The benefits of condensed milk. What is the use of condensed milk? Is it possible to condensed milk while breastfeeding

19.08.2019 The drinks

It is difficult to find a person who would not like condensed milk. Even avid followers of various diets sometimes allow themselves to eat another spoonful of this sweet milk dessert. And some eat in banks, without even thinking about the consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the daily intake of condensed milk with sugar is two tablespoons. And then, it is better to do this in combination with other products, pancakes washed down with unsweetened tea. You will learn about the benefits and harms of this article.

These are recommendations of not only nutritionists, but also doctors. What are they connected with, and why can not eat a lot? After all, this is a natural product that can even be used as baby food. It contains all the same useful trace elements and vitamins as in cow's milk. In addition, glucose has also not harmed anyone.

So who to trust in the issue of consumption of condensed milk? Nutritionists, or avid fans of this product. Next, we will try to understand in more detail what is the harm of condensed milk, and whether it has at least some benefit. And at the same time - we will consider cases in which this popular product is completely contraindicated.

Product properties

Real condensed milk prepared in accordance with GOST should contain only natural cow's milk, sugar, and in some cases water. In this case, sugar itself is a preservative.

At the same time, sugar significantly adds calories to this product. For general development, condensed milk with sugar contains:

  • proteins - 7.2 gr.;
  • fats - 8.5 g .;
  • carbohydrates - 56.0 gr.

Calorie content of the product is 323 kcal.

From this we can conclude that the product contains a large number of simple carbohydrates, with their large consumption that can lead to rapid obesity and an increase in blood sugar. And this is not an exaggeration. Condensed milk is really very sweet and fatty. Many confectionery products can not be compared with her in these respects.

In addition, condensed milk is a high-calorie product, and this is another reason not to eat it in large quantities.

The benefits of condensed milk

Before discussing in detail the harm of condensed milk to the body, it is worth mentioning its beneficial properties. Firstly, it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. These are Vitamin A, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Fluoride.

Calcium strengthens bone tissue, vitamin A improves vision. In addition - in natural condensed milk contains a large amount of glucose, which actively restores strength after severely transferred diseases. In fact, condensed milk has the same beneficial properties as regular cow's milk. In addition, for many, it is digested much easier than raw dairy products. After all, it is known that not everyone is able to properly digest a glass of ordinary milk.

In the case of condensed milk, it is enough to dilute a tablespoon of the product in a glass of boiled water, and you can get a tasty and healthy drink with the same beneficial substances as ordinary milk. But he will learn much easier.

Nevertheless, even diluted condensed milk has a higher calorie content than raw materials in the form of milk. In addition, it contains a lot of sugar. Therefore, one should not forget about the allergic reactions that the product can cause and about its harm to people suffering from excess weight and diabetes.

Harmful condensed milk for the body

If everything was so good, then everyone would eat this product by banks without even thinking about the consequences. Nevertheless, many have learned since childhood that it is impossible to eat a lot of condensed milk. Parents told us that excessive consumption of sweet treats means a quick trip to the dentist.

The combination of a high amount of sugar and lactic acid leads to increased formation of bacteria in the oral cavity, and, as a consequence, the appearance of caries. This is the first reason not to eat condensed milk with spoons.

The second reason is high calorie content. As you know, calories you need to somehow burn. If an athlete eats a can of condensed milk before an intensive training, there is nothing wrong with that, he will immediately burn all the calories, while building up the necessary muscle mass and not losing the strength needed to maintain normal functioning of the body. But if you consume such a high-calorie product in large quantities every day, these calories are converted to excess body fat.

Condensed milk is made with sugar. This is an unchanging recipe that has been classic for centuries. Sugar in this case plays the role of a preservative. It is at the expense of him that a bank of condensed milk can be stored for a whole year.

But sugar is contraindicated in people with diabetes and anyone who is obese. Therefore, not only nutritionists, but also doctors forbid condensed milk to such patients. If these recommendations are neglected, this can lead to fatal consequences.

Thus, a lot of condensed milk should not be eaten by children. For small organisms, the need to process sugar in large quantities can result in the onset of allergic reactions. Diathesis on the cheeks after active eating of condensed milk is not uncommon. Not to mention tooth problems and being overweight.

Is it possible for a condensed milk to a nursing mother?

During pregnancy, you can eat almost all foods. The main thing is that their number be moderate. The same applies to condensed milk. Pregnant women can and should even eat healthy dairy products, like everyone else. The daily norm of condensed milk for pregnant women is 1 tablespoon. She cannot do any harm.

As for the use of condensed milk during breastfeeding, mammologists, pediatricians and gynecologists even recommend this product. But only in the form of tea. That is, herbal or green tea, in which 1 teaspoon of condensed milk is diluted increases lactation and adds vitality to a young mother.

What product is in the jar?

Do not forget that condensed milk in the domestic market is the most fake product. It is this factor that often leads to the least pleasant consequences of using it in large quantities.

Many manufacturers of natural milk fats are often replaced with palm or coconut fat. As you know, it is actively deposited on the walls of blood vessels and leads to the formation of blood clots.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often add preservatives, white, dyes, thickeners, chemicals to the product, the use of which is prohibited by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, their presence in canned milk is not always indicated. Therefore, you should buy only a proven product, the quality of which there is no doubt.

A can of natural condensed milk cannot cost much less than 45 r. If it’s more expensive, it’s okay, but the price of a can equal to 25-30 rubles should be alarming.

In addition, special attention should be paid to such a moment as the freshness of the product. And the point is not only that expired condensed milk can have an uneven structure and an unpleasant hue.

Often inside the jar, expired canned milk forms mold. It is a pathogenic fungus that can lead to serious poisoning and other health problems.

An inflated jar should be discarded without hesitation. Violation of the shape of the packaging indicates that pathogens have begun to multiply inside it.

Condensed milk is an amazing delicacy, the unsurpassed taste of which is familiar to many Russians from early childhood. Little kids are ready to eat her whole spoons. However, like some adults. But it turns out that you can’t do that. After all, like any other sweetness, it has its own beneficial properties as well as contraindications. Nutritionists recommend using it in amounts of up to 2 tbsp. spoons per day, no more. According to them, excessive eating of goodies can cause serious harm to the body. But first things first.

Bit of history

Before talking about the dangers and benefits of condensed milk, let me tell you a little about the history of its origin. It is generally believed that this delicacy was invented in the USSR during the time of the shortage of various products. However, this is not true! The recipe actually appeared back in the early 19th century. Its creator was the Frenchman Upper. However, he failed to patent his invention. But it turned out to Peter Durant. By the way, this particular person also owns the idea of \u200b\u200busing special tin cans for storing delicacies.

However, in those days, condensed milk still did not have the usual aroma and taste. They acquired them in 1826, thanks to the cunning entrepreneur Gail Borden. It was his workers at the plant who first began to create condensed milk by evaporation with cane sugar. However, some scholars dispute such information. They claim that the right to invent the product belongs to the people of India. Allegedly, they knew how to create it, another 5000 years ago.

Condensed milk appeared in Russia almost 60 (5000 ?!) years after the invention. It happened in 1881. Gradually, she became so fond of our compatriots that they borrowed the recipe and began to cook it. And not only in factories, but also at home. And here is the result - today many are sure that this amazing delicacy was invented by the Russians. But ... alas!

Good condensed milk - what is it?

There is one point that I would like to clarify before talking about the dangers and benefits of condensed milk for the body. It sounds like this: condensed milk on the market today is different, but that's just not all of it is healing. Cunning manufacturers have the skill to add various vegetable fats and thickeners to the composition. At the same time, they put the designation TU on the label. So, it’s better to pass by such a product, it cannot be called useful in any way. Since condensed milk should not contain anything other than sugar and milk. And sometimes more - coffee, cocoa or cream.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you can pay attention to the label affixed to the tin or soft packaging. It should clearly indicate that the quality of condensed milk complies with GOST 2903-78 - for Russia or for Ukraine - DSTU 4274: 2003. And also it is written that it is "Condensed whole milk with sugar." The product cannot be called in any other way. And one more such moment: do not forget to look at the date of manufacture, the treat should not be expired. If at home you notice that there are bubbles or foam of incomprehensible color on its surface, throw it away. Health is more expensive than any money!

The use of condensed milk with sugar

If you managed to get a quality product, know: you have not lost. It is much more useful than any other goodies, such as: marmalades, chocolates, yogurts and so on. Since it contains a large number of useful substances, among which we can especially note:

  • calcium - helps to strengthen the bone structure and teeth;
  • vitamin D - helps not to age longer, strengthens bones;
  • potassium and magnesium - normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • phosphorus - necessary for good blood circulation;
  • vitamin C - helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • glucose - helps to restore strength;
  • and so on.

In addition, it is recommended to use condensed milk to normalize the hormonal background, increase lactation (for a nursing mother!), Replenish the supply of minerals and vitamins, improve overall well-being, improve vision, and increase muscle mass (useful for bodybuilders!)

Terms of use

You can talk about the benefits of condensed milk only if you use it correctly. Excessive eating of delicacies, like any other sweets, cannot lead to anything good. Therefore, nutritionists and doctors recommend that you refrain from this. As mentioned above, the permitted amount is not more than 2 tbsp. tablespoons per day for adults and 2 teaspoons for small children older than 2-3 years. It is best to add to tea, coffee or just some water (for the baby!). Or combine with any fruit (for example, bananas or kiwi). You can smear on the loaf, but it is important to try not to exceed the dosage.

Storage rules

The benefits of condensed milk will be the less, the longer it will be stored. And if you do it wrong, the benefits will be nullified. Manufacturers recommend immediately after buying to clean the treat in the refrigerator. After opening, it can be stored for no longer than 12 months, at a temperature of 0 to +10 degrees, if it is in a can. It should not be stored in soft packaging for more than 3 months. When buying condensed milk at the bottling, the period of its use is limited to five months. If, opening the product, you see lumps, crystals or mold in it, you must immediately throw it away. Eating spoiled goodies is very bad for your health.

Harmful condensed milk for human health

The disadvantage of condensed milk is that a lot of sugar is added to it during production. The final product is high in calories and greasy. Therefore, it is forbidden to consume large quantities of it, especially small children. In addition, it is advisable to refuse treats to people suffering from overweight, diabetes mellitus, an allergy to milk or sugar. As well as those who care about the health of their teeth and slim figure. Since excessive consumption of sweets can lead to caries and morbid obesity.

The benefits and harms of coffee with condensed milk

Special attention deserves the use of coffee with condensed milk. On the one hand, such a drink is very useful, since it contains, in addition to vitamins with minerals, 30 organic acids. Thanks to this, the treat is able to provide a stimulating, normalizing, calming effect on the body. Daily drinking allows you to get rid of depression and bad mood, improves well-being.

On the other hand, coffee with condensed milk can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol, dizziness, insomnia and headache. However, in order not to provoke all this, it is enough to consume no more than 2 cups of the drink daily. With caution, you should drink a treat for people suffering from kidney disease, coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, or glaucoma. As well as children up to 14-16 years old and pregnant women.

Video from experts: about the benefits of condensed milk

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

Condensed milk will be most useful if you make it at home, with your own hands. It is not as difficult as it may seem. You just need to stock up with a liter of fresh homemade milk and a glass of sugar (you can replace it with powdered sugar). From the dishes you will need a stainless steel pan and a spoon (preferably a wooden one!) When everything is ready, you can proceed to cooking the treats. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on a slow fire.
  2. Boil it. Immediately pour about 1 tbsp from the dishes. liquids.
  3. Dissolve all available sugar in a glass with hot milk, mix.
  4. Pour the mixture back into the pan, continue cooking over low heat.
  5. Stir the future delicacy throughout the cooking so as not to burn.
  6. As soon as 1/3 remains from its original volume (just that much, this is important!), And it itself will acquire a slightly creamy tint, pour the condensed milk into a glass jar.
  7. Cool slightly and put in the refrigerator on the upper shelf for the night.
  8. By morning, condensed milk will already be quite viscous, you can eat it.

Note! Boil milk with sugar should be no longer than 35-40 minutes. It is very important not to overexpose it, otherwise instead of condensed milk you will get caramel. In this case, evaporation is not completely impossible either, otherwise the liquid will not be able to acquire the desired viscosity. Therefore, watch carefully what is going on in the pan.

In conclusion!

Now you know everything about history, the rule of choice, the benefits and harms of condensed milk with sugar. And also about how it can be cooked at home. We wish you a pleasant tea party, do not be sick!

Condensed milk is a sweet, tasty and beloved by all children product. The composition of condensed milk is quite simple - sugar and cow's milk. Recently, they began to sell condensed milk in a variety of containers: in 400-gram cans, in plastic and glass cans, in tubes and hard bags.

The calorie content of condensed milk is very high - 320 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, condensed milk contains 34% protein.

Condensed milk is eaten as an independent sweet product, and is also added to pastries, tea and coffee.

The benefits of condensed milk

Condensed milk has all the beneficial qualities of cow's milk. If it is done qualitatively, the body completely assimilates it and is enriched with the beneficial substances contained in it.

Calcium helps strengthen bones, nails and teeth, improves vision. In addition to calcium, condensed milk contains phosphorus salts, which are responsible for brain activity and blood recovery.

Condensed milk harm

When using condensed milk, it is important to remember a sense of proportion. Drinking more than 3 tablespoons per day can lead to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.

The benefits and harms of condensed milk directly depend on the composition of this product. How not to make a mistake and choose a pleasant delicacy, rather than a dangerous fake? First of all, you should pay attention to the name. “Whole condensed milk with sugar” is the name of condensed milk according to GOST. The fat content of condensed milk should not be lower than 8.5%. In the composition of condensed milk, only cow fat is permissible. It is worth to be careful if palm oil is part of condensed milk - such a product will definitely not contribute to your health. If at the opening of condensed milk a heterogeneity of the structure - lumps was discovered, it is better to throw it out, it may be too dangerous for health.

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Condensed milk - calories

Condensed milk is loved not only by children, but also by adults. This article will talk about the calorie content of condensed milk, the beneficial properties of this product and the possible harm from its use.

Condensed milk with sugar is a product into which fresh milk is converted, no less popular as cottage cheese, butter and cheese. Favorite delicacy of adults and children, a place which can be found in high and in home cooking.

Unmatched taste and benefits of condensed milk

For the preparation of condensed milk from milk, moisture is evaporated for a long time at a certain temperature, thickened to a state of a uniform creamy white viscous mass.

Depending on the details of the particular manufacturing technology and the possible use of additional ingredients, several varieties of condensed milk may ultimately be obtained.

Concentrated milk without any additives;

Condensed milk produced with the addition of exclusively sugar;

Condensed milk with coffee or cocoa;

Condensed milk with chicory and sugar.

The latter product is characterized by a sweet taste with a characteristic bitterness of chicory flavor and a touch of its aroma. They use it like condensed milk with cocoa and coffee.

Condensed milk is also classified by fat content.

In fat-free fat fraction should not exceed 1%;

Classic condensed milk contains about 8.5% of them;

Condensed cream reaches a fat content of 19%.

By consistency, it is divided into simple and boiled - the first can be poured from a spoon, and the second is very thick.

The experiments on preserving dairy products began as early as the end of the 18th century, but it was only in 1856 that the American industrialist Gale Borden patented the invention of condensed milk and, after some thirty years, condensed milk was among the most popular products in the world.

Condensed milk with sugar is eaten as a treat in its purest form, makes it an ingredient for cakes, cakes and other pastries, prepare creams and desserts with it, add it to tea and coffee, complement it with pancakes and fruit salads.

Condensed milk with coffee or cocoa is used in a similar way and diluted with water for drinks.

Simple concentrated milk without additives is in demand as a full-fledged substitute for fresh milk - you can cook porridge on it, put the dough, prepare gravy for meat.

As a rule, condensed milk is made from cow's milk, but it can also be obtained from goat's milk. Experiments in the preparation of condensed milk with sugar at home are usually successful. But much more often, the housewives take on the conversion of shop condensed milk into boiled condensed milk, for which condensed milk with sugar is boiled for several hours in a pan on the stove.

Most of the useful properties of condensed milk directly stem from the similar characteristics of fresh milk, because it, turning into condensed milk, practically does not lose any of them.

So, vitamins A, C, E, H, PP and B vitamins are stored in it, as well as high levels of the content of a number of macro- and microelements - iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium , sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, choline and zinc.

One of the main elements of dairy products - calcium, in alliance with vitamin D, is actively involved in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, including jaws and teeth.

How else is the benefit of condensed milk

Due to the fact that condensed milk is well and completely (unlike milk!) Absorbed by the human body, its positive effect does not have to wait long.

Adding condensed milk to the regular dessert menu has a positive effect on metabolism, restoration of body energy and muscle tone after intense physical exertion and protracted diseases, and the weakening of the manifestations of chronic diseases is not excluded.

One spoonful of condensed milk per day significantly strengthens the immune system.

Glucose, which is abundant in condensed milk, enhances brain activity and helps to memorize, assimilate, and analyze new information, so that condensed milk can be recommended to students and scientists.

In addition, condensed milk affects the following aspects of health:

Supports the work of the cardiovascular system;

Improves vision and reduces eye fatigue behind a computer monitor;

Normalizes the hormonal background, preventing its malfunctions;

Promotes blood renewal.

Exceptional benefits of condensed milk and for nursing mothers. Just a spoonful of condensed milk per day helps to enhance lactation, while not causing a single drop of doubt about the safety of such an enrichment of the mother’s diet for the baby, sensitive to everything that happens to her body.

If you compare the assortment on an imaginary showcase, among cakes, sweets and other desserts, then the condensed milk’s benefit will be nothing to compare with - it is the most useful delicacy that does not contain yeast, colorings and flavorings, stabilizers and other tricky additives.

Finally, it improves chocolate mood no worse than chocolate, contributing to the production of endorphins (hormones of joy).

It is important to note that all of the above applies only to natural condensed milk, produced without such excesses as flavorings, emulsifiers and so on.

Harmful condensed milk - why it is dangerous and who should not eat it

It is important to remember that condensed milk is not ragweed and it has its drawbacks.

The main ones are the stunningly high content of sugars and calories.

If for 100 g of condensed milk with sugar there are 320 kcal, then for a standard jar with a blue and white label, all 1200 kcal. What can I say, for example, about the calorie content of the cake, layered with condensed milk with butter!

Therefore, nutritionists insist on the reasonable, moderate use of condensed milk and dishes cooked with it.

But if we talk about concentrated milk without additives at all, its energy value is very moderate - only 75 kcal per 100 g of product.

All sweetened types of condensed milk should not be carried away by people prone to fullness and those who are actively involved in sports to pump up muscles and keep their weight normal.

Excess sugar in its composition is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus.

And it, in combination with lactic acids, with the regular use of condensed milk, provokes a deterioration of tooth enamel and the development of caries. Therefore, after treating with condensed milk, it is reasonable to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water.

Condensed milk harm - how to avoid it by choosing a quality product and observing storage conditions

In addition to tin cans known to everyone, condensed milk is also produced in plastic bags, glass and plastic containers, but this is all for factory production, and you can also buy it for bottling.

According to GOST, real condensed milk consists only of milk with sugar and can not be called otherwise than “Whole condensed milk with sugar”. This marking is a lot of evidence of the excellent quality of condensed milk, which, in general, is absolutely true.

This does not mean at all that manufacturers, guided by their own specifications (labeled as TU), produce condensed milk of inappropriate quality, but it is useful to know the difference between these designations.

It is condensed milk of all varieties with the TU mark that can contain vegetable fats, emulsifiers, flavorings, milk powder and other additives.

A can with condensed milk should not be deformed, should not have traces of rust, and in no case should it be swollen.

Liquid condensed milk of any kind (simple, with cocoa) should be uniform, without lumps.

Grains in condensed milk, found in small quantities, do not mean that condensed milk is harmful. But they demonstrate that before its expiration date there was little left, or that its storage conditions were violated and condensed milk stood in the heat or frost.

To preserve the benefits and use of condensed milk without harm, it is important to observe the conditions for its storage.

The temperature varies from 0 ° to + 10-22 ° C;

Relative humidity should not exceed 75-85%;

The expiration date from the date of production is 12 months for tin containers and plastic bags;

An open can of condensed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for just a day or two and the shelf life of the condensed milk purchased for bottling is also short-lived (literally several days).

Condensed milk, the benefits and harms of how to cook


What is condensed milk?

What is condensed milk, benefits and harms for the human body, as well as what are its medicinal properties and what exactly is this product useful for human health? These questions often arise for those who care about their health, lead a healthy lifestyle, and show interest in alternative methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get the answer to these questions.

Ah, what a sweet word - "condensed milk." For many of us in childhood, it personified complete happiness. We could eat it with banks (if allowed) and at any time! And now we often want to treat ourselves to this sweet delicacy and with it help, as it were, to return to a serene childhood.

Condensed milk was invented at the beginning of the XIX century by the Frenchman Upper, and for the first time it went on sale in America in 1856.

In Russia, it began to be produced in a small factory near Orenburg in 1881. Thus, condensed milk is more than 200 years old!

The composition of this product is very simple - only milk and sugar. Sugar is dissolved in milk, and then evaporated for a long time at a temperature of no higher than 50 degrees until the necessary density is obtained. The result is a product with a moisture content of up to 26%, sugar in an amount of 43.5% and a fat content of 8.5% or more. One can of milk contains 1200 kcal. In accordance with GOST, condensed milk should not contain any other components, because this is a baby food!

Condensed milk is divided by:


Whole condensed milk with sugar - this classic condensed milk, which is used everywhere in cooking, is colloquially called condensed milk. The composition of the product includes at least 8.5% fat and at least 28.5% milk solids, with a mass fraction of protein in them of at least 34%.

Skimmed condensed milk with sugar - this condensed milk, which contains not more than 1% fat and not less than 26% milk solids, with a protein mass fraction of at least 34%.


Condensed milk with sugar is a classic condensed milk, which is discussed in this article.

Condensed milk without added sugar - this product is usually called concentrated milk.

Condensed milk with the addition of cocoa or coffee - it can be either real condensed milk with cocoa or coffee, or vegetable and dairy products called “Condensed milk and cocoa” or “Condensed milk and coffee”.

Condensed milk with the addition of chicory - condensed milk of 7% fat, to which chicory is added, among other things.


Conventional condensed milk - condensed milk of usual consistency with or without sugar, which is discussed in this article.

Boiled condensed milk is a type of condensed milk with a thicker consistency and obtained by additional heat treatment. Boiled condensed milk has a caramel flavor and a brownish color.

Beneficial features:

Condensed milk is considered the most healthy sweet because it contains a lot of calcium and other healthy minerals and vitamins, but unlike other sweet foods (cakes, marmalade, sweets and other confectionery) it does not contain yeast or food additives. Thus, natural condensed milk has many useful properties inherent in fresh milk.

The beneficial substances contained in condensed milk improve brain function, strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on cell metabolism. One of the beneficial elements of condensed milk is calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. The use of condensed milk also lies in the fact that it restores blood, improves immunity, and normalizes hormonal levels. Condensed milk in the shortest possible time can replenish the body's supply of vitamins and minerals, increase tone and provide a surge of strength.

But the presence of beneficial properties in condensed milk does not mean at all that it should be eaten by banks, since excessive consumption of condensed milk can harm the human body.

Real condensed milk should be white, with a light cream tint, uniform, thick and have a creamy taste.

Condensed milk, although it is canned, is very demanding on the conditions and shelf life. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees and not more than 12 months.

Any violation of these rules (increased or decreased storage temperature), violation of the tightness of the packaging or the duration of storage makes this product unfit for food.

If, opening a can of condensed milk, you notice that it has begun to crystallize, lumps or mold appear in it, and the can itself is swollen, immediately discard it! Eating such spoiled milk, you risk being in a hospital bed for a long time and significantly undermine your health.

Dietitians advise eating condensed milk not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, such as pancakes or fruits, and drink it with unsweetened tea.

Know the measure! Many of us are accustomed to eating condensed milk in large spoons and in plenty, but meanwhile, the daily intake of condensed milk is only 2 tablespoons!


There is a lot of sugar in condensed milk, and, of course, it is very high in calories.

Condensed milk is contraindicated:

  • overweight people;
  • with obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus. Excessive consumption of condensed milk can cause tooth decay.

Condensed milk, alas, is the most falsified dairy product - more than two-thirds of condensed milk is a fake!

According to GOST, real condensed milk is called “Whole condensed milk with sugar” and cannot be called in any other way. If you see jars on the shelves with the name: “Condensed milk with sugar”, “Condensed milk” or “Condensed milk with sugar” (many options), despite the blue-and-white label familiar from childhood, you should know that this is a fake!

In order to reduce the cost of such condensed milk, instead of natural milk fat, various vegetable fats are added, for example palm oil, which is harmful to the human body, as well as various nutritional supplements.

In a laboratory study, in some types of condensed milk, the white dye E171 was discovered - titanium dioxide, a very toxic substance that is used in the manufacture of paints (titanium white), in the manufacture of ceramics and solar cells.

In addition, real condensed milk should only be packed in cans, no other packaging — plastic tubes, cups, etc. — is allowed.

To protect yourself as much as possible from fakes and not harm your body, carefully read the label. Remember, if the composition of the product, except milk and sugar, includes anything else - it is a harmful product!

How to choose in the store:

In order to purchase a jar of real condensed milk, you need to pay attention to the following points when buying:

Title. It should begin with the word “Milk”, and not with the words “condensed”, “boiled”, “present”, “condensed milk” - these and similar words in the names should alert you.

Under the word "milk" is the transcript "whole condensed with sugar."

On the label you need to carefully study the composition. If the product is genuine, it complies with GOST 2903–78 - for Russia, DSTU 4274: 2003 - for Ukraine. This is indicated on banks or soft packs in which it is now not forbidden to release this product.

The abbreviation TU on the packaging indicates that the production meets the technical conditions, but there are vegetable fats in the composition. And as we know, they should not be in real condensed milk.

The genuine product contains only sugar and whole cow's milk, without any "esche": thickeners, stabilizers, dyes, vegetable fats, starch.

These simple rules will help you choose a real healthy condensed milk. Also today you can find varieties of condensed milk with the addition of cocoa, coffee, cream and sterilized.

According to GOST, they have such "correct" names that will help distinguish from fakes:

"Cocoa with whole condensed milk with sugar",

“Natural coffee with condensed milk and sugar”,

"Condensed cream with sugar",

"Sterilized condensed milk in a jar" (product without sugar).

You should be aware that open condensed milk can be stored for no more than 5 days.

Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe

To prepare homemade condensed milk, you will need only two ingredients, a pan, a spoon and about an hour and a half time. Milk and sugar should be taken in the following proportions:

  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

When you buy milk, pay attention to the shelf life, it should not be large. Also try to use milk fatter (3.5%), from it condensed milk tastes better.

To make condensed milk, follow these instructions:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan and set on low heat;
  • We heat it almost to a boil and take from the pan about 1 glass of milk;
  • Dissolve all sugar in a hot glass of milk;
  • Pour milk with sugar into the pan and continue to keep it on low heat;
  • Reduce the heat to a minimum when the mass begins to boil;
  • Constantly stir the milk so that it does not stick to the pan;
  • We cook milk until one third of its original volume remains. In this case, condensed milk begins to acquire a creamy tint. To do this, you need from 40 minutes to 1 hour;
  • Pour the condensed milk into a jar and put in the refrigerator for the night.

At first, condensed milk will seem liquid, but after a night in the refrigerator it becomes viscous.

In order for the condensed milk to have a homogeneous mass without lumps, be thick and tasty, you need to know the small secrets of its preparation:

Condensed milk is best boiled in a stainless steel pan: it does not burn in it. If there is no such pan, then use any other pan with a thick bottom;

Instead of sugar, it is best to use powdered sugar, it is from the store, and not homemade. Some housewives believe that the low starch content in powdered sugar gives condensed milk a better consistency;

Condensed milk should be fresh. Do not use sterilized milk, in extreme cases - pasteurized;

Carefully monitor the volume of milk. If you remove the pan from the fire before two-thirds of its part is evaporated, the condensed milk will not be viscous, and if you overexpose it, it will be caramel;

To cook boiled condensed milk, transfer the condensed milk into a jar and tightly close the lid, dip in a saucepan with cold water so that the water completely covers the jar. Put the pot on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Note for 2 hours and after them take out the jar: the boiled condensed milk is ready.

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The first who invented the apparatus for the production of condensed milk with sugar was the North American Gail Borden in 1858. And in 1879 in Russia in a small factory they began to produce condensed milk.

Condensed milk ... Everyone at the mention of this phrase has a tin jar in front of their eyes, in which there is a present treat. For some, these are memories of delicious pastries from childhood, and someone associates condensed milk with the army, where condensed milk was an integral addition to dry rations.

Useful properties and calorie content of condensed milk

The main component is cow's milk and sugar, so condensed milk is a very high-calorie product. It consists of 8.4% of saturated saturated acids, 33% of milk. The moisture content is not more than 26%.

100 grams contains fat (8.7 g), carbohydrates (53 g), protein (7 g), this sweet product is not recommended for people with diabetes, and besides those who follow a diet. The energy value of condensed milk is 330 kcal per 100 g. Of these, 30 kcal - from proteins, 80 kcal - from fats, 219 kcal - from carbohydrates. The good news is that, unlike many goodies, condensed milk is very useful.

The process of converting milk into condensed milk occurs at a temperature of 55-60 degrees, which does not destroy, but rather maintain the maximum number of vitamins, trace elements held in the original product.

Therefore, it is no less useful than whole milk. The only difference is the fat content, the presence of sugar and the fact that condensed milk is better absorbed by the body than whole milk, which contains lactose. Condensed milk can retain its necessary characteristics of trace elements and vitamins for about 1 year.

Real condensed milk replaces dairy products, supplying our body with the necessary substances. Increasingly today, in the production of condensed milk, they depart from stereotypes and prepare it from cheap vegetable oil and non-natural ingredients. Such a product does not bring benefits, but damage to health.

Condensed milk in medicine and cosmetology

If you eat 1-2 tablespoons of condensed milk every day, this helps to strengthen the entire immune system and increases the body's resistance against various diseases.

The minerals and vitamins that are in the composition instantly replenish reserves in the body, which helps to restore strength after intense intellectual or physical work. A large number of balanced salts of phosphorus, which enter the composition of condensed milk, improve the activity of our brain and are responsible for the restoration of blood.

The famous colorist stylist in London, Lea Harrison, often uses condensed milk in her own work. It prevents hair overdrying and softens the scalp better when stained. Few people can afford to be served in a London salon, but everyone can cook a mask.

An excellent product is prepared on the basis of condensed milk, which eliminates peeling of the skin. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l juice of sweet fruits (apple or gooseberry), add 1 tsp. condensed milk. Apply the mass on flaky areas of the face and after 15 minutes. rinse with hot water.

Can condensed milk be consumed while losing weight?

Condensed milk is a bad sweet for the figure. It is not advised to use more than 2 tsp. per day to those who monitor their own weight. Even the fact that milk is its main component does not save the whole situation. It is concentrated in condensed milk and increases its nutritional value by at least 4 times! Also in the product is sugar.

Eating 1 can of condensed milk, you instantly gain 1150 calories, which are not recommended for weight loss. Nutritionists do not recommend eating condensed milk as a separate treat. It would be more correct to add 1-2 tablespoons of condensed milk instead of sugar.

For the manufacture of dietary condensed milk in domestic circumstances, you will need:

Mix everything and cook for about 2 hours. Allow to cool, then refrigerate to thicken. Such condensed milk is less calorie, but it is not as useful as natural.

Good to know

Today you can find a large selection of this delicacy. But how to buy not only mouth-watering, but also a good, high-quality product? Having examined the condensed milk, Rospotrebnadzor found that 85% of the goods were fakes. It turns out that you can make this dairy product without the necessary ingredients - milk and sugar!

Whole milk includes good digestible fat, which gives taste and smell. The composition of the fake includes palm vegetable fat. It almost does not dissolve, but settles on the walls of internal organs, while disrupting the digestive tract, therefore it is very dangerous for any organism. Why add it?

This is beneficial: condensed milk based on palm fat is 2 times cheaper than milk based.

Milk is a seasonal product, which is less in winter. To ensure that production is constantly profitable, the necessary ingredients must always be at hand.

Often nursing mothers are interested in the question of whether condensed milk can be breastfed. Women who gave birth more than 20 years ago are vying to talk about how this product positively affects the production of breast milk. Tea with condensed milk or milk was even recommended in all Soviet maternity hospitals.

But science does not stand still, and today the opinions of doctors and experts on breastfeeding are fundamentally different from the advice that doctors gave 15-20 years ago. Consider the opinions of experts whether it is possible to condensed milk with breastfeeding, how often it can be consumed and what you need to know about this product so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

Types of condensed milk

Manufacturers have taken care of a wide range of condensed milk, and today there are several types of this product. We list the most common types of condensed milk.

What are they used for and how often can they be used by a nursing mother?

  • Condensed milk with sugar is most often used for baking and desserts. This product can be consumed by women on HB, but it is better to abstain in the first three weeks after birth. In addition, breastfeeding experts recommend introducing condensed milk into the diet after fruits and vegetables. Use this product preferably from the second month.
  • Condensed milk with sugar and coffee is used to make a coffee drink. A nursing mother needs to be extremely careful with this product. It is necessary to observe the well-being of the baby. If the child does not have rashes or other reactions, this combination can be used further.
  • Condensed milk with sugar and cocoa for women on HB can be taken no earlier than 4 months, and you also need to monitor the health of the crumbs.

Useful properties

A nursing mother should eat properly, doctors recommend that a woman who is breastfeeding pay special attention to her diet so that both she and the baby get the most nutrients. Before buying condensed milk, a woman should understand how a quality product looks.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. High-quality condensed milk should contain only cow's milk, sugar and water. If the list of components is not limited to this, it is better to refrain from buying a product or look for another one. Often manufacturers add ascorbic acid, sodium or potassium as a stabilizer to the condensed milk. A low-quality product may contain vegetable fats or preservatives.

Fresh and high-quality condensed milk should be white with a light cream tint. Consistency - homogeneous, without lumps and sugar crystals. Too thin condensed milk should also alert buyers.

The peculiarity of this product is that even after processing, useful substances remain in it. These are milk protein, calcium and vitamins D, A, PP, E and B. Unlike marmalade, sweets and other sweets, condensed milk does not have any colorings or flavor enhancers. Also, high-quality condensed milk should not contain yeast, which is also important for nursing mothers.

Possible harm

Nursing mothers need to know a few more facts about this product. In addition to nutrients, condensed milk contains a large amount of sugar. As a rule, doctors recommend limiting sugar intake during pregnancy and lactation.

Weston Price studies have proven the health effects of large amounts of refined foods on adults and children. For example, if a person eats a can of condensed milk (250 g), the body will receive 1200 kcal.

This is too much, especially for a woman who is breastfeeding a baby. Such calorie content is harmful not only because of the negative impact on the baby's health. The figure of the mother who did not come into shape after childbirth will soon also remind herself of herself with extra pounds.

With HB, it is enough for a woman to eat 1-2 tablespoons of this product per day, if you really want sweets. This is due not only to the fact that calorie condensed milk. If the mother often consumes it in large quantities, then this significantly increases the risk of allergies. Concentrated product refers to allergens. If the mother does not control herself, then it is entirely possible that a red rash may appear on the body either in her own or in the child.

HS experts recommend consuming condensed milk in the morning. Then you need not to introduce another product into the diet for a day. If the baby responds normally to the new product, then the condensed milk can be eaten further, but without increasing the dosage.

But what about condensed milk tea?

Many people think that condensed tea can increase lactation. This is not entirely true. Indeed, the amount of milk may increase, but this does not come from condensed milk, but from a hot liquid. In addition, so that there is always enough milk, you need to correctly put the baby to the chest. Night feeding also provides good lactation.

If a woman drinks hot compote or regular tea, the effect will be the same as that of tea with condensed milk. Only in the second case, one should expect an increase not only in lactation, but also in mother's figure. Due to its caloric content, regular consumption of this product can provoke fat deposition.

A nursing mother should not deny herself absolutely everything. If the cravings for sweets are difficult to curb, then 2 tablespoons (but not a can) of this product will do this job perfectly. First of all, a woman should think about the health of her baby and the consequences that her irresponsible actions can provoke.

It is now very difficult to imagine life without everyone’s beloved condensed milk. Despite the fact that it was used most actively among compatriots, in fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating condensed milk belongs to the French confectioner Nicolas Upper, who was the first in the history of culinary to offer an original idea: to store in cans. At first it was just milk, since it was stored in a tin dish longer and did not absorb extraneous odors.

Production process

In the process of production of condensed milk, fatty cow milk is processed at a temperature of about 60 degrees, which allows, on the one hand, to evaporate excess moisture, and on the other hand to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial properties of natural milk. In the process, sugar is added to milk, and condensed milk is obtained, which not only preserves all the beneficial properties of ordinary milk, but is also much better absorbed by the body due to the fact that it does not, unlike ordinary milk. In addition, the shelf life is significantly increased: condensed milk can be stored for about a year, while natural milk can’t stand this much. During the entire storage time, condensed milk retains all useful vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements. Truly high-quality condensed milk acts not only as a good dessert, but also as an excellent substitute for pure dairy products.


For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bpasteurization of milk and its storage in the form of canned food was thought about when an unpleasant case of milk poisoning of children occurred. It was then that the confectioners first thought about how to create such milk that would be a safe and at the same time useful product. In addition, the resulting product had to fulfill a very important function: it should be suitable for use by people who cannot tolerate dairy products.

Only in the middle of the 19th century, the American Gail Borden gave the world the condensed milk that was familiar to us, creating the first apparatus at that time in the world that allowed condensing milk by adding sugar to it. After just a little more than 20 years, a plant was already built and launched in Russia, which produced condensed milk in closed cans. Since then, since 1881, condensed milk has very firmly entered our lives and we cannot imagine a country without this product.

In Belarus, in the city of Rogachev, there is a real monument to condensed milk. This monument was erected when the plant, which produced canned milk, turned 75 years old. The so-called time capsule was put into the base of the monument, which was bequeathed to be opened when the plant celebrates its centenary.

The composition of condensed milk

The main advantage of condensed milk is that it is both a natural and very nutritious product. It is obtained from whole cow's milk, which is subjected to heat treatment to evaporate excess moisture. Despite this, condensed milk retains all the same beneficial properties that natural milk has. Of course, in this case it is necessary to choose an exclusively natural product made from whole milk.

Condensed milk is based on a combination of milk itself and a large amount of sugar, so this is a very high-calorie product that is completely unsuitable for those who are on a diet or follow their diet for medical reasons. Naturally, it should be avoided by those who have diabetes. All the rest can only rejoice that condensed milk is not only very sweet and tasty, but also healthy. Perhaps, it can rightfully be considered one of the most useful and delicious sweets in the world, including due to the fact that children enjoy it with great pleasure.

   The composition of condensed milk (per 100 g)
0.2 mg
0.2 mg
2 mg
B3 (PP) 0.8 mg
0.1 mg
0.4 mg
0.2 mg
29 mg
318 mg
224 mg
69 mg
30 mg
282 mg
124 mg

Calcium contained in condensed milk contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth, supports the normal functioning of cells and strengthens muscles. maintains normal vision and improves its condition. Phosphorus, which is also found in condensed milk, improves brain function and supports the nervous system, and also stimulates the restoration of blood cells.

How to choose the right

In order for condensed milk to bring you exclusively benefits, you need to choose it correctly. Give preference to proven producers, remember that a really good product can’t be cheap, because a lot of milk is needed to produce condensed milk.

Condensed milk is divided into several types:

  1. With the addition of sugar, the popular term “condensed milk” refers to it.
  2. No added sugar, i.e. just concentrated milk.
  3. From pure cow's milk with sugar and (it has a bitter taste).
  4. Condensed milk with cocoa or.
  5. Boiled condensed milk with caramel flavor, which is obtained after heat treatment of ordinary condensed milk.

Modern manufacturers often make condensed milk from vegetable fats with the addition, so be sure to read the composition before buying something.

In terms of medicine

If you consume condensed milk in moderation, about 1 or 2 teaspoons a day, this will be extremely beneficial. The substances contained in the condensed milk help to stimulate the immune system, have a comprehensively positive effect on the body. However, it is important to remember that, like any other product containing sugar, condensed milk causes a sharp jump in blood sugar, gives a surge of energy, which then drops sharply. That is why it is recommended to use it in very metered quantities in order to avoid unpleasant jumps in blood sugar. But if your work is connected with severe intellectual or physical stress, a small amount of condensed milk will only benefit, as it very quickly restores the energy potential of the body, improves performance and, thanks to its taste, improves mood.

Is it possible to eat condensed milk on a diet

Many are interested in whether condensed milk can be on a diet. Unfortunately, despite a wide range of useful properties, condensed milk has been and remains an extremely high-calorie product, which is absolutely contraindicated for those people who are watching their figure or want to lose weight. This is due to the high sugar content in condensed milk, so if you are on a diet, you should pick up some other dessert that contains fewer calories. Of course, if you add a couple teaspoons of condensed milk to yourself, nothing bad will happen. However, a diet usually involves eating a lower amount of calories than the body needs. The body needs about 1400 calories per day, while in a bank of condensed milk they contain 1200, so it is absolutely not suitable for those who are losing weight.

Low calorie condensed milk recipe

However, if you really want to, you can prepare an analog of condensed milk, only from skim milk. This is a good alternative to this product. To create a dietary condensed milk, you must:

  • 150 grams of milk powder;
  • milk with minimal fat content (0.5-1%);
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then simmer on low heat for 2 hours, until the resulting mixture thickens. After cooling, pour it into another container and refrigerate. Naturally, this condensed milk will not be as tasty and definitely not as useful as natural, but it contains much less calories. She will help to cope with the diet for those who love sweets and can not deny themselves for a long time.

Application in cosmetology

It is difficult to imagine, but in fact, condensed milk is often used in cosmetology. For example, one well-known London hairdresser very often uses condensed milk for his work. According to him, the use of condensed milk when coloring hair helps to avoid drying out and serious damage.

Of course, dyeing hair using condensed milk requires a certain skill, but you can make masks from condensed milk even at home. For example, if you are tormented by dryness and peeling of the skin, you can use the following recipe: take one tablespoon of berry or fruit juice, and add 1 tablespoon of condensed milk there. The resulting mass should be applied to those areas of the skin that are particularly affected by dryness and peeling, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse well.

You can even use hair masks based on condensed milk. To do this, you need to take one, grind it in a blender, add a little natural oil, preferably wheat germ oil, one teaspoon, a teaspoon and the same amount of condensed milk. This sweet tasty mixture must be applied to the hair, wrap your head well and warm your hair, you can use a hairdryer. Hold the mask for 30 minutes and then rinse off warm. Hair will be grateful to you.