Chicken marinade with soy sauce. Step by step recipe with photo

31.08.2019 Egg Dishes

Cooking in Asian countries is quite popular not only among visitors to restaurants. But also among ordinary housewives who cook at home for their family. Such dishes are mouth-watering and spicy in taste.

Cooking chicken in Asian style is not as difficult as many people think. The recipe will be based on spicy and brackish soy sauce. In fact, it is a universal remedy for cooking - and marinade, and sauce, and spices. Its use makes pieces of chicken meat softer, and even a skinny poultry will make a funky dish. Pickled chicken in soy sauce in a pan is a simple dish, it cooks quickly, and it does not require special cash costs.

The recipe used cloves of garlic to complement the meat. If there is no garlic at hand, feel free to replace it with sliced \u200b\u200bonions or sweet bell pepper. It will also turn out appetizingly.

As a side dish for fried chicken, take homemade salinity, fresh vegetables, maybe even a light summer salad with fresh herbs, any boiled cereals or pasta.

This recipe is suitable not only for cooking chicken meat, but also for pulp of turkey, pieces of duck or even pork.

Taste Info Poultry main courses


  • Chicken (thighs) - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Soy sauce - 5-6 tbsp. l .;
  • Sesame seeds - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l

How to cook pickled chicken in soy sauce in a pan

Start with meat. Rinse the chicken. Dry lightly with a paper towel. Cut the meat from the bones, remove the skin. Cut the flesh into small pieces, put in a bowl. You can use whole chicken drumsticks or small thighs. Only their recipe will be a little longer.

Cook the marinade. Peel the cloves of garlic. Grind them in mashed potatoes. To do this, use a special press or blender. Add the mashed potatoes to the chicken. If you do not want to add garlic to the dish, just crush the teeth with the flat side of the knife and send to the chicken. And when the teeth give up their aroma and essential oils, pull them out and do not use further.

Pour in soy sauce. Sprinkle sesame seeds - they should not be fried beforehand. After all, chicken will be cooked in a pan anyway. Leave some sesame seeds to decorate the finished dish. Note that there is no salt at all in the recipe. The fact is that chicken marinade with soy sauce is already salty. This sauce has a pronounced brackish flavor. Leave the chicken to marinate for about a quarter of an hour, a little more.

Warm the vegetable oil in a pan. Make fire slightly stronger than moderate. Put the pieces of meat evenly in one layer. Wait until the underside of the pieces is slightly fried. Flip them to the other side. Reduce heat to minimum. Pour some marinade in which there were slices. Let them stew. If you make the burner fire too strong, the meat may burn. Therefore, it is better to simmer at low heat, but until tender. And if you close the lid of the pan while stewing, the pieces of pickled chicken will seem to languish. And get more tender.

Then pour the soya marinade again - use all the liquid. First, simmer before evaporating the liquid, and then fry the chicken until cooked.

Put the chicken pieces in the soy sauce from the pan into a plate while still hot. Sprinkle with the remaining sesame seeds, if desired. They are white and perfectly create a delicious contrast of colors with dark brown golden chicken. You can add fresh herbs in slices or a couple of pinches of dried herbs to decorate the dish.

Cooking Tips

  • The recipe is suitable not only for cooking chicken slices in small slices, but also for fillet steaks. Only beat them a bit before pickling with garlic.
  • In a chicken marinade, along with soy sauce and garlic, it is permissible to add a dessert spoon of bee honey and white dry wine. The taste of food will come out more piquant and aromatic. All alcohol will evaporate quickly during frying in a pan, only its bouquet will remain.
  • Also try cooking delicious ones.

Personally, we have long abandoned heavy meat, whose benefit no one has proven, so we only eat poultry. It is not deposited at the waist, it is an easily digestible protein and priceless polyunsaturated fatty acids, a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that make us slimmer, healthier and younger.

How to Pickle Chicken: 6 Rules

1. To ensure that the chicken is always tender and juicy, choose only a chilled product, but not frozen.

2. For marinating poultry, use exclusively glass or enameled dishes; everyone knows about the dangers of aluminum and plastic.

3. The longer the chicken is in the marinade, the more tender it becomes.

4. Marinades, which include soy sauce, should be salted with caution.

5. Salt the bird at the end of cooking or immediately before use, so that the salt does not draw out all the moisture and makes the chicken hard and dry.

6. So that dietary meat always turns out to be juicy, put skewers as close to each other as possible, cook kebabs over hot coals and make sure that there is no fire!

Chicken dishes: cook according to recipes from the chef - watch the video recipe!

Honey mustard marinade

Juicy baked chicken with a beautiful crust as in advertising - really real! This is the best way to roast a bird. Honey in combination with French mustard gives a light piquant sweetness, and a mixture of herbs, garlic and lemon - an amazing aroma. Cook two at once, or better, three servings. Honey chicken never lingers on the table!

And to the cottage take super-budget wings and be sure to cook them on the grill.


What do you need:
150 g of liquid honey
   100 g French mustard
   1 lemon

   5-7 cloves of garlic
   1 bunch of dill
   1 bunch parsley
   salt to taste

How to cook honey mustard marinade:

1. With a knife for peeling vegetables, remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into thin strips. Squeeze lemon juice and mix it with mustard, honey, vegetable oil, finely chopped garlic, herbs and zest. To stir thoroughly.

2. Marinate chicken for 3–6 hours.

3. Ready-made poultry should be baked with lemon peels included in the composition.

4. During cooking, periodically grease the chicken with the remains of the marinade, salt the bird at the very end.

Yogurt Marinade

The easiest marinade for lovers of everything super-dietary. Only natural products and no mayonnaise!


What do you need:
1 tbsp. natural yogurt (can be replaced with kefir or even fermented baked milk)
   1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
   1 teaspoon curry
   1 teaspoon turmeric
   1 teaspoon cardamom
   salt to taste

How to cook spicy yogurt marinade:

1. Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and pickle the bird. It is recommended to withstand chicken in a yogurt marinade all night. Salt the chicken at the end of cooking or just before serving.

Orange pickle

The recipe for this marinade is great for cooking chicken in the oven, as well as on charcoal. Pleasant light spiciness is most harmoniously combined with orange notes and curry spice. Ruddy, golden, luxurious chicken!


What do you need:
100 g honey
   3 oranges
   2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
   2 teaspoons curry
   ground red pepper to taste
   salt to taste

How to make orange marinade:

1. Squeeze the juice from two oranges, cut the third into thin slices.

2. Pour the legs, hips, wings or breast (or you can all at once) with orange juice and leave for 15-20 minutes.

3. Combine honey, oil, curry, pepper. Stir into a homogeneous mass.

4. Marinate chicken for 2–4 hours.

5. Put the finished bird in a form, lay out circles of orange on top, grease again with marinade and bake until tender. Salt immediately before use.

Fire pickle

Hot chicken for thrill-seekers. The poultry cooked in this marinade goes well with a salad of fresh vegetables and tomato juice. It is best suited for cooking on skewers, in a home smokehouse or on the grill.


What do you need:
150 ml of soy sauce
   1 bunch of green onions
   2 teaspoon red pepper powder
   1 head garlic
   5-7 cm ginger root

How to cook a fire marinade:

1. Chop the green onion finely.

2. Grate garlic and ginger.

3. Combine soy sauce, chives, paprika, garlic and ginger.

4. Stir all the ingredients.

5. Pickle the chicken and ram it tightly in a saucepan.

6. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. Salt as needed at the very end of cooking.

Glaze Marinade

Chic and shine! And shine - in the literal sense of the word! Divine glazed chicken will be the most luxurious dish on your table. The marinade is especially suitable for baking chicken drumsticks and wings, however, a whole chicken will also kill everyone on the spot.


What do you need:
150 ml of soy sauce
   80 g of honey
   5-7 cm ginger root
   3 cloves of garlic
   1 tbsp. spoon of provence herbs
   1 pinch of pepper
   salt to taste

How to cook icing marinade:

1. Ginger grate.

2. Combine honey, soy sauce, garlic, ginger and spices.

3. Stir all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

4. At a minimum heat, bring to a boil and boil for 4–5 minutes, cool.

5. Put the prepared chicken in a baking dish, grease liberally with the obtained glaze, cover with foil.

6. Put in an oven preheated to 180ºС, bake for 15 minutes and grease again with sauce.

7. Continue lubricating the chicken every 5–7 minutes, baking until cooked. Salt at the end of cooking.

Sour Cream Marinade

If the baked chicken is fibrous and tasteless, try the sour cream marinade. The poultry meat is incredible: tender and melting in the mouth with subtle notes of ginger and a touch of mustard. It is especially good to use this marinade for baking chicken breast fillets.


What do you need:
5 tbsp. tablespoons low-fat sour cream
   З Art. tablespoons of soy sauce
   1 tbsp. spoon of Russian mustard
   1 tbsp. spoon of dried provence herbs
   2 teaspoons ground ginger
   salt to taste

How to cook sour cream marinade:

1. Combine all ingredients and beat with a fork into a homogeneous mass.

2. Wash and dry the chicken.

3. Marinate chicken for at least 2 hours.

4. Put the pieces in a mold and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC until cooked.

5. During cooking, periodically lubricate with marinade residues.

6. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt as needed and put on each piece of chicken a thin plate of any hard cheese.

Bake until crusty.

Lemon pickle

The secret of this marvelous citrus marinade is to add herbs and spices that give the bird a rich, intense aroma. Only juicy chicken and nothing more! The marinade is ideal for baking chicken on the sleeve or on the grill.


What do you need:
2 lemons
   5-7 cloves of garlic
   1 tbsp. a spoonful of allspice peas
   3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
   1 teaspoon saffron
   1 small bunch of rosemary (can be replaced with dry)
   salt to taste

How to make lemon marinade:

1. Peel and crush the garlic with a knife.

2. Cut the lemon into large cubes. Sprig rosemary hands.

3. Combine lemons and rosemary. Hand knead the ingredients well.

4. Add garlic, oil, pepper and saffron, mix thoroughly.

5. Marinate chicken from 5 to 12 hours. Salt at the very end of cooking.

Tomato Marinade

The combination of herbs with garlic and paprika creates a wonderful marinade for making tender chicken in its own juice. Thick aromatic sauce and soft chicken meat go well with any side dish - from simple buckwheat cereal to fashionable pasta.


What do you need:
1 tbsp. thick tomato juice
   2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
   1 tbsp. spoonful of ground paprika
   5 cloves of garlic
   1 bunch of basil
   1 bunch of mint
   salt to taste

How to cook tomato marinade:

1. Chop garlic, mint and basil very finely. Combine with tomato juice and vegetable oil. To stir thoroughly.

2. Marinate chicken for 2–4 hours.

4. Put the finished bird in a hot pan, after 2-3 minutes, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer under the lid in its own juice until tender. During cooking, you can add, if necessary, quite a bit of water, salt at the very end.

5. When serving, sprinkle with chopped mint if desired.

Kvass marinade

Simple and reliable, homemade and so understandable kvass marinade will give your chicken a pleasant aroma of rye bread. And do not forget a lot of fresh herbs and homemade vegetables!


What do you need:
400 ml bread kvass (ideally made at home)
   2 tbsp. spoons of Russian mustard
   1 tbsp. spoon of honey
   5-7 cloves of garlic
   1 bunch of any greenery
   1 pinch of pepper
   salt to taste

How to cook kvass marinade:

1. Chop the garlic, finely chop the greens.

2. Combine kvass with mustard, honey, garlic, herbs and pepper.

3. Marinate the bird for 2–4 hours, but better at night.

4. Bake the chicken on the wire rack or in the oven until golden brown. Salt a few minutes before cooking or before serving.

Wine marinade

Soft texture and pronounced taste of chicken: red wine marinade for true gourmets! Red or white, dry or sweet - feel free to try new combinations. Marinade is ideal for cooking chicken skewers.


What do you need:
300 ml dessert red wine
   100 g pitted prunes
   1 onion
   1 teaspoon cloves
   salt, pepper - to taste

How to make wine marinade:

1. Cut prunes and onions into rings.

2. Combine wine, onions, prunes and peppers, mix.

3. Marinate the bird, keeping it at least 3 hours in the refrigerator.

4. Stir periodically during the pickling process. Salt at the end of cooking or immediately before serving.

Marinating meat is a preliminary preparation of meat for frying or baking, which helps not only improve the taste of the dish (the meat is more tender, juicy, tasty and aromatic), but also reduces the cooking time, since the acid, the main component of the marinade, partially destroys meat fibers, so that excessive heat treatment is not required. In this recipe, soy sauce is selected as the main pickling component.

How to pickle chicken? For marinating, you can use any part of the chicken - chicken fillet, which can be cut into pieces for frying or left whole, chicken drumsticks and thighs, or whole ham, as well as wings. The larger the pieces, the longer it takes to pickle. It is better to leave large pieces of meat with marinade in the refrigerator for the night. Chicken breasts are recommended to marinate for 2 hours, small pieces - an hour. The minimum pickling time is at least 30 minutes. If you pre-beat the chicken fillet or cut into small pieces, then the pickling time can be reduced to 15 minutes. Small cuts can be made on the legs and hips, which will speed up the pickling process.

How to cook chicken in soy sauce?

  Marinated meat can be prepared in many ways. Chicken fillet can be fried in slices. To do this, it is advisable to let the marinade from the meat drain, then first fry the meat over high heat in a pan with preheated oil (1-2 minutes), then reduce the heat and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Lay out the chicken, dissolve the frying with the remaining marinade (pour it into the pan where the chicken was fried), warming a little over low heat, then increase the heat and evaporate to the desired density - you get a wonderful sauce. For the sauce, you can also take a little dry white or red wine, balsamic vinegar, cream or butter (do not let them burn), as well as just water. Evaporate the liquid over medium heat to the desired density.

Chicken fillet   can be cut into thin strips and quickly fry in a hot pan - 5 minutes. Transfer the meat into a bowl, pour the marinade into the same pan, evaporate the liquid so that its volume is halved, pour the meat with this sauce and mix. Next, chicken can be used to make warm or cold vegetable salad - tear large leaves of green salad (romaine, lettuce), add sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, halves of cherry tomatoes, fresh chopped onion and mix, you can add a little olive oil. Chicken fried in this way can also be used to make shawarma, pita toppings, stuffed pancakes, pizza, etc. Chicken pieces can not be spread and stewed in a marinade under a lid (5 minutes), then evaporated

Legs or hips rinse and dry. Fry over high heat until crusty, preferably on all sides. There are two ways to proceed. Reduce the fire and fry until cooked (7-10 minutes). Or pour the marinade in a pan with chicken, add a quarter glass of water and simmer under the lid on low heat for 5-7 minutes, then remove the lid and evaporate the liquid almost completely, which remains to be used as a sauce.

You can make a side dish of onions.   Cut the onion into rings and soak in the chicken marinade. Dry the chicken fillet and fry in oil over high heat from two sides (one minute on each side) until crusty, then reduce the heat and fry another 3-4 minutes on each side. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish, first fry the onion in oil from frying the chicken until half cooked, then pour in the remaining marinade and evaporate almost completely, leaving a little liquid for the sauce. Put the onion on top of the chicken (especially tasty if the marinade was with honey or sugar).

Soy sauce marinade recipes (per 1 kg of chicken):

Option I:

Option II - with mustard:

Option III - with honey:

Chicken marinated in soy sauce:

1 Mix all the ingredients for the marinade, grate the meat and pour the marinade. Leave for a couple of hours (for option II it is better to stand 3 hours) in a cool place. Then cook the chicken according to your chosen method.

1 Chicken can be baked. Cut the whole chicken into pieces, pickle for 3 hours. Grease a baking sheet with butter, put the chicken, cover with foil (or use a baking dish with a lid) and send it to the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees, the cooking time is 40-45 minutes.

2 Do not marinate meat in metal or plastic containers.

3 With a quick pickling, meat (cover it) can be left in the air, with a long pickling - keep only in the refrigerator.

Chicken marinade with soy sauce   - one of the most common in the world. Any type of marinade prepared on the basis of soy sauce can turn quite dry, fresh chicken meat without a pronounced smell and aroma into a delicious and delicate meat with a delicious taste.

Recipes for soy sauce marinades can be divided into several types - these are salted and spicy marinades, sweet marinades and spicy. It all depends on the quality of the selected ingredients in the composition of one or another marinade. Hot chili peppers, honey, garlic, mustard, balsamic vinegar, mayonnaise, ketchup, and, of course, all kinds of spices are widely used in the preparation of such marinades.

Recently, I have tried many recipes for soy sauce marinades. Of all of them, I like most chicken marinade with soy sauce and honey. The pickled chicken in this marinade is very tender, spicy and piquant.

The meat just melts in your mouth. This soya marinade, like any of its other types, is suitable for baking chicken in the oven and on the grill. In nature, you can cook chicken fillet in this marinade or bake legs, wings like a barbecue on a wire rack.


  • Soy sauce - 100 ml.,
  • Garlic - 2 heads,
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml.,
  • Spices: paprika, seasoning mixture for chicken - to taste,
  • Tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Salt to taste

Chicken marinade with soy sauce - recipe

Pour soy sauce into a bowl.

Peel the garlic cloves through a garlic press in a bowl of soy sauce.

Add mayonnaise.

Sprinkle spices to taste. I have a seasoning mix for chicken and meat, consisting of black pepper, curry, dried basil, thyme, coriander, ginger, turmeric.

Chicken marinade with soy sauce to give it not only flavor, but also color will be prepared with the addition of tomato sauce, and you can use the sauce as a store or home-made. Instead of sauce, you can take ketchup or tomato paste.

Oven based soy sauce for roasting chicken in the oven is almost ready. Shuffle all its components.

Add honey. With these components of the sauce, it simply blends perfectly, giving the sauce a light honey aroma and sweet notes.

Move honey in the marinade. After that, try the chicken marinade with soy sauce to taste. If its taste seemed salty enough to you, because the soy sauce on which the marinade was prepared is salty enough, then do not add salt to the sauce. If you like salty foods, add salt based on your taste. Stir the marinade. Now it can be considered ready. The color of the marinade turned out to be a beautiful dark orange color. Looking at the marinade, I decided to saturate it even more with color and added dried paprika.

Then the marinade was mixed again.

Prepare the chicken for marinating. For this, the chicken carcass or any other parts of it - legs, backs, thighs and so on should be washed and wiped dry.

In this recipe in a soya marinade, I pickled chicken legs. I cut the chicken legs into two parts - it turned out thighs and legs. Put the chicken in a bowl and then fill it with soy marinade. Mix the chicken in the marinade with your hands so that each piece of chicken is completely covered with the marinade. Cover the bowl or cover with cling film.

Put the chicken in the soya marinade in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. When the chicken is pickled, you can start to fry it. Heat the oven to 180C. Put the pickled chicken on a baking sheet.

Chicken in soy sauce is extremely easy to prepare, and the result will delight you with its exquisite taste and tender meat. This dish can be prepared in several variations, namely by roasting or baking in the oven. As the main ingredient, that is, poultry, you can take the whole carcass (preferably not frozen, but the freshest and chilled), as well as its individual parts. Each person, for sure, has his favorite "chicken places". Someone prefers a breast, someone eats wings with pleasure, and someone likes shins or thighs. But if you want the chicken in soy sauce to become a hot dish of the festive table, then remember the culinary preferences of the guests or, so as not to lose, take care to buy a whole chicken carcass.

Chicken in creamy garlic sauce

To prepare such a dish, chicken fillet is ideal. Take it in the amount of 800 g and cut into small pieces. Chop the medium onion in half rings and fry in vegetable oil until transparent. Add the chicken and fry until half-cooked (15 minutes).

Finely chop a few twigs of fresh herbs (dill, parsley). Grate two cloves of garlic on a fine grater or pass through a press. Mix 20 percent cream (200 ml) with garlic and herbs, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the chicken into the sauce, bring to a boil and simmer the meat over low heat until cooked, that is another 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese, cover and leave for a couple of minutes. After that, the dish can be laid out on plates.

Chicken in milk sauce

Thanks to the soft and sour on the hot, you get a tender chicken, which will simply melt in your mouth. For this recipe, you can take as a whole chicken carcass, previously boiled, and chicken fillet. Getting ready very fast!

Boil the chicken carcass until tender and take the meat into small pieces or chop the chicken fillet medium. The resulting broth can be used to make a side dish. To do this, strain it with a fine sieve, bring to a boil and pour the amount of rice corresponding to the volume of liquid, that is, 2.5 cups of broth should be taken into a glass of rice.

Mix 100 ml of broth (and in any case it should still remain with you), mix with the same amount of milk, bring to a boil and add 100 g of grated hard cheese (for example, "Edam") to the sauce. Shuffle. Dissolve starch in cold water (2 tablespoons of starch and the same amount of water) and sprinkle into a milk-cheese mixture. On the smallest fire, cook the sauce until thickened, constantly stirring strictly clockwise, and not back and forth.

Squeeze the juice from the half of the lemon into a bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of sauce. Stir and pour the lemon juice into a container with the rest of the sauce. Stir quickly, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Put chicken slices in milk sauce and cover to keep the meat warm. Then put the hot on plates and garnish with rice and fresh vegetables.