Roasting champignons. Fry delicious champignons

17.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Frying mushrooms is a simple procedure, which, unfortunately, is most often performed incorrectly by housewives. During the frying of mushrooms, namely -, one should take into account several nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

How to fry fresh mushrooms in a pan?

If you use purchased mushrooms for food, then there is no need to boil them before cooking. Mushrooms should also not be washed. The fact is that the structure of the mushroom pulp resembles a sponge, which willingly absorbs all moisture, and then, during frying, lets it into the pan. As a result, the mushrooms are not fried, but stewed. To prevent such a blemish, before cooking, we clean the mushrooms with a soft brush, napkin or cloth, so the champignon will be freed from excess dust and dirt.

Peeled mushrooms cut into plates. In this form, they can already be served to the table, since mushrooms grown on mushroom farms are safe and tasty in their raw form, but since we decided to figure out exactly how to fry the mushrooms correctly, we put the frying pan with oil on the fire and proceed to cooking. As soon as the oil is warmed up (for frying, you can use both butter, vegetable, or olive oil), the mushrooms can be laid out in a pan and fry in small portions until the moisture evaporates. It is batch cooking that will help us to fry, and not stew or boil mushrooms in our own juice.

How much mushrooms should be fried is determined by the size of the mushroom itself. Usually the whole process, from the moment the fungus is laid until it is ready, takes 10-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, for a creamy taste, mushroom roasting can be flavored with a piece of butter. It will take about a similar period of time to fry boiled mushrooms, and exactly twice as much to cook pre-frozen champignons.

How to fry mushrooms champignon with potatoes?

The dispute over roasting potatoes with mushrooms divided the culinary specialists into two militant camps: some argue that both products can be cooked at the same time, while the second insist on separate roasting of each ingredient. Household disputes can take more than one hour, but the truth will be for fans of separate cooking products. The reason for this lies in the fact that mushrooms give off a lot of moisture when frying, which prevents the formation of the beloved golden crust on potato slices, so get two pans and start cooking.

Melt a piece of butter in one pan and put the mushrooms in it. Fry potatoes in vegetable or olive oil. Once the excess moisture leaves the mushroom, it can be seasoned to taste, fried until golden brown and mixed with potatoes. How long to fry with potatoes depends on the readiness of the potato itself, but usually it takes no more than a couple of minutes until the aromas of the ingredients mix.

How to fry mushrooms with onions?

When frying onions with mushrooms, it is also better to use a separate cooking method. So the onion rings will become golden and soft. So, after the mushrooms are peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bin plates, they can be laid out in a pan with butter. Season mushrooms you can at the very beginning of cooking, as the salt well draws excess moisture.

Onion cut into rings. For frying, you can use simple onions, shallots, leeks or even fennel, as well as their mixture. After the onion has become soft and transparent, you can sprinkle it with a pinch of sugar so that the onion rings acquire a golden caramel hue. We mix the already prepared mushrooms with onions together and continue cooking for a couple of minutes, to combine the flavors. At the same stage, onion and mushroom roasting, you can add finely chopped or minced garlic, fresh or dried thyme or rosemary.

First I want to tell you about the benefits of these mushrooms. This is a low calorie product. Fresh mushrooms have just 27 calories. Fried contain a little more - 47 calories per 100g.

This product belongs to vegetable proteins. Since 100 g contains 4.3 g of protein and only 1 g of carbohydrates and fats. The low calorie content of the product is due to its content of up to 92% water. Therefore, everyone who sits on a carbohydrate-free diet can safely cook them

While the potatoes are fried, you can prepare the mushrooms. Cut into small slices. Look at the potatoes, the sizes should be about the same. We also need onions. Chop it in half rings, then put it together with the mushrooms in another pan. Fry foods for about 15 minutes.

Look at the bow as soon as the golden color appears - the mixture is ready. Mushrooms with onions must be added to the finished potatoes. We mix everything, set the fire to a minimum and season with cream or mayonnaise. I usually take about 200 ml of cream. A mayonnaise is put to taste, usually about 100 g. Fry with mayonnaise, or with cream, leave to simmer for another 5 minutes.

Frozen champignons can also be fried with potatoes. Here the roasting order will already be different. Preheat the pan, pour a couple of spoons of vegetable oil into it. Lay out the mushrooms and fry them for 10-15 minutes. While they are fried, peel the potatoes, cut them into strips. Add to the mushrooms, fry until the potatoes are fully cooked. Do not forget to constantly stir the products. As a rule, after 20-30 minutes the dish is ready.

For clarity, here's another good video:

How to fry mushrooms with onions in a pan

Mushroom grill with onions perfectly complements meat dishes and warm salads. As well as a variety of side dishes. It can be an independent dish. The recipe is pretty simple. For him we need:

  • champignons - 500-700 gr.;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • salt;
  • black pepper, other spices to taste;
  • refined oil;

Products must be washed and dried before cooking. Cut the mushrooms as you like - they can be large or small slices. Onions should be cut in half rings. Warm the pan, pour refined oil on it. Champignons are laid out first. They need to be fried for 5-7 minutes, until a golden crust appears.

Then the fire decreases, the onion is laid out. Stir frying constantly. After a few minutes, the onion will acquire a pleasant golden hue. A couple of minutes before cooking, you need to pepper and salt the dish. At the end, you can add sour cream or cream. Put out another 5 minutes.

If the champignons were frozen, take the middle head of onion half a kilo of the product. It is fried in a pan until it becomes golden. Then add mushrooms and fry for another 15 minutes until fully cooked.

You can give the dish a delicate creamy taste with butter or cream. Also, cream cheese will give a special piquancy to the dish. You need to add these ingredients in the last couple of minutes of cooking. Try it, you get a very delicate taste.

How to cook mushrooms with sour cream in a pan

Mushrooms with onions in sour cream is a simple, but very hearty and healthy dish. Keep in mind that the dish will have a richer mushroom taste if the pieces are larger. If the mushrooms are small in size, you can not cut them, but fry them whole.

We will need 400-500 gr. mushrooms and 1 onion. A few spoons of sour cream, a couple of spoons of vegetable oil. Salt and spices to your taste.

So, wash and dry the product. Cut as we like, I cut mushrooms into 4 parts. Heat the pan, pour the vegetable oil and spread our slices. Fry them for at least 10 minutes. The reference point is the liquid, it should evaporate all. We cut onions not in half rings, but in cubes. Add to the frying. Pour sour cream or mayonnaise there. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer our mixture for 10-15 minutes without a lid.

In the process of frying, 1 tablespoon can be added to the mushrooms. flour. Then, if you cook them with cream, the sauce will be thicker. You can add greens - 3 tbsp. chopped parsley or 1-2 tbsp. dill. To decorate the finished dish, you can use cilantro.

At the end of cooking, you can squeeze a clove of garlic. If you want to cook julienne, then put the finished dish in pots. And bake literally 15 minutes in the oven. Serve it with table white wine.

On a note:   Some housewives add whipped yolk to the finished mixture. This is done in order to get rid of the sour taste of sour cream. The dish will be even tastier if, at the end, add grated cheese to it. And leave in the pan until it melts.

When you smell fried mushrooms, I remember how my dad and I went mushrooms. You walk through the woods, inhale the pine aroma of trees, lush grass, moss. This is awesomely great.

How do you cook mushrooms? Perhaps you have some interesting recipes. Let's share the secrets of making champignons. Do not forget about the updates. Bring friends and share links. Always glad

Champignons are common and off-season mushrooms, and therefore very popular. Cooking them is a pleasure. No boiling, soaking, long washing from sand and mandatory cleaning. But there are some peculiarities. I offer you a small educational program on the topic "How to fry mushrooms with onions in a pan" and a step-by-step recipe with a photo to it in addition. Try to cook these "cultural" mushrooms according to these tips. I am sure the result will pleasantly surprise you.

  • Small mushrooms can be fried whole. Large - it is better to cut into 2-4 parts or chop with moderately thin plates.
  • When washed, champignons absorb a significant amount of moisture. Therefore, it is not recommended to wash them for a long time. Heavily contaminated mushrooms should be cleaned from a thin top layer with a knife or hands. Small dirt on the hats is easily cleaned by the hard side of the sponge. Mushroom legs also need to be scraped.
  • Small champignons with a “closed”, rounded hat will not darken after frying. To prevent large mushrooms from becoming dark gray, carefully remove the plates with a teaspoon.
  • Salt and season the champignons, preferably at the end of cooking. In the process of heat treatment, they are significantly fried, so you can evaluate the real volume of the dish only 1-2 minutes before being ready.
  • To achieve a golden crust, first evaporate the liquid from the mushrooms. To do this, put them on a dry pan with a thick bottom. Cook over medium heat, stirring. When excess moisture is gone, fill in oil. At the same time, it is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid, so as not to slow down the process of water evaporation.
  • These mushrooms are “friends” with garlic, black pepper, dill, basil and other spices. They are also often seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Pre-boiling is not required. It is advisable to start cooking immediately after cutting. Prolonged contact with air is undesirable.
  • Due to different cooking techniques, onions and champignons are usually fried simultaneously in separate pans or in the same dishes, but alternately. They do the same with potatoes: fry them until cooked, mix with fried mushrooms.
  • At the end of the roasting, you can add sour cream mixed with a small amount of water, a cream of medium fat content to the dish. Dairy products will give it a delicate taste. Do not boil the sauce so that it does not curl. Warm the mushrooms over minimal heat, stirring occasionally. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan from the stove. Let the dish stand under the lid for 7-10 minutes.

Rosy fried mushrooms with onions

List of ingredients:

How to deliciously fry mushrooms with crispy onions in a pan (step by step simple recipe with photo):

Select strong, resilient, small mushrooms. Inside the hat should be pinkish (beige). Dark brown flesh indicates overriding. Clean the remaining soil with a new dishwashing sponge. In extreme cases - quickly rinse with water and discard the mushrooms in a colander. Then pat dry with a towel.

As I already wrote, basically 2 methods of frying mushrooms with onions are used. The first uses 2 pans. In the second - one, but the products are not prepared simultaneously, but in turn. Use the optimal one. Thinly chop the onion into halves or quarters of the rings. Heat up some of the oil. Sauté the onion until a light ruddy color.

Cut the champignons as needed. Small can fry whole, they will turn out juicier and tastier. Put them in another skillet. If there is no separate utensil, transfer the fried onions with butter to a bowl. Wash the pan and put the mushrooms in it. Send to medium heat.

  1. Champignons in creamy milk sauce
  2. 400 g champignon, "/ 2 cups of milk sauce," / g cup of cream, 2 cm. tablespoons butter, salt, pepper.

    Mushrooms are cleaned, washed, cut, salted, sprinkled with pepper. Pour in equal amounts of milk sauce and cream, add oil. In a sealed container, bring to readiness over low heat (minutes 15-20). Seasoned with lemon juice.

  3. Cooking fast, 30 minutes
  4. mushrooms do not need to be cooked until cooked, they can be eaten raw ...
  5. champignons quite quickly - 5-10 minutes. Some eat raw ... Depends on where they grew up. If they were collected near the cities in landings along the roads, it is better to put out longer. very strongly absorb any chemical infection!
  6. Mushrooms accumulate something in themselves .... where did someone grow them ... boil .. change the water and boil in another ... 20 minutes ... drain the water ...

How long is the stew of champignons? And what do you cook from them? Tell me while they stew there!

  1. Stew quite a bit, 15-20 minutes. In general, they can even be eaten raw. Champignons, actually, I don’t really like. I prefer real mushrooms. But when there is no way out, I cut them, throw them in a frying pan with well-heated butter, along with onions, salt, fry a couple of minutes, pour cream (you can sour cream) and stew for another 10-15 minutes. Add to salads. But the baked champignons are awesome thing: at large cut off the legs, chop, chop the onion. Lightly grease the hats from the inside with butter, fill with chopped legs with onions, sprinkle with cheese and send to the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Bon appetit.
  2. You know, while you asked and while I answered them, the end had already come, like food. These are very tender mushrooms, - 5 minutes maximum!
  3. Stewed champignons
  4. For pick mushrooms. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut off the roots, peel the hats off the films, cut the large hats into slices, fry in oil over high heat, sprinkle with flour, season with salt and pepper. When the mushroom caps become soft, add potatoes and sprinkle with lemon juice. Serve mushrooms with potatoes, sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley.

    500 g of champignons, 4 potatoes, 50 g of butter, juice ½ lemon, flour, salt, black pepper to taste, dill or parsley

  5. Simmer literally 5-10 minutes. And I am preparing a salad with them. Finely cut into a frying pan. While stewing, cut finely a package of crab meat, 2 boiled eggs, three cheese to taste. Mix everything and add hot mushrooms along with gravy, if there is not much of it. A little bit of mayonnaise. It turns out quickly, tasty and satisfying! Cheese melts from heat - yummy!
  6. i can offer Korean salad, how to fry them, cool, fry the onion 2pcs put it in mushrooms, add, sprinkle red, black-bitter pepper, to taste how much bitter you like. add soy to taste a few spoons and vinegar a couple of spoons to taste . All of this will stand a little and ready. (This is if you like Korean cuisine) Everything they have is bitter
  7. julien
  8. son and mom love mashed soup, husband, dad and I are stuffed) stewing for about 20 minutes, the same amount is baked)

How many champignons?

Champignon is one of the most common mushrooms, both in Russia and in the world. It belongs to agaric mushrooms and is divided into three types. All these species - field, meadow and forest mushrooms - everywhere grow in our country everywhere, with the exception of the Far North. Champignon belongs to those mushrooms that are in large quantities grown artificially in special mycelium, greenhouses, basements.

This one has a fleshy white or brownish hat, chocolate-colored plates and a white root. Young wild mushrooms outwardly may be similar to a very poisonous mushroom - a pale grebe. It is important to be able to distinguish them. Young champignons have a thick short leg, also edible.

Fresh champignons do not store for long, because they quickly form a substance harmful to humans - choline. Because of this, mushrooms should be processed as soon as possible. Champignons are used both fresh and canned as the main ingredient of the dish, and are also used as seasoning. Soups are cooked from champignons, egg, fish and meat dishes are made. The list of recipes with the addition of these mushrooms can be endless.

Fresh mushrooms can be eaten calmly if you are sure that they grew in proper conditions. It is enough to wash the mushrooms properly. Mushrooms are laid in dishes during cooking or after preliminary cooking at the end of cooking. Canned mushrooms are preliminarily separated from the juice and warmed before being put in the dish.

Like many mushrooms, champignons darken when frying. In order to reduce the darkening of the mushrooms and give them a more appetizing appearance, mushrooms are sprayed with lemon juice. Fresh champignons need to be fried for 10-12 minutes so that they are well fried, and canned mushrooms do not need to be fried at all. They are immediately ready for food, and in order to brown them, just a few minutes are enough.

In fact, the time for frying champignons may vary and depends on what foods you fry them with. In some dishes, this process can take up to 30 minutes.

How much to fry mushrooms. how to fry fresh and frozen champignons. how to fry mushrooms on a side dish and chicken mushrooms. champignons stewed in cream. how to fry champignons.

Frozen champignons, without defrosting, put on a hot frying pan, drizzled with oil, and fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally while frying. Before frying, salt to taste.

How to fry frozen champignons with onions

For a pound of champignons, you should take one middle head of onion. Peel and finely chop the onion, fry the onion in a pan, then add the mushrooms and fry them for 10-15 minutes, depending on whether they are frozen or fresh.

How to fry frozen champignons with potatoes

Heat the pan, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil, put the frozen champignons and fry them for 10 minutes. While frozen champignons, peel and cut potatoes into thin slices. Add potatoes to the roasting champignons, fry with stirring for 20 minutes.

How to stew mushrooms in cream


Champignons - a pound

Cream 20% - half a glass

Butter - cube side 3 centimeters

Lemon - Half

Salt and pepper - to taste

How to stew mushrooms in cream

Wash the mushrooms, dry, chop finely. Heat the pan, put and melt the butter. Put the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper. Pour cream and simmer under the lid until cooked. At the end of cooking, pour lemon juice.

Like champignons. how much to cook mushrooms. from champignons. how to cook frozen champignons. whether to wash the champignons. how to clean mushrooms.

Stewed champignons in sour cream

Champignon ingredients in sour cream:

a pound of champignons, a 200 gram packet of sour cream, salt, pepper and vegetable oil.

Cooking champignons in sour cream:

Chop mushrooms finely, salt, pepper. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil for 10 minutes until the moisture evaporates. Add sour cream and mix thoroughly. Fry for another 5-7 minutes. You can add a poppy.

Stewed Mushrooms in Soy Sauce

Champignon stewed in soy sauce:

a pound of champignons (60 rubles), half a glass of soy (40 rubles), sugar (5 rubles).

Cooking champignon stewed in soy sauce:

Wash the champignons under cold water. Allow to dry, cut into slices. Prepare the sauce: dilute half a glass of soy sauce with water in a ratio of 1: 1, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put the mushrooms in a skillet, fry for 5-7 minutes, pour the sauce, simmer under the lid for another 5-7 minutes. Serve stewed mushrooms in soy sauce with herbs.

Mushrooms are fried for 10 minutes until the water evaporates completely. All About Roasting Champignons

How to peel champignons

If the mushrooms are perfect and there is confidence in the manufacturer of mushrooms, then the mushrooms can not be cleaned. But if the champignons are dark - this means the mushrooms are quite old and it is better to clean them: cut out the dark places on the hats and legs of the mushrooms with a knife.

The Russian name champignon comes from the French "mushroom". At the moment, we can purchase them in any store: both fresh and canned.

Naturally, the question arises, do I need to fry them and how long will it take? Fresh   mushrooms fried 5 to 10 minutes, no more. Until they acquire a characteristic golden hue. You will see it right away. And if the mushrooms are frozen, then it will take about 20 - 25 minutes. Before frying, the mushrooms can not be cooked. If the mushrooms are clean, washed and grown in good conditions, then they can even be eaten raw. Do not be poisoned.

Canned champignons are ready to eat. But, if desired, they can be browned in a frying pan for 2 to 3 minutes. And, in general, in almost every recipe the time is indicated, how much to fry mushrooms. It depends on the products with which you will cook the mushrooms. This interval can be from three minutes to half an hour. Champignon is a common mushroom in the world.

Popular questions:

How long does it take to stew mushrooms?

How long does it take to stew mushrooms?

Mushrooms are one of the favorite delicacies of a large half of humanity. Perhaps love for them is associated with the primitive instincts of obtaining food. Or maybe it is the ease of preparation and great taste that make them so popular.

There are many ways to cook mushrooms - dried, pickled, fried. We’ll talk about stewed mushrooms and how long it takes to stew mushrooms. You can stew both fresh and canned mushrooms. The stews are especially good in stews, mushrooms, russula, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. It is certain that every lover of stewed mushrooms will ask how long it takes to stew mushrooms. Before cooking, you need to carefully sort and wash the mushrooms. Forest mushrooms will not be superfluous to boil for several minutes.

If you ask yourself the question - how long does it take to stew mushrooms until fully cooked, we answer: from 10 to 30 minutes. But it is important to remember that how long it takes to stew the mushrooms depends on which mushrooms you are going to stew: for example, mushrooms will be enough for 10 minutes in a skillet, while others are better to stew longer.

A few recipes on how and how long it takes to stew mushrooms.

The classic recipe is how and how long it takes to stew mushrooms:

In a pan with heated oil (3 tablespoons per 0.5 kg of mushrooms), spread the mushrooms, add a few tablespoons of meat broth and cover with a lid. After 25-30 minutes, the mushrooms are ready. Before serving us, you can add greens to them.

The recipe of how and how long it is to stew mushrooms in sour cream:

Stew 0.5 kg of mushrooms in a pan. 5 minutes before cooking, add half a glass of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of mushrooms. After turning off, cover the mushrooms with 25 grams of cheese and leave it under the lid for another couple of minutes. Mushrooms in sour cream are especially tender.

Recipe how and how long to stew mushrooms in a creamy sauce:

To prepare mushrooms you will need:

  • 0.5 cups of milk
  • 0.25 cups cream
  • 2 tablespoons butter, salt and pepper.

400 grams of my mushrooms, cut and sprinkle with salt. We shift them into the pan and add all the ingredients. Stew for 15-20 minutes under a lid over low heat. Before serving, you can add lemon juice. This gourmet dish will be the highlight of any feast.

Bon appetit! Now you know how long it takes to stew mushrooms !!!

How long does it take to stew champignons (chopped)? / forum /

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Tell me, how long do I need to fry mushrooms? : culinary issues


Tell me, how long do I need to fry mushrooms?

Girls, I need to fry mushrooms with onions. Fried for 30 minutes - it seems to be ready, but it seems to be not yet. Tell me who fries how many?

if you fry it, then 10-15 minutes, in my opinion, the more you fry them, the harder they become, but if you put it out, it can be longer, depending on the amount of liquid, I think that 30 minutes is enough and the water is gone and they sold well


Thank you, Christine, I was frying without a lid and the water really went somewhere. Well, that is no longer needed.

you are welcome


they don’t need to fry for a long time, they will only lose juice and taste. The pan should be very hot, and not a lot of mushrooms at a time to put so that the juice does not come out, and quickly fry and throw out of the pan.

And here is how Christina wrote to stew it for longer, although I think 30 minutes is long, I have 5-10.

champignons are good and you can eat raw, so there’s nothing to fry there.

Masha, thanks for telling me, I was just afraid of poisoning ...

Champignons more often than other mushrooms are found on our table. Firstly, this circumstance is due to their taste, and secondly, the undoubted benefit of mushrooms, because they include minerals and amino acids. Like how to fry mushroomsRead on.

Mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, there are even recipes with raw champignons, but the brightest taste and aroma, of course, are fried mushrooms. Let's take a closer look at how to do it right. However, before you prepare the mushrooms, you need to choose them correctly.

  1. Carefully consider the mushrooms - fresh champignon has a white, or a weak brownish color, if there are inclusions, then, therefore, the mushrooms lie for a rather long time;
  2. Look under the hat - the connecting film there must be intact, if it is not - the mushroom is old;
  3. Feel the champignons. Fresh have elasticity and have a velvety hat;
  4. Do not hesitate to smell mushrooms - spoiled champignons have a ripe smell, mushroom aroma is inherent only in fresh goods.

How to clean mushrooms

Champignons are bought, and you have already decided how to cook them. But before cooking, they need to be cleaned. First of all, each mushroom must be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge - this is done in order to remove all debris that could cling to the mushrooms.

Next, you need to use a sharp knife to clean the cut on the mushroom leg. If champignons have sagging spots - cut them off. After this, the mushrooms are washed with a cool water stream for several seconds.

How much time and how to fry fresh mushrooms in a pan

The aroma emanating from fried mushrooms is beautiful and has the ability to arouse the desire for food. What will be required to prepare this delicious dish?

  • Champignon;
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil.

Yes, the list of ingredients is small, but the result should be great. But, do not forget one caveat.

If you use purchased champignons or frozen, you can safely send them to the pan, but if you come across wild mushrooms, then before frying, you need to boil them, about ten to fifteen minutes. This is done to get rid of the microbes and bacteria that are inevitably present on such fungi.

The store product is simply enough to rinse and dry with a napkin - the preparation is finished. Separate the mushroom legs and hats. Cut all parts in the form of plates. Pour oil into a preheated pan and start spreading the mushrooms.

There is one caveat in this process: it is known that during the frying process, liquid is released from them so that there is not too much of it and the mushrooms are fried rather than stewed - put them in small portions. The most important question in this matter is how long does it take to fry mushrooms? The whole process takes from seven to ten minutes of time.

How to fry champignons. General principles for preparing fried champignon dishes

  • Mushrooms just before frying do not need to boil.
  • The calorie content of cooked and fried champignons will directly depend on the amount of oil used.
  • Mushrooms must be washed and thoroughly wiped. And the best thing is to simply get the mushrooms wet with a damp cloth, while limiting their contact with water, since the preparation of mushrooms depends on this.
  • If the mushroom’s leg is contaminated, then it must be cut with a knife, cleaned of various damages and cut into slices.
  • It is better to fry the mushrooms in parts - the champignons, laid out in one layer on a frying pan with oil, are prepared very quickly and efficiently.
  • With proper processing, mushrooms cooked over a small fire do not fry and do not lose in volume.
  • Champignons are recommended to salt and season with pepper at the end of frying.
  • Frozen champignons must first be boiled in slightly salted water, then dried and then fry.

Recipe 1. Mushrooms fried with onions in sour cream


  • Fresh mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream.
  • Pepper, salt - not for everybody.
  • Oil (vegetable) - 120 ml.
  • Greens - any as desired.

Cooking method:

Fresh mushrooms need to be cleaned and thoroughly washed under a little water and put them on a napkin for drying.

After the mushrooms, you need to cut into plates.

Then the onions must be peeled and cut into small cubes.

Then put onions in a preheated oil in a frying pan and fry it, often stirring 3-4 minutes.

After that, add mushrooms to the onion and fry them on low heat for 15-20 minutes until browning. In the process of cooking champignons you need to salt and pepper.

Mushrooms fried with onions should be decorated with greens and serve.

Recipe 2. Fried champignon in oil with the addition of white wine


  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 4 prongs.
  • Wine - 100/200 ml.
  • Olive oil).
  • Parsley.
  • Salt, pepper - not for everybody.

Cooking method:

Champignons must be cleaned from the ground and cut into plates. On warmed olive oil in a skillet, brown the garlic, previously peeled and chopped.

Then you need to add mushrooms to the garlic and start the roasting process.

After the end of the frying process, wine should be added to the mushrooms, pepper and salt them. Next, continue to simmer the product until the wine has completely evaporated.

At the end of cooking, the mushrooms need to be decorated with greens and serve them to the table.

Recipe 3. How to fry mushrooms over coals


  • Champignon.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Oil (vegetable) or mayonnaise (sour cream).
  • Perchik.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

In order for the mushrooms to turn out appetizing and tasty, they need to be pickled.

Peeled and washed mushrooms should be marinated in surviving lemon juice with spices and vegetable oil.

If desired, pickle mushrooms, you can take mayonnaise or sour cream instead of vegetable oil.

Moreover, the mushrooms need to be fried whole or halves, after they are marinated. Mushrooms should be marinated for 40-50 minutes.

Then pickled mushrooms must be put on skewers or put on a wire rack.

Thus, it is necessary to fry the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes from all sides, but not for long so that they do not lose their elasticity and volume.

Recipe 4. Mushrooms fried with onions and herbs


  • Champignons 8-10 pcs.
  • Butter (butter) - 30 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • Salt, pepper.
  • Greens (dill, parsley).

Cooking method:

First you need to rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and scald them with boiling water.

Mushroom caps must be cleaned of films. If the caps are large, then they need to be cut into several parts. The legs of the mushrooms must also be cut.

You also need to prepare the onion - peel it and chop.

After the onion with mushrooms, salt and pepper must be salt. Then you need to add chopped greens to them and cook another 10-12 minutes.

When the mushrooms become soft, you need to add cream, lemon juice and boil the whole mixture again.

Cooked in this way, mushrooms can be served for lunch or dinner as a side dish.

Recipe 5. Fried mushrooms with cracklings


  • Champignons 0.5 kg.
  • Salo - 50 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper.
  • Dill, coriander.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms need to be poured with salty water, and after a while, drain the liquid, dry the mushrooms and cut into strips.

Peel and chop the onion in small cubes.

Salo also needs to be cut into cubes and put on a frying pan, and then fry it until a golden crust appears.

After you need to add mushrooms, onions to the cracklings and fry everything. Further, when the water from the mushrooms evaporates, they need to add salt and continue cooking under a covered lid for another 10 minutes.

After cooking the mushrooms, they need to be decorated with herbs.

Recipe 6. Fried Mushrooms with Cabbage


  • Mushrooms - 250 gr.
  • Onion - 200 gr.
  • Cabbage - 450 gr.
  • Carrot - 180 gr.
  • Oil (vegetable) - 180 ml.
  • Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Cabbage needs to be chopped with thin strips. Pepper (sweet) cut into rings. It is better to grate the carrots.

Then prepared in this way, the vegetables must be mixed together in a deep salad bowl, salt and pepper.

Then put onions and pre-washed, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bchampignons in a frying pan in a heated oil pan.

Mushrooms need to be fried until the onion becomes soft.

After a delicious meal, you can eat by putting it in a salad bowl and decorating with sprigs of greenery.

Recipe 7. How to fry mushrooms with cheese


  • Champignons - 0.5 kg.
  • Sour cream - 90 ml.
  • Bulb.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt, pepper.
  • Olive oil).
  • Cheese (processed).

Cooking method:

The oil must be thoroughly heated. Peel and chop the onion in small cubes.

Then the mushrooms, chopped with small plates, must be added to the onion and fry for half an hour until the liquid is completely evaporated from the mushrooms.

You also need to add sour cream, salt, pepper - mix everything thoroughly and fry for a few more minutes on a small flame.

Then you need to finely chop the greens and add together with the processed cheese to the available components. You need to stew the food for about 15-20 minutes.

Serving such a savory snack can be both cold and hot.

Recipe 8. Roasted Mushrooms with Pine Nuts


  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 4 prongs.
  • Butter (butter) 30 gr.
  • Wine - 60 ml.
  • Lemon.
  • Sprigs of greenery.
  • Pine nuts - 60 gr.
  • Salt, pepper - optional.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and discard them to dry on a paper towel. Then the mushrooms should be cut into small slices.

Garlic needs to be peeled, chopped and mixed with vegetable oil.

Then the mushrooms must be laid out in a preheated pan, lightly fry until the liquid is completely evaporated. And then add the oil with garlic to them and fry for some more time until the mushrooms are completely cooked.

Next, you need to survive the juice from the lemon, and fry the nuts in a frying pan dry without oil. Cooked mushrooms must be put in a salad bowl and add nuts, chopped greens, grated zest, lemon juice. Then it is recommended to mix all the components well and serve.

Recipe 9. Roasted Mushrooms in Honey and Peanut Butter


  • Champignons - 350 gr.
  • Peanut Butter - 40 ml.
  • Sesame oil - 20 ml.
  • Soy sauce - 40 ml.
  • Honey - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

Champignons need to trim the legs. The mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and discarded on a napkin for further drying.

Then you need to take a deep frying pan and set it on fire. After pouring peanut butter in it. As soon as the oil warms up, it is necessary to put mushrooms in it and begin the process of frying over medium heat for several minutes.

After some time, the lid must be removed and cooking of the mushrooms continued, regularly stirring them until the syrup finally thickens.

Now you can put all the components in a salad bowl, sprinkle the products with sesame oil and serve.

  • Before you start the process of roasting champignons, they should be boiled to preserve the appearance and volume.
  • Mushrooms should not be fried too much - they absorb an excessive amount of oil, become greasy and also lose in volume.
  • With meat, mushrooms should be fried as follows. First, the meat is fried with spices and salt, and only then mushrooms are added.
  • The technology for preparing mushrooms with onions is as follows. The onions are fried until transparent and only then, when it is cooked, add chopped mushrooms.
  • In order not to boil frozen mushrooms, they need to be fried a little longer, but make sure that they do not burn.
  • You can evaporate excess moisture from the mushrooms by putting them for a while in a hot pan without oil.
  • All parts of champignons go to food, these are legs and hats in connection with which you can show your imagination and cut mushrooms in different ways, for the beauty and personality of the future dish.
  • In order for the champignons to have a fried, appetizing appearance in the cooking process, you can add a little flour to them in the ratio: a tablespoon of flour per kilogram of mushrooms.
  • It will be very tasty if you add a piece of butter to the cooked fried champignons and stew the dish for 5 minutes.
  • To give champignons a certain delicacy after frying, you can add cream, sour cream or tomato juice to them.
  • Fried champignons can be used as an independent dish, or as a filling, dressing, as well as a side dish for meat and other dishes.

Sour cream sauce

The most popular and affordable mushroom sauce. It is not difficult to prepare it, for this you will need:

  • 200 ml. sour cream;
  • 2 large spoons of flour;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 40 grams of butter;
  • spices to taste.


  1. Finely chop the onion, fry it in oil.
  2. Pour in flour, stir thoroughly, there should be no flour lumps and clots, cook, stirring, on low heat until the flour changes color to cream.
  3. Pour in sour cream, mix and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add spices, turn off the heat and leave the sauce for a few minutes.

Serve warm.

Based on white wine

This sauce is not so traditional. The combination of white wine and tomatoes has a pleasant original taste and goes very well with mushroom dishes. Tomato sauce can be purchased ready-made or made independently from tomato paste (fresh tomatoes), garlic, onions, basil and spices.


  • 400 grams of tomato sauce;
  • 120 ml. white wine;
  • 1 onion;
  • 80 grams of butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • allspice.


  1. Chop and fry the onion.
  2. Warm up the tomato sauce.
  3. Send the onions to a warm sauce and pour the wine.
  4. Add spices and simmer for 13-15 minutes over low heat.
  5. At the end of cooking, add garlic.

Selection of sauce in the store

Therefore, you can buy tomato or white sauce and based on them and prepare the simplest sauce for mushrooms with the addition of the necessary spices and spices. In any case, the recommendations for buying a product in a store are the same:

  • it is desirable to purchase sauce in a glass container, which allows you to get acquainted with the appearance of the product;
  • choose a sauce only with natural ingredients in the composition, without synthetic additives;
  • carefully examine the date of manufacture and shelf life;
  • keep open sauce in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days.