Chops with pineapple and cheese - a dish for the holiday! Chop recipes with pineapple and cheese from pork, chicken, veal. Pork chops with pineapple and cheese in a pan

20.08.2019 Meat Dishes

The recipe for a chicken chop with canned pineapple and cheese. A great combination of chicken, sweet pineapple, cheese and garlic - all this is combined in one simple dish, which is also easy and quick to prepare. An oven-baked chop with pineapples and cheese always looks solemn and is quite suitable for any festive table, family or romantic dinner. Chicken chop can be served as an independent dish or with a light side dish - boiled rice or vegetables.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 200 g canned pineapple;
  • 100 g of cheese (hard or semi-hard);
  • 2 to 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

First, prepare your chicken breast. Rinse and pat dry with paper towels. Using a sharp knife, cut the loin pulp from the frame on both sides. Then divide each part with a knife along the fibers into two more halves. You should end up with four parts.

Now each piece is slightly beaten with a kitchen hammer, but do not overdo it too much, chicken meat is very tender and fiber can be damaged.

Preheat the oven to 170 - 180 degrees.

Prepare a baking dish or pan. If you plan to bake in a form, grease it lightly with vegetable oil. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, which is also desirable to grease with vegetable oil, so the chicken chop will turn out more tender and juicy. Season each slice with salt and black pepper. To give an additional taste accent, you can add a little chopped garlic, just spread it over the chop surface.

Top, chop each chop with mayonnaise.

It seems to me a lot tastier if you cut pineapples into small pieces.

Cheese, preferably a hard or semi-hard variety, grate on a coarse grater and gently spread over the entire surface.

Bake the chicken chop for 30 to 35 minutes, until a characteristic golden crust appears. During this time, the chop will have time to fully prepare, to be saturated with the taste and aroma of other products.

Spread the chicken chop with pineapple and cheese on a serving plate and serve hot.

Very tasty, hearty and elegant meat dish! This time we will tell you the recipe for chicken chop with pineapple, cheese and tomato in the oven, cooked in foil. Due to the use of foil, the fillet does not run the risk of being dry and fresh, on the contrary, the dish comes out very juicy, tender and aromatic. The taste of meat is harmoniously complemented by the sweetness of pineapple and sourness of tomatoes. A beautiful, simple and original dish is a great option for an outstanding lunch or dinner. It can be served both as an independent dish, and with a side dish (for example, mashed potatoes, crumbly rice or steamed vegetables).
Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Taste info Poultry main courses


  • 500 g chicken
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 150 g canned pineapple,
  • 150 g of hard cheese
  • 1 large onion,
  • apple or wine vinegar,
  • mayonnaise, salt, spices to taste.

How to cook chicken in the oven with pineapple, cheese and tomato

Discard the chicken fillet (if the pieces are large, you can cut along). Salt and pepper the meat on both sides.

Cut the onion in half rings, sprinkle with vinegar a little, add salt and leave to marinate.

Cut tomatoes in half circles. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Pineapples cut into slices.

On the prepared foil of the required size, lay out the pieces of the beaten filet, pepper the meat.

Then, lightly greasing with mayonnaise and salting, lay out in layers: chopped pineapples, onions, tomatoes, onions again.

The last layer is grated cheese.

Wrap the foil (carefully tighten the joints so that the juice does not leak and steam does not escape) and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. About ten minutes before the end of baking, open the foil so that the cheese is browned.
Chicken chops with pineapple and cheese in the oven are done! This dish can be served as a regular dinner, or cook for a holiday, for example, for a birthday or New Year.

How many dishes can be prepared from chicken meat? All recipes can not be counted. For cooking, use the whole chicken or its individual parts. Each piece of carcass is good in its own way and has its fans. But for chops, chicken breast is best. Many can say that this part of the chicken has a dry structure. Here you can object. You just need to be able to cook it properly. with cheese and pineapple - these are some of the best recipes for tasty, tender and juicy meat.

Chicken and Pineapple - A Great Mix

This dish has its own zest, an explosion of taste emotions and light piquancy. Chicken chops with cheese and pineapple are juicy due to the excellent combination of products that complement and saturate each other's tastes. This is an original easy recipe for calorie dishes. No wonder it is a dietary product. To prepare this culinary masterpiece, you will need three small chicken fillets (it is better to take fresh or chilled), salt, pepper, 100 grams of hard cheese, three cloves of garlic and several rings of pineapple (canned).

Wash and dry the meat with a paper towel. Then it must be slightly beaten off, wrapped in cling film. You do not have to make a lot of effort, since chicken is very tender. After that, sprinkle the fillet with pepper and salt. Spread the meat on a greased baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Put chopped garlic in the middle of each piece. This product should not be used in large quantities. It should add a light aroma, not change the taste. Then we put pineapple on each chop ring. Next, grease them with mayonnaise and cover with a thin piece of cheese, the size of which is less than chop. Put the baking sheet in the oven and cook for about half an hour. Chicken chops with cheese and pineapple are juicy and beautiful. The cheese spreads and forms a golden crust.

Chops in batter

You can change the recipe and use a batter consisting of eggs and salt. This will make the meat even juicier. For cooking, you will need a kilogram of chicken, a can of pineapple canned (ring), 200 grams of cheese, 2 chicken eggs and spices. We start with the preparation of the main product. To make chicken chops with cheese and pineapple tender, they must be cut and lightly beaten. Then sprinkle the fillet with spices (salt and pepper). You can use other seasonings, but so that they do not interrupt the main aromas and tastes.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a small pinch of salt. Dip the chicken chop in batter and fry on each side in a pan. Then put them on a baking sheet. Put a pineapple ring on top of each piece and sprinkle with cheese. We send the pan to the oven. Chicken recipes are quick to cook.

Original marinade

Chicken fillet can be placed in a marinade to give it even more tenderness. For the marinade, use a large spoonful of sour cream and a little mustard. Place the chopped fillet in this mixture and leave for 30 minutes. But first, pieces of meat must be gently beaten off and sprinkled with spices. For baking, you will need a form with small sides. Lubricate it with butter.

This will give the dish an unusual taste. Then we spread the chops as densely as possible to each other. Next up are pieces of pineapple. Here you can use chopped fruit. The syrup should be light, then the dish will be perfect and not too sweet. Pay attention to this when buying. Add a little curry for flavor and sprinkle with cheese grated with a grater. Cook the chop for 30-40 minutes.

  with tomatoes

This is a hearty and tasty dish, but very easy to prepare. Take 2 chicken, two tomatoes, 150 grams 2 eggs, three tablespoons of flour, a spoonful of mustard, vegetable oil and spices. Cut the fillet into two so that it is not thick. Then gently beat it off, sprinkle with salt and pepper and coat with mustard. Leave the meat to marinate for 30 minutes.

We cut tomatoes in thick circles, and three cheese with a grater. Separately prepare batter. Mix eggs, flour, salt and pepper. Chops dipped in this mixture and brown in a pan. Finally, put a slice of tomato on top and sprinkle with cheese. Cover the frying pan for 10 minutes. Chicken chops with tomatoes are very juicy. You can also cook them in the oven.

The combination of meat and sweet and sour, juicy pineapples is considered one of the most successful, it is not without reason that there are many recipes for meat salads with pineapples, and on holiday tables you can often find pork or chicken baked with this exotic fruit. If you have not cooked pork chops with pineapples in the oven, then be sure to try it - the dish is prepared simply and quickly, and the result is always happy.


  • 500 g pork
  • 7 slices of canned pineapple
  • 3-4 tsp sour cream
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • greens for serving


1. For chops, you can take pork flesh (it may be more fat) or loin. Wash the meat, dry with a towel. Cut the pork into chops, 4-5 mm thick.

  2. Cover the slices with cling film and use a culinary hammer to beat off on both sides. It will be enough to inflict 5-6 blows on each side.

  3. Cover the baking sheet with foil, pour a little oil and spread it with a culinary brush. Lay out the pieces of pork, each salt and pepper. You can also sprinkle with your favorite spices.

  4. With the same culinary brush, grease each piece of meat with sour cream. Instead of sour cream, you can optionally use mayonnaise (preferably homemade), yogurt.

  5. For each piece of meat, put in a circle of canned pineapple. If there are no pineapple slices on hand, then slices will do.

  6. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. The variety does not really matter; the main thing is that it should melt well.

Today I am again preparing a recipe from my favorite "Hawaiian" theme. This time it will be chicken chops with pineapple and cheese. The recipe is not bad for non-strict diets: chicken breast is not fat, cheese and butter are also a clean minimum, and pineapple is fresh, not from a can, which means there is less sugar in it than in canned food. Well, and chili - for the thrill: Do we have Hawaii or not Hawaii, after all ?!

But in fact, I do not eat chicken chop with pineapple and cheese in order to lose weight, but because it is really very tasty. The main thing is not to dry (do not over-hold in the oven) the chicken. Well, and another interesting point - this is the "beating" of chops. But let's get down to business?

Chicken breasts, if they are sold whole, consist of two pieces, as it were. And the inner, narrow and thin, very easily separated from the outer. For chops, it is not needed (it will also fall off), so we delete it. We also cut an additional piece of meat on the side where the breast is especially thick. The pieces should be more or less uniform thickness.

Lubricate the surface of the chicken with vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt, ideally coarse-grained.

After that, put the breasts in a plastic bag and make them chops ... with a rolling pin! It’s not necessary to beat here, rather, it is necessary to press, and quite a bit to roll out. Coarse-grained salt to help us, it also additionally works on softening the structure of meat. After “beating” the breasts should increase in area by about one and a half times.

We remove the core from the pineapple and cut off the outer layer.

We cut it into washers a little more than 5 mm thick. Chili pepper cut into thin rings.

We heat the oven to 200C.

Grease the bottom of the refractory form with vegetable oil. If the mold is non-stick, this operation can be released.

We lay the broken breasts with the outer surface upwards in a refractory form. We spread pineapple washers on them.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and chili.

We bake chicken chops with pineapple and cheese in the oven at an average level at a temperature of 200 C with air circulation of 15 minutes.

We get out and eat quickly.

However, cold this dish will also be delicious.