Chicken chops with cheese and pineapple - a juicy and tender dish. Chicken Pineapple with Hawaiian Cheese

20.08.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Chicken chop with pineapple is a wonderful dish that can not only enter the daily diet, but also become the main character on the festive table. Amazingly tender meat in combination with sweet and sour pineapples gives a wonderful taste, health benefits and satiety for several hours. Try it, you and your loved ones will love it!

Chicken chop with pineapple - the benefits and calories

In different world cuisines, there are a huge number of delicious dishes that you want to put on the festive table. However, not all of them benefit our health and figure. Chops with chicken and pineapple - a great exception! A lot of protein and low fat - isn't it perfect?

  • The chicken breast from which the chops are prepared is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins of group B, PP, A, potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc. In addition, this product is a treasure for athletes and people who care about their health and figure. 100 g of chicken breast contains 113 calories. At the same time, most of them are proteins - they are 23.6 g per 100 g.
  • Pineapple, like any fruit, is also a recognized source of all kinds of benefits for the body. It is rich in calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins of group B, C, PP. In this case, the caloric content of this product is only 49 kcal per 100 g.
  • Since this recipe is chicken chops with pineapple and cheese, it is worth mentioning also about cheese. Like all dairy products, it is incredibly healthy. It contains a lot of calcium, copper, zinc, vitamins E, C, D, group B, etc. In addition, this product is an excellent source of protein. However, many are repelled by the high fat content of the cheese, which is also why its calorie content is great. But because of this, do not deny yourself the use of this product. Firstly, the fats contained in it are useful and even necessary for the body. And secondly, today there is a variety of diet cheeses, the fat content of which does not exceed 25%.

Thus, the calorie content of the finished dish - chops with chicken and pineapple will be only 106 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken chop recipe with pineapple

So, after you were able to verify the benefits of this dish, and also admire its beauty and brightness in the photo, you can master the chicken chop recipe with pineapple.

The process of cooking such chops is quite simple: it does not take very much time and does not require any supernatural culinary skills. So, boldly cook, you will succeed!

Essential Ingredients:

  • Chicken breast (large) - 1 piece;
  • Canned pineapples rings in their own juice - 1 large jar;
  • Cheese of any hard varieties - 200 g;
  • Chicken testicles - 2 things;
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 large spoons;
  • Salt, pepper - at your discretion.

A step-by-step scheme for cooking chops at home:

  1. Chicken breast must be cleaned of skin and bone removed. If you use fillets, then you skip this step, respectively;
  2. Slice the chicken in the form of steaks, with the expectation that after beating the pieces will become thinner, but larger in size;
  3. Rub each slice with salt and pepper on both sides. This should be done before beating, so that with the help of a jackhammer the spices seem to imprint on the meat;
  4. Wrap the chicken in a bag (so that the spray does not fly) and beat until a piece is about 0.5-1 cm thick;
  5. Fold the resulting steaks into a container, add 2 large tablespoons of lemon juice to them and let stand for literally 10-15 minutes;
  6. We cook chicken chops with pineapple in the oven, but before that they should be fried a little in a pan. If you follow the figure, then use non-stick cookware or just grease it a little with olive oil. Dip each piece into slightly beaten chicken eggs, place in a preheated pan and hold for 3-4 minutes on each side. At this time, set the oven to warm up to 180 ° C;
  7. Open a can of "canned little rings" and drain the syrup or drink it;
  8. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
  9. Put the fried chops in a baking dish (it is better to take a silicone one). Put one circle of pineapple on top and sprinkle with grated cheese;
  10. Bake the dish for 20-25 minutes until cooked.

That's all, an incredibly tasty, healthy, bright and tender dish “chicken chopped with pineapple” is ready. There are no more complicated instructions and directions here. You are convinced that chicken chops with pineapple can be easily cooked on their own. Now it remains only to gather all the friends and relatives at the table and enjoy. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Chicken chops under pineapple rings and cheese

Very tasty, hearty and elegant meat dish! This time we will tell you the recipe for chicken chop with pineapple, cheese and tomato in the oven, cooked in foil. Due to the use of foil, the fillet does not run the risk of being dry and fresh, on the contrary, the dish comes out very juicy, tender and aromatic. The taste of meat is harmoniously complemented by the sweetness of pineapple and sourness of tomatoes. A beautiful, simple and original dish is a great option for an outstanding lunch or dinner. It can be served both as an independent dish, and with a side dish (for example, mashed potatoes, crumbly rice or steamed vegetables).
Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Taste Info Poultry main courses


  • 500 g chicken
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 150 g canned pineapple,
  • 150 g of hard cheese
  • 1 large onion,
  • apple or wine vinegar,
  • mayonnaise, salt, spices to taste.

How to cook chicken in the oven with pineapple, cheese and tomato

Discard the chicken fillet (if the pieces are large, you can cut along). Salt and pepper the meat on both sides.

Cut the onion in half rings, sprinkle with vinegar a little, add salt and leave to marinate.

Cut tomatoes in half circles. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Pineapples cut into slices.

On the prepared foil of the required size, lay out the pieces of the beaten filet, pepper the meat.

Then, lightly greasing with mayonnaise and salting, lay out in layers: chopped pineapples, onions, tomatoes, onions again.

The last layer is grated cheese.

Wrap the foil (carefully tighten the joints so that the juice does not leak and steam does not escape) and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes. About ten minutes before the end of baking, open the foil so that the cheese is browned.
Chicken chops with pineapple and cheese in the oven are done! This dish can be served as a regular dinner, or cook for a holiday, for example, for a birthday or New Year.

Truly, a chop with pineapple and cheese in the oven is almost a patented dish of the New Year's table. It is rarely prepared on ordinary days, but on New Year's Eve you can watch at corporate and family parties an excellent meat snack with the sweet taste of canned pineapple. The perfect combination of pork chop with cheese and pineapple will simply overshadow with your taste even cooked in a sleeve and oven. But be prepared for the fact that men can refuse this snack. Not all men love the combination of meat and canned fruits and vegetables.

Ingredients for chop with pineapple and cheese:

  • Pork tenderloin (baly part) - 800 g;
  • Canned pineapples (rings) - 1 can of 400 g;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Hard cheese - 175 g.

How to cook chops with pineapple and cheese in the oven:

1. Balyk is best cut where you buy. In shops and meat pavilions there is all the necessary equipment and they can cut meat for chops very smoothly and beautifully, moreover, in pieces of the same size as you yourself ask. If not, then cut yourself with a sharp knife. A piece of meat for chop should not be thicker than 5 mm.
  Use a special hammer to beat off the pork flesh on both sides. No need to wield a hammer with great force, otherwise you will get minced meat, not chop.

  2. Put the finished chopped pork pieces on a baking sheet and grate with salt. Enough is not a big pinch of salt for one piece of meat. Pepper the chop surface evenly. Lubricate each piece of meat with one teaspoon of mayonnaise.
Tip:   Pre-grease a baking sheet with oil or cover it with parchment paper.

  3. To pineapple was on the whole surface of the chop, first you need to cut it into cubes and spread it evenly on the surface of the meat.

  4. Now each chop with pineapple is sprinkled with cheese, previously grated on a coarse grater.

Tip:   choose cheese for baking. It is such a product that will take a golden crust as in and when cutting the snack, it will stretch in thin cobwebs.

  Bake in the oven chop with pineapple and cheese will be 30 minutes (temperature 180 degrees), so be patient and wait for such an unrivaled snack. Do not forget that the best taste in such a chop will be hot. So if guests are late, then the microwave will always be of help!

  Even in the absence of an oven, many recipes of your favorite dishes can be adapted to your conditions, and instead of an oven, cook in a pan. After all, they bake in a pan, make pizza, so why not cook something meaty, more interesting than fried meat or meatballs. Of course, you won’t be able to bake boiled pork, but you can also try something as tasty. Pork chops with pineapple and cheese, a recipe with a photo of which appeared on our menu, can just be cooked without the help of an oven. In this recipe, the main thing is that the cheese is melted, and the meat has a tender cheese crust. A frying pan with a tight-fitting lid in this case will be a complete replacement for the oven.
Pork meat must be beaten, and then fry on both sides, bringing it almost ready. After that put pineapple, cheese and leave it under the lid for several minutes. That's it, fast, inventive and tasty! By the way, this recipe is very easy to diversify by adding other ingredients. On a fried slice of meat, you can put thin slices of onion or close pineapples with a circle of tomato, grease the chop with tomato sauce or mayonnaise.

So, we cook pork chops with pineapples and cheese in a pan.

Ingredients for two servings:

- pork chop - 2 pcs;
- canned pineapple rings - 2-3 pcs;
- salt - to taste;
- seasonings for meat or ground black pepper - to taste;
- hard cheese - 3 slices per chop;
- lemon - 2 large slices;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- greens, fresh vegetables or vegetable salad - for serving.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Wash sliced \u200b\u200bmeat in portions, dry with a paper towel or leave to dry on the board. Excess moisture must be removed so that there is no oil spray during frying.

  To beat off each layer of meat to a thickness of 1.5 cm or so (thinner is not desirable).

  Season the chops with salt on both sides. Sprinkle with ground black pepper and aromatic dry herbs on the side on which pineapples and cheese will be laid out.

  To quickly soften the meat fibers and the chops turned soft, pour the meat with lemon juice. Fold the layers one on top of another, leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

  Meanwhile, remove the pineapple rings from the jar, transfer to a colander. Five minutes later, when the syrup drains, cut the pineapples into slices (not very finely). You can leave it whole or cut in half if it fits the chops in size.

  Heat the oil, heat it but do not overdo it on fire. It is better to fry chops one at a time so that there is boiling oil from all sides. Or take a large diameter pan. First, fry on one side until golden spots appear on the meat. Quickly turn over, fry with another. Do not cook the chops or fry them too much. With further cooking, the meat may dry out.

  Return the fried pork chops to the pan, cover the surface with pineapple slices. If you cook with pineapple rings, place them so that the pineapples fit completely on the meat bed, otherwise when frying the juice will drip into the oil and the cheese will drain.

Slice any hard cheese into slices about 1 cm thick. Cover the pineapples with cheese plates. Make the fire weaker than average (nothing else to fry), cover the pan tightly with a lid. After about three minutes, open - if the cheese is evenly melted, remove from the pan to the plate. If there are tight pieces, hold for another minute or two. Unfortunately, a ruddy dense crust of molten cheese in this case will not work. The cheese will simply melt and cover the meat and pineapples with a fluffy hat.

  Serve pork chops with pineapple under cheese should be prepared immediately, as long as the cheese is soft and tender. Fresh or stewed vegetables, crumbly rice, pasta and much more are suitable for garnish. Enjoy your meal!

  Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

The recipe for a chicken chop with canned pineapple and cheese. A great combination of chicken, sweet pineapple, cheese and garlic - all this is combined in one simple dish, which is also easy and quick to prepare. An oven-baked chop with pineapples and cheese always looks solemn and is quite suitable for any festive table, family or romantic dinner. Chicken chop can be served as an independent dish or with a light side dish - boiled rice or vegetables.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 200 g canned pineapple;
  • 100 g of cheese (hard or semi-hard);
  • 2 to 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

First, prepare your chicken breast. Rinse and pat dry with paper towels. Using a sharp knife, cut the loin pulp from the frame on both sides. Then divide each part with a knife along the fibers into two more halves. You should end up with four parts.

Now each piece is slightly beaten with a kitchen hammer, but do not overdo it too much, chicken meat is very tender and fiber can be damaged.

Preheat the oven to 170 - 180 degrees.

Prepare a baking dish or pan. If you plan to bake in a form, grease it lightly with vegetable oil. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, which is also desirable to grease with vegetable oil, so the chicken chop will turn out more tender and juicy. Season each slice with salt and black pepper. To give an additional taste accent, you can add a little chopped garlic, just spread it over the chop surface.

Top, chop each chop with mayonnaise.

It seems to me a lot tastier if you cut pineapples into small pieces.

Cheese, preferably a hard or semi-hard variety, grate on a coarse grater and gently spread over the entire surface.

Bake the chicken chop for 30 to 35 minutes, until a characteristic golden crust appears. During this time, the chop will have time to fully prepare, to be saturated with the taste and aroma of other products.

Spread the chicken chop with pineapple and cheese on a serving plate and serve hot.