To bake whole grain bread at home in the oven recipe. Ingredients for “Rustic Bread with Whole Grain Flour”

16.05.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Bread is the head of everything. This old adage characterizes well-known pastries. Bread is served in almost all dishes: soups, cereals, meat, fish, salads, only desserts are the exception. But if the house has a fresh loaf of white and a little jam or butter, then you can not worry about what to serve for tea.

What could be tastier than fresh, fragrant, soft and warm bread? And if this baking is made by hand, then comparisons simply do not exist! Try baking whole wheat flour in the oven, and you will realize that there is nothing more appetizing and tasty. The delicate, melting crumb in your mouth, incredibly crispy crust and dizzy aroma of fresh pastries will appeal to all family members.

Whole grain flour is a very useful product that even those who carefully monitor their figure can afford. Thanks to coarse grinding, such flour does not contain cholesterol, and helps cleanse the body of toxins. You can eat breadbreads, which include a whole grain product, at least every day without any damage to your figure and health.

If it seems to you that making bread at home is difficult and long, then you are mistaken. This is a very simple process and does not take much time. A detailed, step-by-step recipe will help to bake fragrant bread without any difficulty.

Taste Info Bread and Tortillas


  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Whole grain flour - 150 g;
  • Wheat flour - 150 g;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.

How to Make Delicious Whole Grain Bread in the Oven

First of all, it is necessary to prepare yeast dough for future bread. Combine both types of flour and mix well. Prepare a container suitable for kneading dough. Pour half of the total flour into it, add dry yeast, sugar and salt.

Pour in warm water and mix well. Recommended fluid temperature is 30-35 C.

Pour in vegetable oil and mix again.

Begin introducing the remaining flour mixture by sifting it through a sieve. This should be done gradually, mixing the mass with a spoon.

When the dough is thick enough, continue kneading with your hands. Depending on the quality of the product, a little more flour may be needed. The finished dough should be soft, elastic and not stick to your hands.

Grease a large bowl with vegetable oil and place the prepared dough in it. Cover the container with a clean towel or cling film and place in a warm place for one hour.

After the specified time, the dough will increase by 2-3 times. Put it on a work surface and knead it well with your hands on all sides.

Roll the dough into a log form. Then form a loaf, slightly rounding its edges. Cover the baking tray with parchment paper and move the workpiece there. On the surface of the bread, make 3-4 cuts with a knife, giving it a resemblance to a factory loaf. Leave in a warm place for proofing for another quarter of an hour

Turn on the oven 180 ° C immediately. It is necessary that it is well heated. Put the baking tray with the loaf in the hot oven for 20-30 minutes. The time depends on the power of your stove.

The finished product will have a ruddy, golden color. For confidence, pierce the stick with a wooden skewer. If there is nothing left on the stick, the bread is ready, and adhering pieces of dough indicate that the baking process is not completed.

Wrap whole-wheat flour bread in a warm, clean towel and leave to cool completely. The weight of the finished loaf is about 500 grams.

Cut the finished bread in portions and serve to the dining table or evening tea. Enjoy your meal!

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Whole Grain Bread without Yeast

Such loaves of bread will appeal to all lovers of yeast-free baking. Fragrant, soft inside and crispy outside, deliciously delicious and, importantly, low-calorie. To make baking in the oven more elegant and refined, the top of the loaf can be sprinkled with seeds of sunflower, pumpkin or sesame.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • oat flakes - 120 g;
  • whole grain flour - 250-300 g;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1.5 tsp


  1. Before you start the process of making dough for bread from whole grain flour without yeast, you must turn on the oven at 225 C. When the time comes for baking, it will already heat up well.
  2. Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder or food processor. This may not be necessary, but then the bread structure will turn out to be coarser.
  3. Sift flour into a large bowl, add oatmeal, salt and baking powder.
  4. In a separate container, combine sugar and vegetable oil, then pour the milk. Thoroughly mix the mixture until smooth.
  5. Pour the liquid part into the dry components in a thin stream, continuously stirring the mass with a spoon.
  6. Continue kneading with your hands. Add more flour if necessary. You should have a damp, soft dough, a little sticky to your hands.
  7. Form a ball from the dough and place it on a greased baking sheet. Press it slightly with your palms, giving the shape of a round loaf. Sprinkle the top with seeds or sesame seeds, if desired.
  8. Put the bread in the oven for 20-30 minutes. The readiness of baking is checked with a wooden skewer.
  9. Wrap hot bread in a clean towel and let it cool.

Making homemade whole grain bread is easy. But this will not work quickly. So that the dough is airy, and the bread rises well, you need to put the dough. So, the dough will rise three times with us. No special baking skills are required. If you carefully look at the bread recipe from whole grain flour and then just follow it, without departing from the written, you can immediately bake quite decent round bread or loaves - you can choose any form that you like. Special equipment is also not needed. Ideally, of course, it would be nice to have an oven equipped with a steam generator. But even without it it is quite possible to do. The only thing you must have for a successful home baking bread is a kitchen scale. Recipes are calculated in grams and if the proportions are violated, bread may not work.


  • 300 g of premium flour
  • 200 g whole grain flour
  • 290 g of water
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 25 g sugar
  • 10 g of salt
  • 11 g high-speed yeast (1 standard bag)

We bake wholemeal bread

At the heart of this whole grain flour recipe is factory technology. Of course, completely repeating the cooking process at home will not work. But to comply with the sequence, withstand the right time and accurately measure the ingredients is completely in our power. I tried to describe the whole process as detailed as possible. It is enough to just follow these steps, and then you will get good bread the first time.

1. Put the dough

So, mix in a bowl 250 g of ordinary premium wheat flour, 250 g of water and a bag of high-speed yeast. Cover the bowl with a lid and place in a quiet, warm place. For example, in the oven. For some reason, the dough rises well there. If you can set the temperature at 40 degrees in your oven, be sure to turn it on - the dough will rise much faster.

2. Knead the dough

When the dough is bubbled up and greatly increases in volume, we put in it the remaining ingredients - whole grain flour, the remaining ordinary flour, sugar, salt, oil and water. The ratio of flour to water is very important for bread, so add exactly 40 grams of water. Kneading the dough is better longer. Stir the dough for at least 10 minutes. Usually, it takes so much time to knead the dough for bread from whole grain flour with your hands. At first, the dough will be sticky, but gradually it will stick better and better. In the end we will have a smooth, elastic dough. If some stickiness is still preserved, then you can slightly dust the ball of dough with flour. Now put the dough back in a bowl, cover with a lid and set to rise for another hour, until it doubles in volume.

3. Making loaves

Now let's do the most interesting. Divide the dough ball into two parts. Knead a little, flatten with your hands into a cake, then turn the cake into a roll and pinch the edges. We get a loaf. Rather, two loaves. Of course, you can make a whole round bread. But the loaves due to their elongated shape hold well during proofing and bake better. Let it not bother you that the loaves turned out uneven the first time. In the process of proofing and baking, they align well and get a pretty look.

4. Set for proofing

Grease a baking sheet well with oil. Ideally, cover with baking paper, if available. We spread the loaves away from each other, very lightly sprinkle with whole grain flour, cover with a plastic bag and put on the so-called “proofing”. We need to wait until the loaves double in size. But it’s also not worth overexposing, otherwise the bread in the oven will fall off and turn out ugly. Usually in an hour everything is ready.

5. The last step before baking

We put on the bottom of the oven an empty baking dish, and best of all a cast-iron frying pan without a handle. Turn on the temperature of 270 degrees. And leave to heat. Pour water into the kettle and set to boil. Before baking, grease whole-wheat flour bread with water. With a wet finger we make three deep dents (up to the baking sheet). And sprinkle with sesame seeds, flaxseeds or poppy seeds.

6. Bake!

The technology of baking homemade bread has a clear sequence and worked out up to minutes. I have probably already baked a couple of hundred loaves, loaves and loaves, and still I get a little worried every time. There is some kind of drama in what is happening and some inexplicable disturbing charm in this process, which, apparently, is addictive: it is no accident that if you bake the bread itself, you are unlikely to stop at one loaf. You will go from loaves to baguettes, then you decide to grow the leaven yourself, start acquiring cast-iron baking dishes, purchase malt and molasses, learn to distinguish flour by grades and even determine by touch whether it makes good bread or not. You will easily and easily prepare pies, rolls or buns, and baking pizza will seem to you just a couple of trifles. But back from heaven to earth. It's time to bake our whole grain bread.

Open the oven, pour in the form that we put on the bottom, boiling water (a total of about a glass), put on a middle shelf a baking sheet with loaves. Note the time. Exactly 10 minutes.

As soon as the time is up, open the door. Be extremely careful, stay away from the oven so as not to burn yourself with steam. We let out steam, take out the mold if there is still water in it. Switch the temperature by 220 degrees. We are waiting a bit (literally half a minute for the oven to cool). Close the door. We notice the time. Exactly 10 minutes more. During this time, you will have the opportunity to make sure that homemade whole grain bread has a completely unique smell. Not at all like a purchased one.

7. We try ...

Everything. The bread is ready. We take out the pan from the oven. Typically, bakers are advised to be patient and wait until the loaves have cooled and, as they say, mature. But in our family, no one has the patience. Children receive hot humpbacks, and adults cut off piece by piece, thinly butter them and, while groaning and shaking their heads with pleasure, chew fresh, deliciously delicious bread.

I am more than sure that you are interested in other recipes from whole grain flour. Unfortunately, with the abundance of culinary information there are very few normal baking recipes for whole grain flour on the net. She herself spent a lot of time in the search, so now I am slowly collecting my collection of recipes.

When I saw, at first I didn’t believe that it could turn out. How can he bake normally when, in fact, it contains only flour and water? It contains neither yeast, nor dairy products and eggs, not even vegetable oil.

Since I am careful with store bread and prefer home-made bread, I decided to try it. I did not find whole grain rye flour, but I acquired wheat (in a large supermarket, a bag of this flour was on the same shelf as an ordinary one).

For bread I needed:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 handfuls of oatmeal
  • 1/4 tablespoon slaked 5% vinegar
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon without a hill of salt (you can even a little less)

According to the recipe, nuts and dried fruits were added to the loaves, but because my children cannot do this, I decided to put some oatmeal in their place and did not regret it. I add that this amount of ingredients is enough for a small bun. In order for the whole family of 4 to have enough bread for 2-3 days, I increased everything by 3 times.

Making yeast-free cereal bread

In a container suitable for kneading dough, put flour, oatmeal, add salt and mix. So the salt is evenly distributed in the flour. Next, put the right amount of soda in a glass, quench with vinegar (you can use citric acid or, even better, lemon juice). Pour warm water into the flour and mix with a spoon. The dough is kneaded very easily, a fairly neat lump is obtained even without kneading by hand. Next, we wet our hands with water and put our lump of dough in a mold. It practically does not stick to wet hands.

Separately, about the form. I tried the oven in a non-stick form, it turns out a very thick crust. In general, I must say that the crust of this bread turns out to be very stiff. The next time I took a metal mold, but the bread was fried to it. Then I bought baking paper and put it in a metal mold. As a result, the paper stuck to the bread. I got out of the situation: I wrapped hot bread with adhering paper in a wet kitchen towel and left to cool. When the bread was cold, the paper peeled off perfectly, and the hard crust became soft.

Let's get back to cooking. I baked bread in the oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees for about 1.5 hours, and according to the recipe, it took 40 minutes. If you bake less, then it was not baked in my oven. I think the question here is exactly what kind of oven you have. Maybe I put less soda, because I don’t like it when the taste of baking soda is strongly felt.

After the bread has prepared, as I wrote above, it is better to wrap it with a wet towel until it cools completely.

My family and I really like this bread. No yeast, no butter, no eggs and dairy products. It’s just a find in fasting, because you get enough of such bread very quickly.

Angel at the meal!

Ekaterina Solovyova

Add the rest of the whole grain flour to the sifted one. Sift the wheat flour and mix with whole grain flour, add salt and yeast, mix.

AT warm water   dissolve honey. Pouring this water in parts into a mixture of flour and yeast, knead the dough.

Collect a slightly sticky, but rather dense dough into a bowl and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment and well sprinkled with flour. Cover the dough with foil and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.

Then knead the dough a little, so that it almost stops sticking to your hands, form a ball (the structure of the dough has already changed, it will become denser), place it on a baking sheet with flour again. Cover with foil and leave to approach for another 30-40 minutes.

Bake whole grain bread in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 35 minutes. Let the finished bread cool.

Delicious, lush and healthy whole grain flour baked in the oven, cut and serve.

Good appetite!