How to make fortune cookie. Fortune Cookies - Recipe

Remember: “Well, what can I say, what can I say, people are arranged this way: they want to know, they want to know, they want to know what will happen! ..” If you hide good, funny, witty predictions in your cookies, the guests will be in a good mood !

Tip:  There are tons of ready-made predictions on the Internet. Of course, you can use them. But most are boring, cliched and unoriginal. Find an hour of time and make your own wishes: the sincere joy of your friends is worth it!

Cooking time: about 1 hour / Yield: 22-24 pieces


  • eggs 2 pieces
  • icing sugar 80 g
  • white flour 40 g
  • refined vegetable oil 30 g
  • corn starch 10 g
  • water 2 tbsp. l
  • salt pinch

How to make fortune cookies

Before you start baking cookies, be sure to prepare small pieces of paper (length - about 6 cm, width - up to 1 cm) with the predictions printed on them: then you will have to work very quickly, and get distracted by writing texts and cutting sheets into strips It turns out in no way. You can leave a couple of pieces of paper empty. By tradition, if a person comes across such an “empty” cookie, he invents a prediction for himself.

Turn on the oven - it should heat up well to 180 degrees.

Cook the dough.  Beat eggs into a deep bowl and mix them with powdered sugar. Lightly beat with a fork or whisk (about a minute - there should be no stable foam, just the mass should become light, not viscous).

In a separate bowl, mix flour, starch, sugar, salt, add water and with a mixer turn the mass into a smooth, even emulsion. Pour in a little egg mass.
  Thoroughly mix the mass with a whisk, and then add the flour-starch mixture to it.

Pour the vegetable oil into the dough.

Punch the dough with a blender so that it is completely smooth, without a single lump.

In terms of density, the dough should resemble something between a pancake dough and a fritters dough. You can adjust the consistency using water or an additional amount of flour, because even within the same category the eggs are different, and this affects the density of the dough.

Pour the resulting dough onto a silicone mat or waxed baking paper at a sufficient distance from each other - literally 1 tbsp. l The diameter of the future cookie should be about 7-8 cm.

The dough will additionally blur during baking, keep this in mind, laying it on a baking sheet.

Bake a maximum of 5 cookies - the biscuit dough cools quite quickly, and if you do not have time to fold the cookies correctly, you just have to throw away the blanks (well, or eat them in an unfinished version). Cookies should spend in the oven (t 200 degrees) for about 4-7 minutes - in the finished form it is light golden.
  Next - quickly: remove 1 round billet from the hot baking sheet (work with gloves), put a strip of paper with predictions across

and fold the dough in half without bending, and then connect the opposite edges, like a dumpling dumpling.

Then bend the bowls or cups through the rim and fix until cool. That's it, the fortune cookie is ready!


- If the cookie opens, put it in a cupcake baking dish - the sides will hold the dough, not letting it open. After complete cooling, there will be no such problems.

- If you nevertheless managed to miss the folding time, but baked the pancake-workpiece normally, without overdrying, the microwave oven will come to the rescue: heat the cookies (10-15 seconds), and it will become elastic again.


Fortune cookie  - This is a dessert prepared according to the recipe of Chinese cuisine and representing a delicious pastry with a note inside. The preparation of this dish is simple. But it will be a great addition to tea during a friendly meeting, New Year’s celebration or even with it, you can originally make an offer to a loved one.

Fortune cookies were first made in the fourteenth century by a Chinese named Zhu Yuan Zhang. He, like most people in China, respects the harvest festival called Zhongjujie. Every year it was on this holiday that Zhu Yuan prepared large quantities of traditional cookies, but he received well-deserved fame only after a secret operation. This operation consisted in the fact that it was necessary to secretly notify all the inhabitants of the uprising, without attracting attention. And then Zhu decided to make cookies, inside of which there will be a note with the text. After a while, the cookies were prepared and received by the people, after which there was still an uprising, as a result of which Zhu Yuan became the first ruler of the Ming Dynasty.

Cooking traditional Chinese cookies with predictions at home is quite simple, and details and nuances can be found in a step-by-step recipe with a photo.


  •    (60 g)

  •    (100 g)

  •    (150 g)

  •    (3-4 pcs.)

  •    (1 tbsp. L.)

Cooking steps

    To begin with, we collect all the necessary ingredients and put it on the table. After we are convinced of their full availability, we proceed to direct preparation.

    Take the butter, cut it into cubes and put in a saucepan.

    Take the flour and sift it through a sieve into a bowl.

    The result should be a magnificent flour hill, as shown in the photo.

    Add 125 g of protein to the sifted flour. If there is no kitchen scale at hand, take three large eggs and 4 medium ones.

    Add the cooled butter to the dough.

    Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. At first, the dough will be slightly lumpy.

    But after a few minutes it will become smooth and without lumps. We interfere it with a spatula or whisk.

    After the dough has acquired a smooth consistency, add spices. Here you can not limit yourself to cinnamon alone. You can also add a mixture of spices, vanilla, or if you want to please your loved ones even more, put a little food coloring.

    The next cooking step is simpler. Using a spoon, spread the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment for baking, and level it to a thin layer. The diameter of the “pancakes” should be about 10 cm. You can also use forms to give greater roundness.

    We don’t lay out a lot of “pancakes” at once, we start with two. The baked dough cools quickly and begins to harden.  Bake circles in the oven at a temperature of about 180 degrees. We determine the baking time ourselves. As soon as the edges are browned, we take out the cookies from the oven.

    Now it's time to put a note with the text in the center of the cookie.

    After you put the note down, fold the cookies in half.

    And now the most interesting stage in the preparation of cookies with predictions and wishes. Put the folded cookies on a glass or mug. Gently: it's very hot.

    As a result, cookies become slightly heart-like. It often seems that the cookies are too soft, and this is true. At first, only the crust at the edge crunches, but then, after an hour, the entire surface becomes crispy. In this form, you can store cookies for several days. It's time to surprise and delight loved ones with a delicious dessert. Everybody predicts Chinese fortune cookies.

    Enjoy your meal!


for 18-20 cookies

Egg white - 4 pieces

Powdered sugar  - 120 grams

Premium flour  - 3 tbsp (with slide)

Butter  - 2 tbsp (without slide)

Vanillin  - 1/3 tsp

Fortune cookie dough (wishes)

1 . Butter should be left at room temperature for 1-1.5 hours to make it soft. Then grind the soft butter with powdered sugar into a homogeneous mass.

. Squirrels separate from the yolks.

. Mix sugar oil with proteins.

4 . Add flour and vanilla. Beat with a whisk or mixer. The dough should turn out liquid.

. You can bake cookies in the oven or microwave from this test.

. Prepare paper with predictions.

Oven fortune cookies

. On a sheet of special baking paper, draw circles of the same size. You can use a lid for rolling up cans or a glass with a wide bottom.

. Turn the paper over and grease it with vegetable oil. Circles will appear.

. Pour 1.5-2 tsp of dough into the middle of each circle. In circular motions, starting from the center of the circle, disperse the dough to the drawn edges.

. Place the pan in the oven preheated to 160 degrees. As soon as the edges brown, remove the sheet from the oven. Then try to work as quickly as possible! In each cake put a piece of paper with predictions. Gently fold the cake in half and then again in half. Make sure that the cookie does not break. Put cookies under a light press (so as not to break). Allow the cooked fortune cookie to cool for about 10 minutes. If you did everything right, the cooled cookie will break with a characteristic crunch.

Microwave Predicted Cookies

Pour 1 tsp of dough into special baking dishes in the microwave. The layer of raw dough should be no more than 2 mm. Put the cookies in the microwave at maximum power, setting the time 2-2.2 minutes. Take out the cookies. On one half of the finished workpiece put a piece of paper with a prediction. Cover with the other half and press the edges. Let the liver cool.

Fortune cookie  recipes

An original dish that can be prepared for any celebration, from birthday to wedding - chinese cookies with predictions or wishes, will be just a great addition to the table. A non-standard way to cheer up and give a positive attitude, as well as treat yourself to a sweet snack, will surely appeal to any discerning guest. Crispy cookies can be served in the form of a dessert, or you can simply put them on a plate, putting them right at the entrance to charge your friends and relatives with a positive all evening. Besides fortune cookieabsolutely does not require any culinary over craftsmanship, special overseas products and a lot of time at the stove.

Cookies with riddles "for a children's holiday"

These are the same cookies in which you can bake predictions, wishes, and even jokes. They are suitable for a children's holiday, as they are made from simple products that will not harm the children. Make a dessert for about 20 minutes, from such a quantity of products you get 20 servings of cookies.

  • Butter - 30 grams.
  • Wheat flour - 70 grams.
  • Egg white - 3 things.
  • Icing sugar - 100 grams.

Cool the squirrels in the refrigerator, beat them with a broom or a fork, gradually adding icing sugar in a thin stream. Continue whisking until the powder has melted and the proteins become homogeneous. Beat the mixture for about 10 minutes, and then just as carefully and carefully, add flour, stir the mass, not stopping until the lumps disappear.

Place the oil in a deep bowl and leave in the microwave for 30 seconds. It can also be melted in a water bath - you can put a bowl of oil in a pot of boiling water and wait a few minutes until the product melts.

The oil should cool slightly, and only after that it should be added to proteins, flour and powder. If it is too hot, you risk just boiling the proteins. Mix everything well.

We will make baking paper blanks in order to give the right shape to our cookies. You can also use cookie cutters, but cookies must be thin, and cookie cutters can not be guessed, although if you have already acquired special cookie cutters with predictions, things will go faster. On paper, draw circles (diameter of about 8-9 centimeters), on which we will pour the dough. And do not even pour it, but simply spread it with a spoon.

Preheat the oven, cookies will be baked at 180 degrees for about 3-4 minutes, usually the edges begin to burn quickly, then we will cut them. Wear gloves and quickly, removing cookies from the oven, and putting a piece of paper inside, we roll it in the form of dumplings.

Crispy Fortune Cookies

These cookies can be prepared for any party, they are suitable only for adults, as they are made with liquor or any strong alcohol, cognac or whiskey. It is the drink that gives a special aroma, and also makes wish cookiesvery crispy. It turns out 36 cookies.

  • Flour - 200 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces, we use exclusively proteins.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Sugar - half a cup.
  • Amaretto or other alcohol - 1 teaspoon.
  • Water - 2 tablespoons.
  • Chocolate - 50 grams of white and black.

Chilled proteins should be whipped with a whisk or a blender with sugar until the latter has completely melted and a foam forms. Now you need to add vanillin, and mix again. Gradually add some water without stopping mixing the mass.

Melt the oil in a water bath or microwave. Cool a little, and then pour into the protein mass. Mix thoroughly after each added ingredient. Pour in the alcohol slowly, then sprinkle flour with a thin stream and mix the dough until smooth. The dough will be liquid, like sour cream.

We preheat the oven well, prepare baking paper (as in the previous recipe we make baking blanks). Bake cookies for 5 minutes, then quickly place the wish inside and fold, connecting the edges. So that the dessert does not turn around and stick together, you can put it only while it's hot in silicone cupcake forms.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath in different bowls, and dip the edges of the cookies, sprinkle with chocolate chips on top, for example, cookies in white chocolate - dark crumbs, and brown - white.

Chinese recipe fortune cookie

Such cookies with predictions can be arranged even for a wedding party, or in the form of invitations - inside the dessert there will be a date and time, as well as a venue for the celebration. You can decorate cookies with ribbons or sleep with something edible.

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces, only proteins.
  • Flour - 70 grams.
  • Corn starch - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a little less than half a teaspoon.
  • Powdered Sugar - 60 grams.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Vanilla sugar - half a packet.

The oven can be set for heating, for 15 minutes - 180 degrees. In the meantime, you can write wishes or predictions on thin strips of paper.

Now let's start cooking the dish itself. Put the oil in a water bath or in the microwave until it melts, let it cool for a few minutes. In a deep bowl, with a mixer, whisk or blender, beat the chilled squirrels with melted butter to a white foam, then add the vanilla sugar and again beat the mass for several minutes.

Separately, we will prepare another mixture: powdered sugar and flour are sifted in one bowl with corn starch, salt is added there. Stir, and then add to the protein mass, beat until all the lumps from the dough are gone. At the exit, the dough will be liquid, as for pancakes, if it is thick, pour a little water.

On the prepared baking paper, spread the cookie dough, and send the circles to bake at 160 degrees for about 5 minutes. Then quickly listen to them on the table with a spatula, put a piece of paper with the inscription, fold in half and bend the edges inward. Put the cookies before it cools down completely in some container, for example, in a narrow glass, a cupcake tin so that it fixes in the form in which it should be in the end.

Comic predictions

Cute cookies with wishes - the perfect gift and a magical dessert at any theme party.

We have specially prepared this amazing master class for those who want to surprise their family, relatives, friends and colleagues with an unusual, charming and tasty gift - cookies with exceptionally positive wishes.

Making cookies.  We take ready-made shortbread dough for cookies - vanilla, chocolate, gingerbread (ginger) or another, prepared according to your favorite family recipe. We roll the dough into a sheet, as usual, and cut out cookie cutters. Forms can be absolutely any - hearts, stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, circles and so on, whoever has what.

And the main secret of cookies with wishes is that before baking it, you need to make two holes in the dough with an ordinary cocktail tube. Like this:

Formed cookies with holes, bake in the oven according to your recipe.

So, now the fun part is the cookie decor!

To paint and decorate the finished cookies you need to take:

for glaze

  • 200 grams of high quality powdered sugar (no lumps!)
  • 1 chicken protein
  • food colorings
  • pastry bag and nozzle No. 1

for decor

  • paper
  • scissors
  • satin ribbons

Cooking icing sugar. Gradually mix the protein with powdered sugar. The icing can be left white - cookies with white icing decorated with a colored ribbon look very impressive.

In order to paint cookies with colored glaze, it is necessary to add a few drops of food coloring to the white glaze. Glaze can be made absolutely any color - just choose the color of the dye that you like.

We paint the finished cookies.After the cookies have completely cooled down, carefully draw a loop around the ribbon hole and the cookie itself. When the contours are circled, we apply the icing on the entire surface of the cookie.

Glazed cookies must dry! It takes at least 5 hours. Moreover, the drying time of the glaze depends on the density of the prepared glaze. Keep in mind that liquid glaze can dry for a whole day, and a thick (dense) glaze can well dry in a few hours.

Decorate cookies.For decoration, cookies will need multi-colored ribbons and leaflets with positive wishes (predictions). The size of a piece of paper for wishes depends on the size of the finished cookie - if a cookie is 5x5 centimeters in size, then a piece of paper is cut out 5x5 centimeters. Wishes can be beautifully written by hand or printed on a printer.

We turn each leaflet with wishes into a convolution and fasten it to the liver with a ribbon, tying a nice bow.

Cookies with wishes look great in any color scheme.

A popular fortune cookie originally from China. Baking with a hidden wish inside is perfect for entertainment on a variety of holidays, whether it's New Year's Eve, Christmas, March 8 or February 14. This pastry can be easily found on sale, but today we offer to make cookies with predictions with your own hands. Agree, it’s much more interesting to choose funny or serious wishes for the guests yourself, given the age, character and hobbies of those who gathered!

Cookies are not difficult to prepare: thin cakes are first baked, which are then wrapped with a piece of paper on which the prediction is printed. The result is a nice bakery "with a secret." Each guest selects cookies, breaks and reads his prediction aloud. You can add to the wish some other funny task, turning the event into a funny contest.


  • flour - 40 g;
  • icing sugar - 60 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 20 g.

For registration:

  • dark chocolate - 80 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • any pastry topping.

How to make DIY predictive cookies

  1. First of all, for cookies, you need to prepare predictions that you can come up with yourself or find ready-made ones on the Internet. For the New Year's celebration, it is best to take comic wishes in verse, so that the holiday becomes even more fun and interesting! When the wishes are selected, print them on paper and cut them into strips about 1 cm wide.
  2. Now proceed to the preparation of cookies. About an hour or two before cooking, we take out the oil from the refrigerator to obtain a soft consistency. Mix the melted butter with powdered sugar and rub it vigorously with a spoon until smooth.
  3. Separate the proteins from the yolks and gradually pour into the oil, continuing to grind the mass. We seek to obtain a liquid homogeneous composition without lumps. To speed up the process, you can slightly beat the mass with a mixer for several seconds at minimum speed.
  4. We introduce the sifted flour into the obtained liquid in portions, each time carefully mixing the mixture and getting rid of the flour lumps. As a result, you should get a composition of a fairly liquid consistency, approximately like a pancake dough. The prepared liquid mass is enough for 12-15 pieces of cookies.
  5. On parchment we draw 2-3 circles with a diameter of about 9 cm. To do this, take a round bowl, a lid, or any other suitable object and circle it with a pencil. Turn the paper over to the other side (parchment is quite thin, so the circles will shine through well). It is not recommended to bake more than 3 pieces of cookies at a time, since the cakes quickly cool down and you may just not have time to give them the desired shape.
  6. Pour a small portion of the dough (1.5-2 tsp) into the center of each circle and spread it into a thin cake without going beyond the borders of the drawn pattern. If there is any doubt about the quality of parchment paper, preliminarily grease it with butter so that the finished cookies do not stick. We send the blanks to the oven preheated by then. Bake cookies at 200 degrees for about 5-10 minutes. The cakes should be well browned around the edges.
  7. Remove one freshly baked cookie from the pan using a culinary spatula (leave the rest in the oven so that they do not have time to cool). In the center of the hot cake we put rolled paper with a wish and quickly fold the cookies in half. Be sure to work in gloves so as not to get burned!
  8. Without delay, fold again in half and get a triangular “envelope”. Using the same principle, we work with the following tortilla. We do everything very quickly - if the cookie cools down, it will not work to turn it around, as it just crumbles in your hands! We put the finished "triangles" into a cup or a small bowl. You can crush them slightly with something so that when cooling the formed cookies do not turn around and lose their shape.
  9. There is another way to turn fortune cookies. We also place the paper with wishes in the center of the hot cake, which we fold in half. And then we bend the workpiece according to the principle of modeling dumplings. Choose a cookie shape of your choice.

    How to make DIY predictive cookies

  10. To make the cookies bright and colorful, we will decorate it with icing and sprinkles. Warm the chocolate with butter in a "water bath". The mixture should be homogeneous.
  11. We apply icing on each cookie and immediately bake it with pastry sprinkles. We spread out the decorated cookies with predictions on parchment, put them in the refrigerator for 10 minutes (until the icing completely hardens), then we proceed to the tasting and begin to “try our luck”!

It is better not to store finished cookies with predictions in a bag so that they do not lose their characteristic crisp properties. Good appetite!