Chicory: A useful substitute for coffee. Coffee with chicory benefits and harms

20.08.2019 Healthy eating

Everyone has repeatedly heard that excessive drinking of strong black coffee can harm the human body. That is why an increasing number of men and women are trying to find a worthy alternative to natural coffee. For this purpose, chicory is excellent.

Some doctors believe that the maximum allowable norm for an adult is no more than 2 cups of a fragrant drink throughout the day. In order to decide how to replace coffee, you need to know exactly what effect this drink has on the human body.

If the above norm is exceeded, the following side effects may occur:

  • Sharp mood swings, emotional instability.
  • Sleep disorders, increased nervousness and irritability.
  • Decreased ability to concentrate.
  • Stool disorders, flatulence, a feeling of nausea.
  • Disturbances in the digestive system.

In order to avoid the above health problems, it is recommended to limit the use of the drink and switch to coffee substitutes, for example, chicory.

Features and composition

Chicory is an herbaceous plant in the aster family that attracts attention with its charming blue flowers. I also call him blue dandelion. Today, the plant grows almost everywhere, in both tropical and temperate climates.

Chicory flowers

Coffee from chicory is prepared from the rhizome of a medicinal plant. Most often it can be found on forest edges, meadows, lowlands, fields and roadside steppes. To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, the ground root of the plant is used.

The use of chicory led to its widespread use in the field of medicine. The composition of the plant includes a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and other substances vital to the human body.

  • Vitamins of group A, B, C, E, K, PP.
  • Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, sodium, selenium.
  • Resins
  • Phenols.
  • Organic acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Inulin.
  • Essential oils.
  • Proteins and fats.

Chicory is the most popular and frequently used alternative to coffee. When processing the rhizome of a plant, special aromatic compounds are formed, which are as similar as possible to caffeol, a specific substance that gives coffee its unique aroma.

It is worth noting that chicory does not have caffeine in its composition and, accordingly, does not have such a strong stimulating effect on the state of the nervous, cardiac and vascular system. The invigorating and firming properties of the drink are affected by the extremely rich content of vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial components.

Beneficial features

Before deciding what to eat more often - chicory or coffee, you should familiarize yourself with all the beneficial properties of this plant.

It is recommended that chicory be included in its menu for people who have pancreatitis, neurasthenia, iron deficiency anemia, gallstone disease, dysbiosis, and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the composition of the medicinal plant includes a special substance called inulin - this substance is an analogue of ordinary sugar, which is ideal for people with diabetes.

In appearance, the chicory drink is also very similar to coffee.

The benefits of chicory are extremely multifaceted, it has various positive effects on the human body:

  1. Increased immunity.
  2. Normalization of the digestive system, which occurs by stimulating the growth of normal probiotics.
  3. A pronounced antioxidant effect, due to which accumulated toxins and toxins are eliminated from the body.
  4. It is used for arthritis, as it has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
  5. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  6. Tidies up the functioning of the central nervous system, eliminates nervousness, anxiety and other disorders.
  7. Improves stool.
  8. Helps lower blood sugar.
  9. It removes bile.
  10. Tones up, gives vivacity and activity, improves working capacity.

This coffee substitute perfectly stimulates the metabolism, removes all accumulated toxins and toxins from the body. For this reason, a fragrant drink from a medicinal plant is recommended for men and women who carefully monitor their figure and want to lose weight. Of course, in this case, the liquid should be consumed without sugar and cream.

The root of chicory does not contain caffeine. The invigorating effect that occurs after drinking the drink will be milder than coffee.

Drinking this alternative coffee is also recommended in the presence of various skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, chickenpox, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, as well as acne.

Regular consumption of 1-3 cups of chicory drink per day is ideal for people with a history of diabetes. The most effective is considered to be use in the initial stages of the disease - it quickly reduces blood sugar and prevents the further development of diabetes.

Harm chicory

Chicory coffee has several contraindications. For example, a drink is categorically not recommended for use in case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to chicory.

The main contraindications for use:

  • Severe form of gallstone disease - due to the choleretic effect, a blockage of the duct with stones can occur.
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, or other inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.
  • Severe disorders of the central nervous system - epilepsy, schizophrenia, nervousness.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver pathologies.
  • Asthma.
  • The drink is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

This coffee substitute should be used with extreme caution by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The maximum allowable dose is 1 cup of drink throughout the day.

To make coffee or chicory easier to perceive by the stomach, you can add milk to the drink.

It is also worth knowing that excessive consumption of even such a healthy drink can lead to stool disorders, bloating, and nausea.

Soluble chicory is best consumed in 1-2 cups per day, otherwise the development of side effects.

Chicory can be purchased at supermarkets or the pharmacy chain. It is presented in the form of powder or granules, with various useful additives - chamomile, rosehip, ginseng and other medicinal plants.

Cooking recipes

It is recommended that chicory be introduced into your diet gradually - for this, equal proportions of rhizomes and natural or instant coffee should be mixed in a cup. This will help to get used to the new taste of the drink. Gradually, the amount of chicory increases, and coffee is completely eliminated.

The drink is prepared very simply - for this, 1-2 teaspoons of instant powder or freeze dried chicory should be filled with 200 ml of hot water (preferably not quite boiling water, otherwise a significant part of the useful substances will be destroyed). Add a little sugar and milk if you wish. Despite all the many beneficial properties, soluble chicory is also not recommended to use more than 2-3 cups per day.

This alternative coffee can also be prepared on its own - for this purpose, you need to dig out the roots of chicory, rinse thoroughly under running water, cut into small pieces and fry in a pan. After this, the plant should be grinded using a coffee grinder - and the chicory root is ready for use.

A chicory drink can be a great morning alternative to coffee.

An extremely tasty and fragrant cooking option is chicory with cocoa. To prepare it, pour a glass of milk into a small saucepan and place on a small fire, heat, but not bring to a boil. After that, pour a tablespoon of chicory and cocoa into a saucepan, mix thoroughly and simmer for 3-5 minutes. The drink is ready to drink. If desired, a little condensed milk or natural honey can be added to it.

Various additives, such as cinnamon, cloves and other spices, milk or cream, vanilla sugar, cocoa, grated ginger root, freshly squeezed juice of lemon, apricot or orange, will also help to make the taste of chicory coffee even more interesting and original. Also a delicious option would be a drink with the addition of chocolate syrup or a scoop of ice cream.

Coffee is a fragrant, invigorating drink, without which it is impossible to imagine the usual morning. But each person is well aware that, although coffee beans are a powerful natural stimulant, they can also have a negative effect on the state of the human body, especially with excessive consumption. Chicory can be a worthy alternative to natural coffee, because it has many positive properties and has a softer invigorating effect.

Chicoryit has long been known as a coffee substitute. But then again: if before they drank it mainly because there was no normal coffee in our stores, now they drink it with pleasure and love. From the section on diabetic and dietary coffee products from chicorymigrated to the shelves with a "status" assortment.

Selection of drinks based on chicorygreat, and for the sake of improving and enriching the taste, manufacturers produce soluble chicory  with various additives - sea buckthorn, lingonberries, blueberries, cinnamon, wild rose. There is packaged chicory - it can be brewed as tea, but there is chicoryground.

Polina Vlasova, build editor site“I drink chicory because it has no caffeine. And along with cream and sugar, it tastes like coffee or cocoa, which I love, but because of the poor tolerance of caffeine I can’t drink. ”

Elena Ilyina, head of the naming department of the company Lexica: “I drank chicory before, because everyone around talked about the benefits of the drink. I tried to give it even to a child. But the chicory coffee I did not take root in, it does not have such a rich taste as coffee, it does not invigorate and does not create a spiritual atmosphere. When coffee from chicory began to be made with various additives, I lost confidence in it and, sacrificing its benefits, I returned to natural coffee. ”

What is chicory and chicory coffee

First of all, coffee from chicorymade from dried roots common chicory (not to be confused with salad chicory  - this is a different biological species, and its culinary use is completely different). Chicory- wild plant with pale blue flowers. To its taste, chicory resembles coffee, but it does not contain caffeine. therefore chicorydrink those to whom coffee is contraindicated - for whom pressure rises from coffee.

Ekaterina Gurova, project coordinator site: “I like the taste of chicory. They write that he invigorates and helps with many diseases. Therefore, I drink to find this vigor and recover from all diseases. They also write that it contains vitamins and minerals that are indicated for my illness. ”

Chicory: benefit and harm

Plant chicory- a storehouse of utilities. Roots chicorycontain chicorin, inulin, choline, proteins, fats, pectin, vitamins C, B1, E, fat, gum, essential oil, resin, tannins, mineral salts and a large number of trace elements. To some extent, and coffee from chicorycan be considered as a healing drink.

Natalya Balynina, editor of the Health section of the site site: “The chicory contains the inulin polysaccharide - complex preparations are produced on its basis. Among the claimed effects is the normalization of intestinal microflora: inulin is able to increase the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria necessary for healthy digestion, that is, it is a prebiotic. In addition, dietary supplements with inulin are recommended as absorbents for a detoxification course of the body. ”

Sometimes they talk about chicory harm. The fact is that if you use it excessively and every day - after a while you can get excessively bloated vessels.

In addition, do not forget about time consuming chicory. In the morning in small doses it will be a tonic and invigorating remedy. In the evening, chicory can help calm the nervous system that is overexcited during the day.

Chicory: how to use

In Europe chicory drinkspopular for a long time, there chopped roasted root chicory is added to coffee. Prepare for children cyclic root drink  with the addition of milk or cream. In Estonia they cook egg coffee  and put chicory in fruit tea. And in Latvia they are preparing cold drinkto from the cyclic root with the addition of honey, lemon and apple juice.

Chicoryit is good to drink with milk, as it improves the absorption of milk by four times.

However, this is not all. Ground chicory can be added to baked goods, especially in cupcake dough. A few teaspoons chicoryyou need to dilute in a small amount of water or milk, and it is better to sift along with flour, or add to the butter-egg mixture. Ground chicory gives a baking nutty flavor.

Marianna Orlinkova, deputy chief editor of the magazine Grocery store: “Once I drank, like everyone else, instant coffee. When a beloved man told me: “What are you drinking this rubbish? Let me make you a normal coffee,” I always refused. Because the “normal” real coffee - in cezve or espresso - I wanted at another time. And from instant coffee I got hot black bitterness, which for some reason is necessary for my body. I never added sugar or milk to it. And a couple of years ago, we had nice and not too expensive French jars in chicory supermarkets - chicory. A beautiful jar is half the story for sale. I bought it, tried it. Perfectly soluble drink with a pleasant aroma - nothing to do with coffee, well, excellent. Hot. The black. Bitter. No more instant coffee any more. ".

People accustomed to starting the morning with an invigorating drink usually choose between coffee and tea. The choice between chicory and coffee arises when doctors do not recommend invigorating means, and completely refuse the usual drink ... Can we look for an alternative?

What is the difference between chicory and coffee?

Externally, drinks of chicory and coffee can hardly be distinguished. However, they have individual properties and affect a person differently. What is the difference between chicory and coffee?

Coffee is remarkable for its taste bouquet and specific odor, the intensity and shade of which depends on the variety, the method of processing the beans and preparing the drink itself. Rich in caffeine, which in many cases is the main disadvantage. Addictive and insomnia. Of the pluses, it is worth noting the prophylactic effect against oncological neoplasms, migraines, and diabetes.

  • If we compare chicory and coffee, then chicory is more bitter in taste, the aroma slightly resembles coffee, and in a granular product it is stronger. Caffeine free. Balances the nervous system, depending on its type: either replenishes energy activity, or relieves stress.

Chicory has a whole range of unique properties that have beneficial effects on the most important functions of the body - digestive, metabolic, immune. In combination with milk, it enriches the body with calcium.

There are legends about the positive results of chicory during weight loss, and the plant owes such glory to the polysaccharide inulin, as well as pectins and intibin. They speed up metabolism, reduce the amount of sugar and promote the absorption of fast carbohydrates. There is also information about the benefits of caffeine, but it takes more physical effort to lose weight with it, otherwise the extra pounds can once again take up “occupied” places.

Indications for appointment

It is not entirely correct to talk about the indications for the appointment of chicory and coffee, since the same coffee is not a medicine, and it is usually drunk taking into account taste preferences, and not medical recommendations.

Another thing is chicory, which has a complex of useful components and medicinal properties. Due to these properties and the absence of caffeine, chicory is indicated in the following cases:

  • In diabetics, it normalizes the activity of the pancreas and beneficial microflora.
  • Hypertensive patients invigorates without increasing pressure.
  • Drunk at night, relieves insomnia.
  • Cleanses the body and improves protective ability.
  • Promotes the absorption of the beneficial components of milk.
  • The best coffee substitute for children and expectant mothers.
  • Supports female youth and beauty.

Chicory instead of coffee

Is it possible to use chicory 100 percent instead of coffee? After all, you can’t call chicory and coffee identical products, and the adherents of real coffee will never agree to such a replacement. For people who are not allowed black coffee, there is a simple way to enjoy its true aroma: add a pinch of ground beans to a chicory drink.

Reducing the amount of caffeine is simple: pour freshly ground coffee with boiling water, bring to a boil and immediately pour into a cup. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the arabica variety, the grains of which are one third less caffeine than in robusta. The good news is for those whose body does not absorb milk: the product added to chicory is perfectly absorbed, replenishing calcium stores.

The benefit is that chicory, unlike coffee, is characterized by healing qualities. Therefore, chicory instead of coffee is allowed to be consumed by children, pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly. A harmful product is considered for people with gastritis, varicose veins, disorders of the nervous system. This category of consumers needs to consult a doctor about whether they can drink chicory and coffee.

How to make coffee from chicory?

There are several ways to make chicory coffee. The easiest way is to buy ready-made instant powder and prepare in the same way as a popular coffee drink: pour boiling water, add milk, cream, honey and / or sugar if desired. Sweet ingredients slightly soften the bitter taste, and milk helps assimilation.

Due to the fact that chicory invigorates, in the morning a cup of the drink will replace natural coffee, and in the evening such a remedy promotes good sleep. Useful properties are preserved in cold drinks with the addition of lemon, honey, apple juice.

  • Chicory and coffee are equally tasty if made from freshly ground raw materials. The root can be prepared independently, the main thing is to know the places where this rather unpretentious plant grows.

Raw materials are collected in the fall, after the wilting of flowers and leaves. They are cleaned of small and diseased roots, washed and dried in the sun for 5 days. Condition is checked by breaking the root: a specific crunch should be heard.

Dry raw materials are fried to a light brown color, ground in a coffee grinder and poured with hot water. In preparation, it should be remembered that the root is better to undercook than to overcook.

Coffee flavored chicory

Undeservedly forgotten chicory with the taste of coffee is gaining popularity, and even claims to be independent among the other hot drinks. So instead of the choice - “chicory or coffee?”, Perhaps a vigorous answer will soon follow: both chicory and coffee!

In favor of chicory says the composition - inulin, vitamins, mineral complex. A taste reminiscent of black coffee, some like it even more. And excessive bitterness is easily mitigated by the addition of milk.

  • Chicory as an alternative to coffee is used to reduce body weight. The drink is prepared with the addition of ground grains or without, if desired, but without cream and sugar or honey, as these ingredients not only improve palatability, but also increase calorie content.

For the preparation of chicory with the taste of coffee, a powdered or liquid soluble product is bought, but a drink from the roasted root is much tastier. The recipe is as follows:

Washed roots are dried in air, cut into pieces and fried at 180 degrees, in the oven or in a pan. Frying gives a dark color and eliminates bitterness. Grind in a coffee grinder, stored in a sealed container.

For a portion of hot cyclic coffee take 1-2 tsp. raw materials, brewed for several minutes, insist, coddle - and drink to health.

Taste connoisseurs have come up with a variety of recipes for delicious cold drinks, for example, using chicory extract, orange syrup and apple juice. The extract is also added to flavor fruit teas.

Green coffee with chicory

At the root of chicory is concentrated many useful elements that are important for the human body. It is no coincidence that the plant is actively used by pharmacists, confectioners, traditional healers. Chicory and coffee (green) are two in one, a combination of the positive qualities of two components: unroasted coffee beans and ground root.

Today you can buy various varieties of green coffee with chicory. They have a rich taste and aroma, contain vitamins lost during frying, polysaccharides, tannins. Due to the continuous use of these drinks, the following results are observed:

  • replenishment of energy, tone, improved performance;
  • decreased appetite, normalization of digestion, weight control;
  • cleansing of toxins and poisons;
  • improving mood and well-being.

The drink prevents the development of cardiovascular problems and diabetes, reduces the amount of fat accumulation, and has a general tonic effect on the whole body.

Contraindications relate to pregnancy, hypersensitivity, the drink is also not recommended for hypertensive patients and patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Coffee from chicory roots

It is known that there is no caffeine in chicory, and no inulin in coffee and tea. Is it equivalent to replacing a drink from ground coffee beans with coffee from chicory roots?

People who have medical contraindications for pressure are recommended chicory, and it will replace coffee in many ways - taste, aroma, and effect on well-being. Those who prefer instant drinks will appreciate the chicory powder. With reduced pressure, it is better not to use chicory.

The healing qualities are diverse: chicory reduces fever, soothes, has a choleretic, hypnotic and diuretic effect. The active ingredient inulin, as a sugar substitute, is useful for diabetics. Potassium has a positive effect on the heart, vitamins B - on the nervous system, iron - on the blood-forming organs.

The vasodilating effect is used for arrhythmias, tachycardia, atherosclerosis. Alternative recipes are used in chicory with a preventive purpose and in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, and kidneys. In order not to self-medicate, before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Coffee, decoction, tincture, juice from chicory roots are effective for diseases of the skin, as well as in the treatment of obesity, toothache, scurvy, gout, to increase general immunity. The classic recipe for a drink: a teaspoon of raw materials is poured into cold water, heated to a boil and boiled. Then the liquid is filtered and sweetened to taste.

Green coffee with goji berries and chicory

Before we understand what is green coffee with goji berries and chicory, we will deal separately with goji. These berries are known under various names - dereza, zamanika, wolfberry.

Despite the terrible name, these are actually very nutritious and fortified fruits, natural antioxidants. According to some studies, they stimulate mental activity, improve mood and sleep, rejuvenate, prevent cancer and other diseases. Goji is used in traditional medicine, in particular by the Chinese.

What does this product have to do with chicory and coffee? In the finished drink called "Green Coffee" combines the unique properties of coffee, goji, stevia. A bunch of components contained in these plants has a beneficial effect on metabolism, beneficial microorganisms, burns fats, reduces appetite, which is successfully used for weight loss. Caffeine, antioxidants, vitamins in such a drink are not destroyed by heat.

Green coffee stimulates the brain and physical activity, allows you to do more work and at the same time feel more energetic. This is important for people of both mental and physical labor. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to overload the body.

Can pregnant women have chicory instead of coffee?

Chicory and coffee, tea and cocoa - one of these drinks at least once a day, every person drinks. And if the body is in order, then to health! Doubts about whether chicory can be used by pregnant women instead of coffee arise in expectant mothers who are used to starting the morning with a black drink. But after hearing about the possible harm to the child, they are looking for a replacement for their favorite drink.

There is no need to go far for an alternative. A similar taste has a drink from chicory root. It has a beneficial effect on the organs and systems of the pregnant woman, subjected to double loads, especially cardiovascular and hematopoietic. Chicory helps the heart, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin and renews red blood cells. And root juice, diluted in milk, is recommended as a medicine for anemia.

Chicory calms the nerves of a pregnant woman, establishes intestinal activity, stimulates the stomach, eliminates nausea and heartburn that bothers many women. The drink removes toxins, improves liver activity. In folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of spleen, kidneys, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, wounds and tumors.

However, there are warnings. Sometimes chicory can increase coughing and stimulate appetite too much. Contraindications for pregnant women also exist with varicose veins, gastritis, hemorrhoids.

Can coffee be mixed with chicory?

The way of chicory to recognition was not easy, and for a long time it had only an unflattering status of counterfeit coffee. Sources describe that at one time there were specialists who made chicory in the form of beans and sold it under the guise of the original fruits of coffee trees. It was not easy for customers to distinguish between such chicory and coffee beans.

  • Over time, gourmets became convinced that the addition of chicory does not spoil, but improves the aroma and brings interesting notes to the taste of the coffee bean drink. Thus, doubts as to whether coffee and chicory can be mixed were experimentally rejected.

Today, a mixed product is interesting for two categories of consumers: coffee lovers who decide to reduce the consumption of black coffee, and people who know about the medicinal properties of chicory.

To prepare a mixed drink, freshly ground ingredients should be taken. Processed and soluble products are not so tasty. Proportions - 2 parts of coffee for 1 part of chicory. For a serving, a full teaspoon of the first and half - the second ingredient is enough.

If you prepare a drink in a Turk, then the mixture drenched in a glass of water is heated until it boils and removed from the heat. By adding milk and sugar, the Turk is again set on fire and removed during the formation of foam. The drink is ready.

The advantage of a mixed drink is that it affects the nervous system less and, therefore, is less addictive.

The benefits of chicory

The taste of the chicory drink resembles coffee, which is why the theme “Chicory and Coffee” is so relevant. And if almost everything is known about the qualities of coffee, then changing one drink to another, it is worth asking what chicory is good for. In order not to change a tasty original to a less tasty substitute.

The benefits of chicory are diverse. Like coffee, it invigorates and improves mood. Someone likes sweet, with cow, soy, coconut milk, someone like black and unsweetened. In moderate amounts, the drink is not harmful, including during pregnancy.

Vitamins B, which the cyclic root is rich in, have a positive effect on the nervous system, which, unlike coffee, calms, but does not excite. Thanks to the iron, chicory is used to prevent and treat anemia.

  • Those who want to lose weight with the help of this plant can lose weight without giving up baking and sweets. This is due to inulin, which reduces the harm from such foods and sugar levels, as well as pectin, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. These properties are especially useful for diabetics, therefore they are used by doctors as an additional therapy.

Inulin is very beneficial for the intestines. It tastes like bifidobacteria, therefore it prevents dysbiosis and constipation. And the cleansing effect and vitamins in the composition increase immunity. Special chicoryic acid also contributes to the strengthening of protective forces.

Vitamin set and minerals are best reflected on the skin, as they help to restore collagen and tone the dermis. Tinctures of the root for external use can heal wounds, cleanse the skin with psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

The same properties of chicory are useful for hair: they improve the structure and stimulate growth. The effect occurs when rinsing the hair with a tincture of tincture.

And if the cores are forced to refuse coffee because of caffeine, then it is not in chicory, but it is rich in substances necessary for the work of the heart. It dilates blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol, therefore it is recommended for hypertension and other vascular problems.

Chicory or coffee - which is healthier?

Not all people know the difference between chicory and coffee. It seems that only real gourmets distinguish the taste, but the debate on the topic: “Chicory or coffee, which is healthier?” - do not subside. Proponents and opponents of drinks put forward new arguments for the benefits and harms of black drinks.

Coffee perfectly fulfills its function when we want to "wake up" in the morning or shake ourselves at another time of the day. This is due to the presence of caffeine in the composition. He relieves some migraines from some patients.

At the same time, the substance in large doses has a strange, at first glance, property: it depresses the psyche and activity. That allows you to use it for sleep disorders.

  • Coffee drink is not in vain served for dessert: it speeds up digestion, which is useful for healthy people. In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to refuse a coffee dessert.

The properties of chicory are somewhat different. It calms nerves without oppression, has a positive effect on the heart, and stimulates appetite. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces sugar levels in patients with diabetes, and promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms. Medicine uses chicory as an anthelmintic, choleretic, astringent and diuretic. It is appreciated for its effectiveness by those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

As you can see, both products in moderate doses have various beneficial properties. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question posed above. Fans should choose an aromatic drink suitable for themselves, depending on taste, state of health, time of day, mood.

The effect of chicory coffee on bowel function

Chicory contains inulin, a type of fiber that actively feeds beneficial intestinal bifidobacteria. The effect of chicory coffee on intestinal function is that it prevents dysbiosis and its unpleasant consequences, such as constipation. In case of problems with bowel movements, the question of chicory and coffee is definitely resolved in favor of the first, since coffee can only aggravate the situation.

The following components provide an action for intestinal disorders:

  • inulin - accelerates metabolism and normalizes digestion;
  • tannins - protect against infections causing stool problems;
  • intibin is a glycoside that positively affects the nervous system, which also affects digestion.

Chicory is good for the digestive organs as a whole. This is its plus, and in vain traditional medicine has long been using this property. To eliminate constipation, the drink is prepared unsweetened and without milk.

Inulin stimulates the restoration of microflora, which is very badly affected by constipation. The chicory taken internally cleanses the body of toxins, improves the absorption of vitamins and immunity.

The procedure is performed at home. Pre-grated root in the amount of 1 tsp. 300 ml of boiling water are mixed with a spoon of dry yarrow, after 15 minutes. the drug is ready for use. Drink tincture on an empty stomach.

Coffee and Chicory Slimming

Chicory and coffee - both products are natural. You can drink them to anyone who loves such drinks or is looking for an alternative to coffee. The difference is that for overweight people, a cyclic drink helps to normalize metabolism and lose excess weight, which cannot be said about coffee. For the result, two or three servings of chicory coffee for weight loss per day are enough.

How does weight loss occur? The process is associated with the components found in the root of this plant: inulin and intibine, as well as the specific taste of the drink made from it.

  • Inulin contributes to the speedy processing of sugar, and therefore it does not turn into fat and does not lead to obesity.
  • Intibine helps break down fats, so they are not stored in the depot, and food is digested faster.
  • The bitter taste of the plant reduces appetite. Figuratively speaking, a serving of a drink before eating slows down the appetite, and after eating it signals the body about the end of the meal and "recommends" a feeling of satiety to hold longer.
    • with varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other problems with blood vessels;
    • with ulcers of the digestive organs;
    • with allergies;
    • with chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma.

    If you decide to first introduce chicory into the diet, to prevent unforeseen reactions, start with a small portion and monitor the body. In case of anemia, natural milk must be replaced with vegetable analogues.

Continuing to speak on the topic of coffee, the benefits and harms to health, I would like to dwell on coffee with chicory. The benefits and harms of such a drink, without a doubt, is a popular topic of conversation not only among coffee lovers who want to get rid of coffee, but also among people who think about health.

As you already know, there is nothing useful in instant coffee, while natural coffee is more or less acceptable, in small doses. On the other hand, chicory is a useful product. What happens if you mix these two products? How to cook and consume this drink?

What ingredients can I make chicory coffee from?

  • Coffee must be natural and freshly ground;
  • Chicory too, only ground (if you know, in shops you can buy liquid chicory in banks - this will not work).

How to mix coffee with chicory?

  • Take a teaspoon with a mountain of fresh medium-ground coffee;
  • Mix with 0.5 tsp. ground chicory.

How to make coffee with chicory?

The resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of water and bring to a boil in a Turk. While the water should boil, it is necessary to remove the Turk from the fire and add 60 grams of milk and sugar to taste.

After that, put it on a little gas again and with the appearance of foam remove the finished drink and pour it into a cup. Here, in fact, the whole recipe for cooking.

Can coffee be replaced with chicory?

Of course, many former coffee lovers do just that. It is difficult to jump off natural coffee, but if you mix coffee and chicory, you get a less stimulating drink to the nervous system. And accordingly, less addictive.

Unfortunately, in the stores of any city, starting in Moscow, St. Petersburg and ending with the CIS countries, buying chicory root is becoming increasingly difficult. This useful product is removed from production and instant coffee is slipped into the place of people.

A method of making coffee with chicory for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight if you drink coffee mixing it with chicory? There are several opinions on this score. I adhere to the version that this is more than possible. The only condition is that the drink should be sugar free and cream only non-fat. And of course, do not forget about how to eat properly for weight loss, because this is the basis of the basics. Without nutrition, any stimulants for weight loss will be useless.

Here is the recipe:

  • The proportions of coffee and chicory are 2 to 1, respectively;
  • Pour in hot water and put on a slow fire;
  • When the drink is about to boil, add 50 ml of skim cream;
  • Now bring to a boil;
  • Strain through a fine sieve into a coffee cup.

If you managed to find chicory root - you are very lucky, be sure to make a coffee drink from it to evaluate its taste. Chicory is rich in useful substances that will muffle the effect that coffee has on the central nervous system. Nevertheless, try not to abuse this drink, for they say correctly: "Everything is good in moderation!"