The recipe for a classic millet fish soup. Pike perch with millet

19.08.2019 Seafood

Step by step recipe for fish soup with millet  with photo.
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Soups
  • The complexity of the recipe: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 1 h 10 min
  • Servings Per Container: 8 servings
  • Calorie Count: 215 calories
  • Occasion: For lunch

Uha - a unique fish dish, traditional for Russian cuisine. She was still loved by our very distant ancestors. Currently, the dish continues to be popular, especially among fishermen.

I suggest you try an unusual way of cooking fish soup. The peculiarity of this method is that the ear is cooked with millet. The dish (and the ear is a fish dish, not a soup) is very tasty and nutritious. So, I’m sharing the recipe for preparing fish soup with millet!

Servings Per Container: 8

8 Serving Ingredients

  • Fish - 400-500 Gram
  • Potato - 5-6 Pieces
  • Water - 1.5-2 Liters
  • Millet - 1/1, Glass
  • Carrots - 1 Piece
  • Onions - 1 Piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1/1, Pieces
  • Greens - To taste
  • Salt - To taste
  • Pepper - To taste
  • Bay leaf - 1 Piece

Step by step

  1. We clean the fish, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Cook for 40 minutes.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces.
  3. Then we take the fish out of the pan, separate the flesh from the bones. Filter the broth and bring to a boil. Put the flesh of fish and potatoes in it. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. We wash the millet and add it to the pan to the fish and potatoes. Continue to cook another 10 minutes.
  5. Rub carrots on a coarse grater.
  6. Finely chop the onion.
  7. We do the same with pepper.
  8. Fry chopped vegetables in vegetable oil.
  9. Then add the vegetables and bay leaf to the ear. Salt, pepper, mix. Cook for 3 minutes.
  10. Finely chop the greens or chop in a blender.
  11. Add to the pan and turn off the stove. Let us brew for a few minutes.
  12. Our fish dish is ready! Such an ear can be served with croutons. Enjoy your meal!

Greetings, dear reader. Today Ilya Polyakov will tell us how to cook a classic ear with millet, along the way, as usual, discussing how men are suitable for cooking and how - women. So, we read, delve into, and then - cook!

The ear is not soup

Among enduring myths, there is one: ear and barbecue do not tolerate female hands. Nonsense. The ear prepared by a woman is no worse than the male version. It's just that men came up with this myth to inflate their cheeks and prove their worth.

Hence the tales of birch embers from a fire and other heresies. At the stake, everything smells like smoke, so there’s nothing to do shamanistic dances with unburned fuel.

As in any business, the fundamental principle is important here. Not understanding him, women admit the main mistake. They treat the ear like a soup. That is, they try to cook something satisfying. That's why soup comes out. Therefore, it does not work out as it should. Meanwhile, the matter is primitive. You need to treat your ear like a dessert. I’ll explain now.

The value of the fish soup is in the yushka. The ear is not soup. This is the broth. But the broth should be strong and blended. That is, there should be a lot of fish. It must be river. And it should be different. All science. Having understood this, you have almost learned to make a real ear.

How to make a real ear

First of all, they wash, clean and sort the fish. Very small selected for the first brew. Hopelessly bony species with fins and heads (the best way to get rid of the gills) are let in large fish brought into portions. They try to get rid of mucus, they often leave scales.

  In a word, they take excess water. Salt. Throw small fish with fins, tails and large heads into the water. Bring to a boil.

How to boil - fire to a minimum. Otherwise, the yushka will be muddy - the same principle as when cooking chicken broth. Some advise to cook in a bag from the canvas, but I never liked this idea - in the broth there is no place for the rag component.

Cook until the fish meat is completely cooked. Then add a new portion of the little things. This is if this portion is. No - then filter. It is possible through a fabric or several layers of gauze - so we get rid of bones, scales and other unnecessary nonsense. Again to the fire.

Next, in the strained yushka we throw onions and carrots. Someone throws the whole bulb. I like the shredded option more. Carrots are also arbitrary configuration. Rings, straws, whole - whatever. All that matters is that all of this goes a bit. Even, I’m not afraid to say, there is little crime.

The next stage is a little millet. Literally a pinch. No potatoes! This is not soup!

And then portioned pieces of fish and all sorts of excesses. Excesses are all sorts of peppers and parsley. Also at a minimum.

As soon as the last portion of fish is cooked, remove from heat. It would be nice to splash vodka in your ear. Again without fanaticism. On a pot of 3-4 liters 25-30 grams. Then cover with a lid and let it brew.

After waiting 10-15 minutes, we begin to eat and be proud of our talents as a cook. Before serving, add parsley greens to your ear. It will be delicious. But dill with an ear is not combined so harmoniously.

Chowder in Finnish

An interesting detail. If you add cream or milk to your ear, you will get a Finnish version of this dish.

In general, Finnish cuisine is characterized by the use of a large amount of milk and cream. So if you want to get fried potatoes in Finnish - stew it with milk. The same is with the ear. Need a Finnish ear - add milk. And the rest is the same.

As you can see, everything is very simple. And there is nothing male in this. Everything is quite unisex.

In ancient times, almost any soup was called an ear in Russia. It could be prepared on fish, bird or meat broth. However, the names of the dishes gradually changed. Now the ear is a classic. At the same time, each experienced housewife has her own recipe. Chowder with millet is considered the most popular soup, for the preparation of which you can use not only river, but also sea fish. The dish turns out not only tasty, but also rich.

Ear: recipe

Classical with millet ear is prepared from almost any fish. Pink salmon is used in this recipe. From this fish, a rather tasty and not very fatty soup is obtained. Here he is prepared with millet from the following products:

  1. 400 g of fresh pink salmon.
  2. 6 tubers of potatoes.
  3. Medium carrots.
  4. Onion.
  5. 2 liters of water.
  6. ½ cup millet.
  7. ½ sweet pepper.
  8. 1 bay leaf.
  9. Salt to taste.
  10. Vegetable based oil.

Main steps

So, with millet it cooks fast enough. First you need to prepare the fish. The carcass must be cleaned, washed, and then put in a pan with cold water. Capacity should be put on fire. The contents of the pan are recommended to bring to a boil, and then, carefully removing the foam and reducing the heat, cook for 40 minutes.

Pink salmon pack is prepared, you can peel the potatoes, and then cut it into cubes. Pieces of fish should be removed from the finished broth, and then the flesh should be separated from the bones. Boiled fillet should be cut into pieces. Fish and potatoes must be put in the broth and cook until half-cooked potatoes. During this time, you can prepare millet. Croup must be washed and cleaned of debris. Millet should be poured into the broth and cook for 10 minutes. The potato should become soft.

Final stage

With millet is almost ready. Onions and carrots should be peeled, washed and chopped. It is recommended that all seeds be removed from the pepper and cut. All vegetables should be put in a vegetable oil heated in a pan and gently fry. They should become soft. The resulting mixture must be put in the ear. It is also worth adding bay leaf and salt. You need to cook the soup for another 3 minutes. This is the ear.


Classical with millet ear is prepared not only from fresh fish, but also with canned pink salmon. This soup is very tasty and aromatic. To prepare such a fish soup you will need:

  1. Pink salmon (canned food) - 1 can.
  2. Water - no more than 2 liters.
  3. Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  4. Millet - a few large spoons.
  5. Medium carrots.
  6. Onions - 1 pc.
  7. Salt, bay leaf, pepper.

This is a fairly common recipe. Ear with millet is tastier if you add pink salmon to it in your own juice. If necessary, canned food in oil can be used. However, in this case, the soup will turn out to be more rich.

Cooking steps

So, with millet and canned pink salmon? For starters, pour water into a pot and boil it. While the liquid is heating, vegetables can be prepared. Potatoes, onions and carrots need to be peeled and chopped. When the water in the pan boils, it is necessary to reduce the fire. Millet should be thoroughly washed, removing all garbage. Pour the prepared cereals into the container and cook for no more than 10 minutes.

After the specified time, chopped vegetables should be put into the pan. It is recommended to grate carrots, and cut onions and potatoes into cubes. Also, spices and salt must be added to the soup. At this stage, canned liquid can be poured into the water. After this, you need to cook the ear until the vegetables are ready.

In conclusion, it is necessary to put pink salmon in the soup. Fish is recommended to clean from bones and split into pieces. Ear after that you need to cook for about 5 minutes. That's all the delicious, fragrant and hearty soup is ready.

How to make soup spicy

All pink salmon millet soup will appeal to all lovers of fish soups. To give the dish a more piquant taste, you can add a small slice of fresh lemon to it. In addition, the ear can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

If you want to make a fish soup with a more refined and delicate taste, you can add a piece of oil made from natural cream to it. Serve the ear with pink salmon and millet is recommended in portioned plates. Tasty and budget soup will appeal to both children and adults. The main thing is to observe the sequence in the process of its preparation.

Take the fish. River fish is best for fish soup, because it is inexpensive and it produces a rich broth. But if it is possible to choose red fish, then do not hesitate and cook the ear from it - nothing can be more vitamin-rich than the broth of red fish. So, the fish you have chosen must be thoroughly cleaned and cut into portioned portions.

Pour water into the pan, place the fish there and cook the broth for 40 minutes. During this time, check several times whether foam appears on the surface of the water, and if it appears, remove it.

Now you need to peel the potatoes, rinse them under running water and cut into small cubes. Make sure the potato slices are approximately the same. This is necessary so that they are evenly boiled and there is no such phenomenon when some pieces are boiled, and some are still damp.

Remove the fish from the broth and strain the broth through cheesecloth, folded in several parts. Put the strained broth on medium heat, and at this time separate the meat of the fish from the bones, and check that there are no bones in the pulp. When the broth boils, put the fish pulp and potatoes in the pan. Cook it all together for another 5 minutes.

Now rinse the millet groats well and clean it of debris. Strain off excess liquid, then add millet to a pan with fish and potatoes. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Take care of vegetables. To do this, you first need to wash the vegetables, peel and rinse the carrots and rinse again, and remove the bell pepper from the stalk, seeds and membranes. Rinse the pepper as well. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion into a cube, do the same with bell pepper - finely chop it into a cube.

Take a frying pan and heat the sunflower oil on it. Lay out the onion first, fry it to a floor of transparency, then add the pepper and carrot and fry for several minutes until the vegetables are soft.

Now add the prepared vegetables to the ear, send one bay leaf to the same place. At this stage, you need to season our dish with salt, pepper, and other seasonings, if you have such a desire.

Rinse well, dry the greens. Remember that the more greens in the ear, the more delicious it is. Greens not only saturate the ear with a fresh taste and provide a beautiful combination of colors. It also provides a large number of vitamins in the finished dish. So, greens need to be finely chopped or chopped with a blender / food processor.

Add chopped greens to your ear, mix, cook a couple more minutes, and then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Now let the ear stand under the lid for 5-10 minutes, and you can serve it, because the dish is ready! Enjoy your meal.

If you want a fragrant and bright ear flaunting on the table, this recipe is the best choice, and even though it is classic with millet, its taste is very pleasant and will delight everyone. And most importantly, this ear is homemade, which means a recipe with millet will be useful and will saturate the body with vitamins and other trace elements.

Useful properties of the ingredients of the dish:

  • Any fish that you want to use for your fish soup contains a lot of vitamins necessary for normal functioning. These are B vitamins, which have a good effect on the nervous system and the functioning of the immune system. Also, it is fish that contains the essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They positively affect brain function and mental activity, so this soup will also be useful for children.
  • Millet is a source of proteins and carbohydrates, which are not stored in fat, but give energy and improve metabolism. If you do not fry vegetables, then you can significantly reduce the number of calories in the finished dish, so it can be consumed even by those who are on a diet. And if you choose a lean type of fish, you can generally make this dish very light and easily digestible.
  • Greens, which should be abundant in this soup, are an inexhaustible source of vitamin C. It positively affects the immune system, making it much easier for a person to cope with various viral diseases. Also, greens significantly improves digestion, so the soup will be easy to digest.

So feel free to take such a recipe and treat your loved ones! They will definitely be grateful to you for such a useful, and most importantly, tasty and satisfying dinner, which is suitable for both adults and the smallest. Wuhu is often served with sour cream, and you can also dry rye bread croutons and serve with soup. If you want, when serving, you can sprinkle the soup with additional fresh herbs, or add it to sour cream.