Juice from apples in a juicer for the winter. Apple juice in a sokovarka for the winter

20.08.2019 Dishes for children

Of them. Summer and the beginning of autumn is a period when you can enjoy it in plenty. This is a completely different matter than drinking ready-made drinks from store packages. Also, everyone knows that you can save wonderful juices for the winter. But how to do it, how to preserve wonderful drinks in the cold season? This is more complicated. In this article, we will try to explain this issue as much as possible, talk about how to cook juice in a juicer, because this is the most convenient way.

general information

There are two main ways to get juice - heat treatment and spin. So, for the second, a juicer is used, and for the first - a juicer. The latter has an important advantage, which is that it does not require your presence and participation in the preparation process.

A sugar cooker does most of the work herself. Juice in it is obtained by processing berries, fruits or vegetables with steam. The device itself consists of three parts-containers. Directly on the stove is placed the lower pan, which is filled with water (usually 3-4 liters). A pan is placed in it, into which juice is collected, and in it is a container with holes into which it merges - a steam basket. In this basket, raw materials are laid. In the pan where the drink is going, there is a hose for draining it. Do you understand the general principle of how to make juice in a juicer?

Details on how to prepare for getting juice from a juicer

For this, first of all, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Grapes, apples, apricots, tomatoes or cherries (or other fruits and vegetables) are thoroughly washed. We sort them out, discard spoiled and sluggish fruits, cut large ones into pieces. We cut out rotten places. The smaller the workpieces, the better. Apple, for example, cut into at least six parts. It is not necessary to peel them, as the juicer will perfectly fulfill its purpose in this case too. But it is better to remove the seeds and seeds so that they do not clog the holes for draining the juice.

Before starting the device for the first time, wash it thoroughly and boil the hose. Put it on the branch pipe of the juice collector and fix the clamp. Fill the bottom saucepan with water and install a juice collector. At the very end, put the fruit bowl in its place and fill it with fruit. It's time to close the lid, light a fire and learn how to make juice in a juicer.

The process of making juice

It begins already when you lit a fire. Most often, the cooking process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. At this time, you will have time to calmly wash the cans, sterilize them, and then roll the juice into them. Do the same with the covers. Open the juicer periodically and mix the fruits - for a better flow of the drink. Fresh fruit is not necessary. When the juice is ready for the hose, substitute the container and drain the drink by removing the clip first. The juice is hot, its temperature is about 75 degrees, so be careful. When cooking tomatoes, it is advisable to substitute a sieve, it will delay the seeds. As soon as the can is filled, immediately roll it up until the juice has cooled. Do not worry about sterility, as steam destroyed all the germs. You got some general information on how to make juice in a juicer, some more tips. Sweeten the drink at the very beginning of the process - granulated sugar is poured into the upper container along with the fruit. If you do this after cooking, sterility will be impaired. Do not throw away the remains of tomatoes and apples, they can be used in the preparation of adjika - in the first case, and as a filling for the pie - in the second.

Cooking apple juice in a juicer

In the event that you are going to quench your thirst right now, then use a juicer, if you are preparing supplies for the winter, take a juicer. In order to get 2-3 liters of juice, you have to process somewhere 5 kg of fruit. We will need two liters of water and two tablespoons of sugar per liter of drink. It is better to choose apples sweet, in extreme cases - sweet and sour, from sour can get heartburn. Putting a juice cooker, as you already know.

In the assembly process, fill with water and fruits. Turn on our device and steam until the juice completely ceases to stand out. Depending on the hardness of the apples, this can last from 50 to 80 minutes. Then we make a drink with sugar. Here there is one more option, besides the one described above. Pour sugar into a separate saucepan, pour juice from a juicer, stir it and bring to a boil over low heat. If we cook without sand, then immediately pour the drink into cans. In both cases, filling containers with the finished product, roll them up and wrapping them in a coverlet, leave them to cool. The juice in the juice cooker is ready.

Cooking Tomato Juice

Juice from this product has a positive effect on vitality and is very useful for the work of the human heart. For its preparation, fresh and ripened vegetables are best suited.

And the easiest way to cook tomato juice in a juicer. Wash the tomatoes well, cut them into slices and send them to the appropriate capacity of the device. Choose juicy tomato varieties for these purposes. Now you need to add a little sugar and salt. Turn on the cooker and cook. When the first drops appear, be sure to taste them.

Cooking Plum Juice

For a change, prepare plum juice in a juicer.

The recipe for a pulp drink is outlined below. We will need the following ingredients: ripe plums - four kilograms, granulated sugar - at the rate of 300 grams per liter of juice. We sort out our fruits well and wash them. We put it in a juicer. About one and a half liters of drink should turn out from our quantity of products. We cook the mass, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan with sugar, add the remaining pulp, previously rubbed through a fine sieve. Bring to a boil over low heat. Just a couple of minutes - and the juice with the pulp is boiled. Pour it into a sterile container and immediately roll it up.

Having mastered how to boil juice in a juice cooker according to this recipe, you can make stewed fruit or jelly from it, or you can drink it ready-made. Do you have mashed potatoes in the juicer? Cook thick jam from it or make a lot of delicious desserts. How do you like it? It turned out completely waste-free production with a minimum investment of resources and time. By the way, the juice in the juicer turns out to be more sweet than after the juicer, and is stored for a long time without changing the taste.

Not many people know how to make juice in a juicer, and why do it at all. This device has appeared in the ranks of household appliances for quite some time, but has not achieved popularity among housewives. In most cases, this is due to at least two factors.

Firstly, consumers simply do not know all the positive aspects associated with this option of processing fruits, berries and vegetables. Secondly, today many fruits are presented in a wide assortment and are available almost all year round. Thanks to this, it is much easier for people to buy them and squeeze the juice in a mechanical way, without wasting time on a troublesome, as they think, process.

Why use a juicer to make juice?

According to the principle of operation, the juicer is similar to a conventional double boiler. It consists of three parts, which are designed for pouring water, laying food and collecting the finished juice. If we compare the procedure for obtaining a drink using a juicer and a juicer, then many factors speak in favor of the first device:

  • Working with a juicer is easier and more comfortable. It does not make noise, does not spray the product, its parts are not clogged with pieces of pulp.
  • The final drink does not contain sediment, as during evaporation, all particles of pulp are brought to the same state.
  • The finished product does not need additional sterilization. If necessary, you can immediately roll it into cans. And if you want to close freshly squeezed juice for the winter, you need to boil it right after production.
  • The "raw" composition oxidizes very quickly, so you need to either drink it right away or spend time on additional processing. Juice obtained as a result of using the juicer can be stored much longer without negative consequences for its taste and physical properties.
  • Despite the fact that it takes longer to prepare juice in a juicer than with the mechanical processing of components, this process does not require a constant presence. You do not need to add products during the manipulation, they only need to be initially loaded into the desired compartment.

Tip: The pulp left after making the juice should not be thrown away. From it you can make delicious jam or marmalade. In the juicer itself, healthy jelly is made from product residues.

  • Steam-processed juice usually does not even need to be added sugar. It is already sweet and fragrant.
  • A juice cooker does not get so dirty as a juicer. Wash it after use is much easier.
  • The device, if necessary, can be used as a regular double boiler for processing the necessary components for a couple.
  • The finished product has a maximum set of useful components, regardless of what is included in its composition.

Of course, for daily preparation of a small amount of juice it is more convenient and more rational to use a juicer. But if you plan to make a drink for the winter in large quantities, it is better not to come up with a juice maker.

How to organize the process according to all the rules?

The juice preparation procedure begins with familiarization with the instructions that are attached to each unit. If this is not done, you can inadvertently exceed the volumes of water or products, incorrectly set the timers, if any. In addition, it is important to properly assemble the fixture. It usually consists of three parts, but options are possible.

  1. Wash the selected fruits, clean, remove the seeds, cut out all the damaged parts. It is better not to remove the skins, because they contain many useful components. Large specimens are cut into pieces. We lay out all the blanks in the appropriate department of the apparatus.
  2. When using vegetables, you can sprinkle the semi-finished product with a small amount of salt. If fruits or berries are laid, sugar is added to taste. On average, 1 kg of strawberries or cherries requires no more than 100 g of sugar. Plums, raspberries, apples and pears a couple more tablespoons.
  3. Pour water into the lower compartment of the device, the volume depends on the dimensions of the device. It is not worth filling the container completely; after boiling, it will begin to pour out. Next, close the lid, clamp the device hose and start the device. As soon as the temperature exceeds 70 ° C, liquid will begin to accumulate in the receiver, the level of which must be monitored. After about 30-60 minutes, the tank will be filled only if the components do not differ in dryness and increased density.
  4. Then we take sterile, still warm cans, and gradually fill them from the tank, substituting the hose and unlocking it.

The summer harvest - fruits, berries, vegetables - you always want to save for the whole year, while spending as little time and effort as possible on their processing. This can be greatly helped by a juice cooker - a unique invention, a pan specially designed for cooking juice, indispensable in the season of fruits and vegetables for preparing blanks for the winter.

In a juicer you can quickly (steaming time - no more than 1 hour for any fruit, berries and vegetables) make wonderful juice, compote or broth, and then enjoy natural drinks all year round.

Sokovarka, thanks to a special technology for preparing drinks (pasteurization), for a long time preserves the taste and aroma of vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as the beneficial properties of these products. Natural fruit and berry juices prepared using a juicer are a dietary and medicinal product that can be stored for a long time. It is useful for adults and children, sick and healthy. Enriching the body with vitamins, microelements, natural juices help to improve digestion, normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The advantage of this juicer is that it can be used not only for boiling juice, but also just like a steel pan (bottom pan with a lid), as well as a double boiler (bottom pan for water, a sieve and a lid)!

The principle of operation of the juicer is that fruits and berries are heated by steam and at the same time, the process of juicing and pasteurization takes place.

The juice cooker is made of thick stainless steel, the top lid is made of refractory glass with a hole for releasing steam.

Apple juice in a juice cooker

Slice apples and place in the top bin. If the apples are cut larger, they will slowly heat up in a juicer and, therefore, slowly release juice, while the resulting juice will be diluted by condensation of water vapor. Very small pieces of apples quickly turn into mashed potatoes, which clogs the openings of the colander of the juicer. Access of the steam to the central layers ceases, which makes the juice yield difficult and the resulting apple juice liquefies.

Apple and sea buckthorn juice

Components: 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of sea buckthorn.
   Preparation: pour water into the lower section of the cooker.

From the apples, remove the core and cut them into cubes and put in the upper section of the juice cooker. Lay the sea buckthorn on top. Close the lid and put on fire. Very soon, juice begins to flow down the tube.

Cherry juice

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 100-150 g

Wash the cherries and place in a juicer. Pour sugar and cook.
   Pour hot juice from a juicer into prepared hot cans or bottles and immediately seal.
   Sterilize cherry juice from a juicer is not necessary.

Pumpkin juice in a juice cooker

  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • sugar - 50-150 g

My pumpkin and cut off the peel. Cut seeds and fiber. Then grind the pumpkin and combine with sugar. Put the pumpkin in a juice cooker and cook for about 45-60 minutes.

If someone doesn’t like pumpkin juice because of the taste, the flavor characteristic of a pumpkin can be easily eliminated by adding lemon and sugar to the drink.

Juice Tomato Juice

Put mature washed tomatoes, previously finely chopped, into the cooker. It is advisable to choose tomatoes of juicy varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of sugar and salt and start making juice. Fill the prepared container with juice, close it with lids. But if you throw a couple of sprigs of celery at the bottom of the can before pouring the juice, you will get not only healthy, but also aromatic, and very tasty drink!

Juice in grape juice

Berries should be poured into the bunker before the collar. The cooker is covered and continued to simmer. As the berries warm, they become brown and settle to the bottom, they need to be shredded and filled with fresh ones, about ¾ of the volume, to make it convenient to interfere. The process of juice production lasts 45 minutes. It all depends on the ripeness of the berries. As soon as 45 minutes have passed, open the clamp and pour the hot juice into jars. If you want to get sweet juice, then add sugar to the loading hopper along with the berries.

How to boil juice in a juicer on gas

You don’t need to convince anyone that fresh juice from fruits, berries or vegetables is a whole treasure of vitamins and minerals. It can be prepared for lunch or breakfast if the house has a juicer.

If you need to prepare a large amount of juice, then you need to purchase a juice cooker. Such an assistant herself will prepare the juice, and you will only need to pour it into sterile jars and roll it up. All year until the next harvest, you can drink juice prepared at home, which can not be compared with what is sold in the store.


  • fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Cooking method

You need to prepare a juice cooker, knife and sterile jars with lids, a seaming key.

Read the instructions carefully. Examine its device to learn how to use a juicer. It has three containers. Water is poured into the lower vessel, it will boil, and steam will heat the second vessel, into which juice will flow from the first. In the first bowl you need to lay the ingredients for making juice.

A hose is attached to the middle dish, through which the finished juice will be poured into prepared cans.

The fruits from which they decided to make juice - sort out. Wash and remove seeds and seeds well. The peel can be cleaned, but it is better to leave it - because it has a lot of vitamins and taste, the juice will have a more intense aroma. Put the prepared fruits on the grate of the first container - small as a whole, and large ones must be chopped.

If you make juice from berries or fruits, you need to add sugar. In vegetable juice - salt.

Sugar for each juice should be in different quantities:

  • strawberries - juice 4 liters, sugar - 300 g;
  • plum - juice 4 liters, sugar - 400 g;
  • apple (pear) - juice 3 liters, sugar - 400 g;
  • cherry - juice 4 liters, sugar - 350 g;
  • currants (black or red) - juice 4 liters, sugar - 500 g;
  • raspberries - juice 4 liters, sugar - 500 g.

Pour water into the lower bowl. Close the lid well and firmly. Pinch the hose with a clamp and put the juice to evaporate. Cooking time depends on the hardness of the fetus and its ripeness. Usually it is ready in 30 minutes. Modern juice cookers have a device with a temperature sensor. When the juice is ready, the sensor will let you know.

When filling the middle tank with juice, it can be poured into a sterile jar. It must be placed under the hose, and the clip removed. The first juice, in the amount of 2 glasses, it is advisable not to pour into jars to ensure greater sterility. Juice will be stored more. Drain into cans and roll up. Of two kilograms of fruit, the yield of juice is from 1 to 1.5 liters.

If the water evaporates quickly, do not forget to top it up.

Helpful advice

It is not necessary to throw away the pulp after evaporating the juice. Wipe it through a sieve, put it in a sterile dish and close it tightly, you can roll it up. From it in the winter you can cook a great compote, kissel. Bake a pie or pies stuffed with this puree.

A juice cooker can be used for cooking steamed dishes - scrambled eggs, meatballs and various diet dishes.

A juice cooker turns out to be much healthier and tastier than the purchased one. Unlike a drink made using a juicer, here the juice is cleaner, without sediment, and the device does not require energy and is quieter. And from the remaining fruit marc, you can then cook a delicious jam. Let's find out with you how to make apple juice through a juicer.

Apple Juice Recipe


  • sugar - 150 g;
  • apples - 1 kg.


Wash the apples, first cut into small slices with a thickness of 15 mm, and then shred each piece evenly across into halves. If you chop the apples larger, they will heat up slowly in the juicer and the juice preparation process will be delayed for a long time. Pour water into the lower capacity of the cooker and heat it to a boil.

Then we install a second saucepan in it with a small hole in the middle to collect juice and create a steam space. Insert a colander into this pan, into which we chop the chopped fruits of apples. The steam generated during cooking in the lower pan heats our fruits and softens them. At the same time, the fruits begin to secrete juice, which flows down the tube into a pre-set pan.

If the apples do not heat up sufficiently, the juice flows slowly and cools quickly. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the water boils well. After the apples are completely softened, we take apart the juice cooker, pour the juice remaining in the second pan into the saucepan and pour into pre-sterilized and hot jars.

If apple juice has already cooled, then first we heat it to 85 degrees, add sugar and pour it. Next, roll up the cans with lids and put upside down on a flat surface. Wrap, cool and put in storage in a cool dark place.

Juice and Apple Juice


  • grapes - 500 g;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar to taste.


To prepare apple juice in a juice cooker, we carefully sort out the grape brushes, remove sluggish and spoiled berries. Thoroughly rinse the bunches and, without breaking the grapes, put them in the container of the juicer. Wash the apples, cut into cubes and spread them to the grapes. Add sugar to taste, set a bowl of grapes and apples on a juicer, cover and light a fire. After about an hour, open the faucet and pour the apple into a pre-set enameled pan. Then carefully pour the hot drink into a clean can, roll it up with a tin lid and remove it for the winter.

Juice pumpkin juice


  • apples - 500 g;
  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • sugar - 150 g.


Wash the pumpkin and carefully cut the whole peel with a sharp knife. We remove all seeds and fibers, after which we grind the pulp and add sugar. We wash the apples, cut into cubes and mix with the pumpkin mass. Now we put everything into a juice cooker and boil apple juice for about 45 minutes. Then pour the finished hot drink into clean jars, pasteurize for 15 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees and wrap a blanket. We store apple juice in a dark and cool place.