The best dishes from okra. Okra - useful properties and contraindications

17.08.2019 Restaurant notes

The fruits used in cooking ripen mainly by the middle and end of summer. Harvesting the fruits of this plant takes a very small amount of time, as a rule, this process takes no more than five days.

Over the centuries, Okra has taken a very strong position in the cuisines of different countries of the world. Its fruits in the form of box pods can have red, white or green color.

Okra is the main component of stewed, thick boiled, vegetable and meat dishes in the cuisine of Yemen, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Greece, Iraq, Turkey and many African countries. In Europe, okra is also used for making sauté, salads and stews.

Gravy and sauces for fish and meat dishes in India are also very rarely prepared without the use of such an important component as okra.

For cooking, immature okra is used, which can be pickled, dried, fried, stewed. The dried ripe fruit in powder form can be used as a substitute for coffee drinks or spices.

Which okru is recommended for cooking?

Okra fruits are considered the most valuable dietary products, which contain almost all B vitamins, ascorbic acid and proteins. The okra, which is planned to be used for cooking various dishes, must be selected very carefully and stored in a special way.

So, it is advisable to buy okra fruits at a time when they are still firm enough, tender and young to the touch. Un frozen, fresh okra fruits can be stored for no more than three days, preferably at a temperature of at least six degrees in a paper bag, otherwise this product may deteriorate quickly.

Good okra fruits, suitable for preparing various dishes, should not be too large in size, and they should have a juicy green color.

Okra fruits are considered a universal product with a neutral taste, so they combine perfectly with many other components. Due to its "snotty" okra can be used in gravy and sauces to give them the necessary density and viscosity.

Below are the recipes for dishes, the main component of which are the fruits of okra .

Okra baked with eggs.

Peel the okra fruits from the stalks, put them in acidified and salted water, boil until cooked. Drain and lay half of the boiled okra on a baking sheet, pre-greased with butter or vegetable oil. On top of the okra lay a layer of fried onions on top, then another layer of okra, and then pour the whole composition with a mixture of chicken eggs and milk. In the oven, bake okra with onions and eggs until a brown crust appears. Serve the finished okra dish with green salads.

Egyptian okra

For the preparation of okra in Egyptian will need the following components:

- medium-sized tomatoes (seven pieces);

- fresh fruits of okra (760 g);

- vegetable oil;

- lemon (one piece);

- onions (one piece);

- peeled garlic (eight teeth);

- white pepper (0.5 tsp);

- fat sour cream (three tablespoons);

- ground beef (560 g);

- natural yogurt (three tablespoons);

- strong beef broth (one full glass);

- food salt.

Wipe the washed okra fruits with paper towels, cut the stalks from them.

Peel and chop onion, peel six tomatoes, and chop the flesh finely. Grind the cloves of peeled garlic.

Pour three tablespoons into the pan. tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the fruits of okra on it for six minutes, drain the excess fat from the okra. Pour the oil from the pan and heat it with fresh oil in the amount of two tbsp. tablespoons, fry chopped onions and tomatoes.

Add ground beef to this component and brown it well. Heat a little beef broth and pour minced vegetables with it, add a little salt, mashed garlic and simmer until all the liquid has practically evaporated from the pan.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, mix pepper, sour cream and natural yogurt in the fried minced meat.

Lubricate the stewpan with vegetable or butter, put the minced meat in it in a cream-yogurt dressing. Put the fruits of okra on top of the stuffing, cover with the remainder of the stuffing, pour a small amount of vegetable oil and bake for one hour.

To decorate the cooked okra in Egyptian style with sliced \u200b\u200blemon and tomato slices.

Okur, gombo, bhindi, ladies' fingers, okra or okra - aren't they interesting names that either look like a grape variety, or a coloring mineral, or maybe they remind of something else? What is okra - still exotic, but already becoming more familiar to Europeans, grassy vegetable of the Malvaceae family. His homeland is most likely Africa, although some researchers believe that India, since the vegetable in nature there is also quite common.

Did you know? Okra looks very elegant and sophisticated, like thin, long, well-groomed ladies' fingers - hence one of the names.

The fruit of okra is a pod, widely used in cooking. Soups, salads, snacks, sauces are prepared from it, it is also canned, dried and frozen. Okra goes well with fish, meat, offal, seafood, cheeses, legumes, cereals, with many vegetables. What does okra taste like? Most of all, its taste resembles asparagus.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of okra

In 100 g of bambia fruit - 32 kcal. Ingredients: 100 g contains protein - 2 g, fat - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 3, 8 g, ash - 0, 6 g, water - 90.2 g. Okra fruits contain vitamins B6, K, C, A, calcium, iron, potassium.

Important! Extremely young ovaries are edible in okra. Fruits are picked in food no older than 5 days.

  Grain seeds of fully ripened okra pods are used as a substitute for coffee.They, like coffee beans, are roasted, ground and brewed. Dishes from okra with vegetables or porridge cooked on the water, or boiled meat and fish, are low-calorie and healthy.

What is useful okra

The value of okra is in its high content of vitamin-mineral complex and coarse fiber, which is more important for the body than soft fiber. Vitamins and minerals prevent vitamin deficiency, increase immunity, workability, and coarse fibers improve intestinal motility, absorb and remove toxins and harmful decay products.

  Okra fruits are recommended for many gastric diseases - the mucus secreted by them relieves inflammation, envelops, protects the walls of the stomach; for patients with diabetes - lower blood sugar; for those struggling with excess weight - contribute to weight loss. They are useful for strengthening venous capillaries, prevention of atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue, depression.

There is evidence of the successful use of okra in the treatment of cataracts, asthma, cancer. Okra is always a benefit to the body, and harm from it can only be with the individual intolerance of the vegetable to the body, causing various allergic reactions.

Did you know?Okra seeds contain up to 41% of oils, which are squeezed from the seeds of ripe fruits and used in cooking.

How to choose the fruits of okra when buying

  The pods should be even light green in color, not more than 9-11 cm in length and with a slight pubescence. Darker, larger and longer fruits do not take - they are inedible.

How to store okra

The shelf life of okra in the refrigerator is 2-3 days. A good alternative to refrigerated storage is freezing. Both whole pods and sliced \u200b\u200bones are frozen — along, in circles, cubes.

Did you know?The okra pods on the cut resemble a flower with a white core and petals bordered by a green edging.

Use in cooking: how to cook okra

  Okra is a universal vegetable, and its recipes are the most diverse. You can use recipes for cooking zucchini, eggplant, asparagus, white cabbage, combining okra with all your favorite foods and using spices you like. Okra is preparing quickly - 20-25 minutes.

Important!Sometimes sharp, burning sections come across in the pod; this must be taken into account when preparing dishes and put, for example, less hot spices. But when a lot of okra is cooked, as a rule, the sharp taste in the total mass of the dish is indistinguishable.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, okra pods are used to prepare cleansing, refreshing and tonic masks for the face, body; medical strengthening hair balms.

Raw sliced \u200b\u200bfruits are applied to cleansed face skin or pods are boiled until mucus appears, then lemon, carrot juice, egg yolk are added, mixed and applied to prepared skin.

Hair balm mask - 4-5 okra fruits, boil in a small amount of water until thick mucus forms, cool, drain, add a few drops of lemon juice to the mucus, stir and apply to the hair for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Perhaps you have not heard of such a vegetable - okra? Well, of course, then the beneficial properties and contraindications of okra are Terra Incognita.

But judging by the numerous names, this plant is widespread among dietetic exotic lovers around the world. For example, Indians call it okra, Arabs - okra, Africans - okuru, US residents - gombo. Okra in Cyprus gave a somewhat playful naming - “ladies' fingers”, apparently, because of the special elongated shape of the fruits.

In the photo we see that okra appears a plain plant, somewhat reminiscent of a weed. However, knowledgeable people can tell a lot about the unusually useful properties of okra.

They claim that at the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Russian writer and doctor Anton Chekhov cultivated this plant in his personal plot in the suburbs of Moscow. But he knew a lot about good! Therefore, for Russians this is not such a strange vegetable. Now there has been a kind of “renaissance” for this plant, because gardeners, nutritionists and culinary specialists show an active interest in it.

Nutritionist's dream

The fresh fruits of this vegetable resemble pods of green pepper in shape, however, they have a “faceted” surface and are covered with short, thin “hairs”, and sliced \u200b\u200bacross pieces look like stars. Here they are edible! At the same time, only 31 kcal is contained in 100 grams of okra - a pleasant bonus for those who monitor their weight.

Useful properties of okra

Cooked okra dishes have healing properties if they are cooked correctly. This “light” dietary vegetable can help the body cope with problems and recover from various diseases:

  • respiratory diseases, tonsillitis;
  • diseases of the digestive system and intestines, gallstone disease, diabetes mellitus;
  • eye diseases, cataracts;
  • vascular disorders (atherosclerosis);
  • "Male" problems with potency (due to the high content of manganese);
  • oncological diseases and predisposition to them (a decoction is useful);
  • pregnancy, especially in the early stages, and breastfeeding (high content of folic acid);
  • postoperative rehabilitation period;
  • depression, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • physical inactivity, heavy physical exertion.

Caution: For some people, this tasty and healthy vegetable can cause an unexpected allergy, because the “hairs” covering the fruits of this plant are quite strong allergens. They must be removed before cooking without fail!

Features of cooking okra

Okra is a vegetable that requires delicate cooking. Fresh immature pods of bright green color 7-10 cm long are best suited. The more mature the pod, the harder it is. First of all, you need to clean it of the “hairs” and “nap” (usually the pods are scalded and peeled off), otherwise you may not like the cooked delicacies. The taste of cooked okra is reminiscent of zucchini and green beans, and fresh - eggplant or asparagus.
This unusual vegetable can be consumed raw, stewed, stewed, boiled or fried. Salads and soups are delicious, as well as vegetable and meat stews, fish dishes with okra. The only caveat - it is important not to overdo this delicate vegetable on fire, because it is cooked in a few minutes, while maintaining its useful properties.

Anyone who likes to store food for the future will appreciate the "ladies' fingers" in the pickled form. In the countries of Asia and Africa, this plant is also dried, and on the shelves of supermarkets there are often packages with frozen okra. You can choose any storage method! It is important that fresh fruits do not stale, as they quickly deteriorate.

Tip: How to cook frozen okra? Clean washed pods should be blanched in boiling water for a minute, dipped in cold water and dried with a towel. Next, you need to cut the pods along. Fold the fruits prepared in this way in packing bags and send them to the freezer.

Pickled Okra Recipe:

To prepare 1 can of 1 liter, we need the following ingredients: okra pods - 200 g; chives - 2-5 pcs.; dill - 1 umbrella; black pepper peas –6 peas; bay leaf - 2 pcs.; salt - 1 tbsp. l without slide (at the rate of 1 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water); vinegar essence 80% - 1 tbsp. l

Okra pods need to be thoroughly washed, ponytails cut. Fill the sterilized jars with spices, gently lay the fruits, it is better to cover the bottom with smaller pods, and lay long ones tightly while standing. Do not fill the cans under the lid itself, since the liquid will naturally penetrate the fruits and will be free around 3 cm at the neck. Prepare the marinade at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tablespoon vinegar essence per 1 liter of water, boil it and pour into banks. Then cover these cans with tin lids and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. (the fruits should turn a little yellow). If fluid level drops, add marinade. Roll up hot cans and put upside down, cover with a towel and leave for a day. Store the resulting delicacy in a basement or other cool dark place.

Tip: What seasonings are best to combine with okra? If the dish is cooked by stewing, then its delicate taste will help to preserve butter and lemon juice. Onions, garlic, red pepper and tomatoes add piquancy. The best companion spices are black pepper, ginger, curry, thyme, marjoram.

Culinary delights with okra

Cuisines from around the world use it as a base ingredient for tasty and healthy dishes. For example, in Iranian and Egyptian cuisines there are recipes with okra and meat, and in India it is fried or marinated. Japanese chefs fry it in tempura and season with soy sauce.

Below are the recipes for cooking okra - simple dishes that do not require special preparation.

Potatoes in pots (with okra)

Ingredients: okra - 0.5 kg, potatoes - 250 g, garlic - 2 cloves, tomato juice - 1 cup, vegetable oil for frying, salt, spices - to taste.

Slightly fry the prepared and peeled okra (you can use a frozen vegetable). Pass the garlic through a press, combine with potatoes (medium-sized chopped to your taste). Mix tomato juice with spices and salt. Put okra and potatoes in pots, pour tomato juice and put in a cold oven. Bake at 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Meat stew with okra

Ingredients: okra - 0.5 kg, meat slices - 250 g, onions - 1 pc., Garlic - 1 clove, canned tomatoes - 250 g, turmeric - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil for frying, salt, other spices - taste.

Prepare okra (peel, wash, dry). Fry finely chopped onions in a thick-walled pan, add meat, salt, spices. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring regularly. Add tomatoes and simmer under the lid for 40-50 minutes. After the meat is soft, add okra and simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.

Vegetable stew with okra

Ingredients: okra - 0.5 kg, fresh tomatoes - 0.5 kg, onions - 1 pc., Garlic - 3 cloves, canned tomatoes - 200 g, ground cumin (zira) - 0.25 tsp, lemon - 0.5 pcs., Sugar - 0.5 tsp, cilantro greens - 3 tbsp., Olive oil for frying, salt, other spices - to taste.

Fry in oil in a pan for 10 minutes. onions, garlic, half minced cilantro. Add okra and fry for another 3 minutes. After adding tomatoes, spices and stew stew for about 30 minutes. over a quiet fire, stirring occasionally. When serving, sprinkle with cilantro.

Okra is a wonderful product that suits any meal - soup, salad, side dish, a full dinner with meat, stew ...

You can learn more about the incredibly tasty and healthy okra plant from the video:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Okra, or as it is called in the USA - okra - is an unusual for Russia leguminous vegetable. This is a thermophilic plant native to tropical Africa. Okra or okra is quite common in several countries of southern Europe, in America, Africa and Asia. On the territory of Russia, okra is grown only in the southern regions on small plantations - in the Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, the Republic of Adygea.

In the interstellar feature film, okra (okra) is the penultimate edible crop that survived on Earth, which of course indicates its great popularity in the United States.

It is believed that to taste the fruits of okra are a cross between zucchini and green beans, but from my point of view, okra is not similar to anything popular with us.

Young okra pods are eaten, because when they ripen, they become too stiff and fibrous.

Useful properties of okra:
  Okra is rich in beneficial substances, including ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Seeds contain up to 20% olive oil. Okra pods are rich in mucous substances, contain many proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and various mineral salts.
  Due to the high content of mucous substances in okra fruits, dishes from okra are useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is noticed that okra helps to restore the depleted forces of the body after hard physical work or a long illness. According to some scholars, the use of okra is best reflected in sexual potency. A decoction and dishes from fresh or frozen okra pods are used for bronchitis and colds.

I met okra during my stay in Egypt. Okra is a traditional Egyptian vegetable crop. It is sold there, both fresh and frozen. Okra in tomato sauce is a traditional Egyptian dish. And this article is dedicated to this recipe.

At that time, I almost did not know how to cook. I had an Egyptian friend who cooked absolutely amazingly. She was married to an Englishman, he worked in the office of an English company. So, when she was having dinner, all her husband’s colleagues and their wives wanted to go to that dinner. They did not hesitate to directly beg to visit them. And so in their house very often there were feasts on which everyone sat and admired her ability to cook, praised the next dish. As her friend, I could attend all these dinners, which I often did. And at one point I realized that I needed to learn how to cook from her.

I began to come to her in the afternoon, when she was just beginning to prepare for dinner and to observe what she was doing and how. Write down her recipes. And the first dish that I learned to cook from her was traditional Egyptian okra in tomato sauce. I must say, she was directly proud of this dish, and always served it, like the most traditional Egyptian one and always cooked it, if there was to be someone for dinner for the first time in Egypt for dinner. Despite the fact that okra is sold fresh in Egypt, she preferred to cook from frozen okra.

For me, this vegetable was brand new. And as it turned out to be very interesting and not like anything, neither in taste, nor in form or consistency. Therefore, lovers of something new should definitely try it.

It is not very easy to buy okra in Russia, but it is possible. It is sold in good supermarkets, as in Krasnodar Tabris, for example. The cost for 2017 is 0.4 kg of okra 140 rubles. This amount is enough for 3 servings.

So, the recipe for cooking okra in tomato sauce in Egyptian:

  • Frozen Okra - 0.4 kg
  • Fresh garlic - 2 prongs
  • Butter or vegetable oil for frying - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground coriander - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Other hot spices - black pepper, red, cayenne, ginger to taste

Remove the frozen okra from the freezer 10 minutes before cooking.

Sauté finely chopped or crushed garlic in butter or vegetable oil.
  Add okra to garlic and fry until half-cooked for 3-5 minutes. Grate the tomato and add it to the okra with garlic. Next to the vegetables is tomato paste, salt, coriander and other spices. Then you need to add water at the level of vegetables and simmer until fully cooked for 10-12 minutes. Or you can put it in the oven for 20 minutes.

Serve okra in tomato sauce is best with regular boiled white rice.
On the next video process of cooking okra in tomato sauce   in Egyptian:

Okra is an amazing exotic plant that produces green oblong pods similar to peppers. The culture has many names - gombo, ladies' fingers, abelmosh, okra. In fact, it is a vegetable that has a specific taste. Someone compares okra with beans, to someone, the taste seems like eggplant, zucchini and even asparagus. Okra is widespread in Africa, southern Europe, Asia, America. In Russia, okra can be found in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, there are small plantations where vegetables disperse throughout the country. The gentle taste of okra allows you to use it in various culinary masterpieces - stew the vegetable and serve as a side dish for meat or fish. Okra can be cooked with cereals or other vegetables, pods are often pickled and added to salads.

Okra grows very quickly, the grown pods should be cut off in a timely manner, otherwise they will mature, become sinewy and stiff. At the same time, fresh okra is not stored for long, only a few days. For this reason, people try to keep the pods for a long time - they canned or frozen vegetables. This is done in order to enjoy the delicate taste of the green pod in winter and receive from it only the most valuable and useful. After all, the composition of okra is amazing - it contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Okra is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, and mineral salts. The seeds have a special oil that makes the product look like olives. Okra has a peculiar slimy structure - this mucus envelops the walls of the stomach and allows you to cope with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What else is useful okra, try to figure it out.

Useful properties of okra for humans

In the literature there is a mention of okra. In one of his works, the famous science fiction writer Harry Harrison talked about a spaceship, all of whose team members were fed exclusively by okra. This allowed the heroes to survive and maintain health. Indeed, okra is unique, it has many useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body, especially with regular use of the product.

  1. During pregnancy. The composition of okra is folic acid - this is one of the most important vitamins for a pregnant woman. When the future mother finds out about her situation, she must certainly drink folic acid separately or introduce foods rich in this substance into her diet. Folic acid helps the fetus to form properly, reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the baby’s nervous system.
  2. With diabetes.   The mucus, which is rich in okra pods, is a natural regulator of blood sugar. Okra is certainly recommended for diabetics.
  3. For the digestive tract.   As noted, the mucus in the composition of the pod, getting on the walls of the stomach, gently envelops the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation, soothes, relieves pain. Okra has a similar effect with a decoction of oatmeal. Such dishes are very effective for diseases of the stomach - they do not irritate the mucous membrane. And okra is useful for the intestines - enter the vegetable in the diet and you will forget what constipation and bloating are, okra provides an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria.
  4. When losing weight.   Okra is not just a useful medicine, but also an incredibly tasty vegetable that has a soft and delicate structure. Moreover, its calorific value is very small - only 25-30 calories and per 100 grams of product. Okra allows you to get enough of a small amount of food, it gives the body vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking with limited nutrition. And okra has a mild diuretic effect, which means that you can get rid of excess water in the body, swelling on the legs and arms, bags under the eyes will gradually disappear. Okra cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, removes excess bile. This purification is especially important at the first stage of losing weight, so that the body gets rid of extra pounds without problems.
  5. For potency.   The tribes of Africa were necessarily introduced into the diet of okra for young men, as the best way to improve potency. Okra is an obligatory attribute at wedding celebrations, as a symbol of man’s fertility. Eat okra to gain masculine strength and sexual stamina.
  6. To restore vitality.   And also okra is an excellent immunostimulant that can be used both during an illness and after it to restore strength. And if you take okra constantly - this is an excellent prevention of colds. Okra must be given to children after infections, the elderly, women after childbirth and during lactation. Vegetable protects the body from diseases, gives vitality and tone.
  7. Against cough. Okra pods and seeds have an excellent expectorant effect, one should prepare a decoction and drink it as often as possible. This dilutes sputum, removes it from the lungs, and allows you to quickly get rid of a cough of any nature. Regular consumption of okra will help reduce the number of asthmatic attacks and make them less intense and dangerous.
  8. For vessels and capillaries.   According to statistics, people whose diet is rich in okra are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of a vegetable strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic and mobile, lowers blood cholesterol, and fights against atherosclerosis.

In addition, okra reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. A vegetable is so diverse that you should not think about its beneficial properties - there are a lot of them. But is okra so safe?

  Having learned about the incredible benefits of the product, many people begin to consume it in large quantities, making a mistake. An overabundance of many healthy vegetables and fruits can lead to unpleasant consequences. But not with okra! You can eat green pods as much as you want; there is no harm in vegetables. The only thing you need to know about the method of preparation of the product. On the surface of the okra there are small hairs that can be aggressive to the stomach and skin. Therefore, during the preparation of the vegetable, all small fibers should be brushed off with a hard sponge or just a clean cloth. Processing is best done with gloves, hairs that get on the skin often cause itching, redness and burning. And further. If you consume okra for the first time, start with small portions - watch the body. Like any other product, okra can cause an allergic reaction.

How to cook okra?

If you got this amazing vegetable in your hands, wrap it in a newspaper or food paper and place it in the refrigerator - so you can save the pods for several days. And it’s better to immediately cook okra - there can be many options for dishes from the product.

  1. Garnish. Pour a little oil into a dry frying pan, fry the onions and garlic. Okra needs to be prepared - cut the stalk so that the seeds do not open. Be sure to rinse the pods and clean them from lint. Pure okra is sent to the pan to the onion and garlic. The product does not stew for long - about 15 minutes. So that the okra does not boil and break, try not to interfere with the dish too often. Before cooking, garnish should be salt and pepper, if necessary, add chopped tomato and lemon juice. Serve cold or hot - this is the perfect combination to any meat or fish product.
  2. Pickled okra.   Marinating okra is not difficult - just like cucumbers. At the bottom of the can, greens are laid out to taste, garlic, a couple of peas of black pepper, the okra pods are densely laid on top. Pour boiling water, leave to sterilize for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure twice. For the third time, sugar, salt and vinegar are added to the water. About a dessert spoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of vinegar per liter of water. To make the okra crispy, you can add a little alcohol or vodka to the brine. When the brine boils, for the third time, the banks are poured and rolled up with sterilized lids. Such a delicacy will surprise your guests.
  3. Okra with meat.   The meat should be cut into pieces, fry in a pan. If the meat is tough, it is additionally poured with water and stewed for about half an hour. Okra should be prepared and washed. Usually stewed vegetables in whole, too large pods can be cut in half. Okra has a special slime. If you want the dish to be viscous, add okra directly to the meat and simmer for another 20-30 minutes. If you want to get the dish in slices, put out the pods separately to get rid of the slimy mass, and only then mix the ingredients. Before cooking, add garlic, spices, tomato pulp, parsley to the dish.

They also freeze okra - prepared pods are laid out on a flat surface, and after freezing they are put in bags or containers. In winter, you can add the right amount of vegetable to your meals. Overripe okra fruits become dark, hard and fibrous - they are rarely eaten. But coffee is made from the overripe pod beans - the grains are dried, roasted and brewed into a fragrant drink.

Okra is a beautiful plant, which is characterized by high productivity. In a warm climate, pods need to be collected every 3-5 days. Okra shrubs are very unpretentious, although they can not tolerate cold and frost. If you live in a warm strip, be sure to plant okra in the summer cottage - this is the personification of health and well-being!

Video: beneficial properties and growing okra