Beef skewers: marinade recipe is simple and quick. Beef skewers - the best recipes

19.08.2019 Meat Dishes

How to make beef skewers
  Before you start cooking the marinade, you must first understand the intricacies of cooking this type of meat. Here are some practical tips:

  • The marinade should be fresh.
  • You can not cook marinade and store it in the refrigerator. This sauce does not saturate the meat, and it will turn out very tough and tasteless.
  • Vinegar must be bred. For 3 kg of beef, 3 tablespoons of vinegar is enough. If you pour in more, then the shish kebab pieces are saturated unevenly and will all taste different. Sometimes even meat gets a sour unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Beef needs strong preservatives. It is enough to soak chicken and pork in soda or in lemon sauce. But with beef, things are different. It is necessary to take vinegar or acid (citric, malic) as preservatives. Some recipes use red wine.
  • The amount of spices should be moderate. Salt and pepper should be taken in moderation. Otherwise, the taste of meat cannot be made out. Yes, and the body will not benefit from such a dish. Better to take herbs or spices. Instead of black pepper, you can take cilantro or bay leaf.

Proper meat slicing.

One of the most important points on how to marinate beef skewers is the right cut. This should be done with a sharp knife. Pieces should resemble a box. Only in this case can the meat structure be preserved.

  • You can’t overdo the kebab in the marinade. Beef skewers can not be kept in the cooked marinade for a very long time. Otherwise, it will become sour and unpleasant in taste. Allowed time is 6-8 hours, but no more.
  • You need to pickle in stages. Do not immediately throw all the spices in the marinade, especially salt and pepper. In order for the beef to be delicious, you need to rub each piece separately with these two ingredients. And only after such an action, meat can be poured with marinade.

Beef marinade recipes

For marinade, you can use different ingredients. The main thing is that in each of them there is a preservative that impregnates the meat, and it becomes soft.

Apple Cider Vinegar Marinade

Necessary components:

  • 2 kg of beef meat;
  • 1 pack of shish kebab seasoning;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 4 tbsp water.

  Beef must be sliced \u200b\u200bcorrectly. Then rub each of them with spices (use only half of the bag) and place in a pan. Chop the onion, add apple cider vinegar diluted with water and the rest of the seasoning. Then pour the skewers with marinade and leave for 6 hours in the refrigerator. Please note that the marinade must completely cover the meat.

Garlic Wine Marinade

Necessary components:

  • 2 kg of beef;
  • 1 leaf of mint;
  • 2 onions;
  • 6 large cloves of garlic;
  • red wine;
  • dried greens (dill, parsley);
  • water.

  Onions and garlic must be finely chopped. Chop the mint leaf and add to the sauce. Then pour red wine diluted with water 1: 2 and pour in dried herbs. Next, you need to cut the beef into medium square pieces and pour the marinade. Leave for 5 hours.
  With proper marinating of beef, the skewers turn out to be juicy and very tasty.

Barbecue marinade recipes

How to cook delicious beef skewers and the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft. We comprehend the depths of pickling meat!

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Creating a good kebab primarily depends on the choice of meat and the method of pickling. Of course, in order to do quality barbecue  you will need to know how to cook on the grill, but this stage is only part of the story.

In this article we will consider the preparation of marinade for beef kebab, such meat is quite suitable for kebabs, which you can easily cook not only from the classics - but also from beef or.

Why you need to cook quality marinade

If we are talking about softening meat, now many do not feel this need to a large extent. Indeed, earlier often you could get a completely incomprehensible piece of beef in the store that needed to be softened. Now the level of service and trade is usually higher for beef skewers  almost always sell steak  or other suitable pieces.

If you do not need to soften the meat, then you do not need a marinade - you ask. By no means, firstly, you need to soften the meat a little, and secondly, the marinade will be needed mainly in order to make a good taste. You will be surprised how much more delicious kebabs are prepared from competently pickled meat.

How to marinate beef kebab meat: marinade recipe

In order to make, take the appropriate pieces of beef. You need not fatty pieces, but those that are tough. The best option is something like the dorsal part, that is, those muscles that did not become stiff, since they did not work much, but also did not accumulate a lot of fat.

Does the marinade need acid? In fact, not always. If the meat is of high quality, then softening the pieces is practically not required, and you can generally not use components that give acid:

  • vinegar;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • kefir;
  • lemon juice.

Therefore, in the following recipes, the acid component is not used at all. It’s much more delicious to make marinade based on the best meat supplement - luke.

It is with onions that meat is perfectly “friendly” and becomes more appetizing, this fact applies not only to barbecue, but generally to almost all meat dishes.

Spiced onion juice marinade

Often in a marinade you can watch chopped onion rings or onion in large pieces. In fact, this option is completely illiterate, because, in fact, you only need onion juice for pickling, and if you throw large pieces of onion to the meat, then the juice on the surface of the meat will be a minimum.

The best thing chop a few onions  in a meat grinder or blender and drain only juice from there. This liquid will become the basis for the marinade, which you add with spices.

Take for this marinade:

These components need to be mixed with meat and onion juice. For pickling you will need no more than an hour of time, after which you can start cooking kebab.

Onion puree marinade

In this recipe, you take onion puree as a base. Grind the onions through a blender and grate the meat with this puree.

  • mustard - very little, literally about half a spoon will be enough;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons;
  • ground pepper for flavor - a couple of tablespoons;
  • crumbled bay leaf - one little thing;
  • star anise - one thing for the whole dish.

In this marinade, each component harmoniously complements the others. For example, mustard will allow to soften the product better, and vegetable oil allows meat to be better nourished by aromas and tastes.

If you know some of the subtleties, then you can better marinate the barbecue and cook more delicious meat. Let's analyze the basic tips for cooking barbecue.

  • Meat selection.  Fresh meat is not the best option for barbecue. In fact, it is better to purchase the so-called saggy beef, that is, one that has been hanging in the carcass for at least 24 (and preferably 48) hours.
  • The size of the pieces.  For pickling, and indeed in general it is most convenient to make pieces of meat one cous in size, that is, cut the kebab into pieces that are convenient for a person to immediately take and chew.
  • The best beef options for barbecue are: back, tenderloin, shoulder blades.
  • Add not many spices and seasonings to the marinade. It is necessary that meat be complemented with different shades of flavors, but the taste of meat needs only to be emphasized and supplemented, and not overshadowed.
  • Experiment with marinade. The suggested recipes are just the foundation on which you can string your own additives. Try your own options to make the meat taste perfect.

To prepare a flavorful barbecue, it is best to take a rump or tenderloin with a small layer of fat. You can also take a piece of pulp from the back. A simple recipe for beef skewers will help you prepare wonderful treats for several hours, so you should not buy ready-made shish kebabs - not all producers are conscientious and it is not always known how fresh it will be. In addition, you run the risk of frying the kebab, which you simply will not like because of the abundance or lack of certain spices. When going to nature, do not be lazy and cook the meat yourself, especially since it will take you no more than half an hour.

How to marinate beef skewers?

Chilled meat will need to be cut into not very large, but not small, portioned slices - small slices may turn out to be very dry, and large ones will remain unroasted. After that, you will need to take enameled or glassware and place the meat in it in the marinade.

To choose the most suitable way, how to marinate beef skewers, you must remember that beef itself is quite tough and the marinade should not only give the meat a delicate piquant taste, but also soften it. Do not use a table bite or mayonnaise - the bite will further dry not very fatty meat. To make the kebabs juicy, use a sufficient amount of marinade - the meat should be completely covered.

Beef barbecue marinade can be prepared on the basis of dry wine, kefir, lemon juice or fruit vinegar. Mandatory ingredients for marinade are onions and allspice. You can add other ingredients based on your own taste - it can be parsley and basil, garlic and soy sauce.

Before you cook beef skewers, make sure that you have enough time for marinating meat. It is advisable to leave the beef in the marinade for eight to twelve hours. It is best to prepare a barbecue blank in the evening and leave it to marinate overnight.

Basic marinade:

Cut the onion into thin rings.

Add vegetable oil.

Mix well and add a little salt and allspice.

Add mineral sparkling water.

Pour meat with marinade, mix well and leave in the refrigerator.

Recipes of beef on the grill can be very different, however, you should always take into account the peculiarity of frying barbecue, so that it turns out really soft and juicy.

Before stringing the meat, add a little vegetable oil to the marinade, and also grease the skewers with it. The meat should be worn only across the fibers - so it will be better fried and will be much more tender. Vegetable oil, which will cover the meat with a thin layer, quickly forms a beautiful golden crust, while the juice from the meat will not evaporate and the kebab will turn out even more juicy and mouth-watering.

Try to put on pieces of meat, alternating them with vegetables - onions or tomatoes, or serve fresh vegetables with ready-made barbecue.

Ready kebab should be eaten hot, so serve it as soon as it is cooked. Enjoy your meal!

Kebabs are usually made from lamb or pork, choosing the most tender, juicy meat. Even chicken skewers have already become quite popular, and seafood connoisseurs are preparing aromatic skewers of red fish. Kebabs are made of beef much less often. Even experienced chefs fear that the dish will turn out too stiff, the meat will lose its flavor, softness, and chewing badly. Of course, if the meat is poorly prepared, not marinated in a special composition, even juicy slices of fresh beef will become “cardboard” after frying on an open fire.

The most important thing is to know how to pickle beef skewers so that they impress everyone with a delicate aroma and a rich bouquet of flavors. Then you can easily cook a great dish of ordinary beef. You will not only save a lot of money, but also amaze the imagination of all the lucky ones who will be able to try your barbecue melting in your mouth. Remember the secrets of marinating beef in order to regularly cook tender tender juicy kebab from it with great taste.

Cook the marinade and soak the beef. A few nuances
First of all, it is important to pay attention to a number of important points. It is necessary to properly cut the meat, carefully process it and prepare for pickling, follow the sequence of actions. Marinade also needs to be prepared in such a way that it is not too sharp, sour. You can not overexpose the meat in the marinade.
Remember all the nuances so that your beef skewers quickly become a specialty!

Options for beef barbecue marinades
You can come up with an infinite number of beef marinades. As additives use any spices, vegetables, spices, herbs. The main thing is not to forget about strong preservatives, choosing one among vinegar, citric acid and red wine. Vinegar softens meat the best, and red wine has the most moderate effect on beef.

  1. A simple marinade for beef.  You can quickly marinate the meat if you stop at the simplest version of the marinade. Get ready-made spices for barbecue, take two onions and apple cider vinegar. Pieces of meat should be grated with spices, but leave half the bag for the marinade. Cut the onion into rings, dip it in the marinade. After rubbing the meat, dip it in your marinade so that the pieces are completely covered with liquid. Vinegar for this must be diluted with water, about one to two. If the meat is stiff enough, the concentration of vinegar should be greater.
  2. Red wine and garlic marinade.  The original taste of your barbecue will give a marinade of red wine. Finely chop two onions, a large head of garlic, chop a mint leaf. Add all this to red wine. You can add the marinade with dry parsley, put a pinch of dill. Red wine should be diluted with water in a proportion of one to two. If you like the flavor of garlic, you want to strengthen it, you can take another clove and rub it with each piece of meat. After roasting, beef will acquire a particularly bright aroma, original taste.
  3. Marinade with bay leaf.  You can marinate beef perfectly under the press. Take pepper peas, grind bay leaf, chop finely onion. Grate slices of meat with salt, then rub seasonings and a little black pepper. Lay the beef in a deep dish in layers, pouring each layer with pepper, peas, onions and bay leaf powder. Then you need to crush the meat with a press and leave for five hours.
  4. Kebab in tomato sauce. An excellent marinade is obtained from tomato juice, grape vinegar, carrots and bell peppers. Pepper should be taken red, dark shade. Cut onion into rings, thin carrot slices, and small bell pepper cubes. Rub your beef with salt. Place the pieces of meat in a deep bowl, cover with vegetables on top, and then pour grape vinegar and tomato juice in a one to two ratio. Then thoroughly mix everything directly with your hands, kneading beef and vegetables. Leave the mass under pressure for 5-6 hours.
  5. Marinade with cloves.  Exquisite marinade with cloves will add a very subtle original taste to your barbecue. Take a few cloves, finely chop the peas. The rest of the cloves (8-10 pieces) must be put in the marinade. Rub the slices of meat with salt, and then rub the clove powder into the beef. Chop a small bay leaf, chop the onion finely. Add all of this to apple or grape vinegar along with whole cloves with a few peas of pepper. Pour beef with marinade and mix well. In this composition, you need to keep the meat for about 3-5 hours.
Pay attention to the dishes in which you will soak your barbecue. It should be clay, ceramic, or well enameled containers. In simple dishes, meat can get an unpleasant metallic taste.

Marinate beef for barbecue with pleasure, try different recipes, get unique tastes!

Shish kebab - no matter what meat it is cooked from, it is amazingly tasty, it smells of smoke if it is on a fire, and cooked in the oven - it also captivates with its aromas. Today we have a wonderful summer theme: beef skewers, consider the most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft, because beef itself is harsh, and it is not used for shish kebab. But in vain.

Beef skewers can be very tasty if cooked correctly, choose the right meat, and also - properly fry - in low heat, so that the meat has time to cook well and not be burnt. Today we want to offer you some tips for marinade preparation, which products are suitable and which are not.

Shish kebab came to us from ancient times, many thousands of years ago our ancestors prepared their own food just like that - after killing game, they roasted it at the stake. Today we have all kinds of electric and gas stoves and a barbecue, but the barbecue cooked at the stake can not be compared with a good company of friends in nature. And what a huge disappointment could come - a rubber, dry skewer, which is often found with beef skewers. Marinating this type of meat requires a special approach, having learned all the nuances, you will prepare an amazingly fragrant and juicy dish.

Beef BBQ from Stalik, video

Unique tips to help you achieve a magical taste in a barbecue, watch and learn from Stalik.

  • part of the hind leg, tenderloin is best;
  • meat should not be fresh, after slaughtering the animal, the meat should stand for at least 5 hours;
  • before pickling, beat off the meat slightly, the kebab will be much softer;
  • pickle always at least 8 hours;
  • helps the meat to be juicy and soft if a load is placed on a container with marinade;
  • cut into medium slices;
  • excellent marinade, suitable specifically for beef - with red wine;
  • if meat with fat - this will only make it tastier, hurry to remove it;
  • so that everyone has enough shish kebabs - count 500 g per person, so everyone will enjoy plenty;
  • do not put a lot of spices in the marinade so that the meat flavor does not interrupt.

Beef kebab marinade with kefir

  • Kefir - 1.5 L (3.2%)
  • Meat - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - half the fruit
  • Salt pepper
  • Peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.
  • A little dill and basil

The meat, cut into medium pieces (very small ones will be dry, and large ones will burn from the outside, inside will be stiff), grate with black pepper, each piece separately. Do not be lazy.

Coarsely chop the onion rings, add spices, kefir to the kefir, dill with basil, and lower the beef. The marinade should completely cover the meat, leave to marinate for at least 4 hours, you can cover the container and put on top the weight.

Kiwi Sauce

  • Beef - 1.5 kg
  • Kiwi - 2 fruits
  • Salt pepper
  • Half a lemon fruit
  • White onion - 2

Process the beef, remove, if any, films and veins, cut into medium slices and put in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, you can also use ready-made seasoning for barbecue. Pour with freshly squeezed juice, attach onion rings and slices of peeled kiwi. Pickling left for a couple of hours will be enough, kiwi will do its job.

With beef barbecue vinegar

  • 2 kg of beef
  • A handful of pepper peas
  • 1.5 kg onion
  • 10 laurels
  • 150 g vinegar
  • 1 lemon
  • Glass of wine (preferably white, dry)
  • Salt, ground pepper (preferably red hot)

Pour pepper into the bowl, put 5 bay leaves, half a portion of onion and prepared meat, sprinkle with red pepper and salt, on top again a layer of onion, lavrushka, vinegar, and other products. Marinate for about 7 hours, can be left overnight.


Pickle with tomato paste

  • Beef 2 kg
  • White onion 10 pcs
  • Peppercorns - 1 spoon
  • Lavrushka - 3 pcs.
  • One lemon
  • Grams 200 g tomato paste
  • An incomplete glass of wine (preferably white dry)
  • 100 ml of a weak bite (ideally wine, but you can take an apple)
  • Salt, ground pepper, hot red

Put the beef, sliced \u200b\u200bfor barbecue, in a large bowl to make it easier to mix, attach spices, tomato, lemon juice and stir with our hands. Put meat in the dishes, add wine, vinegar, bay leaf and onions in large rings. Marinate for 7-8 hours, cover, and put the load, which should be heavy, seven kilograms.

Beef Marinades with Apple Vinegar

  • 1 sachet of seasoning
  • 2 kg of beef
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tablespoons of water

Grate chopped beef with seasoning (half portion), and rub each slice separately, put in a bucket or other container. Chop the onion rings and mix with water, do not forget to add the vinegar and seasoning, season the meat and place in a cool place for 5-6 hours.

Delicious and delicate with marinade recipes.

With garlic

  • Beef 2 kg
  • White onion 2
  • Peppermint leaves
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Dried greens (parsley and dill)
  • Dry red wine

Chop onion and garlic very finely, add chopped mint and herbs to them. We dilute the wine with water - one glass of water for 2 glasses of wine. As part of the products, we did not write how much wine, this is you yourself watching, given that Yushka should completely cover the products.
  Pour the beef, and let it brew for at least 5-6 hours.

Pickle with pomegranate juice

  • 2 kg of beef
  • 5 onions
  • 600 g pomegranate juice
  • 2 tablespoons olive
  • Salt pepper

Combine the meat, chopped in medium slices, with onions, chopped with large rings and spices, thoroughly crushing with your hands - so onions, chopped with rings, will release the juice. Now you can add butter, juice - cover, and place the load on top, leave at least for 4 hours in the marinade.

Delicious - many recipes.

With soy sauce

  • Beef 1 kg
  • ½ cup sauce
  • ¼ cup wine vinegar
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (vegetable)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ teaspoon ginger
  • Salt pepper

Chop onion very finely, meat in medium slices, mix with all the above products, put under pressure for 3-4 hours.

Kebab marinade

  • 2 kg of beef
  • 1 cup soy sauce
  • 0.5 cups - sweet red wine
  • 0.5 cups brown sugar
  • 1 onion white
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • Salt pepper
  • One pear

To prepare, as it should be, for a barbecue meat piece, grate all the vegetables on a fine grater and mix with liquid products. Place in a bowl, the size to fit everything, lower the beef and leave to gather aromas for four hours.

With lingonberries

  • 1 kg of selected meat
  • 100 g lingonberries
  • 70 g soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 2 tablespoons dry mint

We divide a piece of beef into cubes, about 4 cm, crush lingonberries with a fork, combine with sauce, butter and seasonings. Lubricate the marinade with meat, put it in a saucepan and let it soak all night.

With beef barbecue mayonnaise

  • Beef tenderloin 2 kg
  • 500-600 g mayonnaise
  • 2 kg of onions
  • 2 tsp salt
  • One teaspoon of pepper and paprika

Grind the tenderloin in uniform portions of not more than 50 grams, chop the whole onion as if to fry. Mix all the products, in the process, compress the meat with your hands, as if kneading it. So leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.

Look delicious - add interesting dishes for your picnic in nature.

With carbonated mineral water

  • 2 kg of selected beef
  • Heavily carbonated mineral water
  • 4 white onions
  • 3 bay leaves
  • Salt pepper
  • Kebab seasoning

Prepare the meat - divide into even cubes, chop the onion rings in half rings. Mix with hands, salt and pepper, do not forget about shish kebab seasoning, pour soda, one finger above the products. You don’t need to marinate such meat for a long time, after two hours start cooking.

We told you many recipes for beef barbecue marinade that will make the meat juicy and tasty, now the main thing is to give it right, and a fragrant barbecue will delight you and your fellow cooks. Enjoy your meal!