How to cook a delicious Christmas gingerbread cookie. How to Make Christmas Gingerbread Cookies

New Year holidays are just around the corner and it's time to think about what to please and at the same time surprise your family and friends at the holiday table. Fragrant gingerbread cookie will serve not only as a delicious treat for tea, but also noticeably decorate your interior, creating a truly New Year's mood!

  How to make Christmas gingerbread cookie - prepare the dough

To make gingerbread cookie dough, you need the following products:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 120 grams of soft butter or margarine;
  • 350 grams of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • two tbsp. tablespoons of honey;
  • baking powder;
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.


  • First you need to grate the butter with sugar.
  • Add to them one egg and honey pre-melted in a water bath.

  • Beat the resulting mixture well with a mixer and add all the loose ingredients to it.

  • You need to knead the dough with your hands, as it should turn out to be quite dense, but supple.

  • After the dough has become well behind hands, roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. To save time, you can use the freezer.

  How to cook New Year's gingerbread cookie - we form and bake

  • The finished dough must be rolled out with a thickness of 0.5 cm, and then cut out any New Year's figures from it, such as a Christmas tree or a snowman. You can do this either manually or using special cookie cutters.

  • Put the figures cut from the dough onto parchment paper (they won’t burn it up) and put it in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

  • Ready cookies need to be cooled well and only then be taken to decorate it.

  How to make Christmas gingerbread cookie - prepare icing

To give the cookies a more festive look, you need to beautifully decorate it. For this, protein glaze is best suited. It is prepared as follows:

  • Take the protein of one egg, add 200 grams of powdered sugar into it and mix well.
  • Beat the resulting mass with a mixer for two minutes.
  • Add one teaspoon of lemon juice. If you do not have lemon juice, then you can use citric acid, which must first be diluted in water.
  • Continue whisking for another five minutes.

Glaze should be uniform and thick enough. Please note that the glaze prepared in this way dries very quickly, so it is not worth cooking in advance. If you nevertheless prepared it in advance, then cover it with cling film.

  Decorate cookies Christmas gingerbread cookie

  • To give the cookies a more festive look, color the cooked glaze with different colors. You can do this with food colors. Stained icing should be spread out on confectionery bags and immediately proceed to decorate ginger cookies. To prevent the icing from spreading outside the cookies, make a contour and only then fill the whole cookie. You can colorize the finished cookies in any way you like.

Gingerbread cookies in the form of Christmas figures in Europe is a symbol of Christmas, like a tree, Christmas cupcake and Santa Claus. Gingerbread cookies are accepted to be baked by the whole family - this charming tradition that has come to us from centuries ago brings our relatives together and turns Christmas and New Year into the brightest, most comfortable and most delicious holidays. I would like to thank the unknown monk who lived in the XI century, because it was thanks to his absent-mindedness that the classic recipe for ginger cookies appeared. Preparing for the Christmas monastery meal, the monk confused ground ginger with flour, but everyone liked the pastries in the monastery so much that the recipe spread to other monasteries. Now homemade gingerbread cookies have turned into a magnificent culinary handmade that decorates the festive table for Christmas or New Year. Gingerbread cookies in the form of deer, snowflakes, Christmas trees and houses painted with sugar icing are a very tasty and sincere gift that always causes joy and warm feelings.

DIY gingerbread cookie for the New Year

The German city of Nuremberg is called the ginger European capital, so many people go there specifically for the best in the world.

To prepare the dough, first mix dry foods - flour, soda and spices, separately triturated soft butter with sugar, eggs and honey. After that, the ingredients are combined together, and the dough is kneaded until the crumbs are molded into a dense uniform ball. Properly prepared dough usually does not stick to your hands and resembles marzipan in texture. The finished dough is wrapped in cling film and sent for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. This is necessary in order for the oil to freeze, because it is easier to cut out figures from a denser dough using forms for ginger cookies.

Next, part of the dough is rolled out with a rolling pin on the table, figures are cut out of it, laid out on a greased baking sheet at a small distance from each other and baked for 5-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C - the baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies. By the way, another part of the test is in the refrigerator at this time, otherwise it will begin to melt. For the same reason, the figures need to be cut out as quickly as possible so that their contours are not blurred. By the time the baking sheet is filled with cookies, the oven should already be preheated. When the cookies around the edges are a little darkened, it is considered ready, but if you keep it in the oven, it will become hard. A properly cooked gingerbread cookie first turns soft, and then it becomes crispy.

How to Decorate Gingerbread Cookies

A classic decoration is icing for ginger cookies, which can be prepared from 1 egg white, a glass of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l water and 1 tbsp. l lemon or orange juice. Beat all the ingredients in a mixer or blender until the icing thickens. You can add more powdered sugar if the mixture is a little liquid. The thicker the icing, the easier it is to draw patterns on cookies.

You can cook glaze without protein. In this case, for 150 g of powdered sugar, take 1 tbsp. l water and 1 tsp. citrus juice. Rub the mass until smooth. When the sugar drop does not spread, but remains to lie on the saucer with a ball, the icing is considered ready.

Very tasty and custard icing. To prepare it, boil 50 ml of water in a saucepan, then reduce the heat and gradually pour 300 g of powdered sugar. Constantly stirring the mass, pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and cook for 5 minutes.

Food colors can be added to the icing, and for drawing drawings use a pastry bag or a plastic bag with a cut corner. That's just to draw on cookies will have to be very fast, because the icing instantly freezes. You can find patterns on the photo of ginger cookies with icing posted on the Internet, or come up with your own version.

Ginger cookies decorated with icing should lie for 10 hours until the icing finally dries. Now you can pack New Year's gifts without worrying that the cookies will stick together. And if you make a hole in a cookie for a cocktail tube before it is in the oven, you can hang a treat on the Christmas tree or make a spectacular and tasty garland. New Year is the best time for culinary creativity!

Gingerbread cookie: recipe step by step

To prepare this delicious cookie according to the classic European recipe, you will need the following products.

Ingredients:   for the test: flour - 250 g, butter at room temperature - 70 g, brown sugar - 80 g, egg - 1 pc., cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l., ground ginger - 1 tsp., freshly grated ginger - 1 tsp., ground cinnamon - 1 tsp., ground cloves - 0.5 tsp., soda - 0.5 tsp. .; for glaze: powdered sugar - 250 g, large egg protein - 1 pc. (about 40 g), warm water - 2-3 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., food colors of any shades, edible beads and snowflakes - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the butter into cubes.

2. Mix the butter with sugar and eggs, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes.

3. Add soda, cocoa, spices, ginger and flour to the mass.

4. Using a mixer, knead the dough.

5. Wrap the dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator.

6. Roll out the half of the dough with a rolling pin on the table, and leave the other half in the refrigerator. It should be a layer with a thickness of 7 mm.

7. Turn on the oven and heat it to 180 ° C, cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

8. Cut the figures with molds and put them on a baking sheet.

9. Bake cookies for 10 minutes.

10. Do the same with the second batch of dough.

11. Mix all the glaze products.

12. Beat the mass with a mixer for 10 minutes. Readiness is checked as follows - swipe the knife along the surface of the glaze. If the trace remains for at least 10 seconds, then such glaze can be painted.

13. Put the icing in a pastry bag and draw any patterns on the cooled cookies.

14. Garnish the glaze with bright food beads, snowflakes or colored dusting powder.

15. Let the cookies stand for 4 hours and serve.

Fragrant gingerbread cookies, smelling of cinnamon, will cheer you up on cold winter evenings, because it is not necessary to bake it exclusively for Christmas!

Gingerbread Cookies Secrets

In the process of kneading the dough, not everything sometimes goes according to plan, since ginger dough is very moody, often crumbles and sprawls. But you can safely make your own adjustments. If the crumbs do not stick together, add some butter; if the dough is too sticky, mix in a little flour.

You need to learn how to feel the dough, despite the fact that the gingerbread cookie recipe with the photo gives completely different proportions, because the consistency of the dough also depends on the quality of the products.

In the pictures in the magazines, gingerbread cookie has a beautiful shade of coffee with cream. To get this color, you need to add a little dark syrup, molasses, burnt sugar or cocoa to the dough. The easiest and most affordable option is cocoa, with which the cookies will get a delicious chocolate flavor.

Sticky dough can be put between two sheets of baking paper, sprinkled with flour, and roll out the layer of the desired thickness - so you do not have to interfere with the excess flour in the dough, the layers will not stick to the table and get smooth.

If you want cookies to be softer and crumbly, bake them on a baking sheet greased with butter; if you need crispy cookies, use baking paper lightly sprinkled with flour.

When you decorate products, glaze can freeze in a pastry bag. In this case, you need to put it in a cup, dilute with a small amount of water and grind it well. During the preparation of the glaze, water is always added dropwise to it to obtain the correct consistency.

Gingerbread cookie recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

Shortbread gingerbread according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya is tender and crumbly. To prepare it, you will need 125 g of pre-softened oil, which must be combined with 50 g of powdered sugar, ¼ tsp. grated ginger and zest of one orange. Mix all the ingredients well, sift into the resulting mass in small portions of 200 g of flour and pour 0.5 tsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. Knead the dough, roll and make beautiful cookies with the help of molds. Bake it for 10 minutes at 180 ° C on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and then decorate. However, cookies are incredibly tasty even without fudge and glaze.

Julia Vysotskaya also has other interesting recipes - cooked on maple syrup with cream, and crispy ginger cookies with spices.

Gingerbread cookies can be different, and it doesn’t matter which recipe you prefer. With the aromas of baking, everything in the house is transformed, and we are getting closer to New Year's magic and ... to ourselves.

Many housewives "hold" gingerbread cookie recipe for new year. This pastry has an exquisite aroma that goes well with the aroma of spruce and tangerines. However, it can be baked for another reason or just like that, because it is so tasty and beautiful!

Gingerbread cookie-recipe "Classical for New Year"

   Required Products:

Flour - 195 g
   - ground cardamom, ground cloves - a teaspoon
   - testicle
   - soda - 1.5 teaspoons
   - ginger - a pair of small spoons
   - ground clove - 0.5 tsp
   - honey - 3 teaspoons
   - granulated sugar - 115 g
   - butter - 95 g

Stages of cooking:

Grind all spices to a powder. This is for those who have not found ground spices. Add ginger and soda, and add flour. In a separate bowl, combine with sugar and butter. Beat the egg, enter the honey. Honey must be warmed up in advance. Combine the flour with the egg-oil mixture, mix thoroughly. Send the dough, which has received a brown color, for an hour and a half to the refrigerator. Roll out the dough with a thin layer, cut out various figures. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable fat, lay on top of the workpiece, send it to the oven for five minutes.

A simple recipe for gingerbread cookies for the New Year

   Required Products:

Cinnamon - a small spoon
   - flour - 315 g
   - margarine - 135 g
   - testicle - 2 pieces
   - sugar - 190 g
   - soda, nutmeg - per teaspoon
   - honey - three tablespoons
   - ginger - 2 tsp.
   - a little salt
   - “lemon” - 1 tsp

Stages of cooking:

In the evening, prepare shortcrust pastry: melt margarine with honey, add soda, add spices. Sift flour, mix with granulated sugar, egg and a pinch of salt. Mix honey-butter and flour mass, knead, put in the refrigerator for the night, let stand for 6 hours. Using the molds, make the figures, bake them at 180 degrees. While baking, bake: glaze one protein with the addition of granulated sugar to form hard peaks. Enter pre-diluted citric acid in water. If desired, you can use lemon juice. Finished products paint products and let dry for several hours. Make small holes and put on a red ribbon.

   View and bake recipe described.

Easy recipe for gingerbread cookies for the New Year.

You will need:

Butter - 90 g
   - granulated sugar - 26 g
   - baking powder - 6 g
   - ground ginger, cinnamon - according to ¾ Art. l
   - cane sugar - 55 g
   - honey - 65 g
   - cloves - 0.25 tsp
   - water - 85 g


Heat in a pan of water, add honey, sugar, spices, stir with constant stirring. Gradually bring to a boil. Move from the stove, drop a slice of butter, stir until completely dissolved. Pour the flour with baking powder into a bowl, gradually pour the honey-oil mass, knead the dough, cover with a film, put on the shelf of the refrigerator at night. Chop the work surface with flour, roll it out, cut out the figures, bake the products in the oven.

   You will like it and.

Dark Chocolate Recipe.


Butter - 120 g
   - sugar - 190 g
   - testicle - 4 pieces
   - ginger - 90 g
   - flour - 245 g
   - dark chocolate - 395 g
   - raisins - 190 g
   - a teaspoon of soda
   - vanillin - 2 g

Stages of cooking:

Paste butter with sugar to make a homogeneous mass. Enter vanillin, one by one beat eggs. Stir the mass thoroughly after each time. Grind ginger with a coffee grinder or blender. Mix flour and soda, pour the mass into a cup. Grate chocolate on a coarse grater or chop into small pieces. Grind ginger in a blender. Introduce prepared chocolate into the dough. Stir well. Wash raisins, steam in hot water, dry. Put in the dough. Place the dough on a baking sheet (grease it with oil). After 20 minutes of baking, remove the pan and cool the cake. Melt 150 g of chocolate in a water bath, crumble the cake. Once the chocolate has cooled, cut the pieces into small squares. Garnish cookies with fresh berries and mint leaves.

How about you? The original combination of products will pleasantly surprise you.

Gingerbread cookie recipe for new year's house:

   Recipe with lemon.

You will need:

Grated or dried ginger - a teaspoon
   - butter - 40 g
   - powdered sugar - 35 g
   - egg yolk (cooked) - 2 pieces
   - flour - 95 g
   - butter - 40 g


Boil 2 eggs, rub the lemon with ginger. Once the testicles have cooled, remove the yolk, rub it with icing sugar. Add the butter, rub again until smooth. Enter spices, lemon, flour, mix thoroughly. The dough will turn out a little sticky, transfer it to cool in the refrigerator for cooling, roll up a sausage, roll out, make figures. Place the items on parchment paper, which pre-lined the baking sheet. Bake and sprinkle powdered sugar as a decoration.

Bake as well. They are incredibly tasty and aromatic! Do not forget to put them in beautiful cardboard boxes.

    1. In a small bowl, whisk together flour, ginger, cinnamon, soda, salt, and cloves together with a whisk. Make sure that all spices are evenly distributed and set aside. It is better to get butter in advance from the refrigerator so that it has time to soften slightly. Beat it with a mixer along with sugar and honey for a couple of minutes to a very smooth and creamy consistency. Add the egg and beat again.

    2. Gradually transfer the dry ingredients into a bowl and knead the sticky gingerbread cookie dough. Wash it a couple of times on a floured surface and form a ball. Divide it into three parts, wrap each in cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. We need the dough to become solid enough, otherwise it will be difficult to work with it.

    3. Take out the pieces one at a time. Before rolling it is better to let them stand for a couple of minutes at room temperature. Put a large piece of parchment paper on the work surface and generously sprinkle it with flour. Put the dough in the center and dust it again with flour. Cover with a second sheet of parchment and roll it between them to a thickness of 5 millimeters.

    4. Use special Christmas forms for ginger cookies. Dip them in flour and cut out the figures, placing them as close to each other as possible. Collect the pieces of dough together and roll them again between the sheets. Transfer cookies directly with parchment to a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes until a deep golden color.

    5. While the first batch is baking, tackle the second piece of dough and cut the cookies out of it. Keep in mind that it will be very soft after the oven, so do not try to immediately shift it from the pan. As the cookie cools, it becomes crispy. To decorate with glaze, it must cool completely.

    6. For the glaze, beat the whites to a foamy consistency at medium mixer speed. Reduce the speed to a minimum and gradually add the powdered sugar. Increase speed again and beat for about three minutes until the glaze becomes smooth, shiny and thick. Put it in a pastry bag and decorate gingerbread cookies with New Year's patterns.

    7. After the icing on your cookies completely hardens, you can transfer them to a sealed container for storage. Since it turns out a lot, I wrap part of it in small bags, decorate it with beautiful ribbons and use it as gifts for the New Year. Have a nice holidays! Recipe adapted from La grece jaime's English-language blog. Many thanks to the author.

Christmas and New Year holidays are a time of miracles and an opportunity to enjoy the sweetest desserts prepared by your own hands. Many housewives bake aromatic gingerbread cookies as a treat for the holiday. This homemade baking is special. At first glance, it is very simple and unpretentious. However, its pleasant aroma of gingerbread cookies creates exactly that wonderful atmosphere of expectation of a miracle in the house. By the way, there are several variations of such a dessert. Below are suggested step-by-step recipes for ginger cookies with photos and several videos. So, every culinary specialist will be able to please his loved ones with a friable, melting in his mouth, aromatic dessert.

Classic gingerbread cookie for New Year and Christmas

A delicious classic gingerbread cookie recipe for the New Year and Christmas holidays is a great opportunity to please your favorite sweet tooth with your own delicacies.

Cooking time –2 hours.

Servings Per Container - 10.


To make a classic gingerbread cookie you will need to use the following ingredients:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 pinches;
  • natural honey - 50 g;
  • flour - 180 g;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • ground dry ginger - ½ tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • icing sugar - for decoration.

Cooking method

The classic recipe for New Year's gingerbread cookie is uncomplicated.

  1. The first step is to prepare the oil - it must be chilled. The flour will need to be sifted. Both components must be folded into a common bowl.

    Cinnamon and ground ginger are poured to them. The mixture is diluted with a baking powder for the test.

On a note! Optionally, you can dilute the Christmas dessert recipe with lemon zest, nutmeg, ground cardamom and cloves. They will make the taste of cookies more spicy and rich.

    The most recent raw egg is driven into the mass.

    With a whisk or blender (or mixer), the components are thoroughly mixed. The result is a mass that resembles crumbs in consistency.

    The dough should be collected in a com. This must be done as quickly as possible so that it does not begin to melt from the warmth of the hands. It is recommended to roll out the dough between two layers of food parchment. The optimal thickness of the reservoir is at least 3 mm. Then the workpiece is placed in the refrigerator for 35 minutes.

    Directly on parchment, cookies are transferred to a baking sheet. The top sheet of paper should be removed.

    The oven is preheated in advance. It should glow up to 180 degrees. In this mode, ginger cookies, cooked according to the classic European recipe, are baked for about 10 minutes. It cools on the grill.

    You can decorate the finished dessert, which is so relevant during the Christmas and New Year holidays, with powdered sugar. Cocoa powder or pre-made icing is also suitable.

Such a delicious and beautiful gingerbread cookie is suitable not only as a treat, but also as a New Year's gift to friends and acquaintances!

Gingerbread cookies in the form of men for the New Year

One of the most popular recipes for classic gingerbread cookies for the New Year and Christmas offers to bake a dessert in the form of little funny people. Such a treat will become a real hit of the festive table.

Cooking time –1 hours.

Servings Per Container - 8.


To bake this type of gingerbread cookie, you need:

  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp .;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • ginger - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tsp.

On a note! For the glaze, with which ginger little men will be decorated, you should use 210 g of powdered sugar, food coloring and protein from 1 large chicken egg.

Cooking method

Gingerbread cookies in the form of funny and cute little men are a wonderful treat during the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. At the same time, baking it is not difficult at all.

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients indicated in the recipe.

    Sugar and honey must be mixed. Soda and salt are added to them. All spices and butter are added here. The mixture must be put on fire. The mass should be gradually drowned until a foam forms on its surface.

    The composition should be slightly cooled. Use a special thermometer to control the temperature. The optimal mixture mode is 40 degrees. Now baking powder and flour are poured into the mass. An egg is driven into the mixture.

    Manually knead the dough. It should turn out elastic and soft.

    The resulting gentle composition is rolled into the reservoir. Its thickness should be about 4-5 mm. Using molds or stencils, people should be cut out of it.

    The oven warms up to 200 degrees. For 10 minutes, our ginger figurines are baked in it. Ready cookies are placed very carefully on a plate. He needs to cool.

    In the meantime, you can make icing.

    It must be made from powdered sugar and protein. The resulting icing is divided into 4 servings. Each shade of food coloring is added. All types of glaze are laid over food bags and fixed with clips.

    It remains only to decorate the finished gingerbread cookie, guided by their own imagination.

Ginger cookies decorated with icing are very effective and delicious, festive. It can be served at the table for the New Year or Christmas, or treat relatives.

Simple gingerbread cookie for the New Year.

This option for cooking ginger cookies can be safely considered the simplest and easiest. Even if it never occurred to you before to bake such a sweet for Christmas or New Year, do not worry. You will surely succeed in the highest level. In addition, such pastries can be decorated with glaze - it will turn out original and very beautiful.

Cooking time –20 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 10.


To make a sweet holiday gingerbread cookie, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • ginger root - 15 g;
  • margarine - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • ground nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • cardamom to taste.

Cooking method

This simple recipe for Christmas ginger cookies is not difficult to implement in your own kitchen in an extremely short time.

  1. Peel and chop the ginger. Spice mixed with 2 large tablespoons of flour. A tablespoon of granulated sugar is poured into them. Everything is interrupted by a blender or food processor to the state of crumbs. It is very important that the mass is homogeneous.

    The rest of the flour is mixed with salt. The composition is laid out chilled margarine, which can be replaced with butter at will. Here comes granulated sugar (total 100 g). The resulting mixture should be triturated manually. The baby should be shallow. Then honey and sour cream are laid out in it. The mass is stirred and an egg is driven into it.

    You need to knead the dough quickly. It needs to be rolled up into a big bun, after which it is not necessary to wait at all. You can immediately cut out cookies and bake it.

On a note! If you do not have time to work with dessert, then you can wrap a lump of dough in cling film and put in the refrigerator. It is allowed to continue working with it after a few hours or after a few even days.

    The dough should be rolled into a layer. The optimum thickness is 4 mm. To cut out cookies, you can use hand-drawn patterns (stencils) or ready-made molds drawn on cardboard.

Note! If you will use stencils made of cardboard on your own to form New Year's gingerbread cookies, then sprinkle the dough layer with flour first. Otherwise, the patterns may stick.

    The baking sheet is covered with parchment. Dough workpieces are laid out on top. You need to bake them in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Baking time - about 10 minutes. Cookies must be pulled out of the oven when it just starts to get a golden hue. It should cool down on a flat work surface.

    While the cookie is still bitter, it should be greased with slightly beaten yolk (you can beat a whole egg). This will give the baking a glossy, attractive sheen. Additionally, you can make an icing.

Video Recipes

If you use the suggested video instructions, then baking gingerbread cookies for the New Year and Christmas will not be difficult for you: