What oils are vegetable. Types of vegetable oils, classification and application

01.05.2019 Snacks

Nowadays, the assortment of vegetable oils has long been not limited to refined or olive sunflower, the choice is so wide that many were simply confused, looking at different bottles and reading the names. Women would not have been women if they had stopped to stare. Naturally I want to buy everything and try everything, so social networks and culinary forums are full of questions about how to use this or that oil. Let's try to understand together with a doctor a nutritionist, a member of the European Association for the fight against excess weight, Lyudmila Denisenko.

The first thing that the doctor focuses on is the method of cooking oil. In refined oil, there are practically no useful vitamins and minerals contained in the seeds. Lyudmila advises buying cold pressed vegetable oil, it is much more useful. Indeed, with this method of manufacturing, the seeds do not undergo heat treatment, do not fry and do not soak in water for a long time, they simply pass through a cold press.

In oils prepared by cold pressing, all trace elements that were in the seeds, kernels of nuts and seeds are stored. These are all complexes of vitamin, minerals, and, what is especially valuable, polyunsaturated fatty acids - natural antioxidants so necessary for the health of the body.
Now we will get to know different types of oils in more detail, because they all have different percentages of trace elements and it is important to know for what purposes they can be used with the best effect.

The most common vegetable oils and their features

  1. Let's start with everything familiar and available in every home sunflower oil. In sunflower oil, a large amount of vitamin E is necessary for our hormonal system. It is fifteen times more than in olive oil. Also high content. By consuming large amounts of sunflower oil in food, we stimulate the production of cyclotin by the membrane cells, due to the excess of which, the mucous walls of the vessels become inflamed, which leads to the development of heart diseases, the vascular system and the appearance of atherosclerosis.

  2. The second most popular olive oil It is famous for the highest among all vegetable fats, the content of omega-9 fatty acid, which is similar in composition and properties to. Omega-9 acid is very well absorbed by the human body and is tolerated even by patients and the liver. Thanks to omega-9 acid, olive oil helps maintain normal glucose levels in the body, relieves inflammation in the digestive system and helps improve cell renewal.

  3. At the current level of air pollution and the abundance of synthetic materials in our house, the cells of the body are in constant need of protection from an aggressive, environmentally dirty environment. For protection and restoration, cells need linoleic acid, which the body cannot synthesize on its own, but its content in grape oil  is as much as seventy-two percent. In addition to protecting body cells, linoleic acid supports our vessels in good shape, therefore, grape oil is highly recommended for people with low blood pressure, living in environmentally unfavorable places and working in harmful enterprises.

  4. Linseed oil, which we have actively learned to use in cosmetology, when used inside can accelerate the metabolic process, prevent atherosclerosis disease, restore and adjust its viscosity. It is recommended to eat regularly to all people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as those who want to keep youth longer. Such functions of linseed oil is explained by the fact that it is a champion in the content of linolenic acid. Its content reaches sixty percent. In olive oil, linolenic acid is zero percent. Do not confuse linolenic acid of flaxseed oil and linoleic acid of grape oil, these are different acids and their effect on the body is different.

  5. Those who want in the near future, we recommend paying special attention to pumpkin seed oil. It is extremely rich in trace elements of selenium and zinc, they are responsible for the reproductive ability of the body. In addition, pumpkin oil prevents the development of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain and heart, is part of the complex treatment of non-cancerous prostatic hyperplasia, and is a prophylactic for both types of hyperlipidemia.

  6. Rosehip Oil, thanks to the richest multivitamin complex, the people have long been called "Seven doctors in one bottle." It helps relieve fatigue after hard work, and also cures chronic fatigue, apathy, and drowsiness. It has a bright, anti-inflammatory effect and significantly enhances immunity. The high percentage of vitamins A, C and E groups makes rosehip oil an indispensable tool for enhancing tissue cells damaged by burns, pressure sores, psoriasis and eczema.

  7. Everyone knows that walnuts help stimulate brain cells and improve memory. therefore walnut oil  It is recommended to everyone who experiences great psycho-emotional stress and the elderly. Walnut oil is ideal for the functioning of nerve impulses and their ability to transmit information, the ratio of B vitamins and magnesium.

  8. Almond oil  rich in pantothenic acid, which in combination with the ascorbic and folic acid contained in it, makes this oil a natural and powerful means of rejuvenation. Almond oil is widely used for anti-aging procedures, since the percentage of its fat content does not exceed sixty percent, which helps it to easily absorb into the skin and saturate the cells with the necessary acids. For the same purpose, almond oil is also used for dressing vegetable salads or fish sauces.

  9. Mustard oil  saturated with phytoncide. By eating mustard oil, you increase your immunity and the body's ability to resist harmful bacteria, treat all organs of the respiratory system. With external use of mustard oil, it is recommended to rub it into the roots of the hair. This procedure is a good prevention of baldness and contributes.

  10. To accelerate the passage of the postoperative period, the restoration and regeneration of damaged tissue cells, it is recommended to eat rich in vitamins and minerals palm oil. In addition to cell restoration, palm oil eliminates the problems associated with visual impairment, because only one tablespoon of this oil contains the daily requirement for a person of carotenoid, that is, provitamin of group A. For comparison, carrots rich in carotenoid have less than fifteen times, than in palm oil.

  11. Peanut butter can not boast of special utility, its fatty acids have a heavy molecular weight, high-calorie and difficult to digest. The advantage of peanut butter is in its strong and pleasant aroma, which is why it is mainly used for baking muffins. Also recommended in peanut butter. Thirty to sixty minutes of such a marinade will allow you to achieve a beautiful caramel crust during baking.

Video: nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky on the dangers and benefits of vegetable oils

Vegetable oils have their own storage rules. Until the cork is uncorked, they are stored for no more than six months, so it is very important to look at the label the date of production of this product. After you open the bottle, the oil is used for no more than one month and it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator. These simple rules will help you maintain all the beneficial properties of unrefined, vegetable oil. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that unrefined oils must be used in salads or taken as a medicine with a spoon, since during frying and other heat treatment, they form extremely harmful carcinogens. Exceptions to this rule are sunflower, olive, sesame and peanut oils, as they have a high boiling point.

A bit of theory.

Vegetable oils belong to the group of edible fats. Unsaturated fatty acids prevailing in vegetable oils affect the amount of cholesterol, stimulate its oxidation and excretion from the body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, activate the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and radiation. The nutritional value of vegetable oils is due to their high fat content (70-80%), a high degree of their absorption, as well as unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and E that are very valuable for the human body. The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are oilseeds, soybeans, the fruits of some trees.
Adequate oil intake is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis and related diseases. The beneficial substances of the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism.
Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, protects against cardiovascular diseases, supports the immune system, prevents aging and atherosclerosis, affects the function of the genital and endocrine glands, muscle activity. It promotes the absorption of fats, vitamins A and D, takes part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it improves memory, as it protects brain cells from the action of free radicals.
All oils are an excellent dietary product, have a memorable taste and special culinary properties that are unique to each oil.

There are two ways to get oil:

Pressing  - mechanical extraction of oil from crushed raw materials.
It can be cold and hot, that is, with pre-heating of the seeds. Cold-pressed oil is the most useful, it has a pronounced smell, but cannot be stored for long.
Extraction  - extraction of oil from raw materials using organic solvents. It is more economical because it allows you to extract oil as much as possible.

The oil obtained in one way or another must be filtered - it turns out crude oil. Then it is hydrated (treated with hot water and neutralized). After such operations, crude oil is obtained.
Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, but is stored longer.

Oils are divided depending on how they are refined:

Unrefined  - purified only from mechanical impurities by filtration or sedimentation.
This oil has an intense color, a pronounced taste and smell of the seeds of which it is obtained.
Such an oil may have a precipitate over which slight turbidity is allowed.
This oil retains all the useful biologically active components.
Crude oil contains lecithin, which significantly improves brain activity.
It is not recommended to fry in unrefined oil, as at high temperature toxic compounds form in it.
Any unrefined oil is afraid of sunlight. Therefore, it must be stored in a cabinet that is away from heat sources (but not in the refrigerator). In natural oils, natural sediment is allowed.

Hydrated  - oil purified with hot water (70 degrees), passed in a sprayed state through hot oil (60 degrees).
Such oil, unlike refined oil, has a less pronounced smell and taste, less intense color, without turbidity and sludge.

Refined - purified from mechanical impurities and past neutralization, i.e. alkaline treatment.
This oil is transparent, without sediment, sludge. It has a color of low intensity, but with a pronounced smell and taste.

Deodorized  - treated with hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230 degrees in vacuum.
The oil is clear, without sediment, weak color, with a mild taste and smell.
It is the main source of linolenic acid and vitamin E.

Store packaged vegetable oils at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees.
Refined 4 months (excluding soybean oil - 45 days), unrefined oil - 2 months.

Types of Vegetable Oils

Those who remember the shops of the eighties will confirm that the shelves with different types of vegetable oils have changed a lot since then; Yes, in fact, the number of rows increased tenfold.
Previously, in order to collect the entire line of oils in ordinary home kitchen, one had to run around the metropolitan shops well, and even this did not guarantee complete success.
Now you can find almost any kind of vegetable oil in some major store.

The most used vegetable oils are olive, sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed, flaxseed.

But there are many types of oils:

]peanut butter
- from grape seed
- of cherry seeds
- peanut butter (from walnut)
- mustard oil
- wheat germ oil
- cocoa oil
- Cedar oil
- Coconut oil
- hemp oil
- corn oil
- Sesame oil
- linseed oil
almond oil
- sea buckthorn oil
- olive oil
- Palm oil
- sunflower oil
- rapeseed oil
- from rice bran
- camelina oil
- soybean oil
- from pumpkin seeds
- cottonseed oil

In order to talk about vegetable oil, you will need more than one volume, so you will have to dwell on some types of the most commonly used oils.

Sunflower oil

It has high taste and superior to other vegetable oils in nutrition and digestibility.
The oil is used in food directly, as well as in the manufacture of canned vegetables and fish, margarines, mayonnaise, and confectionery.
The digestibility of sunflower oil is 95-98 percent.
The total amount of vitamin E in sunflower oil is from 440 to 1520 mg / kg. 100 g of oil contains 99.9 g of fat and 898/899 kcal.
Approximately 25-30 g of sunflower oil provides the daily requirement of an adult for these substances.
The beneficial substances of the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism. In sunflower oil, vitamin E contains 12 times more than in olive.

Beta-carotene - a source of vitamin A - is responsible for the growth of the body and vision.
Beta-systerin interferes with the absorption of cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract.
Linoleic acid forms vitamin F, which regulates fat metabolism and cholesterol in the blood, as well as increases the elasticity of blood vessels and immunity to various infectious diseases. Also, vitamin F contained in sunflower oil is necessary for the body, since its deficiency negatively affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the state of the vessels.

Refined oil is rich in vitamins E and F.
Unrefined sunflower oil, in addition to its pronounced color and taste, is saturated with biologically active substances and vitamins of groups A and D.
Refined deodorized sunflower oil does not have the same set of vitamins and minerals as unrefined sunflower oil, but has several advantages. It is more suitable for cooking fried foods, baking, as it does not burn and has no smell. It is preferable in diet food.

Olive oil

40 grams of olive oil per day can cover the body's daily need for fats without adding extra pounds!

Olive oil is characterized by a high content of oleic acid glycerides (about 80%) and a low content of linoleic acid glycerides (about 7%) and saturated acid glycerides (about 10%).
The composition of the fatty acids of the oil can vary over a wide range depending on climatic conditions. Iodine number 75-88, pour point from -2 to -6 ° C.

Olive oil is absorbed by the body by almost 100%.

Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best.
On the label it says: Olio d "oliva l" extravergine.
In such olive oil, the acidity does not exceed 1%. The lower the acidity of olive oil, the higher its quality.
Even better, if it is indicated that olive oil is made by cold pressing - spremuta a freddo.
The difference between ordinary extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin olive oil is that extra virgin olive oil - Olio d "oliva l" extravergine - is obtained exclusively from fruits collected from a tree, and the spin must be done within a few hours, otherwise it will be very high acidity of the final product.

Olives that have fallen to the ground serve as a raw material for lampante oil, which is not suitable for food due to its very high acidity and impurities, therefore it is refined in special plants.
When the oil has completely passed the refining process, a little extra class olive oil is added to it and eaten under the name - "olive oil".
Less quality oil - “Pomas” is made from a mixture of oil from olive seeds and extra virgin oil.
The highest quality is considered to be Greek olive oil.

Olive oil does not improve its quality over time, the longer it is stored, the more it loses its taste.

Any vegetable dish seasoned with olive oil is a cocktail of antioxidants that preserves youth.
The polyphenols found in olive oil are indeed a powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidants inhibit the development of free radicals in the body and thereby prevent cell aging.

Olive oil has a positive effect on digestion and is an excellent prophylaxis of stomach ulcers.
Olive leaves and fruits contain oleuropein, a substance that lowers blood pressure.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are also known.
The value of olive oil is explained by its chemical composition: it consists almost entirely of monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol.

Recent studies have also revealed the immunostimulating effect of this product.

Real olive oil is pretty easy to distinguish from fakes.
It must be put in the cold for several hours.
In natural oil, white flakes form in the cold, which disappear again at room temperature. This is due to the content in olive oil of a certain percentage of solid fats, which, when cooled, congeal and give these solid flocculent inclusions.
The oil is not afraid of freezing - it completely retains its properties when defrosting.

It is best to use olive oil when dressing dishes, in baking, but frying on it is not recommended.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is obtained from soybeans.
The average content of fatty acids in soybean oil (in percent): 51-57 linoleic; 23-29 oleic; 4.5-7.3 stearic; 3-6 linolenic; 2.5-6.0 palmitic; 0.9-2.5 arachin; up to 0.1 hexadecenoic; 0.1-0.4 myristic.

Soybean oil contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol). Per 100 g of oil accounts for 114 mg of this vitamin. In the same amount of tocopherol sunflower oil, only 67 mg, in olive - 13 mg. In addition, tocopherol helps fight stress, prevents cardiovascular disease.

Regular consumption of soybean oil in food helps to reduce blood cholesterol, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
And also this oil is considered a champion among other vegetable oils in the number of microelements (there are more than 30 in it), it contains vital fatty acids, among which there are quite a lot of linoleic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
It also restores the protective and water-holding abilities of the skin, slowing down its aging.
Soybean oil has a high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

Crude soybean oil has a brownish greenish tint, while refined is light yellow.
Low-purity soybean oil has, as a rule, extremely limited shelf life and a rather unpleasant taste and smell.
A well-refined oil is an almost colorless liquid with no taste or smell with a specific oily consistency.
A valuable component extracted from soybean seeds along with fatty oil is lecithin, which is separated for use in the confectionery and pharmaceutical industries.
Mainly used as raw materials for the production of margarine.

Only refined soybean oil is suitable for food; it is used in the same way as sunflower oil.
Cooking is better for vegetables than for meat.
It is often used in the food industry as a base, as a dressing for sauces, as well as for the production of hydrogenated soybean oil.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from corn germ.
In chemical composition, corn oil is similar to sunflower.
It contains acids (in percent): 2.5-4.5 stearic, 8-11 palmitic, 0.1-1.7 myristic, 0.4 arachinic, 0.2 lignoceric, 30-49 oleic, 40-56 linoleic 0.2-1.6 hexadecenoic.
The pour point is from -10 to -20 degrees, the iodine number is 111-133.

It is golden yellow, transparent, odorless.

It is believed that corn oil is the most useful of the available and familiar oils.

Corn oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, PP, K3, provitamins A, which are the main factors that determine its dietary properties.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and favors the elimination of excess cholesterol from the body, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, and improves brain function.
Due to its nutritional value, corn oil is used for irritated and aging skin, regenerating it.

In cooking, corn oil is particularly suitable for frying, stewing and deep-frying, since it does not form carcinogens, does not foam and does not burn.
It is good to use it for the preparation of various sauces, dough, bakery products.
Due to its beneficial properties, corn oil is widely used in the production of dietary products and baby food.

Grape oil

Grape oil has a light yellowish color with a green tint, the taste is pleasant, characteristic of vegetable oils, without extraneous smacks.
Relative density 0.920-0.956, pour point - 13-17С, iodine number 94-143.
Grape oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, especially linoleic acid - up to 76%. It has a hepatoprotective effect; positive effect on the kidneys; contains vitamin E - one tablespoon of grape oil per day is enough to cover the daily intake of this vitamin in the human body.

The high biological activity of grape oil is due to a complex of biologically active substances, among which the central place is occupied by proanthocyanidin, an antioxidant that prevents cell degeneration.
If it weren’t for the high price level of grape oil, it could be used for frying - sunflower oil will begin to fade and burn at a rather low temperature, but grape oil - when heated to 210 degrees, does not change color, smell or taste.
In cooking, nutritious and light grape oil is used in the preparation of marinades, salad dressings, mayonnaise, pastries and as a substitute for peanut butter.
It is recommended to add grape seed oil when preserving vegetables, but ideally grape oil is suitable for marinating meat and fish.
It will also add amazing color to fried potatoes - just add 2 tablespoons of grape to a pan with sunflower oil.

Pumpkin seed oil

In the modern world, pumpkin oil has lost its position, which took many years - in Austria, where the best pumpkin oil is produced, in the Middle Ages the price of this product was equated to real gold.
There was a royal decree prohibiting the intake of pumpkin oil for food, it should be used exclusively as a medicine!
Pumpkin oil is now considered one of the most expensive, second only to pine nut oil.
If we talk about the benefits of pumpkin oil, then it is impossible to overestimate its properties - this oil is called a preventive panacea. Contraindications to the consumption of pumpkin oil is unless individual intolerance.

Pumpkin oil has a greenish tint, and, depending on the variety, has a nutty flavor or a pronounced aroma of fried pumpkin seeds.

The composition of pumpkin oil includes vitamins A, E, B1, B2, C, P, F; it contains more than 90% unsaturated fats, from 45 to 60% linoleic acid and only up to 15% linolenic acid, is rich in fatty acids, has a unique complex of essential plant phospholipids. It contains a large number of biologically active substances: carotenoids, tocopherols.

Pumpkin oil does not tolerate heat, so it is better to keep it in a tightly corked bottle in a dark cool place.
Pumpkin oil does not tolerate any heat!
Therefore, they add it exclusively to cold dishes.
The main purpose of oil in cooking is dressing salads, second courses, cooking cold marinades.

It can be stored for about ten months at a temperature of +15 degrees C.

Linseed oil

Among vegetable oils, linseed oil is an absolute leader in its biological value, since it is 2 times higher than fish oil in the content of unsaturated fatty acids and is an ideal natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and many other diseases associated with impaired blood flow, thrombosis, as well as cancer of various localization.

The use of flaxseed oil in cooking is quite wide - it gives a unique taste to vinaigrettes, goes well with sauerkraut; It is added for flavoring in milk porridge, especially combining well with honey and apples.

Not subject to prolonged heating!
Flaxseed oil should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C, not more than 8 months.
Store opened packaging in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 ° C with a tightly closed lid for no more than 1 month.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth is a broad-leaved annual herbaceous plant 3-4 m tall with multiple elegant inflorescences containing seeds.
This magnificent, ornamental and medicinal plant is an absolute record holder for protein content.

In Russia, this plant is little known, but in Europe and Asia over the past decade it has become widespread among gardeners.

Amaranth oil is made from the seeds of inflorescences of a plant.
It contains 67% polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6), lecithin, a large amount of squalene - a polyunsaturated liquid hydrocarbon (C30H50) - its content in amaranth oil is 8%.
This wonderful compound saturates the tissues and organs of our body with oxygen. In addition, amaranth seeds contain a lot of tocopherol (vitamin E), which has an antioxidant effect.

The most valuable amaranth oil in its healing properties is much superior to sea buckthorn - in folk medicine it is used for external use for burns, rashes, eczema, abscesses, trophic ulcers for their quick healing.
In addition, it protects the skin from direct sunlight and is part of creams from wrinkles.

Amaranth oil is an effective dietary product that helps strengthen the immune and hormonal systems, eliminates metabolic disorders. Regular consumption of oil helps to remove toxins, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body, improve the condition of anemia, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other body functions.
In cooking, the use of this oil is not common, much more often they use young leaves and amaranth sprouts - they are eaten raw in salads, blanched, boiled, fried, stewed.
But if you introduce vegetable salads seasoned with amaranth oil into your diet or add this oil to homemade pastries - especially bread, pancakes, cheesecakes - you will not only feel the new taste of familiar dishes, but also enrich your body with useful substances.

Vegetable oil: types, properties, benefits

Today on store shelves appeared  a huge variety of identical bottles of vegetable oil, which are full of the inscriptions "No Cholesterol", "Rich in Vitamin E" ... However, if you look closely, you can see that next to small letters is written: "frozen out", "hydrated" ... But to the uninformed sometimes it’s difficult for the buyer to understand what all these terms mean, what is the use of this oil, will it smoke in a pan, which is better - sunflower, corn or olive ?!

So, according to experts,   The most useful in vegetable oil is valuable fatty acids. However, almost every oil has all three of their types: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated. The difference is in the proportions.

For example,   saturated acids  we need a small amount. And their excess is fraught with a violation of fat and cholesterol metabolism and, as a consequence, the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Remember that there are many of them in peanut, palm, coconut oil.

Whereas unsaturated fatty acidsOn the contrary, they are very useful and regulate metabolic processes in the body. Today, much is said about the benefits of polyunsaturated acids - linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic (omega-3). However, according to recent data, they not only prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, but also contribute to the destruction of those that already exist. At the same time, these acids are indispensable, the body does not know how to produce them on its own and can only get them with food. And one of the main sources of these acids is just vegetable oil.

Following the old traditions, we mainly consume oils   sunflower, sesame, corn,  rich in omega-6 acid, ignoring linseed, rapeseed, walnut oilwhere a lot of omega-3 acids. But, according to doctors, such a skew becomes the cause of many health problems. That's why you should not be limited to one type of oil. At the same time, do not forget that along with polyunsaturated acids, monounsaturated acids must enter the body, otherwise the level of "good" cholesterol from which cell membranes are built will decrease in the blood.

Besides, the usefulness of oil depends not only on the feedstock. In this matter, much determines spinning and cleaning method.Despite the fact that vitamin E, which manufacturers like to write about, is quite stable, nevertheless, the less heat treatment, the more it is stored in the product.

At the same time, scientists note that the most "live" oilcontaining a maximum of biologically active substances is what is obtained by the method cold pressing. On the labels of such oil, they usually write “first spin / cold press”. The fact is that such oil is only filtered to get rid of mechanical impurities.

Can't stand the light and spoil the pan a gentle oil, that is, one that contains a very large amount of polyunsaturated acids. However, there is an alternative way - extraction; it uses organic solvents. According to experts, such an oil goes through more than one cleaning step before it reaches the counter, and most of the valuable components are lost in the process.

In order to increase the shelf life, unrefined oil  can neutralize (affect alkali). In the event that it was treated with hot water, “hydrated” is written on the label. While the taste of this oil is not so bright, the color is less saturated, some of the nutrients have been lost. On the other hand, both heavy metals and pesticides that could be contained in the feedstock are removed.

In turn   refined oil  depersonalized: colorless and almost does not smell. And if at the same time it is also deodorized, you can be sure that, with the relative safety of fatty acids, there are practically no vitamins and other valuable substances in it.

Another important point: the inscription   "frozen out"  means from the product removed waxes. Therefore, at a low temperature (in the refrigerator), the oil becomes cloudy and does not look too appetizing. However, it can be both refined and unrefined. Moreover, unrefined oil with all its advantages for frying is not suitable - it burns and fumes. On the other hand, refined oil is also not easy. It all depends on the ratio of poly - and monounsaturated acids. According to experts, the more "poly-"  (sesame, soy, safflower), the worse the oil tolerates heating. As a result, ideally, fry in rapeseed, sunflower, and best of all, in olive oil.

Vegetable oils are rich  phosphatides (lecithin, which regulates the content of cholesterol in the body and promotes the accumulation of proteins), sterols (inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines), as well as vitamins of group E (tocopherols).

Assortment of Vegetable Oils

In cooking, a large number of vegetable oils are used.  Vegetable oil is produced from the seeds of oil crops. Each type of oil is extracted from each culture, for example: sunflower, corn, olive, rapeseed, etc.

Just a few years agocooks had a fairly modest selection of vegetable oils. Sunflower, olive, soy, peanut, corn, buckwheat, rapeseed and, perhaps, still sesame. At the same time, in order to collect the entire oil collection on the kitchen shelf, it was necessary to show the wonders of investigation. Today, however, a line of rare oils is also not available in every oncoming store, but it is still much simpler to compile. And even significantly diversify due to such exotics as almond oil, grape seed, macadamia or rice bran.

Of course, such a variety cannot but rejoice, because the culinary horizons, the possibilities of experimentation are expanding significantly, the palette of taste is enriched even for familiar dishes. But on the other hand, it is far from always clear how exactly it is possible and necessary to use this or that oil in order to fully reveal its potential and, in the end, not to be disappointed in its acquisition. Otherwise, the exotic product runs the risk of becoming a museum exhibit of unnecessary expensive purchases.

Consider the most famous vegetable oils ...

Sunflower oil

The greatest vitamin value is sunflower oil, which is the most common and popular in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the 19th century, sunflower oil has become a national product. In pre-revolutionary times, butter was consumed only on holidays, and on weekdays, vegetable oils were used (along with sunflower oil, mustard, linseed, and hemp).

The widespread distribution of sunflower oil was facilitated by its recognition by the church as a lean product. By the way, modern nutritionists are entirely in solidarity with the church. After all, vegetable oils are the most important sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), which are not synthesized in the body, but come only with food; they regulate important vital processes of the body, and they are the best allies in the fight against atherosclerosis, the most common cause of cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular diseases. So, not only for diet therapy, but also for normal daily nutrition, sunflower oil is more suitable.

Sunflower oil is one of the most important vegetable oils, which has gained great economic importance. It is used both directly in food and for the production of margarine, cooking fats, soap making and the paint industry. Sunflower oil is part of various medications (for example, sea buckthorn oil is prepared on the basis of sunflower).

Corn butter

Corn oil is the most useful oil available and familiar to us, which is obtained from the germ of corn. In chemical composition, it is similar to sunflower. This oil is golden yellow, clear, odorless.

Only refined oil is on sale.

Linoleic acid in it up to 50%. Scientists claim that it contains especially a lot of omega-6 acids and vitamin E. Corn oil contains unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, has a stimulating, softening and nourishing effect.

The unsaturated fatty acids in this oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and favor the elimination of excess cholesterol from the body. Due to its pronounced dietary properties, it is widely used in the production of dietary products and baby food. Vitamin E helps to strengthen the human immune and muscle systems. This vitamin is also called the "vitamin of youth" because it is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process in the body.

Corn oil is used in the baking industry, for the preparation of mayonnaise, for dressing salads and roasting foods.

Corn oil is particularly suitable for frying and stewing meat, fish and vegetables, since it does not form carcinogens, does not foam and does not burn. It is not for nothing that all over the world in restaurants, during the heat treatment of products, mainly corn oil is used. It is also good to use it in potato and carrot salads and vegetable stews.

Olive (olive) oil

Olive oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of olives. The color of olive oil is light yellow with a greenish tint, the taste and smell are pleasant, but specific. At a temperature of about 0 ° Celsius, the oil freezes, when heated, it melts and becomes transparent. Olive oil contains less essential fatty acids and vitamin E than some other vegetable oils, but it has a good effect on the digestive system of the body.

This oil has gained wide popularity and popularity in Europe due to the so-called "Mediterranean diet", the essence of which is to reduce the consumption of animal fats and their replacement with vegetable. The best varieties of olive oil are obtained by cold pressing (such oils are called "extra vіrgіn"). In cooking, this oil is used as a salad oil and for the preparation of various dishes at a temperature not exceeding 180 ° C, since it breaks up at higher temperatures.

To date, the options for dishes with olive oil are countless. No wonder that the whole Mediterranean cuisine uses it as a basic component. Experts note that it gives a special "southern" taste to salads, pasta sauces, and chops.

Sea buckthorn oil

Eit is an oily orange-red liquid with a characteristic odor and taste. Thanks to the use of non-traditional production technology, sea buckthorn oil is produced with a higher content of carotenoids, which increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, increases the glycogen content in the muscles, heart and liver, and contributes to the complex therapy of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Walnut oil

To the category of exoticfirst of all, there are nut oils, which can be called flavoring oils. They are used in cooking in small quantities, as a flavoring additive for salads, sauces, pasta dishes, as well as in baked or stewed foods, pastries. Such oils are usually not fried, because at high temperature their taste is destroyed, they are added mainly to ready-made dishes, only a few drops to add flavor, and dishes whose cooking temperature does not reach a critical degree (it is different for each type of oil).

In addition to pleasant taste  peanut butter good for the health.

They almost do not contain saturated fats, which are poorly absorbed by the body and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Conversely, peanut butter is rich in monounsaturated fats, which help lower bad cholesterol. This primarily applies to oils from almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pistachios.

Walnut oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats and omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots, which cause strokes. In addition, almond and hazelnut oil, like sunflower oil, are rich in vitamin E.

However, for people with nut allergies, such oils may be contraindicated, since not all oils can remove allergic protein. This is especially true for peanut butter obtained by cold pressing.

Let us dwell on the varieties of peanut butter.

  • Peanut butterobtained from the fruits of peanuts. Unrefined peanut butter has a red-brown color, refined straw-yellow. Peanut butter is used for roasting various products, for salads, but in particular it is suitable for making fragrant dough.

    Peanut butter comes with a strong and weak aroma. The first is best used in salads, and slightly aromatic - for stewing and frying using the steer-fry method. Peanut butter goes well with grilled shrimp, fish, grilled pineapple slices, and vanilla ice cream.

  • Almond oil.High temperature destroys the delicate aroma of almond oil, so its best use is the aromatization of cold salads, cooked vegetables, pasta dishes. A few drops of almond oil can simply be applied to a piece of toasted bread - very tasty.
  • Walnut oil.With a delicate aroma, it is one of the most expensive. It is used in salads, only it is better to combine it with olive oil. With this combination of oils, you can lubricate the bottom of the baking dish, you will marvel at the aroma of the finished product. The oil shows a wonderful taste in combination with sherry vinegar, try seasoning it with a salad of fruits, toasted walnuts and cheese cubes. You can make pasta for bread: mix cream cheese with honey and a few drops of butter.

    Plus, it has a lot of omega-6 acids. Today it is added to gourmet sauces and dressings - egg and mustard, to elegant salads with white meat and fresh garden berries, to snacks with cheese and fruit and nut desserts. At the same time, it should be remembered that this type of oil does not tolerate high temperatures and quickly deteriorates.

  • Hazelnut oil.  It is as fragrant as walnut oil and can be used in similar ways. Try sprinkling with chopped fresh pears, a slice of brie cheese.
  • Macadam oil. Macadamia or Macadamia nut oil has a more delicate aroma than the previous ones. It is ideal for fish and vegetables - just sprinkle lightly or grease the finished dish with it.
  • Pistachio oil.  The oil is deep green in color and somewhat thick in texture, pistachio oil has a delicious taste. The darker its color, the more powerful the aroma it possesses. Ideal for salads and bread, excellent in pesto.
  • Pecan butter.  The same recommendations as for walnut oil.

It is clear that peanut butter has a characteristic aroma of those nutsfrom which they are derived. This is very convenient in the sense that you can know in advance what taste and smell your dishes will get if you use one or another oil. If you want to enhance the aroma of baked goods, which includes hazelnuts, use hazelnut oil, greasing them with a form or already finished products.

As a rule, peanut butter is sold in dark glass bottles or cans.

They should be stored in the refrigerator or in another dark and cool place. Close the lid tightly after each use so that contact with air is minimal.

Walnut oils have one drawback  - they quickly deteriorate, so carefully look at the release date and expiration date on the label.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of mustard oil varieties - plants of the cruciferous family. The color of the oil is yellow, sometimes with a greenish tint. Contains relatively little linoleic acid. The specific taste and intense coloring of mustard oil limit the possibility of its use.

Culinary experts note that spicy (and not at all bitter!) Emphasizes the natural taste of vegetables. Especially delicious are fish and meat fried in this oil. However, it has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. For this quality, many nutritionists call it a ready-made medicine.

Sesame (sesame) oil

Sesame (sesame) oil is obtained from sesame seed. The oil is almost odorless and with a pleasant taste. Sesame oil is a food product equivalent to other vegetable oils.

On the one hand, it has practically no vitamins (it has no vitamin A and little vitamin E). On the other hand - in excess of unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus and calcium - excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Oil is used in confectionery, canning and other industries, as well as for technical purposes.

It should also be noted that light sesame oil is added to salads "with an oriental slant." Whereas in dark oil (from fried seeds), meat, chicken are fried, rice, noodles and vegetables are cooked.

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil, obtained from flax seeds, belongs to the fast-drying oils. This ability is due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Flaxseed oil is of great technical importance: it produces quick-drying varnishes, paints and drying oil. It is also eaten (refined), used in medicine (for example, as the basis for the preparation of ointments).

According to experts, she is a champion in the content of omega-3 acids with a result of 67% in the world ranking table. However, it quickly deteriorates from heat and light. In the event that you did not immediately appreciate the specific taste, try mixing it with crushed garlic and seasoning with a spicy mixture of soups and cereals, pour boiled potatoes with it, add to the cottage cheese with herbs. While a teaspoon of flaxseed oil at night acts as an excellent laxative.

Vegetable oil from wheat germ

This type of vegetable oil is also added only to salads, it is just a storehouse of vitamins. Especially useful in winter and spring. But a lot of such oil should not be given to a child. Season them with salad once every 2-3 days.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

It is known that it contains many polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, there are vitamins B, PP, C. It also does not tolerate high temperatures and light. And its slightly sweet taste is good in meat salads, they are seasoned with fish and vegetable soups, they are added to batter for baking.

Grape Seed Oil

Today it is an excellent source of vitamin E (the daily norm is in one tablespoon!) And omega-6 acids. In addition, the light aroma of grapes does not clog, but, on the contrary, enhances other smells. That's why cooks season them with green and fruit salads, add to marinades. It should also be noted that it is resistant to high temperatures, does not fade when frying.

Palm oil

Palm oil, which is obtained from the fruits of oily palm, is the least valuable of all vegetable oils. It is orange in color, solid in consistency and resembles pork fat, solidifies at temperatures below 30 ° C. The pulp of the fetus contains up to 70% of the oil, rich in carotenoids and palmitic acid.

For cooking, it is used in several countries of the East, where, for religious reasons, pork fat is not consumed. In most countries, this product is used as a hardener for the preparation of soaps and candles, margarines, in culinary and confectionery industries. Palm oil is only eaten preheated - it is unsuitable for preparing cold dishes.

The modern food industry is firmly "hooked" on palm oil. Its advantages are its high density (almost like butter) and the absence of fatty acids in the transisomers. An important factor is the low cost of the oil palm product. Palm oil is quite suitable for food, but does not possess any outstanding qualities, either harmful or beneficial.

It differs noticeably from the usual red palm oilobtained from the fruits of a special type of oil palm. Red palm oil contains many biologically active substances, for example, up to 500 milligrams of beta-carotene and up to 800 milligrams of tocopherol for every kilogram of product. Red palm oil can be found at the pharmacy.

Another palm product -   palm kernel oil, it is given by the same plants as ordinary palm oil - oil palm trees. But they are produced not from the fruit coat, but from the seeds. Palm kernel oil has similar properties to coconut.

The availability of different types of palm oils on sale causes some confusion, because completely different products are hidden under similar names. So do not make a mistake in choosing.

Rapeseed oil

According to the composition of fats and acids, the most balanced oil is rapeseed, obtained from rapeseed. It has received the greatest distribution in Western and Central Europe, China, India and Canada. Rapeseed oil has a high content of erucic acid and therefore requires mandatory refining. It is used mainly in soap, textile, leather industry, as well as for the production of drying oil. After refining and hydrogenation, the oil is used in the margarine industry. It is also developed for domestic use, but due to its specific taste, it is significantly inferior to sunflower.

For the "cores" that control the level of cholesterol in the blood, it is important that in the composition of rapeseed oil up to 15% of alpha-linolenic acid of the Omega-3 family.

In trade, rapeseed oil can be found under the "name" of canola oil. In rapeseed oil, almost as much oleic acid as in olive, in terms of linoleic acid, rapeseed “catches up” sunflower.

Having the most balanced composition, rapeseed oil also has disadvantages. It deteriorates quickly enough, which manifests itself in the appearance of a specific rancid taste. Therefore, buying rapeseed oil for the future is a bad idea. It is sometimes said that rapeseed oil gives away fish. This, in principle, harmless nuisance can occur, and not in all grades, when the oil is heated above 180 degrees.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is obtained from soybeans. In the global production of vegetable oils, it occupies a major place. It has a straw yellow color, a characteristic smell and taste. Soybean oil is also used as a raw material for margarine production. Only refined oil is used in food.

Scientists say it’s similar in composition to fish oil. However, one of its most valuable elements is lecithin, which normalizes blood cholesterol. Traditionally, it is used in Japanese and Chinese cuisine: it goes well with rice and oriental spices.

In the United States, soybean oil occupies nearly 4/5 of the oil market. Soybean oil is used in the same way as sunflower oil.

Cottonseed oil

In Central Asia, cottonseed oil, which is obtained from cotton seed, is popular. Unrefined cottonseed oil is a reddish-brown liquid with a peculiar smell and bitter taste; refined - straw yellow. Only refined oil is used in food, since unrefined cottonseed oil contains a toxic substance - gossypol.

The chemical composition and properties of cottonseed oil depend on the variety of cotton, as well as on the area and its processing conditions. Cottonseed oil is used mainly for the production of drying oil, and refined oil is used for food, for the production of canned food, margarine and cooking fats.

To remove the toxic pigment contained in the seeds of cotton, the oil goes through many degrees of purification. But when frying meat and vegetables in this oil, an appetizing crispy crust is obtained. Therefore, it is on it that a real Central Asian pilaf is prepared.

Rice bran oil

Rice oil is great for frying and deep-frying, products cooked on it, acquire a special pleasant aroma. Most Japanese restaurants already cook tempura in rice bran oil. It also produces french fries and chicken meat. This oil is increasingly used for frying by the steer-fry method of seafood, meat and vegetables, it gives the food a flavor, but never overpowers its inherent taste. Rice bran oil is highly resistant to high temperatures compared to other oils, which makes it attractive for the described methods of heat treatment of products. The oil contains a moderate amount of saturated fat and a small amount (as compared, for example, with soybean oil) of linolenic acid, which makes it more resistant to oxidation.

Truffle oil

Truffle oil is obtained not by extraction, like other types of oils, but by brewing truffles in olive or grape oil. Depending on the type of truffle, the oil can be from white or black truffles, the oil from black truffles is more aromatic. A few drops of oil will add a special flavor to any salad or soup or sauce seasoned with it. Its use may be limited only by your imagination, but just remember that just a few drops are enough to flavor a dish and such an expensive oil, of course, is not suitable for frying. It is better to fry food in another oil, such as olive oil, and at the end of cooking add a drop of truffle to a hot dish.

Edible oilsalso apply   hemp, coconut, poppy seed oil, cocoa butterand some other oils.

Each capsule (0.2 g) contains 0.084 mg of carotenoids from sea buckthorn oil concentrate; the recommended daily dose of the product provides 6-12% of the physiological need for beta-carotene.

Sea buckthorn oil, in addition to carotene, also contains a number of biologically active compounds: vitamins B1, B2, C, P, K, E; flavonoids - isoramnetin, quercetin, kempferol, myricetin, catechin, which have capillary-strengthening, cardio-stimulating, gastroprotective, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects; chlorogenic acid having a choleretic effect; beta-sitosTerin, a choline that stimulates the synthesis of phospholipids, has a lipotropic effect, prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, enhances phagocytosis, improves memory, especially in old age, has a sedative effect; alpha and beta amirins are compounds that regulate lipid metabolism.

  • healthy people for the prevention of A-hypovitaminosis, to increase the body's defenses, to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, children to ensure normal growth, older people for active longevity, to maintain an antioxidant defense system, especially to people living in ecologically unfavorable areas, as well as susceptible to various types of household radiation (working with a computer, prolonged exposure to the sun);
  • as a product of medical nutrition for eye diseases, decreased vision, skin diseases,accompanied by dryness and delayed regeneration, in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(inflammatory and ulcerative erosive lesions), bronchi, lungs, with tuberculosis,however, the main treatment for diseases should be entrusted to a doctor.
  • healthy people to prevent E-hypovitaminosis, to maintainthe system body antioxidant protection,especially residents of industrial areas, centers of large cities, computer users, people who have been in the sun for a long time; children for normal growth, the elderly to slow down the aging process, to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • for the prevention of disorders of line metabolism and atherosclerosis;
  • as a medical nutrition product for muscular dystrophies, degenerative changes in bones, joints, ligaments, including post-traumatic, with decreased genital gland function, with menopause, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with diseases of the heart and peripheral vessels, while the main treatment of the above diseases should be entrusted to the doctor.
  • healthy people as a source of unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements that have a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • for the prevention of disorders of lipid, protein, water-salt metabolism;
  • as a nutritional product for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract(chronic glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis), with osteoporosis.The main treatment for these diseases should be entrusted to a doctor.

Vegetable oils

  Consists of a mixture of sunflower, mustard, linseed and sesame oils.

The combination of four vegetable oils with different composition (table 1) optimizes the ratio of fatty acids of different classes (table 1), enriches the amino acid, vitamin and mineral composition of the mixture.

it functional food thatwith regular use supplies the body with indispensable nutritional factors and contributes to good physical development.Flaxseed oil regulates the processes of growth and development of the brain, eyes, sex glands, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, enhances tissue regeneration. Sesame oil is a valuable dietary product that has a beneficial effect on health. In medicine, it is used for nutritional therapy for disorders of lipid metabolism, arterial hypertension, and inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints. In recent years, sesame seeds and sesame oil are actively used for the prevention of osteoporosis,due to the presence of calcium, phosphorus in it - building materials for bone tissue, and phytoestrogens that control bone resorption processes. In bodybuildinguse sesame oil to increase muscle mass.Sunflower oil is an additional source of essential amino acids and magnesium. Mustard oil improves appetite stimulates digestion processes, promotes better absorption of nutrients.It should be noted that for good physical development it is important not only good nutrition, but also high physical activity.

  Consists of a mixture of corn, mustard and pumpkin oils.

This mixture combines three oils that affect the digestive system. Corn oil enhances the secretion of bile, reduces its viscosity, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Mustard oil improves appetite, stimulates digestion, has bactericidal and anthelmintic activity. Pumpkin seed oil enhances the motor function of the colon and biliary tract, has an anthelmintic effect.

  It consists of a mixture of corn, mustard, camelina oil and rosehip oil.

It has an original aroma and taste, it combines a fresh pungent aroma and the taste of camelina and mustard oils, the softness of corn. The high palatability of this oil is not inferior to its beneficial properties. Corn and mustard oils are rich in linoleic (omega-6) oleic acid, but are poor in alpha-linolenic (omega-3) acid; camelina oil is the "champion" in the content of alpha-linolenic acid, and contains linoleic and oleic acid in smaller quantities (table 1), rosehip oil is a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid. The combination of these oils makes the ratio of fatty acids more harmonious, able to regulate the content of lipids and cholesterol in the blood. Tocopherols, carotenoids, phospholipids, bioflavonoids contained in all components of the mixture form an antioxidant complex. Antiatherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, tonic, antispasmodic, choleretic, bactericidal, anthelmintic effect of the components of the oil mixture determine it a positive effect on almost all systems of the human body.


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1, when 1 g of fat is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, 9 kcal is formed, when 1 g of protein or carbohydrate is oxidized, about 4 kcal,

2 under the influence of desaturases, desaturation occurs, double bonds are formed, from lat. saturatio - saturation,

3 elongases lengthen the carbon chain, from lat. elongatio - stretching, lengthening.

Vegetable fats play a large role in the full nutrition of humans. There are various types of oils for feedstock, manufacturing processes and consistency. Consider what vegetable fats are, their quality indicators, and how classification divides them.

According to the degree of purification, vegetable oils are classified into:

1. Unrefined - only mechanically cleaned. With this method, the beneficial properties of vegetable oils are maximally preserved, they acquire a taste and smell characteristic of the product from which they are obtained, and may have a precipitate. This is the most useful vegetable oil;

2. Hydrated - cleansed by sprayed hot water. It has a less pronounced odor, without sediment and is not cloudy;

3. Refined - neutralized by alkali after mechanical cleaning. Such a product is transparent, with a slight taste and smell;

4. Deodorized - cleaned with hot vapors under vacuum. This product is almost odorless, tasteless and colorless.

According to the method of squeezing the oil there are obtained:

With cold pressing - such oils have the greatest benefit for the body;

During hot pressing - when the raw material is heated before extraction, so that the oil contained in it is more liquid and is subject to extraction in a larger volume;

During extraction, the raw materials are treated with a solvent that extracts oil. The solvent is subsequently removed, but some small portion of it may remain in the final product, which may be harmful to the body.

Consistency classification of oils:

1. Solid, consisting of saturated fatty acids: coconut, cocoa butter, palm.

2. Liquid, consisting of unsaturated fatty acids:

With monounsaturated acids in the composition (olive, peanut);

With polyunsaturated fatty acids (sunflower, sesame, soy, rapeseed, corn, cotton, etc.).

The properties of vegetable oil depend on the method of preparation and the degree of its processing in production. An unrefined cold pressed product will bring more benefits to the body than a refined product obtained by extraction. The method of its production determines the quality indicators.

Which vegetable oil is better to buy for consumption depends on its beneficial properties and application. Consider the types of vegetable oils for raw materials, their use and benefits for the body.

The table below will help the buyer to understand vegetable oils, their properties and proper use.

Table - Types of vegetable oil: composition, properties and proper use

Type of vegetable oil Composition The properties Application
It contains a lot of linoleic acid, lecithin, vitamins A, D, E, K and F (a complex of useful unsaturated fatty acids) and omega-6 acids. Positive effect on the work of the cardiac, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract. Improves skin and hair condition. It is used for dressing salads (unrefined), for frying and baking (refined). Also used in the production of margarines, sauces and mayonnaise, canned food.
It contains a large amount of oleic acid, as well as fat-soluble vitamins, unsaturated acids, a small amount of omega-6 acids. Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol. It has a good effect on digestion, because it is absorbed better than other vegetable oils. Helps reduce weight. For dressing salads, sauces and frying. When heated, it does not form harmful carcinogens, like sunflower oil. Used in pharmacology and cosmetology.
Soybean Contains lecithin, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins E, K and choline. Contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. It is well absorbed by the body, strengthens the immune system, increases stress resistance, improves metabolism. It is used for frying, in the manufacture of sauces, in the food production of foods and baby food.
Corn A source of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6), beneficial phosphatides, biologically active substances (membrane components) and tocopherol. Regulates cholesterol metabolism, improves brain and heart function, relieves nervous tension. It is used for stewing, frying over low heat, dressing salads.
Sesame seeds It contains a lot of calcium compared to other oils, but not enough vitamin E and A. It contains a powerful antioxidant squalene and omega-6 fatty acids. Useful for digestive, cardiovascular, nervous systems, brain function. Positively affects the endocrine and female reproductive systems. Widely used in Indian and Asian cuisines, in production. Not suitable for frying, only for dressing ready meals.
It contains a large amount of Omega-3 (more than in all other vegetable fats) and Omega-6 fatty acids. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the digestive system, strengthens the immune system. For dressing ready meals, salads and cereals, not for frying.
Palm It consists mainly of saturated fatty acids, contains a large amount of vitamin A, as well as E, phytosterols, lecithin, squalene, omega-6 acid. It has antioxidant properties, improves skin and hair. It is widely used in many sectors of food production. It is suitable only for frying, as it is semi-solid when cold.
Mustard High content of biologically active substances: vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, a small amount of omega-3 and 6 acids, volatile, essential mustard oil. It has bactericidal and wound healing properties, improves the digestive system and blood composition, is useful for the female and children's body. For salad dressing, baking and frying, for preservation, as it is slowly oxidized.

In food laboratories, the assessment of the quality of vegetable oils includes a complex of studies of organoleptic (taste, color, smell, transparency) and physico-chemical parameters (density, color, melting and pour point, determination of the acid number of vegetable oil, peroxide and iodine, mass fraction of moisture )

For the average buyer, these complex laboratory tests are not available, so it is important to know some rules in order to buy quality vegetable oil.

1. Refined vegetable oil should be transparent, without visible impurities and sediment.

2. The color of the oil can vary from light to dark yellow and green, depending on the raw materials and the degree of purification.

3. There should be no foreign smell and taste, only appropriate to the product.

4. Look at production time and shelf life. You should not buy a product that has long been on a shelf in a store, even if it has a long shelf life.

5. Good vegetable oil cannot be cheap. But the high price does not guarantee anything. It is better to choose one manufacturer with good quality goods and always use it as food. A bona fide food supplier is concerned about the opinions of consumers.

6. The label should indicate information on compliance with GOST for vegetable oil. The presence of quality management systems in production (international standards ISO, QMS) may also be indicated.

7. Examine the label carefully. Often there is falsification of vegetable oil: a mixture of other fats is sold under the guise of sunflower oil. The type of oil and its grade should be clearly indicated on the labeling, and not just the inscription “vegetable oil”.

How to store vegetable oil

If you choose it in the store, it is worth remembering that the most useful will be unrefined. Which unrefined sunflower oil is better? Cold pressed. It is in such a product that has not undergone thermal and chemical processing that vitamins and biologically active substances are better preserved. The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil are high in phospholipids, antioxidants, and beta-carotene.

Any vegetable oil is subject to oxidation in the light, so it must be stored in a dark place. The temperature is optimal from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius without sudden changes in temperature. Crude oils should be stored in the refrigerator. It is better to use a glass container with a narrow neck, but not metal.

The shelf life of vegetable oil can be long - up to 2 years, subject to the temperature and the absence of light. An open bottle should be used within a month.