How to dilute juice from a juicer. How to use a juicer: step by step instructions

20.08.2019 Lean dishes

Summer and autumn are very stressful periods for many housewives. After all, at this time, the harvest of vegetables, berries and fruits falls. How I want to save all this in any form for the longest possible time! Nowadays, a technique comes to the rescue of a person, which allows to process all these riches with minimal expenditure of time and effort. You only need to know how to use all of these devices. For example, we will figure out how to boil juice in a juicer, which is indispensable in the season of vegetables and fruits. With it, you can make a lot of blanks for the winter.

The steaming time for any fruit is no more than one hour, so using our device you can relatively quickly prepare a delicious and healthy broth, compote or juice, and then enjoy natural drinks for a whole year.

Thanks to pasteurization, a special technology for creating drinks, it allows you to permanently preserve the aroma and taste of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as all their beneficial properties. As a result, we get a therapeutic and dietary product that can be stored for a long time. Such a drink is very useful for children and adults, healthy people and patients. Natural juices, enriching our body with microelements and vitamins, contribute to a significant improvement in digestion, the establishment of the blood vessels and heart.

In addition, a juicer can be used both as a simple steel pan and as a double boiler, and not just for boiling juice.

Before you understand how to boil juice in a juicer, you need to find out its principle of action. It consists in the fact that berries and fruits are heated by steam, and two processes simultaneously occur: pasteurization and juice production. The device itself is made of stainless steel, and its lid is made of refractory glass, which has a special hole in order to release steam.

And now let's look at how to make juice in a juicer, for example, from apples. Cut the fruits and stack them in the upper hopper. In the event that you make the pieces of fruit large, they will heat up slowly and just as slowly release juice, which will also be diluted due to If they are small, they will quickly turn into mashed potatoes and clog the colander of the unit. As a result, steam access to the higher layers will cease, the yield of juice will become worse, and it will liquefy. The correct size of the pieces is most often achieved empirically. By the way, dishes in which juice will drain through the hose should be warm, since the finished product will also arrive heated.

Further instructions on how to brew juice in a juicer. Pour water into its base, at least two liters. Bring to a boil. Then on the base we put a juice collector and a fruit hopper. Close the lid on top and heat over low heat. We block the rubber hose with a special clamp. To avoid burning the bottom of the lower tank, make sure that the water does not boil away.

The process of juice extraction lasts an average of one hour. We remove the clamp and pour the liquid into clean jars or bottles previously sterilized. With the help of a juicer, you can get juice that will be sweet. To do this, pour sugar into the loading hopper at the same time as fruits or berries.

So we have mastered how to make juice in a juicer. Immediately after preparation, it is recommended that you thoroughly wash the device with hot water. Do not use hard objects to remove scale. Boil the darkened elements for 15-20 minutes in a soda solution.

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. The issue of healthy nutrition has long become relevant and few people are indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers of utensils and appliances are in constant improvement and strive to meet the needs of consumers.

  Sokovarka and its advantages

Vegetable and fruit juices are included in the daily diet of almost every family. But are packaged juices so useful that fill their supermarket shelves with their rich assortment? It is difficult to call a juice drink a natural and high-quality product. Therefore, it will be much tastier and healthier to have a real one hundred percent juice, which you will make at home. You can make a natural drink using a juicer.

Why choose juice cookers? Working with a juicer is very convenient. It does not make noise, does not clog with fruit pulp and leaves no residue after juice preparation. Juice obtained from a juicer can immediately be rolled up into jars without sterilization and boiling. Fresh juice can be stored for a week in the refrigerator without loss of beneficial properties and quality.

Advantages of a Sokovarka:

  • versatility, safety and ease of use
  • juice can immediately be rolled up in jars
  • from the remaining pulp you can make mashed potatoes or marmalade
  • long shelf life
  • a juicer can be used to make some diet foods

  How to boil juice in a juicer

There are many recipes for making juice in a juice cooker and they are all prepared according to the same principle. Sokovarka consists of several containers, which are composed one on top of the other. About three liters of water are poured into the lowest, and vegetables or fruits are poured into the top. the cooker is put on fire, where the water begins to evaporate when heated. Gradually, the steam heats the fruit and they secrete juice, which, on a special tap, enters a separate bowl. Before cooking, berries and fruits should be washed well and stoned. Large fruits are recommended to be cut into several parts. With this heat treatment, vitamins and nutrients are preserved, and the juice is pasteurized. It turns out concentrated and sweet. Sokovarka works silently and does not require control, automatically doing its job.

  Redcurrant jelly

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg red currant
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Pour 2 liters of water into a deep dish, put a juice cooker filled with red currants on top and put on fire. Pour all the sugar into a smaller bowl and place the drain pipe from the cooker there. As a result, you will get more than 1 liter of juice. We put the bowl with sugar on a low fire and dissolve it completely, without bringing to a boil. Jelly is done.

  Plum juice

You will need:

  • 4 kg ripe plums
  • granulated sugar at a rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Sort plums well and rinse. Gently place the berries in a juicer. From 4 kg of plums, approximately 1.5 liters of juice are obtained. Pour sugar into enameled dishes, strictly following the proportions. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve and together with the resulting juice is added to sugar. Bring the whole mass to a boil over low heat. After three minutes, the plum juice with the pulp will be ready, you can pour it into a sterilized dish and roll it up for the winter.

Juice according to this recipe can be consumed in its pure form, but can be used to make compote or jelly.

  Apple juice

You will need:

  • 5 kg of apples are taken to get 3 liters of juice
  • sugar is added to taste

cooking method:

Take ripe tomatoes and rinse well. Before putting them in a pressure cooker, cut them into four parts. Choose more juicy varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then start cooking. Pour juice into prepared dishes and tighten the lids. At the bottom of each container before pouring juice, you can add a sprig of celery. The result is a drink that is not just tasty, but also wholesome and aromatic.

If you want to sweeten the juice a little, then do it at the very beginning. Pour sugar with vegetables and fruits into the top bowl. After cooking, it is better not to add granulated sugar to the juice, as this may violate its sterility.

The residues after apples or tomatoes can not be thrown out. Use them for other dishes, for example apples can be added for toppings, and tomatoes can be used for cooking adjika or lecho.

Last year, my mother-in-law gave me the juice cooker that we once gave her, and now it is my turn to pick up juices for the winter.

We have many apples every year, I even find it difficult to say how many apple trees are in the village on the site. A lot of apples are thrown when they do not have time to collect them, but what is collected is processed for juice.

To make apple juice in a juicer for the winter, we need only apples of all sorts and sizes. About 5.5 kg of apples are needed per load, the output is about 2.5 liters of juice.

I have the simplest cooker, but its capacity is large. Pour 3.5-4 liters of water into the lower pan. You can pour cold, but you can immediately hot.

From above, set the container into which the juice will drain.

Then set the bowl, which is subsequently filled with apples.

Wash and cut apples in half. Seeds do not need to be removed. Broken fruits are also suitable for making apple juice for the winter in a juicer. We delete only spoiled instances.

We fill the bowl of the juice cooker with apples to the very top. Cover the juice cooker with the top pan and set it on medium heat. We squeeze the rubber tube through which the juice will flow out.

After 2 hours, when the apples are steamed well, you can remove the upper pan and mix the contents with a spoon. Cover and cook again until the juice starts to drip from the tube. This is a signal that the container is already full of juice.

Now the clamp can be removed and let the juice flow into a pot or ladle. In the village, we immediately substituted a jar, but at home I do not do this.

We steam the jars, pour the lids with boiling water for 5 minutes. From the pan, pour the juice into cans and immediately roll up. Wrap until cool. Sokovarki apple juice is ready for the winter. We store it in the pantry or in the basement.

Pleasant and useful blanks for you!

To start creating a juicer or juicer at home, we will get acquainted with their device and the principle of operation. All juicer, juice makers and juice presses are designed to produce fruit and vegetable juice. Of course, the best juicer is an electric high-power, and naturally high-capacity. But in most devices are produced to get only 1-2 glasses, then they quickly heat up and fail. To obtain juice from citrus fruits, conical manual juicers are intended. They are made of glass, metal or plastic.

Apple juice through a juicer for the winter: recipe with photo

Unpeeled lemon or orange is cut in half and half put on a cone. Turning citrus in both directions, get juice.

There are also screw juicers, linkages and a juicer nozzle for a meat grinder. Screw juicers operate on the principle of a press. Grated or chopped fruit mass is placed in a vessel and squeezed out by tightening the screw with a screw press.

The principle of operation of the lever juicer is based on the use of a press handle. The container is filled with fruit and covered with a lid by a press, juice is released after pressing on the handle.

The meat grinder on the meat grinder is a screw juicer. The meat grinder is attached to the table. Filling the container with berries, rotate the handle and get juice flowing through a metal mesh, and the cake falls through a special hole.

In addition to juicers, there are juice cookers. It is good to use juice cookers to obtain juice from soft berries, currants, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. They are a set of pots, usually made of aluminum. The lower pan is in the form of a truncated cone, the upper is cylindrical in shape with a central tube. A conical colander with a lid is installed in a cylindrical pan. Various fruits are laid in a colander, mainly raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peeled apples and pears. Sometimes sugar can be added. A juice cooker is set on fire, and after a while under the influence of steam, aromatic juice begins to be produced and drains from the tube. The juice is hot and therefore you can put prepared jars under the tube when they are filled immediately with corking lids and sealed key.

You can make a juice cooker with your own hands.   To do this, we use the principle of obtaining juice in a factory juice maker. Take a large pot or enamel bucket, but so that they have a lid. Place a plate upside down or a wooden circle on the bottom of the pan or jigsaw-sawn board. Then put a container on it with high sides. Pour water into the pan so that when boiling it does not fall into the container for collecting juice.

A piece of gauze in two layers or a rare cloth to tie the edges of the pan, so that the bottom barely reached the container for collecting juice. Place raspberries or blueberries in this cloth and cover the pan with a lid. Put the cooker on the fire. When the water boils, the separation of juice in the substituted container will begin. Fire can be reduced. All juice should separate in about an hour. After this, remove the bag with berries, squeeze the contents. Pour hot juice into jars and seal.

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How to use a juice cooker - instructions with photos

Sokovarka - recipes

It is no secret that packaged juices of almost all brands today are rather juice drinks than a natural and high-quality product. You can talk a lot about the benefits of juices, especially for young children. Of course, a real 100% juice is much more useful and tastier for a child than those drinks that are sold in stores. If you want juice right here and now, you can use a juicer, but in winter and spring, such a trick can not be done. You can make juice using a juicer.

How to cook juice in a juicer?

There are a lot of recipes for a juice cooker and they are all prepared according to the same principle. A juice cooker consists of several pots set on top of each other. At least three liters of water must be poured into the bottom pan. Fruits or vegetables are poured into the upper pan. Sokovarka put on fire. Water begins to heat up and evaporate. The steam warms up the fruit, and they begin to bleed juice. Juice flows through a special tube into pre-cooked dishes. You can get a lot more juice from a juicer than from a juicer. Before falling asleep fruit or berries, they must be washed and peeled. Large fruits need to be cut into several pieces. With this treatment, all vitamins are stored and the juice is pasteurized, so that it can be immediately poured into jars and rolled up for the winter. The juice is sweet and concentrated. Sokovarka works silently and does not require your direct presence.

Sugar Recipes

You can simply fill in fruits and vegetables and pour water into the lower pot. And you can show a little imagination and get many different recipes for a juice cooker - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Juice Tomato Juice

Such a drink is very useful for the work of the heart and has a positive effect on vitality. Tomato juice can be cooked very simply in a juicer.

It is best to choose ripened and fresh vegetables. Wash and slice the tomatoes well. It is better to choose juicy tomato varieties for these purposes. Add some salt and sugar to the tomatoes. Next, turn on the juicer. Be sure to try the first drops of juice for taste, salt and sugar.

Apple Juice

To make apple juice, you need to cut the fruit into slices of medium size. If you make them too large, there will be too much condensate from the juice in the juice, and too small segments will simply turn into mashed potatoes. To make the juice sweeter, add a little sugar to the fruit. To get 2-3 liters of juice, you need to process about 5 kg of fruit.

Sokovarka Plum Juice

Also in the juice cooker you can cook plum juice with pulp.

To prepare it, take 4 kg of ripe plums. Sort and rinse them thoroughly. Put the fruits in a juicer. From 4 kg of plums, 1-1.5 l of juice is obtained. Pour sugar in an enameled pan (at the rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice). The resulting juice is poured into sugar and the remaining pulp, previously rubbed through a fine sieve, is added. The whole mass is brought to a boil over low heat.

How to cook aromatic juice in an apple juice maker?

From the puree remaining in the juice cooker after preparing the juice, you can prepare a lot of delicious desserts or cook thick jam. Thus, non-waste production is obtained, a minimum of time and resources. Juices in a juicer always turn out to be sweeter than when using a juicer. And you can store such juice for a long time, while it does not change its taste.

How to use a juice cooker?

Delicious healthy juices, no preservatives, no additives - well, isn't that a dream? And this dream can easily become a reality thanks to the simplest invention - a juicer. The principle of operation of the juicer is based on the processing of products by steam, which allows you to save a maximum of nutrients and at the same time get pasteurized juice, ready for spinning. And at the same time there are no tedious preparations and preparations, since it is very easy to prepare juice on a juicer. And in order to use all the features of this miraculous aggregate, let us consider in more detail how to use a juicer correctly.

The principle of operation of the juicer

A juice cooker consists of several sections - a water tank, a juice tank equipped with a valve and tube, and a container with food openings. Models differ in the volume and material of the manufacture of containers, the design of the bottom, but the principle of operation of the juicer is one. Water boils, and under the influence of steam, vegetables and fruits release juice. The remaining pulp is also suitable for consumption or canning. The result is a non-waste production and a supply of vitamins for the winter.

How to use a juicer?

First of all, the unit needs to be prepared for work. Before using the juicer for the first time, thoroughly wash the containers. The rubber tube for a juice cooker is processed in boiling water. Next, following the instructions, you should install and fix the parts and proceed with the preparation of the juice. Models and designs may vary, therefore, in the future, you should also follow the manufacturer's advice. And the following recommendations, relevant for all juice makers, will help to save the device for many years:

  • always monitor the amount of water and do not allow the bottom to burn;
  • when cooking stews (meat, fish, vegetables), do not often lift the lid of the cooker;
  • it is not necessary to completely fill the water tank; as a rule, it is recommended to underfill about 15-20% of the liquid;
  • do not use abrasive or alkaline detergents to clean containers, and do not remove carbon deposits with sharp objects;
  • do not forget to clean the valve and tube;
  • to remove scale in a water tank, boil a solution of soda at the rate of 2 tsp for about 20 minutes. on 1 liter of water.

How to make juice in a juicer?

Before making juice in a juicer, it is necessary to prepare products and containers for juice. Vegetables, fruits or berries should be washed well, sorted, remove the seeds and stalks, if necessary, peel, cut into several slices. Juices in a juicer are sweet enough, but if desired, you can sprinkle fruit and berries with sugar before processing. Vegetables can be slightly salted. The first bottle of juice obtained is recommended to be drained back into the food container, and the bottle itself re-sterilized. Ready juice should immediately be twisted, and, having cooled, stored in a cool place. Untwisted juice can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week without losing its beneficial properties.

Often hostesses are interested in how to cook apples in a juicer, is it worth it to peel, chop, remove cores? In order to eventually get both juice and mashed potatoes, apples should be cleaned completely from the peel and from the cores. If the presence of the peel is not of fundamental importance, then for juice it is enough to cut the apples into slices and remove the middle.

How to use a juicer to prepare other dishes?

The principle of operation of a juicer is similar to that of a double boiler, therefore, you can use the appliance to cooking tasty and healthy food. Steamed fish, meat, vegetables are unusually tender and, what is important, easy to prepare.

Cooking should be the same as making juice in a juicer, only after adding spices and salt. But after cooking, you should especially carefully wash all containers so that the residual smell of fish, meat or spices does not subsequently spoil the juice.

Of course, before using a juice cooker, you should study the instructions. As a rule, manufacturers write about the features of the model, and give recommendations that allow you to use the device most effectively.

Not many people know how to make juice in a juicer, and why do it at all. This device has appeared in the ranks of household appliances for quite some time, but has not achieved popularity among housewives. In most cases, this is due to at least two factors.

Firstly, consumers simply do not know all the positive aspects associated with this option of processing fruits, berries and vegetables. Secondly, today many fruits are presented in a wide assortment and are available almost all year round. Thanks to this, it is much easier for people to buy them and squeeze the juice in a mechanical way, without wasting time on a troublesome, as they think, process.

Why use a juicer to make juice?

According to the principle of operation, the juicer is similar to a conventional double boiler. It consists of three parts, which are designed for pouring water, laying food and collecting the finished juice. If we compare the procedure for obtaining a drink using a juicer and a juicer, then many factors speak in favor of the first device:

  • Working with a juicer is easier and more comfortable. It does not make noise, does not spray the product, its parts are not clogged with pieces of pulp.
  • The final drink does not contain sediment, as during evaporation, all particles of pulp are brought to the same state.
  • The finished product does not need additional sterilization. If necessary, you can immediately roll it into cans. And if you want to close freshly squeezed juice for the winter, you need to boil it right after production.
  • The "raw" composition oxidizes very quickly, so you need to either drink it right away or spend time on additional processing. Juice obtained as a result of using the juicer can be stored much longer without negative consequences for its taste and physical properties.
  • Despite the fact that it takes longer to prepare juice in a juicer than with the mechanical processing of components, this process does not require a constant presence. You do not need to add products during the manipulation, they only need to be initially loaded into the desired compartment.

Tip: The pulp left after making the juice should not be thrown away. From it you can make delicious jam or marmalade. In the juicer itself, healthy jelly is made from product residues.

  • Steam-processed juice usually does not even need to be added sugar. It is already sweet and fragrant.
  • A juice cooker does not get so dirty as a juicer. Wash it after use is much easier.
  • The device, if necessary, can be used as a regular double boiler for processing the necessary components for a couple.
  • The finished product has a maximum set of useful components, regardless of what is included in its composition.

Of course, for daily preparation of a small amount of juice it is more convenient and more rational to use a juicer. But if you plan to make a drink for the winter in large quantities, it is better not to come up with a juice maker.

How to organize the process according to all the rules?

The juice preparation procedure begins with familiarization with the instructions that are attached to each unit. If this is not done, you can inadvertently exceed the volumes of water or products, incorrectly set the timers, if any. In addition, it is important to assemble the fixture correctly. It usually consists of three parts, but options are possible.

  1. Wash the selected fruits, clean, remove the seeds, cut out all the damaged parts. It is better not to remove the skins, because they contain many useful components. Large specimens are cut into pieces. We lay out all the blanks in the appropriate department of the apparatus.
  2. When using vegetables, you can sprinkle the semi-finished product with a small amount of salt. If fruits or berries are laid, sugar is added to taste. On average, 1 kg of strawberries or cherries requires no more than 100 g of sugar. Plums, raspberries, apples and pears a couple more tablespoons.
  3. Pour water into the lower compartment of the device, the volume depends on the dimensions of the device. It is not worth filling the container completely; after boiling, it will begin to pour out. Next, close the lid, clamp the device hose and start the device. As soon as the temperature exceeds 70 ° C, liquid will begin to accumulate in the receiver, the level of which must be monitored. After about 30-60 minutes, the tank will be filled only if the components do not differ in dryness and increased density.
  4. Then we take sterile, still warm cans, and gradually fill them from the tank, substituting the hose and unlocking it.