Make beef balyk at home. Pork balyk

Pork balyk

Pork balyk   a good alternative to any sausage and purchased, smoked and dried meat. Pork balyk is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also will be a delicious and beautiful snack on the festive table.
  At first glance, it might seem that cooking at home is not easy, but it is not. You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. The only thing is that the process of cooking raw meat takes a lot of time. The meat is marinated for two days and only then it is dried for at least one week.

Pork balyk at home   prepared in two ways:

  • The meat is rubbed with salt, pepper and left to marinate for two days. Then wrapped in gauze and hung in a cool, well-ventilated area for two weeks.
  • The meat is also rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices, pickled for two days, and then wrapped in cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator for one week.

To prepare the pork balyk, use soft, boneless pork: without bone,. It is necessary to choose not very thick meat pieces. This recipe can be made balyk   from beef.

Home-made pork balyk recipe

  • Pork tenderloin - 1 piece
  • Salt - tablespoons
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Peppers mixture - 2 teaspoons
  • Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon

How to cook balyk at home

Wash the pork tenderloin, clean from excess fat and all films. Blot with a paper towel.

  Mix salt and spices and grate the meat on all sides. Put the meat in a tray, squeeze it a little along the length, and leave it at room temperature for 2 days. Do not seal tightly, just cover with a lid. While the meat is pickled it must be turned several times, say 3-4 times a day. The fluid that will form must be drained.

On the third day, pat the meat again with paper towels. Wrap in clean gauze, in 3-4 layers, put on a plate (in any flat dish). Put in the refrigerator. Dry the meat for a week.

Turn the meat over once a day and see if the gauze is wet, remove the meat from it, pat it dry with towels and wrap it in new cheesecloth.
  How to store a balyk
Store the finished meat dumpling wrapped in gauze or a paper towel in the refrigerator.

Balyk is salted-cured meat or fish. This dish is considered a delicacy and is served for the holidays. If your family has a fisherman, read how to cook a balyk of fish at home. Master this simple recipe, and on the table there will always be a delicious and healthy snack made from proven fresh ingredients.


Oily fish 1 kg Salt 150 grams Sugar 30 grams

  • Servings Per Container:3
  • Time for preparing:1 minute

Fish Balyk Recipe

What fish are balyks made of? There is no definite answer, it can be salmon or simpler river species. Usually use large and fairly fat carcasses. They are optimally salted, but do not dry out during the drying process. Fishermen recommend silver carp, it is ideal for cooking homemade delicacy.

The secret to success in cooking the balyk is compliance with the technology, then it will not be difficult to prepare a delicate delicacy from any source material.

The main stages of the technology:

  1. Butchering fish.
  2. Pickling.
  3. Dried or cold smoked.
  4. Storage.


  • oily fish;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • favorite seasonings for fish.

150 g of salt and 30 g of sugar are taken per kilogram of fish.


  • thoroughly clean the fish from scales and entrails, rinse well;
  • cut off the head, tail and fins;
  • cut the carcass along the ridge and carefully remove it, then cut it into pieces from 1.5 to 3 cm;
  • mix salt with sugar and sprinkle pieces with this mixture;
  • cover the container with oppression and put it in the cold for 4-6 days;
  • when the salting is over, rinse each piece thoroughly, wrap with gauze and hang in a dark but well-ventilated place for 3-5 days.

Ready balyk can immediately be served to the table or left until the festive event.

How to store balyk from fish at home

To keep food fresh and safe, storage conditions and shelf life should be observed. They will differ depending on the method of preparation and other nuances. The salt used to make this dish is a natural preservative. But she will not be able to extend the shelf life of the product to infinity.

Keep the fresh balyk in the refrigerator by putting it in a sealed container or vacuum bag. This will eliminate odors and extend the shelf life.

Is it possible to freeze a fish balyk? Experts say that this method of long-term storage is possible subject to certain requirements.

How to freeze salted and dried fish:

  • send to the freezer only fresh product;
  • prepare a special container for freezing or vacuum bags;
  • wipe the prepared pieces with a paper towel;
  • place them in a container or bag, remove the air, carefully close and put it in the freezer;
  • it is advisable not to extend the shelf life for more than six months;
  • avoid re-freezing.

In the refrigerator, the balyk can be stored for up to a month. Then it begins to dry out and loses its taste.

The familiar word “balyk”, which is usually used to denote a meat delicacy, originally had a completely different origin. This is the name of the backs of valuable fish species, which were salted, and then dried.

Meat balyk - polendvitsa, is a traditional dish of Polish and Belarusian cuisine. Now this appetizer is prepared from different varieties of meat and poultry, and you can buy it at any supermarket.

But there is no need to overpay. In addition, by preparing a dish at home, you can be completely sure that it does not contain any preservatives or harmful additives. And how to do this, we will definitely tell you.

Original delicacy

Most often, pork is used for balyk. If you want to get beautiful marble pieces, choose a neck with streaks of fat, and for those who prefer a product with a drier consistency, it is worth buying a tenderloin. The finished dish in this case will have a smooth structure and a beautiful mother-of-pearl cut.

For it you will need the following products:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • salt - 600 g;
  • spices: ground black pepper, marjoram, paprika, mustard seeds.

First of all, you need to prepare a mixture in which the meat will be pickled. To do this, mix seasonings with salt. If you want the dish to be more juicy, you can pour a little cognac.

Rinse the meat thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

Grate the tenderloin with the prepared mixture, wrap in parchment and put in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, a certain amount of juice should be allocated, which will need to be removed.

Pork balyk will be cooked very quickly. Already after 14-15 hours the product will be suitable for use. If you notice that there is still a lot of moisture in it, you can thread a rope and hang a tasty piece for several days in a ventilated room. So he will get a little hooked and dry.

Pork in foil

If you prefer thermally processed meat, then the following recipe will come to your aid. For him, in addition to pork tenderloin, you will need:

  • mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth .;
  • seasonings.

Lubricate washed and dried meat evenly with honey and spices, and leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. After that, rub it with plenty of mustard and, garlic crushed with a rolling pin, wrap in foil. Bake in the oven for an hour. A few minutes before the end, open the foil so that a delicious crust appears.

As a result, you will get a great dish that can be served both hot and cold.


You can also cook balyk from beef. But it is worth considering that this will take more time. To make the meat as soft as possible, it is better to choose sirloin, rumps or rump. They have the least connective tissue, which makes it stiff.

In Italy, dried ham is called "bresaola". It is useful in that it contains a small amount of calories, as well as useful substances such as zinc and iron. Such a product is great even for diet food. It is quite possible to cook a similar dish yourself, adhering to the timing of aging (ripening) of meat.


  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 kg;
  • ginger, paprika - ½ tsp;
  • garlic - 4-5 tooth.

Sprinkle the washed piece of beef with salt, put in a deep container and refrigerate for 4-5 days. The juice that will be released during this period needs to be drained. Do not forget to periodically turn the piece over. After 5 days, remove the beef and wash thoroughly from salt.

Wrap a clean piece of gauze, put in a pan under the press and send in the refrigerator for another 2 days. After that, roll the semi-finished product in seasonings and garlic, thread the thread and hang it for another few days.

Tender jerky beef tenderloin can be served as a snack with olive oil and lemon, make original rolls from it, thinly sliced, and also used for pizza and salads.

From the bird

A more budget option is a chicken balyk. But the low price is not its only plus. The poultry meat literally melts in the mouth as a result of cooking. Let’s find out how to make such an appetizer. You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 500-600 g;
  • coarse sea salt - 200 g;
  • spices;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • bay leaf;
  • cognac or vodka - 50 g.

Mix salt with herbs, a mixture of peppers and bay leaves. Add vodka or brandy. Wash and dry the fillet. Pour a layer of spices at the bottom of the container, lay the fillet and sprinkle it abundantly on top. Close with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, take it out, rinse thoroughly, wrap it in parchment or gauze, and keep it in the cold for another 12-24 hours.

Meat and poultry can can be stored for quite some time. And if you are going to use it to prepare other dishes, then you can put it in the freezer. So the product does not deteriorate, and it will be easier to cut into thin slices.

And now we offer you two simple recipes that will help diversify your daily menu and will become a decoration of the festive table.

Carpaccio with sauce

Do not be afraid of the "overseas" name. In fact, under it lies the usual thin slicing of a fresh piece of beef, which is seasoned with an original sauce. And you can make a similar delicacy with your own hand, but from a dried product.

You will need:

  • dried beef fillet - 200 g;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • arugula.

For refueling:

  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp;
  • mustard - ¼ tsp

Cut the balyk and parmesan into thin slices. Place the meat on a plate with an overlap, spread the slices of cheese on top and pour the sauce. For it, mix lemon juice with vinegar, oil and mustard, and mix thoroughly. Serve immediately after cooking.

Italian temptation

This salad will appeal to lovers of light snacks. It goes well with main dishes and does not leave behind a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

It will require such products:

  • beef balyk - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs. (cherry - 5 pcs.);
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • arugula;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • rosemary.

Break the iceberg into small pieces and put in a salad bowl. Grind rosemary in the same way, salt, add a little oil and lemon juice, crush, add to the iceberg.

Cut the tomatoes into large slices or into halves, if it is cherry. Put in a salad bowl, add thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbeef slices, diced feta cheese and arugula. Drizzle with a little oil, add a pinch of salt and mix.

Tender, salted meat is a great alternative to the usual sausages and a wonderful product for slicing to the festive table. And after drying it a little more during the preparation process, you will get an excellent home-made beer snack for gatherings with friends. Enjoy your meal!

Balyk is a dish with a delicate taste and a pleasant smell. The dish was originally made from fish fillet. Now the balyk is made from meat, fish or poultry.

The most important thing in cooking a balyk is its processing. The dish is prepared using smoked, salted and dried. It is this kind of processing that makes it possible to make a balyk. It can be bought at the store, but it is better to do it yourself.

Balyk at home is very easy to prepare. To cook it, you will need to choose the right meat, fish or poultry. The juiciest dish comes from pork. Pork contains fatty streaks that add richness to the dish. Not only meat, but also spices are responsible for taste quality. Properly selected spices allow you to make balyk for every taste.

How to choose meat?

The most important component of the dish is meat. Its quality and quantity affects the final result. It is advisable not to use frozen foods. To prepare, you need a loin. The best option would be the neck, because it has fatty layers. You can take a cut in the cut or filet of the minion. Minion fillet is an expensive product, so it’s easier to get along with the usual fillet part. All products must be fresh.

Beef balyk

This recipe allows you to make a delicious dish at home.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 3-4 days. Must be served chilled.

Pork balyk

Pork balyk turns juicy and tender.


  1. Pork tenderloin.
  2. 0.5 cups of salt.
  3. Spice.

Cooking method:

Chicken balyk

The advantage of this dish is that it can be consumed after 2 days. To make the dish drier, it must be cooked for more than 2 days.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 6 days, but it can be consumed after two days.

Fish balyk

There are many recipes for making a product from fish. Nevertheless, they are similar to each other.

Varieties of fish:

Any other fish that has loin parts from 3 kilograms will do.

Cooking method:

Translated from the Turkic Balyk means - fish. That is why all products that are called balyk mean a fish dish. This dish can be prepared from various commercial fish. Such breeds have differences in fat content, which gives the balyk a delicate taste. Previously, when someone spoke the word balyk, he meant a delicacy, and in our time this word has not lost this meaning. True, now such a delicacy is available to many, and not just to high society, using special shops.

Today, when markets offer a variety of fish species, you can make a balyk yourself at home. Because, this is not a very difficult technology. You can make a balyk from asp, silver carp, carp, pike. The fatter and thicker the balyk, the better it is appreciated. What will be healthier and tastier for breakfast than a made balyk sandwich. Make it very simple. Let's look at cooking a balyk from different types of fish.

We take fresh carp weighing more than 7 kg. Clean the fish from the scales, open its abdomen, remove the entrails, wipe the abdominal cavity with quality, cut off the tail and head. Cut the carcass of the carp prepared in this way, separating the large bones and the spine. Cut the resulting carcass floor into pieces 6–7 cm thick, wash with water, wipe off with salt, and lay the pieces in the dish with the skin down. Then salt dry. Put oppression on the carp from above, cover with a lid and identify in a cold place. Soak salted fish for 5 to 7 days.

Soak the carp in water after salting to reduce the amount of salt. After the fish gets wet, it is necessary to let the water drain, tie the slices with twine and hang in a cool, well-ventilated place. To make the pieces shiny and smooth, they must be pressed. Three to four days after the onset of wilting, put them under oppression, and then hang them again. After about 10 to 15 days, the carp balk is ready. Also, to improve the taste of the balyk, before rubbing the pieces with salt, sprinkle them with sugar. Sprinkle layers of fish laid in enameled dishes with salt without sugar.

Balyk made from asp

An asp is a fish most suitable for balyk and salting. The best balyk succeeds from an asp of 1–3 kg, caught in the autumn. Small specimens for a balyk are not suitable.

The asp needs to be cut (chopped). With a strong and sharp knife, carefully cut the back of the fish along the ridge from head to tail, while working we try not to damage the belly, otherwise all the fat will drain.

Cut one side of the ribs from the spine and deploy in two halves. Carefully remove the insides so as not to damage the bile. The ridge can be cut out at will, or left. Then we remove the gills, wash the fish from the blood and pour it with salt. We use coarse salt, but not iodized. We leave the salted fish for 8-12 hours in a cool place (depending on the weight of the fish).

When ambassador asp in brine, add spices (for example, seasoning for fish), it has all the necessary components. To determine the salt concentration in the solution (brine), you need to lower the raw potatoes there - it should not sink.

Then the asp is washed from excess salt and soaked. Soak a fish weighing 3 kg for about 60 minutes; 1 kg. -120 minutes. In late autumn, asp can be made more salted, in the hot period, soak time is reduced. Then we suspend the fish, so that water comes off, and it should dry out a little. Necessarily (from flies, wasps) we tie gauze soaked in vinegar. may air flow from the fan.

In a slightly dried asp, we put a dill into a sprig of dill, you can still put a chopped clove of garlic, it is a good preservative. Next day we remove the asp in the refrigerator or a cool place, wrapping it with parchment or cotton cloth. At night, putting the spacers, hang out in the wind. For a day, clean again in the refrigerator. We lay out the dry salted fish for an hour in the afternoon in the sun, so that the asp will be oiled. Now balyk can be used as food.

Silver carp balyk

We take out the caught fish carefully, without damaging the gallbladder of the inside. Scales and spikes are not removed. Separate the heads and wash. Then cut off the tail and abdomen. The abdomen must be cut in an arc so that the thickness of the cut along the entire length is approximately the same. Then we cut the fish in rather thick pieces, about the same thickness, at least two centimeters. If the pieces are thin, then they will dry out, and very thick in the middle will begin to sour.

Take a sufficiently large container so that the fish fits in 2-3 layers, but not aluminum !!! Stainless, ceramic or enamel pan. Mix salt with sugar, observing the indicated proportions (10 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar per 1 kg. Fish, put spices to taste), pour this mixture on the bottom with an even layer. From above, we lay pieces of fish tightly to each other, immediately sprinkling them with salt. Tail fins and abdomens lay upside down. Now tightly cover the top with a wooden circle and put oppression. Leave for six days in the refrigerator.

The fish will start up juice, an ace is formed - this is a strong solution of salt and juice. Having taken out of the refrigerator, we wash the fish under running water and wash off the excess salt. Then we hang it on a strong cord, in a draft, wind the fish in gauze, after soaking the gauze with vinegar. After 2-3 days, the balyk can be consumed.

The readiness of the balyk can be checked if it is elastic, and when pressed, moisture does not stand out, but only the fat remains on the fingers.

Pike Balyk Recipe

So, let's begin. The pike must certainly be fresh, otherwise it will not salt out. Pike cut off his head and gutted. No need to remove the scales. We do not wash the fish. Next, cut it along the spine to the tail, make incisions throughout the body without damaging the skin. Incisions are necessary for the best salt in the fish. Then we take coarse salt and lightly, evenly pour the fish with salt. If your pike is quite large, then put a small amount of salt into the incisions. There is no need to overdo it. If there is not enough salt in the pike, the balyk will disappear. If, on the contrary, there is much, it will be extremely salty. The salted balyk must be soaked in water. Then we put the fish in meat to meat and put the backs down into plastic or enameled dishes. That's all for now. It’s worth a rest about twenty minutes.

Then, we hang the carcasses in a cut form with hooks by the tail in the street, in a well-ventilated, and also protected from flies place. The carcasses of the fish should have dried out a little, and they will wind off, remove the dry ones and go to the kitchen. Others let them wait in line. We open the oven and put the carcasses of fish in expanded form on the grill, with the scales to the bottom. Turn on the gas and close the door. Although we do not close tightly.

We save a centimeter gap by putting something fireproof between the oven and the door. Turn on the hood above the stove. The hood is needed for two reasons. The first reason - without it, your kitchen will quickly turn into a sauna, (it will be hot). The second reason - there is a chance, choked with saliva, from the smell of a balyk that is being prepared. Everything! left to wait. This is approximately five to nine hours, depending on the size of the carcasses and on the heat in the oven. When the meat on the carcasses of the fish becomes yellowish - your balyk is ready!