Aronia jam with apples and cinnamon. Canned stewed apples and aronia for the winter without sterilization

16.05.2019 Winter blanks

Autumn has already come, and we still continue to make preparations for the winter. Today I offer a recipe for a fragrant and very tasty drink - we’ll prepare an apple compote with aronia. A pleasant sweet taste with a fine acidity and delicate aroma of this drink will be appreciated by both adults and children.

By tradition, compotes and juices for the winter I roll up in banks of small volume. In this recipe, 3 cans will be used, with a capacity of 1 liter each, so you can take one three-liter can. The proportions of the necessary ingredients are indicated just on such a volume. We will prepare this fruit and berry compote by double pouring, and store the drink in a cool, dry place or closet.


Cooking in steps with a photo:

We will prepare this delicious and fragrant compote for the winter from chokeberry, apples, water, granulated sugar and citric acid. The amount of sugar depends on the variety (sweetness) of apples and your preference.

First of all, you need to carefully prepare the cans and lids in any way convenient for you. Since even for compotes I use cans with a capacity of not more than one liter, they fit perfectly in the microwave, in which the sterilization process takes place. I thoroughly wash the cans with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour about 100 milliliters of water on the bottom of each. We put in the microwave and steam at the highest power. For one jar - 5 minutes, and 3 banks together are enough for 7-8 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. Put the berries in prepared jars - I gave the proportions to a three-liter jar, if you remember. In other words, in one liter jar we put 100 grams of berries, which must be removed from the twigs in advance, sorted and washed.

Next stack the apples. 400 grams is a pulp with a skin without seed boxes, cut into slices. I used 3 large apples, each weighing about 180 grams.

Cover with lids and leave it for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berries will color the water. By the way, in this way the fruits are sterilized.

Drain the fruit and berry infusion into the pot and set on fire. Bring to a boil, stir until sugar dissolves, and cook at moderate boil for just a minute or two.

This year, I decided to cook an apple jam in a new way - with aronia for the winter. It tasted just amazing to the taste. The recipe is simple, and the result - lick your fingers. She herself did not expect that such a combination of garden gifts would give an amazing result.

Slices of apples in a five-minute jam turned out transparent and pleasantly crunchy in taste, and blackberries add a special piquancy, originality and amazing color to the dessert. I recommend everyone to cook at home.
  You will need:

  • 1 kg of apples is better than dense green ones (I took 2 varieties - sweet and sour from half-wild apple trees);
  • 4 - 6 handfuls of chokeberry (depends on the palm and taste);
  • 3-4 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Jam recipe with slices of aronia and five-minute chokeberry

Wash apples thoroughly with soda or salt and rinse. Cut into slices (shape of the month) approximately 0.3-0.5 mm wide. If the slice is large, then cut it in half across. Get the type of triangles.
  At the rowan berries, tear off the stalks, pour in a colander, rinse under running water.
  Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, add sugar, mix.

Once the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is bubbling, add the berries of Chokeberry and boil them in sugar for about 15 minutes.
  Now add thin slices of apples into the syrup with berries and cook on low heat for 5 minutes (after boiling).

Turn off, let cool, soak naturally with syrup. Then we shake the pan or basin and set to jam apple jam for another 5 minutes.

Five minutes - that’s what they called the cooking method because we cook for five minutes. And so that as a result the workpiece turns out to be very tasty and stored for a long time and we do it in 2 stages.
  When making sweets for the winter, watch the fire - it should not be strong, or rather, after boiling, cook on the lowest heat so that apple slices do not boil strongly.

Tasty note: if you wish, you can add a small pinch of citric acid or a little bit of cinnamon. They also lay with fruits and berries - cherry leaves (literally - 7-10 leaves). My option is without additives, but culinary experiments are always welcome.

During the second preparation, we sterilize prepared (thoroughly washed) jars and lids.

I am doing simple. I put a pot of water on the stove, put on a special hoop, put a jar on it and sterilize it until the moisture from the walls evaporates.
  If a foam appears, carefully collect it with a spoon into a separate bowl. Turn off the gas. We conveniently place the banks.
  Now we are laying out right away our beautiful and very delicious apple jam with slices of aronia in jars for the winter. Unification guarantee.

We close everything with covers, you can just screw them on. Turning over, we checked whether it was leaking. Cover with a thick cloth, let it cool naturally.

If you have ripened at your summer cottage or you just bought a bucket of berries on the market, you can cook not only stewed fruit from it, but also boiled aronia with apples. It has excellent taste, does not deteriorate for a long time, and does not require complicated cooking technology, such as long cooking or infusion for several days. Choose one of your favorite recipes to diversify your winter supplies of sweet canned food.

Cook with apples

If you have problems with your stomach or high blood pressure, this workpiece will be not only tasty, but also a useful way to solve health problems. helps lower blood pressure, and apples, in turn, lower the acidity of the stomach. For cooking you will need:

Rinse and sort the berries from the garbage, peel the apples. After the mountain ash, blanch in water for half an hour - let the liquid boil, then cool, and drop the berry into a colander. After that, put the berries and apples in a pan, pour sugar and pour a little water, cook over medium heat for about half an hour, and then cool and let stand for 12 hours (you can leave it overnight). The next day, boil again for 5 minutes - the boil from aronia with apples is ready, it can be poured into cans, corked and left in a dark place until winter. If you are preparing a small portion, the sweet preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. It is delicious just to eat with tea, and can be used as a filling for pies or for the preparation of jelly or drinks.

Jam with apples, lemons and walnuts

Such an unusual blank will take its rightful place among your stocks for the winter, you will need:

  • half a kilogram of chokeberry;
  • 300-400 g of apples;
  • 1 whole lemon;
  • 100 g peeled walnuts;
  • a kilogram of sugar and a glass of plain water.

Please note that you will need a ripe, but not crumpled aronia. Cooking should begin with the removal of garbage and twigs from the berry mass. After that, wash the rowan well, pour in the indicated amount of water, pour sugar in and put on the stove for half an hour to cook. Next, add lemon, cut into small segments, from which you need to remove the seeds. Boil for about a quarter of an hour, and then pour the chopped walnuts into pieces. Please note that your jam should be moderately thin, as it coarsens when it cools. Done - now it can be poured into banks, rolled up with lids and left for the winter. By the way, sterilize dishes for spills (cans and lids) in the oven, after washing them with soda. 15-20 minutes at an average temperature will be enough to use them for long-term storage of workpieces. Now you know two great ways how to cook tasty and unusual jam from aronia with apples. It will help not only brighten up long winter evenings with a cup of tea, but will also be beneficial for health.

With your own hands you can cook a variety of preparations for the winter. And a component for them can be a variety of products: vegetables, berries, fruits and mushrooms. Many of these ingredients can be combined with each other, and often in the most unexpected way. So a rather interesting basis for such culinary experiments can be aronia. It is extremely beneficial for the body, but has a characteristic astringent taste. Let's talk about how to cook aronia jam with apples, a quick recipe for this.

In order to prepare a delicious jam from chokeberry, you need to properly prepare the berries. It is best to collect them shortly before the first frost or during them. So the fruits will have a particularly pleasant and pungent astringency. Berries should be intact - unspoiled, and quite dense. Do not use sluggish, dry and spoiled fruits.
Before making jam, place the berries in the freezer for a day, so they will become less astringent.

Apple jam with chokeberry

To prepare such a delicious dessert for the winter, you need to stock up with one kilogram of chokeberry, one kilogram of sugar, a couple of medium-sized apples and a glass of water. Also use a handful of fresh cherry leaves, some cinnamon and vanilla.

First rinse the leaves of cherry. Pour them with running water in an enameled container and send to a slow fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, then filter. You will need a decoction for cooking syrup and fruits.
Rinse and sort the chokeberry, wash the apples and chop finely. Dip such raw materials in boiling syrup and leave for a few minutes. Cool the fruit with cold water, drop it in a colander and leave it for a while to let the glass water. Then transfer apples and mountain ash to a cooking container.
In half a liter of “cherry water” add a pound of sugar. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer on low heat for a quarter hour.
Brew the prepared fruits with the prepared syrup and cook in several passes - each for three to four minutes of boiling. About a quarter of an hour before the end of the last boil, add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla to the jam.
Pour the prepared jam into sterile jars and seal.

Aronia jam with apples

To prepare such a dessert, you need to prepare one kilogram of berries, a kilogram of sugar and a couple of sour apples. Also use two hundred grams of cherry leaves and a glass of water.

Prepare the berries: sort them out, eliminate dry twigs. Wash the mountain ash and drop it into a colander. Rinse the cherry leaves, pour ordinary cold water in an enamel pan. Bring this mixture over medium heat to a boil, then remove it from the heat. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.
Pour sugar into it, mix until dissolved.

Dip the prepared berries in hot syrup, add finely chopped apples to them and boil until cooked. At the same time, the berries should sink to the bottom, and the apples should practically boil. Arrange the jam in dry clean jars and roll it up.

Aronia apple jam

To prepare such a dessert, you need to prepare a couple of kilograms of apples, three hundred grams of chokeberry, one kilogram of sugar and half a liter of water. If you use sour apples, increase the amount of sugar.

Sort aronia, rinse it under running water. Wash and cut the apples into slices (peeling and core need not be).
Pour some water into the pan, add the berries of the black chokeberry and blanch for five minutes. After adding the apples, cover the pan with a lid and boil for twenty minutes - until the apples are completely softened. Stir the future jam from time to time.
After wipe the fruit through a sieve, add sugar to them, mix and cook for an hour. After boiling the mashed potatoes, be sure to reduce the heat to a minimum so that the jam does not splatter. And do not forget to stir it from time to time.
Pour the finished dessert into sterilized jars, roll it up and send it to a cool place for storage.

Still jam - apples and chokeberry

To prepare such a dessert, prepare one kilogram of chokeberry, half a kilogram of apples, six glasses of sugar, half a liter of water and a little citric acid.

Prepare the mountain ash - sort the berries, pour boiling water and rinse under the tap.
In a large saucepan, prepare the syrup by dissolving the sugar in water. When the syrup boils heavily, dip the fruits of mountain ash into it. Boil them for five to seven minutes, then remove the pan from the heat. Leave the mountain ash all night, and again in the morning start cooking jam.
Peel the apples, chop them in slices and sprinkle with sugar. Send a pan with berry syrup to the fire. Bring this mixture to a boil and boil for half an hour. Next, add apples to the pan and continue cooking until the syrup thickens. Immediately before arranging the jam in jars, mix citric acid into it.

Chokeberry jam is a great dessert that can be prepared quite easily on its own. Such a treat will be a wonderful find for cold winter evenings.

Aronia jam with apples  It has an exquisite, delicate taste that not everyone can appreciate. But it must certainly be prepared at least once. If you like it, then the treat will become your favorite.

Apple jam with aronia: recipe

   Required Products:

Anadye - 3 stars
   - rowan berries - 1 kg
   - sugar - ½ kg
   - large apples - three fruits
   - liter of purified water

How to cook:

Rinse the berries, break off the stalks. Apples will give the syrup viscosity and density. At the same time, during cooking they will remain intact and will not boil. Chopped peeled fruit with the finest translucent plates. Select summer varieties that behave well when cooking sweet preparations. Pour berries with fruit into a copper basin, put a few stars of star anise. Add the indicated amount of granulated sugar, pour in a sheet of water, stir, place on the stove. After boiling the jam, keep the contents for another half hour. Pour the jam into jars, wait for cooling, transfer to the basement. The blank can be served with tea or laid out on toasted toasts.

How to cook aronia jam with apples

Required Products:

Dense apples - 1/25 kg
   - rowan berries - 1 kg
   - granulated sugar - 6 full glasses
   - a couple of glasses of water
   - citric acid - a small pinch

Subtleties of cooking:

Rinse the berries, sort, pour boiling water over, rinse under running water. In a voluminous pan, cook sweet syrup, using 2 cups of granulated sugar and water for this. After the boiling begins, dip the berries in a sweet syrup, let them lie down for 5 minutes, put on fire. Insist the berries must be at least eight hours. It is better to carry out this stage in the evening, just before bedtime. And in the morning you will have the opportunity to prepare a delicious treat.

At the second stage, you need to add apple fruits. First, peel them, crumble into a small cube, cover with granulated sugar. Place the container with the pan on the stove, boil the contents and then leave for cooking for half an hour. Add granulated sugar and cook until thick. Before dispensing into jars, introduce citric acid.

   Consider also.

Tasty aronia jam with apples

   You will need:

Kilogram of granulated sugar
   - a glass of water
   - rowan fruits
   - cherry leaves - 200 g
   - a small sour apple - 2 pcs.

Subtleties of cooking:

Go through the berries, free from dry twigs, rinse, transfer to a colander. Rinse the cherry leaves, fill with cool water, put on medium heat in an enameled pan, boil. Remove from heat. Strain the resulting broth through a gauze cloth folded in several layers. Make syrup: mix a decoction of cherry leaves with sugar and stir. Dip the prepared berries in hot syrup, cook until fully cooked. Finely chop the sour apples in small quantities. As soon as the berries sink to the bottom, and the fruits are completely boiled, you can lay out the sweet workpiece in jars.

   Do and.

   Apple jam with aronia

This jam is prepared in a similar way, as are the options described above. Berries in the recipe should be 2 times more than fruits. Before boiling apple fruits, blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water. Sugar syrup is prepared after the remnants of blanching water, pour sugar into it, remove from heat after dissolving. Put apples and berries here, let lie for four hours. Boil the mass for about 5 minutes and leave again for 3 hours. Repeat the procedure a few more times. The chokeberry should become soft as a result. Arrange in containers, cover with nylon caps.

   Rate and.

Five-minute apple jam with aronia

Combine 400 g of chokeberry with two glasses of water, boil for 15 minutes, catch the fruit with a special spoon and put it in a separate container. Remove the peel from 600 g of apples, remove the central part, crumble slices with a thickness of 1 cm. Fill the apples in blanching water, process them for two minutes, and transfer them to a separate container. After cooking, you still have liquid - add 1.6 kg of sugar here, stir it until it dissolves. Remove from the tile, put the fruits with berries, stir, insist 4 hours. Boil the mass and boil for 5 minutes. The fire must be very quiet. Again let the contents stand for 4 hours. The berries should be soft, so repeat the cooking procedure described at least two times. Distribute the jam into dry and peeled jars. Close with plastic covers.