor). Many buyers, purchasing products, pay attention to this fact. Some eggs are marked with numbers that indicate the country of origin.

The following table shows the breeds of chickens and the weight of egg products:

Breed name

Someone thinks eggs are healthy food and eat them every day for breakfast. Others believe that it is better to look for another source of protein, as there is too much “bad” cholesterol in them. It's time to uncover the whole truth about this product. How much to use, how much protein is in a chicken egg, and is it less quail in terms of this indicator?

Chicken proteins: lots of protein and safe cholesterol

The most important building material of the human body is protein. Without it, the growth of muscles, ligaments, bones and tissues is impossible. It helps the immune system to perform its duties well, supports the functions of digestion, is involved in metabolism. Without this element, the production of enzymes and hormones will stop. A lack of protein results in the loss of muscle tissue, heart problems, weakening of the immune system, and in extreme cases it can even lead to death.

A person needs 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. It is enough to know how much protein is in a chicken egg to understand that this is the fastest and most delicious way to “feed” your body with such a necessary substance. At the same time, egg cholesterol does not “pollute” the vessels, because it is almost immediately neutralized by other components of the egg.

How much protein will be ingested with one chicken egg?

Immediately answer the main question - how much protein is there in 1 chicken egg. Its quantity ranges from 3 to 4 g. The egg that a bird laid is 87% water, and 11% of its composition is the main healthy ingredient for humans - proteins. The other 2% are minerals and ash.

Not all hens carry eggs of the same size. In the trading network such goods are divided into categories. The main classification criterion is weight. According to it, the amount of protein in the egg can be as follows:

  • the third category (small) - egg weight is from 35 to 44.9 g, protein accounts for 23-30 g, protein content is from 2.6 to 3.3 g;
  • the second (middle) - one egg pulls on 45-54.9 g, protein mass - 30-36.6 g, protein - 3.3-4.1 g;
  • the first (large) - 55-64.9 g, protein weighs 36.7-43.3, in the body will be 4.2-4.8 g of protein;
  • category “O” (very large) - 65-74.9 g, 43.3-50 g, 4.8-5.5 g (total weight, weight of protein and amount of proteins);
  • “giant” eggs that weigh more than 75 g. They contain up to 50 g of protein, more than 5.6 g of protein.

Proteins can be found in many animal products, but eggs rank high on this list. Protein of chicken origin is several times greater than milk, beef or fish. And all because it is almost completely (94%) absorbed by the body. It can be said that this product contains a “smart” high-quality protein that stores all the amino acids in the correct proportions. Therefore, the body can use it to build its own proteins. This is the gold quality standard of protein. It is based on it that they compare other sources of this substance (for example, soy and serum). But not only is it valuable. Chicken protein is a real treasure trove of vitamins D, B, K, E, PP. And under the eggshell are hidden such important elements as magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, fluorine and sodium.

For those who like to count: weigh the protein

If you like accuracy, buy homemade eggs (without specifying a category), then the average variant is unlikely to suit you. You can independently absolutely exactly calculate how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg. There is nothing complicated about it. To get the most reliable result, you need kitchen scales. If you have not yet acquired such a miracle of technology, then just remember: the weight of one egg is 60 g. The third part of this mass (20 g) belongs to protein.

But do not think that by eating protein, you automatically get the same amount of protein. After all, there is water in it. To find out the amount of protein, one must take into account the nutritional value per 100 g of product. 100 g of egg white - 11 g of protein. Thus, 20-30 g contains from 2-3 g (maximum 4 g) of pure protein mass.

Now try to guess the riddle: why are there 100.7 eggs per 100 grams of protein, and only 11 grams of the same portion of the protein? And all because the yolk is also rich in protein: it is 2.7 g.

How does the amount of protein vary depending on the method of preparation?

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating eggs raw. Firstly, it is possible to get sick with salmonella, and secondly, they argue that this protein is almost not absorbed: only half of the protein “eaten” with a raw egg will be used by the body. Meanwhile, if you boil or fry eggs (without adding oil), then the amount of protein will not change. Boil a couple of soft-boiled eggs, you can get the necessary rate of protein to maintain good health.

It's no secret for you how much protein is boiled in a chicken egg. They are about 4 g. The same supply of protein contains the eggs, cooked in a dry frying pan. But if the eggs are fried in butter, then the protein will be 14 g. In the omelet there will be already 17 g, and if you add grated cheese to it, then 25 g.

Plain or quail: where is more protein?

I must say that chicken eggs have only one worthy competitor - quail. They are much inferior in size (their weight barely reaches 10-12 g), but the protein supply in them is more - 6 g. If you compare the amount of protein per 100 g, then the victory will also go to quail eggs - 13.1 g versus 12 , 7 g in chicken.

Quail egg has another important advantage - it does not cause allergies. Therefore, it can be used as a source of protein by people suffering from intolerance to chicken natural products.

As for the giants in the world of eggs - ostrich, their weight is really impressive - up to 780 g! If we consider that protein accounts for up to 55-60% of the total weight, then it will be easy to determine how much protein there is in one piece. But such a delicacy is not for everyone. It is not necessary to speak about waterfowl eggs, since they are not made to be eaten. It is believed that they can become a source of infection, even if they are subjected to heat treatment.

Eggs are a popular food, due to its availability and ease of preparation. We buy them in the store by the piece, not by weight, in cooking recipes also indicate the right amount (except for rare recipes with a complex composition), therefore people rarely take an interest in the mass of this product. Meanwhile, this is an important indicator on which the category depends, and therefore the price of the goods.

How much does a chicken egg weigh

Such goods in stores are not sold by weight, because:

  1. Due to the high probability that they are infected with salmonella, this would have to open a department in which other products would not be sold, and the seller could not work in parallel in the neighboring department. This would lead to a significant increase in store expenses.
  2. Due to the fragility of a large number of manipulations with the product would increase its battle and the cost of the store.

However, the weight of this product is important for:

  1. Cooks - in some recipes the taste and quality of dishes depends on it.
  2. Farmers - the price of the product and the profit from the sale depends on it.
  3. Regular buyers wanting to check whether the price of the product matches its quality.

The size and weight of chicken eggs determine the following factors:

  1. Age of chicken - the older it is, the larger the product.
  2. Her constitution - a large bird is capable of a larger result of wear.
  3. Breed - meat breeds rush less.
  4. The composition of the feed.
  5. It's time of the year - in cold weather, wear is reduced.
  6. Climatic conditions in the region - a warm climate contributes to an increase in wear.
  7. Times of Day.

Weight dependence on egg category

Chicken eggs are such varieties:

  1. Dietary   - This is the most recent product that was demolished not more than 1 week ago, it is marked with the letter D in red.
  2. Dining rooms   - a week later, the dietary product changes its grade to a table one, the marking should now contain the letter C in blue. Store them up to 3 months in the refrigerator and up to 25 days without it.

Important! When eggs are stored, the liquid evaporates, so they gradually become easier. The same product, going from the variety "Dietetic" to the variety "Dining" will have a lot less.

Depending on their weight, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Higher - labeled "B" next to the letters D or C.
  2. Selective - marked "O".
  3. The first is labeled "1".
  4. The second - with the marking "2".
  5. The third - with the marking "3".
   The higher the category, the higher the egg mass.
  1. Very Large - marked "XL".
  2. Large - labeled L "".
  3. Medium - marked "M".
  4. Small - marked "S".

A raw egg

In its raw form, the product has the following mass:

  1. The highest category - from 75 g in shell, from 66 g without shell.
  2. Selective - from 65 g in the shell, from 56 g without it.
  3. The first - from 55 g in the shell, from 47 g without it.
  4. The second - from 45 g in the shell, from 38 g without it.
  5. The third - from 35 g in the shell, from 30 g without it.

How much does a shell weigh in one egg?

The shell is about 12% by weight of the product, in terms of grams, it will look like this:

  1. Highest category - from 9 g.
  2. Choice - 7-9 g.
  3. The first - 6-8 g.
  4. The second - 5-7 g.
  5. Third - 4-5 g.

The color of the shell does not affect the taste, variety or category of the product, it depends on the breed of chicken.

Did you know? In the US, breeds of chickens were bred, which are carried by eggs with green, blue and yellow shells, while their composition remains the same.

If pieces of manure and feathers are stuck to the shell, this indicates non-compliance with the rules of hygiene on the farm. It is better not to buy this product, and if contamination is noticed at home, then thoroughly wash the purchase with running cold water before use.

Weight of white and yolk

In the raw shell-free product, white and yolk are respectively 53% and 47%. In grams, it will look like this:

  1. The highest category is protein mass from 35 g, yolk from 31 g.
  2. Selective - the mass of protein from 30 g, yolk - from 26 g.
  3. The first - the mass of protein from 25 g, the yolk - from 22 g.
  4. The second - the mass of protein from 20 g, yolk - from 18 g.
  5. The third - the mass of protein from 16 g, yolk - from 14 g.

Did you know? The maximum known number of yolks in 1 egg is 9; 2 hens from the USA and the USSR demolished them in 1971.

The orange color of the yolk is important only for household products; on farms for this color chemicals are added to the feed.


In the cooked form, the mass of the product does not change, because the liquid does not evaporate through the shell, the contents do not digest and do not collect additional moisture. Therefore, both in the shell and without it, the boiled product will weigh as much as raw.

Quail egg

Quail eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, their weight is from 10 to 12 g, of which 6-7 g is white, yolk is 3-4 g, the shell is about 1 g (it is thin, covered with dark spots).
   This product is considered dietary, because it contains more protein than chicken, but less fat and carbohydrates, and they also have more magnesium, iron and vitamins.

Important! Quail eggs do not cause allergies, but may be infected with salmonellosis.

Video: how much does a quail egg weigh

  The largest eggs carry ostriches - more than 2 kg in weight and up to 18 cm in size.Compared to chicken, this product contains less fat, cholesterol, more amino acids, vitamins, sodium, selenium. The mass of the yolk can reach 0.5 kg, protein - 1.5 kg. They have a very strong shell in order to get the contents from there, it needs to be drilled. Cook them for more than an hour.

The weight of an egg depends on the category and its shelf life. Slightly more than half of the mass is protein, the shell weighs slightly more than 10% of the total mass. The composition contains many important elements for the human body, but quail or ostrich eggs are considered more useful (and less accessible).

The weight of a chicken egg without shell is necessary for breeders to know. Only based on this parameter, they conclude about the variety and price of products. The size of each unit depends on several factors: the age of the chicken, the breed and the conditions of detention, as well as the scope of the agricultural orientation.

What determines the productivity of chicken

A bird comes in several directions: meat, ornamental and egg.

If the breed is productive, it carries many eggs, but they are all small and weigh little, then their cost will be low. Therefore, to contain such birds will be unprofitable.

It is worth noting that a chicken egg is one of the most valuable and often consumed goods. Rare foods that do not include eggs. Salads, soups, pastries - all dishes contain proteins, yolks or both.

Women even use raw eggs for cosmetic masks, because the product has a rich composition, the components of which have healing and rejuvenating properties. They contain vitamins and trace elements.

Egg categories

To talk about the weight and size indicators of the egg, you must first learn about its category and grade, which are determined by the size and degree of freshness.

The degree of freshness of eggs are:

  • Dining rooms.
  • Dietary.

The store sells canteens. Their shelf life should be less than 7 days (outside the refrigerator), because after a week of storage inside the shell, microorganisms are born that cause putrefactive processes.

Dietary varieties should not be stored longer than 3 days. And if they do not have time to implement, the category is renamed the dining room. Dietary labeled with the letter "D".

Average weight

Depending on the weight, chicken products are divided into separate varieties:

  • Select "0". 65-75
  • The first "1". 55-65
  • The second "2". 45-55
  • The third "3". 35-45

Accordingly, the average mass of one unit:

  • 0 to 70 g;
  • 1 - 60 g;
  • 2 - 50 g;
  • 3 - 40 g

Egg weight after cleansing

Consumers are interested in product mass after cleaning. Most often, women who are on a diet are interested in the weight indicator of eggs without shells. It is important for them to keep track of calories.

The shell is very thin, but has a decent mass. It is 10% of the total egg weight. Therefore, after finding out the total mass, you can easily find out the weight of the raw product.

Weight of yolk and protein separately

These parameters are always different and depend on the egg variety. Their weight is found on average indicators. For example, the yolk - 35% by weight of the egg without shell. Accordingly, protein - 65%.

Mass of raw and boiled eggs

Many housewives ask themselves: do eggs change their mass during cooking? During cooking, the product is not saturated with water, because it is covered with a dense shell of the shell. Does not lose fluid and does not boil down, thanks to the shell. From this it follows that the mass of the product after cooking remains at the same level.

Weight is reduced only in the process of frying. Even when closing the tight lid, the liquid is evaporated. And all because the egg is not protected by the shell. The fried product becomes lighter by about 20%.

Sizes of imported eggs

It would seem, what is the difference between domestic and European eggs? But experts are well aware that distinctive properties exist.

First of all, they are in the parameters. And the labeling of imported products is completely different. For example, according to the number that is placed on each copy, the country of origin is determined:

  • 1 - Belgium;
  • 2 - Germany;
  • 3 - France;
  • 4 - Holland.

Also, on the shelves you can see eggs with a certain stamp in alphabetic expression. They mean product weight:

  • S - from 40 to 50 g.
  • M - from 53.9 to 63 g.
  • L - from 63.9 to 73 g.
  • VL - more than 73 g.

How much does a chicken egg weigh


Making conclusions, we can say that the weight of an egg, released from the shell, varies from 30 to 60 g. The main indicators here are the type of product and method of preparation.

The weight of chicken eggs for breeders is of great importance, since it is this indicator that determines the type of product, and hence its value.

The size of an egg is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the age of the bird, its direction (egg, meat or decorative), the breed and the conditions of detention.

In the event that the bird carries a lot, but the product is lightweight, its cost is low, and the content of the chicken is considered unprofitable because of this.

The average weight of one chicken egg

Before talking about the average egg weight, should sort out its category and grade. They are determined according to the freshness and size of the eggs.

For freshness, the product is divided into table and diet. Table eggs are most commonly found in stores. Their term should not be more than 1 week, since after 7 days of storage in the product the processes of deterioration begin to develop. These changes are not very noticeable, which is why you can easily get poisoned by eating the product that has run over. Marked category - C.

Dietary eggs can not be stored for more than 3 days. If they are not implemented during this time, they are transferred to the category of canteens. Dietary egg labeling - D.

Chicken eggs, depending on their weight, are divided into varieties.

This gradation of the product looks like this:

  • selective   (O marking) - weight is from 65 g to 75 g. Average weight is 70 g, without shell 60–70 g. Yolk mass 26–30 g, protein 35–40 g;
  • first grade   (marking 1) - weight from 55 g to 65 g. Average weight is 60 g. Without eggshell, eggs weigh from 50 g to 60 g. Weight of yolk from 19 g to 23 g, protein from 30 to 38 g;
  • second grade   (marking 2) - weight from 45 to 55 g. Average weight is 50 g. Without a shell, 40–50 g. Weight is yellow 16–19 g, protein 25–30 g.
  • third grade   (marking 3) - weight from 35–45 g. Average weight 40 g. Without shell 32–40 g. Weight of yolk 12–16 g. Protein weighs from 19 to 25 g.

On average, chicken eggs weigh from 50 to 55 g.

Without shell

The weight of an egg that has been shelled is primarily interested in consumers. For the manufacturer, this indicator is not of interest, since the variety of eggs is determined by the total mass of the product. Particularly worried about the weight of the peeled eggs of women who are dieting with counting calories.

The shell, despite the fact that it is thin, weighs quite a lot. Its mass is 10% of the weight of the egg.

Thus, knowing the weight of the egg, you can accurately determine its approximate weight after cleaning. To determine the weight of one chicken egg without weights, one should look at its grade and take the average weight from which the shell weight is subtracted as an indicator.

A lot of white and yolk

The weight of protein and yolk varies greatly depending on the type of product. For this reason, their approximate weight should be determined on the basis of average data. According to them, the yolk accounts for 35% of the weight of the egg that has been shelled, and 65% for protein, respectively..

Raw and cooked

Some housewives are interested in changing the weight of a boiled egg. In the process of cooking it does not absorb water and does not give the liquid from itself, and also does not undergo boiling. It means that the weight of the cooked product does not change and does not differ from the mass of raw.

Mass reduction occurs only during frying, since during it the evaporation of liquid from an egg that is not protected by the shell takes place. It can become easier in this case by 10–15%.

Chickens have been bred by humans for centuries. During this time, accumulated a lot of interesting facts about the chicken egg.

  • Unusual color of the shell. Everybody is accustomed to white and red shells, but there are breeds of hens that carry green and blue eggs. By taste, as well as the composition of eggs of different colors are no different from each other. The absence of eggs of unusual color on the shelves of stores is due to the fact that breeds of chickens that carry white and red eggs are more productive, and therefore are bred massively. Birds carrying green and blue eggs are found mainly among amateurs.
  • An egg with 5 yolks was demolished by chicken in the UK.
  • A chicken egg, laid by an ornamental chicken, has a weight of only 10 g.
  • The largest egg, the weight of which was officially recorded, was demolished in England. This egg weighed 450 g and had a diameter of 23 cm. The length of the unique testicle was 32 cm.
  • The record for eating eggs belongs to an American whose name remains unknown, having consumed 144 eggs at a time. It happened in 1900. It was not possible to break the record, although attempts were made.
  • The smallest egg was demolished in Malaysia, it weighed less than 10 g.
  • The Chinese make artificial eggs. For them, shells are created from calcium carbonate, and the yolk and protein are made from gelatin with the addition of food coloring and flavors. On the territory of Russia, such eggs are prohibited, and when attempting to import are regarded as smuggled goods.

Egg with three yolks (video):

Chicken eggs are good for the human body and their consumption is necessary, but only if they are not allergic.