Cocoa is children's joy or harm to the body. The benefits and harms of cocoa for the health of the body

02.04.2019 Snacks

Hello, my dear readers and friends!

If a survey were conducted and it was proposed to choose the most favorite drink, I would answer - cocoa, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of our discussion today. From coffee, I have long refused, and used to be an inveterate coffee maker. Although I drink tea every day, both green and black and herbal, in the summer I brought a large packet of tea from mountain grass from Arkhyz, I enjoy it. But I do not consider myself a great lover of tea and I can easily do without him.

Another thing is cocoa. You know, often, getting some new information for yourself about a particular product, I am amazed at how smart our body is. Previously, I somehow did not think about it or did not pay attention. So with cocoa, in childhood it was often drank and loved, then began to do it much less often, and lately it has drawn. Recently I bought a pack of cocoa and a friend asked: “What are you going to bake?”. And I very rarely bake anything, I just like to drink cocoa in the morning. And it turns out that it is very important that such a product is in the diet, especially it is useful for children and the elderly for the mind. And I also experienced the harm of cocoa on myself, which was the reason for writing this article.

Cocoa composition and beneficial properties

Cocoa is home to South America and Africa, the fruits of the chocolate tree 3000 years ago were known to the ancient Aztec for their beneficial properties. Moreover, only men and shamans had the privilege to drink cocoa drink, which brings wisdom and increases potency.

Cocoa beans from the ancient Mayan tribes valued their weight in gold and served as money, for 100 of these beans you could buy two slaves.

But this delicious drink has reached us. Most often for its preparation we use a powder that is made from cocoa beans. Although the beans are now on sale, they can be nibbled like nuts or grind on a coffee grinder and brew as well as coffee. But we are still not very accustomed to them.

As Wikipedia says, 54% of the cocoa beans are fats, thanks to this moment their caloric content is 565 kcal.

Of the other components:

  • proteins - 11.5%
  • cellulose - 9%
  • starch - 7.5%
  • tannins - 6%
  • water - 5%
  • mineral salts - 2.6%
  • saccharides - 1%
  • caffeine - 0.2%.

The amount of caffeine is much less than in coffee and tea, pay attention to it. And the antioxidants that prolong life are five times more in cocoa than in tea.

Every sixth of three hundred substances in the composition of the fruit gives such a unique unique flavor and bitter taste of cocoa.

Cocoa beans are processed in a special way, the oil is extracted from them, and the remaining oil cake is ground into powder, while the caloric content of the powder is reduced to 289 kcal compared to beans, since most of the fat remains in the oil.

This product stimulates the immune system, it will lift the mood, give it vitality and warm it during the cold season, help to recover from heavy physical exertion, overcome stress, improve brain function. And all because it contains valuable useful and biologically active substances, such as:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • vitamins A, E, B, PP
  • amino acids arginine and tryptophan
  • folic acid
  • polyphenols and many others.

What are the benefits and harms of cocoa for health?

Due to its composition, the benefits of cocoa for health and in general for the body are very valuable.

Calcium will strengthen bones and teeth, and if you add milk to the drink, then the amount of this element will increase and there will be more benefit.

Magnesium will relax the muscles and help out of stress. Similarly, tryptophan, which is not produced in our body, is a natural antidepressant, so a cup of cocoa or a slice of bitter chocolate contribute to the production of happiness hormones and improve mood.

Cocoa is useful for diabetics, as it increases insulin sensitivity.

Cocoa stimulates the metabolism, slows the aging process, if you drink it regularly, you can prolong life.

The benefits of cocoa for the mind

Scientists have conducted studies that found a direct dependence of the number of Nobel laureates in the Scandinavian countries on the amount of cocoa they eat. As well as observing a group of people over 60, it was found that after four weeks of regular use of cocoa, their brain activity and mental function improved, these people began to perform various tasks for the mind three times faster.

This is due to the presence of flavonoids in cocoa beans, which contribute to a powerful improvement in the blood circulation of the brain.

Therefore, cocoa is good to drink for the mind, it improves brain activity, helps to concentrate better, strengthens memory.

For the heart and blood vessels

Polyfinols are responsible for the function of not only the brain, but also the cardiovascular system, and they have an antispasmodic effect.

Champions in their content are green tea, black grapes and cocoa.

Cocoa nutrients improve the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce harmful cholesterol.

So cocoa relieves smooth muscle spasm, reduces blood viscosity.

Potassium and magnesium in cocoa contribute to normal contraction of the heart muscles and nutrition.

For the treatment and prevention of anemia

Cocoa helps to increase hemoglobin levels to the desired level, because it contains a lot of iron. It improves well-being, I experienced it myself in my youth, when there were problems.

In general, a wonderful delicious preventive measure of this disease.

When coughing

Since ancient times, when coughing, I loved making a mixture of aloe with honey and cocoa. Indeed, in the composition of cocoa there is a substance thiabromine, which has an antispasmodic effect, relaxes the bronchospasm, facilitates breathing. Unless the cough is not allergic, cocoa with hot milk can help with treatment. But, of course, the amount of tiabromine in cocoa is insignificant, so coughing alone cannot cure them.

Cocoa for men

The ancient tribes knew the benefit of cocoa for men, I already wrote about it above. Zinc and magnesium in the drink stimulate the production of testosterone, a male hormone. And the amino acid arginine increases sexual desire, being a natural aphrodisiac.

For women

Cocoa drink will help women alleviate premenstrual syndrome, improve mood, cope with physical and mental stress, fill up iron deficiency and does not allow to recover.

But since the use of the drink can cause allergies, it should be abandoned for pregnant women. Especially, if women have high blood pressure, kidney disease and increased uterine tone.

But at the same time he is able to relieve nausea and causes a surge of strength, so that with toxicosis you can drink half a cup.

Not shown a drink and in the period of feeding babies until they reach at least 3 months.

For kids

Children love cocoa and can be drunk at the age of three years, of course, gradually teaching the child to avoid allergy to the product. A natural cocoa drink is healthier than chocolate, for the preparation of which oil and sweet additives are used.

Cocoa is simply necessary for the development of mental activity, it is useful in case of illness for recuperation, with the same cough you can make a tasty medicine for the child. During exams improves overall tone and mood.

Very popular with children cocoa Nesquik . Is such a drink useful or harmful?

In fact, this drink contains only 18% cocoa, the rest is sugar. But in the preparation of classic cocoa powder, we will also add quite a bit of sugar, so you shouldn’t refuse from Nestlé products, which are recognized as safe for baby food and meet all international standards.

The presence of vitamins in the drink suggests that it is useful to drink it, but it should be done in moderate quantities. Harm can be only in the high calorie content of the product, which is dangerous for the weightlifting girls, and children can benefit.

For the elderly

All people over 50 and especially 60 years old are recommended to drink cocoa instead of coffee. It will help to intensify the blood supply to the brain, maintain clarity of mind, improve memory, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove from the state of despondency and depression.

Cocoa skin benefits

In addition, cocoa has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face and is widely used in cosmetology as part of various creams, scrubs, masks. It moisturizes, tones, softens, rejuvenates our skin and is useful for all its types.

With the help of cocoa make chocolate wraps in salons.

Most often, cocoa butter is used for the skin. It is used in cosmetology, and for the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema, for grinding the chest when coughing.

For hair

Shampoos and masks with cocoa for hair make them shiny, smooth, strengthen hair follicles: nicotinic acid promotes hair growth.

At the same time it is useful to take a cocoa drink inside.

Cocoa for weight loss

Despite the fact that the calorie content of cocoa is more than coffee or tea, a small cup of it will not lead to an increase in weight, but will only cause a feeling of fullness and the person will not overeat.

To drink a slimming drink you need, of course, without milk and sugar, you can add a little honey. The mood will be great, and the appetite will decrease.

Cocoa hurt

Like any product, there are probably contraindications for cocoa.

  1. We have already said that cocoa is not recommended for pregnant, nursing mothers, children under three.
  2. Due to the high calorie content, it is not necessary for them to abuse abusive people.
  3. The culprits of uric acid accumulation of purines create a ban on excessive consumption of this drink in osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis.
  4. Since the product has a stimulating effect, it can have a negative effect on people with heart disease, with unstable pressure and hypertension.

In any case, again, you need to comply with the norm. One cup of cocoa in the morning can be useful, and extra to anything. I had a case when, after drinking in the afternoon, and later in the evening, cocoa became heavy on my heart, I noticed that it was cocoa that caused the indisposition.

How to use cocoa

Which cocoa to choose

Of course, cocoa health benefits can be in the case of the use of a natural product. You should not be carried away with instant drinks, even such as Nestlé, there is still more sugar in them than cocoa powder.

It is better to buy cocoa powder from companies such as Golden Label, Red October. I prefer “Russian” cocoa in hermetic vacuum packs with a “lock”; in such packages there is no access of air and light, which means that the quality of cocoa is guaranteed better, and it is convenient to store it. It should be borne in mind that the open powder attracts moisture and loses its taste.

Besides, it seems to me that “Russian” cocoa is tastier than all the others.

The powder should be homogeneous, without lumps, dry, brown color of dark chocolate, without any additives, and on the packaging - the inscription "natural cocoa powder".

When and how much to drink cocoa

The cocoa, drunk in the morning, will bring the greatest benefit, it will charge with energy for the whole day.

Daily rate not more than 2 cups per day in the morning. At night to drink it is not desirable because of the exciting effect.

How to cook

Cocoa can be boiled in water or milk, if desired, by adding a little sugar.

Classic recipe

In a boiling water pour a spoon - two cocoa and sugar to taste and whisk with a whisk until the powder is completely dissolved.

At the end of whipping, you can add milk or boil cocoa on one milk without water.

This is a classic recipe for making cocoa drink.

Coffee with cocoa

And you did not try to make coffee with cocoa? When I was keen on coffee, I practiced such a drink. This is delicious!

Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink, which is recognized as a truly childish delicacy, but is only beneficial if the child receives it at the proper age and moderate amounts. Questions remain relevant - when and how to enter it into the diet of the child. The safest age for the introduction of cocoa in the diet should be considered 3 years.

Cocoa can be given to children 2 times a week in small quantities - half of a familiar mug or small cups in the morning. The maximum amount per week is 4 cups. It is best to serve it for breakfast, especially if it is necessary by the way, if the child refuses to eat in the morning. It is recommended to increase the amount of cocoa drunk at a time up to the volume of a full cup only after 6 years, but no more than 2 per day - this portion will be quite enough to saturate the body with its beneficial properties. Cocoa can be drunk every morning. The maximum amount of natural cocoa should not exceed 0.5 g per day per 1 kg of baby weight.

When can I offer cocoa

Healthy babies who do not suffer, do not have violations of the digestive system, yet allowed to enter the drink earlier - from 2 years. But only sometimes as a rare dessert.

  • Children suffering from food allergies should not try cocoa for 3–5 years, in most cases and at school age cocoa is forbidden for them. It is better to introduce it carefully, in small portions starting from once a week, depending on the characteristics of the child, his state of health.
  • Children with metabolic diseases, in particular purines (gout,), cocoa should not be given even at an older age.
  • Do not give, they are better to use unsweetened low-calorie drinks.
  • Do not need cocoa hyperactive children, choleric.

Attention! If, after consuming cocoa, a child has signs of allergy:, inflammation of the eyelids - cocoa should be canceled and consult a doctor about the possibility of its further use.

Why not before 3 years

You should not experiment and introduce cocoa in the diet of the child before the age. Tannins, and the tonic properties of this drink will not benefit a young child. Teotrombin, 40 aromatic compounds - a one-year-old child it makes sense to protect against all allergens, so we can definitely say that a one-year-old child does not need cocoa. But even if you decide to give cocoa to a child earlier than the age, then give preference to a high-quality and natural product, you should not accustom the baby to drinks like "Nesquik". Cocoa should be dark brown powder without flavorings and flavors, without lumps, grains, well dissolved. High-quality cocoa should have a fat content of more than 15%, the smell of chocolate.

Cocoa Benefits

Cocoa is rich in vitamins and trace elements, improves mood and tones.

  1. The composition of cocoa is very suitable for a child, it is rich in the necessary amount of minerals, vitamins. In addition, cocoa, chocolate and desserts with its addition are among the most delicious.
  2. The most pleasant property of cocoa is to improve mood. The hormone of joy, endorphin, is produced in response to cocoa ingestion; therefore, a chocolate bar or a cup of cocoa helps to cope with stress so well.
  3. Cocoa has excellent tonic properties.
  4. Cocoa contains the substance theobromine, which, therefore, cocoa is useful to drink with a dry, painful cough.
  5. Cocoa is a high-calorie product that satisfies hunger.
  6. Helps and promotes the speedy recovery of the body after exercise.
  7. Good to drink.

Cocoa hurt

  1. The incidence of allergic reactions is high.
  2. You should not drink cocoa before bedtime, because it tones up, invigorates, refers to high-calorie foods, so it is more likely that the child will be disturbed by insomnia and heaviness in the stomach.
  3. With frequent use of cocoa may appear.
  4. Cocoa provokes seizures.
  5. Do not rush to treat your child with hot chocolate, unlike cocoa, it is fatter, very high-calorie and contains unnatural additives.

Cocoa Recipe for Kids

For one serving of cocoa:

  • Milk - 250 ml,
  • Cocoa - 1 tsp. without slides,
  • Sugar to taste - about 1.5 tsp.

Thoroughly mix cocoa powder with sugar: the better you mix, the fewer lumps you get. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil, slowly pour in a mixture of sugar and cocoa, stirring constantly, boil for 5 minutes. Insist 5–10 minutes. In hot cocoa, you can add cinnamon sticks, a little vanilla. For cocoa preparation, a third of the milk can be replaced with water, and at the end, for a pleasant aroma and delicate taste, add cream or baked milk.

Cocoa is not a more useful drink than cocoa is one of the ways to diversify taste sensations and life in general.

On the beneficial properties of cocoa in general, the program "On the most important":

Cocoa beans grow on a chocolate tree up to 10 m tall. They are hidden in the pulp of the fruit of 30-40 pieces. Cocoa beans contain about 300 substances with different effects on the human body. Such a variety of components and benefits and harm to human health. What are they?

The beneficial properties of cocoa

Cocoa includes a mass of beneficial micronutrients:

  • vegetable protein
  • carbohydrates
  • fats,
  • organic acids
  • saturated fatty acids
  • alimentary fiber,
  • starch,
  • sahara.

The vitamin-mineral composition of cocoa includes:

  • vitamins (beta-carotene, groups B, A, PP, E);
  • folic acid;
  • minerals (fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, copper, zinc, iron, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium).

Calorie content

100 g of cocoa in powder form contains 200-400 kcal. The content of carbohydrates and fats in a cup of cocoa is less compared to a slice of chocolate. But this drink perfectly nourishes the body. Those who want to lose weight may not be afraid to use cocoa. It is important to adhere to the measures and limit one cup per day. It is better to drink it in the morning to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

For the heart and blood vessels

Chocolate with more than 70% cocoa has bioactive components that block the process of gluing platelets. Antioxidant properties of cocoa many times exceed the properties of apples, orange juice, and also black and green tea. Cocoa clavolines have a positive effect on metabolic phenomena, prevent damage to blood vessels.

Muscle nutrition and other benefits of cocoa

When using organic cocoa, which has not undergone heat treatment, the muscles very quickly recover after hard physical work or sports activities.

Cocoa contains substances that stimulate the production of endorphins - the hormones of joy. That is why, after its use, the mood rises and a surge of cheerfulness appears. Another substance in cocoa, epicatechin helps reduce the risk of disease:

  • diabetes
  • stroke
  • stomach ulcers,
  • cancer,
  • heart attack.

More scientists have found that wounds from cocoa heal faster and skin rejuvenates. This contributes to a substance such as procyanidin, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin. The presence of melanin in cocoa - a natural pigment - protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Is cocoa good for pregnant women?

Despite the many beneficial properties of cocoa, in a state of pregnancy it is better to limit its use or even refuse. This product inhibits calcium absorption. Meanwhile, calcium is a vital element that ensures the normal development of the fetus. A lack of calcium can damage the health of the unborn baby and his mother. In addition, cocoa can cause allergies.

But if the future mother loves this drink very much, then she can afford a little pleasure. After all, it has so much useful, and the mood is added.

Cocoa Harmful Properties

Due to the presence of caffeine

Cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine (about 0.2%). Nevertheless, it can not be ignored, especially when children drink the drink. About caffeine, there are many of the most contradictory data. Since its unconditional benefit has not been proven, taking into account the caffeine content, cocoa should be carefully given to children and those who are caffeine contraindicated.

Malicious bean processing

Cocoa beans are known for their poor sanitary conditions, which affect cocoa-containing products. In addition, cockroaches inhabit the beans, which are difficult to get rid of.

Growing large cocoa plantations in tropical countries is accompanied by the treatment of their fertilizers and pesticides in large quantities. Cocoa is the most pesticide-intensive crop in the world. In industrial production, cocoa beans are subjected to radiological processing to remove pests. Such cocoa is used to produce 99% of the world's chocolate. It is difficult to overestimate the harm from radiation and chemicals to health.

Manufacturers, of course, claim that their cocoa is thoroughly cleaned and processed. However, in practical life it is difficult to determine chocolate or cocoa powder made from refined cocoa beans in compliance with all standards.


  • children under the age of three;
  • having diseases: diabetes, sclerosis, atherosclerosis, diarrhea;
  • suffering from overweight (due to the decent calorie content of the product);
  • under stress or other diseases of the nervous system.

Note!  Since cocoa contains purine compounds, it is not recommended to use for gout and kidney diseases. The excess of purines causes the deposition of salts in the bones and the accumulation of uric acid.

Cocoa Selection and Application

Cocoa is sold in three main varieties:

  1. Product industrial production. Such cocoa is grown using a variety of fertilizers.
  2. Industrial organic cocoa. It was grown without fertilizers. This kind of product is more valuable.
  3. Cocoa live with high quality and price. This species is harvested by hands from wild trees. The qualities of such cocoa are simply unique.

It is difficult for an unprepared consumer to understand the quality of cocoa being purchased. But you can identify common signs of a quality product.

Quality Cocoa Differences

When choosing this product in the first place should pay attention to its composition. The most useful natural cocoa should contain at least 15% fat. Natural cocoa powder has a light brown or brown color, without any impurities. You can try to rub a little powder between your fingers. The good product does not leave lumps and is not showered. In the process of brewing should check the presence of sediment. In a useful and high-quality cocoa it does not happen.

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. They should be a country where the chocolate tree grows. Resellers often violate the technology in the processing of cocoa beans, because of what they lose their good qualities.

Proper cooking

To make the drink useful and tasty, you first need to add sugar (1 tsp) to cocoa powder (3 tablespoons). First, bring the milk (1 l) to a boil, then pour the cocoa with sugar. On the most silent fire to cook about 3 minutes.

Another way to make a drink requires:

  • cocoa powder,
  • sahara,
  • water,
  • milk
  • whisk (mixer).

First boiled water. Sugar (to taste) and cocoa are poured into it. Everything is a good whisk. At the end, hot milk is added, preferably with a fat content of 3.5%. Without the rim, the powder will dissolve in hot water, but it will turn out to be a homogeneous, simple liquid. And with a whisk you get a delightful airy foam.

Do not forget!  The taste of the prepared beverage can be varied by adding a pinch of vanilla or salt.

For culinary purposes, cocoa is used in inexhaustible variations:

  • glaze
  • creams
  • jelly,
  • puddings
  • confectionery fillings,
  • dough for biscuits, cookies,
  • chocolate, candy, etc.

Cocoa in cosmetology

Cocoa butter is the most valuable vegetable raw material with a fatty acid content for cosmetics:

  • palmitic,
  • oleic,
  • lauric,
  • linoleic,
  • stearic.

The effects of these acids on the skin of the face are diverse:

  • moisturizing
  • softening,
  • tonic
  • restoring
  • rejuvenating

Cosmetologists and cosmetic companies appreciated the benefits of cocoa. Its nutritional properties are widely used in a variety of shampoos, guaranteeing health and shine to hair. Cocoa is also introduced into the composition of numerous creams, soaps, masks for the face. The wonderful qualities of cocoa are also used in SPA salons. The most common procedures in them are wraps and massages based on this product.

The medical aspect of using cocoa

This product is effective in treating colds. It has antitussive, expectorant effect, liquefies sputum. Cocoa butter is useful in the treatment of:

  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia
  • sore throats
  • the flu.

It is diluted with hot milk and taken orally. This oil is still useful to lubricate the throat. During virus outbreaks, doctors advise you to lubricate the nasal mucosa with cocoa butter.

In addition, cocoa helps to solve the following problems:

  • intestinal inflammation
  • increase in blood cholesterol (its elimination),
  • gastric diseases,
  • cholecystitis (as a choleretic agent),
  • heart diseases.

Last tip

Harmful properties are not related to cocoa itself. They come from various impurities and poor growing conditions. The most poor-quality cocoa from China. In this country it does not grow. Chinese companies buy rotten substandard cocoa beans all over the world to process them

Natural cocoa, grown without pesticides, has almost nothing to do with plain cocoa. Benefit bring cocoa beans of high quality without harmful additives. Moreover, high-quality and healthy cocoa - only in the form of a natural powder. In soluble product include many dyes, flavors and chemical additives.

Nice to drink a cup of delicious cocoa in the morning. Abuse can harm the body. And compliance with the measures will benefit and enjoy.

Probably, not everyone knows where the cocoa comes from, how to grow it properly, collect it, and whether everyone is allowed to use it.

It turns out that cocoa grows in Latin America on a tree called “chocolate”. The height of the tree reaches almost ten meters, so seeing the fruit at such a height is not easy. In addition, cocoa is extracted from the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree. They contain a lot of useful substances that can bring both human benefit and harm.

Composition and use

Cocoa beans contain a lot of useful substances, in particular, such trace elements:

  • vegetable protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar.

In addition, cocoa has enough vitamins and minerals:

  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

This product is superior in calories to many other products of plant origin. Only 100 grams of crushed cocoa contains from 200 to 400 kilocalories. Moreover, carbohydrates and the amount of fat in one cup is much less present than in a small slice of chocolate.

A drink made from cocoa powder (of excellent quality!) Is able to saturate the body, charge it with energy, and without burdening it with calories. This means that women who are on a diet can safely drink one cup of cocoa a day. And it is advisable to drink it in the morning to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

The benefits of cocoa in medicine

Many do not even suspect, but cocoa can get rid of many ailments, including. If the drink is prepared correctly, then it will “work” as an expectorant, antitussive and thinning sputum, medicine. In addition, cocoa butter is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • broncho-pulmonary.

Preparing the medicine is not difficult: add a little cocoa butter to a glass of hot milk (not more than 40 degrees), dissolve and drink warm. Of course, the taste of such milk will be unusual, with a characteristic “oil” film, but for the sake of well-being it is worth suffering.

In addition to ingestion, cocoa butter lubricates the nasal mucosa, it helps to fight viruses in the period of catarrhal epidemics.

Also with the help of cocoa they treat such diseases:

  • heart failure and other heart diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • remove cholesterol, bile;
  • stomach diseases.

Let's take a closer look at how cocoa affects the heart. In one part of cocoa, 70 percent is occupied by bioactive beneficial components that help block platelet gluing. In addition to such a useful function, cocoa surpasses in times such products as apple, juice of oranges, and tea, both green and black, by the action of antioxidant properties. And flavanols contained in cocoa help to prevent vessels from damage and affect the metabolism from the positive side.

If you drink a cup of cocoa flavored drink, the fruits of which did not undergo heat treatment, the muscles recover faster after a hard day of work and hard work.

In addition, in the fruits of the chocolate tree there is a special substance that helps to stimulate endorphin - the hormone "joy". That is why, after drinking a glass of hot cocoa, a person feels more invigorated, his mood rises.

But such a substance as elicatechin in it helps to reduce the risk of such diseases as:

  1. Stroke.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  3. Heart attack.

Conducting experiments, scientists discovered cocoa as a substance that can rejuvenate the skin. The beans contain a special substance that returns the skin a healthy look and increases its elasticity. And melanin, in turn, will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Cocoa during pregnancy

Despite the huge benefits of cocoa, it turns out to be undesirable for women who are expecting a baby. Doctors recommend to abandon the drink completely or not to use it often. This requirement is due to the fact that cocoa retains calcium in the body and does not allow it to be absorbed. And this is fraught with both mother's health and the full development of her baby.

In addition, cocoa is an allergenic product and can provoke an allergic reaction.

If a pregnant woman loves this drink very much, then she can afford a cup of weak cocoa once a week.

About harm

The composition of chocolate grains contains a little caffeine, so when preparing a drink for children, this should not be missed. Doctors say that it is undesirable to give children caffeinated products and to be more careful with those babies who are absolutely prohibited from caffeine.

Cocoa is also harmed as follows: when large plantations of the chocolate tree are grown, it is fertilized and treated for pests. And cocoa is subjected to intensive processing. In addition, the collected beans are again treated with radionuclides to destroy pests, and then this cocoa is sent to the factories for the production of chocolate. It turns out that 99 percent of such chocolate is consumed by the population of the whole world!

  1. Children under three years.
  2. People suffering from diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes and.
  3. Obese, fat people.
  4. In stressful situations.
  5. In diseases of the nervous system.

Restrict the use of the drink is necessary and for people suffering from renal failure and.

How to choose and where to apply

And even despite the fact that the producers of raw materials for chocolate claim that cocoa is thoroughly cleaned, in fact, it is impossible to determine what kind of cocoa powder you got.

There are several types of cocoa on the market, namely:

  1. For industrial production. This type is grown using various fertilizers.
  2. For industrial production - organic, grown without fertilizers. It is considered the most valuable.
  3. "Live" product is collected from wild trees by hand. It has a unique property.

It is not so easy to immediately understand what kind of cocoa is on the store counter. How to distinguish a quality product:

  1. You are holding a pack of cocoa powder. Read the composition, the fat in it should be at least 15 percent, then the product will be considered the most useful.
  2. The color of natural cocoa is brown.
  3. If you grind the powder in his hands, he should not crumble and roll into lumps.
  4. When cocoa is brewed with boiling water, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate has formed. If the product is quality - it will not.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. Ideally, this should be a country where chocolate trees grow. If it is a different country, then perhaps the raw material was bought out and the production technology was broken.

How to cook properly

To make a delicious drink, you need to keep proportions exactly. For the preparation of a drink MipSovetov recommends:

  1. Take three large spoons of cocoa (dial only with a dry spoon (!).
  2. Mix the powder with sugar (one teaspoon).
  3. A liter of milk to boil.
  4. To milk pour the mixture of powder with sugar and mix.
  5. Cook over low heat for no more than three minutes, stirring.

Another cooking method:

  1. Prepare cocoa, sugar, milk, water, a whisk or a mixer.
  2. Boil water and pour cocoa with sugar into it.
  3. Shake with a whisk or mixer.
  4. Add hot fat milk.

With this method, the drink produces an airy, aromatic cocoa foam.

In addition to preparing a hot drink, cocoa is added to pastries and used in the manufacture of sweets and other sweets.

And in the end, MirSovetov wants to warn readers against the purchase of cocoa made in China. According to foodies, Chinese buyers buy rotten beans and process them by flavoring. Such cocoa will not be useful, and can harm. Be carefull!

It is not easy to choose for the child healthy food, which he would eat with pleasure. Cocoa will solve the problem, but only if the drink is made from natural grated cocoa beans.

Composition and calorie

Cocoa is a storehouse of useful substances and elements, but with a reservation. Benefit will be only from the powder from natural cocoa beans, and not from the soluble analog, "enriched" with chemicals, dyes and flavors.

Chemical composition:

  • selenium;
  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • magnesium and calcium;
  • sodium and iron;
  • manganese and zinc;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, K.

The composition includes the alkaloid theobromine, which has a milder effect on the body than caffeine. Therefore, doctors allow children cocoa, unlike chocolate. Chocolate is made on the basis of butter, pressed from cocoa beans. The powder is made from the remaining oil cake, so it contains less fat compared to butter. For a cocoa figure safer.

Calorie 100 grams. powder - 289 kcal. Drink mug on water without sugar - 68.8 kcal, of which fat - 0.3 gr. will bring the figure more harm than cocoa. But the drink should not get carried away. 1-2 mugs in the morning - the maximum dose per day.

The rich composition of beans is responsible for the health effects.

Helps heart work

100 gr. beans contains 1524 mg of potassium, and this is half the daily requirement. Beans are also rich in magnesium: the elements are necessary for the normal contraction of the heart muscles. A lack of potassium leads to convulsions, irregular muscle movements and, as a result, to arrhythmias.

Cocoa benefits are due to polyphenol substances that have a wide spectrum of action. Where polyphenols appear, cholesterol plaques and blood clots disappear, and because of this, blood vessels become cleaner.

Lowers pressure

Hypertension is a disease that many patients do not cure and do not consider as pathology. At the first sign of high blood pressure, adjust the diet and turn on the cocoa cup in the morning. The ability to reduce pressure is due to the aforementioned polyphenols.

Strengthens bones

In kindergarten cocoa mug is included in the list of mandatory products, as the product is rich in calcium. Calcium is necessary for dividing bone cells and strengthening bones. Its lack suffers from teeth, immune and muscular systems. 100 gr. Cocoa does not contain enough calcium to satisfy the daily need, so it is useful to use cocoa with milk.

Prolongs youth

Cocoa leaves behind coffee and green tea on the content of antioxidants: black tea contains 3313 units per 100 grams, green tea contains 520 units. And in cocoa 55653 units. And inferior to drink a few products:, wild rose and vanilla.

The importance of antioxidants for humans increases with age, as with age more and more cells are destroyed by the action of waste products. Antioxidants do not allow decomposition products to "roam", neutralizing them.

Improves brain function

"Charge" the brains can be using cocoa mugs. The properties of the drink to act on the brain are explained by the presence of the antioxidant flavonol in the beans, which improves blood circulation. If there is good blood circulation in the brain, then the person does not suffer due to absent-mindedness and inhibited thinking. Poor blood supply to the brain can cause vegetative-vascular dystonia, so cocoa use is a preventive measure against pathology and will help in the treatment of an existing disease.

Protects from burning in the sun

Cocoa trees are children of hot countries, so they adapted to the burning sun and transferred the ability to the fruits. The beans contain pigment melanin, which neutralizes the negative effects of sunlight. A mug of drink will help to avoid sunstroke, overheating and burning. Skin benefits will manifest even if sunburn has already occurred. Kokofil heals wounds, smoothes wrinkles and restores epithelium.


The group of antidepressant products includes cocoa. It is uplifting and owes this to phenylamino. The chemical compound is secreted by the brain and gives a person a state of satisfaction, happiness and love. If a person is in love and feels sympathy, it means that phenylephylamine “worked”. In its pure form, the compound refers to the drug, and in small quantities in the composition of the beans causes positive emotions. The properties of cocoa powder affect mood also due to serotonin, which is similar in effect to phenylephylamine.

Cocoa Harm and Contraindications

Cocoa trees grow in western Africa, Brazil and the forests of the Amazon - and there the requirements for sanitation differ from European ones. Infections, insects and pathogenic bacteria are present in 99% of the fruit. The only way to clear the fruit is to treat with poisons and chemicals.