Culinary recipes and photoreceptions. Stewed compote: recipes

31.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Step-by-step recipes for preserving grapes compote for the winter: how to make grapes compote in a saucepan

2018-06-23 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr

0 gr


   10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: The classic grape compote recipe

The drink is prepared by the method of double pouring, there is nothing frighteningly complicated in this - the technology is extremely clear and much simpler than jam, with its multiple heating and cooling. Of course, it is better to cook stewed fruit and some confiture or jam, but if you prefer to stock up with drinks, here's a simple and proven recipe.


  • eight hundred grams of ripe grapes;
  • refined sugar - a full glass.

Step by step recipe for grapes compote

The indicated amount of grapes will require approximately two liters of water. Take it a little with a margin, pouring it into a pan, turn on a quick fire under it. Separate grapes by removing berries from twigs, inspect them, removing mashed and spoiled.

Collect the grapes in a colander and substitute it under running water, then let it drain completely and fill the berries in a jar. They should occupy about a third of the volume. If you have a very sweet grape variety, it makes sense to add a couple of lemon slices.

Pour boiling water over a jar of berries to the very top, cover with an inverted lid, let stand for about ten minutes. Dark grapes can noticeably stain water, do not worry, this is what you need. Drain the water again into the pan, put on the heat and let it boil again.

Pour sugar into jars directly on top of the grapes before making sure that there are no lumps in the sugar. Under a jar of grapes, put a thick cloth or substitute an empty bowl, pour boiling water a second time. Cork using suitable sterilized lids. Turning the bottom upside down, leave the compote for a day under the covers.

Option 2: Quick recipe for compote from grapes without sterilization

The mass of grapes is calculated with respect to twigs and poor-quality berries, very well if such problems do not arise. In addition to peppermint, but rather instead of it, you can use small vanilla slices, dry cloves or pieces of cinnamon.


  • just over two kilograms of grapes;
  • four liters of water;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • sprig of fresh mint.

How to quickly make fragrant compote from grapes

For about twenty minutes, lower the bunches into a large bowl filled with cold water. Then take out and shake off moisture, carefully remove from the twigs of berries, rinse in a colander and examine. All grapes that cause you the slightest suspicion, put aside, it is better not to risk compote.

Sterilize the jars thoroughly, place the washed and slightly dried berries in them about a third of the height. Throw a couple of mint leaves on top, sprinkle sugar on top, dividing it in proportion to the number of cans and their volume.

Boil the water, having previously collected it with a small margin. In a jar, drop a long spoon, quickly pour the berries with boiling water. Do not try to do this with several banks at the same time. Pour boiling water over them and immediately cork one at a time. Stand for cooling during the day by covering the jars with stewed fruit with a thick cloth.

Option 3: A simple compote of grapes in a saucepan

A mixture of different grapes - not a whim of the compilers of the recipe. By combining different varieties, you, firstly, provide the drink with a beautiful color, and, secondly, improve its taste. Compote is very effective if any of the grape varieties is nutmeg.


  • purified water - two liters;
  • ninety grams of refined sugar;
  • four hundred and fifty grams of assorted grapes - light and dark berries.

How to cook

Put water for the compote to boil in a saucepan, which has a small supply volume. Rinse the grapes, at first just with a stream of water, then separate them from the bunches and put them in a colander. Dip with it in a bowl of water for several minutes, then rinse again.

Dipping in boiling water, be careful, you should use a colander for convenience, helping yourself with a slotted spoon. After boiling again, slightly remove the heat and cover the pan, cook for eight minutes.

In order to quickly cool the pot with compote after half an hour of infusion, put in a wide basin, pour cold water into it. Replacing the coolant twice, you quickly cool the compote. Drain it, separating the berries, divide into jugs or jars, soak in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Option 4: “Assorted” - compote of grapes with apples

The requirements for grapes are indicated quite clearly, but use any apples in the drink. Even slightly ripened fruits will do, and it will be even better than putting soft fruits in a compote. Such apples are easy to boil and even just pouring boiling water can damage the slices and worsen the appearance of compote.


  • three hundred grams of grapes of any dark and fragrant variety;
  • a half liter can of white sugar;
  • three liters of water;
  • two large hard apples.

Step by step recipe

Using a solution of baking soda, thoroughly wash the cans with it, rinse with clean running water. Sterilize by turning upside down and setting it on the steam for ten minutes.

Wash grapes and apples thoroughly, rip off the berries from the brushes and carefully inspect, remove any spoiled ones. Dissolve the apples into four slices each, while removing the middle. Pieces of fruit together with berries, interspersed in jars, cover with lids and temporarily set aside.

Pour the specified amount of clean water into the pan, immediately pour sugar into it. Put on fast heating and, stirring occasionally, let the sugar dissolve completely and boil the syrup. Using the ladle, pour the syrup into cans in small portions without removing from the heat.

Using a special seaming machine, close the compote tightly with lids. Soak it until it cools completely, turning it upside down and covering it with a blanket.

Option 5: Winter compote of grapes with honey, cinnamon and cloves

Although the role of honey in a drink comes down solely to giving it sweetness, do not be careless in choosing a variety. It may be superfluous to specially purchase and send rare and exquisite varieties to compote, but honey, in any case, should be natural. It is also possible to use molasses imitating artificial honey, but it does not make sense - such a compote will not differ in taste from sugar cooked.


  • four dry clove umbrellas;
  • a quarter of a spoon of cinnamon powder;
  • about three liters of water;
  • three kilograms of grapes;
  • a quarter cup of lemon juice;
  • one and a half kilograms of natural liquid honey.

How to cook

Boil the water in the pan. Rinse the grape brushes, remove only whole, unspoiled berries from them. Weigh it, we need exactly three kilograms. Sterilize the jars and divide the grapes between them. The indicated amount is designed for two three-liter bottles.

In boiling water, dip the cloves and chopped cinnamon, after five minutes add and stir the honey, squeeze and pour the lemon juice. Pour the grapes in jars with boiling syrup, soak for a quarter of an hour, drain and boil again.

After refilling, the cans are quickly rolled up and wrapped tightly with a warm blanket, allowed to cool slowly.

Recipe 6: Compote of grapes in whole clusters

The charm of the recipe is not only in its elegant form. If it doesn’t seem strange to your household or guests that the bottle was on the table, rinse it and wipe it dry, open it and put it on a glass dish in this form. It is possible to sort grapes before canning into small brushes, in this form it can be carefully removed from the container with compote and transferred whole to a decanter. The presence of twigs in the drink makes the drink a little more cliched, therefore most often canned whole brushes of relatively unsweetened grapes.


  • four kilograms of grapes in clusters;
  • two three-liter cans;
  • two liters of water;
  • seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the grapes several times and look very carefully. Remove all spoiled berries and, if found, be sure to remove the cobwebs. We put the grapes one by one in a colander, scald with boiling water, then carefully transfer them to jars.

From water, lemons and sugar, boil the syrup, pour it equally into jars. Cover them firmly with sterilized lids. Pour a certain amount of heated water into a spacious basin or a low saucepan, lower a wet towel to the bottom. From above put a jar filled with grapes and syrup, add water “on shoulders” with bottles.

Turn a moderate fire under the pan, as the water warms up, increase it. After boiling, slightly reduce the temperature, detect for ten minutes, then take out the cans and roll up the lids tightly.

    If you have harvested a rich grape harvest or are just looking for juicy berries, you can boil a compote of grapes. The drink is rich, aromatic and not much different from natural grape juice.

    Also, the obtained compote can be preserved for the winter to enjoy a delicious vitamin drink on cold days.

    Children will be especially pleased with the compote of grapes, because not a single grape juice from the store can compare with its taste and useful properties.

    How to make compote from grapes

    For 3 liters of water you will need 0.5-1 kg of grapes (the more berries there are, the richer the compote from grapes will be), 1 cup of sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid or 1-2 slices of fresh lemon.

    For the preparation of compote, it is best to take dark blue sour grapes with dense skin and tart bone. It is from this grape variety that the most delicious, rich and aromatic drinks are obtained.

    Rinse the grapes well, remove the rotten berries. Fill the pan with water and let the water boil, then add a glass of sugar. In the resulting sweet syrup, carefully place the grapes and citric acid or lemon slices.

    Let the compote of grapes boil for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat. Cover the pan and let the resulting drink cool for half an hour. During this time, the grape gives all its juice, the compote is infused, thickens and acquires a very beautiful color.

    Stewed grapes for the winter

    In the same way, you can make a compote of grapes for the winter. To do this, sterilize the jars, put carefully washed grapes, sugar and citric acid on 2/3 of each jar. Pour boiling water, roll and wrap for a day.

    The second way to make compote for the winter

    Put the grapes in jars and pour jars of boiling water to the very top. Cover with a metal lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

    Drain the water and boil it again. Add citric acid to the jars and refill with boiling water. Leave on for 10 minutes, after which again pour water into the pan, which has already managed to turn red.

    Pour sugar in each jar and pour boiling compote. Close the lid and immediately roll up. Turn the cans upside down. Wrap and leave until cool. The result is a wonderful compote of grapes for the winter.

You know what you can make from grapes for the winter. With pleasure we will prompt! For example - compote from grapes. Yes, yes it is compote. It is simple and easy to perform, it turns out tasty and varied, if you add other fruits or berries to it.

And the compote is beautiful. After all, this is also important. And it does not matter which grapes you take as a basis - white, pink or blue. You can take a mixture of varieties. You can also make compote more or less concentrated, focus on your taste.

If you have simple grapes growing in your yard - lidia, curls, isabella, use them. It is not necessary to take elite varieties. From simple homemade grapes, a fragrant, rich compote is obtained. You can also buy such grapes on the market, pay attention to visitors from nearby villages, they will surely find what you need.

Ingredients per 2 cans of 2 liters:

Grapes - 600 grams;

Sugar - 160-200 grams;

Water - 3.5 liters;

Citric acid - 2 teaspoons.


The first step is to determine how you want to close the grapes. This can be done in two ways - only berries or whole brushes. The latter option is more suitable for three-liter cans.

Preservation of citric acid is mandatory; it acts as a preservative. It can be replaced with a few slices of lemon - 1-2 per jar is enough.

In addition, you can improve the taste (or diversify it) add cinnamon, cloves, anise.

There is no need to sterilize the cans before preservation, since we will use double filling. But if you cannot make seals without preparing cans, we suggest that you sterilize them in a multicooker. Pour water into the multicooker bowl to the bottom mark. Put the steaming bowl, put the jars on it. Choose the mode - stew or steamed. Sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. Then place them down on the towel.

In the prepared jars, lay the grapes (or brushes).

Pour jars of boiling water. Do this carefully so that the jar does not burst (although after sterilization, the likelihood of this is very small).

Leave the jars for 15 minutes to sterilize. There is no compote color at this stage (even if you use dark grape varieties).

After 15 minutes, drain the water into the pan. Add sugar and citric acid. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Try the syrup to taste, if you are not sweet, add more sugar.

Fill the cans a second time and immediately roll them with prepared lids. Wrap the jars until they cool completely with an old plaid. If you took only dark grapes, then after cooling, the compote will be saturated in color. White grapes will not give color.

What fruits and berries do you most often cook and preserve compotes from? First of all, I make drinks for the winter from cherries and apples, gooseberries and raspberries. And frankly, this standard set is already a little tired. I propose to diversify the "drinking preparations" with an unusual, aromatic and tasty grape compote. It will be possible to supplement it with different fruits. Grapes have a lot of advantages: it has a positive effect on muscles, because it is rich in iron, and on the gastrointestinal tract (helps with ulcers and constipation, digestive problems), and on the cardiovascular system (contains potassium, magnesium). And in the grape seed there is a "secret of youth." So the vitamin grape compote must be on your shelf with winter preparations.

Compote from grapes "Lydia"

I suggest making a compote of blue grapes, for example, Isabella or Lydia. These are our “native”, local varieties, and they have two main advantages: firstly, such grapes are inexpensive, secondly, they are not brought from abroad and, accordingly, are not picked green for long-term transportation.


  • 1 kg 200 grams of blue grapes;
  • 15 tablespoons of sugar;
  • water.


First of all, it is necessary to wash the bunches of grapes under a strong stream of water, thus removing dirt, cobwebs, etc. Then gently separate the berries in a separate container, remove the unripe and deformed. Leave them in a wide bowl to dry. We take pre-sterilized jars. Half fill with grapes and pour boiling water, put the lids on top and leave everything in this form for min. at 20-25.

After time, we drain the water from the cans (you can do this using a special lid), put on the stove (medium heat) and add sugar. Cook at 100 degrees Celsius for 3 minutes. Syrup is cooked. It remains to pour grapes in syrups in jars and preserve boiled caps. Vitamin preparation for the winter is ready. She will certainly please the family, and friends, and guests.

Grape Apple Compote

Someone likes large and sweet grapes, someone likes tart grapes, many like the sort of raisins. Depending on the taste and preferences, select grapes for harvesting. Any variety goes well with apples. I propose to close the grape and apple compote.


  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 6 apples
  • 15 tablespoons of sugar;
  • water.

We separate the berries from the well-washed grapes, give them a little “wind”. Then we transfer the grapes into jars and fill them with boiling water. Leave to insist for 20 minutes. Without wasting time, let's take care of apples: ripe and fragrant apples, but not soft ones, are suitable for preservation. They should be washed, blotted with a paper towel, pitted. Dice apples (large enough) and sprinkle with sugar. They should stand for about 20 minutes or a little more.

Now carefully pour the liquid from the jars into the bowl with apples, bring it all to a boil, cook for 3-4 minutes. We “collect” our compote: we transfer apples to grapes, pour boiling liquid to the edge of the jars and roll up the lids prepared in advance. We check whether everything is in order with the caps, and, turning it upside down, leave it under a warm blanket. If the apples are not ripe or sour enough, you can add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar during the preservation process.

Grape compote with plums

It is not at all difficult to make blanks of different colors and tastes: it is enough to close several types of grape compote. This time I want to offer grape compote with plums.


  • 200 grams of blue plums;
  • half a glass of sugar.

To begin with, wash my plums well, dry them a bit and remove the seeds. In a jar (pre-sterilize it) we put plums. To this we add well-washed grapes that were taken from bunches of grapes. Pour fruit in a jar with boiling water and “forget” for 10 minutes. Then we pour water from them into the pan to make syrup. To do this, add sugar when it boils - boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes. Grapes with apples in jars carefully pour boiling syrup and roll. Inverted cans should be allowed to cool under a warm blanket. Compote will turn out saturated and beautiful, and also fragrant. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that the drink can still be made from white plums and grapes.

Compote "White grapes"

Light grapes help fight fatigue because it contains a lot of iron, so it nourishes our muscles. Let's prepare for the winter compote from white grapes of any grade. Small and large white raisins are also suitable for this purpose.


  • 1 kg of white grapes;
  • 0.7 l of water;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

We start cooking by boiling the syrup: pour sugar into boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes. Remove it from the stove and leave to cool to 40˚.

Grapes choose fleshy, ripe and without defects. We fill it with a jar (I recommend a 1-liter, first pour it with boiling water) almost to the top and fill it with syrup, close the lid. This time we will sterilize in a slightly different way: from the high temperature in the jar, the berries may not retain their integrity.

Therefore, we do so. We put a pan with water, at the bottom of which there is a lattice or cloth, and heat to 40 degrees. We put jars of grapes so that the water covers them by more than 2/3. Bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Next, take out the cans, tightly roll up and put upside down, wrap a blanket. It will turn out very tasty. For clarity of the syrup, you can put a couple of cherry leaves in a jar with grapes.

Compote "Grape Cascade"

Grapes are very useful for the whole family. Dark red or blue colored grapes help prevent cancer, another important merit is that he “knows how” to fight viruses and bacteria, preventing infections.


  • 1 large bunch of blue grapes;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • sprigs of mint, lemon balm;
  • a slice of lime or lemon;
  • water.

The quantity of products is indicated on 1 three-liter jar. When closing such a compote, pay attention that you need to carefully review the whole bunch, if it is long on top, then cut it off. It is also necessary to remove all the branches that are not “occupied” by grapes, as well as dry and “inanimate” branches.

So, we wash the bunch of grapes, pouring it first with water. We take it out of water, let it drain excess moisture, transfer it to a sterilized jar, and soda - a sprig of lemon balm, a few leaves of mint and half a small lime. Prepare the syrup: put the water on the fire, bring to a boil, pour sugar, let it boil for three minutes. Immediately pour the syrup into a jar of grapes, tear off the lid and securely close it with the key for preservation. The jars should be carefully sterilized, since preservation does not like anything “superfluous" in the bank (and the presence of twigs is still a small risk). Therefore, I advise banks to hold the steam for at least 15 minutes, and do not forget to boil the lids without rubber bands. Inverted banks are covered with something warm and allowed to cool. This compote perfectly quenches thirst. And on its basis, you can make delicious cocktails for both adults and children.