Making apple juice in a juice cooker. How to cook aromatic juice in an apple juice maker

Not many people know how to make juice in a juicer, and why do it at all. This device has appeared in the ranks of household appliances for quite some time, but has not achieved popularity among housewives. In most cases, this is due to at least two factors.

Firstly, consumers simply do not know all the positive aspects associated with this option of processing fruits, berries and vegetables. Secondly, today many fruits are presented in a wide assortment and are available almost all year round. Thanks to this, it is much easier for people to buy them and squeeze the juice in a mechanical way, without wasting time on a troublesome, as they think, process.

Why use a juicer to make juice?

According to the principle of operation, the juicer is similar to a conventional double boiler. It consists of three parts, which are designed for pouring water, laying food and collecting the finished juice. If we compare the procedure for obtaining a drink using a juicer and a juicer, then many factors speak in favor of the first device:

  • Working with a juicer is easier and more comfortable. It does not make noise, does not spray the product, its parts are not clogged with pieces of pulp.
  • The final drink does not contain sediment, as during evaporation, all particles of pulp are brought to the same state.
  • The finished product does not need additional sterilization. If necessary, you can immediately roll it into cans. And if you want to close freshly squeezed juice for the winter, you need to boil it right after production.
  • The "raw" composition oxidizes very quickly, so you need to either drink it right away or spend time on additional processing. Juice obtained as a result of using the juicer can be stored much longer without negative consequences for its taste and physical properties.
  • Despite the fact that it takes longer to prepare juice in a juicer than with the mechanical processing of components, this process does not require a constant presence. You do not need to add products during the manipulation, they only need to be initially loaded into the desired compartment.

Tip: The pulp left after making the juice should not be thrown away. From it you can make delicious jam or marmalade. In the juicer itself, healthy jelly is made from product residues.

  • Steam-processed juice usually does not even need to be added sugar. It is already sweet and fragrant.
  • A juice cooker does not get so dirty as a juicer. Wash it after use is much easier.
  • The device, if necessary, can be used as a regular double boiler for processing the necessary components for a couple.
  • The finished product has a maximum set of useful components, regardless of what is included in its composition.

Of course, for daily preparation of a small amount of juice it is more convenient and more rational to use a juicer. But if you plan to make a drink for the winter in large quantities, it is better not to come up with a juice maker.

How to organize the process according to all the rules?

The juice preparation procedure begins with familiarization with the instructions that are attached to each unit. If this is not done, you can inadvertently exceed the volumes of water or products, incorrectly set the timers, if any. In addition, it is important to assemble the fixture correctly. It usually consists of three parts, but options are possible.

  1. Wash the selected fruits, clean, remove the seeds, cut out all the damaged parts. It is better not to remove the skins, because they contain many useful components. Large specimens are cut into pieces. We lay out all the blanks in the appropriate department of the apparatus.
  2. When using vegetables, you can sprinkle the semi-finished product with a small amount of salt. If fruits or berries are laid, sugar is added to taste. On average, 1 kg of strawberries or cherries requires no more than 100 g of sugar. Plums, raspberries, apples and pears a couple more tablespoons.
  3. Pour water into the lower compartment of the device, the volume depends on the dimensions of the device. It is not worth filling the container completely; after boiling, it will begin to pour out. Next, close the lid, clamp the device hose and start the device. As soon as the temperature exceeds 70 ° C, liquid will begin to accumulate in the receiver, the level of which must be monitored. After about 30-60 minutes, the tank will be filled only if the components do not differ in dryness and increased density.
  4. Then we take sterile, still warm cans, and gradually fill them from the tank, substituting the hose and unlocking it.

If you use sweet and sour apples, then sugar is better to add, but not more than 100 grams per liter of juice.

Depending on the capacity of the juicer, you need a different number of apples. As a rule, from 2.5 kilograms of prepared apples, about 1.5 liters of juice is obtained.

To prepare a tasty and aromatic drink, we need products on the list. The weight is already peeled and chopped fruit.

Cooking time - 80 minutes.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
  • clove - 1-2 pcs.;
  • water - 2 liters.

How to make apple juice in a juicer for the winter

In the lower compartment of the cooker, pan, pour water based on its capacity, but, as a rule, about 2 liters are enough. We put on the stove, so that by the time the apples are prepared, the water has already boiled. If you are not sure that during this time you can process all the apples, heat the pan a little later.

The apples are very carefully washed. Juice will not be subjected to additional sterilization, so apples should be perfectly washed.

We cut small fruits into 4 parts, large ones into 6-8. Be sure to cut the core with the seeds, if this is not done, then the juice can then be bitter. If apples are bottoms, then we cut off all the wrinkled, spoiled and wormy places. The peel does not need to be removed.

Fill the top bowl of the juice cooker with chopped apples, pouring sugar.

We put half the cinnamon sticks and one or two buds of cloves on top. When the water boils, we put on it a compartment for collecting juice and a bowl of apples. We cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 60-70 minutes. The hose at this time must be blocked by either a tap or a clamp.

During this time, we will prepare jars and lids - carefully wash and sterilize.

To check the readiness of the juice, you can open the lid with fruits, apples should settle and turn into a puree.

We put sterilized jars under the hose, open and drain the juice to the very top of the jar.

We cover the jars with apple juice lids and roll up the key. Then we turn it over the lid and wrap it with a blanket or plaid. The slower the juice cools, the longer the product is sterilized. The cooled cans are stored in a dark, dry place.

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. The issue of healthy nutrition has long become relevant and few people are indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers of utensils and appliances are in constant improvement and strive to meet the needs of consumers.

  Sokovarka and its advantages

Vegetable and fruit juices are included in the daily diet of almost every family. But are packaged juices so useful that fill their supermarket shelves with their rich assortment? It is difficult to call a juice drink a natural and high-quality product. Therefore, it will be much tastier and healthier to have a real one hundred percent juice, which you will make at home. You can make a natural drink using a juicer.

Why choose juice cookers? Working with a juicer is very convenient. It does not make noise, does not clog with fruit pulp and leaves no residue after juice preparation. Juice obtained from a juicer can immediately be rolled up into jars without sterilization and boiling. Fresh juice can be stored for a week in the refrigerator without loss of beneficial properties and quality.

Advantages of a Sokovarka

  • versatility, safety and ease of use
  • juice can immediately be rolled up in jars
  • from the remaining pulp you can make mashed potatoes or marmalade
  • long shelf life
  • a juicer can be used to make some diet foods

  How to boil juice in a juicer

There are many recipes for making juice in a juice cooker and they are all prepared according to the same principle. Sokovarka consists of several containers, which are composed one on top of the other. About three liters of water are poured into the lowest, and vegetables or fruits are poured into the top. the cooker is put on fire, where the water begins to evaporate when heated. Gradually, the steam heats the fruit and they secrete juice, which, on a special tap, enters a separate bowl. Before cooking, berries and fruits should be washed well and stoned. Large fruits are recommended to be cut into several parts. With this heat treatment, vitamins and nutrients are preserved, and the juice is pasteurized. It turns out concentrated and sweet. Sokovarka works silently and does not require control, automatically doing its job.

  Redcurrant jelly

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg red currant
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Pour 2 liters of water into a deep dish, put a juice cooker filled with red currants on top and put on fire. Pour all the sugar into a smaller bowl and place the drain pipe from the cooker there. As a result, you will get more than 1 liter of juice. We put the bowl with sugar on a low fire and dissolve it completely, without bringing to a boil. Jelly is done.

  Plum juice

You will need:

  • 4 kg ripe plums
  • granulated sugar at a rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Sort plums well and rinse. Gently place the berries in a juicer. From 4 kg of plums, approximately 1.5 liters of juice are obtained. Pour sugar into enameled dishes, strictly following the proportions. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve and together with the resulting juice is added to sugar. Bring the whole mass to a boil over low heat. After three minutes, the plum juice with the pulp will be ready, you can pour it into a sterilized dish and roll it up for the winter.

Juice according to this recipe can be consumed in its pure form, but can be used to make compote or jelly.

  Apple juice

You will need:

  • 5 kg of apples are taken to get 3 liters of juice
  • sugar is added to taste

cooking method:

Take ripe tomatoes and rinse well. Before putting them in a pressure cooker, cut them into four parts. Choose more juicy varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then start cooking. Pour juice into prepared dishes and tighten the lids. At the bottom of each container before pouring juice, you can add a sprig of celery. The result is a drink that is not just tasty, but also wholesome and aromatic.

If you want to sweeten the juice a little, then do it at the very beginning. Pour sugar with vegetables and fruits into the top bowl. After cooking, it is better not to add granulated sugar to the juice, as this may violate its sterility.

The residues after apples or tomatoes can not be thrown out. Use them for other dishes, for example apples can be added for toppings, and tomatoes can be used for cooking adjika or lecho.

A rich harvest of apples is at hand not only for gardeners, but also for housewives. There are more apples than ever at autumn fairs this year. Harvesting apples for the winter is, first of all, a jam, delicate apple jam with condensed milk and, of course, natural apple juice.

There are two ways to prepare apple juice for the winter: squeeze or boil in a juicer. Both methods are good, but making juice in a juicer does not require constant presence and participation in the process - they laid apples or berries, turned on the gas and have an hour and a half of free time to do other household chores.

For beginners in this matter, the question is relevant: how to use a juice cooker. It only at first seems to be complicated, but in fact - very fast, simple and convenient.

Cooking apple juice in a juice cooker:

1. Take any juicy apples and wash them thoroughly. Even slightly beaten or “ugly” ones will do - my apples were all like picks.

2. We cut each apple into six parts, cut out the center, spoiled or beaten places. The peel does not need to be removed. We put apples in a juice cooker according to the level in the upper pan.

3. We cover tightly with a lid and put the juice cooker on the fire. Now you can safely do other things, if you are ready (washed and sterilized) cans under the juice juice.

4. After an hour, stir the apples with a spoon to help drain the remaining juice. Then substitute the pan to the faucet of the juice cooker and open it.

5. Ready apple juice to roll in cans for the winter.

6. Try how tender apple juice can be in a juicer! It is perfect for nutrition and babies, and babies, and. Well, adults will also appreciate the natural apple juice.

Enjoy your meal!

The secrets of making apple juice in a juice cooker:

- the apples are cut too finely and it is not necessary to peel the peel - the juicer will perfectly cope with larger pieces in the peel,

- it is better to remove the seeds so that they do not accidentally clog holes in the bottom of the top pot of the juice cooker, through which juice flows into the juice collector a level lower,

- rotten places should be cut so as not to spoil the juice with unnecessary components,

- do not open the tap during cooking - only when the peel and a little pulp remain from the apples - that is, all the juice will be boiled out,

- You can sprinkle apples with sugar at the beginning of cooking if they seem too acidic to you. After boiling in the juice, sugar should not be added, since the finished hot juice is immediately rolled up and not boiled,

- do not worry about the sterility of the juice itself - since the apples are steamed, all microbes die and the juice is immediately ready for rolling,

- the remains of apples can be used for filling in, if you grind them with a blender, adding sugar, raisins and cinnamon.

If the farm has a juice cooker, then it is easy to make natural apple juice and applesauce without sugar for the winter. Homemade juices without chemicals and preservatives - this is so healthy and tasty!

The principle of operation of the juicer is very simple: the water in the lower pan boils, fruits or berries are processed by steam rising up, under the influence of which juice is released. Juice flows into a medium saucepan, and from it into a prepared container.

Sokovark apple juice: a recipe at home

We need ripe apples, about 6-7 kg. It is better to take apples for juice well ripened, sweet, juicy. Wash the fruits thoroughly.

Cut the seed chamber in fruits cut into quarters (unless, of course, you plan to make mashed potatoes from the remains of apples). Otherwise, the seeds can be left.

Pour hot water into the bottom pot of the cooker. There should be plenty of water. During the preparation of juice, make sure that the water does not boil away.

On it, install a juice collector with a rubber hose to output juice.

And finally, the top perforated pan, in which put apples sliced \u200b\u200binto thin slices. Finely chopped fruit will make juice stand out faster and easier. Close its lid. If the apples are small, then it will be enough to cut them into four parts.

Put the juice cooker on the stove turned on and prepare a pan into which the finished juice will merge. When the water boils in the lower pan, reduce the heat to medium. Opening the lid after half an hour you will see that the apples began to darken and became softer.

Gently mix the apples every 20-25 minutes. This will speed up the separation of juice.

After 40-50 minutes, depending on the ripeness and size of the apples, apple juice will begin to form.

While juice stands out - continue to collect it. From a full pan of apples, a small pile of “apple waste” remained. Use them for making applesauce.

Thoroughly rinse the cans or bottles, lids, using soda. Sterilize in a convenient way. Stir the juice in a saucepan and bottle. Cover with lids.

Then you need to sterilize the juice in bottles. To do this, pour water into a suitable pan, put a napkin or small towel on the bottom and place the bottles in it. Close the pan with a lid and sterilize, after boiling, for 15-18 minutes.

Remove the bottles from the pan with a towel and tighten the lids tightly. Put the bottles in a jacket or blanket, wrap them and leave to cool completely.

From the leftovers, cook sugar-free puree. Transfer apples from the juicer to another pan.

Wipe through a metal sieve or punch blenders with a submersible until homogenized.

Transfer applesauce to a cauldron or thick-bottomed stewpan. If the apples are not sweet, then you can add sugar if you wish.

Bring the product to a boil, then reduce the heat to small and simmer the puree for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred so as not to burn to the bottom.

Rinse with soda, sterilize and dry small jars. Put boiling mashed potatoes in them, quickly close the lids.

Put the jars on the juice, cover them with a blanket and leave to cool.

All-natural products - juice and smoothie, tasty and healthy will saturate you with vitamins and give you a good mood!