Jelly fruits. Fruit jelly

Hello dear readers! It's no secret that almost every woman loves sweets. However, every piece of dessert eaten can adversely affect the figure, so many girls, adhering to the diet, completely deny themselves the pleasure of eating sweets. The consequence of such a strict restriction can be a significant deterioration in mood, because sweets stimulate the production of endorphins, as well as fatigue due to the fact that the amount of substances that it needs to receive energy is reduced in the body.

Therefore, even on a diet, a woman should consume light carbohydrates in moderation. The best option is to cook fruit jelly yourself at home with gelatin.

Gelatin Jelly

Milk jelly with fruit

To make 1 serving, you will need:

  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • 200 grams of milk;
  • 20 grams of honey;
  • favorite fruits.

Dessert preparation:

  1. Gelatin is poured into half the volume of milk for swelling.
  2. At this time, over a quiet fire, the remaining milk, mixed with honey, is heated. Make sure that the liquid does not boil. Stir the mixture until all the honey has melted.
  3. Swollen gelatin granules are transferred to hot milk.
  4. Washed and sliced \u200b\u200bfruits are laid out according to forms.
  5. After the granules dissolve, the liquid is poured into molds.
  6. The dessert is cooled in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes.

According to this recipe, I usually make milk-fruit jelly with apples, since with them the dish turns out to be the most low-calorie.

Tasty jelly ... this is certainly wonderful, but what about the whole?

Sour Cream Jelly

It is necessary:

  • 400 milliliters of sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 45 grams of gelatin;
  • 1 apple
  • 200 grams of strawberries.

Sour cream and fruit jelly is prepared very simply:

  1. Gelatin is poured with water in accordance with the instructions. After the granules swell, they must be dissolved in a water bath.
  2. Sour cream is actively whipped with sugar.
  3. Gelatin is gently mixed with sour cream.
  4. Strawberries are washed under running water, peeled, dried, cut into medium-sized pieces. The apple is peeled, cut into small pieces.
  5. In the form, the dessert is laid out in layers: fruit and berry slices, sour cream, fruits, again sour cream filling.
  6. The jelly is cooled in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

When I use this recipe to make jelly sweets, the following tips help me:

  • low-fat sour cream will beat much easier, moreover, the dish will be more healthy;
  • for sugar to dissolve quickly, all ingredients must be at room temperature;
  • you can get an air souffle only with a mixer or whisk.

Fruit Juice Jelly Dessert

To make jelly, you need:

  • 2 cups fruit juice;
  • 25 grams of gelatin;
  • dessert spoon of sugar.

How to make a juice dessert:

  1. The juice is mixed with gelatin, and then left for 60 minutes to swell the gelatin granules.
  2. Then granulated sugar is poured into the liquid.
  3. The capacity is installed in a water bath. The liquid should be constantly mixed until the gelatin granules and granulated sugar are completely dissolved.
  4. Jelly is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

I usually supplement this recipe with fruit cut into small pieces. To do this (before pouring the jelly juice into the molds), I put a small amount of fruit in them. This jelly looks beautiful on the table, if it is previously removed from the mold. For this, the form should be placed in hot water for a few seconds, and then turn it over on a saucer - the dessert will pop up itself. This dish will be a great treat for children.

And the kids love ice cream. Read how you can easily and simply cook healthy.

Jelly treat from fruit and berry puree

To make mashed jelly, you will need:

  • 100 grams of your favorite fruit or berries;
  • 40 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams of gelatin.

Step-by-step method of preparation:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in cold water.
  2. Selected fruits and berries are washed, peeled, and then rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender. The resulting mixture is diluted with a small amount of water, sweetened with sugar and brought to a boil.
  3. Gelatin granules are transferred in the puree and completely dissolved in it.
  4. The prepared liquid is poured into molds, left until the dessert acquires room temperature, and then transferred to the refrigerator.

I like to make fruit and berry jelly in layers. To do this, I wipe several types of mashed potatoes that differ in color. Then, first, pour one color into the molds, cool it in the refrigerator, lay out the next shade, and I do this with all prepared types of mashed potatoes.

Gelatin not only helps make delicious diet meals, but also serves as an excellent foundation.

Jelly cake with fruit, cottage cheese and sour cream

You will need:

  • 450 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • 400 grams of non-grained curd;
  • 4 dessert spoons of gelatin;
  • a dining spoon of cocoa;
  • a small amount of favorite fruit;
  • 3 tablespoons of dark red juice;
  • a small amount of powdered sugar.

The technology of preparation of cottage cheese and fruit cake at home:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in an incomplete glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Curd is mixed with sour cream and powdered sugar.
  3. Swollen gelatin granules are dissolved in a water bath, and then the liquid is introduced into the curd cream mixture.
  4. The resulting mass is divided into 3 identical parts. Cocoa is added to one of them, juice to the second, and the third remains white. Instead of juice and cocoa, food coloring can be used.
  5. 4 dining spoons of a white souffle pour into the center of the detachable form. It is not necessary to level it all over the bottom of the form. As much pink cream is poured into the white center, and chocolate cream onto it. In this order, the form is completely filled out.
  6. Fruit pieces are immersed in the last layer.
  7. The cake is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours until completely solidified.

As a decoration when serving such cooked treats, I use fruit syrups or jams.

If you want to know how to make strawberry jelly, watch the video:

Compote jelly sweets

It is necessary:

  • 70 milliliters of water;
  • 400 milliliters of peach compote;
  • 2-3 canned peaches;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • a tablespoon of gelatin.

To make jelly from compote, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Gelatin is poured with water at room temperature. It is advisable to let the gelatin granules infuse for an hour.
    2. Compote is heated to 80 degrees.
    3. Peaches are cut into small pieces.
    4. Gelatin granules are mixed with compote. The mixture is mixed until all the granules have dissolved.
    5. The resulting liquid is laid out in tins. Each of them contains several peach slices.
    6. After the molds have cooled, they must be sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Agar agar grape jelly

To prepare, you need:

  • bunch of grapes;
  • a small amount of sugar;
  • agar agar;
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Compote is made from grapes. To do this, all the grapes are placed in water and brought to a boil. The resulting liquid is simmered for 5 minutes.
  2. Sugar is poured into the compote.
  3. Of the total volume of compote at room temperature, 1 cup is cast, in which agar-agar is stirred. I usually pour a glass of compote through a fine sieve so that the jelly is mouth-watering and transparent.
  4. While agar-agar swells, the rest of the compote is filtered.
  5. Then both liquids are mixed together, put on a quiet fire and boil for 5 minutes. During this time, agar-agar should completely dissolve.
  6. The strained grapes are distributed in tins, and then they are poured with compote. After dessert reaches room temperature, it is transferred to the refrigerator.

According to the presented recipes, you can cook delicious low-calorie desserts that will appeal to both adults and children. Such treats will be an excellent option for girls who adhere to the diet menu. To further reduce the calorie content of sweets, I usually use a sweetener - it turns out delicious and healthy!

If you liked the described recipes, and want to get more useful information about dietary dishes, I advise you to subscribe to blog updates, as well as recommend your favorite articles to friends on social networks. Goodbye, dear readers!

Fruit jelly at home with gelatin takes my rightful place among others. This dessert perfectly refreshes and looks delicious on the festive table. The peculiarity of this dessert is that any berries and fruits can be used to make jelly.

As a basis, they usually take various juices, compotes or dairy products. I used to tell you, but today I will tell you how to make jelly from gelatin and juice. For the recipe, I used cherry juice, but any other will do. You can combine several types of drinks and fill them with layers in several stages.


  • 400 ml cherry juice
  • 4 tsp instant gelatin
  • 100 g of cherries and berries for decoration

How to make fruit jelly at home with gelatin:

There are several types of edible gelatin: ordinary, leaf and instant. If you will make jelly from ordinary gelatin, then you must first soak it in cold water. For one pack weighing 15-25 g, you need 50 ml of water. Pour the powder with it, mix and leave to swell for 1 hour.

Sheet gelatin must also be soaked in cold water (the amount does not matter) for 3-5 minutes and then squeezed.

Instant gelatin powder is most convenient to use. Therefore, today we will prepare jelly from fruit juice and gelatin, which does not need to be pre-soaked.

Pour fruit juice into a saucepan or ladle and put on fire. When the juice becomes hot, add instant gelatin to it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of liquid.

   Attention! In no case do you need to bring the juice to a boil. Only heat to about 55-65 degrees. If the gelatin is poured into boiling water, it will lose all its gelling properties, and the jelly will not freeze in the end!

Thoroughly mix the ingredients with a whisk so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, following the recipe for jelly from gelatin at home. If you suddenly find insoluble granules of gelatin, be sure to strain the mixture through a fine sieve.

Next, prepare the dishes for jelly. You can use glass goblets, cups, transparent cups, or silicone molds. At the bottom, pour some fruit or berries. I used cherries, red and black currants.

Pour fruit with fruit juice and gelatin.

Cover the fruit jelly with homemade gelatin with cling film and put in the refrigerator. After about 1-2 hours, the jelly will harden and be ready for use.

Fruit jelly with gelatin is not a dish that I cook every day, because normally I somehow make everything ready-made jelly from bags. You too? But sometimes I want something unusual and non-standard, and then ... The composition of fruit jelly in this case depends on what I have at hand.

In general, I would single out at least two groups of fruits: fresh and canned. Fresh can be ordered in different ways: it is better to squeeze juice out of citrus fruits and apples, and smooth out all kinds of mangoes, peaches and apricots. In canned foods, it is rational to use syrup for gelling, and leave whole fruit slices in it. Naturally, you can mix freshly squeezed juices with syrups. In this recipe I will show two-layer jelly, without mixing, it’s even more beautiful.

It is also important to remember that there are fruits that cannot be gelled. It is fresh pineapple and kiwi. From them it makes no sense to make that juice, that of mashed potatoes. And even if you put a puck in jelly from other fruits, they will dissolve it around you. Canned pineapples do not do this, they can be gelled.

So, prepare fruit jelly with gelatin at home ...

First, pour the syrup from the can and measure how much we have it. I had about 200 ml.

Squeeze somewhere twice as much fruit juice. I brought the figure to 500 ml, purely so that it was more convenient to calculate gelatin.

Now a little theory. Sweet liquids are heavier than unsweetened ones. Therefore, the syrup really pour in a separate layer on the bottom of the glass, and the juice - on top. It is impossible to do the opposite when the lower layer is not frozen - the syrup will pass through the juice and lie on the bottom. Those. if you want to make jelly where the transparent syrup layer is at the top and the opaque from the juice is at the bottom, you will first have to let the lower unsweetened harden, and only then pour the top sweet. But the pair “sweet at the bottom - not sweet at the top” can be poured immediately, and they will not mix.

We calculate the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Since there may be some amount of liquids that is inconvenient for calculations without a residue, keep in mind the following rule: for the lower, more sweet layer, you should take more gelatin than normal, and for the upper, unsweetened, CAN be less. Those. I have 3 sheets of gelatin on the bottom layer for 200 ml of syrup, and 5 sheets on the top for 500 ml of juice.

Soften gelatin in cold water according to the instructions on the package (normal - 5 minutes). Each liquid has its own portion of gelatin, but then how to divide it?

Wring out the excess liquid and melt the gelatin at the minimum microwave power in series of 15 seconds. Twisted for 15 seconds, mixed, if the gelatin did not completely dissolve - another 15 seconds twisted. In no case do not overheat! Gelatin should dissolve completely and turn into a clear liquid.

In warm gelatin in small portions with continuous stirring, pour the syrup. Not vice versa, it is the syrup in gelatin. If you do the opposite, then the warm gelatin in a colder liquid will harden itself, and not bind it.

We do exactly the same with juice: slowly pour juice into warm gelatin, stirring it all the time.

If canned fruits were large pieces, then cut them into smaller ones. Here I took 4 halves of canned peaches for 4 cups of jelly, i.e. total - 3 whole peaches.

We spread the fruit slices to the bottom of the glass cups and pour them with syrup with gelatin so that the fruits are completely covered.

Pour juice with gelatin over a spoon. If suddenly someone does not know how it is "on a spoon" - its tip rests against the wall of the glass somewhere on the same level with the surface of the lower liquid and begins to pour a thin stream into the upper spoon in a thin stream. As a new liquid level rises, the spoon is gradually raised up.

We place fruit jelly with gelatin in a cold place and let it freeze. For about 6 hours, it grasps even simply in a cold room, in the refrigerator - faster.

Enjoy your meal!

Different desserts are especially popular in every family. Both adults and children are happy to eat them, but the beneficial qualities of such dishes often leave much to be desired. After all, purchased sweets have a lot of chemicals in their composition: dyes, preservatives, flavorings, etc., which can adversely affect the activity of organs and systems. But delicious and healthy desserts can be prepared at home. Let's talk on about how fruit jelly is prepared, a recipe for gelatin and fruit is given. How to make it at home?

Fruit jelly made from gelatin and fruits (fresh apples and cherries)

To prepare such a delicious and healthy dessert, you need to prepare one medium apple, fifteen cherries, six leaves of mint, a couple of tablespoons of gelatin. You will also need one hundred milligrams of sugar, half a liter of water, a tablespoon of white sweet wine and half a lemon.

First peel the apple and chop it into small pieces. Boil water in an enameled saucepan, dissolve sugar in it. Squeeze out three to four tablespoons of juice from the lemon and add to the syrup. Pour a tablespoon of wine there and add apples. Simmer on low heat for five minutes. Of course, if jelly is intended for children, wine should be excluded.

Remove the apples from the syrup, put them in prepared tins. Remove the seeds from the cherries and place the cherries in a second layer after the apples.

Soak the gelatin with cold boiled water, observing a ratio of 1: 6. After swelling, combine this mixture with chilled syrup, mix. Pour fruit in molds with such a liquid, add mint leaves to them and send to the refrigerator. The jelly should set in a half to two hours.

In order to remove the jelly from the molds, just dip them in boiling water for a couple of seconds and turn them on a plate. The finished dish can be poured with berry syrup (cold) or ice cream.

How to make fruit jelly at home from oranges

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple of oranges, one glass of sugar, a couple of glasses of water and a tablespoon of gelatin. You will also need a little citric acid.

Remove the zest and peel from the oranges, and chop the flesh into thin slices, remembering to remove the grains. Sprinkle the prepared fruits with half a glass of sugar and leave for half an hour in order to get orange juice. Boil the water with the remaining sugar and orange zest. Next, cool the syrup a little, inject the swollen gelatin into it (it must first be soaked) and stir until completely dissolved. Then mix orange juice and citric acid into the syrup. Strain the resulting liquid and fill it with half of the molds. Place the slices of orange on top and fill them with the remaining jelly. Refrigerate until frozen. In the same way you can make mandarin oranges.

Cherry jelly

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare a couple glasses of cherries, half a glass of granulated sugar and a half glass of water. You will also need half a tablespoon of gelatin.

Ripe cherries should be rinsed with cold water. Next, throw it in a colander and remember it well with a spoon. Collect the resulting juice. Pour the cherry mass with water, bring to a boil and strain. Dissolve sugar, swollen gelatin and collected cherry juice in the finished broth. Get the gelatin completely dissolved, then pour the syrup into molds and refrigerate in the refrigerator.

Melon Jelly

To prepare a surprisingly fragrant and delicious jelly, you will need half a kilogram of melon, half a liter of water and half a glass of granulated sugar. Also prepare a couple tablespoons of gelatin and a couple tablespoons of lemon juice.

Rinse the melon, peel and grains, and then squeeze the juice from it. Put water on the fire, boil it and dissolve sugar in it. Next, add melon juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice and swollen gelatin to the resulting syrup. Stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate until completely frozen.

Strawberry Jelly with Champagne

This recipe for fruit jelly at home can be prepared and tasted only by adults. To make such a delicious dessert, you should prepare three hundred grams of strawberries, three hundred milliliters of champagne, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, ten to twelve grams of gelatin and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

First, soak the gelatin in lukewarm water for forty minutes. Heat champagne with sugar, as well as with lemon juice, to eighty degrees (no more). Add squeezed gelatin to this mixture and dissolve it with constant stirring. Cool the prepared solution.
Arrange the strawberries in baking tins, pour the prepared jelly and place in the refrigerator for at least four hours until completely frozen. In the same way, you can make jelly with pineapple.

Fruit jelly with fruits (mashed raspberries, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries)

To prepare such a dish, prepare one hundred grams of fruit. You can use raspberries, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. You will also need forty grams of sugar, five grams of gelatin and fifty grams of cream. Sort the fruits and wipe them through a sieve or grind with a blender, combine them with some water, add sugar to the container and bring to a boil. Next, add the swollen gelatin to the hot mixture. Next, cool the jelly and pour it into molds. Leave in the refrigerator until completely cooled.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Easy cooking, using only natural and healthy ingredients, original look - all this jelly  homework. You will also need jelly recipes if you want to make an extraordinary cake or pastries. Jelly is a bright, tasty and extraordinary dessert of a gelatinous appearance, which is obtained due to the presence of pectin in the ingredients, or the use of gelatin. The base of jelly can be different, it gives the predominant taste of jelly. The most common fruit jelly. The gelatin-free fruit jelly recipe uses apples, since it is these fruits that contain a lot of pectin, which causes the jelly to freeze. In other cases, gelatin, pectin or agar is added. Delicious fruit jelly, this is jelly from currants, jelly from orange juice, jelly from raspberries. Sometimes a dessert such as fruit in jelly is also served. You can also make fruit jelly from jam. From fruits, as a rule, transparent jelly is obtained. This is not the case when preparing sour cream jelly, curd jelly, milk jelly or chocolate jelly. Milk jelly, sour cream jelly is prepared from the same gelatin, which is used to prepare other types of jelly. Making milk jelly or jelly with sour cream is just as simple: soak the jelly, add it to warm boiled milk, stir, add vanillin, and set it to freeze in a cold place. How to harden - your milk is ready jelly. The gelatin recipe is one of the fastest and most affordable; gelatin hardens faster than, say, agar. By combining several multi-colored jellies, you can prepare a jolly jelly broken glass. It can be fruit jelly of various colors and milk jelly. Glass is just like real glass, it is very tasty and the kids really like it.

A common question is how to make gelatin jelly. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the proportions. For 1 part of gelatin, 8-10 parts of water should be taken. After the jelly hardens, the excess water should be drained. If you are interested in how to make homemade jelly, the video will be a good tip. There are other nuances of how to make jelly. Do not use aluminum cookware. Another secret is how to cook jelly at home without lumps: the bottom of the dishes for gelatin should not be cold. And when the jelly hardens and you need to take it out of the dishes, put the dishes in hot water for a few seconds, then put them on a cold plate jelly. A recipe with a photo will show you how to do it. Choose the appropriate recipe and see how to make homemade jelly, photos and comments are attached. Delicious homemade jelly can also be made from agar. The recipe is similar, but agar should be taken 2 times less than gelatin. Finally, it should be noted that jellies are good for the body. Gelatin is good for joints, and pectin and agar are excellent intestinal adsorbents.

Mousse - the recipe that was presented to us, again, by the French confectioners. "Mousse" is translated as foam, and the preparation of mousse, in essence, boils down to whipping the various ingredients into a foamy state. With jelly mousse, the use of gelatin or pectin, which fixes the foam, is related. Although some mousses are also prepared on the basis of egg whites, sticky semolina. Mousses are also fruit and milk. Cranberry usually cooked mousse, apple mousse, strawberry mousse, curd mousse, chocolate mousse. Fruit mousses are the most healthy. They can be made very light, but if you use cream, butter, they will be more satisfying. It is also important that the mousses are very colorful, look very bright and festive. For example, chocolate mousse is a recipe that can be cooked extraordinary by decorating it with berries, nuts, candied fruits. Having spent quite a bit of time and learning how to make mousse, you will close the question of a quick and tasty dessert. It will also be useful for you to learn how to cook mousseif you are planning a buffet or sweet buffet. This portioned dessert seems to be created for such feasts. And of course, you can cook healthy baby mousses. Recipes with photos will reveal to you all the secrets of cooking delicious and beautiful mousses.