How to cook beef balyk at home. How to cook fish balyk

17.08.2019 Dishes for children

Cooking a pork balyk is quite difficult, but the result is above all praise. The resulting meat will look decent on the festive table, but at the same time it will go with a bang with everyday sandwiches.

What it is?

Pork balyk is often called jerky. It is a high-quality and natural dish, which is much better to cook at home than to try to find in a store. The selected portion of pork is first freed from water, that is, dried. This usually happens with salt. Besides the fact that this additive dries out a piece, it also saves it from a fresh taste.

By the way, such a balyk easily transforms into raw smoked meat - if you have a barbecue, the process will take only a few hours, not counting the time spent in the refrigerator.

As a rule, salt pickling is carried out over several days. At the same time, the size of the notch will decrease, and liquid will form on the bottom of the used container, which cannot be removed until the end of the process. While the meat is salted, it must be periodically turned over. Salted pork is dried, seasoned with spices with a drop of vegetable oil on top, preventing them from shedding, wrapped in linen cloth and sent to dry.

If possible, it is recommended to hang out a piece in the fresh air, but under a roof or other canopy that protects from the sun. However, this does not apply to hot summer days - meat can rot and become prey for insects.

Selection of ingredients

The meat must be of high quality and fresh - this is the main condition for obtaining a delicious balyk. In the most favorable situation, the selected piece from the moment of separation from the carcass is stored for no more than one day - this allows you to increase the shelf life of the balyk itself. As a rule, a balyk is made from pork tenderloin - a tender piece of a good shape and size that is well-suited to salt and spices. To reduce the time spent cutting along the fibers is cut into several long strips.

In addition to the meat itself, large sea or rock salt is used for cooking, which is better soluble in meat juice, various spices, and sometimes alcohol.


Classic recipe

Pork balyk can be cooked at home, following the classic recipe. The ingredients will require a kilogram tenderloin, half a glass of sea salt and spices, for example, black ground and red ground peppers, coriander and paprika. In addition, gauze rags or towels are useful. The pork piece is washed and cleaned of veins and films. Be sure to dry it with a paper towel. Then, half the salt used is poured into a convenient container with a lid on the bottom.

Meat is put on the resulting layer, which is then covered with salt residues. We must not forget about the need to rub the barrel. The container closes and is cleaned in the refrigerator. Salt the pork out in just three days. During this period, it is worth turning the meat from side to side from time to time. Three days later, pork is well wiped using paper towels and rubbed abundantly with spices.

The piece is wrapped in marlage, bent four times, and tied with a thread. If there is no way to hang it on the street, then the balyk is simply suspended in a room with a constant influx of fresh air. If the cloth becomes wet, then it can be replaced. All meat has to sag from five days to a whole week. However, if after tasting it does not seem sufficiently dried, then you can increase the period.

Baked in the oven

You can also make a baked balyk in the oven, the preparation of which does not take much time. The list of ingredients includes a kilogram of meat, a tablespoon of salt, 1.5 teaspoon of black pepper, a teaspoon of sweet paprika and four cloves of garlic. A special baking package sold at grocery stores will also be required. Salt and spices are combined in a separate bowl, after which the resulting mixture is used to rub the washed and dried piece of meat. Next, the pork is placed in a container and cleaned for a period of night to a day in the refrigerator.

The next morning, peeled garlic is cut into small pieces and inserted into pork cuts. The remains of spices are again rubbed into the future balyk. The oven warms up to 250 degrees Celsius, and the meat is put into a baking bag. Once it is in the oven, the temperature will need to be reduced to 200 degrees and left to cook for sixty minutes. Get to mind the meat to be in a cooling oven.

Smoked balyk

A smoked product is also made from balyk, the preparation of which is in many ways similar to jerky foods. Of course, cooking will require a smokehouse, as well as 1.5 kilograms of pork tenderloin, 100 grams of salt, 10 grams of sugar and a liter of water. Washed, peeled and dried meat must first be salted, and this is done in two ways. The first (dry) is in many ways similar to the preparation of dried meat. A piece is placed on the salt, covered with it and placed under oppression for a better effect. If the temperature is kept at 2 degrees Celsius, pork will be salted for five days.

Periodically released juice will need to be drained.

Wet cooking will require dissolving 100 grams of salt and ten grams of granulated sugar in a liter of water. The meat is lowered into the container so that it completely goes under water. While for five days the tenderloin is salted, it will need to be periodically turned over. Salty meat is washed several times under running water and dried. At this stage, it can and sag for about two days in a draft.

Previously, a piece, of course, is wrapped in marlechka and tied up with a rope. You need to smoke the balyk on alder sawdust for about sixty minutes, after which you have to rest the day in the refrigerator. You can use the finished product both by itself and as ingredients for salads.

Fried pork balyk

By the way, you can fry balyk in a pan or bake it in the oven. In the second case, 500 grams of balyk are needed, from half to two thirds of a teaspoon of salt, two tablespoons of powdered sugar, a quarter of a teaspoon of ground pepper, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and fifty cloves. The meat is rinsed, dried and rubbed with spices on each side. Rhombuses are formed on the surface with a knife. The depth of the cuts should be about five millimeters, and the side of the resulting geometric figure from one and a half to two centimeters.

A clove is stuck in the center of each rhombus. The form used is coated with vegetable oil and filled with pork. Powdered sugar neatly spills out through the sieve. The mold is covered with foil and removed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius. Heat treatment should be about fifty minutes. After the foil is removed, the meat is secreted by the allocated broth, and the form returns to the heat for another fifteen minutes until completely browned.

The finished balyk will need to be cooled, cut into slices and served with fresh vegetables and a piece of bread.

Salad with balyk and arugula

It is worth mentioning that many dishes have balyk as an ingredient. For example, a salad with balyk and arugula according to the recipe of TV presenter Julia Vysotskaya is good. For cooking, you need 150 grams of meat, a bunch of green onions and 200 grams of arugula. In addition, the dressing will be prepared from two lemons, four tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of walnut oil, a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of sea salt. Arugula is cut into large pieces, onions are cut diagonally, both ingredients are combined.

Juice is squeezed out of a pair of lemongrasses, and the zest of one of them also rubs on a grater. Dressing is made from olive oil, lemon juice, zest, pepper and salt. It will need to be immediately distributed over two containers. Thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbalyk dips in the first of them. The second part of the dressing is combined with peanut butter and poured over the arugula. All ingredients are combined together, and the finished salad is served with white bread toast.

Balyk can also be used for pizza. It will take one and a half tomatoes, 50 grams of sausage, 50 grams of champignons, one and a half teaspoons of olives, 550 grams of pizza dough, 50 grams of balyk, 50 grams of shred, 150 grams of hard cheese, tomato paste and olive oil. Rolled dough is spread with tomato paste. Balyk, tomatoes, olives and shred are cut into neat fragments. Mushrooms are washed and also cut.

Solid ingredients are laid out on the dough and cleaned in the oven for fifteen minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking, the dish will be sprinkled with grated cheese, and pour olive oil almost before serving.

Balyk goes well with vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage and green beans, some fruits and mushrooms.

You can also find recipes combining pork and fruits, pasta, cereals, pastries and a variety of drinks (both cold and hot). In addition, often meat slices are served with sweet and sour sauces.

How to store?

The balyk is stored in the refrigerator for three to five days, wrapped in baking paper or a clean cloth or other air-tight packaging. From time to time it is worth getting the meat aired. If necessary, do not forbid and freeze the product. In the refrigerator, pork should be separated from other products.

See the following video for a home-made recipe for pork balyk.

Balyk can be cooked from pork, beef and even chicken breast. The preparation of this recipe does not require special appliances or skills.
  Pork neck is suitable for cooking a balyk, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom it will be with small fatty veins, from the tenderloin you will get jerky with a perfect cut, without fatty layers and with pearlescent overflow.

Besides, homemade balyk, can serve as an alternative to buying sausages, as has the following advantages:
  1.100% natural composition;
  2. guaranteed fresh product;
  3. the ability to select herbs and spices according to their taste preferences;
  4. The price of a good quality tenderloin is lower than the cost of dried sausages.

For the recipe for cooking a balyk you need:
   1 kg pork tenderloin;
   0.7 kg of salt;
   100 g of cognac or tincture on herbs;
   ground nutmeg;
   black and red ground pepper;
   Bay leaf;

  Stage 1. We mix the salt with spices and herbs, tear the bay leaf into small pieces, add alcohol and mix well again.

  2 stage. We cover the meat from all sides with the obtained slurry from salt, set it in the refrigerator for 14 hours, during which time the meat will evenly salt and give juice. After time, the tenderloin should be washed with water from salt and herbs, dried with a towel.

  3 stage. Salted tenderloin can already be eaten, but for a more saturated taste and dense texture, you need to make a curing, i.e. disposal of liquid residues in meat. The balyk should be hung in a warm and ventilated place for 3-4 days, the longer it hangs, the denser it will become (if you cook the balyk in the summer, it must be wrapped in 2 layers of gauze).

  The dried and chilled balyk acquires a pearly cut and elastic texture.

  By analogy, you can cook a balyk of beef tenderloin or chicken breast, for a breast 11-12 hours of salting are enough.

  This may look like slicing a balyk of two kinds of meat, the first is chicken breast, the second is pork pulp, cheese is laid out in the background (as we served for guests).

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An excellent balyk is obtained from pork, especially if you choose the pulp with a small layer of fat, then the delicacy will be more juicy.


Dried pork ham. Photo:

What do you need:
1 kg pork neck
0.5 tbsp. salt
ground pepper to taste
ground coriander to taste

How to cook pork balyk:

1. Put salt in a large cup and roll the meat in it, then rub it with pepper and coriander. If the piece is very large, cut it lengthwise so that it is well salted.

2. Leave the pork in a bowl and cover it with a white napkin made of natural fabric, put oppression on top so that the meat gives juice.

3. Keep the pork in the refrigerator for four days, during which time turn it over once a day. On the fifth day, remove the meat from the refrigerator and pat it with a paper towel, now the pork balyk is ready to eat.

Veal Balyk Recipe

Dried veal. Photo:

Fragrant jerky balyk is obtained from beef.

What do you need:
1.5 kg of veal
1 kg of salt
1 pinch of paprika
1 pinch of ground ginger
2-3 cloves of garlic

How to cook veal balyk:

1. Divide the veal into 3-4 identical pieces. Put the chopped meat in a deep bowl and sprinkle it with salt, put in the refrigerator for five days. All this time, turn the meat daily in the morning and evening. On the sixth day, remove the bowl from the refrigerator and rinse the veal well from the salt.

2. Dry the washed meat with paper towels and wrap it with gauze. Put the meat in gauze under a press and leave it in the refrigerator for another five days. Then remove the cheesecloth. Now make a hole in each piece, insert strong threads into each and hang the meat in a well-ventilated place, covering it with a dry cotton cloth.

3. After six days, remove the veal, sprinkle it with water and grate finely chopped garlic, roll in seasoning mixture. Put the meat in the refrigerator for another week, then serve.


Original dried chicken. Photo:

Chicken balyk is done quickly, it turns out tender and soft.

What do you need:
2 chicken fillets
500 g of salt
2 tsp provence herbs
50 ml of vodka
1 pinch of ground pepper

How to cook chicken balyk:

1. Combine salt, ground pepper and Provence herbs in one bowl. Pour vodka into this mixture and stir.

2. Wash and dry the fillet.

3. At the bottom of the plastic container, lay out half of the salt mixture, put the breast on top and fill it with the remaining salt.

4. Wrap the container with cling film and place in the refrigerator for two days. After that, remove and rinse the meat, pat dry with paper towels.

5. Cut the finished balk with a sharp knife and serve.

Is the balyk ready? Then add it to a classic Italian fruit salad!

Pork balyk

Pork balyk  a good alternative to any sausage and purchased, smoked and dried meat. Pork balyk is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also will be a delicious and beautiful snack on the festive table.
  At first glance, it might seem that cooking at home is not easy, but it is not. You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. The only thing is that the process of cooking raw meat takes a lot of time. The meat is marinated for two days and only then it is dried for at least one week.

Pork balyk at home  prepared in two ways:

  • The meat is rubbed with salt, pepper and left to marinate for two days. Then wrapped in gauze and hung in a cool, well-ventilated area for two weeks.
  • The meat is also rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices, pickled for two days, and then wrapped in cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator for one week.

To prepare the pork balyk, use soft, boneless pork: without bone,. It is necessary to choose not very thick meat pieces. This recipe can be made balyk  from beef.

Home-made pork balyk recipe

  • Pork tenderloin - 1 piece
  • Salt - tablespoons
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Peppers mixture - 2 teaspoons
  • Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon

How to cook balyk at home

Wash the pork tenderloin, clean from excess fat and all films. Blot with a paper towel.

  Mix salt and spices and grate the meat on all sides. Put the meat in a tray, squeeze it a little along the length, and leave it at room temperature for 2 days. Do not seal tightly, just cover with a lid. While the meat is pickled it must be turned several times, say 3-4 times a day. The fluid that will form must be drained.

On the third day, pat the meat again with paper towels. Wrap in clean gauze, in 3-4 layers, put on a plate (in any flat dish). Put in the refrigerator. Dry the meat for a week.

Turn the meat over once a day and see if the gauze is wet, remove the meat from it, pat it dry with towels and wrap it in new cheesecloth.
  How to store a balyk
  Store the finished meat dumpling wrapped in gauze or a paper towel in the refrigerator.

Balyk is a dish with a delicate taste and a pleasant smell. The dish was originally made from fish fillet. Now the balyk is made from meat, fish or poultry.

The most important thing in cooking a balyk is its processing. The dish is prepared using smoked, salted and dried. It is this kind of processing that makes it possible to make a balyk. It can be bought at the store, but it is better to do it yourself.

Balyk at home is very easy to prepare. To cook it, you will need to choose the right meat, fish or poultry. The juiciest dish comes from pork. Pork contains fatty streaks that add richness to the dish. Not only meat, but also spices are responsible for taste quality. Properly selected spices allow you to make balyk for every taste.

How to choose meat?

The most important component of the dish is meat. Its quality and quantity affects the final result. It is advisable not to use frozen foods. To prepare, you need a loin. The best option would be the neck, because it has fatty layers. You can take a cut in the cut or filet of the minion. Minion fillet is an expensive product, so it’s easier to get along with the usual fillet part. All products must be fresh.

Beef balyk

This recipe allows you to make a delicious dish at home.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 3-4 days. Must be served chilled.

Pork balyk

Pork balyk turns juicy and tender.


  1. Pork tenderloin.
  2. 0.5 cups of salt.
  3. Spice.

Cooking method:

Chicken balyk

The advantage of this dish is that it can be consumed after 2 days. To make the dish drier, it must be cooked for more than 2 days.


Cooking method:

The dish will be ready in 6 days, but it can be consumed after two days.

Fish balyk

There are many recipes for making a product from fish. Nevertheless, they are similar to each other.

Varieties of fish:

Any other fish that has loin parts from 3 kilograms will do.

Cooking method: